V2ray caddy h2 1:2333 About. 26. com" from the certificate list. 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有 希望可以在 v2rayNG 中看到像下图 1 v2rayN 一样的 ALPN 的选择,因为访问时发送的不同 ALPN 会影响 Xray 接下来的回落 图 1 v2rayN 的 v2ray-core 的模板们. It has support for multiple modes of transport; including: I was able to put caddy in front of v2ray (as Three examples of web servers are given here, including Nginx, Caddy and Apache. digitalocean. V2Ray(VLESS+H2C) +Caddy中漏掉了 遇到了一样的问题, The Caddy setup was provided by the developers of manager and has operated without problem until I recently made some (momentary, but extended) changes to my firewall 嗯,这个特性只有在 <-http2->Caddy<-http2->时会启用。 所以现在是用H2就只能不过CDN直连吗? 还是说有什么CDN支持http2回源的? The configuration is mainly divided into three parts: v2ray server, Cloudflare+Caddy, and v2ray client. Caddy will immediately flush writes when upstream is `h2` or `h2c`[0] V2Ray is the most popular proxy software after Shadowsocks and ShadowsocksR, but the configuration is slightly complicated. Failed to pre-configured V2Ray (wss+web) with Cloudflare API - phlinhng/v2ray-caddy-cf 使用centos7. Skip to content. In my opinions it would be faster to use h2c rather than h2. Readme Activity. When there is a new client request, assuming that the specified serverName is "v2ray. You need another computer to run V2Ray as a server. shadowsocks. Home Official Guide (opens new We call the HTTP/2 protocol as h2 for However, in the application scenario of Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 以 V2Ray(v4 版) 或 Xray、Nginx 或 Caddy(V2 版)、TUIC 或 Hysteria 等打造常用科学上网的最优组合示例及优化配置 Contribute to Docker-s-IMAGES/v2ray-h2 development by creating an account on GitHub. Output of caddy version:. V2Ray Beginner's Guide. direct/go. bash <(curl -L -s https://install. 在winscp里面按ctrl+alt+H键,看是否有隐藏文件夹. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. v2ray. Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. Using WebSocket because Nginx / 以v2ray为主,caddy2(naiveproxy)为辅、结合trojan\\trojan-go及nginx等打造科学上网各优化集成配置示例,分享大家食用。 - ly19811105 Caddy <i>is</i> capable of handling bidirectional gRPC streams! I have just tested it, and it works just fine. 1 h1:EDqo59TyYWhXQnfde93Mmv4FJfYe00dO60zMiEt+pzo= 2. json to folder v2rayN-Core, make sure naive. Nginx / Caddy / Apache is used because VPS already has Nginx / Caddy / Apache which can hide V2Ray a little bit. Code Issues Pull requests pre v2ray一键安装脚本(nginx+ws/h2+tls) shell-script v2ray v2ray-ws-tls. 1 connections? It seems to be this way to Caddy Community V2RAY 基于 NGINX 的 VMESS+WS+TLS+Website(Use Host)+Rinetd BBR 一键安装脚本 v2ray一键安装脚本(nginx+ws/h2+tls) shell-script v2ray v2ray-ws-tls Updated Apr 可以插一层 WebSocket/H2/QUIC 等 v2ray 已有、将有的底层传输方式。 哪怕把vmess协议去掉加密和混淆,v2ray+caddy+ws+tls还是要比trojan慢。怎么说呢,一台100000元顶配的家用电脑,通用性很强,但挖比特币比不过1000元的 因此建议使用V2Ray的图形化Windows客户端V2RayN,下载后根据上图的连接参数添加Vmess服务器。 具体可以参考:V2Ray Windows客户端最新版下载、安装及使用教程 其它各系统平台的V2Ray客户端,可以参 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有问题。不按模板发的 issue 我知道很早之前有人问过,结论是当时的CDN基本都不支持h2的回源,而且贴了cloudflare的文档,明确说了不支持,但是最近我看那个文档,那一句没有了,似乎代表已经 v2ray 模板,v2ray 配置生成工具. 0开始已支持H2C,目前最新版是v2. Many newcomers want to 更改为 (caddy+tls) + ws,不加密,可以稳定使用。 考虑到在之前的配置下,V2Ray 刚启动时总是可用,过一段时间(比如半小时)后无法连接,重启 V2Ray 后(不重启前置 Web 服务器)又 Step-by-step guide for first-timers' using V2Ray. 20新版支持h2c,我也尝试在v2ray服务端和caddy中用h2c连接,也失败了。目前使用老方法客户端和caddy用h2传输,caddy解密后获取path分流,再次加密把数据转给v2ray服务端,v2ray再次解密。如果来回加密 We call the HTTP/2 protocol as h2 for simplicity. 23,一直使用的caddy + ws + tls + vmess 近期出现443被禁止的问题,我应该怎么办,如何避免被gfw Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 我在新买的机子上创建了多个配置,分别有: Trojan-H2-TLS Trojan-WS-TLS VMess-H2-TLS VMess-WS-TLS 其中2,3,4都可以正常工作,就是1) Trojan 1. This article will introduce how to use TLS+WebSocket with v2ray for 流量经 Caddy 通过本地回环(lo)转发给 V2Ray ,如直接使用浏览器访问 V2Ray Path 将会返回 502 Bad Gateway,直接打开域名或访问其他路径与通过 HTTP/2 访问普通网站一般无二。 每 v2ray is a platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions. WebSocket is used because with Nginx / Caddy / Apache Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Edit /etc/caddy/Caddyfile:. Contribute to azadrahorg/v2rayCaddy-vless-vmess-ws-tls development by creating an account on GitHub. lochuan announced in Announcements. Read more Follow these steps to setup V2Ray + Caddy (Web server) + CDN: In your CDN, create an A record pointing to 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?(如果服务器和客户端使用了不同版本,请注明) v2ray --version V2Ray 3. You should definitely checkout the original repo as well as his web app which makes customizing v2ray Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. Server . 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有 V2ray Vless/Vmess + WS and TLS Installer. log proxy /ray 在当今的网络环境中,安全性和隐私保护变得越来越重要。为了满足这些需求,V2Ray、Caddy和H2这三者结合起来,可以有效地搭建一个安全、快速的网络服务。本文将详细介绍如何使用 这次搭建主要是参考了 HTTP/2+TLS+WEB ,里头用到了 Caddy 作为 Web 服务器,不过他用的是 Caddy1,而我用的是 Caddy2。. Report A v2ray client fork and rebuild from yanue. move naive. The frontend 考古发现,之前 dialer 和 hub 都是默认只写 h2 v2ray/v2ray-core@30f2770 去年修指纹问题时改了 dialer 和文档,没改 hub v2ray/v2ray-core@ 8e791e9 All reactions Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 以Xray或v2ray(V4)、trojan或trojan-go、naiveproxy、hysteria等打造科学上网的优化配置及最优组合示例,且提供集成常用插件的caddy 在 Lightsail 中安装 V2ray 使用 WS+TLS协议,Caddy 运行状态显示「Failed to start Caddy HTTP/2 web server」,请问应该如何解决? 谢谢。 本教程实现了: 利用HAProxy反向代理隐藏V2Ray服务; 利用Caddy获取证书并提供Web服务; 使用TCP模式,对比WS和HTTP2有蜜汁性能加成; 使用Domain Socket在HAProxy和VRay间通讯; 2025/01/01 12:43:08 [Warning] common/errors: This feature WebSocket transport (with ALPN http/1. 0版就支持了H2C,目前最新版是v4. It is usually compared by the users between the protocol of HTTP/2 or WebSocket. Code Issues Pull requests v2ray一键安装脚本(nginx+ws/h2+tls) shell-script v2ray 若用 reality 取代 tls,可消除服务端 tls 指纹特征,仍有前向保密性等,且证书链攻击无效,安全性超越常规 tls 可以指向别人的网站,无需自己买域名、配置 tls 服务端,更方便,实现向中间人 以Xray或V2Ray(v4版)、NaiveProxy、Hysteria等打造科学上网的优化配置及最优组合示例,且提供集成常用插件的Caddy(v2版)程序 v2ray的h2+web模式要比websocket+tls+web模式的配置复杂一点,性能也相对好一点,记录一下配置。 Caddy配置 Put another way: Caddy (and maybe all reverse proxies?) can’t expect a backend to accept both h2c and HTTP/1. To install V2Ray, download and execute the V2Ray installation script: wget 以Xray或v2ray(V4)、trojan或trojan-go、naiveproxy、hysteria等打造科学上网的优化配置及最优组合示例,且提供集成常用插件的caddy 我是小白。 之前一直用 Nginx+ws+tls 用的挺好的,最近想尝试 tls1. Please describe the new feature you want in detail. 0-229. However the issue still remains, I have double checked that the ports 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS are visible on 弱弱的问一下,之前木有vless的时候,是caddy监听443,通过path转发给v2ray (vmess+tls+websocket),这样的话,caddy可以自动更新证书(Let's Encrypt)。 ( Containerize Caddy(auto get certificate) and V2ray(WebSocket TLS vmess) - nanking/docker-caddy-v2ray 小内存 VPS 一键搭建 Caddy+PHP7+Sqlite3 环境 (支持VPS最小内存64M),一键翻墙 caddy+web(php+sqlite3)+v2ray+bbr。 一键搭建基于 caddy 的 https(h2) 代理 1. caddy。 4、安装v2ray. greenhandzdl. Install V2Ray. v2ray / discussion Public. Last Updated: contributors: mmmray, RPRX, yuhan6665 mmmray, RPRX, yuhan6665 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有问题。不按模板发的 issue 将直接被关闭。 如果你遇到的问题不是 V2Ray 的 bug Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 一步一步教你安装 c2ray 服务端(caddy+v2ray). In this specific configuration, there are two servers defined: one listening on v2ray-core 的模板们. However, h2c is not support by caddy. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions. xx - - systemctl start v2ray #启动 systemctl stop v2ray #停止 systemctl restart v2ray #重启 安装完不代表完事啦,你需要按你的需求像搭积木一样配置,我这里用的h2+TLS,用了caddy转发流量。 Install V2Ray + WebSocket + TLS + Caddy + CDN Using 233boy Script. 7. 数据直接就是h2c. 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有 phlinhng / v2ray-caddy-cf Star 19. 但是用v2rayN端口设置443的时候,显示“ 当前服务的真连接延迟: -1 ms”,代理无法正常使用 grpc换ws换h2,caddy换成nginx,都没成功,只有xray回落到nginx成功了。 HTTP Header 分流 随机生成 Header,自带 Website 伪装站点 http 强制跳转 https,支持ssl非443端口,自带Rinetd BBR加速 支持OpenVZ,自动生成客户端config. Contribute to dylanbai8/c2ray_step_by_step development by creating an account on GitHub. 现阶段开启tls功能需要在443端口部署caddy功能,并且分配443端口给用户 Thankyou for the reply, I have updated to 2. 3 successfully. Contribute to raymao9/V2rayU development by creating an account on GitHub. Code Issues Pull requests pre-configured V2Ray (wss+web) with Cloudflare API v2ray一键安装脚本(nginx+ws/h2+tls) shell-script v2ray v2ray caddy. 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有 We will use 9w2daxsrop8yibtj as our example secret directory when we configure V2Ray, Apache, and V2RayN in a moment. cloudflare. 74 stars. For instance, client and server I v2ray-caddy-docker This setting is based on ws-tls-web which using the caddy as the web server and all the server are running in docker. 8 x64,使用脚本后v2ray可正常使用。 为使用锐速,内核版本降低到3. To overwrite the ":authority" header field for the upstream request is the whole purpose for me. 16没有监听ipv4,仅仅监听了tcp6 vultr服务器,centos7 安装代码 bash <(curl -L -s https://install. 0 你的使用场景是什么?比如使用 如果你遇到的问题不是 V2Ray 的 bug,比如你不清楚要如何配置,请使用Discussion进行讨论。 用 caddy v1 如您是用h2, 可看看以下网址 这个Bug在最新的测试版v2. Stars. Updated Apr 17, 2020; Shell; 以v2ray为主,caddy2(naiveproxy)为辅、结合trojan\\trojan-go及nginx等打造科学上网各优化集成配置示例,分享大家食用。 - ly19811105 如何安装和配置v2ray+caddy+h2? 安装v2ray和caddy,并配置相关参数。 编辑v2ray和caddy的配置文件,将两者进行关联。 启动v2ray和caddy服务,即可完成v2ray+caddy+h2的配置。 如何连 嗯,这个特性只有在 <-http2->Caddy<-http2->时会启用。 所以现在是用H2就只能不过CDN直连吗? 还是说有什么CDN支持http2回源的? 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本. /caddy. Why This Script? V2Ray is the most popular proxy software after Shadowsocks and ShadowsocksR, but the Like my title ,on caddy v2,i don’t know how to use caddy2 proxy websocket. 除了 Caddy, 其实还能用 Nginx,Apache 去做 Web 服务 caddy v1版官方已停止支持,目前已全部切换到v2版,从v2. 16版本在使用reality, 传输方式设为h2,在 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本. Usually this computer is TIP. Please update your 2020-06-20 更新: [New Protocol] VLESS ALPHA 2020-06-05 更新: 更详细的方案:非可信通路 与 可信通路(VMore and VLess),含 VLess 具体设计方案 #2547 基于 TCP 的 VMess 已不 v2ray-core 的模板们. New replies are no longer allowed. 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本. com/v2ray . reverse_proxy /confusion h2c://127. Leave a star if you like it or issue me if there're 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray? 4. 1 docker下启动v2ray时无法使用systemd中的hook删除已存在的文件 1. 10. v2rayDocker = v2ray (vmess + ws + tls) / xray (VLESS + tcp + xtls & VLESS + ws + tls & trojan + tcp + tls) / trojan (trojan + tcp + tls) + caddy2 + qrcode Some users chose to use Nginx / Caddy / Apache because their environment already had Nginx / Caddy / Apache which can utilize V2Ray as a back-end. 一键启 Caddy's automatic TLS is an After some thought, I recalled seeing someone revive a blocked VPS using Cloudflare + V2Ray + WS. 1:7500 { header_up X-Real-IP {http. node_exporter. moe. 0. 101后面有http2数据 看到了h2的头部. x86_64。 使用 v2ray start之后,显示: V2Ray 已启动 使用v2ray status之 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly v2ray status 显示正常运行:V2Ray 状态: 正在运行 / Caddy 状态: 正在运行 systemctl status caddy也显示caddy正在运行,但是systemctl status caddy下面的log是这样 In caddy config there is no option to make a section for it, because it requires a valid http-url for the route. 这篇博客主要记录 V2ray + Caddy + HTTP2 + TLS 的相关配置,其它具体细节请参考 V2ray 新白话文教程 以及 官网。 目前我用的是 VULTR,价格可能有一些贵,但稳定,速度也还可以, 看的4. x (h1), started to gain significant mainstream support with service providers such as CDNs during 2016. 29 (die Commanderin) Custom A V2RAY 基于 CADDY 的 VMESS+H2+TLS+Website(Use Host)+Rinetd BBR 一键安装脚本 Topics. Contribute to veekxt/v2ray-template development by creating an account on GitHub. The 233boy/v2ray script was written to make installation This topic was automatically closed after 30 days. 0。 那么是否可以实 Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. tls websocket caddy v2ray vmess Resources. v2ray v2ray-http2 v2ray-h2 v2ray-h2-tls v2ray-h2-website Resources. 昨天还给某人说了caddy不支持h2c v2ray 模板,v2ray 配置生成工具. in caddy1,i can write my caddyfile like this : mydomain. 以Xray或v2ray(V4)、trojan或trojan-go、naiveproxy、hysteria等打造科学上网的优化配置及最优组合示例,且提供集成常用插件的caddy [Warning] common/errors: This feature WebSocket transport (with ALPN http/1. exe and naive. tiny_port_mapper. 2. 6. 3 + http2 的配置,于是我弄完后出现了一个问题 Help us improve this page on GitHub! open in new tag. 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有 Advanced!V2+WebSocket+TLS+Caddy+CDN cloudfare:https://www. Contribute to 233boy/v2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. 0 你的使用场景是什么? 像h2一样,用caddy在443端口做一次代理到v2ray的quic端口 实现了 V2Ray/Xray 与 Caddy 的示例使用 UDS(Unix Domain Socket) 连接时采用 abstract 模式,不需考虑 UDS Why did you choose Caddy? for v2ray h2 proxy. me { log . HTTP/2 (h2), the successor to HTTP/1. 1中已经修复,我下载这个测试版,在测试中已经Caddy 2的H2C已经可以与V2Ray的H2C搭配使用。 There is something else I need to explain: Here a VLESS (a protocol) inbound of Xray is working behind :443 (not :4443), it decrypts all TLS traffic and foward everything non-VLESS to a How to Install, Configure, and Run V2Ray + WebSocket + TLS + CDN. com freenom:https://www. 服务端日志无连接记录,证明caddy无法转发该请求 The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: All reactions 解决方法,安装v2ray时,不安装caddy,改为手动部署caddy。 如果使用nginx,可以使用certbot来申请域名证书。 👍 2 lian233 and 372579561 reacted with thumbs up emoji ️ This topic was automatically closed after 30 days. v2fly. Please update your config(s) v2ray 模板,v2ray 配置生成工具. Unfortunately , when the number of H2 存在多路复用,但是如果的单链接的话无法完全压榨性能 This solution provides VMESS over Websockets + TLS + CDN. gost. 源作者那边已经有http2+TLS的版本了,但是还是觉得有Website 伪装站点要安全一些。我自己瞎搞了半天caddy A simple v2ray setup using websockets with Caddy. org/ . 原则上尽量减少复杂度所以取消功能重复的PAC改用路由 就目前的v2rayN来说 测试了websocket+vless+caddy(tls)与H2+vless+Caddy,websocket+vless+caddy(tls)效果明显。 最后感谢rprx大神! 👍 1 Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. Star 19. Vmess + ws + tls. The problem I’m having: I’m trying to use a frontend instance of Caddy as an acme server and issue certificates to services on other machines in my LAN. 4. TCP Websocket KCP HTTP gRPC QUIC. 1。 v2ray从v4. json配置文件 web在线 如果你遇到的问题不是 V2Ray 的 bug,比如你不清楚要如何配置,请使用Discussion进行讨论。 此 Issue 会被立即关闭。 If you are not Thanks @veekxt for generously sharing these popular v2ray configuration templates. V2Ray(VLESS+H2C)+Caddy中漏掉了host配置导致无法连接 #107. You can choose one of them, or you can use other web servers as you like. exe and V2Ray Caddy+Vmess+ws+tls 一键Docker脚本 Topics. el7. socat. sh) cdn,针对这台搬瓦工双11特价机直接进行测试,早上8:30左右,网络相对较好情况下,对v2ray If you want to change listen port from 10809 to your specific port, please read Tips at the end of this article. V2Ray is a censorship circumversion platform that is newer and more powerful than Shadowsocks. 4. 关于v2ray h2+tls [ERROR] failed to copy buffer: context canceled May 31 20:02:42 izj6c9w2i06ratgd5eec82z caddy[14629]: 2020/05/31 20:02:42 xx. We’re debugging it here as well: Need unblock IP - Help - Let's Encrypt Community Support; IP has been blocked - Help - Let's Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. Caddy. Is phlinhng / v2ray-caddy-cf Star 19. Since it’s WebSocket, it can be reverse v2ray is a platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions. request Currently I'm using caddy as web server and using vmess + h2 + tls. Server Configuration. com/docs/caddyfile: tls {dns cloudflare <cloudflare_api_here>} @v2ray_websocket {path /wspath: header Connection v2ray is a tool under Project V. 36 forks. Use the following sample 你正在使用哪个版本的 V2Ray?(如果服务器和客户端使用了不同版本,请注明) V2Ray 4. The official documentation is available at https://www. Contribute to jadolg/v2ray-ws-config development by creating an account on GitHub. 3 watching. If 用网站提供的一键安装脚本安装,按照安装流程走,自动配置的TLS,安装完后caddy一直无法启动,重启v2ray的时候显示. sh) 服务端都没监听成功 使用本4. In particular, Please skip to the English section below if you don't write Chinese. Contribute to v2fly/v2ray-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. 0-rc. 16版本在使用reality, 传输方式设为h2,会生成 httpSettings 实际情况 6. com DigitalOcean:https://www. 背景 1. Code Issues Pull requests raixen / v2ray-script Star 2. A major design goal of h2 is improved performance over 最近发现caddy下的虚拟主机无法访问,停止rinetd后即可正常访问页面,是否是端口产生了冲突?之前并未遇到这个问题,有些奇怪,而nginx+rinetd可正常访问页面。 配置文件 [root@vlk sites]# cat webfrp. 一键启动 v2ray with http2. ehco. moe:443 { reverse_proxy / 127. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 31; Star 298. 1, etc. Sign in Product phlinhng / v2ray-caddy-cf. 2 VPS性能十分弱鸡 v2ray 模板,v2ray 配置生成工具. Forks. This is a Caddyfile, which is a configuration file used by the Caddy web server. In theory, when HTTP/2 is connected for the first time, V2RAY 基于 CADDY 的 VMESS+H2+TLS+Website(Use Host)+Rinetd BBR 一键安装脚本 # Refer to the Caddy docs for more information: # https://caddyserver. 中文: 提交 Issue 之前请先阅读 Issue 指引,然后回答下面的问题,谢谢。 除非特殊情况,请完整填写所有问题,缺少信息将减慢Issue回复速度。 你正在使 Yep, it’s most definitely a V2Ray problem. It has support for multiple modes of transport; including:. I I found that haproxy is capable of proxying h2 clients to h2c upstream servers, but caddy's not working even with merged h2c branch #3289. Code Issues Pull requests pre-configured V2Ray (wss+web) with Cloudflare API v2ray一键安装脚本(nginx+ws/h2+tls) shell-script 我碰到的问题是多次安装一键脚本后碰到的。 分析是因为证书多次颁发给同一个域名 我的解决方法很傻,重新买了一个域名 预期情况 6. golang itself can handle h2 phlinhng / v2ray-caddy-cf. 20. conf webfrp. Watchers. xx. v2. DaoYangM changed the title v1 -> v2 don't work v1 -> v2 reverse proxy don't caddy2刚正式支持v2rayH2C。v2ray服务端要配置为H2C,即不启用TLS。v2ray客户端要配置为H2。Caddy2开启TLS及反向代理。 原理图: v2ray客户端<----- H2- ----> caddy2 <-H2C-> Hello There , I have installed V2RAY ( VMESS + Websocket + TLS ) via a script and that script has installed caddy as the web server . ) is deprecated and being migrated to XHTTP H2 & H3. 1. freenom. com", V2Ray will first look for a certificate that can be used for "v2ray. How I run Caddy: Use After that, the V2Ray process on your PC will proxy all traffic to V2Ray server except intranet traffic.
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