Saying a pepeha. Introduce yourself with a pepeha.
Saying a pepeha Pepeha is used in a M ā ori context and has a formal basis, but the idea is universal. Aug 23, 2020 · Therefore, there is more flexibility in the level of detail shared in your pepeha. #HonoChallenge: Build your pepeha How to use this document The following is a guide to building your mihi or pepeha in order to introduce yourself in te Reo Māori. ” Subscribe to Re: http://bit. Tōku is good for your Iwi/Hapū but the meaning is different here to ‘tōku maunga’. Saying ‘tōku maunga’,leans towards sounding like ownership. People and relationships, are key to the essence of being Māori. A pepeha can be written, but usually, you will stand up and say your pepeha in front of everyone at a formal occasion. It is a way of saying hello in a casual setting but on formal occasions, such a Powhiri, it must contain something known as a Pepeha or introduction. In formal settings, the pepeha forms part of an individual’s mihi. However, it talks about your genealogical ties to a place or people. 274). Mar 7, 2024 · However the process of developing the pepeha still yields some valuable lessons. Then the Awa that landed the waka into land Pepeha is the formal and correct way to introduce yourself and allows listeners to create connections with you. Jul 2, 2016 · The difference between a pepeha and a mihi can be seen as: The mihi is an acknowledgement, The pepeha is the way to introduce yourself in Maori. Ko Wai Ahau is nzherald. (noun) tribal saying, tribal motto, proverb (especially about a tribe), set form of words, formulaic expression, saying of the ancestors, figure of speech, motto, slogan - set sayings known for their economy of words and metaphor and encapsulating many Māori values and human characteristics. It tells other people who you are and where you come from. Ko _____ toku maunga (My mountain is) Ko _____ toku awa /moana / roto (My river / sea / lake is) This shares similarities with a traditional pepeha. Pepeha Structure For non-Māori Whanau This pepeha template for our non-Māori whanau, satisfies the needs of making possible connections with people in the audience but does so without misappropriating any Indigenous ties to land, water and air. Te awa,te maunga,te moana etc. . The format can be explained as: The Mountain was seen first from sea, another words land has been found. This will help you gain “Pepeha is not about your emotional connection to a place. I (He tane Māori) only ever use ‘te’ when referring to Landmarks in a pepeha. More than just proverbs, pepeha include charms, witticisms, figures of speech, and boasts, and they are featured in the formal speeches heard every day on the marae and in the oral literature handed down from past generations. Pepeha by Pa¯taka and Monique Moore WHAT IS A PEPEHA? A pepeha is a way to introduce yourself. Saying ‘tōku iwi’,my iwi,that is the iwi I belong to,am a part of. This resource was made to help learners understand the relevance of the pepeha through the pepeha of Matua Hēmi. Introduce yourself with a pepeha. For example, someone who comes from Sāmoa is non-Māori but they might still say a pepeha that talks about their maunga, their awa, their village, or the iwi they belong to. Choose the options below that are most relevant to you. So if you are expert in tikanga Māori, and I say anything that is not quite tika, please let me know. Pepeha is a way of introducing oneself. Standing and sharing pepeha is how Māori introduce themselves and make links with others, mostly in formal situations. It embraces charms, witticisms, figures of speech, boasts and other sayings (H. Sep 16, 2022 · The pepeha is an introduction - but also, it's more than an introduction, as te reo Māori advocate and teacher Stacey Morrison explains. It tells a story of the places and people you are connected to. "Pepeha is about where you come from, where you connect to. A pepeha is the traditional Māori way to introduce oneself. I say one or three depending on circumstances. Don’t worry, Re:’s reo Māori series Ohinga has got you covered. You can adjust it on the fly depending on what you want to reveal or who you are connecting with. Pepeha is typically used as a form of introduction and is often used at the beginning of a formal meeting or ceremony. This is often recited during a mihimihi and it tells people about where we’ve come from and who we 2. Writing your Pepeha Pepeha tells a story of who you are and your connections with the people and places that are important to you. This is often held at the beginning of a hui. This video, provided by Te Rangaihi Reo Maori assists you in learning your mihi to introduce yourself. Jan 6, 2024 · Non-Māori can have pepeha if they are following tikanga Māori and express their connection to the places and people they connect to through whakapapa. A Mihi is a greeting in Maori. Kōrero: Have you ever prepared and recounted your mihi or pepeha? Have you heard others use a pepeha? Titiro: This short video from ARA gives a good introduction to pepeha and makes the distinction from mihi clear. The pepeha is a familiar template of phrases that define and describe iwi, hapū and whānau connections for Māori. * A pepeha includes names, places, and events that explain 2. It will typically mention whakapapa affiliations through the ancestral mountain, river, waka, iwi, hapū, marae and other kinship ties. Here are some general tips to help you deliver a memorable pepeha, regardless of the setting: Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your pepeha in front of a mirror or with a supportive friend. The main thing, as far as I know, is that the point of a pepeha is to establish if there are any connections with those you are talking to. If you were introducing yourself to say a delegation from Scotland and you had whakapapa to the highlands that would be most relevant. It connects us to our tribal lineage and ancestors, tracing our connection to maunga, waka, awa, and more. W. You don’t have to use them all. It also gives you Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. A pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. But the pepeha is also becoming an essential part of the work life of Pākehā and Tauiwi. Kia Ora I have applied for a RN (nurse ) job in Ara Poutama (corrections prison) A lot of Māori cultural questions were specifically asked to be addressed in my cover letter and CV I put my Pepeha at the beginning of my cover letter I made sure it was correct by asking 2 friends who are Māori I am not Māori I have studied Te Reo at uni And also a lot about Te Tiriti o Waitangi at Nursing Pepeha. Keep in mind that the true essence of a pepeha is much more about connections and creating the . In this lesson we learn how to say your pepehaAre you ready to learn to Speak Māori? Join your teachers Te Aorere and Te Ataakura in a series of lessons. New Mihi and Pepeha – Speeches and Greetings. co. "When we say pepeha, it's to give the listener a different perspective on who you are, where you come from: who are your people? What is your place? This collection contains more than 2,500 pepeha, or “sayings of the ancestors,” that were gathered and compiled from all over New Zealand over a 20-year period. Or if you grew up in Christchurch you might say Riccarton if you were doing it in Christchurch, but in Auckland you might say I grew up in Christchurch. Pepeha is a form of introduction that establishes identity and heritage. First of all, I just want to say, I am not an expert in any of these fields, and I’m always open to learn. Williams, 1971, p. Tikanga advisor Te Aorere Pewhairangi (Ngāti Porou) outlines some of the basics in our latest Tikanga 101 explainer. nz’s pepeha generator. This document is designed to allow you to start off easy by going straight to Section 2 with a brief introduction about you and your role here at Ara, staff and student alike. So you're saying "On the side of my father , on the side of my mother ". Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. Tips for Delivering a Memorable Pepeha. You can introduce yourself with a pepeha as part of your mihimihi. A group situation where everyone gives their mihi (including their pepeha) is called a mihimihi. The pepeha is also a way of establishing one's turangawaewae, a Māori concept that refers to a place where a person feels a sense of belonging, where their identity is anchored, and where they can stand and defend their rights. If you are of Māori descent, these introductions often start with a pepeha. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are I have three. When we stand to introduce ourselves, we recite our pepeha (an introductory ‘speech’) which is based on our whakapapa (our genealogy). Pepeha is a medium by which sacred and profane knowledge is passed from one person to another regarding the speaker’s identity. This is a general pepeha. May 30, 2022 · Sometimes we can find ourselves in a bit of a tikanga pickle - unsure what to do and why. Using a set structure it identifies who we are, where we’re from and where we belong. Oct 2, 2023 · A pepeha in Māori culture is a structured and meaningful way of introducing oneself, reflecting one’s ancestral and geographical connections, and emphasising the values of relationships (whanaungatanga) and genealogy (whakapapa). What is a pepeha and why do we say them? This collection contains more than 2,500 pepeha, or “sayings of the ancestors,” that were gathered and compiled from all over New Zealand over a 20-year period. Introducing yourself is an important aspect of te ao Māori, as it lets us draw connections with each other. eurp czibq sgced gdl aqkvmih mctpst dfvjx zcjj rhwlqxk oknkhss