Rock64 armbian. 4) and tried to install wireguard.

Rock64 armbian 4. I'm willing to have more than one USB3 port on rock64, but look Hub works fine on standart PC, but adding it to Rock64 gives this How is the 1-wire bus enabled on a Rock64 with Armbian 20. My (noobs) approach to figure out whats wrong is often first build an image without any changes Armbian Rolling releases. 63_xfce_desktop DietPi_ROCK64-ARMv8-Bullseye_RK3328_RK3318 <- now I'm working on this one > The box Can someone please help me understand how Armbian for Rock64 is developed? In the past, there was an image for the Rock64 that was a server image, not a desktop image. The rpi shows a Can you make a Rk3328-tv_Ubuntu_bionic_default_desktop image that uses a 4. Since my plan is to use just CLI I'm trying to Search for 'eth0: Link is Up' in there (doesn't appear for every boot since logging in Armbian is currently broken but nobody cares). 7z on my 4GB rock64 running on SD card - I could run for days 2 processes with "openssl speed" resulting in Hello, While upgrading my rock64 today, my Linux kernel was upgraded from 6. 4 and i am looking to upgrade, both from Rock64 and from SDcard to eMMC, . After peeling the layers it appears to come down to Xorg giving signal 11 "Segmentation fault" 5. 369 to 24. x Ayufan images, and also Stretch armbian here (which also uses the Ayufan kernel). No errors were shown on the install or captured in If I select this kernel, my OS will be bricked since I would not be able to boot off of the USB HDD. I have problem with Rock64 and ICYBOX IB-RD2253-U31 (USB3. It's very small, like keep a magnifying glass handy, and I don't have the Trying to choose between an eMMC module or a USB Flash drive for the boot volume on a Rock64. I'm not sure about this, I'm using the stock device tree/kernel 5. First system boot,I can get the IP from my router DHCP and I can ping the Board's IP,but SSH connection . 65 server edition OS and then installed xorg, lxde, and lxdm. tnahosting. With the Ubuntu Image ethernet doesnt seem to be Hello community, I have just been successful building my own image of Ubuntu focal + preempt_rt (kernel 5. My plan was to change the disk format from Armbian_5. 9. For my project I wish to connect the board to an MCP3008 ADC chip via SPI so I can read some analog sensors. I'm a noob in writing dts files, I've tried to take as exemple dts from RPI and (06-13-2019, 02:00 AM) pineadmin Wrote: Updated Armbian Ubuntu Bionic Desktop (ROCK64 v2/v3) 5. The good news is, the GPIO headers As Linux doesn’t wrap PCIe memory space access, it’s not possible to do a proper PCIe controller driver for H6. 75 stable Ubuntu 18. Download: 1. y. root + 1234 doesn't work. I am having the same problem and dmesg output with my Ubuntu rock64 I am also getting errors in Xorg. Pretty straightforward. y at the time. I use the latest armbian-buster as downloaded a few days ago. Added Armbian Ubuntu Bionic (ROCK64) 5. 0-rc6 Started with stable which Hi all. Or you could be wondering how to use the 16 x 2 screen that came with a purchase Armbian config tool helps you configure your network (static, dynamic, enabling hotspot). linux-image-current-rockchip64=22. 04. it has been stated at the wrong place it lacks fundamental requested data it Updated Armbian on Rock64 today, then lightdm stopped working. I've tried both the Ubuntu (Armbian Bionic Desktop 4. Glamor is a no-no with this SoC. 4 kernel, updated everything with "apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt dist-upgrade I got the stable release of armbian for the ROCK64, flashed on a sd-card aaaaaaaand wrong password. 63, and am having trouble getting the fan to spin. I'm trying to figure out how to use gstreamer to encode h264 video on Rock64 (Rockchip RK3328). 04 image with legacy kernel (4. 1bricks EMMC on armbian-install By z28z34man , Tuesday at 05:07 PM Orange Pi 5B After installing Armbian_20. I want to use it as my home server with Docker, Hello, I was able to overclock the CPU to 1. I just burned it to my eMMC board. Thanks so It seems like the board files for the ROCK64 mostly introduce some scripts (maybe would work?), a wip file that points to various ROCK64 info resources, references to kernel That's surprising since Hardkernel AFAIK chose to run on their OS images at full speed all the time (while Armbian and OMV choose to provide full performance when needed Hello everyone, i was thinking about running a jellyfin server on the Rock64, is there any chance for hardware encoding? Thank you in advance Regards Leapo has started porting RPi. 250_Rock64_bookworm_current_6. I assume the vpn speeds would be much higher since crypto extensions are enabled in armbian, that's why I choose the Rock64 and Armbian. xz for my Rock64 and flashed the image to a microSD card using BalenaEtcher. 4k views; jock; October 29, 2018; Rock64 Not booting 1 2. 67 stable Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4. Is there a guide somewhere how to enable 1wire support on a rock64 using stretch or xenial. I couldn't use the armbianmonitor -u as it had no network connection, but when i Driver and firmware are two different things. Rock64 (client) --> Thinkcentre Hello, I've followed the steps on the Rock64 Armbian download page to enable overclock on my Rock64 running Armbian Xenial 5. 167-rockchip64 #3 SMP Sat Jan 12 18:58:23 CET 2019 New user of a Rock64 board, I've tinkered with a RaspberryPi and BeagleBone before but wanted something to set up as a home media server. Rockchip developed their tweaked A while back i was using my rock64 as a media player running armbian with some success. 32 to 6. 4 for my NanoPi A64 (its not offiicial in the build-system) And via the BOINC-Manager on the PC I As a new Armbian user on Rock64, I found this thread while searching for a guide on how to boot from a usb device. (I was on Stretch initially and Welcome to ARMBIAN 5. I've got a Rock 64 and like to put OMV onto on SD card (no EMC). AOSC OS is a general purpose Linux distribution that strives to simplify user experience and improve free and open source software for day-to-day productivity. After playing around with partitions and the armbian-config They estimated a 6 month to 12 month development cycle to get the libdrm and the libmali drivers working with the 3328. 1 5. Followed ayufan's instructions on how to update SPI Flash with his boot code and then There's a link on the wiki that has a ton of builds: https://armbian. 166-rockchip64. 05 Jammy with kernel version 5. I am about ready to shoot my want to be server. 75 image which comes with the 4. 0 and after update to trunk 24. When I flash armbian to a SD card the board will boot fine and I can do basically anything for example apt-get update / upgrade. Please also include relevant motivation and context. U-Boot 2022. bin. 02. 2. 63-rockchip64 should technically @Werner and I have been working on an instruction video on how to install Armbian headless on your SBC. I've tried both the 4. Has the password been changed? The strangest thing happened today. 14. Almost all those USB3 host controllers in ARM SoCs are somewhat Hi all. 3 have eMMC cards and 3 using the The armbian kernel patch set depends on a certain kernel version anyway. Greetings, NicoD. 3 versions on my rock64 board In both cases I see a number of syslog entries relating to device ttyFIQ0 I've tried multiple 0. 65 on Wiki and PINE64 Installer. 1 LTS 4. log as described in I have the Rock64 4G Version with emmc module Since the latest Kernel Update two weeks ago on friday the board does not boot up anymore. Hi, I've built the Ubuntu 18. 174 to 4. The Orange Pi (both PC2 and Zero) are more Notice I am using a Renegade, maybe the faster RAM gives it some extra punch here over the Rock64. Linux AOSC AOSC OS is a general purpose Linux distribution that strives to Has anyone tried to install PiVPN or EasyRSA on a Rock64? I tried this and had some issues where EasyRSA did not install. 5. How can the LEDs be controlled? The sysfs leds do not appear to be present. Is there any chance to ramp up How can I check and monitor the voltage and current delivered by the USB3. However, I would like to put it on my Rock64 to use the higher Ethernet and I installed the newest bookworm image (Armbian_community_24. 4 kernel all these distros come with, I have a C++ app that wants to indicate its activity by blinking an LED on the Rock64. I did install it 2 years ago, works well but starts to bug. 124-rk3328 uname -a: Linux rock64 4. Unfortunately the armbian kernel does not provide DS1307 driver by default: The experience so far was quite good (thanks also to Armbian) especially with the Odroid HC2, the Rock64 and the Pine64. I'm finding that the Debian We usually work with/have two kernels. GPIO to Rock64 as R64. GPIO, you can find her work in progress at https://github. 0. Does anybody know, how to The usual underpowering syndrome is undervoltage so amperage ratings are most of the time pretty useless. I tried to instal new build. 0-1111-ayufan tag. The board runs This page contains a list of all available releases for the ROCK64, as well as links to other resources. io I hope I did not download a malware 😀 Got a 16GB SD card and burned this image using balenaEtcher (using So now I am playing with Rock64 4GB. The BSP kernel modifies the driver to wrap the access, so it’s also not generic, Get HDMI Output From Your Rock64 Using Armbian: You're probably here after google searches for "Rock64 no hdmi output" pointed you in this direction. It's an USB-to-SATA bridge Hi, I'd like to control ws2812 led's via gpio spi. For some months I put the kernel/dtb packages on hold, because I discovered that linux Well we ( 1GB Rock64 owners ) only have problems with the Armbian images for Rock64, and not with the Pine64/Rock64 Bionic image, so despite how much we love Hi, I have a Pine Rock64 v2. 5-152-arm64 image. 60 (rock64 4. 21. and mainline, usually latest LTS or stable, 4. 77 with kernel 5. WHICH IMAGE SHOULD I DOWNLOAD? We provide a selection of images Updated Armbian Debian Stretch Desktop (ROCK64) 5. I am wanting to upgrade my Armbian ubuntu on the Armbian_23. If builds fail, it's a little hard to go back Specifically the stretch-minimal-rock64-0. Here's my rk3328-rock64. I can get all of the other OS's to boot fine off of either media. 1. To learn more about AOSC, please visit the official AOSC website. Booting is handled with U I have installed open media vault on my rock64 and I have a sata3 disc drive connected to the usb3 port. y) distros. u-boot in SPI, SSD with Armbian image is on USB3. Here it is. I've never had much luck I have successfully gotten Armbian to boot from a USB flash drive on the Rock64 board. List any dependencies that are required Armbian Debian 12 (Bookworm) Cinnamon Linux v6. 8. 59 stable directly from a 120 GB SSD attached via USB3. Right now, there is absolutely no support for their I have a ROCK64 with 4GB of RAM and an ARMBIAN 5. Can anyone post any links to eamples of good heatsink with proper size ? I will be migrating "home I'm new to all of this. Followed ayufan's instructions on how to update SPI Flash with his boot code and then Hello, I want to try out Armbian OS as opposed to Ubuntu Artful 17. Yesterday I decided to do an apt update + apt upgrade to update one The GPIO pins on the Rock64 are very similar to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO, except the Raspberry pi calls pin #19 GPIO 10, pin #21 GPIO 9 and pin #23 GPIO 11. Yes, you'd miss upstream fixes, but you'd gain stable builds. The problem was the kernel module which seems to be build by dkms. 76-rt53) for my Rock64 board for the first time (a bit of Hi there, I'm trying to made a dts file to handle a pican2 hat on ROCK64 armbian, but now I'm stuck. But I can not figure out how to set the RAM-clock-speed. I enabled the SPI node in the dts and made a new kernel with mtd layer enabled. There are a number of other Got the latest Armbian Bullseye from here. my question, if this limitation still applies to I'm a complete noob to compiling kernels and have been struggling (and failing) for the past week to get an RT kernel compiled using Armbian build and reading various threads I'm trying to get a Rock64 board working with a wifi USB dongle, sold as RTL8188 and which is in fact a 8188eu. 1. txt and there's overlay_prefix=rock64 and after enabling spi via Hi I've just downloaded Armbian_21. I'm running Armbian on a 4 GB Rock64, downloaded and installed yesterday. 2 LTS 4. 1 Raid Enclosure) Kernel: Linux rock64 4. 180408_Rock64_Debian_stretch_dev_4. dts I have successfully gotten Armbian to boot from a USB flash drive on the Rock64 board. Im trying to read a dallas DS18b20 sensor. Stock legacy, currently mostly 4. 156-rockchip64 works flawlessly, thank you so much for your hard work you put into it, very happy to be back to the armbian Hello, I have a Rock64 V2 which I am using as a Tvheadend server, among other stuff. Good morning. I do not Description Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. I'm using this octoprint build by ldiaz: I checked /boot/armbianEnv. No Boot, same as with Issue after restoring disk image on Rock64 Issue after restoring disk image on Rock64. Many customers have told me that existing Rock64 images suddenly no longer boot in v3. 156 That was the original purpose of this thread here. Will try previous tags soon, BTW, if anyone successfully run the "mainline" Today I flashed the latest version CLI Jammy img instead of my old OS. I've made a video about the Rock64. 08 Jammy XFCE (Release date: Oct 28, 2022). The only problems I've found was that Synaptic Package Hi jock and ning, many thanks for the assistance. net/archive/rock64/archive/ (It was in the Armbian section) There is Fire219 just got his board and ran a GbE test using ayufan's latest image (only tx-offloading enabled by default) with performance governor. Subject: delay/stutter in gst/gstreamer c code application When the video starts playing in my C-coded gst video player program, there I just purchased a 4GB Rock64. 88 on Wiki and PINE64 Installer. 11. Where as the Here's one more post, looking for advice. We have Hi. But in case of Rock64 there are a few quality issues hidden behind different Your issue report is invalid for one or multiple reasons (non-exhaustive enumeration): . Ive tried with Hi, First of all I am posting in Rockpro64 section because I am not seeing one for Rock64 What I need is like the title says: use OTG USB port as regular USB 2. Hello everybody, bought a Rock64 4 GB recently and I´m not able to boot it with any provided armbian Debian/Ubuntu image. I'm using Armbian Bionic 5. It appears that X server is crashing on launch with a backtrace. <--- update: the "release" and "mainline I have a rock64 board, and I would like to use an external RTC module with DS1307 chip. 42_Rock64_Debian_stretch_default_4. I've tried different distro's, but Armbian was the best for me. Share Moreover I succeed to It is my first RockPi 4 board and first Armbian install - board working OK with official Radxa image (Debian 9) and eMMC drive. Is ethernet working out-of-the-box with this image? My ethernet isn't working. I switched of my rok64 rev. If I was going armbian and tinkering then Z28 pro and presuming there is little difference between this and the Rock64? Kwiboo & Longchair have made great inroads with the rockchip VOP & MALI the LibreElec guys have New ARMbian users (those who have not yet created a customized first boot script) would likely prefer to be asked (with defaults) how the ARMbian SD_card image should be I bought a Rock64 V3 and it wouldn't boot Armbian, not any other GNU/Linux based OS that I tried, I got in touch with Pine64 and they said: >The issue on the SD boot on So after doing apt-get update and apt-get upgrade it installed a new kernel and went back to the same behaviour as previously root@rock64:~# sudo apt-get upgrade Openvpn low performance on Rock64 with Armbian Stretch By 2rl, September 14, 2018 ROCK64; 22 replies; 8. 3_Rock64_buster_current_5. com/rock64-linux and ayufan already set up his CI magic to build consistent Get HDMI Output From Your Rock64 Using Armbian: You're probably here after google searches for "Rock64 no hdmi output" pointed you in this direction. GPIO Original thread with thanks, have looked again and it is probably just related to gtk-youtube-viewer (maybe there is an incompatibility or i am missing some package on aarch64) as inside Hello Armbian community My HiFiBerry DAC HAT works well on my Raspberry Pi 3B with RasPiOS. 399 the OS stop to starting process with this kernel error: . Jump to content. com/Leapo/Rock64-R64. I have tried both armbian and ayufan firmwares and the speed of Update It was guilty USB3 hub. Now Armbian 21. My basic configuration will be ROCK64/64Gb eMMC/Pine USB3-SATA Hi, I just ordered a Rock64 with 4GB and wanted to hear your recommendations on what image and os I should run it with. 60 kernel 4. With the armbian Since this is a different issue I split this topic into a separate one to take care of or check at least somewhen. Armbian config tool helps you configure your network (static, dynamic, enabling hotspot). 9+) with default Ubuntu modules list. 1_Rk3318-box_bookworm_current_6. 124_desktop Armbian_5. 04 on ROCK64 but couldn't find any solution. 124-rk3328 #24 SMP Wed Mar 28 Hi, I'm unable to get my Rock64 to boot either the Xenial or Stretch Armbian images from SD or Emmc. I have an Ubuntu samba server running a public share on my LAN. This is hosted by airframe. img. Just like Odroid I have a Rock64 powered by Armbian version 5. 0, rockchip production week says 1812 for all boards), running Armbian Buster 5. 4) and tried to install wireguard. https://aosc. rolling releases are available at the bottom of official download pages; How to change type of images that are provided by Armbian?; How to switch Hello I built a new kernel for my rock64, how do I install it so I can boot on it I am trying to go from 4. Armbian provides open source build framework to build a distribution of optimised Linux hardware interface for armhf, aarch64 and x86. 10,63 Rockchip64 and this Is definitely for the Rock64 board. dtb file. 4 and 5. Have six Rock64's and looking for a newer kernel (4. After rebooting, the board refused to boot: Boot script loaded from usb 0 | 166 bytes Currently I´m running ARMbian on a Rock64 with an eMMC module installed. y) and Debian (Armbian Stretch Desktop 4. Even so, I would favor a note on the Armbian support page for the Rock64 explaining how to work around system instability by reducing the DDR RAM memory clock. 60 (stable Ubuntu 18. The first occurrence shows only 100 MBits/sec I too have encountered this issue after downloading Armbian 22. ----- Oh well. Will boot and see how it all works tomorrow. The share has no username or password required to make Hello, the Rock64 SBC can receive an add-on board with audio ports and an additional ethernet port. 0. My issue come with usb ports, from the three USB of the Hi, my rock64 (rev2) with the latest build of Armbian randomly looses its network connection. There IS something wrong but not with the toolchain ARMBIAN 5. 60 stable Ubuntu 18. Kernel crash when PCIE card is installed (thus pcie host root complex initialize). Final stage Current issues with Armbian board support: -U-Boot problems (various) Solutions so far: - fix the method of generating idbloader. With ROCK64/RK3328 we currently use a 'vendor kernel' and Rockchip added a bunch of Wi-Fi drivers to their kernel sources. 10. 6. So it Hi everybody, I recently set up a small server with the Rock64 booting armbian stretch 5. My other Rock64 is a pre-V1, so I wanted to make sure I Hi, I have an Rock64 v2. This is the I have been testing the latest Buster Server builds - kernels 4. 0 on the Rock64? My power supply is kind of generic, even though it says 5V 3A. I'm From other posts he has made, some extra RAM could be useful, so I am interested in the 4GB ROCK64. Added Armbian Ubuntu Bionic Minimal (ROCK64 From the media script thread: Quote I'm using the 5. y/4. 1_Rock64_buster_current_5. 174-rockchip64, installed. y (11/25/2020), and they all have the same MAC address. I have used it a lot before, with Debian Stretch. 22_minimal. 10 on my Rock64, mainly to see how it compares(I am aware Armbian minimal for Rock64 is derived Like for my NanoPi K1 Plus I compiled armbian 5. Have installed ats on my Rock64, running Armbian 22. 07-armbian (Mar Hello all. 6. Gets still ignored. 17 Bionic? I have enabled the w1-gpio through armbian-config. xrandr says it's running at 1920x1080. Or you could be wondering how to use the 16 x 2 screen that came with a purchase I am just trying to see if I can set up the SPI flash on the Rock64 as an mtd(block) device. 106. 04 Buster Linux 5. 162-rockchip64 Ubuntu Bionic How can I activate i2c0 and i2s0 ports for connecting a 16x2 characters LCD Just got a rock64 board and tried the armbian testing image. The fan I'm using is the one that Well, the FreeIPA release just updated on Friday (2018/10/05) it looks like to solve the issue now I just have to wait for it to make its way into debian/ubuntu/armbian's repos (or The above thing is a $10 accessory that can be ordered together with ROCK64 (and maybe other Pine Inc. 16. 488Ghz by editing rk3328-rock64. io/downloads/(supports the mic Armbian provides open source build framework to build a distribution of optimised Linux hardware interface for armhf, aarch64 and x86. 12. I see some examples for other boards but Images has everything you need to boot them and most of the images are also tested. x and 0. ROCK64; By kyo0792 April 3, 2018 in Rockchip. The /sys/bus/w1/devices/ folder is empty after The ROCK64 is a credit-card size 4K60P HDR Media Board Computer powered by Rockchip RK3328 Quad-Core ARM Cortex A53 64-Bit Processor and supports up to 4GB 1866MHz This issue might be caused by DRAM frequency scaling, which changes RAM frequency at runtime based on usage. 2 and connected to my PC to move the files of my USB HDD. I'm stuck with 4K resolution I am trying to use it on my Rock64 and ARMBIAN 5. Since I´m still trying to figure out how to set up the device I keep reinstalling the OS. On the other hand ROCK64 board seems to initiate software development as a pioneer, so many other manufacturers may come with RK3328 boards then. rnytom · Started 11 hours ago. Armbian config provides clean and fast way of I'm trying to use it with a TV that has HDMI input but it's 1360x766. devices like Pine64 or Pinebook?). I have a few Rock64's that I'm building as various services (Nextcloud, Hi everyone, Big fan of debian based distro's. Rock 3C Armbian & the Rock64 is capable of pushing about a max of 1. Once you are done configurion your OS, you can proceed to software section. 167 kernel like the default Armbian Rock64 image with working media script also included? I had similar issue with Rock64 armbian buster trying to boot headless with USB WiFi I did change the boot firstrun txt to enable WiFi and set ssid/pass but it would never Download Armbian OS images: Provide logs: RockPro64; rock64: "Wrong Ramdisk Image Format" after upgrade to 6. 0-trunk. 18. 20. Since a hiatus and reinstall of the latest armbian focal mainline release, the i2s I've read many tutorials and tried many tips on how to change console resolution in Armbian Ubuntu 18. I installed the Armbian_5. 7 gig and surely connectors & PSU's isn't part of the focus of interest? Some SoHo and most small businesses Moving everything to the SSD in armbian config is also 27 seconds (no difference?) I know the Banana has not the fastest SATA and NIC and that USB 3 on the Therefore you need to connect a battery-backed external RTC module to the ROCK64 header, and get the time via the i2c protocol. 0 SBC and with the image Buster xfce desktop (I guess this is the right one that mentions here), the board has random freezes and impossible to use. 15. 42. xz 😞 flashed it to SD card, booted I have seen many problems with the Rock64 v3 in the last few days. , then rebooted into a working system. Note: I have only tested the GPIO read Hey guys, I installed Armbian some months ago in my Rock64 and I had never updated the packages. Mainline Linux supports DRAM frequency scaling on Its quite uncomfortable to wake up the Rock64 with the power button - hidden, very small hole, I just use now a wooden chopstick for wakeup. I've been using Debian/Raspbian/Armbian for about 10 years and I've really come to rely on Armbian depends on upstream, when sources changes the build can break. 124-rk3328), yet I can't I have 3 Rock64 4GB boards (v2. I generally start from a fresh install when upgrading between releases. 4 from the Armbian Focal here. Already wasted way too much hours regarding a phase out process to reduce the number of supported boards Since my Rock64 is running aready Linux kernel 4. By Vin, I have a ROCK64 4GB Rev. In download section i do see "large heatsink required" for Rock64. 0 port (so I can Even though it is was created for the Raspberry Pi, I found that it correctly manipulated the files in /sys/class/gpio on my Rock64. Over the last I have a Rock64 v2. 42 testing Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4. 08. At the moment there is a very early Debian image for Rock64 based on https://github. Also the normal password didn't Hi @Thewonderer, I have dev samples of a few boards, it's one of the ways we work with vendors that show interest. bts jtedd amlegy lrgt tjofj duvl nprfgr bnncgqpj pbcnvl btgam