Enfj vs entp reddit. These are shared traits of Te/Fe and Ni+Se.

Enfj vs entp reddit ” Enfj: Fe, Ni, Se, Ti Infp: Fi, Ne, Si, Te My ENTP knows and respects me a lot. At first I thought she was ENFJ but as time went I noticed that we don't really think that I’d recommend you do some research about the cognitive functions, that’s the difference between enfj and enfp. male entp here dating an enfj girl. So if you're an ENFJ trying to get along with an ENTP, or vice versa, the key lies in appreciating your differences as much as your similarities. I’ll use a personal story: As a young ENTP, I sometimes was an asshole. But I think the ENTP does a much better job of understanding the perspective of others and how to play into that. INFJs and ENFJs both prefer criticism only when you ask first. I learned to apply this to myself: Hey, I don’t like it when people are assholes, and other people probably feel ENTP. #6 on reasons why you're not an esfj makes me think you have developed Fe over time and that its not your dominate function ENFJ being cute/silly. Me as an Ti dom likes to work things on my own. Fe/Si: More traditional and organized, the caregiver Fe/Ne: More ideational and stereotype-breaking, "that ESFJ" ESFP. It's ENTP vs ENTJ now. As well, there are two kinds of ENFJ’s: ENFJ- Turbulent / ENFJ- Assertive. But what I love is we’re both bright and open minded people. Yawn. ENTP is the middle ground between ESTP and ENFP. ENTJ 3w4 . For all things MBTI. Enfj I knew was much more chill and able to handle stress better. no bueno Fred Burkle (Angel) ENTP Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) ENTP Cosima Niehaus (Orphan Black) ENTP Jack Sparrow (Pirate of the Caribbean) ESTP Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) ESTP Faith (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) ESTP You'll see lots of arguing about which characters are which types, but those six are ones that I think I can vouch for. ENTP is ne-ti-fe-Si while enfj is fe ni se ti. Enfj made decisions too quickly. And the ENTJ is gonna criticize the ENTP for morals. i like her a lot and she is amazing and very supportive and to make things even more interesting we are almost polar opposites, our common ground being the ability to discuss anything and to challenge our ego’s in a flirty manner. ENFP. They are authentic, insightful and great at tuning in to how others are feeling and making people feel truly special. Here’s the pattern I’m sure we’ve all recognized Enfp ️Infj Enfj ️Infp Entp ️Intj Entj ️Intp Esfp ️Isfj I’m sure we all see the pattern. I love to tease my friends. This can makes it hard to communicate on a deeper level in the context of a relationship. Whereas I would freak out because i cant observe the se stuff and assumed everything would catch on fire. ENTP makes people uncomfortable on purpose while ESTP does it without an effort and doesn't care. It’s actually a fairly good pairing. - ENFJ love organizing people or write a plan on a paper, ENFP prefers to just do it out of spur of moment. I mean, if I give her my thoughts the direct/ easy way, she's not even gonna give a thought about it, then just do what she feels good in the moment. The confusion between ENTP and ENTJ with mostly arises in whether one wishes to explore respectively more just for the "sake of exploring" (ENTP) or for "sake of actually finding something and then *actually pursuing* / doing that" ! It may be a common mistype for ENTJ's however during the exploration process if it takes "more" resources/time In reality there are only two kinds of Fe because there are two Fe types: ENFJ and ESFJ, so the most accurate way you could call them is ENFJ Fe vs. It's not that an ENFJ doesn't think. Instead of being the mom friend and direct helper they are more likely to act as a MENTOR. Same functions, just flipped Ti and Fe. While ENFJ is making a lot of calls or texts or Facebook msgs to people, INTP doesnt really engage into socislizing others. This poll shows that 95+% of extraverts have converted in this manner. Nov 3, 2023 · I am an INFJ and my boss is an ENTP. ENFJ are more aware of outside influences and how the greater politics of things affects the people around them. Also both types are extremely manipulative when unhealthy. I experienced the negative side 5 years ago after I was cheated and my business went bankrupt. hello! i’m fairly new to MBTI stuff but i’ve taken a bunch of tests with my free time and have become pretty interested. We’re either smart or intelligent, me being an ENTP would be intelligent, meaning I’m buffed upstairs but I get nerfed downstairs. Actually observing her made her NeTi clear, however. 670 votes, 71 comments. One is an ENFJ, one is ENTP. a The reason why I’m posting this again is because, while I was convinced for a while that I might be an ENTP, it still didn’t really make sense to me how my descriptions in my previous post = Ne. When I worked with an ENTP, we would have plenty of conversational topics. 3. me, an INFJ, only said a few words and took one attempt to interrupt ENTP with my own idea. BTW: My best friends are ENTJ, ENTP, ISFP, ENFP, & INFP. I've found myself in both, and here are some examples of why: ENFJ . I could work while talking though, and the ENTP was trying to get out of working, while talking. Subreddit dedicated to the 𝑬𝑺𝑭𝑱 personality type All types welcome to join! Enfj mom Entp daughter Im an entp and I'm pretty chill and tolerant of even the most annoying people in my life But for some reason no matter how hard I try I cant get along with my enfj parent. on 16 personalities (i know) and truity i got ENFJ-T, which felt pretty accurate for me. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Entj vs Entp vs Enfj Advice/Support How do I determine which one I am. Well I really like chess, but i dont have the time to play it, i was interested since idk, 8 years old xd, well, yes ig I act polite but at the same time i can argue with my entire clases just cause of an ethic difference, i mean, thats something that happened once when I was on high school, i was angry with my entire clases (and viceversa) cause of a thing and i was insulting them with really Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now ENFP vs ENFJ Explained With Examples MBTI Pairings Hope this helps :) Locked post. obviously the types are quite different — how can i tell which one is actually my type? 490K subscribers in the mbti community. Then, the ENTJ would try breaking the ENTP with psychological remarks, but would end up motivating the ENTP into becoming more efficient. ENTP will have no choice but to learn how to pay attention to ENFJ’s feelings, while the ENFJ will have to learn how to communicate more clearly, and directly. The ENFJ was always action and ppl oriented. [insert explanation here] I think you're actually an ENFJ. Subreddit dedicated to the 𝑬𝑺𝑭𝑱 personality type All types welcome to join! ENFJ: repeats over and over that they want to reach it, then, do the same with goals that would take the ENFJ in totally different directions. While growing up the ENFJ chose the friends that they both enjoyed. Like a dog. Because he can observe both sides of information more readily. Reasons why I think I might be an ENTP: I have a lot of ideas and opinions about a variety of things and like to draw connections between them. but maybe comes out sometimes if ENFJ friend called her out. the only problem is that she’s super focused on her social outlook and overall principles and refuses to seek any kind of 437 votes, 41 comments. It's always the Fi-Te ENxx types that most people debate between. Even though I draw in different types, they're the only matches with mutual attraction for me. ESFJ Fe, but that is too long to write, so you can say that because ESFJ is a positivst and ENFJ is a negativist and choosing the signs to represent that dichotomy then the Fe of an ESFJ is Fe+ and There's a lot of differences in my opinion. Heavy use of Fe in an ENTP is going to come off as desperate, needy or paranoid that everyone dislikes them. They're like an ENTP-lite in that sense. According to what I observe, one of the distinct difference between an ENFP and ENFJ is that, ENFJ's wants and motivates others to be the best version of themselves while ENFP's (although they do want others to be the best version of themselves), they also accept people as they are even if they didn't change. Based on your functions you listed, you’re not far off from ENTP (Ne-Ti-Fe-Si). ) Does he have a wide range of abstract intellectual pursuits? Yes. The ENFJ pretends to know what he's talking about, the ENTP knows what he's talking about. Who'd win? Well, the ENTP would try breaking the ENTJ with continually mind-numbing arguments with a hint of sarcasm, but the ENTJ is strong-willed. INFPs & ENFPs like to be connected but they are laidback & somewhat passive like me so its easy to converse. Maybe I was just being roaster back then, too 🤔😂 Hello there! I used to take the Myers-Briggs test and consistently get ENFP as my result. ENFJ-penned tearjerker song "rebellious" ENFJ song (co-written, but Amy Lee is textbook angsty ENFJ lol, read: me as a teenager) Spot an INFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, ESTP In the world ESTP looks like an ENTP online. What would a romantic relationship look like between these 2 types: ENTP:Woman & ESFJ:Man Relationship compatibility prediction via MBTI is a sketchy practice IMO. It’s similar in nature to the other NTP NFJ pairings. I was in a hell hole and experience those negative effects on a daily basis for 2 years (lowest point in my life, almost divorced my loving and supportive wife, but glad I got a hold of the ego and emotion before too late) I've only ever had insane chemistry with 3 types: INFJ, ENFJ and ENFP. Hello fellas. An unhealthy ENFJ can still use Fe effectively, they're just going to do so in a "bad" way. If he's healthy he is a happy warm enfj but if he's stress and not happy, he's the most bitchiest enfj I ever met. Same thing with me. The good part is you can kinda be enfp mode when you want to be nice to people but also can go logical entp mode when you want. Both like debating, but ENTP will argue both sides for fun, whereas ESTP will argue the side they actually agree with. ENTP is more secretive and insecure while ESTP is a shameless open book. I know this is a bit of a controversial topic. I like helping people and imparting whatever wisdom I have on others They even have present but hit-or-miss tertiary Ne, so they're likely to tell a corny joke and have some quirk to them. (shuffles to the corner with embarrassment) ENFJ Fe Hero: This one is extroverted and share space with the extroverted observer function Se. And I'm able to harness it, deal with it and not project it onto him :) It is not a big issue for ENFJ type 2 and ENTP type 7 (Ne and Ni are balancing each other), but if ENFJ is type 3 (Se+Ni focused) it will fit more ENTP 7, because 7 uses a lot of Ne. In the source MBTI material Ne doms are described as the most versatile of all types in how they show up in the world. [insert reasons here] You're certainly [positive trait of ENFJ] more than most people. One thing I find though is, as an ENFJ, I do a lot of blending. He's new to mbti so he probably sees my wild Ne episodes as "typical ENTP behavior", and my "calm side" as "INFJ behavior". Plenty of variables I guess and as an ENTP I’d thing you would be good at seeing that. Not saying there isn't value in MBTI when analyzing relationship compatibility, but it's not as simple as "my ideal type is <xyzh>", more likely the value of MBTI is less the type and more the cognitive functions & how the individuals tolerate and relate to them. Dec 4, 2024 · The ENFJ’s emotional intelligence can help ground the ENTP’s adventurous spirit, while the ENTP’s love for debate can stimulate the ENFJ’s intellect. It's wholesome for both. All and all, I like the prospect of an ENFJ x ENTP relationship for me personally, and am enthused about one day potentially actualizing this. The easiest difference to pick up on will be the stronger role of Fe for INFJs. However, I overcame my anxiety and depression lately as well as instilled habits that felt best to me and eliminated ones that were bad for me. ”) It’s Lots of hormones and general awkwardness! There is a reason that nobody wants to go through puberty, twice! While irrational types are just emotionally all over the place! 2w3: ENFJ 2w3 sx/so 278 ESE SLOAN EVFL sanguine [dominant] 3w2: ENFJ 3w2 sx/so 378 SEE SLOAI VEFL sanguine-choleric 3w4: ENTJ 3w4 so/sp 385 LIE SCOEI VLFE choleric-melancholic 4w3: ISFP 4w3 sx/so 478 EIE SLUEI EFVL sanguine-melancholic 4w5: INFP 4w5 sp/so 459 IEI RLUAI ELVF melancholic [dominant] That's a hard compatibility because ENFJ have Fe-Se as the main pair and INTP Ti-Si. He had plans for everything and the rest of the family was haplessly dragged along. LoL. Sep 16, 2023 · Yes I feel so seen!! I agree that I still think they’re great people. Now I'm in a place where I'm drawing in this ENFJ and I'm super attracted to her. They are Concise but also effective with their communication. ENFJ's can seem surprisingly similar to both types: they're NF's like the ENFP, and they're also Fe/Ti axis like the ENTP. Lol this is so accurate on the talking vs doing, where I’m an enfj and my best friend is an enfp. So for extraverts conversions demonstrate to be very straightforward: ENTP=>ENTp, ENFP=>ENFp, ENTJ=>ENTj and so on. angry fictional ENFJ (Norma Bates - more unhealthy than most ENFJs, but again useful for the "vibe") another angry ENFJ. One major example is Obama. An ENFJ has way different functions-Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. These are shared traits of Te/Fe and Ni+Se. ENTP can be surprisingly empathetic and fake with people as well. ENFP - are creative, more easily fluid in trying new paths. That is mostly because of their Te. Or maybe he was just roasting you, idk. I would totally recommend it, if the enfj doesn't expect emotional support from it's entp ;) In relationships and friendships you really can have so much fun with each other. INTP has the function stack Ti, Ne, Si, Fe. But yea, I don't really see how people can confuse these two types. I've been married to an enfj for 6 years. Entj vs entp vs enfj Advice/Support How can I tell which one am I. And I know that most people match ENFJ with INFP. All personalities… ENTP: * inhales * , * starts explaining the concept of war, capitalism and economics, with a lot of examples in history and from personal life * an hour passes, we come home, ENTP still continues talking on this topic. Very surface level convos. Even if the ENTP develops Fe early, they're not going to be particularly good at using it. 93K subscribers in the mbtimemes community. It gets easier with practice! And as the ENFJ matures. NeFi being an ENFPs primary functions vs. Yes. 1K subscribers in the ESFJ community. One example is where we agree to be gym accountability partners and I hit our goal of going 3 times a week where he stops going after the first session. ENFJ being passionate on a topic. He's secure enough and he got past the worst parts of being an ENTP. We mostly send each other funny memes/tweets, tell each other funny stories, vent, exchange opinions about random shit, etc. ENFJ felt so warm and actually brings out something out of me, but it feels like some fake stuff, I dont really know. So Ne makes ENFPs chaotic, jumping from topic to topic, focused on possibilities, they experience bursts of high energy, followed by periods of reclusion. Entjs just don't care Entjs wants to help people on the grand scale, while enfj want to help them in every tiny way possible. I agree with your assessment. The ENTP is gonna criticize the living hell out of the ENFJ for their logical judgments. When he on emotional state, he's nonstop nagging, sensitive, he somehow doesn't really care how his emotion affect other while he always remind me, dont be too eager to know somebody (something like this). Sounds a lot like me, and I know for sure that i'm entp. This is such a good description!! My mother in law is ESFJ and I'm ENFJ. Se-ti-fe-ni and Fe-ni-se-ti. Enfj bro has not much patience. Same goes with Michael from The Good Place. So the ENFJ would be more keen to how people actually feel. For the specific ENTP/ENFJ couple, I'd say it is comfortable, the ENTP being stimulated by their will to achieve a good relationship, and the ENFJ by being understood on the surface and to a deep level (but not the deepest), and also by being with someone. New comments Hey guys as the title says I was wondering what your take on ENFP vs ENFJ is. As an ENTP woman, I can genuinely say I also wouldn’t think to talk to my partner every day if I didn’t live with him. They are amazingly alike in some ways and polar opposites in others. ENFJ (Ni-Se): Helps people in more abstract ways. I just want to ask if there are any of you guys who have experienced a friendship with an ENTP and what you guys thought about us. We share music, and because of this, we have an intere Good question. INFJ has the function stack Ni, Fe, Ti, Se. And in general would try to find loopholes around doing tasks which were considered boring. Ne/Ti: More logical and INTP-like, knows a little bit about everything Ne/Fe: More agreeable and less likely to be assholes, "the nurturing ENTP" ESFJ. He is super involved, very intelligent, and skillfully seems to know how to handle every kind of challenge. Just adding my 2 cents. My workplace has enfj males. ENFJ, with Ni and Fe, they pick up on the mood easily and feel other people's emotions. Plus ENFJ can help teach ENTPs to make the most of their time. Dynamics between enfj and entp are awesome. ENFJ difference this only by the way they approach this. ENFJ may have different and rapidly changing activities and play different roles in them. The thing is I need someone extroverted. This is the general rule with Mbti and it’s the thing with “opposites attract. Many ESTPs fight because they have something to prove, but in reality they are trying to compensate for their insecurities. (OK, that's not a good question. Online ENTPs look like how ESTPs look in real life. ENTP has barely any sense of identity, they are like diffuse bouncing orbs of light moving through the world, seeing connections all around them, whereas INTP has a very strong sense of identity and me-ness, although the mathematics of things takes up all their brain space and they haven't much space for their personal feeling/favorite/hobby realm. The biggest thing is mainly emotional compatibility. But he’s very mature as a person. ISFJ, ENFJ, INFJ, ISTJ -- just knock out the tasks and get them done. We do that VERY well. Our relationship es like the villain and the hero. 51 votes, 40 comments. Yes, they have the same decision making functions (though different order), so, in terms of making decisions, they definitely can appear very similar, but they will process and gather information in completely different ways because the direction of those functions are flipped. Join us in exploring the 16 personality types. No, not because this is the way I can work on my weaknesses, be more social and active. Using only the 16 personalities letters, there is only a 1 letter difference. ESTP's and ENTP's are both initiating (extroverted), but ESTP is direct and outcome focused. For introverts things get a little less certain, but the majority 60-70% will convert with same cognitive functions and flip the last j/p letter: INFP=>INFj A friendly forum for those of the ENFJ personality type. Enfj are much more reactive to emotional distress of other people, tragic stories, stuff like that. Basically enfjs lead with extroverted feeling, which is focused on group harmony. The most exciting relationship of mine was with another ENTP, because it was so much fun just coming up with zany ideas, challenges and jokes that it was just amazing. 4K subscribers in the ESFJ community. You are mixture of both. Sometimes she tells me I am 'psycho-ing' her (she meant reverse psychology) when she asks for advice. My best friend was an ENFJ, this was very clear between us. As you said, Fe vs Fi is one of the biggest differences. I always felt like I was an ENFP but lately I've realized that being a P is not natural for me and I am way more comfortable being a J. I love my relationship. An ENTP with a well-developed Fe should demonstrate some empathy and restraint in the argument, and be respectful of the feelings of others if the argument needs to pause, end, or move on. Infj female + entp male >>>>> infj male + entp female But honestly ENTP should avoid INFJ (unless they find “mature” INFJ and the ENTP is also mature for a healthy relationship to develop). then on sakinorva, i got ENTP which ALSO felt pretty accurate. Not to make fun of ENFJs or anything, it's just what it is, they pretend to know what they talk about, if you ask questions or go into details they're trapped, but what they want is people to get Enfj's feel emotions of other people really great. ESTP fight just to fight. ENTP is informative and movement focused. On PersonalityCafe and reddit, I see Obama typed as ENFJ but then on Quora and Tumblr I see him typed as an ENTP. Okay, so ENFPs have Ne and Fi, ENFJs have Fe and Ni. Get the Reddit app ENTP 5w4 meets ENFJ 10. For an ENTP to be people-oriented they have to actively try. INTP here. An ENFJ really enjoys their emotions! As one site states, ENTJs have a "sentimental streak" but this is expressed primarily with loved ones. I’m not soft 😎 I’m an ENFJ in a four relationship with an ENTP!! So maybe I can help a little bit. I'm able to recognize when my insecurities are self inflicted or not. But I like the INTP better with the ENFJ. 8. I’m an ENTP, I was in the same boat. They're both extroverted, bubbly people in my opinion. He's not even a zoomer, full adult. The ENFJ will with big connecting patterns make systems and visions for how to live their life. . Plus my descriptions were admittedly awful. One said I give her ENTP "vibes", the other typed me as ENFJ. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS ENTP 3w4 vs. So here’s a breakdown of what I have learned. - ENFJ usually is upset if you turn his suggestion down, ENFP is fine with it. Im fairly certain I use Ni-Se however much of the stereotypes associated with Entps resonate with me, as well as characters/people who are entps sharing similar personalities sonalites as me. That's the difference, lol. 28 votes, 23 comments. We were attracted to eachothers intellect, however the entp need for space and the enfj need for constant reassurance was a difficult battle. Pretty sure entp. My language of love is caritive time and also is the same for him. Also, I'd definitely say I have "ENTP humor", my joke-comments are extremely random and Ne-like. Thank you for your insights. I'm generally a chameleon and can be awkward, especially in situations where I don't know anyone or understand the social "vibe". As far as your question about an ENTP having well developed Fi, that’s a question I’ve been considering for some time now. And I like all of those fine. Se/Fi: Seeks sensations for themselves alone, entertaining I’ll try here, both ESFJs I know are older females and my ENFJ is male, so it was hard to verify this without some deeper dives ESFJ Uses Si to support their Fe, so they are constantly offering you things, physical comforts, practical advice followed by an anecdote (my sister went to this dr. We tend to get along very well, although I’m constantly worried about what he thinks of me. Maybe accidentally. ENFJ’s have the Ni function therefore, they like to study, analyze things and see what conclusions they come up to. That sounds very ENFJ to me. ENFJ The ENFJ is the harmonious people champion, warm, caring and extremely organised. Though I had better judgment. But after the last 3 guys I’ve dated being ENFJ, ESFP, and INFJ, I just feel like there may be too much misunderstanding with the Se-Ni axis. It is not "bad" match, it is a match where ENTP's Fe will be overwhelmed, since Fe is extraverted function, they will try to use it in groups, meaning chance of I as an ENTP is a sun, too, but a sun with sunglasses and a swag. I'm the same way, I'm entp T(53) F (47) I go entp mode when I'm seducing girls but goes enfp mode dealing with customers and elderly A comment on this video summarizes it and it is much more useful a comparison for ENTP vs ENFP and helped me understand why other people think I am ENFP because of my positive energy and impulsivities and whatnot but I know logically I am ENTP. ENFP uses: Ne > Fi > Te > Si ENFJ uses: Fe > Ni > Se > Ti I mean, complete opposite functions. Also, as an INFP, I have a yearning for systemizing things (inferior Te), so I wouldn’t say that the inferior function can’t influence our interests in ENFJ and ESTP are both ambitious. Sorry to be intruding in the ENFJ sub, but as an INFJ myself who recently started dating someone who is an ENFJ I was also trying to figure it out at the beginning. - The criticism thing is true for both. For 2 years, albiet mental health played a large role. I would say that you do indeed prefer the Sexual instinct given your promotion of others instead of self, but that you'd instead be an ENFJ. This is not just an INFJ thing. However with my limited knowledge of functions, there’s still a possibility that I’m an ENTP. And it’s nothing personal, it’s just that I’m busy and distracted by what’s going on in my life, my environment, the thoughts going through my brain at any given moment…I’m not typically sitting and thinking about other people. I don't need people necessary to help me I mean, ENFJ can also be fake, but their motives are not to take advantage of people, but to conceal their insecurities or convince the hivemind about their sayings; ENFJs are more gullible than ESFJs in social situations; ENFJ 100% for 2 simple reasons: ENFJs prefer not to fight, but if forced to fight, it's for a good reason. Thusly I didn’t want to be an ENTP. The ENTP, on the other hand, is more calculated and nuanced and can fashion themselves as a chameleon. The goal of an ENTP is similar to an ENFP like yourself, to learn and experience all the interesting stuff in the world. Does he procrastinate? Yes. Red flag. It fell apart because we shared too many of the same weaknesses and failed to communicate - with my ENFJ fiance, it's the complete opposite of the above. I got it on the test and every piece of ENFP info I agreed with. Both ENTJ and ENFJ are keen to identifying gaps/patterns, improvising, taking leaps (not being rigidly procedural), preferring tangible and practical solutions. He’s responsible, sweet, affectionate, reliable, loving, puts me and our kids first, is responsive to our needs, etc. Having dated an ENFJ and growing up with an ENFJ mother, they can be extremely gas-lighting and emotionally abusive when they feel hurt. I honestly think ENTP and INFJ not really a good match. Discussion But the jump from ENFP to ENFJ is not as a small change as it might seem. I know ima keep crushing on INFPs till I die anyway :P not to be negative but in regards to the post, extroverts usually don’t accept / let me have my alone time sooo. ESTP is more adventurous and daring while ENTP thinks things through a bit more. I love routines and get angry when someone is not acting according to my plan. I provoke like an ENTP I make jokes like an ENTP I’m a quick thinker, just as an ENTP I have a high (!) energy level, like an ENTP I have a lot of ideas! ENTJ. Sometimes Fe is developed in entps before Ti, so that could be why you're confused. Truly understanding Ne vs Ni was the key for me. Edit: ESTP is quite good at being charm/popular, but ultimately they socialize with people they think (Ti) can give them new experiences. However, eventually, I figured out that people don’t like it when you are an asshole and there’s no reason to hurt people’s feelings willy-nilly. All personalities are welcome! ENFJ - have natural leadership abilities, very future focused (i. I love efficiency and creating a value to my result 4. With what you said about the inf Ti vs inf Ne I relate more to the experience of inf Ne. ESTP use Fe to slide into new Se experiences, while ENFJ use Se to facilitate Fe ethics preaching. ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si) is a personality type within Jungian Cognitive Function theory, which categorizes people according to their intrinsic differences in cognitive attitudes. true. (In a way yes), but in case of dating someone Introverted it’s always me who end up taking this extroverted role and it drains me eventually. But in the Myers Briggs theory, the functions are almost as opposite as they get. Ne kept in check by Ti vs Ni kept in check by Fe. A common trait of extroverted feelers is adjusting themselves and their vibe to fit what works best in a particular setting. However, ENTP overthinks everything, even when it isn't necessary, while ESTP doesn't. But if I had to choose. - ENFJ doesn't prefer sudden changes, ENFP is adaptable. Generally speaking. ESTP. Either an ENFP or ENTP could shun logic in favor of someone's feelings or vice versa. However, I don't think the issue is with your Enneagram typing after taking a look over your profile. I don’t wanna be an ENTP that is so disagreeable that they make people around them neurotic. So I see it as a win-win situation! 🤷‍♀️. " They're the smug teenagers who make TikTok videos of themselves doing stupid things and getting up in other people's business f Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. At first we'd have arguments, because we were approching a situation from different perspectives, but in reality, actually agreed on the main point. Always. I am a chameleon. Lots of words, lots of theorizing. Maybe for sensitive feelers (from diplomat class), the analytic class of mbti people (as in: entp's) really do seem alien, idk. He has four mistresses to attend. So I’ve decided that I’m either an ENTP or ESFJ but I’m not sure which one. If you’ve been in an ENFJ/ENTP relationship, what advice would you have for me? Two people (not people I know in real life) have typed me, and I find that I think they are both, to an extent, correct. FeNi being the ENFJ primary functions. Does he bleed a lot due to extreme sports? Yes. The ENFJ will be the one people turn to for help. No, I wouldn’t say I’ve necessarily behaved like an ENTP when unhealthy, but my ENTP friend took the test once and got ENFJ. Mostly because ENFJs aren't as driven/aggressively relentless as us, and are focused more on helping those around them and get distracted because of this. Also look at inferior function. I think I see far more immature INFJ than ENTPs from my personal experience. I'd say the mistyping were an understandable one given how the 3w4 ENFJ manifests in the world. I’m an ENTJ who before learning about the functions in depth, had a lot of trouble figuring out if I was an ENTP or ENTJ because the 16 personalities quiz typing me as an ENTP at first. ESFJ bff: constantly ITCHING for that GD goal until they are sure they got it. The second pair is where compatibility is with the S function but Fe of the ENFJ is top most and for the INTP the last. Etc) The 60yr old gives me pamphlets, the 40yr old gives me links to articles. Or check it out in the app stores &nbsp; am i a sensitive and caring entp 2w3 or just an enfj 2w3? ENTP. I’ve also been typed as an ENFJ and in some cases an INFJ because I have well developed Fe. We have all the same cognitive functions, just jumbeled up. They'll act brave and tough but when things get stressful they prefer flight over fight. I think he said that because of how often I switch between Ne and Ni during conversations. My work ethics are like an ENTJ. I’d always been typed as ENFP for a long time. Dies from I often seen Ricky Gervais typed as either ENTJ or ENFP even more than ENTP or ENFJ. Another way to think about it is cognitive functions. So, while the ENFP may draw people in and excited them early, it may not last because they don't know when to hit the brakes. Actually there was a wonderful P My (ENFJ) husband is an ENTP and we have a fantastic relationship. These ENTP stereotypes only go so far. Other than the fact that the order is completely different, the intuitive and sensing functions are opposite. I would have a hard time if I were in a relationship with an ENFP or a ENTJ. I've realized that being super open to a lot of possibilities act (Think of the general teen horniness and “confusion” about “who I like best,” or “what I am attracted to!” How to “look cool,” vs “how to be myself. 498K subscribers in the mbti community. Online ESTP looks like ENTPs IRL. Locked post. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. Not to mention, how rare they are. In the world ENTP looks like ESTP online. 🥹 As someone else mentioned, the Se activity level and physical exercise, combined with his open-mindedness and desire to innovate, self-improve, and try new things are all what . Thank you so much for your insight! I really think I’m leaning more towards ISFJ at this point because I realize I relate to the function stack a lot more than I thought I did originally. Take Neil deGrasse Tyson for example, who is often typed as ENFJ which I agree with. I hope it happend because you're just young. Although Ne adds an abstract, scattered spin to it, they are still very logical. ENFJs can also be prone to mistyping as Ne dom's because: A - Fe dom's embody many of the stereotype associated with Ne dom's: they can be very outgoing, very engaged in their surroundings, and can come across as quite quirky. While ENFJ has planned a big celebration or somewhat announcement etc to her society INTP probably has got 100+ browser tabs about something that only INTP But why? Entp is NeTiFeSi Enfj is FeNiSeTi They arent similar in functions or their positions but people constantly differ on people. Disadvantage goes the same way when you don't want to. Ni Parent: Ni is connected to the introverted thinking judgement function. For the past year or two I’ve considered myself an ENFP. Ne vs Ni: an ENTP likes to explore ideas with their intuition for the sake of exploration. However, ESTPs are doers and achieve a lot more than ENFJ. For an ENFJ it's just first nature. Sometimes I still don’t want to be an ENTP! 🙃 For example, over the passed weekend there was this really cringe post on ENTP about “why we should make cannibalism legal,” (hint it really shouldn’t be,) and I, along with a few others, were like “wtf is the post? Hey ENTP here, I’ve started a friendship with an ENFJ and I really enjoy their company. Less with ENFP nowadays, since I know it doesn't work in the long run. It may be because of our ENFJ/ENTP dynamic, or it may be because we’re both big nerds, or a bit of both. Both big intuitive users, the ENFJ can make the ENTP feel like the most special person in the world, whilst the ENFJ can be encouraged to fulfill that individual drive as apposed So, as an ENTP, according to many popular models, you extrovert your intuition, meaning that when you use your intuition, you tend to do it in a group context, or imagine that you are bouncing the idea off of another person in conversation (an example is imaginatively brainstorming new ideas in a creative ways, we are good at this). (also applied to the INTP Ti as top most and last in ENFJ) This huge difference in the first pair of fucntions will definitely cause a rift. - ENFJ has more heavy presence to the surrounding, ENFP is more light hearted and funny. (True for all types). " Sorry about the piano with mitts on feeling lol. There a ENFJ & INFJ use every power for good - but that good could well be at self expense for a ENFJ and never will be at self expense for a INFJ Selfless & Selfish - also start same but with different meaning, looking the same circle - u can see a center focused - conversely expansion focused, driving mirror can read ambulance in opposite way. i know both of these are quite different, but i found myself struggling between these two types. Ti-Fe (ENTP) vs Fi-Te (ENFP) The way I interpret this is that the ENTP uses Ti to make sense of the world around them through independent thinking, but explain it in a very charismatic, playful, agreeable way that's pleasing to people (Fe). e. Does he flirt with everyone? Yes. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I'd also add that unhealthy ENTPs are very immature—everything's a joke to them and they act provocatively "for the memes. ENTP. It’s not hard to see where an ENTP could look like an ENFJ if they’re in touch with Fe. Even though tests kept coming up with INFJ, I knew that wasn't right, and I thought I was ENFP, ENTP, ENFP, then INFP for months, using excuses to justify why Fi fit me much better than Fe. hello infp here! genuinely curious as to what attracts (most of you?) according to the mbti’s ideal matches. I am also a very sensitive person as you’ve said ISFJs are common I'm an ENFP and my older sister is an ENFJ. My brother is ENTP; I am ENFJ, and we are too close to each other. But an ENFJ's preferred approach (the default) is to process life experiences through feeling first and foremost. 5 year plans) are altruistic many times, more community focused than ‘bottom line’ focused. Because I thought through both sides. And I felt weaker after being with her as I get so feely and touchy on the outside world, sort of breaking my barrier for surviving the outside world. So while I agree that ENFJ’s should be easy to spot as they are quite different to ESFJ’s, from the outside I don’t know that it is as easy to do so, especially of the ENFJ is blending in. We, entp's are weird in this department, unemotional and stuff. also, Im not really comfortable with being For ENTP, this is Ne+Fe, whereas ENFJ uses Fe+Se. But today for… Fe vs Fi (tbh I don't think I have much Fi) - Socially speaking, I grew up a quiet kid (and a girl, so more socialization there) and only really got into my loud/sarcastic personality after meeting my ENFJ friend. On the other hand ENFJs have to try hard to put everything into a logical framework, while that's second nature to ENTPs. Hey, welcome to r/mbtimemes - reddit's community for memes about MBTI and its 1… I hope you don't mind the INFP mother's thoughts on her INFJ/ENFJ identical twins. since they used the same functions with only their… 1)my brother is an ENFJ, however i had never met Enfj woman irl but they seem too busy with their tons of friends. That's a good way to put it. New comments The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. Everyone thinks and feels. So good step in leaving that bad experience behind you. ENTPs seems to have less self awareness tbh. They usually follow the crowd while ENFJ’s usually oppose it. Plus, half of the time, they talk the talk and never actually do. I could see an ENFJ being interested in science after developing some Ti. rmc pthl fyvj fibb furkd pfdyowyf jgmpaf fvsh zdfvbre qiv