807 class ab2 It is possible to customise and change the operating mode at any time. 20Ohm resistors also worked. With cathode follower grid drivers, the 807 can easily produce some 30W of audio output, though specced at 26. 807 Amps Not entirely sure of the impedence of the opt's but should be 9k-10k, also has a Aug 27, 2020 · I recently prototyped a AB2 807 amp and tried various valves but a 12BH7 CF did the job well supplied from a -80v rail. In the 6J5 datasheet, we get some instructions on how to do this. I built an amp using 1625 tubes (12v equiv of the 807), push pull class AB1 with a UL output stage and using the mullard front end, in the inverter tail I put an IXYS 10M45 sink. The schematic is as follows: so you get away with a making a few watts in class AB1 without fixed bias. The OPT for class AB2 would really need a bigger pri Z, this after trying a bigger secondary load, power OP went up and 807’s IN CLASS B WITH ZERO BIAS A. If you have a whole bunch of 807's, sell some off and get the iron that'll work with this. Apr 25, 2011 · Well time has come for me to try and build an 807 amp. 807 tube pinout diagram. Amplifier 75 watt Class AB2 5B/250A Kit Brimar STC; Foots Cray, build 1950 ??, 1 schematics, Great Britain , pictures, tubes, semiconductors, Kit (Parts plus A pair of 6L6's working in class AB2 push pull would deliver 47 Watts at 2% distortion. The "807" Push-Pull amp using driver boards below. . Looking at this it says with 360v HT, g2 @ 225v output z is 6000 ( 6000 /3= 2000, so near our 1900 ohms of the OPT) = 31w OP @ 8% THD, this is in Class AB2 though. The 807/6L6 family of tubes can be driven into AB2 which allows 80 watts from a pair of 807 with a +600 volt B+ and 300v screen supply, and fixed bias is only ever used, because the amount of class A The First Class interior of a Class 807. Given that this is a class A1 amplifiers, the driving requirements are simple. Potatohead" 815 amp - 50W from 2 tubes in class AB2. 5% THD without feedback. Dec 4, 2015 · I managed to find a more complete 807 datasheet. Dec 8, 2007 · wether class a, ab1, ab2, b1, or b2, inverse feedback cuts into your gain, but does wonders for sound quality and for output impedencefor sound quality you might check eico's hf20for a unique approach, try the macintosh mc-60the end plate says something to the effect of Caution:while this amplifier is rated 60 watts continuous output Jan 7, 2007 · The RCA spec sheet for the 807 promises a maximum of 120W for deep Class AB2, again, not a Q-Point with audio excellence in mind, but rather lotsawatts for modulator service. 807s were used in audio power amplifiers, both for public address and Hi-Fi application, usually being run in push-pull pairs in class AB1 or AB2 giving up to 120 watts of usable power. Two Class AB2 807's are a much easier load than eight in Class AB1, trioded. [9] Aug 27, 2020 · So all the way thru, differential, 6V6s running Class AB2. The effective resistance per grid should be below 500R and the highest effective impedance at the highest desired resonse frequency should not exceed 700R. Push-pull driver PCB, a (nearly) universal driver for push-pull amps "Jonokuchi", a single-ended tube headphone / speaker amp. The 807 is a beam tetrode vacuum tube, widely used in audio- and radio-frequency power amplifier applications. Mar 25, 2018 · Maybe I try some other 807 brands some time. That was obviously the main design criterion: max power and efficiency with little to no consideration given for the sonics. I see coupling capacitos, though, which prevent grid current. Best regards! See full list on qsl. The Hammond 125E is set for a steeper loadline in order to match Class AB2 conditions. In Class A1, there is no current flowing on the 807 grid. Apr 28, 2007 · If you need lotsawatts, two 807's in Class AB2 will give some 80W with 3. 807 SSB Method: 50 kc filter New Price Title: 807 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-07-09 Created Date: 7/9/2011 4:21:18 PM Vortexion A short history - 2. I bought two 6BL7's for a future amp to do this job but 12BH7's and 6SN7's are used in several 807 AB2 designs. A resistance-coupled voltage amplifier seems to be all that is needed. Mar 15, 2020 · Although the amp sounded really nice in AB2, the OPT's were wound with a PPP OP stage in mind, and a friend in Oz is after sending me some NOS 807's bless im, therefore i'm leaning towards either class AB1 or extended class A. Probably though the best known of the Vortexion range which appeared around this time was an amplifier known as the “Wimbledon” and the “Super Fifty” this used as the power output, a pair of 807 beam tetrodes in class AB2; at first glance these may appear to be a slightly unconventional choice of valve as they were more often found in the RF or driver Our power amplifiers in Mono technology offer a power spectrum starting with 12. In case of overdrive they get charged and produce blocking distortions. Mar 12, 2022 · Yes, CF's usually are used to provide grid current in class AB2 or similar applications. The same principle applies to all output tubes, not just 807. Jul 30, 2020 · The amplifier is running x4 807 Transmitting tubes at class AB1 in Ult This is a demo video of the 30W Watt push-pull class AB amplifier I recently finished. If you look at the STC 807 datasheet there's an AB2 design in there to give you a start. The makers code. Regarding the output power of pentodes, tetrodes and these two types of tubes strapped as triodes: a PP Class AB1 amp's power output is roughly 4 times greater than one tube in SE Class A pentode mode and 8 times greater than one tube in SE Class A triode mode. Otherwise some wild HF oscillations appeared at a specific output level, perhaps because of poor russian 807 specimen. If you're willing to go Class AB2, you can get 80W or more, which requires increasing the plate voltage to 600Vdc, and is not recommended with 6L6s. Something to think about. 807 (class ab2) New Price/Year: $450/1952-1954 Size: 12. Our power amplifiers are equiped with 807 radio tubes in the output stage and Noval double triodes (ECC801S and ECC82) in the input and driver stage. net The 807 is excellent but isn't the best choice for high power MI applications. In December 2019, Avanti West Coast placed an order for 10 seven-car electric units which will replace its Class 221 fleet, along with 13 Class 805 bi-mode units as part of £350 million contract with Hitachi Rail. Driving the 807. In the proposed circuit, the number of current paths was reduced and the phase compensation suitable for high speed operation was employed. A pair can deliver up to 60 gracefully distorted watts in AB1 @ 600V plates / 300V screens and can go up to 120 watts max in AB2 @ 750V plates / 300V screens. They should be a good match for this schematic. 25"d Final Tube(s): 2ea. 5W triode class A up to 200W tetrode class AB2. A lot of power in the 1940s and 1950s. The OddWatt amp is a modern incarnation of such a Class A PP amp. The use of 4BQ7 & 6BQ7 in audio may surprise some. For the LCDs used in the mobile terminals, low power dissipation and high speed operation are required. Rows of 807's were the mainstay of transmitters and modulators during and after WW2 and were common in PA amplifiers. Class-A2 1636 amp using a power opamp driver UY-807はプレート電圧を750VのAB2級プッシュプルとすれば100W以上の最大出力が得られる球であるが、今回は3極管接続で最大出力12~13Wで設計する。 3極管接続プッシュプルの動作規格は以下の通りである。 Apr 4, 2006 · Driver stage should be capable of supplying the grids of the Class AB2 stage with the specified peak grid voltage at low distortion. 5W. The proposed circuit was fabricated using May 28, 2016 · The Mullard 5-20 style frontend (as used in the Poseidon and Dynamutt) are solid. 807 SSB Method: 50 kc filter New Price Feb 11, 2006 · 807 generic The story goes that the 807 was the type that inspired the nickname 'bottle' for valves because they were so large. I have 2indentical power and OPT x-formers, and 4 identical chokes to work for this circuit. 0"w x 17. I completely revised the wiring with shorter connections. Output transformers make all the difference in the world for high frequency ease and extension. Our all glass 6l6GT version has a description of the electrode construction. The metal tube hides the inner construction. M. Certainly they were the first choice for any sort of power application, radio or audio, for many years. The RCA logo. However, comparatively little use has been made of its excellent class AB, characteristics in’ af _modulator service, Modulator Tube(s): 2ea. 5"h x 20. May 16, 2024 · "Mr. It was necessary to add HF coils (made of 1,5mm silver wire) to the 807 anode caps. Sevsoitp, W2RYI During the intervening years since its development by RCA back in 1936, the 807 has become the Amateurs’ number one favorite rf trensmitting tube. In this paper, high speed, low power dissipation and rail-to-rail input/output class AB amplifier is proposed. Jan 28, 2016 · Having recently built an amp with an 807 push pull UL connected output stage, it definitely can deliver the sonic goods. The nastiness can be tamed, and the type capable of excellent sonic performance. Modulator Tube(s): 2ea. In earlier work I found them to be damn near as good as 6SL7 & 6SN7 at a ¼ of the cost. utv mjxdy ulzq jaja qvppa mgfb epdwoms gups yibjgp ilwqh