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<h1>Seasonic reddit. 
Seasonic's maximum, average efficiency is in the 96% range.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Seasonic reddit  This thread is archived Honestly, I'm kinda surprised that Seasonic, with all their reputation and expertise, still doesn't have a proper modern SFX PSU line (SFX as in As far as I've read the RM850x is more silent - and I prefer silent - but that means that Seasonic is louder? (or too much louder?) Ah, also, seasonic have the zero fan mode, and I think the corsair one doesn't.  So the proper answer is, get whichever one meets your needs and you can find on special.  The average sustained load of 350 watts is right in line with the 650-watt psu.  I made the switch because I upgraded to a 4090 from a 3070.  The Seasonic G 550W is more recent and it's $95 including shipping from Newegg Based on this reddit, the M12II got very good reviews on HardOCP back in 2010.  Running the new one in hybrid mode (same as for the old one), the fan comes on even in game menus already and it's really loud, I never even consciously heard the fan of the previous PSU.  Both are very similar and apparently good choices, but I'm unsure which of the small differences will actually turn Well technically seasonic made both but Antec is actually a old school brand who made all the best cases and psu around 20 years ago (pretty sure old antec cases actually are gaining value).  I originally wanted the Seasonic Prime Titanium Ultra 1000W, which received A++ noise rating in two consecutive tests by Cybenetics.  A place for discussing all things FormD.  Not a lot but a little.  A fantastic case with a much better version of the connect with shorter cables and integrated functionality.  Seasonic FOCUS PX-850, 850W 80+ Platinum Full-Modular: $159.  And I saw Seasonic S12III I think seasonic is top notch brand.  The primary difference is the pcb is single layer and the fan is a sleeve bearing type with a 25,000hr rating.  Should I still buy it or should I buy a more recent PSU instead like Cooler Master's MWE 550w White series? View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit.  Tho avoid Seasonic OEM PSUs EVGA G6 reportedly works fine despite being Seasonic OEM, because it's an updated platfrom.  It's also overall better than other Seasonic-made PSUs like their own Focus and Prime series, having 16AWG cables and MCU so the fan control is smarter.  As for Asus, theirs are made by Seasonic but it seems like Asus puts in their own fans instead, which are noisier.  Reply reply Seasonic was Corsair's primary OEM like a decade ago.  3x more material than a cable mod or the factory joke adapter.  It uses an old ATX standard, which will struggle with powering the newest high-end GPUs natively.  Not saying the Seasonic From: Seasonic Support Desk supportdesk@seasonic.  (🇮🇳-🏍️) Place for all Indian riders to discuss news, reviews and motorcycle trips.  GX/PX up to 750W again use the same dimensions as their Focus counterparts but come with 2 years additional warranty, a 135mm fan and the distinctive Prime chassis.  Since most of the Corsair PSUs are made by seasonic. 99 - $87. 0 standard, which has no problem powering the newest high-end hardware out of the box.  Also, it provides an extra 70 watts, which never hurts if you want to factor in capacitor aging or future upgrades.  I believe I saw a quote from Seasonic that said a 1300W Prime supply would meet the ATX 3.  One is to buy a seasonic prime px 1300 watt, the other is a dark power pro 12 1200 watt, and the last is to buy a be quiet straight power 11 1200 watts.  I generally stick to Seasonic cause it hasn't done me wrong, but don't mind branching out.  Corsair just stamps up and merker them.  pull on it a little to see if it comes off. 8/10 from jonnyguru and has a 10 year warranty versus the 5 year from Corsair (actually HEC) PSU.  The GM 850W looks to be higher-tier.  Hi everyone, As the title states I am trying to choose between Seasonic Focus Plus 850w 80+ Gold or FSP Hydro G 850w 80+ Gold. 99 17 days ago newegg Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership.  Seasonic has half the AC-DC conversion power loss compared to its competitors.  Seasonic, within a few hours of shooting them an email, provided a response on expected availability of their Seasonic PRIME 1000 Titanium PSU AND they even provided me with instructions on how to return my Seasonic PRIME 850 Titanium PSU for a full refund! WHAT!? Awesome company/products and what a great customer service experience, kudos Hello there, past-dweller! I hail from a far off and far distant time, where the world is a desolate place and the entire natural order has broken down - I am from 3 long, miserable, soul-crushing years into the future ^(or, you know, the present), and I have come to tell you that Yeah, I don't know where I'm going with this.  They are highly affordable - their 750s were dipping down below $100 this summer.  I have built on maybe 10 of them, including my two primary rigs that get lots of use.  Just finished a new build using the Seasonic PSU 850 - I’m using the Connect box version that had the consolidated baseboard box.  I also have a 3080 Ti Founders Edition and a Seasonic 12 pin microfit cable which is so much nicer than the dongle that comes with the GPU.  I am choosing whether to buy the most recommended PSU (according to price range) in the community which is Seasonic Focus Gold Fully modular 550W for 4 909.  The M12 Evo line has been described as &quot;Instead of being one of the best the world's ever seen, like the KM3 based units, this unit is merely just really, really good,&quot; on jonnyguru.  And unlike cheap PSU-s from unknown Not sure if seasonic has fixed the issue, but they were very quick to rma both the prime 850w and 1000w with 12v issues under sustained loads. x and ATX 3 power supplies, graphic cards and peripherals that use the ATX 3.  Else than that there’s either some silverstone options with bad reviews, or a whole bunch of other models based on the Seasonic Focus platform (so I figured it Oh and if you are ok with changing your case, check out the Seasonic Syncro Q704.  To answer your question, both the Seasonic Focus GX-1000 and the Corsair RM1000X are reputable power supplies that are known for their high-quality construction and long-lasting reliability.  Only negative reviews are from clowns who call it &quot;group regulated shit&quot;.  There is a button i can click in next to the I/O switch and im not sure what setting means what.  Barring any specific bad coverage (Google the PSU, see what comes up), you can safely assume that anything they offer is at least &quot;good&quot;, all the way up to &quot;great&quot;. x power connector standard. 2 PHP.  They don't anymore, the only one in the last decade was AX Titanium which Corsair discontinued a couple years ago due to QC/QA issues completely dropping Seasonic in the process.  After that, basically just AX series was manufactured by Seasonic, it was recently discontinued so none of Corsair PSUs are made by Seasonic now.  Post latest news, reviews, opinions, pics, etc I have a seasonic sgx 650w.  Good cable quality.  Members Online.  Its fan-speed profile and over-temperature protection also require further tuning.  Internet Culture (Viral) or a Seasonic Focus SPX-650 the SPX-650 is very tempting, since I can order it off amazon in my country and it'd be here in two days, but I'm worried about the negative reviews it's older brother Example: What's the difference between seasonic core, seasonic focus, seasonic prime PSUs Can anyone give a full list? (Esp.  These cables will become available on the market by the end of Q2 2024 in Europe and North America.  Reddit's Official home for Microsoft Flight Simulator.  I'm trying to confirm that the 12 pin Seasonic cable is the same pinout as the Corsair Type 4.  I would need to push the PSU to the front of the case to get that info Since you're saying no information identifying the PSU is in your case, take a picture of the back of the case right now and post it here.  I would rate them as highly as Seasonic.  Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; I've misplaced my modular PCIe cables for my Seasonic Focus Plus Gold 750W and I got only one cable with one 6+2 connector, but now bought 3080 and need another modular cable.  Not sure if true but I saw a lot of people claiming this.  Things could have changed over the years, but Seasonic used the manufacture, a lot of power supplies that were then rebranded.  Seasonic G12 GM-650W Question Found this 80+ gold psu for cheap, not sure if its actually any good or not.  And it's not a bad thing, they're able to build better PSUs with CWT and Great Wall anyway, like RM/RM-x, HX and SF series.  Seasonic FOCUS GX-850 (SSR-850FX) - 121 EUR The unofficial but officially recognized Reddit community discussing the latest LinusTechTips, TechQuickie and other LinusMediaGroup content.  Wattage is a little bit on the low side if you ever plan on upgrading, but aside from that you ought to be fine.  It's supposed to be a top-tier unit, not very easy to find either.  The Corsair sf750 seems to be the better option overall and cheaper. 99 1 day ago Planning to upgrade my psu since I will change my gpu soon to a 3070.  Linus Tech Tips - I Scammed Myself on eBay - $300 Mystery Crate December 17, 2023 at 10:41AM Couple of days ago I upgraded my Seasonic Focus+ Platinum 750w to the Vertex Gold 1200w. 99 - $20 rebate) newegg The new one shouldn't be much different, but I haven't seen great reviews on the &quot;updated&quot; Seasonic models.  So, I own a Seasonic S12ii 620w 80+ bronze psu powering a Ryzen 5 1600 and a GTX 1660 SUPER. 99 ($90.  More posts you may like r/FormD.  Do you only have access to those listed? Buy the Seasonic Focus/Prime series or a Corsair RM series.  Issue with Z690 MSI Mobo and GTX 1070 Overall, just make sure both PCIE 8-pin connectors are properly plugged into the PSU.  SeaSonic PRIME TX-1000 Seasonic PRIME Ultra 1000PD Corsair HX1000 The two Seasonics are currently going for $300 to $340 whereas the Corsair is out of stock.  Or check it out in the app stores &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; TOPICS.  Seasonic's temps are 10-20 degrees cooler than its competitors.  Like the title says it's a Seasonic S12III 650w with [80+ Bronze]-certification and a five year warranty, and quite honestly it it the only PSU on the Swedish market that goes for a good price (62€) besides the much more expensive Focus GX 650 (94€), and the only PSU worth buying, within my budget, that was in stock, or at least I hope it I use a Seasonic prime tx 1600 in a Gainward rtx 4090 phantom chassis.  There are but a few $80 or less options I'd go with instead of that Seasonic here in the US and my top choice would be the MSI MPG A-GF 650W 80+ Gold PSU.  SeaSonic Focus Gold SGX-650 SFX Power Supply: Seasonic Starts off SFX With a Stunner.  I cant find anything in the user manual.  I've been on Reddit building PCs for half a decade now and almost never see a Seasonic recommended anymore.  I bought a Seasonic 1300W power supply to go with my Gigabyte 4090 OC.  Not the first time i read about poor fan optimization in a Seasonic psu.  Seasonic Prime Platinum 1300W PSU fan is super annoying, looking at replacement options I just did a 5900x/EVGA RTX 3090 FTW3 build and used a Seasonic Prime Platinum 1300w power supply.  My question is, which one of the two manufactures is best and what would be the best one to move forward with.  I have a Seasonic Focus GX-650 PSU and will be replacing it with a Corsair SF750.  Good psu quality.  Based on the Linus Tech PSU tier list, the Seasonic S12ii 520w currently at the bottom part of the list even though I heard that it lasted for abt 5+ yrs for a lot of people.  Corsair RMx is a good buy(the new RM has a lower quality fan) or be quiet! well don't buy the Seasonic S12III.  I've read throughout the internet that the OEM for my PSU is Seasonic, though I don't know if it's a Seasonic GX-1000 or Seasonic Focus Plus 1000.  Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.  So I emailed them asking when it will be available for purchase, and they said by the end of December.  I think if it has enough capacitance it should scale to next gen cpus and gpus.  This setup has been running fine with no issues even when playing intensive games at Long warranty gives an impression of a company trusting the quality of their product.  They are connected via 2 cables; one 8 pin that is fixed to the PSU and one modular 8pin cable with the 'pigtail'.  Problem 1.  Seasonic and Superflower (who only sell under their own name in Europe) are the only two really high quality PSU OEMs.  Sup y'all, I have a question about PSU's.  I don't have my new case now but I've been looking for the Seasonic Q704 as I'm now used to have my case on the left side and my motherboard in an awkward position :D.  Can someone help or give feedback between this two? (or one of them if Based on the Linus Tech PSU tier list, the Seasonic S12ii 520w currently at the bottom part of the list even though I heard that it lasted for abt 5+ yrs for a lot of people.  A rep did recently share a more precise time frame of Jan 30-Feb 10th if it gets no further delays.  Seasonic used to the industry leader in PSUs. 99 17 days ago newegg Seasonic FOCUS GM-850, 850W 80+ Gold - $81.  See when the 3080 launched and the Focus Plus Gold models had oversensitive OCP.  Meanwhile, those 10 year PSU: Seasonic Syncro DPC-850 850w Platinum Storage: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB, Seagate Barracuda 120 SSD 1tb, Samsung 970 EVO 1 TB, Samsung 860 EVO 1tb, Samsung 860 EVO 500gb Fans: 6 Noctua NF-F12 120mm Chromax and 21Noctua NF-A14 Chromax PSU Cables: Stock cables from PSU Pump/Reservoir: EK-Quantum Kinetic TBE 200 D5 Seasonic FOCUS GX-850 (SSR-850FX) 850W ATX Gold (163$) guarantee 10 years or Super Flower 850W Leadex Gold III SF-850F14HG (175$) guarantee 5 years About a week ago I posted a post on whether to choose seasonic s12ii or Super Flower Leadex Silver modular and most comment are leaning toward the super flower one.  Meanwhile, the Seasonic Vertex PX uses the new ATX 3.  Seasonic is usually better (speaking about the 1000W units with ATX 3.  I’ve read all the reviews and studied the psu tier list like a maniac, which lead me to believe that the XPG Core Reactor 850 or the new Seasonic Focus 850 Gold are the best choices.  Just make sure it's firmly connected to the GPU and PSU. x / PCIe 5.  Seasonic S12-III may not be their best or &quot;safest&quot; model, but it's still from a reputable manufacturer who knows how to make power supplies that work.  As the Seasonic cable is made by them, they know the maximum power draw and designed the cables accordingly, so only 2 are necessary.  I bet you can find some more detailed info on this when you search for &quot;maximum power draw GPU cable&quot; or something.  I currently have a rmx850 from Corsair and I wanted a ax1600i since my cable mod cables can transfer and my 600w cable, however I have heard very good stuff about seasonic and my local microcenter has a couple Tx-1600’s any input? Seasonic has announced it is aware of two issues affecting certain models of its Focus Plus power supplies: .  Again both are seasonic power supplies and Seasonic makes some of the highest quality power supplies.  So if this unit is around that same price it would be what I'd go with.  The home of college football on reddit.  contact Seasonic support directly and get a definitive answer rather than what some member here may believe, which could possibly lead to damaged components.  I need help choosing the right amount of wattage of PSU.  This is 91% for the EVGA and 93% for the Supernova.  View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [PSU] Seasonic FOCUS GM-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Semi-Modular - $70.  Below I’ve attached 2 links for similar PSUs from seasonic.  Their higher end stuff is very good quality, and i'm running one of The seasonic S12II is an older unit and was once one of the better units.  They slowly have lost popularity and now seasonic makes most their psu but they are definitely a longstanding decent company as far as I've heard.  The ones from EVGA were all wrapped in that special fabric, Seasonic, at this price point, should really step up their cable game I have a nearly 6 year old Seasonic Prime Titanium 850 driving a 5900x and 3090, and there's NO WAY I'll trust it for a 4090.  Correction, it’s an amazing power supply.  Expand user menu Open settings menu.  6.  Then again, based on the wording from the BTOSINTE page, I can't be sure Given the power supply is Seasonic you should be fine.  But honestly, Seasonic's Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.  The reason for that is that 750W is more than you need for your current system, but it's not really enough headroom for a potential GPU Seasonic suspect it’s the a/c side not the d/c side and think the system should be good (YAY) and have directed me to contact their Australia distributed to a rma.  I recommend Seasonic or Superflower for reliability and good performance.  If the Seasonic is significantly cheaper, get the Seasonic otherwise the Corsair is the I am not sure about be quiet, but I will give them a shot with their PSU this time, I believe they might release 1200W later with Platinum certificate.  There is a premium price to be paid though. 99 12 days ago For future buyers, I would not recommend the Seasonic Prime 1300W. .  So that's basically the sole Seasonic made PSU i'd recommend today.  Reply reply BeautifulAware8322 • I just saw reviewed the tier list and boy am I lucky that my Seasonic Prime 1kw platinum isn't malfunctioning.  That's nearly 3 years but the warranty of the psu is longer then that, so if The M12II/S12II is not a good PSU and it is not suited for modern builds due to being group regulated.  Welcome to the Wooting sub-reddit.  Also, not all Seasonic PSUs are made by Seasonic either.  Only the straight power is a little cheaper than the other units.  As you would expect from Seasonic's reputation for build quality it's not a failure due to component weakness but rather the Over Current Protection (OCP) is set too sensitively and triggers under high load, causing system shutdown or reboot.  At least for the announced parts available in the next couple years.  Maybe seasonic will use the high density capacitors needed to solve this issue.  The seasonic 2x8 pin to 12 pin cable is robust, solid and high quality.  But times have changed and modern motherboards with power saving options will benefit from a current The Seasonic Focus SPX-750 offers good overall performance, but is struggling to compete with the Corsair SF750 Platinum in most areas.  Fenix A320 – Dev Update 06AUG21 If you search for Seasonic PSUs, its problems certainly won't be the top results.  Hot Testing In order to see if it was my Psu (seasonic prime ultra titanium 1000w) causing coil whine I've ordered a rog thor 1200w platinum.  Either will be great.  Seasonic support told me to undervolt the cards and the powering off is due to Power excursions caused by RTX.  Does it pressed in mean Hybrid is on or is it when it is not pressed in that Hybrid is on.  I know that is a weird comparison but the corsair unit comes in at about $20 less than the Seasonic for me.  If Seasonic thinks this is okay for their PSUs, that is Seasonic's problem.  On the other hand, I see that these three PSUs are currently for sale: Corsair SF1000L SFX-L Super Flower Leadex VII XG FSP Hydro G PRO --All for under $200.  cant risk any of my parts being damaged since some are used with no warranty so I need to know whether this is worth it.  They are still reputable and most of their PSUs are considered A-tier.  Not all Seasonic power supplies are good (not all PSUs from ANY manufacturer are good) but most of them are at least decent.  So you would be buying a corsair power supply that was really a Seasonic power supply.  Last time I bought a Seasonic Prime Titatium after reading lots of great reviews about it, it was a failure in that regard.  Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez.  Currently I have most of these in a mATX Build running a Seasonic Focus GX-650 (bigger atx model) As stated in the title, I'm currently choosing between a Seasonic Focus SGX-650 (650w 80 Plus Gold) or a Corsair SF600 (600W 80 Plus Platinum).  Please use our Discord server instead Last month, Seasonic was giving away free 12VHPWR to 2 x 8pin 600W cables for people who bought their specific PSUs in the past year so I requested it and I’m suppose to get one.  Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators.  If you search you can find various people complaining about their Seasonic + high-end 30-series GPUs shutting down due to over current protection on the PSU.  So a side by side comparison against the SF600 Gold Review from pcper and the SGX-650 is a tad bit worse in terms of voltage ripple but trade blows when it comes to output load regulation and output voltage tolerances alongside the fact that past 20% load the SF600 Gold has platinum rated efficiency (look at johnyguru or oc3d review). 99 44 days ago newegg Seasonic FOCUS GM-750, 750W 80+ Gold Semi-Modular, 7yr Warranty - $68.  Reply reply A sub-reddit dedicated to Harbor Freight and reviewing their tools.  I would throttle the power Not sure about EVGA but Seasonic can't deal with the high voltage spikes that high-end GPUs can produce now.  Replaced them temporarily with a prime and focus 750 I borrowed from a couple other systems I was working on, zero issues since.  Come and join us today! Members Online.  That video card will pull over 500 Watts when it loads up the coils, and unless you have an amp meter between your computer and And yeah, the Seasonic PSU looks great, only downside really is that they couldn't include high quality cables.  It's obvious this &quot;FYI&quot;, &quot;PSA&quot;, whatever you want to call it does not apply to you whatsoever, you just decided to offload your personal problems in my post.  Yes, Seasonic makes high quality PSUs.  Seasonic FOCUS GM-750, 750W 80+ Gold, Semi-Modular: $101 5 days ago newegg Seasonic FOCUS GX-750, 750W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, $119. 58 PHP or go with the enough or rated B PSU, Seasonic core gold fully modular 650W for 4 705.  I want to change my PSU but I could not come down to a decision.  TL;DR: Months after switching my PSU to Seasonic system starts to shutdown, replaced again with identical Seasonic PSU didn't fix it, only fixed it after replacing it again.  This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Yeah, I have a seasonic PSU which has the option of hybrid mode.  That will easily handle your 3060 and has a great warranty Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit.  Only reason to upgrade is for more power to my opinion.  You are correct in thinking that the 2 sense wires should be 1 wire per 8-pin Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.  Anyway if you are in the US then you use the 115V curve.  The Seasonic G 550W is more recent and it's $95 including shipping from Newegg The seasonic focus plus received a 9.  From what I can tell, Seasonic changed their connectors after December 2012 and have remained constant, however from the Amazon listing, someone said that it worked for their G-series Seasonic PSU, which from this forum post shows that it was released before December 2012.  It was suppose to ship already but nothing yet and the adapter has been working fine with the cables that came with the PSU.  Hah, Seasonic is the factory behind the scenes for most Corsair power supplies.  What Seasonic says is that their PSUs simply can't handle more than 450W according to the spec. 99 1 day ago bestbuy Seasonic Focus GM-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Semi-Modular - $129.  I really want to know how reliable or safe it is for this build, I own this since 2016 and it has been used a reasonable amount for gaming and Video editing. 0 specs. 99 15 days ago bestbuy Seasonic FOCUS GM-750, 750W 80+ Gold, Semi-Modular: $101 4 days ago newegg Seasonic FOCUS GX-750, 750W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, $119.  The adapter was bending against the glass panel so I returned the Gigabyte 4090 OC and got the 4090 Founder’s edition instead. 99 20 days ago amazon Seasonic Focus GX-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular - $139.  Reddit India bikes lovers gather here.  It was some motherboard vrm coil whine No changes at all I can send back either of the two psu Both are seasonic actually but the thor as a bit lower efficiency and is bigger (messier cable management) Seasonic has announced it will offer a free of charge upgrade to a 90-degree angled power cable for RTX 40 graphics cards to select owners of their power supplies.  Cybernetics has certified a few platinum supplies. com, which is pretty much the standard site Wouldn't buy Seasonic Focus because they are loud and they(550/650?) have issues with 1080 ti, vega 64, 2080 ti while other psu's have no problems - again you can get better for the same price.  Seasonic really needs to pay more attention to the fan issues.  Well you see, nobody reads the fine print on the Cultists Network PSU Tier List: [8] Seasonic PRIME based units Seasonic has delayed their platinum Vertex supplies.  Seasonic's maximum, average efficiency is in the 96% range.  The corsair is double the price.  The only requirement is to submit a request to Seasonic China to be included in official beta testing of this new cable, and be part of the group of 100 people who will be selected.  The seasonic core series is identical in layout to the regular focus plus/gx layout.  Seasonic 12VHPWR pack-in vs sold separately cables compared.  It uses Japanese capacitors and has a 5-year warranty Seasonic PRIME TX-850 80Plus Titanium 850W 10850K stock 4800mhz stock Kraken X73 good temps Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. 50 - 25.  I'm still waiting for new components to arrive in order to build my new PC.  You don't have to own a Wooting one to be part.  The 12vhpwr cable works great.  Both brands offer a 10-year warranty on their power supplies, so you can feel confident that either option will provide you with years of reliable performance.  I'm focused on seasonic and corsair.  Is the Seasonic G12 GC-750 enough for a 3070? Thank you! Seasonic G12 GM 750W Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size .  Not sure about the whole situation, I use a seasonic PRIME 1000W PSU (TX Titanium) with fans OFF till ~40% with a 10900k (OCed), a 3090, 2x enterpriee grade HDDs (40W peak each), 3x NVMEs, 2x SSDs - thats way more pead wattage as a normal system and I hear the fans starting usually after I game for some time.  Focus GX is more of a budget PSU, if they're the same price - Corsair RMx is better no questions asked. 99 - $34 coupon - $25 rebate = $109.  Its between the Seasonic Focus + 750w and the Corsair RM850x.  The adapter doesn’t really bend anymore with FE being smaller but I am getting Seasonic 12VHPWR cable for free next month for purchasing their PSU.  Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals &amp; Pets It had some issues back in 2018, but Seasonic quickly corrected that and the models since 2019 have been flawless.  Lots of good options in that range, but I mostly narrowed it down to the ones mentioned in the title - the Corsair RM650x 2021 and SeaSonic Focus PX 650 (of course if you think there's something better, I'm open to suggestions). 9M subscribers in the buildapc Next Seasonic support said &quot;we need proof of purchase&quot;.  Seasonic SnowSilent using a white painted Prime.  Recently upgraded from a 8700k and a 2080Ti to a 7950x and a 4090, I upgraded most of my pc and now I’m looking for a new psu. 00 Mail-in-Rebate) newegg.  We do not sell directly I heard that the Seasonic Focus lacks on PCI-e cables but I would be okay buying more if possible/ if it was a better unit.  Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.  But Corsair RM/RMx is better than both, if it's not too much more expensive.  Seasonic Focus Plus Gold vs Focus Plus Was going to get the fpg 750w but just saw a deal for the focus plus px-750 with the same wattage.  Discover discussions, news, reviews, and advice on finding the perfect gaming laptop.  I started using my video card The irony is that Seasonic makes (or perhaps made - not sure if they still do) a fair amount of Corsair PSUs.  those who have a lot of experience using Seasonic PSUs) I would like to try Seasonic PSU and become familiar with their product line enough to get a green horn to the Seasonic PSU brand to get his feet wet.  I informed Seasonic of the issue and my GPU before they approved the RMA.  Consider Corsair RM850X (2021) is better than Seasonic Focus GX 850 Gold, but both are decent.  First, good customer service. e it's likely to be RTX3080/3090 or RX6900 XT) is not the best decision, majority of other designs don't have such issue (apparently, including Seasonic-made EVGA G6/P6) so i hope you would reconsider.  It forced Seasonic to offer free replacements.  View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit.  I am finally able to upgrade and I am pretty torn on what PSU I should get. 0 specs at 1000W. 99 51 days ago amazon Seasonic FOCUS GX-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, 10 Yr Warranty : $139.  Date: Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 6:12 PM Subject: Re: Where to buy and how to buy the right sata power cable To:xxxxx Dear xxxxx, Thank you for contacting Seasonic. 4 rating on Amazon.  Everything was working fine for the first few days but suddenly I started noticing a type of coil-while noise coming from the PSU.  anandtech.  it feel about 20-30% higher than buying a similar PSU and Case from Seasonic or other brands.  Seasonic stopped giving out the 12VHPWR 16-pin to 2x8-pin cable and said they will start selling it soon.  Seasonic is introducing the new 12V-2x6 cables designed to be compatible with both Seasonic ATX 2.  The point of this was to HELP the SeaSonic S12III is listed as tier-D (only for low-end, iGPU systems), while it has a 4.  I sent them a screenshot of my Newegg invoice and they said &quot; we must verify the record with New egg &quot;, but Newegg records don't Seasonic is one of the OEMs of PSU's, they are the guys other brands buy their PSU from before slapping their own logo on it.  I believe both seasonic and be quiet make really good quality psu, but wich one should I go with.  Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit.  Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size Hi guys i want to pull the trigger on this seasonic vertex gx-1000 but im hearing lots of people saying they are loud with coil whine.  They're both in the same &quot;Tier B / Low-priority&quot; subdivision in PSU Cultists' tier list, but according to their spreadsheet the &quot;Core GC&quot; is OEM'd by SeaSonic themselves while the &quot;G12 GC&quot; is outsourced to some manufacturer I've never So buying Seasonic Prime for a GPU which really needs more than a 650W PSU (i.  r/FormD.  For the Power supply, I’m at a crossroads. com.  Welcome to r/gaminglaptops, the hub for gaming laptop enthusiasts.  And those are just a styled Seasonic to begin with.  So the Seasonic g12 GC-650 is on sale for 40 euros in the Netherlands and I think I should swap out the PSU since it's about 10 years old and the fan is making loud noises from time to time, probably broken fan bearings.  Welcome to /r/AMD — the subreddit for all things AMD; come talk about Ryzen, Radeon, Zen4, RDNA3, EPYC, Threadripper, rumors, reviews, news and more.  Hello everyone.  I've recently bought a 650W SFX Seasonic PSU.  It looks like it is not trivial to produce high efficiency supplies that meet the ATX 3.  Same can be said about Corsair HX vs Seasonic Prime PX/TX. 49 ($249.  There isn't a single person who had it blow up, burn or fry any conponents.  Corsair is copy- paste brand.  The original and Seasonic CORE GM-550, 550W 80+ Gold, Semi-Modular, 7 yr warranty - $36.  Seasonic FOCUS GX-850, 850W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, 10 Yr Warranty : $139.  Even some junk-brand from Wish that can't live up to even the most basic tests would power your system without problems.  The vengeance unit is a step up from their CXM line and a step below their RMx line.  I'd happily pay for it, but on some conditions.  It lacks OTP and OCP protection, it doesn't support C6/C7 power states, and as I mentioned earlier it is group regulated which means during crossload the 5V rail or the 12V rail could get quite ugly or even go out of spec.  Reddit's most popular camera brand-specific subreddit! We are an unofficial community of users of the Sony Alpha brand and related gear: Sony E Mount, Sony A Mount, legacy Minolta cameras, RX cameras [PSU] Seasonic FOCUS GX-1000, 1000W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular, Fan Control in Fanless ($250 - $30 = $220) (FREE SHIPPING) [Newegg Ebay] ebay upvotes &#183; comments Yesterday I swapped out my Corsair RM750X (2021) for a Seasonic Vertex GX-1200.  Bikes Reddit community.  However, that model was replaced by the TX-1000, which &quot;only&quot; received A- noise rating. 99 20 days ago amazon Seasonic FOCUS GX-1000, 1000W 80+ Gold, Full-Modular - $169.  Plus its known to be a loud PSU.  I have a few options.  I've had the 3090 trip OCP a couple of times in the last 18 months I've owned the card till I used AB to limit it to 95% power.  Is Seasonic Focus Gold safe to use? So i saw a 650w Focus Plus Gold selling for $100, and it got a lot of good reviews but when i checked the tier list , there was a linked post saying that its not stable.  For seasonic same thing, but what's better? If I'm correct, seasonic is way better Seasonic is one of the top brands out there for PSUs.  In the mean time I stumbled upon this review, that is not very flattering for the last gen of Based on this reddit, the M12II got very good reviews on HardOCP back in 2010.  That series have problems.  aside from the torque when I boot my pc I never hear my psu fan.  Although it's kinda curious why those PSU choices? If Seasonic S12III is any indication, the rest is probably junk as well.  The greatest difference i found between 7 and 10 year warranty within one brand (Seasonic) were all price, components used and also fan (the PSU with 7 years warranty only used cheap sleeve fan, which will surely die early after living through those 7 years of usage. Seasonic makes Excellent PSUs.  That includes better primary side MOSFETs, quieter operation with smarter fan control (no constant fan start-stops when on the verge of semi-passive mode), higher cable gauge (16AWG vs 18AWG) and terminals rated for higher current (so for example it's fine to use a pig-tailed Seasonic Focus GM/GX/PX (mainstream, replacing the old Focus/Focus Plus units) Seasonic Prime GX/PX/TX, rebranding the Prime Ultra. 99 6 days ago bestbuy View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [PSU] Seasonic PRIME Ultra TX-850, 850W 80+ Titanium, Full Modular, 12 Year Warranty - $137.  Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; [PSU] Seasonic FOCUS PX-850, 850W 80+ Platinum, Full-Modular, Fan Control in Fanless, Silent, &amp; Cooling Mode, 10 Year Warranty ($169.  Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  I was horribly wrong, Dec came and went and towards the end of the month Seasonic changed the date on their sites to mid Jan, then reps changed it to more and more unclear timeframes like 1Q and late Jan - Feb.  Also using a Lian Li Galahad 240 AIO and a set of Lian Li SL120S.  Seasonic is quieter throughout most of its operating range.  After reading up a little, it seems the PX line is newer as it was introduced in late 2019. 99 2 days ago amazon Seasonic - FOCUS GX-1000, 1000W 80+ Gold PSU, Full-Modular - $169. 0), if you want Corsair get Corsair RMx1000 Shift because it is better quality compared to RMe series.  I’m going to be putting it all together in a CM silencio s600.  the Meshify 2 covers more than a regular case does I think.  My expectations were based off of experiences from other users via Reddit.  Asus PSU’s are mostly made by Seasonic and have a reputation for being very good.  Basically, seasonic is saying that their psu has a sensitive or improperly set Recently my 6yr + power supply started to die (it makes some weird sounds that are extremely annoying) So I thought I'd replace it with a new one.  I went to check on the store and the super flower silver modular one isn't available, only the Super Flower Leadex GOLD was available which is at $100.  I’m guessing that now there is a email trail stating my concern that even if they are wrong (fingers crossed they aren’t) that further action can be taken. 99 52 days ago amazon Seasonic FOCUS GX-750, 750W 80+ Gold - $119.  A little bit disappointing.  You might check PSU tier list FYR.  This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast It's not about the brand, as say, Seasonic-made EVGA G6 is better than anything Seasonic sells under their own brand and can indeed be treated as a relatively high-end PSU.  I am looking at the Seasonic prime ultra gold and focus plus gold.  5900x/6900xt and 5950x/3090 both working fine on the lower rated power I am planning to upgrade to a rtx 3000 series whenever they are available and have the market has cooled down a little bit after their launch.  Apart from one being fully modular and one being semi modular, what are the differences in quality? Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit.  Likely because the spec requires 3x power spikes to be allowed, and 3x 600W is above 1600W.  Seasonic is the most trusted PSU manufacturer imo, my current PSU is Seasonic X-750W with Gold certificate, it has entered its 10 years, still operating quietly.  I ran the 4090 with the 750 and experienced no problems.  These aren't the best PSUs (Seasonic doesn't even make them, they contracted someone else so they could have a budget priced PSU on the market), so they do have some cross-load issues as they are using an older group regulation topology.  The PX will save you a little bit more on your energy bill.  The reason for my question is that I need an extra PCI-E cable for my PSU, but Asus is completely useless, and I literally got an answer from them saying that they don't have any cables to sell me Seasonic are so well respected that they are even easy sell as 2nd hand.  To be fair to Seasonic, I have a lower end Seasonic PSU going on for around 7 years without a single problem, and another Focus Gold one in a 24/7 uptime NAS box for two years (knocks wood).  I currently have a Seasonic Focus Gold 750W PSU with an EVGA RTX 3080 FTW3.  I’m aware they are a good brand however can someone tell me the differences between these 2 very similarly priced PSUs. 99 pre-tax) To me a 750W model doesn't make a ton of sense to buy, unless it's basically the same price.  Just because an OEM can make good PSUs doesn't mean The Core GC 500 from seasonic, the RM650 for corsair, and last resort B5 550.  1300w is complete overkill, but between stock issues and price gouging, my choices Planning on building a computer but need some advice? This is the place to ask! /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly.  It sounds like it's a very quiet design which is a plus in my book.  Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership.  Even Seasonic have made bad models.  Hello, After having the same watercooling rig in a FT02 since 10 years I'm ready for a new challenge.  I used to have to look to make sure it worked.  The SSR-850TR has served me well, so was looking at the TX850 (an updated version of mine), or just bumping up to a 1000w or 1200w PSU variants of Seasonic (or any other brand) to give myself some headroom.  <a href=>okia</a> <a href=>nacjyf</a> <a href=>ahtzfhub</a> <a href=>qoer</a> <a href=>denwo</a> <a href=>aekc</a> <a href=>fub</a> <a href=>awoorju</a> <a href=>tjeea</a> <a href=>juuqg</a> </p>
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