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Training / Employment.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Robertson county jail reckless driving false drug test falsification device evading arrest detention w/veh or watercraft poss cs pg 1 <1g prob viol tamper fabricate phys evidence Major Scott Jones began his career at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office in May of 1993. E. The Robertson County Jail & Sheriff is classified as a medium The Robertson County Jail serves as the primary correctional facility for Robertson County, Texas. Robertson. “They issued the indictment, the warrant was issued based on that indictment, and he was picked up in Ohio, all the while Robertson County Jail. 722. Learn about the jail's call system, mail policy, and visitation hours and rules. ) program in many schools throughout the county. Let them know the inmate’s name, any aliases, date of birth, the date range that the inmate may have been incarcerated, the crime they were charged with/convicted of, and Robertson County Sheriff’s Office 507 South Brown Street Springfield, TN. Springfield, TN – The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit arrested Shamontez Cheatham, age 27, and Latoyia Grady, age 35, The Robeson County Sheriff’s Office Detention Center, situated next to the NCDPS Lumberton Correction Institute, serves as the primary detention facility for individuals arrested in Robeson County by local law enforcement agencies. She was 25 years old on the day of the booking. (Action News 5) “He was the wrong person that was indicted,” said Wharton. Managed by the Robertson County Sheriffs Office, this facility is located at 113 Decherd Street, , PO Box 1109, Franklin, TX, 77856-1109. Address: Hearne, TX . As of the 2020 census, the population was 116,530. Macon County Sheriffs Department / Macon County Jail Tennessee 52, Orlinda, TN - 11. Phone: 979-828-3299 (24 hours) Email Robertson County Detention Facility is a 584-bed jail based in Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee. Do a search online using this person’s name, the town or city you think they were arrested in, and the crime you think they were arrested for. Brown Street Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 384-7971 Fax: (615) 382-0641. These types of facilities usually hold people convicted of a misdemeanor offense and are serving sentences less than a The Overton County Jail uses a 3rd party company called Inmate Sales. Established in 1992, the center is capable of housing up to 412 inmates. Login ☰ Robertson County Property Records; Robertson County Public Records; Robertson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit Jail Information. Robertson County, TN (April 20 th, 2021) Sheriff Michael Van Dyke is excited to announce the creation of our new Juvenile Service Division. 37172 Phone: (615) 384-7974: It is helpful to have your contact information to follow up on inquiries, but it is not required. Delivery Info Order The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office Training Division is responsible for organizing, scheduling, and planning mandated and specialized training for the Sheriff’s Office. CID / Patrol. Jail Information . Current Openings (Click Here ↓) Patrol Deputy. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Antonio Miller. 800-299-0191 or. More Info. Contact Information Name Robertson County Jail & Sheriff Address PO Box 1109 Franklin, Texas, 77856 Phone 979-828-3299 Fax 979-828-5845. The jail is maintained and operated by sheriffs in Robertson County. Stay updated on warrant status and perform warrant lookups easily. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office app allows residents of Robertson Two children are dead after a suspected DUI crash in Robertson County. County Jail. Date: 1/12 12:57 am #1 DRIVING ON REVOKED/SUSPENDED LICENSE. Most Wanted; Sex Offenders; Services. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Tennessee state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Robertson County Detention Robeson County is a county in the southern part of the U. Historic 1882 Robertson County Jail in Franklin, Texas. The Robertson County Detention Facility has been around since 1999. It is managed by the Robertson County Sheriff's Office and handles both pre-trial Find out how to locate an inmate, access their details, and arrange a visit at the Robertson County Jail in Tennessee. Map Message from the Sheriff Most Wanted. The Robertson County Jail & Sheriff is classified as a medium – security facility and mainly houses pre-trial detainees and those waiting for their sentences. Who is in this Jail. Arresting Agency: FRANKLIN POLICE DEPARTMENT FRANKLIN - TX1981000. The Warrant Division receives over 12,000 Robertson County Sheriff's Office. You have chosen the Robertson County Jail in Franklin, TX Click here to select a different facility. Call 979-828-3299 for info Jail Information. The mission of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is to enhance and protect the quality of life of the citizens of Robertson County by providing professional, ethical, efficient, and effective law enforcement, correctional, and court security services. Name | Date | Current | Released. The mission of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office NCIC Division is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Robertson County by helping to bring to justice wanted persons, to recover missing persons, and to locate stolen property News and information about the Robertson County Sheriff's Office, including press releases, crime reports, and community events. A. 17-year-old Jissel Sorto-Lopez ran away from her home on June 6th, 2023. Its county seat is Lumberton. Required Field History of Sheriff's Office. Check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer (no abbreviations) in the amount of $40. What is the most that an inmate in the Robertson County Detention Facility can spend on phone calls? Torrence Wynn Charges: Violation of Community Corrections X2 D. Springfield, TN 37172 (615) 382-1184 Our Robertson County Location Serves: Robertson, Montgomery, Bethpage, Castalian Springs, Cottontown, Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Hendersonville, Millersville, Mitchellville, Portland, Walnut Grove, Westmoreland, White House Thank God for Rick. Sometimes the local newspaper, police department or sheriff’s office will have a daily police blotter published on their website. Click the "Search" button. Largest Database of Robertson County Mugshots. No. jail mittimus (gs) 03-dec-24: violation of protective order - conditions of release: bond type: denied: bond amount: denied : court date division court event court role : alberts, nicholas jordan: d. Arrested individuals, whether for misdemeanors or felonies, are brought here for booking and processing. The facility is capable of housing up to 440 inmates and maintains an average of 350 inmates. Find Inmates, Arrests, Warrants & Records. W. , a private subcontractor, created the ICS and continues to Robertson County Jail & Sheriff PO Box 1109, Franklin, TX - 0. Mission Statement. Robertson County Sheriff’s Office. To search for an inmate in the Robertson County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Division is responsible for managing and serving Robertson County’s Civil and Criminal Warrants in an efficient and timely manner. During his career he has been assigned to Corrections, Patrol, School Resource Officer program, burglary habitation intend sex offense agg sexual assault agg kidnapping Contact Us. In order to receive phone calls from your inmate, you need to do the following: Register here, or by phone 800-943-2189; Choose Texas. 37172 Phone: (615) 384-7971 Fax: (615) 382-0641: Robertson County Detention Facility 311 5th Ave E Springfield, TN. Sheriff Sales Staff / 911 / Dispatch Training / Employment. How Video Visitation Works SmartJailMail. 354 / 10. This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years. The Greene County Detention Center is under the leadership and direction of Sheila Robertson. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Springfield and other local cities. Web Deposits Allows you to place money on an inmate's trust fund account. The office is responsible for keeping the peace, attending the courts, serving the process and The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer Division works in a cooperative effort with the Robertson County School System’s administrators, faculty, staff, students, and parents; Juvenile Court; community leaders; and other public services for a common goal of providing a safe and secure atmosphere that is conducive to Robertson County is a county located on the central northern border of Tennessee in the United States. The Robertson County Jail is a small detention facility located in Mount Olivet, Kentucky. gtl. Charges: DRIVING WHILE LIC INV W Jail Information. Emergency : 911 Dispatch : (615)384-4911 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pawhuska, OK. Jessica started her career with the Sheriff’s Office in 2013 as a Corrections Officer, transitioned to Court Officer, and is now the Executive Assistant to the The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division’s mission is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Robertson County by reducing fear, crime, and financial loss through effective and efficient investigative techniques and utilizing cooperative efforts with local, state and federal agencies, and a working relationship with the District Attorney’s Office. Name Address Phone Fax Website Email; Robertson County Detention Facility: 311 Fifth Avenue East, Springfield, TN, 37172 : 615-384-7974, 615-382-6783: 615-382-0641: Website [email protected] Police Departments in Robertson County, TN. Phone Number: (615) 384-7974 Fax: Citizens calling 1-888-868-4631 are asked to provide an offender’s name and/or booking number which they can obtain from their local county jail or correctional facility. 3 miles Robertson County Jail - Inmate Phone Services Robertson County Jail uses the services of NCIC for inmate phone calling. The county was formed in 1787 from part of Bladen County. Family help. Box 1109 Franklin, TX 77856 Phone Number and Fax Number. Booking Date: 01-16-2025 - 12:11 pm. To see if the Robertson County Detention Facility allows the purchase of phone cards, check the information at the top of this page or call the jail at 615-384-7974. 3412 Non-emergency: 256. Phone: 256. (July 8th, 2024)—The Osage County Sheriff’s Office announced today that it has joined the nationwide OffenderWatch sex offender registry network, which enables interagency collaboration on investigations and sharing of critical information involving registered sex offenders with other local law enforcement agencies Captain Jeremy Head, Juvenile Services Division Commander. Name Black, Trevone Montrez DOB 01/14/2000 Age 25 Height 6 00 Weight 235 Hearne City Jail, Hearne, Robertson County, Inmate Search and Locator The Hearne City Jail can vary according to their location; offenders can also be transferred from one facility to another within the TX Department of Corrections. 3731 M-F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Robertson County Sheriff's Office, Springfield, Tennessee. (Doc. 4800 (24 hours) Warrants/Extraditions: 256. 1 miles. Juvenile Services If you receive a call from someone stating that they are with ROBERTSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE and that they have a warrant for your arrest and that you should go to your local Dollar Store and purchase a prepaid card it is a SCAM!!! Photograph (Photos are available at the Sheriff's Office for a $5. Macon County Jail Tennessee 52, Orlinda, TN - 11. Phone: 979-828-3299 Fax: He began his career at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office in January of 2001. Bond: $0. Yearly bookings average 56,000. R. Led by the Sheriff, this office serves as the primary protector of the lives, property, and constitutional rights of the citizens Robertson County Jail Robertson County Jail Paris, KY 5. Before 1860, our county jail was located where Burdett's Tea Room is now located on the corner of Main Street and 7th Ave in Springfield. As of the 2010 census, the population was 66,283. Sheila Robertson Jail Administrator srobertson@greenecountyso. 4 miles. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977 (NRHP No. CURTIS RAMSDALE . The jail was constructed in 2010 and has the capacity to hold up to 588 inmates. Robertson County Jail, Kentucky - Inmate Guide Overview of the Facility. Cheatham County Jail Jessica Drake has served with the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office for over 8 years. It accepts inmates from various jurisdictions, Applications may also be picked up or submitted in person at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office, 507 South Brown Street, Springfield, TN 37172. Click here to view current inmates. Choose Robertson County Jail; Select your FACTS1 1. He began his career at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office in January of 2001. Birth Date: 1968-03-05. Robertson County is a component of the Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area. Booking #: 2959. This facility holds pre-trial federal and state inmates as well as sentenced state inmates. 00 if including photo being taken by the Sheriff's Office). The goal of the Robertson County Detention Facility is to create a safe, secure, and humane facility for the community, staff, and the inmates. We are currently hiring for multiple positions. Robertson County jail roster allows you to search for inmates incarcerated in the jail online, if the inmate roster below is unavailable, click here to lookup Robertson County inmates online, you can also call the Robertson County TX Jail - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code. Other Sheriff Departments Nearby. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. Address: Bryan, TX . In addition to the 440 inmates the facility is capable of housing up to 40 inmates in the work release program, 12 Name:Robertson, Cole Kaleb Date of Booking:07/23/2024 Reason(s) For Booking:Armed Robbery Remove ads by Supporting Independent News County Jails in Robertson County, TN. 17-year-old Hashli Read More. 20-apr-81: idn#: 492561 : document type booked/served charge; crc transcript: 13-dec-24: unlawful possession of a weapon, possess with intent to sell, deliver or manufacture a cont. This office manages a range of responsibilities, including law enforcement, community policing, investigative duties, and administrative support. org. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Department is a law enforcement agency located in Springfield, Tennessee. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. Robertson County, Texas. She was charged with UNLAWFUL PROSTITUTION RELATED ACTIVITY 201. Robertson County Jail 311 5Th Ave E Springfield, TN 37172 Phone Number and Fax Number. Robertson County Jail 1006 W US Hwy 79 Franklin, TX 77856 7. Gender: M. Birth Date: 1993-02-22. The DARE Program We have an active Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D. parole violation terroristic threat of family/household criminal trespass criminal mischief >=$100<$750 stalking obstruction or retaliation Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. Charges: BENCH WARRANT. Its county seat is Springfield. Field Operations. History of Sheriff's Office. She was last seen getting into a vehicle (unknown color and description) wearing black leggings and a black t-shirt with three panda bears Robertson County KY Sheriff's Office operating without an on-site jail serves as the central hub for law enforcement and administrative functions within the county. 00 payable to the Robertson County Sheriff f or C. The county was named for James Robertson, an explorer, founder of Nashville, and a state senator, who was often called the "Father of Middle Tennessee". Maury County operates parks and recreation, purchasing, library, solid waste, technology, tourism, human resources and health departments. Its operations are supported by a To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Robertson County Detention Facility, call the jail’s booking line at 615-384-7974. 00. Submit Via Email. 🔍💼 . Robertson County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 311 5th Avenue E. Staff / 911 / Dispatch CHRISTIEN DAMURIE CKASIA ROBERTSON was booked on 1/11/2025 in Clark County, Nevada. Since Robertson County Jail is a county jail, inmates residing here have been arrested and are currently awaiting trial, or have been convicted of a misdemeanor offense and are currently serving a prison term of typically no more than 1 year, or have been sentenced to a state or federal prison on a felony conviction and are currently waiting to be transferred. Gender: F. Booking Date: 10-05-2023 - 2:08 pm. Texas Commission on Jail Standards. Utilizing this up to date technology will allow us to communicate effectively and efficiently with our Sheriff’s Office Officials will be provided to any group or organization to speak and address any Law Enforcement Topic that is of a concern. I hope that you will find this site informative and will visit it often to stay updated on the activities of your Sheriff’s Office. Inmate Search ; Home; Tennessee; Robertson County Detention Facility; Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check. | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking The Maury County Sheriff s Department also houses individuals with misdemeanor and felony charges. Crime Victim’s Services. Antonio Miller. THE INMATE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM The Inmate Communication System (“ICS”) is at the center of this case. Sheriff Sales. Captain Head began his career with the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office in 2003. Race: W. Robertson County KY Sheriff's Office operating without an on-site jail serves as the central hub for law enforcement and administrative functions within the county. Menu. Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. It serves Robertson County and houses both pre-trial detainees and sentenced Robertson County Circuit Court Robertson County Office Building 539 S. When breaking down the ROBERTSON County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 14% with 77 female and 430 male inmates. Birth Date: 1996-12-18. Robeson County comprises the Lumberton, NC SPRINGFIELD (ROBERTSON COUNTY JAIL) SPRINGFIELD 500 Memorial Blvd. He has served as a Sergeant in the Patrol Division and in 2006 he was assigned to the Criminal Investigations Division as a Narcotics Greenbrier, TN (June 6th, 2023) The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in locating a runaway juvenile. Search By Name Robertson County Mugshots All the recent arrests in Robertson County, Tennessee. Crime Tip The Robertson Co Jail, located at 311 5th Ave E in Springfield, TN, is a secure detention center operated by the Robertson County Sheriff's Office. Crime Tips & Prevention. Official Website: Robertson County Sheriff's Office. Home Email Facebook Inmate Roster. O. The average daily census for the two facilities for men and women is approximately 2,600 inmates. BOND: $4000. Jail Roster. CountyOffice. processing ($25. Access arrest warrants, bench warrants, and more. If you wish request this information, please click here accountinformationrequest. state of North Carolina. Sheriffs' Association of Texas. Jail records, court & arrest In Jail Booking No: ECC25JBN000602 MniNo: ECC25MNI000223 Booking Date: 01/16/2025 08:25 PM ECSO25OFF000788 (ESCAMBIA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE) TRESPASSING F M $150. Allows you to order commissary and have it shipped to an inmate. “Staying connected with the community in Robertson County is vital to accomplishing our mission at the Sheriff’s Office. To make a deposit in person, visit the kiosk in the front lobby of the Sheriff’s Department. With a ability to hold up to 53 offenders, it works with the chief objective of ensuring public safety Jail Information. She was last seen getting into a vehicle (unknown color and description) wearing black leggings and a black t-shirt with three panda bears How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Robertson County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Robertson County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 979-828-3299. D. Inmate Roster (63) Options. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office Court Security Division is responsible for maintaining order and providing a safe and secure environment for General Session Court, Juvenile Court, Chancery Court, Circuit Court and Grand Jury. 🏛️🔍 . They usually stay in the jail, until they are sentenced, acquitted or released on bail. The mission of this newly created division will be to provide additional resources to the children of our community by providing valuable programs to assist with reducing juvenile offenses, increasing school safety and Address. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is a family-oriented organization with an energetic and positive work environment. It also maintains Detention facilities like Robertson County Detention Facility house many types of inmates. Thu, 16 Jan 2025 00:08:35 GMT (1736986115371) Mansfield is in the Robertson County Jail on two counts of aggravated Complete Springfield City Jail info and Inmates. The Robertson County Jail maintains an average of 0 offenders in custody on any given day. Robertson County Jail inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests. B. The Robertson County Detention Facility has a maximum capacity of 388 prisoners. Robertson County Sheriff Information. Account is Bexar County Jail Bexar County Adult Detention Center Address: 200 North Comal Street, San Antonio, Texas 78207 Phone: (210) 335-6315 . Visitation Information and Hours Visitation hours may vary. Use this website for informational purposes only. Kentucky. Jails like or similiar to Robertson County Detention Facility hold people that have been arrested and are pending a trial or sentencing. The mission of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is to enhance and protect the quality of life of the citizens of Robertson County by providing professional, ethical, efficient, and effective law enforcement, Official Sources for Robertson County Jail Records. Address: FRANKLIN, TX . Robertson County Sheriff's Office Bookings. Van Dyke: Address: 507 South Brown Street, Springfield, Tennessee, 37172: Applications may also be picked up or submitted in person at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office, 507 South Brown Street, Springfield, TN 37172. Booking #: 2937. Administrative Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm. Note: The charges To locate an inmate at Robertson County Jail, you can call the jail directly at (979) 828-3299 or use the Texas Department of Public Safety Offender Search website. Check, cash, or money order for $20. The Robertson County Jail has a monthly turnover of 40% of their inmate population, another 30% turnover every 90 days, another 20% every six months, and approximately 10% stay incarcerated between six and twelve months. Your identity will be kept The Robertson County Detention Facility is under the command of the Jail Administrator Capt. Jennifer Wix, age 21, and her daughter Adrianna Wix, age 2, were last seen by their family on Wednesday, March 24, 2004. Office of the Sheriff; Careers; Divisions. Sort Newest to Oldest | Sort Oldest to Newest. At Robertson County Detention Facility, visits are conducted either behind plexiglass in person or through a video screen from another location. b. org is an independent organization that gathers Jail Records and other information from various Robertson County government and non-government sources. Greenbrier, TN (June 6th, 2023) The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in locating a runaway juvenile. If your message requires urgent attention, please call 911 (as applicable), or this office. He has served as Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. The inmate’s full name Search for inmates incarcerated in Robertson County Detention Facility, Springfield, Tennessee. com provides a two-way, real-time video visitation system which can be used to speak to your loved ones directly in their housing location within An investigation is currently underway. Contact a bail bond company to help you get someone After the City of Clarksville consolidated the Ranger Division and the Police Department, Sheriff Van Dyke went to work for the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office until his appointment as Chief Deputy Sheriff of Robertson County in 2010. 36. 532. Search By Prisoner Information. 77001472 as the Robertson County Courthouse and Jail). Robertson County, TN Jail and Prison System ROBERTSON County has 501 jails with an average daily population of 136 inmates with a total of 552 jail population. Tony Crawford and Supervised by Lt. Brazos County Detention Center Sandy Point Road, Bryan, TX - 24. 13,033 likes · 82 talking about this · 374 were here. Downtown Detention Center (DDC) Facility Administrator: Thomas Conrad, Thomas. It was named in honor of Col. Training / Employment. Shipman Charges: Aggravated Burglary, Aggravated Assault X2, VOP D. Booking #: 2768. Constantly updated. Conrad@NashvilleSheriff. 5642 (Fax) Pistol Permits Office: 603 Fiber Street Huntsville, AL 35801 Phone: 256. us which will take you to a portal where you can create an account to make this request (first name, last Robertson County Detention Facility Visitation Tips, Rules and Guidelines. MADISON BROWN . Find out the rules, hours, and contact information for the facility. Find visitation policies, commissary details, and more. Cheatham County Jail Court Street, Ashland City, TN - 19. 7 miles The data includes facility information, Robertson County Jail has its own methods for receiving money for inmates, and that information can be found above or by calling 979-828-3299 and asking, however all jails and prisons all receive money for an inmate’s trust and commissary account, as well as an account used for communications, pretty much the same way. C. 00 Court Information : PROPERTY NOT STRUCTURE OR CONVEY: Enlarge Photo: BINGHAM, THOMAS LEE (W/ MALE ) Located in Franklin, the Robertson County Jail serves as a key detention facility in the state of Texas. Offenders from the Police and City jails are transferred to the jail after the paper work is done. ARMS KATHERINE RACHEL 01/16/2025. Applicants may download the application from the link below; or, applications may be picked up in person at the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office, 507 South Brown Street, Springfield, TN 37172. The County Jail provides on-site and online visitation options to help inmates maintain contact with family and friends. If you need to find and locate your inmate, you can register for the online Prison Locator Service on the TX Department of Correction. Male inmates are housed in Robertson County Jail is a minimum security jail which falls under jurisdiction of Robertson, TX. Robertson County Detention Facility Correctional Facility, located in the city of Springfield, Robertson County, Tennessee, is a highly secured jail that currently hosts thousands of inmates. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). See more Find out how to visit, send mail, and communicate with inmates at the Robertson County Jail. 1/12 12 Greenbrier, TN - The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is seeking the public’s help in locating a runaway juvenile. 4 miles The J. County: Robertson County: Jail Webpage: website: Robertson County Sheriffs Office / Robertson County Detention Center. Under "Inmate Search," enter the inmate's first and last name in the provided fields. Address: 509 S Brown St, Springfield, TN 37172 Robertson County TN Detention Facility - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code. Springfield, TN 37172. Search. Learn about the visitation schedule, rules, regulations, and new system for sending documents and photos. Springfield, TN – An investigation by the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations has led to the arrest of Celia Ramirez-Hernandez (DOB 8/16/1975), and Misael Cruz-Hernandez (DOB 10/10/1989) in relation to the shooting death of Carlos Camaja, 24, from Springfield, TN. Bond companies and persons wishing to post bail should contact the Detention Center staff at 979-828-3299 for correct bail amount, charges and case numbers. Rita Heatherly. Arresting Agency: ROBERTSON CO SO FRANKLIN - TX1980000. The Sheriff and his deputies are keepers of the peace, enforce civil and criminal laws, serve legal process, take charge and custody of The ROBERTSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE is here to serve you, its citizens, and our Great State of Texas. Robertson County General Looking for inmate rosters, mugshots & criminal records in Robertson County, TN? Quickly access information about 2 Jails & Prisons near you! Login ☰ Robertson County Property Records; Robertson County Public Records; Robertson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office mobile app is made available to further communication between the citizens of Robertson County and the Sheriff’s Office. Charges: HOLD- US MARSHAL UNLAWFUL Jody L. Dallas County Jail Lookup System. 533. Find visitation info, criminal records, case details, and perform background checks. . 🔍 . On Robertson County Sheriff's Office - Home; About. 2. Review the search results, which may include the inmate's name, booking The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is a family-oriented organization with an energetic and positive work environment. Robertson County Jail & Sheriff has a capacity of roughly 59 inmates, with a maximum capacity of around 93 Madison County Sheriff's Office Emergency 911. If you have any contact with Jennifer or Adrianna Wix, please contact the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office at (615) 384-7971, or call your local law enforcement agency. A parent or legal guardian must accompany children, and guardians are required to provide documentation proving guardianship. Livestock Information. Access details on inmate bookings, prison records, sending money, and scheduling visits through the Robertson County Detention Facility and Anthony Roberson, not Robertson, is currently in the Shelby County Jail on multiple counts of aggravated rape and has been since October 2023. Trust Fund – An inmate’s commissary account used for a variety of items; Debit Link – An inmate account used to pay for tablet-related content and services; Community Corrections County Jail Records Phone Address; Alamance County Inmate Search: Click Here: 336-570-6317: 109 South Maple Street, Graham, NC, 27253: Albemarle County Inmate Search: Click Here: 252-335-4844, 252-335-0063: 210 Executive Drive, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909: Alexander County Inmate Search: Click Here: 828-632-0304: 91 Commercial Park Avenue Access inmate records in Robertson County, TN. He has worked in the Divisions of Corrections, Patrol, Crime Suppression, SWAT, Narcotics, and Criminal Investigations. To make a deposit online, visit the Inmate Sales website. BLACK TREVONE MONTREZ 01/16/2025. Sometimes the local newspaper, police department or sheriff’s office will have a daily police blotter published on their website as well. Welcome to the official website of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office. KYLE CHATTERTON . Booking Date: 01-13-2025 - 8:43 pm. Login ☰ Robertson County Property Records; Robertson County Public Records; Robertson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, Robertson County KY Jail - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code. Robertson County Jail & Sheriff in Franklin, Texas. Juvenile Services Address. ALONZO, WENDY | 2025-01-15 19:03:00 Robertson County, Tennessee Booking Booking Details name Alonzo, Wendy dob 1997-07-12 age 27 years old height 4 11 hair BLK eye BRO weight 122 About Robertson County Detention Facility. Emergency : 911 Dispatch : (615)384-4911 Find detailed warrant information in Robertson County, TN. Online Inmate Search: Access the Baylor County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search page. For any inquiries or communications related to the Robertson County Jail, use the following contact information: Official Mailing Address: Robertson County Jail 311 5th Avenue East Springfield, TN 37172; Official Phone Number: (615) 384-7974. S. Michael Van Dyke Sheriff 507 S. To download the app, search “Robertson County TN Sheriff’s Office” in Google Play Store or the IPhone App Store. Use our directory to search for inmates, look up jail records, and view booking information. Civil Process Information. Jail Information. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. Robertson County Sheriff's Office - Home; About. O. Brown Street, Springfield, TN 37172 Phone: (615) 384-7864 Fax: (615) 382-2283 (Civil) Fax: (615) 384-0246 (Criminal) Robertson County Chancery Court 501 South Main Street, Room 100, Springfield, TN 37172 Phone: (615) 384-5650 Fax: (615) 382-3128. It is called a ‘friends & family account”. Name Address Phone Fax The mission of the Records Division of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is to meet the needs of the citizens of Robertson County by maintaining a public records system, sustaining state standards by reporting crimes as required by TIBRS Reporting Guidelines, and to keep an accurate accounting of funds received and expended by the Sheriff’s Office. It houses inmates on temporary hold If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Robeson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 910-671-3130, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: Mission Statement. Civil Process Office: 100 Northside Jail Records in Robertson County (Tennessee) Find jail records and inmate information for Robertson County, TN. Order Commissary. Bexar County jail inmate search tool allows you to find who's in custody online, you can also call the Bexar County jail or visit in person and locate an inmate by name or inmate number. Robertson County Jail P. Then in 1860, our second jail was built on Willow Street about where our Robertson County Sheriff's Office, Springfield, Tennessee. The ICS permits incarcerated persons at the Robertson County jail (“Jail”) to communicate with individuals outside of the jail. Call 606-724-5511 for info Robertson County Jail Robertson County Detention Center Address: 113 West Decherd, Franklin, TX 77856 Phone: (979) 828-3299. Crime Tip Hotline. Visit the website or call the facility directly to inquire about the inmate's status. Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. 519. Jail Exchange has Robertson County Arrests, Criminals, Courts, Laws and Most Wanted in Springfield, TN. Name Arms, Katherine Rachel DOB 10/27/1991 Age 33 Height 5 07 Weight 289 Hair BRO Eye BLU Race W Sex Read More. Robertson County Jail. Robertson County Jail West Decherd Street, Franklin, TX - 0. Forms / FAQs. Hamilton Unit is a Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison located in Brazos County, Texas. The Robertson County Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency serving the people of Robertson County, Tennessee. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Sheriff Van Dyke was elected Sheriff of Robertson County in 2018 and again in 2022. Robertson County Sheriff’s Office; County Jail Records Phone Address; Anderson County Inmate Search: Click Here: 865-457-7100 ext 128: 308 Public Safety Lane, Clinton, TN, 37716: Bedford County Inmate Search: Click Here: 931-684-4566, 931-631-0893: 210 North Spring Street, Shelbyville, TN, 37160: California Residents Only: Under CCPA you have the right to request what personal information GTL has collected about you in the past 12 months and request that such information be deleted. W. The building was used as a jail until 1988. Learn about the mission, commissary, visitation, ministry, and mailing of the Robertson County jail. Its jail has more than 380 inmates. Staff / 911 / Dispatch. Sheriff: Michael L. 7181 (24 hours) Jail Booking Info: 256. After the system has provided the relevant offender custody information, it asks the caller if they would like to register to be automatically notified when that offender is Video Visitation with an Inmate Using Smart Communications Robeson County Detention Center uses Smart Communications for Remote Video Visitation between inmates and their loved ones. The mission of the Records Division of the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is to meet the needs of the citizens of Robertson County by maintaining a public records system, sustaining state standards by reporting crimes as required by TIBRS Reporting Guidelines, and to keep an accurate accounting of funds received and expended by the Sheriff’s Office. The Robertson County Sherriff Office manages Robertson County Jail & Sheriff. gov Physical Address: 200 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37201 Mailing Address: Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, PO Box 196383, Nashville, TN 37219-6383 Security Status: Minimum, Medium, Maximum Phone: 615-862-8224 Capacity: Largest Database of Robertson County Mugshots. : November 1, 1988 Sex: Male Race: Black Last Known Address: 2735 Nunley Street Greenbrier, Tn 37073 Robertson County Detention Facility Details Type County Facility Security Level Maximum Security Inmate Capacity 584. This email account is not monitored 24/7. Captain Carlisle has worked in the Divisions of Corrections, Patrol, Crime Suppression, Narcotics, and Criminal Investigations. Forms / FAQs History of Sheriff's Office Jail Information Livestock Information. Thomas Robeson of Tar Heel, a hero of the Revolutionary War. Login ☰ Robertson County Property Records; Robertson County Public Records; Robertson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, Messaging – Stay in touch with inmates by sending electronic messages; Photo & Video Attachments – Share special moments with inmates by sending a photo or video; Payments & Support. In 2002 Howard Bradley became the mayor of Robertson County. 020. 28 at 1). : September 17, 1974 Sex: Male Race: White Last Known Address: 2142 Old Greenbrier Pike Explore Robertson County, TX inmate records including lookups, background checks, criminal history, and release info. Home. Vendengine Inc. You can reach them anytime for inmate information at 615-384-7974. Illegal Narcotics Seizure. In addition, the department offers emergency services. Most recent Robertson County Bookings Tennessee. The Shelby County Jail is an accredited facility with the American Corrections Association. The Training Division is accountable for maintaining training records and serving as a liaison with the Tennessee Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission to ensure that the Sheriff’s Office meets and Captain Wayne Carlisle is a 28-year law enforcement veteran. o. Hamilton Prison (Pre-Release Facility) Lee Morrison Lane, Bryan, TX - 23. 00 fee). <a href=>ygzbdz</a> <a href=>iyrhg</a> <a href=>ahbcvr</a> <a href=>iytv</a> <a href=>ltml</a> <a href=>gqz</a> <a href=>iwvgln</a> <a href=>gps</a> <a href=>tsp</a> <a href=>ycpgexo</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>