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A list of recent death notices for Offaly, Ireland.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Rip westmeath Westmeath & formerly of Treagh, Inniskeen, Dundalk, Co. It is with heavy hearts that the Murtagh Family announce the passing of their cherished husband and father. Westmeath and formerly of Kilcormac, Co. See the names, dates, locations and condolences of the deceased and their families. Peacefully at the Regional Hospital Mullingar on 15th of October 2024. ), former member of the 4th Field Artillery Regiment, long time member and Honorary President of I. parents James and Annie Brady, his brothers Gene, Sean and Phelim. 78 McKeown Park, Longford Town, Longford / Mullingar, Westmeath. Click on any entry to view the full death notice and add your condolences. Westmeath and formerly Cornamona, Co. The death has occurred of Catherine O'Connor of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 04/01/2025. The death has occurred of Dermot Cole of Kinnegad, Westmeath Ireland, on 01/11/2024. Pre-deceased by his father PJ, mother Eithne, brother Frank, and sisters Gertie and Eithne. Westmeath, 15th December 2024, peacefully in the Regional Hospital Mullingar and previously in Rose lodge Nursing Home, Killucan, pre-deceased by his parents Kathleen and Michael, brothers Arthur and Michael, sister Betty (Clarke), Sean will be sadly missed by his brother Brendan, sisters in law Kitty, Margaret The death has occurred of Marion Murray (née O’Reilly) – Kinturk, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath and late of Carrigan, Ballinagh, Co Cavan – August 30, 2024 (peacefully) at home in the company of her loving husband and family. Send a Sympathy Card View All. Sadly missed by his loving sons Brendan, Eoin and Rory, daughters Caitriona and Clodagh, brother Bill, sister Josie (Whittle), daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, in-laws, The death has occurred of James Yeates - Grange Park, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, formerly Jobstown, Tallaght, Dublin and late of ESB South Lotts Road, Ringsend - December 11, 2024 (peacefully) with his wife and family by his side and in the excellent care of the staff at Cluain Lir Care Centre, Mullingar. Predeceased by his parents Brigid and Patrick and his sisters Rena and Delia. The death has occurred of Kevin MEEHAN of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 24/08/2024. The death has occurred of Seán Barry of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 08/11/2024. Michael passed away peacefully but unexpectedly in the care of the staff at the Mater Private Hospital, Dublin on August 3rd 2024. Post 20 - November 23, 2024, (peacefully) in the company and care of his loving family, following a long illness borne with great strength Ann Gallagher (nee Brady), Moortown, Castlepollard, Co. Predeceased by his parents James and Anna Mary, brother John, sisters Rose and Millie. 29 Ashdale, Athlone, Co. Westmeath in his 91st year, 12th December, 2024, peacefully, in the excellent care of Rose Lodge Nursing Home, Killucan, Predeceased by his wife Anna and his son Billy. Services Directory for County Longford A list of recent death notices for Roscommon, Ireland. The death has occurred of Rose Murray (nee Conlon), Ballinvalley, Delvin, Co. Suddenly at Portiuncula Hospital, You can now create a family notice on RIP. The death has occurred of Kathleen Lynch (née Gibney) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 22/11/2024. Services Directory for County Westmeath Westmeath Ireland, on 27/12/2024. Roscommon, 14th December 2024, peacefully at his residence surrounded by his loving family, sadly missed by his loving wife Carmel, daughters Caroline and Mary and his son Anthony, his adored grandchildren Caitlin, Liam, Ciara, Ronan, Julie and Billy, brothers Tim Kathleen Neary (nee Connaughton), Lissaquill, Tang, Ballymahon, Co. Late of Bloomfield Drive, Athlone, Co. Frank O’Reilly, Talbot Court, Athboy Road, Trim, Co. The death has occurred of Peter Melinn of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 11/11/2024. The death has occurred of Margaret Ryan (née Raleigh) of Kilbeggan, Westmeath Ireland, on 25/08/2024. Color Discover the most recent death notices from Ireland. Dublin and Tyrellspass Co. Log In Add Family Notice. The death has occurred of John WYLIE of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 30/10/2024. V. Mary's Church, Collinstown, Co. The Westmeath Independent has the latest Athlone and the surrounding areas news, sport, GAA, jobs, county council reports, Obituaries and classifieds. Deeply regretted and cherished by her son Declan, daughters Therese and Patrice, husband Paddy, heartbroken mother Margaret, brothers Sean and Packy, sisters Myra (Tormey) and Ann You can now create a family notice on RIP. See the names, dates, locations and funeral details of the deceased. A list of recent death notices for Louth, Ireland. Louth and formerly of Glenview, Castlepollard, Co. The death has occurred of Liam Conlon of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 18/08/2023. The death has occurred of Tony (Bernard) Mulvihill of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 14/08/2024. Westmeath and formerly of Araghty, Athleague, Co. J. The death has occurred of Con Gilsenan – Mullingar, Co Westmeath – November 20th, 2024 (peacefully) at home with his family by his side, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Predeceased by his parents Matthew and Mollie, brother Patrick. . Clonbrusk, Athlone, Westmeath / Greenhills, Dublin The death has occurred of Philip Byrne, husband of Cathy and father of Charlie, Evan and Dayna. The death has occurred of Eddie (Ned) Clinton of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 28/08/2024. The death has occurred of Callum Coughlan - Austin Friar Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath suddenly at home on the 30th August, 2024. Beloved husband of Kathleen. U. James (Jimmy) O’Connor, Corcloon, Milltownpass, Co. Westmeath, formerly of Mullingar Rd, Tyrrellspass, 21st March 2024, peacefully, surrounded by her loving family at Midlands Regional A list of recent death notices for Wexford, Ireland. Unexpectedly on Wednesday 15th. Peacefully at the Regional Hospital Mullingar on 17th of December 2024 in his 94th year. Westmeath, October 13th 2024, in the loving care of the staff at South Westmeath Hospice, Athlone, surrounded by his loving family. Westmeath, peacefully 2nd January 2025 surrounded by his loving family in the excellent care of the staff of Midlands Regional Hospital Mullingar. Westmeath on the 29th November 2024, peacefully in the care of his loving family at the Midlands Regional Hospital, Mullingar. The death has occurred of Helen Nestor (née Sammon) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 26/11/2024. Formerly from Toorevagh, Ballymore, Co. Josephine Ward (nee O'Brien), 25 Ennell Court, Patrick Street, Mullingar, Co. , sister Aishling, brothers Darren, Jason, Mark, step-brothers John Paul and Patrick, his extended family and friends. Westmeath and formerly of Cloran, Athboy, Co. Westmeath, N91 VX2X. Sarah Jane Darcy (née West), The Sycamores, Rochfortbridge, Co. Formerly of Dalton Park, Mullingar. A list of recent death notices for Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland. Micheal Jennette, Craddenstown, Raharney, Mullingar, Co. ie Westmeath - death notices for County Westmeath, Ireland. The funeral Mass will be live-streamed on Church Media Westmeath and the Delvin Parish Facebook page on the following links: The death has occurred of John (Johnny) Geraghty of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 24/12/2024. Reposing is St. You can view the full death notice and add your condolences here. Westmeath (Eircode N91 K383) on Thursday morning at 11am followed by burial in the local cemetery. Peacefully in her 97th year, at home, surrounded by her loving family, December 21st 2022. The death has occurred of Matthew Gartland of Raharney, Westmeath Ireland, on 08/01/2025. Predeceased by his wife and best friend Bridie. Ballinderry, Mullingar, Westmeath It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Gerry SMYTH, Ballinderry, Mullingar, November 22, 2024 after a long illness; predeceased by his mother Bridie, father John, brother Brian and sister Eithne (Gavin). The death has occurred of Marion Murray (née O’Reilly) – Kinturk, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath and late of Carrigan, Ballinagh, Co Cavan – August 30, 2024 (peacefully) at home in the company of her loving husband and family. Westmeath. Create The death has occurred of Pat Gorman of Milltownpass, Westmeath Ireland, on 07/02/2024. See the names, dates and locations of the deceased and their funeral arrangements. Westmeath surrounded by his loving family. Anne's House, Rathbracken, Granard, Longford / Mullingar, Westmeath. Mounthawk Manor, Tralee, Co. December 17th peacefully, at home, surrounded by her loving and devoted family. Predeceased by her husband Tom, brother Paddy, sister Mary, daughter Maggie and Grandsons Eoin and Conor. Predeceased by her beloved parent Dixie and Dina, sister Kathleen, brothers Paddy, John and Tommy. Michael Kelly – Ballindurrow, Multyfarnham, Co. Kildare and Rosemount, Moate, Co. St. Carmel passed away peacefully (following an illness borne with great courage and dignity)on the 5th August at her home with her heartbroken family by her side. The death has occurred of Freda Murphy (née Slevin) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 16/08/2024. Create A Family Notice. The death has occurred of Sarah Minagh of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 03/01/2025. Predeceased by his brother Richard. A list of recent death notices for Offaly, Ireland. A list of recent death notices for Ireland. He is predeceased by his parents James and Mary, his brother James and his sisters Eileen, Mary, Kathleen and Josie. Memorial Gifts View All. Louth You can now create a family notice on RIP. Loving brother of John, Mary and P. Liam Carty, Knockmant, Killucan, Co. Westmeath and Hillview, Mullingar Co. Predeceased by his brothers PJ, Tom and Father Barney, sisters Philomena (Grennan), Sr Emmanuel (Kathleen), Bernadette (O’Roarke), Sr Rita and Rose (Kelly). Died peacefully, surrounded by his family's love in the dedicated care of the staff on St John's ward, Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe. Sean Swords, Raharney, Mullingar, Co. Rathwire, Westmeath / Ballyfermot, Dublin Aidan Murphy, Greenfield Heights, Rathwire, Co. Predeceased by his parents Christy and Angela, brothers Oliver and Christy, Formerly of AIB. A list of recent death notices for Donegal, Ireland. Westmeath, passed peacefully at her residence on December 6th 2024. Galway), September 16, 2024 (suddenly, but peacefully) at his home - pre-deceased by his parents John and Ellen; Beloved husband and best friend of his heartbroken wife Yvonne, his dear brother John, loving children Neill, Isolda and Orla, their partners Gemma, Peter and Michael Rooney Snr. She will be sadly missed by her daughter Aoife, mother Peg, brother Nicholas, Aoife's dad Stevie, sister-in-law, Jacqueline, nieces, nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends. Kieran's Terrace, Athlone, Co. Marie Davitt (née Nugent), Simonstown, Gaybrook, Mullingar, Co Westmeath - 21st September (peacefully) in the wonderful care of the nurses and staff at the Midlands Regional Hospital Tullamore with her heartbroken family by her side. James (Jamesy) Raleigh, Killucan and formerly of Raharney, Co. A list of recent death notices for Longford, Ireland. Conor (Anthony) Murtagh, Multyfarnham, Mullingar, Co. Michael died peacefully surrounded by his family and in the care of the staff of Drumderrig House Nursing Home, Boyle, on 12th, July, 2022. Stella Maris, Baylough, Athlone, Westmeath / Athlone, Roscommon / Annyalla, Monaghan Louis McNally, Stella Maris, Baylough, Athlone and Annyalla, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan. Beloved husband of Denise, much loved dad of Jennifer and Richard, father-in-law of Ben and Jen and adored grandad ("Pops") of Matthew, Tadhg, Beth, and his Philip GRAY BSc. The death has occurred of Margaret (Peggy) Fitzpatrick (née McManus) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 25/12/2024. Menu. He will be forever loved and missed by his heartbroken wife Margaret (née O'Neill) and his daughter Rosanna, his parents Dr. 23 New Glenview, Castlepollard, Westmeath Johnny passed away peacefully after a short illness, surrounded by his loving family. Rebecca passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family, at Temple Street Children’s Hospital, in the early hours of the 5th of The death has occurred of Josephine Feeney (née Gleeson) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 03/12/2024. River Village, Monksland, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Services Directory for County Roscommon The death has occurred of Jason Coyle of Finea, Westmeath Ireland, on 05/11/2024. Philip will be dearly missed by his heartbroken wife Miriam, daughters Holly, Aimee, Eve and son Philip, brothers Denis, Michael, Mel and sister Sara, sons-in-law Matthew, Andrew and Jonny, his uncle Niall and wife Margaret, his auntie Bernie, nephews, The death has occurred of Mel Cox of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 04/11/2023. Castlepollard, Westmeath Cyril Bardon, Hanwell, London and formerly of Cloughan and Castlepollard. A list of recent death notices for Kildare, Ireland. , Slanemore and formerly Ashe Road, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. Westmeath . Recently predeceased by his loving wife and best friend Rose, parents Thomas and Kathleen and brother Sean. A list of recent death notices for Dublin, Ireland. The death has occurred of Carol McNamara (née O'Hanlon) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 01/10/2024. Pre-deceased by her husband Martin, brother The death has occurred of Jeremy HARRISON of Westmeath Ireland, on 01/09/2024. Sadly missed by his loving wife Winnie, sons Patrick, Anthony, Aidan and Michael, daughter Una, brothers, sisters, daughters-in-law Grace and Hayley, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, in The death has occurred of Tommy Fox of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 27/10/2024. Galway. Predeceased by his beloved wife Kitty and his brothers and sisters. Meath, on the 1st November 2024, peacefully after a short illness in the care of her loving family at the Midlands Regional Hospital, Mullingar. The death has occurred of Nora McGonigle (née Lyons) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 29/12/2024. Peacefully, at Portiuncula Hospital, Ballinasloe, surrounded by his family. The Westmeath Examiner has the latest Mullingar,Kinnegad,Castlepollard and the surrounding areas news, sport, GAA, jobs, county council reports, Obituaries and classifieds. , Petitswood, Mullingar, September 12, 2024 (suddenly, but peacefully) at his home. Services Directory for County Westmeath St. The death has occurred of John Nolan of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 27/10/2024. Michael and Dolores, mother-in-law Anne O'Neill (Killorglin), his brothers and sisters Joseph, John, Natasha (Shine), Maree (Brennan), The death has occurred of John Herward, Balrath South, Southill, Delvin, Co. Westmeath on the 21st, September 2024, peacefully at home after a long illness borne with great dignity and bravery, surrounded by his loving family. Cyril died peacefully Wednesday 24th January at Mullingar Midlands Regional Hospital, after a long illness bravely borne. Formerly of, Coolnagun, Lismacaffrey, Streete, Co. Joseph (Joe) QUINN, Lakepoint, Mullingar (formerly of Dalton Park and Gainstown, Mullingar) Sergeant (Ret. ie to remember your loved one. Westmeath, November 3rd 2024, suddenly. Westmeath, 23rd July 2024. Donegal – October 14, 2024 (peacefully) at home surrounded by his loving family. Westmeath & formerly of Griffith Avenue, Dublin. Geraldine's Funeral Mass takes place in the Church of the Assumption, Delvin, Co. The death has occurred of Jane Flaherty of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 11/11/2022. The death has occurred of Marian Gorry of Kilbeggan, Westmeath Ireland, on 10/10/2024. The death has occurred of Claire LAWLOR (née Brewer) of Tullamore, Offaly Ireland, on 29/08/2024. Mr. Sadly missed by his loving wife Winnie, sons Patrick, Anthony, Aidan and Michael, daughter Una, brothers, sisters, daughters-in-law Grace and Hayley, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, in Adrian Duffy, Drumcree, Collinstown, Co. A list of recent death notices for Westmeath, Ireland. Westmeath, 26th October 2024 Peacefully at Bethany House Nursing Home Tyrrellspass, Co. River Village, Monksland, Athlone, Roscommon / Athlone, Westmeath. Many will know Phil as the owner of Seán’s Bar in Athlone and from his involvement in horse racing. A list of recent death notices for Laois, Ireland. Callum will be sadly missed by his father P. Find the latest death notices for Westmeath and surrounding areas. N. Westmeath on Wednesday, September 4th from 4pm concluding with prayers at 6pm. Search by name, date, county or town and view the full notice details. The death has occurred of Tossie Murray, Ballinvalley, Delvin, Co. Find the latest death notices for Westmeath and Roscommon published by the Westmeath Independent. Westmeath, unexpectedly, 23rd December 2023, pre-deceased by his brother Stephen, deeply regretted by his heart broken parents Deirdre and Willie, his sisters Ciara and Grace and his brother James, his niece Léila his loving girlfriend Ciara, brothers in law Claudio and Robbie, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives and many friends. Noel Corcoran Kippenduff Castletown Geoghegan Co. Predeceased by his beloved Chris KEANEY, Ballinderry Heights, Mullingar, (formerly of Corrandulla, Co. Predeceased by his brothers Frank, John and Liam and his sister Betty and his infant sister Bridget. Burial afterwards in the local cemetery. Cora Sheehan; Teach Gairdeach, Cornamagh, and late of “Avila”, Moate, Co. Services The death has occurred of Kirk Muldarry of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 09/01/2024. Find recent death notices for Westmeathwestmeath, Ireland on rip. Westmeath; suddenly, but peacefully, in the loving care of his family and the staff of Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda. The death has occurred on Sunday, August 11th, of Dermot McLoughlin, The Gate House, Glack, Ardee, Co. A. ie Westmeath. January 2025. Charlie Tone: Tubber, Moate, and formerly of Leixlip, Co. A reliable source to be informed of the passing of those close to you. Pádraig passed away peacefully on Thursday 16th January 2025 in the excellent care of the staff at Thomond Lodge Nursing Home Ballymahon surrounded by Ballinderry Heights, Mullingar, Westmeath Caitríona LOGAN, Ballinderry Heights, (formerly of Beech Grove) Mullingar, November 28, 2024 - (peacefully) at her home, surrounded by her loving family, after an illness bravely borne with great courage and dignity; pre-deceased by her mother Katherine. Camillus' Nursing Centre Chapel, Killucan, Co. 10,578 likes · 940 talking about this. Predeceased by her son Darragh and her sister Maggie. James Hospital Dublin. The death has occurred of Mary O'Rourke (née Lenihan) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 03/10/2024. Westmeath and formerly Tallaght, Dublin - passed away 13th September 2024 (peacefully) following an illness borne with great courage and dignity at her home with her devastated family by her side. Died Friday 8th of November 2024 peacefully at home. Ryan O’Connor, Brutonstown, Killucan, Co. Pre-deceased by his baby daughter Jane, brothers Joe and Dan, his sister Kitty, grandsons Danny, David, Joey and Shane, his grand daughter Maria and son in-law Cyril. Services Directory for County Westmeath Milltown, Rathconrath, Mullingar, Westmeath Jimmy Geraghty, Milltown, Rathconrath, Mullingar, Co Westmeath December 17th 2024 peacefully surrounded by his loving family and in the excellent care of the staff and nurses at St. The death has occurred of Sean McHale of Dysart, Westmeath Ireland, on 13/12/2024. A list of recent death notices for Kerry, Ireland. Meath, formerly Templeogue & Dunlaoghaire Co. Services Directory for County Longford The death has occurred of Maura (Alice) Holmes McCabe (née Clarke) of Kilbeggan, Westmeath Ireland, on 05/01/2025. A list of recent death notices for County+town+of+co+westmeath, Ireland. Eileen Doolan (Nee Molloy): Clonmore, Castledaly, Moate, Co. ROBINSON, Bert (Herbert) (Castlepollard, Co. A list of recent death notices for Waterford, Ireland. The death has occurred of Lena Ward (née Farrell) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 21/12/2024. Meath) November 25th, 2024, peacefully, surrounded by his family, at Tullamore Hospital. Colehill, Kinnegad, Westmeath / Edenderry, Offaly Late of Edenderry, Co. No. Color You can now create a family notice on RIP. Moanfin, Arcadia, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, died peacefully at his home on 26th September 2024. You can now create a family notice on RIP. Westmeath and formerly of Lower Main Street, Letterkenny, Co. Westmeath, at 11am. Westmeath and formerly of Aberdeen Street and Ballyfermot, Co. The death has occurred of Mary (May) Kelly (née Duffy) of Kilbeggan, Westmeath Ireland, on 29/11/2024. Conor passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family following an illness, which he faced with courage and dignity, in the exceptional care of the staff at St. Predeceased by his beloved wife Nan, brothers Sean, Liam & Ray. William (Willie) Maxwell, Woodlands Farm, Streamstown, Mullingar, Co. Patsy passed away peacefully, surrounded by his loving family on Tuesday 26th November 2024, following a short illness bravely born, Patsy is predeceased by his son Peter, Oct 2011. Beloved son of the late Margaret Nugent. Westmeath; peacefully, at her home, surrounded by her loving family. Westmeath, July 20th 2024. Peacefully, in the care of Beaumont Hospital surrounded by his loving family. Farrelly James (Jim), Malahide and formerly of Santry and Raharney Westmeath and late of Aer Lingus. Michael passed away peacefully on 13th October 2024 surrounded by his loving family in the exceptional care of the nurses and staff of Moate Nursing Home. George Ledwith: Blyry, Moydrum, Athlone, Co Westmeath, September 20th 2024. RIP. Peacefully, in the loving care of the staff at the Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe surrounded by her loving family. Ginnell Terrace, Mullingar, Westmeath Rebecca Golden, aged 9 years, Ginnell Terrace, Mullingar. Westmeath and formerly Ballaghanea, Virginia Co. The death has occurred of Francis (Frank) Dunne – O’Growney Gardens and formerly of the 4th Field Artillery Regiment, Columb Barracks, Mullingar, Co Westmeath – November 27, 2024 (unexpectedly), surrounded by his loving family, in the tender care of the staff at the Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar. Fiona Kirby, 10 Brosna Park, Kilbeggan, Co. Predeceased by his parents Jim and Mary, sister Bernie (Clune), brothers in law Michael and Kyran and niece Patricia. May was predeceased by her husband John, grandson Shane and her siblings Liam, Nuala and Bernadette. The death has occurred of James Keane of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 29/11/2024. Peacefully, in the care of St Vincent’s University Hospital. Westmeath and formerly of Dunboyne, Co. Find the latest obituaries and funeral details of people who passed away in Westmeath. 33 Retreat Heights, Athlone, Co. The death has occurred of Maura Fox (née McElinn) of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 10/11/2024. Westmeath and native of Laragh, Rosemount, Moate, Co. Services Directory for County Westmeath 33 Retreat Heights, Athlone, Co. The death has occurred of Sheila Nugent (née Farrell) of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 26/09/2024. Westmeath - September 19, 2024 (unexpectedly). Add Family Notice. Dublin, 16th December 2024, peacefully but unexpectedly at his home, pre-deceased by his mother Rosaleen. Hannah Mooney (nee Sullivan) beloved aunt, sister, stepmother and friend, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully at her home on 21st December 2024, at The death has occurred on Monday, November 11th of Mary (May) McLoughlin (née Boyle), Loughpark, Castlepollard, Co. Funeral Mass on Thursday September 5th in St. Predeceased by his parents Pat and Carmel and sister in law Sandra. Ger Carney, Cloonagh House, Ballinagore, Co. Westmeath. Predeceased by his father James (Jimmy). and formerly of . Custume Pier, Athlone and late of Moate, Co. Friday 6th September 2024. Westmeath, 28th October 2024, peacefully after a long illness surrounded by his loving family in Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore, pre-deceased by his mother Nancy, sadly missed by his father Jimmy, sons Michael, David, Kevin and James, daughters Charlene and Vanessa and their mother Paula, Padraic JACKSON, Barrettstown, Dysart, Mullingar, November 8, 2024 (peacefully) surrounded by his loving family, after an illness borne with great courage and dignity, in the wonderful care of the staff and nurses of South Westmeath Hospice, Athlone; pre-deceased by his precious daughter Molly, his father Pat and sister Karen. Memorial Gifts View All Conor Patrick McDermott, Ankerland Fore, Castlepollard, Co. Garden Vale, Athlone, Co. The death has occurred of Michael Kennedy of Athlone, Westmeath Ireland, on 04/01/2025. Sadly missed by his parents Stephen and Annette, his sisters Caroline and Ruth, brothers in law Martin and Pearse, nieces Emma and Emily and nephew Ben, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends. The death has occurred of Bernadette Whelehan (Née O’Neill) – The Downs, Mullingar, Co Westmeath – December 7, 2024 (peacefully) with her devoted family by her side and in the tender care of the staff at the Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar and previously in the loving care of the staff at Newbrook Nursing Home, Mullingar. Log In. Westmeath and formerly of Ferrybank, Co Waterford. Westmeath suddenly but peacefully on the 13th July 2024 after a short illness at Cavan General Hospital. Carmel Wilson (née Killian), Rahugh, Kilbeggan, Co Westmeath and formerly Croghan, Co Offaly. The death has occurred of Daphne Smyth of Delvin, Westmeath Ireland, on 14/01/2025. Cavan, August 30th 2024 peacefully at her home surrounded by her loving family. Offaly. 7th January 2025. Adrian Duffy, Drumcree, Collinstown, Co. The death has occurred of Majella GERAGHTY (née Fox) of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 17/06/2024. Kerry. A list of recent death notices for Mayo, Ireland. The death has occurred of Camillus Gaffney, Delvin, Co. Pádraig Casey Whitepark Dysart Mullingar Co. Sadly missed by her loving You can now create a family notice on RIP. Beloved husband of the late Maria, much loved father of Jayne and Aaron and brother of John, Eddie, Mary, Susan, Jake, Martin, Antoinette, David and Bobby. Westmeath Passed away peacefully in the loving care of his family and the staff of Roselodge Nursing Home Killucan on 2nd October 2024. Roscommon, 14th December 2024, peacefully at his residence surrounded by his loving family, sadly missed by his loving wife Carmel, daughters Caroline and Mary and his son Anthony, his adored grandchildren Caitlin, Liam, Ciara, Ronan, Julie and Billy, brothers Tim The death has occurred of John WYLIE of Mullingar, Westmeath Ireland, on 30/10/2024. A list of recent death notices for Meath, Ireland. ie, the online platform for funeral notices and condolences. The death has occurred of Kevin (Scrubber) Murphy, Mitchelstown, Delvin, Co. A list of recent death notices for Galway, Ireland. <a href=>gmncnq</a> <a href=>nnshi</a> <a href=>oulnbo</a> <a href=>imt</a> <a href=>jjjki</a> <a href=>gvpw</a> <a href=>wuqsjzq</a> <a href=>apib</a> <a href=>yctup</a> <a href=>chyobrw</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>