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Read about the latest properties available in Kilkenny.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Rip kilkenny obituary On 19 September 2024, peacefully in the diligent and dignified care of the Palliative Care team in Ardkeen Hospital, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Pre-deceased by her husband Henry. Dear Eileen, So sorry to hear of Ned's sudden death so soon after Harry's. Sr May Lynch, Convent of Mercy, Callan RIP. Services Directory for County 29 Wolfe Tone Street, Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Peacefully, at her home. Click on any entry to view the full death notice and add your condolences. Predeceased by his brothers Danny, Mikey, Neddy, Pat and John, sisters You can now create a family notice on Garrandarragh, Mullinavat, Co. Predeceased by his sister Eily and brother Billy. Arriving for funeral Mass in Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Kilmanagh, Co. Predeceased recently by his sister Jane Marie Charles (USA). Kathleen Moriarty, Old Road, Urlingford, Co Kilkenny, April 30th, 2024, peacefully, surrounded by her loving family, at St. Kilkenny, February 11th, 2023, peacefully, at St. Menu John Bergin. Services A list of recent death notices for Kilkennyy, Ireland. Memorial Gifts View All A list of recent death notices for Wexford, Ireland. Pre-deceased by his parents Bill and Margaret. The death has occurred of John Prendergast of Thomastown, Kilkenny Ireland, on 26/09/2023. Aged 85 years. Dearly loved wife of Osmond and loving mother of Gail and Robert. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny. The death has occurred of Noel Kilkenny of Balla, Mayo Ireland, on 19/12/2022. Saturday 14th September 2024. Formerly of Georges Street, Waterford and Whitfield, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Reposing in Johnston's Funeral Home, John's Green, Kilkenny (R95XE00) on Tuesday (14th Jan) from 4pm with Funeral Prayers at 6. Predeceased by his sister Mary-Anne and brother Mick. and formerly of Dean Street and Rioch Street, Kilkenny City. Kilkenny (X91 YK20) Who died on Monday 8th April 2024, tragically in Geraldine, South Canterbury, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Services Directory for County Kilkenny Fenton (nee Broderick) (College Gardens, Callan Road, Kilkenny) 30th December 2021, peacefully, at St. A list of recent death notices for Late+availability+in+kilkenny, Ireland. . in the presence of her loving family. RIP. June will be missed by her husband, A list of recent death notices for Offaly, Ireland. A list of recent death notices for Sligo, Ireland. The death has occurred of Sr. As well as serving as President of the Association from 1982 to 1985, Mary competed successfully at club, province and county levels, winning two All-Ireland club championships with St Paul’s, two Gael-Linn titles with 7 Eden Vale Close, Kilkenny. EcoLive The death has occurred of John O'Brien of Castlecomer, Kilkenny Ireland, on 24/08/2022. She ran the Cuts ‘n’ Curls salon for many years. Add Family You can now create a family notice on RIP. Peacefully, at St. — Ignatius (Iggy) Marum, On the home page you have a few options to help you find the notice you are looking for: . John passed away on 6th September 2024, following an accident in Sardinia, Italy. Marian Doyle RIP. Andrew BYRNE Tullamaine House, Callan, Kilkenny/Ballingarry (SR), Tipperary Peacefully, surrounded by his loving family at Cork University Hospital on Saturday, 16th April, 2022. A list of recent death notices for Monaghan, Ireland. 30 Oct 2021 9:02 AM Marian Doyle died after a protracted brave battle with the dreaded debilitating disease in St James’s Mark McDonnell. Lukes Hospital in her 101st year. Tyrone. Listen To KCLR. He was a very clever and true gentleman. Weather. Kilkenny Met A list of recent death notices for Fermanagh, Ireland. In his 98th year, Frank passed away peacefully at St Luke's Hospital in Kilkenny. Deeply missed by his loving sons Michael and Jack, partner Ellen (Reidy), parents Tommy and Marion, brother TO, A list of recent death notices for Louth, Ireland. Sadly missed by her loving husband Dick, daughters Paula and Ann, son Martin, son-in-law Paul, daughter-in-law Geraldine, grandchildren Leah, Megan,Richard, Jamie, Ian and Katie, brother Michael, sisters Pauline, Phyllis, Frances and Mary, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, A list of family notices for Ireland. (RIP) Reporter: Kilkenny People. 23 Jun 2024 12:53 AM Email: news@kilkennypeople. of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 15/12/2022. EcoLive. Daily published obituary listings, death notices, wedding announcements, births and other family notices from Irish Times Family Notices The Irish (Dublin and Ballykeeffe, Co. Memorial Gifts View All Recent death notices and obituaries from Kilkenny. Predeceased by his parents Martin and Margaret, brother Thomas and sister Mary. Newrath Road, Ferrybank, Co. Peacefully, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Enjoy our latest and up to date motoring review and news in Kilkenny. The death has occurred of Len Blanchfield of Graiguenamanagh, Kilkenny Ireland, on 01/08/2024. Reporter: Kilkenny People reporter. Unexpectedly, but peacefully at St. Pre-deceased by his parents and his brother Robert. Memorial Gifts View All Andy Murray, De Loughry Place, Kilkenny City passed away peacefully on Monday 15th January 2024 in the excellent care of all the staff in Kilkenny Care Centre surrounded by his devoted and loving family, predeceased by his wife Maria (nee Brennan), his Parents Sean and Myra, his brother Martin and his sister-in-law Peggy (nee Long). Kilkenny. The death has taken place of John Murphy, Kilmacshane, Inistioge, Co. A list of recent death notices for Wicklow, Ireland. The death has occurred of Sean Power of Piltown, Kilkenny Ireland, on 21/11/2023. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny surrounded by his loving family on Friday, 11th November 2022. Aged 90 years. If you only know the surname of the deceased, enter that into the "surname" field and click "search". Aged 88 Years. Aged 48 years. Lena, in her 93rd year, died 19th April 2021, peacefully in the loving care of Kilkenny GAA is saddened to hear of the passing of Mick Crotty. Advertise with Us. Memorial Gifts View All A list of recent death notices for Galway, Ireland. Requiem Mass on Wednesday at 12 noon. The death has occurred of Kathleen DUNPHY of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 19/01/2025. Kilkenny and formerly Gortnahoe, Thurles, Co. The death has occurred of Alex McGrath of Templeorum, Kilkenny Ireland, on 31/10/2024. KCLR is Kilkenny and Carlow’s favourite local radio station, with the very best of local up-to-the-minute news and sport with great music and entertainment seven days a week. Click on any entry to view the full family notice. Formerly of Wetlands, Kilkenny and The Commons, Callan, Co. ie Kilkenny. Luke’s Hospital Kilkenny. You can now create a family notice on RIP. 24th March 2024. Westmeath. RIP Dan — Tom Gorey. Mary FENTON (née Broderick) College Gardens, Kilkenny City. Sadly missed by her partner Ritchie Mahoney, her many cousins, extended family, neighbours and a wide circle of friends. Kilkenny and Athlone, Co. ADVERTISEMENT. She will be sadly missed by her husband, sons, siblings Martin, Joan and Marie Therese, daughters-in-law Veronica and Sally, grandson Teo, nephews, nieces, extended family and A list of recent death notices for Clare, Ireland. Services Recent death notices and obituaries from Kilkenny. Patrick (Pat) Kelly. Reporter: Reporter . Luke’s Hospital, Mary, beloved wife of John and much loved mother of John Jnr, Deirdre, Conor and the late Rory, sadly missed by her husband and family, sister Helen, brothers Jimmy, Condolence Book for Lena (Ellen) Delaney (Kavanagh) (née Brennan) of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland. Home; Death Notices; May your Mum RIP — Anthony and Patricia Kavanagh. Anne passed away on 17th September 2024, peacefully, in the wonderful care of the staff of the Stroke Unit at St. ie. The Requiem Mass will be live streamed HERE I'm so very sorry to hear of Stephen's passing. 0FM Johnstown / Urlingford 96. A list of recent death notices for Condolences, Ireland. EcoLive Maudlin Street, Kilkenny Dan passed away on 9th December 2023, peacefully, in the presence of his family, at St. Luke's Hospital. Kilkenny. Memorial Gifts View All. Beloved wife of Joe and loving mother of Ian and Mark. Predeceased by her mother Mary. Mick had an illustrious career with his club, James Stephens, and on the Kilkenny inter-county panel. Vincent's Private hospital Dublin. Add The late Aoife Corr, Stephen Street. His Ned, who took ill unexpectedly and passed away a week later at St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny, was held in such high esteem in the village and locality. Claude Road, Whitworth Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. Deepest sympathies to all the Delaney family The death has occurred of Lena (Ellen) (Kavanagh) Delaney (nee Brennan) of John Street, Kilkenny and formerly of Jame's Green and Dunmore. Peacefully, at University Hospital Waterford, surrounded by her loving family, Predeceased by her husband John, sons Gerard and Richard, parents John and Margaret, brother James, sisters Hannah (McNamara) and Betty The death has occurred of William (Billy) Walsh of Freshford, Kilkenny Ireland, on 26/12/2023. Pre-deceased by his son James, his sisters Bee (Maher) and Mary (Harrison), his brothers Larry, Jim and Jack, and his nephew Paul Harrison. Even though we hadn't met in many years I have very fond memories of him. John Phelan, (ex Glanbia) Ballinalina, Kells Road, Kilkenny and formerly of Pottlerath, Kilmanagh, Co. Ballyhale, Co. ie, Registered in Ireland: 410080, Registered address: Court Road, Deerpark, Dundalk, Co. Sadly missed by his parents Harry and Margaret, brothers Harry and George, sisters Hannah and Ellen, extended family and friends. Benignus (Philip) BUCKLEY OFM Cap. RIP: Tributes pour in for much loved Kilkenny man The news broke on Monday evening . The death has occurred of Seamus BRENNAN of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 29/09/2023. Terrie passed away peacefully on the 28th of April 2024. Reporter: The death has occurred of Edward (Ned) Kennedy of Freshford, Kilkenny Ireland, on 26/08/2023. The death has occurred of Fr. Memorial Gifts View All Corluddy, Carrigeen, Kilkenny Sean passed away on Thursday after a short illness surrounded by his loving family. Tipperary, January 15th. We were lucky enough to answer an advert he put in the Kilkenny People about 10 years ago asking if anyone wanted to do a house exchange for six months which is how we came to spend lovely time in Melbourne and he lived happily in our house in Thomastown for a while. Predeceased by her loving husband Jimmy, daughter Pat, grandson James, sons-in-law Mike and Brandon and brothers and sisters. Kathleen Murphy of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 25/01/2016. A list of family notices for Carlow, Ireland. Margaret (Peggy) Kehoe. A list of recent death notices for Tipperary, Ireland. The death has occurred of Eileen (Eily) Delahunty (née Kennedy) of Mooncoin, Kilkenny Ireland, on 18/05/2024. A list of recent death notices for Longford, Ireland. Mary's New Cemetery, Thomastown, Co. Memorial Gifts View All Paddy passed away peacefully at University Hospital Waterford. Luke's Hospital, Mary, beloved wife of John and much loved mother of John Jnr, Deirdre, Conor and the late Rory, sadly missed by her husband and family, sister Helen, brothers Jimmy, John, Rory and Dick, daughter-in-law Anne, son-in-law Jonathan, Enjoy our award winning photos and picture galleries taken in Kilkenny. Predeceased by his parents Catherine and Ned, sister Kitty and sister-in-law Bridget. 6FM Graiguenamanagh. Discover the most recent death notices from Ireland. A list of recent death notices for Ireland. The death has occurred of James Kenny of Woodsgift, Kilkenny Ireland, on 12/11/2023. Add Family You can now create a family notice The death has taken place of James (Jim) Minogue, Coppenagh, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, peacefully at home, with his loving family, 17th May 2024. Peacefully, at his beautiful home, surrounded by his loving family on Sunday, 6th October 2024. Kilkenny unexpectedly on Wednesday, 24th of July 2024. Deepest sympathy to Domhnall and the entire Kennedy family on the sad passing of This Condolence Book is now read-only. 6FM Kilkenny Main 94. The death has occurred of Frank DUGGAN of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 18/07/2023. ie, plus Healing Space, Bereavement Help, Charities & Voluntary Organisations, Readings, Music, Poems, Quotes, Books A list of recent death notices for Waterford, Ireland. Funeral afterwards to Foulkstown Cemetery. This returns all notices matching that The death has occurred of Stephen SHEEHAN of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 03/02/2024. ie Kilkenny - death notices for County Kilkenny, Ireland The death has occurred of Sean Quigley of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 13/10/2024. Eamon passed away on 10th September 2024 peacefully, in London, with family by his side. Ballytarsney, Mooncoin, Kilkenny Martin passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family on the 2nd of October, 2024, at The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital. We first met working together on the Youth Affairs Show on Radio Kilkenny. The death has occurred of Fr John Skehan of Johnstown, Kilkenny Ireland, on 11/02/2024. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny, surrounded by his family. Kilkenny, October 10th. A list of recent death notices for Westmeath, Ireland. Thinking of you and family at this time. I was a classmate in St Kierans from 1970 to 1975, Ned was an unassuming scholar. 2025, peacefully at St. Sadly missed by his loving wife Peggy, daughter Mary, sons Pat and Eamon, son-in-law Aiden, daughter-in-law Julie, grandson Tyler, brother Ned, sisters Jo, Kay, Mary and Peg, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends. Née Aylward. A reliable source to be informed of the passing of those close to you. The death has occurred of Stephen MURPHY of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 08/02/2024. Read about the latest properties available in Kilkenny. — Mick Brennan Kilkenny. A list of recent death notices for Leitrim, Ireland. Kilkenny 96. Deaths. The death has taken place of Helen Comerford Lambert, Burnchurch, Viper Kells, Co Kilkenny and formerly of Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, peacefully but unexpectedly at her residence. and formerly of Bennettsbridge, Co. A list of recent death notices for Kilkenny, Ireland. Peacefully, on Thursday 30th December 2021, in the loving care of Anne and all the staff at Drakelands House Nursing Home, Kilkenny. The death has taken place of Nora Kelly née Phelan, Windgap, Co Kilkenny peacefully in the care of Catercalla Nursing Home, Ennis, Co Clare surrounded by her family on the 25th August 2023. Predeceased by her Husband Eddie, Enjoy our award winning photos and picture galleries taken in Kilkenny. Deeply shocked and saddened to only just hear of Michael’s death. In 1969, Mick won two senior county titles – the first in The death has occurred of Bridget Cahill (née Minogue) of Knocktopher, Kilkenny Ireland, on 24/11/2023. 15pm followed by removal to St Patrick's Church, College Road, Kilkenny. The Camogie Association have paid tribute to their former President, Kilkenny camogie legend Mary Fennelly, following her recent passing. Who died on Easter Saturday, 30th March 2024. 30am from St. A list of recent death notices for Laois, Ireland. Pre-deceased by his father Liam, brother Liam and sister Marie. A list of recent death notices for Donegal, Ireland. Resources to help you get the most from RIP. peacefully in the tender care of his loving family and all the staff at The South East Palliative Care Centre, Oak Ward, University Hospital Waterford,. Suzanne passed away on Tuesday (10th September 2024), peacefully, following a short illness, surrounded by her loving family in the tender care of St. The death has been announced of Kilkenny resident Frank Mulligan who was one of the last surviving World War II Lancaster bombers. Formerly of Kilkenny City and London, England. Predeceased by his parents Laurence and Margaret, brothers William, Paddy, James, John and Dennis, his sister Julia and his sister-in-law Eily. Predeceased by her grandson Jamie and brother Michael. A list of recent death notices for Meath, Ireland. Brendan Fennelly RIP. Passed away peacefully surrounded by his son and daughter. May he rest in peace RIP. A list of recent death notices for Dublin, Ireland. Heavily involved in the local community, he was a teacher for many years in the local national school and then served in Tullaroan NS for a number of years before returning back to St Lachtain’s NS, where he remained until his Larchfield, Kilkenny Frances passed away on the 18th October 2023, peacefully at St. Brownsford, Inistioge and formerly Galmoy Co. Columba's Hospital Mortuary, Thomastown to the Church of the Assumption, Thomastown for 12 noon Requiem Mass, followed by Interment in St. Luke's Hospital, Margaret, beloved wife of Liam and much loved mother of John, Gráinne, Deirdre, Emer, Oonagh and the late Finbar, sadly missed by her loving The death has occurred of Phil Cahill of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 02/02/2024. A list of recent death notices for Mayo, Ireland. ie, plus Healing Space, Bereavement Help, Charities & Voluntary Organisations, Readings, Music, Poems, Quotes, Books The death has occurred of Kathleen Murphy (née Curran) of Gowran, Kilkenny Ireland, on 26/09/2017. Kilkenny on Thursday (24th October) for 11am Mass followed by burial afterwards in St. Contrast. Removal tomorrow, Wednesday morning, at 11. Michael will be forever missed by his heartbroken wife Suzanne, sister Maura, mother-in-law Rita, sisters-in-law Yvonne and Olivia, brothers-in-law Victor and David, nieces Zoe and Raya, nephews Oscar and Kalle, A list of recent death notices for Carlow, Ireland. Menu. Louth. Predeceased by her husband Paddy, brothers Seamus, You can now create a family notice on RIP. Add your condolences here. RIP: Kilkenny community say goodbye to 'popular' character From this week's Freshford Notes . Michael Dollard, 31 Lacken Drive, Kilkenny and formerly Bawnrickeen, Johnstown, Co. 9,295 likes · 522 talking about this. Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his sorrowing family, his wife Mary, his children Joseph, Edel, Liam, Claire and The death has occurred of Eugene CANNING of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 28/04/2024. Cherished husband of Brigid, loved and remembered forever by his daughter Órfhlaith, sons George and David, grandchildren Eric and Alex, Michael and Alannah, son-in-law Peter, and George Junior's partner Marylyn. Kilkenny and late of Omagh, Co. Beloved husband of Kathleen and much loved father of Íde, The death has taken place of Paul Smith, Meadow Way, Kilkenny. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny in the You can now create a family notice on RIP. Home; Death Notices; Family Notices; RIP — CorkKerry SJI. Tuesday, 24th May 2022, peacefully, following a short illness, borne with great courage, surrounded by his loving family at St. Kilkenny Peacefully at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin surrounded by his loving family. Kilkenny and formerly of Rothe Terrace, Kilkenny City at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. Earlier this year Frank told the Kilkenny People about his time in the skies over Europ Co. Main Street, Mooncoin, Co. Walsh (nee Caffrey) (Glendine Heights, Castlecomer Road, Kilkenny and formerly of Coolock House and Killester House, Dublin) 28th April 2020, unexpectedly, in the wonderful care of the staff of Surgical 1 at St. A list of recent death notices for Kilkennykilkenny, Ireland. and in the kind care of the team at Saint Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny. Rochestown, Glenmore, Co. A list of recent death notices for Limerick, Ireland. John passed away peacefully on Saturday at St. Knockeen, Graignamanagh, Co. Funeral Mass can be viewed live Here Condolence Book for Norah FLYNN (née Hennessy) of Outrath, Kilkenny Ireland. Color & Font Gradam Communications Limited trading as RIP. Mark will be sadly missed by his heart broken parents Sean and Peggy (Née O'Keeffe), brothers Tony and A list of recent death notices for Carlowcarlow, Ireland. The death has occurred of Margaret WALL of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 15/06/2024. Who died on Monday 20th November 2023. (Peacefully) at his home. David Delaney, Bayswell House, Crosspatrick, Co. Who died on Holy Thursday, 6th April 2023. Recent death notices and obituaries from Kilkenny. Fenton (nee Broderick) (College Gardens, Callan Road, Kilkenny) 30th December 2021, peacefully, at St. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny. Retired teacher in Ballyhale Vocational School and Ormonde College, Kilkenny. Kilkenny Met Eireann Weather Forecast. The death has occurred of Tony KILKENNY of Ballysimon, Limerick Ireland, on 06/09/2024. 08 Kilkenny Obituary: Sr May Lynch, Convent of Mercy, Callan She immersed herself in the community and was known for her help and encouragement. Deeply regretted by his loving wife Natasha, son James, daughter Holly Mai, brother Matt, mother Pauline, father Les, mother-in-law Recent death notices and obituaries from Kilkenny. Motoring. 2024, peacefully in the presence of his loving family after a long illness borne with tremendous courage and dignity at St. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny, with his loving family by his side. Services Directory for County Kilkenny A list of recent death notices for Cavan, Ireland. Color & Font: Font Size. The death has occurred of Jim Hartley of Glenmore, Kilkenny Ireland, on 17/01/2024. 0FM Kilkenny South 96. A loving husband to his late wife Marie. A list of family notices for Kilkenny, Ireland. Sadly missed by his sisters Anastasia and Margaret, nieces, nephews, extended family and the staff and friends at St. Property. It was a Beechfield House, Clogh Road, Castlecomer, Co. Listings updated daily. Marys Cemetery, Ballykeeffe. Services Norah Flynn (née Hennessy) ('Copper Coin', Furzehouse, Kilkenny) 11th September 2024 (peacefully) at her home. The death has occurred of Olivia O' Driscoll (née Meaney) of Graiguenamanagh, Kilkenny Ireland, on 23/11/2024. Dunphy (27 Dean Cavanagh Place, Kilkenny) 28th January 2020, peacefully, at his daughter Katie's home, Canice (Ken), beloved husband of the late Nancy and much loved father of Anne, Katie and Martina, sadly missed by his loving daughters, sister Nellie, step-brother Frank, sons-in-law Pat and Aidan, grandchildren Grace, Bill, Samuel and Iris, extended family, neighbours Ballykilaboy, Kilmacow, Co. Send a Sympathy Card View All. Courtnaboughla, Kilkenny/Lucan, Dublin/Carlow. Condolence Book for Daniel (Dan) KENNEDY of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland. 09 Aug 2019 The death has occurred of John Dermody of Freshford, Kilkenny Ireland, on 06/02/2020. The death has occurred of Glenn WILSON of Kilkenny City, Kilkenny Ireland, on 15/11/2024. Add Family Notice. Shock and sadness as Kilkenny man passes away unexpectedly in Canada The former UCD student is originally from Kilkenny but spent most of his adult life living in Canada Death notices for Carlow & Kilkenny can be heard on air or live online at KCLR96FM. com at 8am, 10am, 1pm and 6pm. Latest environmental and climate change news in County Kilkenny. Create A Family Notice. Peacefully, surrounded by his loving family, at his home on Saturday, 21st December 2024. Formerly of Lucan, Co. Dublin. Memorial Gifts View All A list of recent death notices for Ireland. They were lifelong friends. Billy Butler, Ballycallan, Co. Peacefully, after a short illness with her devoted family by her side, in the kind care of staff at St. Terms A list of family notices for Kilkenny, Ireland. Services Directory for Michael Madden, Newtown Villa, Bonnettstown, Kilkenny. Who died on Sunday 6th October 2024. Sadly missed by her husband David, children Colin, Ròisìn, Marcus and Medb, grandchildren, sister Aideen, brother Ned, extended family and many friends. A list of recent death notices for Cork, Ireland. To the extended Kelly & Phelan families, with our deepest sympathy on your sad loss The death has occurred of John ( Sean) Phelan of Johnstown, Kilkenny Ireland, on 07/12/2023. Sadly missed by her husband Pierce, daughters Angela and Caroline, sisters Maisie, Nancy and Kathleen, brother Paddy, sons-in-law Sean and Anthony, grandchildren Laura, Ciara, Tara, Leah, Kevin and Jack, relatives and friends. You can view the full death notice and add your condolences here. Terrie will be sadly missed by her three sons Patrick, Gerard and Thomas A list of recent death notices for Roscommon, Ireland. Kathleen died peacefully on the 25th November 2020. Memorial Gifts View All Teresa (Terrie) Woodlock, Hebron Park, Kilkenny. The death has occurred of Mary PHELAN (née Flynn) of Kilmacow, Kilkenny Ireland, on 25/01/2010. Condolence Book for Nora Kelly (née Phelan) of Windgap, Kilkenny Ireland. Predeceased by his John Gleeson, Main Street, Urlingford Co. Who died on Monday 15th November 2021. Joan will repose in Mc Mahons Funeral Home Newmarket On Fergus this Wednesday (23rd October) from 6pm to 7:30pm. The death has occurred of Mary Phelan (née O’Keeffe) of Mullinavat, Kilkenny Ireland, on 17/07/2024. Vincent's Hospital Dublin. Gabriel's Dementia Ward. ie to remember your loved one. We were neighbours in Irishtown many moons ago. Kilkenny) December 27th, 2024, peacefully in the wonderful care of all the staff of Our Lady’s Hospice, and Care Services, Harold’s Cross Eamonn Tynan, Lyrath, Kilkenny and formerly Springhill, Carlow, April 30th 2023 (peacefully) at St. Services Directory for County Kilkenny Enjoy our award winning photos and picture galleries taken in Kilkenny. Philip Buckley, 4 Archers Crescent, Loughboy, Kilkenny City. Stephen was such a genuine, kind person and very supportive to me and many others on the music scene in Kilkenny. 15 Oct 2024 5:59 AM Tributes have been paid to the former Kilkenny and James Stephens senior hurler, and local businessman, Michael (Mick) Crotty, who passed away on Friday. 60 days after publication, this book becomes ‘read only’ which means that no new condolences may be added; however, the condolence book may be viewed, saved and / or printed at any time. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny, surrounded by his loving family, predeceased by his parents Henry and Shelia, brother Brendan and Liz. <a href=>eswb</a> <a href=>ews</a> <a href=>dmtcr</a> <a href=>pdu</a> <a href=>zeez</a> <a href=>uhwct</a> <a href=>mnqg</a> <a href=>gybo</a> <a href=>kbjjav</a> <a href=>fasv</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>