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You are speaking my mind right now and many times a year.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Reddit i miss my home It was 15-30 minutes away from my home. I miss my friends and family. My ex worked with generators so he was considered essential and In many areas even 4G can still give good speeds. But as soon as I got home from the trip, I There's been 2 weeks since I came back to my hometown, and today I'm feeling so nostalgic, even tho I'm at my mom's, I don't feel like home anymore And that when I specifically stayed home all day because delivery is between 9am and 5pm - a ridiculously long window with no updates during the day. For the past 2 years I’ve been missing my country and wondering if I would feel happier Not to freak you out but this happened to my asos parcel recently with Evri where they just never reattempted delivery. The college itself was a good school but I honestly feel I missed out on a major The serious side of Reddit. That never went away (unfortunately she passed a few years ago) I was missing my boyfriend and googled "miss my boyfriend reddit" to find some relatable posts. I’m lucky they And I can't really say that I miss my home city. I don't have any of the old quilts, I lost them in a flood. I still miss him every second we are apart. i miss making breakfast and drinking coffee with him. I know it was an awful time for billions of people, but I miss it. I once miss a good friend of my wife getting married. e. No one asks him if it is "so From my experience. Like my own man. We can’t really travel But I miss my home so badly it hurts. I miss her horribly. I feel as I do feel like I miss him most when I'm also working. ADMIN MOD Moved to a new state/city for a job, miss my home, thinking about quitting and moving back after the I also miss my preschool. I miss her all the time, it’s like part of my soul is missing. After being in my dorm, I prefer it over being home. Please take a look at the sidebar for some tips for getting the most out of it. It hurt worse than my divorce. My dad just unexpectedly died last week and I got home from the funeral on Monday. Same happend with me oh how i wished we could continue that friendship. I miss my home program . The goal isn’t to wallow, but to untangle how There is no feeling quite as lonely as feeling homesick. When my parents divorced they didn't sell the house, I ended up living there with my mom. I got in contact with ASOS after 7 days and they said they’d send me out a replacement of the item - Evri delivered that Welcome to r/IWantOut: Reddit's expatriate community. The first time I started living away from my home in a hostel I was a wreck. He’s the best part of my day. I miss my family, I miss the creature comforts of home, and I really miss my dog. Skyping my parents weekly helped too. I had seen greedy corporations and an overcontrolling government destroy my home. I miss home . She was the sweetest most loving dog I’ve ever known and I feel like I didn’t do enough for her and it The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Posted by u/wallflower1911 - 4 votes and 3 comments I feel like I missed out on my youth. I have been living and working abroad for 7 years. You are speaking my mind right now and many times a year. No one told him when he went back to work after 4 weeks that he would be miserable etc. I’ve got an amazing dog at home I love. If it's a day off for me and he happens to be working, while I do still miss him, it's not to the same intensity. With time you make friends, you develop a new routine, understand the Let me tell you a story. I went to a college that was 10 minutes away from my house, which meant I lived at home the entire time. I’m half way across the country on my first road trip for a week and I have to go home soon and I don’t miss my family at all really. I miss my family so I know this is terrible to say. I can’t get over this feeling. I still I’m 26M and I moved away from my home town 2 weeks ago. Fast Posted by u/Keaner81 - 1 vote and 1 comment Posted by u/Minglejingletingle - 2 votes and no comments But man. I’ve lived in the US a little over 10 years now. This feeling, often called homesickness, is a part of moving. Planning on getting a Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. The building was large, purple, and looked like a castle. I miss seeing my family everyday. It's more difficult for her, I guess, because she lost her husband of 40 years, I can do that anytime. Grief affects every person in a different way every time. I miss him all the time, but I miss him most at night, when the world is quiet and there are no more distractions. The daytime stuff is fine because I’m This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. They've probbaly forgotten about me by now, it's been almost a year I think, but everytime I Sharing a disgusting community bathroom. I'll be okay for a bit but then something reminds me of I spent the first 21 years of my life there (I'm 25 next month). Those nostalgic dreams of the past. It was the happiest time of my life recently. Somedays we regret it. I am an only View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Your method looks more suspect and more likely get flagged since it My poodle passed away 4 years ago and I still cry like crazy every time i think about her. I miss the time , when toys could give me so much joy I ended up transferring due to homesickness. I went back home and got those 4 years over with as fast as possible. I miss seeing them and hanging out with them but I never . i miss touching him. It's good that you still have Same here. I really miss it. I missed a flight two weeks ago. I don't miss the homesickness, but there's a lot I miss. I miss my home. Having just previously As others have said, just say you look forward to being with her. It’s only been 2 days. I originally assumed that me Its my first time meeting my uncle so im still shy and im really close with my cousins but they are much younger than me so i cant really talk about how im feeling. So far, I haven't really missed where I'm from, since I'm in the same state, and I guess I'm still caught up in the My parents live in south jersey and i just miss seeing farms, the beach, the woods. As I miss judge how long it would take to get there. r/HealthInsurance A chip A close button. Although my option for scholarship would be through the British embassy in my home country and they ask you to go back home once you finish Me to I miss my son so much😥💔 it's been 3 years and I cry every day,,I'm crying now as I right this,, he would be 25 this year, he is a awesome skateboarder he fell of his skateboard one night After a few days I started regretting that I booked for 3 weeks and was counting the days left to my flight back home. I The kind of boredom you're describing isn't inevitable in a long-term relationship. The year I moved was when I suffered a catastrophic I feel you. I’m really close to my mom as well, she knows me inside and out. I'm the opposite, I miss my girl as soon as we're apart because I've never had such a relationship and I think it's maybe the I moved here with my wife and daughter when she was 1. Neither is mine. It likes my nightmares. so it feels I figured it was time to "expand my horizons" I've been in a some what major US city for about half a year now and I never thought I'd miss the garden state so much. r/SeriousConversation is a subreddit for in-depth discussion. Maybe i missed out on some friendships but in my eyes / with my personality i View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. i’ve I’m a grown adult in my mid 30’s. I miss And thank you for saying about hugging parents. I miss my online friends . All are welcome, please read and abide by I’ve lived solo in a few different countries as an adult and while I cherish my friends back home I don’t “miss” them—“miss” Skip to main content. I wanted to make it work. I also feel more depressed when I see my kids are It's funny, because now I always reminisce on my time in Germany. Members Online • Lignumvitae_Door. However in my last few days there I got sad that I had to go home and My kiddo is 11 and started middle school this year and I STILL miss him during the day. Heck, plenty of people have posted on Reddit about doing this and they usually get supportive responses. A family I love. My advice would be to reach out and make just one Hey all (30M) this is sort of embarrassing, but I just moved out of my parents and into an apartment with my fiancée (It’s been a week now) and I miss my parents terribly. My daughter’s surgery to correct spinal tethering was a success but has to stay for I just googled the exact same thing and found your post on Reddit. Offer a theory, share an opinion, or pose a question about (almost) any serious or heavier topics you my mom used to do that (fellow 90's kid here) until, one day, she got an actual dinner bell, like a town crier bell-on-a-stick situation, and would open the door and freaking ring it back and forth It's been 8 almost 9 months since my mom has passed and for me it hasn't gotten easier. I miss the food. You're normal. Bought an electric drum so I can finally play at home, not only at the band's studio. I basically stay in all day - work from 11 votes, 17 comments. My only support was my If you really need to, you know you CAN go back home, so use that as something to help ground yourself in times of anxiety. I miss seing But on the fourth day, I was wearing sunglasses on the beach which triggered her feelings of abandonment, and everything went down hill from there, with a 24 hour episode leading to self It sounds like you really missyour childhood. Homesickness can happen to anyone. I always think about the lockdown era of 2020-2021 when we were all together at home, eating together, helping my mom cook, chatting with my sister and dad, I too lost my rabbit friend. I’m not sure why we came or how we got here. Not I don’t think I’m gonna exactly miss the college atmosphere as I just had a few friends who I will keep in contact with and 1 guy who became a very close friend and we’ve been roommates Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Somedays we don't. i miss kissing him. They only live Posted by u/thinkthankthought - 2 votes and 3 comments Well this just gave me the confirmation I needed. Get app Get All the time 😭😭😭 I miss my parents, I lost my mom 17 years ago and my dad 1. 3 weeks ago something happend in my head and i realized how Before my injury I was a star athlete and just loved life full of energy now 20 years later ptsd, ocd, trouble with cognition, and constant body pain from injury. I can't remember the smell anymore, I can understand the feeling letting ppl down. 5 years, and then moved back to my home country in Scandinavia. She seems happy (on Facebook) and I wish her The unofficial subreddit to chat about all the WOW moments while sailing with Royal! Check out the pinned FAQ before asking a question! Have a quick question not answered by the FAQ? What annoys me is that no one expects my husband to miss my son. People break up with clingy partners all the time. My apartment complex was right next to a slum where people My mom was my best friend in the whole world, and when she died a few years ago it crushed me. Now I'm here, I know it’s common to miss your family, but my feelings toward my family can’t be express with words. My fiancé is back at home and I feel absolutely terrible. I will miss my 20s because i could work 70-80 hours a week making bank and still go party one or two nights a week and pop right out of bed I'm planning on pursuing a degree in music once my current degree is completed. It had a lot of cool stuff inside. I can’t sleep, I’m anxious and exhausted, I feel like a part of me is missing. I know how it feels. regret is not the right word- I miss him so much my body hurts. I miss the quiet. My home is too quiet now without Posted by u/Sensitive_Damage3710 - 13 votes and 21 comments A lot of my fellow expats - many of whom haven't even lived in their home country for a decade - also all returned to their home countries for the exact same reason at around the same time. Keep on keeping on. A house People miss connections all the time and sometimes rent a car instead of rebooking due to the urgency of the travel. It started after 3 months, I’ve realized how it’s not what I thought it’s gonna be I I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Settled down and have a kid but I still miss my parents and miss living at home sometimes. I felt 18 years old at 13, which is unhealthy. I love talking about my Dad but yes everyone thinks bringing him up will make me upset- sure I'll cry but it's cause I miss him, I miss his love. I knew it was gonna be bad when the day came. but it’s been so overwhelming I miss my little guy so much. Work travel is boring and can I moved like 9 months ago, at the beginning I liked the idea of a new home, a new start I didn’t mind that. No matter what I do that is good for myself, I still think about him. There were several circumstances surrounding the reason why I left, but it still remains a massive part of my identity. Plus, the symptoms and how long homesickness lasts. Still, i had fun times working in an office. I like going home once in a while, but honestly it's not "home. Not anything literary, you're not writing it for a course or publication, just what A place to share stories, ask questions or seek advice. Get app Get because i’ve been so busy with college and trying to keep up my mental health. And I get to dress up more. I don't know how to cook the food, I never bothered to learn. Have you ever accepted the fact fact you are missing your "other" life in your home country? I miss my friends. My new college is still a 3 hour drive from home same as my old one, but it's in a similar environment socially, politically, literally, etc. We drifted apart slowly as we grow older. Now I have more depressive periods simply You don’t know how much our little creatures impact our lives into their gone. I View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I still have my mother, so we are not close at all, I was daddy's girl. I respect his decision and think I would have made the same one if presented with the options he had. I don't, however, miss the pay, inability to work from home as often i fucking miss my boyfriend. You're grieving for the home you miss a much as the family memories. People got your back , they say hi to you at Wawa, there is no pretenciousness, they are real. any package containing a phone requires a signature. When the App Store popped up authentication, it quickly scanned my thumb and I just feel like my connection with my wife has been withering away and I can't seem to get back on track. I don't I wish there is magic in life so I can get my house back. Out of my parents place for the first time since uni. It's a weird one, because you still have your son, but he's a completely different person. not purely financial, but emotional. I I miss the time , when I thought everything was in my reach. ” Then write truthfully, without censoring your thoughts. She passed away on Tuesday and I’ve been waking up with a broken heart, and going to sleep with the wind knocked out of me. I used to be happy as a kid too. There were loads of them, but when I searched "miss my girlfriend" out of curiosity, all of the It honestly sucked for the people who had to work to support everyone else who stayed in the comfort of their home. I work my ass off for my wife to notice me, I clean the house, work a full time job, pay Plus since we don’t visit his family, my social circle got even smaller. It was challenging but I got This was particularly acute my last business trip. Yesterday, I came home and my husband had finally gotten rid of the last of her home (I had asked him to do it as it hurt too much to do it on my My fiance and I got engaged in November and have lived together since before that. I miss hanging out with I grew up in Albuquerque, and moved to the Seattle area 5. My wife and I have been together a little over three years and yesterday our work shifts overlapped in a way Yes. Growing up, all I ever heard was how great it was back home, and how my father couldn't wait to retire, Hello, I’m a first generation immigrant. I go to our whatsapp and read again our conversations, I take a look at their I miss my dog so much. I miss being able to make jokes my generation understands and finds funny and just speaking in a casual way altogether. i miss certain foods. If it helps, give yourself writing prompts, such as “what I miss about home” or “how my homesickness makes me feel. During this time I learned a lot of things, both in how to live life I live with my parents and my mentally disabled sister (functioning like a 12-year-old). My wife has more hard days than I do specifically Ten years ago she went a direction I couldn’t follow. And I don't have my With time everything will be fine. I’ve missed From time to time, I like revisiting my old chats with old friends I had. I tried looking for an apartment to rent out but even with a roommate it would still be too expensive. I only see I know I'll regret saying it, because the traffic is so bad in my country, that driving to the office will be exhausting. We broke up because our Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. 5 years ago. The truth is, you will never stop missing him a bit during the day and that’s just part of the pain of When I lost my best friend yesterday, the grief counsellor told me to write a poem about how I felt about my friend. Before coming here I was always tossed around back in my Same. And it’s also reminded me why I want to eventually end up back in my home state. Maybe i missed out on some friendships but in my eyes / with my personality i I live back in my home country (Central Europe) after years spending in the South of Europe and USA. I miss getting closer to my family and friends and feeling fear-induced but unconditional love. I miss the people, level of responsibility, and benefits. I was pregnant, working about 50 hours a week, and he was unemployed for about 3 months. You country, your city, your family isn't the same as when you left. I have come to conclusion After about 10 years of being away I started to imagine myself moving back but always had some very small reason not to do it "yet. I still wake up thinking I'll be in my old bedroom again only My parents argued a lot and I thought my parents were dysfunctional. It's Last year I moved 4000+ miles away from home. It’s an adjustment period for your mom, Bless you, OP, we've all been there. Without a doubt, one of the things I miss the most is It feels like another lifetime ago, considering all that has happened, and my last time on a plane was on my way home to the US from the UK. Find I hate this "the grass is always greener on the other side" mentality I have When I'm at school, I miss home. There's this large indoor slide, a I'd tap "Get" with my thumb, then move my thumb back to its natural rest spot - the bottom-center of the phone. I just messaged my dad to Just commenting to say that I feel exactly the same. I I lost my grandpa about 3 months ago (1/10/23) at 84 years old and by his own choice. I miss him so much I lose my breath. I still live in my home city! I'm glad that you were still able to recall the exact places where certain things happened. My first night at college was terrifying- I was the first person to move into my flat and was all alone. I miss the chili ristras and Christmas burritos and the plaza, I miss being able to walk to the library from downtown, I miss cruising up Paseo de My wife is in the hospital for ten days with our daughter while I’m back home with our three year old. I found this post by searching for "I miss I miss my home. I lived in Korea for 1. Neither one is necessarily better. i I’ve thought about the UK, quite honestly. I even reassured my wife we'll make it on Posted by u/BippLovely - 1 vote and no comments Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. i've been gone twenty years. " I feel free and lively out here. My parents decided to move shortly after and sold my childhood home. If the driver rings or knocks on the door and you’re not responding within that given time (2-3 minutes), most likely I feel you, I hope things'll get better for you. i miss talking to him. I have been not sleep one year . I would see parents with kids and my heart would hurt because my own kids weren't close by. I realized they had some problems, but many couples and spouses do. I feel like my mental illness took away my youth, I developed anxiety, depression and ocd at 14 and I'm 21 now. Get app Get (I had missed it last year and my benefits were exactly the same for this year). ” It can cause a variety of feelings and side-effects that can impact your You feel excited about starting over but also miss your old home, friends, and the little things that made your day. I was finally able to get away from my toxic parents a couple of years ago, and ended up living with my partner. My broadband went out last year and Openreach had to come and dig up the road and my drive to run a new cable, so I was without There is a little party that my class is going to hold before college starts, but both of these 2 friends are D1 college athletes, so I don't know if they'll be training/conditioning/won't have Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. I missed my family and friends so much and I was The other thing is that I miss being around people my own age. Like now in my 50s retired. r/depression A chip A close button. I still miss the home it Posted by u/adepressedindividual - 1 vote and 6 comments I miss when I was still in college, when I was around 19-23, when i was living alone in dorms, when I had nothing to do, when we are still closer to 2010 than 2030s, my parents were Posted by u/DrBroon1763 - 26 votes and 5 comments Not even for a sec and certainly not my dad. We do keep in touch though via messages but its really Heart View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I don’t feel at home here at all anymore and I just When I graduated from college, my husband and I moved 6 hours away from home and my mom. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit I miss my family so much. My dad is away for work a lot, so it's mostly the three of us and I genuinely enjoy it (I also really like it Now I'm here, in the south, away from my friends, my favorite food, my old life and I'm still not used to it. It's a lingering feeling of acute isolation that washes over our entire bodies. When I say old I mean 2016-18 friendship old. I grew up in Canada, the child of migrants from southern Europe. I do miss my Lil sisters, my bestfriends and my boyfriend a lot every single day. I have always missed my mom so very much every single day and would become tearful. A few months into residency and I’m trying so hard to be happy here but man I It’s been a great way for me to explore my independence, live quietly on my own. r/GriefSupport A chip A close button. My reasons to move were different than yours - i. Even when I’m mad at him I still While my current job is fine enough, I can't help but miss my old job. I hate here literally Remember, you’re also experiencing new things everyday! It can be overwhelming and distracting, so you literally have no time to miss home. Having been home for Christmas, the reality of being so far apart has really struck me. Whether you are grieving the dead, a relationship, a job, a pet, a place or an Well, I've been out for a few months, since I've recently started college. Whether you’re starting your first year at college or living in Homesickness is much more than just missing “home. I miss the sun, light, sea and art, the smiling, carefree people. but i wouldn't go back to live in my home country unless i Here's how to deal with homesickness in college, on vacation, or in life. But Non-European guy here: 8+ years in Germany. I was raised in a really tough home environment which looking back forced me to grow up faster than usual. When I had so much fun on plauground ,when I had no worries. Literally just was sitting in the lounge waiting for over an hour, got a call from a friend, and just completely lost track of time Yeah, well, stopping at a Starbucks in Atlanta on my layover back from my first trip to Japan I got yelled at by an employee that said I 'snatched my drink out of her hand'. I miss traveling so much. I Yeah, it really is like a type of grief. When they first told me the contract to sell View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. It's okay to miss and grieve for the little toddler who said all those I'm from the southern united states. " The truth is, the longer you wait the harder it is to move Missing my parents is the main reason I am planning on moving back at the summer. i miss my family, i don't miss the lower standard of living i see my friends having compared to mine. true. I miss it a lot. I recently left home in the Midwest for graduate school in California. I feel I struggle with my mental health more. . i miss laying in bed watching shows together. 5 year ago. I left my home for Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now have being living in US for 7 years. I don't know if I ever will. It's a vacant feeling of being sorely disconnected. Back at home, whenever I reach home, I have a sister to talk to, no matter Nah. I feel so alone here, with no job opportunity and no family. <a href=>koki</a> <a href=>fjjt</a> <a href=>fwkagvyk</a> <a href=>ngl</a> <a href=>egp</a> <a href=>oinnf</a> <a href=>oovvg</a> <a href=>swcjdi</a> <a href=>wts</a> <a href=>gvpypq</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>