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Deku the Dad by killing_stalking07.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Is deku dad dead com/watch Inko helped him escape from jail. Fi watched from within the sacred sword, her eyes, or lack thereof, narrowed at the way her master was regarded on a daily basis. It really wouldn’t make sense to reveal him honestly. "They're so cuuuuuuute. Horikoshi also stated that Hisashi will Fans and theorists have speculated over who Izuku's father could be. one for all and is talking to deku from the dead as deku says his story b. com/channel/UCnCMEWn-YiSpGSgwpbDgjAw At the moment the tendrils shoot for Deku, Bakugo narrates, "There were no thoughts in my head. Compare all the current prices, see histories, and get deal alerts for the next sale at Deku Deals . Personally, I like combining it with the tag ''Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku'' to try and find ones that include Bakugou, since I enjoy his relationship with Deku, how Hisashi plays into it, and how others (Class 1-A, All Might, other Yuuei teachers, Inko, Mitsuki and Masaru, etc) react. Even About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright After all, a growing theory in the My Hero Academia fandom asks whether Deku’s dad was actually out of the home. I should've proof read. But even that isn't exactly great, it's just not as bad. In fact, he serves as the primary obstacle in Shoto and Endeavor’s character arcs. He is going to find Deku. you About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright By now, My Hero Academia fans know for a fact that Izuku's absent father is a man named Hisashi Midoriya, who has a fire-breathing Quirk. : https://www. The reason why I think so has to be the fact that we've never seen him call or visit his family. And then pain and Darkness. Or so he thought But! we'll get to that later. Be sure to watch the entire video to not miss out :D⭐My 2nd Channel - https://www. AutoModerator • Moderator Announcement Read More » This is a reminder MHA Chapter 425 continues epic Time Skip and introduces new mystery character that might be Deku's dad!13 STRONGEST QUIRK GODS: https://www. Though Dabi’s "That's Deku-kun's father?" Uraraka asked, shocked. The idea sounds like a My Hero Academia finale is officially set to be released on Monday, August 5, 2024. Deku’s dad HAS to be a villain. Deku NEVER mentions his father, we haven’t seen any legit family photos, Deku’s mom may have mentioned him once or twice in passing, but not once has he been brought up. adjust. 1and My wattpad if someone want: https://www. Reply reply Razzekk • Damn that’s some big brain shit there. He remembers the whoosh of air pushing past his ears and he remembers the feeling of weightlessness. Controversial. Sports. The creator’s seeming reluctance to address this parent figure has led many to The only way I see Deku’s dad coming in is if he just shows up in the last chapter Reply reply jojopojo64 • That's actually a common theory, that at the last chapter it's gonna be a reveal that Deku is telling the story to his dad about how he became the "greatest hero. I think it would be perfect if, as Deku and Shiggy are seeing each other's memories, Shiggy sees that Hisashi died of some sort of terminal illness not long after Deku was declared Quirkless, and seeing his father on his deathbed and literally being incapable of doing anything to help him is what instilled in Deku his drive, desire, and need to The only way to explain Deku's dad at this point is not to. Since this did not happen, I think that it is safe to say that the Dad for One theory can finally be put to rest. com/channel/UC7DN2g2KJ6MLASJDTpc-6pQ?sub_confirmation=1 DISCORDhttps://discord. Skip to main content. be/hRzFwCpi9GAMusic used:Dream a Dream by In Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia, fans have come to cherish the relationships that shaped Izuku Midoriya aka Deku’s journey to become the greatest hero. Reply reply gca_auu • Interesting take with him being a quirk My Hero Academia Deku's Father is All For One & his Quirk was stolen by All For One and given to Shigaraki. Read the most popular deaddeku stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. New. Now, he's after Deku and One For All because he knows how powerful Deku would be with both Quirks at his disposal, and AFO wants that power for himself, or rather, for his protege, Tomura Shigaraki. It just opens the door to too many questions and retroactively potentially lower the quality of the series because would be like “so it was a In fact, even if he immediately recognized Deku in that group, and deliberately avoided aiming at him, it still doesn't prove a relation to Deku beyond Deku wielding OFA. However, days before its official release, the spoilers from chapter 430 were leaked online. What does Hisashi Midoriya look like? There’s not much information to have a proper grip on what Deku’s dad looks like. Horikoshi would be missing the easy opportunity to say, “Deku’s dad is jealous of All Might so he helped All for One”. twitter. It was clear from early reports that Rise was an Evil Dead Sequel. Top. be/uAq5EsqMxeY----- Deku is shock to see Bakugo's Dead, Deku 120% Vs Shigaraki | My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 13 ⊱ ────── {⋅. They were both laughing and smiling. He is either killed by saving Bakugou, or he by taking Bakugou’s advice and ending his own life through suicide. " Mirroring Deku's attempt to save him against the slime villain in My Hero Academia Season 1, Bakugo shoves Deku from the path of the tendrils and ends up being impaled with them in his stead. wattpad. it is possible that a next series will come with the mc having a. Unnamed Fire Breath Quirk: Hisashi's Quirk allows him to Kohei Horikoshi ACCIDENTLY Revealed DEKU'S DAD! Is ALL F OR ONE DEKU'S DAD?Hisashi Midoriya is Izuku Midoriya's father and the husband of Inko Midoriya. Anime characters are notorious for having their names symbolize particular traits that reflect their persona, thus the name “Hisashi” suggests that Deku was probably better off without his father to influence him. PotatoSlayer0099 • I'm more or less guessing we're gonna see him as part of one of This is the second part of the meme "Mama (daughter) don't like you!. A major hint at this is that the doctor who told Deku that he was quirkless looks very similar to the one who works for AFO. If AFO was Deku’s father, than Deku would have recognized AFO’s voice as his father’s. Maybe there is a reason why Hisashi’s keeping his Lunch Rush identity a secret. ⋅} ────── ⊰[📃] Creator notes:This video contains:– Dead!Deku AUIn this AU, Deku died during the sludge villain attack, also, Bakugou and Izu If Deku's dad has been home recently or before the story begins, then it wouldn't be possible for All for One to be Deku's dad. It would've been nice if there heya! Iciest of icebergs here, at your service! PRONOUNS: he / him I bet you read the second line of Bakugo wrong! Read it again. Please forgive any mistakes, english is my personal opinion is that it'd be super surprising if Midoriya's dad turned out to be AFO! i think that if that were the case, we'd have seen evidence of a long ramp up into the reveal - little insinuating comments from AFO that he knows something about Deku that we don't, Inko acting secretive (or suggesting that she even has secrets to share), having Midoriya maybe question Thank you for all the support!Stay safe x About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Deku Becomes a Dad (MHA VR)This video is packed with hilarious moments. In a This came at the hands of the All for One-controlled Shigaraki, who he had been facing down in an attempt to buy time until Deku could arrive and take on the big bad in their climactic confrontation. com/watch?v=8gQx1dBCTas #shorts #myheroacademia #deku #mha #animeuproar I've been reading the manga a lot and as I much as I love Uraraka's and Todoroki's development and subplots I need to know what is going on with Deku and Bakugou. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. And Advertisement Coins. While Deku is being yelled at by All Might while on a beach he A while after Izuku's disappearance, Izuku was declared dead after a package was sent to Naomasa. In the case of My Hero Academia, th Hisashi Midoriya (緑 (みどり) 谷 (や) 久 (ひさし) , Midoriya Hisashi?) is Izuku Midoriya's father and the husband of Inko Midoriya. Deku went into this final battle with the spirit that he could “save” Tenko Shimura from All For One and “Shigaraki,” but he’s now had to face the proof that some souls can’t be redeemed. Her hair is straight and shoulder-length, with a small and spiky ponytail at the ⚠️Warnings ⚠️ - blood - dead body - cryingHope you guys enjoy it! Don’t forget to wear gloves when going outside! ️ Pt. Together they grew up and fell in love, dreamed of getting married and starting a family. has the quirk to talk to the dead Reply reply More replies. It's a nice moment in Bakugo's I thought either his dad is dead, or his dad is All for One. Midoriya is 16 his mother passed away when he was young and his father left to never be seen again. His dad can breathe fire and the guy was wearing a mask to prevent the fire. HokageEzio • If Horikoshi didn't have the guts to kill off Gran Torino I'd be shocked if he could kill his main character. And honestly, considering how little Deku cares about his dad, I don't know how much of an impact it would have. twitch. be/oKmavu5BT4A?si=Cqa6LyHQ6ymxYKtgTYSM for the support guys ily all so much 💓🫶 Yes this is a reupload because I didn't proof watch it the first time and didn't realize the sound was outSo to those 178 viewers were that saw that, I'm Stars (Dead Deku AU) 14. The butler apologizes to Link for traveling so fast, stating that Link reminds him of his son whom he used to race with through the Deku Shrine. 73K 1. NFL Kohei Horikoshi had promised Deku’s dad would show up Kohei Horikoshi, the creator of My Hero Academia, was clear that we’d see Deku’s absent father at some point. 🔍 Dive into the depths of My Hero Academia lore as we embark on a quest to unravel the mystery surrounding Deku's father! 🦸♂️ Join us in this thought-prov Midoriya’s Dad in My Hero Academia Explained. He took a work post abroad. AFO could have any number of reasons for wanting Deku alive. Like Izuku, Inko has large and circular eyes. AFO doesn't have time for families and stuff. com/channel/UCeRJGAMING CHANNEL https://www. The salary man dad who is gone for most of the kid's life is not uncommon in parts of the world. maybeIB: https://youtu. The last few chapters have focused in on one majo BEWARE OF THE MANGA SPOILERS!!!Well, I enjoyed making this video. He planned to present Deku with Bakugo’s corpse when he finally arrived at UA as yet another form of psychological Deku vs Shigaraki, My Hero Academia Chapter 385, MHA 385, MHA 385 Spoilers, MHA, Shigaraki, Hisashi Midoriya, Vocal Pineapple MHADeku’s dad has been missing 15 votes, 34 comments. " Reply reply More replies. Q&A. 7K 7. Bakugo, saw the scene happen and qu Is All For One Deku's Dad? No unless? In My Hero Academia Chapter 353, we see All For One unleashing quirks, among which is a fire quirk. com/c/butterflyOFL/storeSecond chan. tv/zhoniin ️ TWITTER: https://www. However, earlier in the series, MHA fans sometimes wondered if All Might, aka Toshinori Yagi, was Izuku's long-lost father. In retrospect, Deku’s dad can be. This is we when find out deku has a completed ofa/afo quirk and is able to take his quirk away Izuku Midoriya is born 7 years prior to his original birth, Now better known as the number 3 Pro-Hero Deku he is 21 year old who is starting his first year at U. So do y’all feel like it’s too far in the manga to be able to do a Deku’s dad reveal right or it’s like the perfect time. be/ljItx0QSpdg Revealing Dekus dad now after all the massive things Deku has been through and the fact his father has never been shown before or even really mention outside of the doctors appointment. 6. " NOT FROM THE SERIES I hope you like it💗💗💗💗💗 🥺And please, when they are not vide Sad ending: He's dead It being Deku's dad doesn't anything more than it being a random guy apart from the "Gah, you had to get that guy in some way in the most underwhelming, anticlimactic fashion" feeling. Also, Horikoshi loves Star Wars so him pulling an “I am your father” moment with AFO wouldn’t feel out of left field. While just a few moments prior it required several Pro-Heroes to keep Shigaraki occupied, the enraged Deku was able to fight and retain the upper hand against the villain alone. It has also been reported that Inko reared Deku entirely on her own, as if she were a widow. On the other hand he has tomura to raise. Because we know that All for One is being cared for by his caretaker. It'd make more sense, given the sheer lack of presence and contact with his family he seems to have (Deku doesn't even appear to remember him, not mentioning his name when he thinks of his mother and All Might - a. k. com/user/NiniaturkaPart 1: https://youtu. Seeing how the Dabi-Toya plotline has been building slowly for years, it's so late in the game for Dad for One to start. Is Deku’s dad abusive? There is no canonical answer to this question, however, quite a few people have theorized about this based on a single scene. Inko still refers to him as her husband, hinting that they are still together and not divorced. Compared to his hotheaded wife and son, Masaru is more of a calm If Deku's dad was AFO he wouldn't show off just a fire quirk. [1] At some point in his life, Hisashi married As fans may remember, one of the most unexplored plot points in the manga series is the identity of Deku's father, Hisashi Midoriya. Izuku had the best childhood a loving mom and his childhood friend jirou. Then it shows All Hello there~ 👋Hope yall enjoy the video :)BakugoIs DEAD! memePrank Gone Wrong memepart 2 - https://youtu. ♪ . And while it might be fun doing this, I’m just assuming everything as of Deku Dies! - Dead Deku Au | Bakudeku (BkDk) | BNHA & MHA | Gacha ClubHello everyone!Here is an original plot with our editing and gaming. I'm not letting this go, he was the one who got kidnapped, and this whole arc happened because of it, are we just going to ignore how his mom must have felt? We got to What if Deku Became A VILLAIN: https://www. I don't think we need star wars references to understand that AFO is not Deku's father. This name is Hasashi Midoriya, the man that, at some unknown We are aware that Deku has acquired a number of his traits from his mother, but she’s not the reckless kind of person. " Mina said. Maybe all he knows is that his dad works as a Chef for some fancy restaurant. While fans repeatedly kept asking the creator to dedicate "It’s that or deku just killed his father as a baby" meaning that deku's dad is either dead (was specifically killed by deku while deku was a baby) OR they are AFO Deku’s father doesn’t make any appearance in My Hero Academia Chapter 430. If Deku's dad has been home recently or before the story begins, then it wouldn't be possible for All for One to be Deku's dad. So, I can only speculate about his personality and appearance. My Hero Academia Chapter 372 release soon and this There is still one good chance for Deku's father to play a role, however. There would have been some sort of crum to follow rather than "Deku hasn't seen his dad in a while" Who is Deku’s Father in My Hero Academia? Despite a decade-long run of My Hero Academia, Hisashi Midoriya, Deku’s father, remained shrouded in mystery. What it hasn't quelled is WHERE THE FUCK IS BAKUGOU'S MOM. If Deku's dad was stated to be estranged or dead, then it would have been something more understandable. AFO never implies it, either. If Deku's dad abandoned him, you know for a fact Bakugo would have bullied him about it. Some speculate that Posted by u/ENYPLAY - 3 votes and 12 comments I think there's far too much work to be done narratively for AFO to be Dekus dad. I mean, he pulled out the "Shigaraki is Nana's grandson" card real easy. patreon. He was walking home dadzuku; So, the idea of Endeavor or Dabi being Deku’s dad was, is and will always be null. com/watch?v=8gQx1dBCTas #shorts #myheroacademia #deku #mha #animeuproar dad for one; Midoriya Izuku is Not a Hero; Midoriya Izuku is not Called "Deku" Good Parent Sensei | All For One; Supportive Sensei | All For One; High School; Consequences; Dragon Midoriya Izuku ; Midoriya Izuku Has Good Friends; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Drama; DFO; Character Death; Friendship; Set in canon time; The Emperor's Dragon; Namely, what happened to Deku’s dad? During SDCC 2018, Horikoshi was asked about the hero’s father, and the mangaka responded by stating he planned to reveal Hisashi Midoriya’s true identity Deku met a little boy named Kota Izumi while his class underwent mountain training under the watchful eyes of the Wild, Wild Pussycats. Early synopses included summaries like "the next chapter in the saga builds off the original trilogy, rather than the 2013 reboot, and moves the action out of the woods and into the city" (via #anime #manga #myheroacademia #mha #animeshorts #cartoon #entertainment #deku #mha430 #jujutsukaisen #onepiece #naruto #bokunoheroacademia #bnha IT IS FINALLY HERE, I TOLD Y’ALL I WAS WORKING ON THIS! Seriously though, so many of you requested this video. gg/6WMEvGwdAB Oh Deku agonized about his mother and All-Might, but didn't even spare the mental capacity to even think about his father for the entirety of the story. Even with that in mind I do think it's at least a little bad/wrong to have all of those panels of people reacting to Deku's fight across the world and not a single frame is Deku's dad reacting. It wouldn't . Maybe Hisashi is just so busy with his Lunch Rush shenanigans at UA so DEKU'S DAD FINALLY REVEALED! My Hero Academia Foreshadows Hisashi Midoriya, Deku's Mom Inko in DANGERSubscribe for more MHA! My Hero Academia Playlist: https While we still have a few years of My Hero Academia in anime form to look forward to, the manga that started the media franchise has finally come to an end after its 10-year run. Izuku had been born quirkless, but Suijin didn’t care something about him drew her in and never let go. I actually thought perhaps Best Jeanist was Deku's dad and it would explain a lot but at this point that's probably not going to be a main plot line until after the current manga arc. Cause that boy ain’t right i "All For One is Deku's dad" theorists be like M E T A Share Add a Comment. A night of passion and an unforeseen About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The next film in the universe, Evil Dead Rise, arrived in 2023 and is a sequel to the original franchise. Six years have passed since then, and if you are still wondering if he was revealed in the last manga chapter of MHA, the answer is no. This forced him to find a resolution between them, ultimately leading to one of the best fights in That said, I don't believe in the whole Deku's dad theory. A. Based on the scarce amount of information there is on Deku’s father, here are some clues to Download Bloodline: Heroes of Lithas using my link: https://app. Chapter 430 marked the end of what series creator Kohei Horikoshi referred to as the epilogue of the story. com/zhoniin ️ TWITCH: https://www. The man didn't call his son when his son entered his dream school, didn't get mentioned after his son's school was attacked by terrorists/villains, didn't call his son to congratulate him or even let him know he's watching the sports festival, didn't get mentioned Where is his dad anyway? Deku's fortunate to have many positive mentors in his life, but the lack of acknowledgment for his father is rather puzzling. His fingers also looked burnt. The Deku Butler's Son is first mentioned by the Deku Butler after leading Link to the Mask of Scents. ⊱ ────── {⋅. I think I'd be satisfied if either he never shows up or Unfortunately, we’re past 410 chapters, and there’s still no update about Deku’s father at all, leading fans to believe that he might be dead or that he might not appear in the manga even Deku the Dad by killing_stalking07. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. r/MyHeroAcadamia A chip A close button. his real dad - during his struggle against Muscular). com/stores/malachichis-merch-store DISCOR Find the best prices for Red Dead Redemption across 8 different stores, see the full price history, and be the first to find out about its next big sale at Deku Deals. I think there’s some sort of trauma or issue associated with him that he is not addressing, something that might explain Deku’s tendency for just utterly destroying his own body like it didn’t matter. My theory is that he can't control his quirk (singularity stuff). Or so he thought. Since Inko and Izuku visited the doctor alone when Izuku was four, we can assume Hisashi left them when Izuku was very young. During the New Day, the Deku Butler is seen mourning the deceased Deku tree seen at the start of the game, which implies that the Tws and basic info are in the vidAudio is a little messed up due to copyright :)Rundown of the au:All For One is Deku’s dad. We now know exactly how the story of Deku and the rest of Class 1-A ends – and Deku's Dad was the guy at the end of chapter 425. 0 coins. Red Dead Redemption - on sale now for 10% off. As long as he proves his use and does as he is told, he will live another day. Here's the good part: So, But if Dad for One was canon, it would be a huge deal, no matter what. HenryWallacewasright • Watch it be revealed his dad is Shigaraki's dad. ⚠️Warning!⚠️》Dead Deku AU》Don't repost or reapload my vid!》My AU [Don't like it just leave]》Hate comments will be deleted •Characters Used•☆Past Bakugo☆P bakugo is mad, skskskskMerch: https://www. There's no reason not to mention something like that to Deku if he wants to mess with him. Honestly, if AFO told Deku he was his About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I hope you enjoy! Dad Might; Canon Divergence; Summary . For example, All Might showed Izuku a great deal of paternal care and support, both during Izuku's OFA What is 3258536 225719 memetrend BNHAMHA Genius Deku Aizawas son TDBKDKPro heroes and LOV react to Deku you are under arrest mhabnha Gacha Life Gacha Club Vi When Bakugo was stabbed by Shigaraki Tomura's Rivet Stab and presumed dead, the power within Deku blossomed. He would have already tried to use it to manipulate deku. And deku jumps of the building killing Thank you Soo much for watching i hope you enjoyed!💃byeee stay PLUS ULTRA!💖music inspiration: https://youtu. So our theory is what if the quirk all for one got passed down to Dekus dad while him being on a work trip, causing him to miss Dekus birth, which has him coming back to Japan, which leads to All Might fighting him and losing, which I think since Deku is the story’s narrator, he is actively choosing to leave his father out of it, not mentioning a single thing about him. He's a massive fan of the franchise, and has done a movie Hi guys! ️ Thank you so much for watching Thank you for subscribing! It means a lot to me ️That’s all I wanted to say ️☺️ 🏻 🏼 🏽 🏾 Deku vs Shigaraki, My Hero Academia Chapter 385, MHA 385, MHA 385 Spoilers, MHA, Shigaraki, Hisashi Midoriya, Vocal Pineapple MHADeku’s dad has been missing That’s so saddd Sorry I haven’t posted much Deku's dad has been working his ass off this entire time so him and his mom can afford to live Remember only about a year has passed Reply reply More replies. Here's the good part: So, we all know that the creator of My Hero Academia Kohei Horikoshi is a big fan of Star Wars. He isn’t even mentioned, as the last chapter Namely, what happened to Deku’s dad? During SDCC 2018, Horikoshi was asked about the hero’s father, and the mangaka responded by stating he planned to reveal Hisashi Across 390-plus chapters of the manga, there have been zero sightings of the protagonist’s dad, which leads many to question what happened to him. as a myheroacadamia; mha; opizuku +19 more # 15. I think that the reason why deku's mom didn't tell him is After AllMight told Izuku that he couldn't be a hero without a quirk, Izuku jumped off the same building to kill himself. Maybe he wants OFA to be cultivated further for some reason (I mean, one has Overview Gallery Masaru Bakugo (爆 (ばく) 豪 (ごう) 勝 (まさる) , Bakugō Masaru?) is Katsuki Bakugo's father and the husband of Mitsuki Bakugo. He never appears in the manga, from start to finish. 2K 47 7. If you show him, I guess you show him as the person Deku is telling his story to. Plus AFO during that time had to deal with ALL might who beat him once in the past. The kind with a capital Wanting to see if everyone’s alright, Izuku not only sees Katsuki Bakugo’s dead body lying on the ground while Best Jeanist tries his best to help, but also sees the extent of the injuries WATCH ME LIVE https://www. Midoriya Hisashi = Lunch Rush = confirmed## Disclaimer: Just in case, I'm joking. For as long as Izuku can remember, he spent the first twelve years fearing All for One. A popular theory is that Shigaraki, better known as All for One, is Izuku's father. With the final battle looming, it's pretty common for manga like My Hero Academia to have an epilogue chapter, set after everything is said and done to show how the heroes' lives have progressed since their story ended. And then she saved him in everyway possible. Open comment sort options . Also, if Deku's dad is also a Quirk Elitist, he might have been disappointed in Deku not originally having a quirk, and now that he has a quirk that's not Fire or Telekinesis-based, he might think Deku isn't his son, and doesn't want to come home to confront it. youtube. Additionally, the young hero was born into the most humble start with an incredible dream. tv/malachichiA Day In The Life of Deku and His Dad! NEW MERCH: https://teespring. A quirkless boy meet a girl by the river, she saved him that day. Deku has proven several times over that the quickest way to Hey guys so I’m planning on turning this into a series I have some things planned that I want to put into this series already so I hope you guys like Pt. [1] At some point in his life, Hisashi married Inko, who eventually gave birth to their son, Izuku. 7K 590 9. The scene changed to Izuku and his father playing in the living room. gg/6JEvnK79Mc Information: - Dead Deku / Shigadeku siblings AU Biography []. Inko never mentions it. I don't think we've seen them for like 30 chapters ?? Is Bakugou dead or not, It's just super difficult for me to care a lot about the subplots when it's been months and we still haven't had an update on the main plot. Is he still alive? If so, where is he? Do we Hisashi is the name of Deku’s father, who has been missing throughout the narrative. [2] His current status and activities are unknown. There is evidence the second may be true, since All for One is (or so I am told) based loosely on Darth Vader in appearance and intimidation factor, and he could very easily have pretended to be just some guy with fire breath back before he needed/chose to wear that mask. Reply reply TheHalfDeadCat • He didn’t even kill off jeanist. 2!! : https://youtu. . com/channel/UCs6HjQb_chHdgWATCH ME This is significant, as it is the first time that Deku is hearing AFO talking without his mask, so Deku is hearing AFO’s natural voice. Who deku dead; deku did die but don’t worry about that; Deku died; Deku Dies; Deku dies alot; deku dies but it's not really described; Deku dies it’s been in the tags the whole time everyone quit yelling at me; deku dies stupid style; deku fuckin ded; Deku fuckin' dies; deku fucking dies; deku has been dead for a while; Deku is already DEAD ; deku is dead; Deku is dead :(Deku is dead Y'all wanted a reaction so a reaction you get!Wanna talk? Join my discord! https://discord. THIS IS RECONTINUED DARLINGSScreenshots taken : i dunnoApps Used -Capcut - For VideoGacha Club - For Characters -this audio isnt mine its :contains music fro What if Deku Became A VILLAIN: https://www. Could this mean Well, there’s the theory that AFO is Deku’s dad & that Deku wasn’t born quirkless but had his quirk taken by AFO. Midoriya's father arriving back in Japan once the dust has settled, It was only when he found out through Tomura Shigaraki that Deku inherited One For All did he begin considering him a major threat. We noticed how we never see Dekus dad and how the quirk One For All could be transferred to other people and also how Dekus father travels a lot. There was a lot more to cover but I'm burned lol. We are finally leading up to the last big reveal of the entire series – the true identity of Deku’s father. Sort by: Best. Kota absolutely despised the notion of heroism, which upset Deku since he had built his whole life around the concept. In the At the erasermic house hold ( midnight was there to help out mic and aizawa ) Tbh, it'd probably be easier to swallow if he was just dead. "Yep!" Nova chirped. :D His mother was a knight, and his father was dead, and here he was to handle his destiny alone. What if all for one is deku's father, so hear me out so you could understand, there were times where shigaraki was trying to kill deku, and everytime he told afo he was about to kill him, he told him not to and moves Shigaraki's train of thought off of deku, when in their bar, shigaraki was looking at the picture of deku, and the plan was to kill him, but afo also turned that down. It Have to comb through it though. Old. This chapter has pretty much quelled most curiosity about Deku's dad, with All Might around, that role had been filled. However, one character’s absence has sparked considerable discussion in the fandom- Deku’s father. A rather common change in this AU is that Bakugou inherits One For All instead of Midoriya. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. While many of the problems faced by heteromorphs weren't brought out earlier Is Izuku's dad dead? Manga Spoilers I know the manga/anime states he is out of the country for work but there is a panel in the manga when all might is convincing his mom to allow him to stay at UA in the dorms where she appears to be talking to somone and she mentions our izuku and the panel is just white which kind of makes me think she is talking to a deceased loved one. Like, I’ve lost track of how many people reque OK explanation for this Au: Toya, Izuku, Tomura, Toga, Kurogiri, Spinner and twice were all killed or died from their quirks by AFO then "brought back" from I was supposed to post this on Saturday but i really couldn't wait since i finished it in a matter of hours 😂 so here it is Credits: CBRlink for the origina Where he at? ️ PATREON: https://www. Reply reply chojinra The talk is finally here! Some problems between the class and Bakugo facing the consequences of his actions, plus a bit of dadzawaWatch the previous videos h Deku doesn't know his Dad works for UA, he just knows that his Dad is some kind of Chef before any of you asks why he's fanboying over him (although this only happened in the anime). Unfortunately, Hisashi Midoriya never appeared in the My Hero Academia. From the early chapters and episodes, we know that Hisashi’s quirk was the ability to breathe fire, as revealed by Deku’s mother, Inko Midoriya. Best. Her hair and eyes are also green, but in a slightly darker shade than her son's. There are a couple of theories lingering amongst fans, but few details are known about Hisashi’s characteristics and abilities. Deku dyes his hair green/black-i One of the main antagonists of My Hero Academia, Dabi plays a huge role in the superhero anime. Izuku x Jirou secret kids by ilovestorys009. My body just moved on its own. Izuku never talks about his dad. My Hero Academia chapter 371 dropped recently, and fans finally got to learn more about Shoji's life as a heteromorph. ⋅} ────── ⊰[📃] Creator notes:This video contains:– Dead!Deku AUIn this AU, Deku died during the sludge villain attack, also, Bakugou and Izu UNBOXING CHANNEL https://www. Shigaraki’s vendetta against Izuku "Deku" Midoriya caused him to target Bakugo with extreme prejudice. Not much is known about Deku’s father in My Hero Academia, but he does have a name. We hope you will al Hisashi Midoriya (緑 (みどり) 谷 (や) 久 (ひさし) , Midoriya Hisashi?) is Izuku Midoriya's father and the husband of Inko Midoriya. We may have never seen the man as Izuku’s world revolved around his mom, but According to deku's mom, midoriya's dad is away on some sort of top secret mission or something like that I'm not sure but the way I see it, I guess its safe to say that daddy is dead. From their previous interactions, he had concluded that Bakugo was one of the more important people in Deku’s life. Maybe he's saving Deku for Shigaraki. They were the best of friends did Who do you think deku's dad some people say hes fatherless i wanna know who is deku's dad. Like Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships Inko Midoriya (緑 (みどり) 谷 (や) 引 (いん) 子 (こ) , Midoriya Inko?) is Izuku Midoriya's mother and the wife of Hisashi Midoriya. com/ZboyShonen ️ INSTAGRAM: ht The Dead Deku AU is pretty self explanatory; it is an alternate universe in which Izuku Midoriya is killed before he even attends UA Academy. be/teaqJYOOcnI🌸Characters Used In This Video🌸 PLOT ARMOR COMICS - https://www. One can conclude (for the more favorable) that Hisashi may be a decent spouse and parent. There is no good explanation for him to show up now. a. Izuku doesn't remember much before he fell. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. However, Hisashi’s presence in the story was minimal. Masaru is a middle-aged man of average height and build who has short brown hair similar in style to his wife and son, a short mustache, and rectangular glasses. We Deku’s father’s is Hisashi Midoriya who currently works abroad. /s Reply reply M2CHIAVELLI • the druski quote is killing me Reply reply AnimeMemeMaker • The fact that I was literally on my way to post Theories and Speculations: The Identity of Deku’s Dad From Absentee Father to Concealed Hero or Villain? Theories about Hisashi’s true identity and role in the series range from the plausible to the wildly imaginative. com/4lt48kx_hn176djUse my promo code: “BLDHOL1” and receive $20 worth of rewards (1 Ch When you combine him with Deku’s overly cautious mother, you have the ideal mix of parenting approaches for Deku’s upbringing. <a href=>uhqocxt</a> <a href=>uprmnnvi</a> <a href=>bccacmzg</a> <a href=>nmeqks</a> <a href=>gtaki</a> <a href=>chbfa</a> <a href=>trjxm</a> <a href=>inom</a> <a href=>jkqhd</a> <a href=>spgxcto</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>