Current Path : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Arrilot\BitrixMigrations; use Arrilot\BitrixIblockHelper\HLBlock; use Arrilot\BitrixIblockHelper\IblockId; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Constructors\FieldConstructor; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Interfaces\DatabaseStorageInterface; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Interfaces\FileStorageInterface; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Interfaces\MigrationInterface; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Storages\BitrixDatabaseStorage; use Arrilot\BitrixMigrations\Storages\FileStorage; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Exception; class Migrator { /** * Migrator configuration array. * * @var array */ protected $config; /** * Directory to store m. * * @var string */ protected $dir; /** * Directory to store archive m. * * @var string */ protected $dir_archive; /** * User transaction default. * * @var bool */ protected $use_transaction; /** * Files interactions. * * @var FileStorageInterface */ protected $files; /** * Interface that gives us access to the database. * * @var DatabaseStorageInterface */ protected $database; /** * TemplatesCollection instance. * * @var TemplatesCollection */ protected $templates; /** * Constructor. * * @param array $config * @param TemplatesCollection $templates * @param DatabaseStorageInterface $database * @param FileStorageInterface $files */ public function __construct($config, TemplatesCollection $templates, DatabaseStorageInterface $database = null, FileStorageInterface $files = null) { $this->config = $config; $this->dir = $config['dir']; $this->dir_archive = isset($config['dir_archive']) ? $config['dir_archive'] : 'archive'; $this->use_transaction = isset($config['use_transaction']) ? $config['use_transaction'] : false; if (isset($config['default_fields']) && is_array($config['default_fields'])) { foreach ($config['default_fields'] as $class => $default_fields) { FieldConstructor::$defaultFields[$class] = $default_fields; } } $this->templates = $templates; $this->database = $database ?: new BitrixDatabaseStorage($config['table']); $this->files = $files ?: new FileStorage(); } /** * Create migration file. * * @param string $name - migration name * @param string $templateName * @param array $replace - array of placeholders that should be replaced with a given values. * @param string $subDir * * @return string */ public function createMigration($name, $templateName, array $replace = [], $subDir = '') { $targetDir = $this->dir; $subDir = trim(str_replace('\\', '/', $subDir), '/'); if ($subDir) { $targetDir .= '/' . $subDir; } $this->files->createDirIfItDoesNotExist($targetDir); $fileName = $this->constructFileName($name); $className = $this->getMigrationClassNameByFileName($fileName); $templateName = $this->templates->selectTemplate($templateName); $template = $this->files->getContent($this->templates->getTemplatePath($templateName)); $template = $this->replacePlaceholdersInTemplate($template, array_merge($replace, ['className' => $className])); $this->files->putContent($targetDir.'/'.$fileName.'.php', $template); return $fileName; } /** * Run all migrations that were not run before. */ public function runMigrations() { $migrations = $this->getMigrationsToRun(); $ran = []; if (empty($migrations)) { return $ran; } foreach ($migrations as $migration) { $this->runMigration($migration); $ran[] = $migration; } return $ran; } /** * Run a given migration. * * @param string $file * * @throws Exception * * @return string */ public function runMigration($file) { $migration = $this->getMigrationObjectByFileName($file); $this->disableBitrixIblockHelperCache(); $this->checkTransactionAndRun($migration, function () use ($migration, $file) { if ($migration->up() === false) { throw new Exception("Migration up from {$file}.php returned false"); } }); $this->logSuccessfulMigration($file); } /** * Log successful migration. * * @param string $migration * * @return void */ public function logSuccessfulMigration($migration) { $this->database->logSuccessfulMigration($migration); } /** * Get ran migrations. * * @return array */ public function getRanMigrations() { return $this->database->getRanMigrations(); } /** * Get all migrations. * * @return array */ public function getAllMigrations() { return $this->files->getMigrationFiles($this->dir); } /** * Determine whether migration file for migration exists. * * @param string $migration * * @return bool */ public function doesMigrationFileExist($migration) { return $this->files->exists($this->getMigrationFilePath($migration)); } /** * Rollback a given migration. * * @param string $file * * @throws Exception * * @return mixed */ public function rollbackMigration($file) { $migration = $this->getMigrationObjectByFileName($file); $this->checkTransactionAndRun($migration, function () use ($migration, $file) { if ($migration->down() === false) { throw new Exception("<error>Can't rollback migration:</error> {$file}.php"); } }); $this->removeSuccessfulMigrationFromLog($file); } /** * Remove a migration name from the database so it can be run again. * * @param string $file * * @return void */ public function removeSuccessfulMigrationFromLog($file) { $this->database->removeSuccessfulMigrationFromLog($file); } /** * Delete migration file. * * @param string $migration * * @return bool */ public function deleteMigrationFile($migration) { return $this->files->delete($this->getMigrationFilePath($migration)); } /** * Get array of migrations that should be ran. * * @return array */ public function getMigrationsToRun() { $allMigrations = $this->getAllMigrations(); $ranMigrations = $this->getRanMigrations(); return array_diff($allMigrations, $ranMigrations); } /** * Move migration files. * * @param array $files * @param string $toDir * * @return int */ public function moveMigrationFiles($files = [], $toDir = '') { $toDir = trim($toDir ?: $this->dir_archive, '/'); $files = $files ?: $this->getAllMigrations(); $this->files->createDirIfItDoesNotExist("$this->dir/$toDir"); $count = 0; foreach ($files as $migration) { $from = $this->getMigrationFilePath($migration); $to = "$this->dir/$toDir/$migration.php"; if ($from == $to) { continue; } $flag = $this->files->move($from, $to); if ($flag) { $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Construct migration file name from migration name and current time. * * @param string $name * * @return string */ protected function constructFileName($name) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $usec = substr($usec, 2, 6); return date('Y_m_d_His', $sec).'_'.$usec.'_'.$name; } /** * Get a migration class name by a migration file name. * * @param string $file * * @return string */ protected function getMigrationClassNameByFileName($file) { $fileExploded = explode('_', $file); $datePart = implode('_', array_slice($fileExploded, 0, 5)); $namePart = implode('_', array_slice($fileExploded, 5)); return Helpers::studly($namePart.'_'.$datePart); } /** * Replace all placeholders in the stub. * * @param string $template * @param array $replace * * @return string */ protected function replacePlaceholdersInTemplate($template, array $replace) { foreach ($replace as $placeholder => $value) { $template = str_replace("__{$placeholder}__", $value, $template); } return $template; } /** * Resolve a migration instance from a file. * * @param string $file * * @throws Exception * * @return MigrationInterface */ protected function getMigrationObjectByFileName($file) { $class = $this->getMigrationClassNameByFileName($file); $this->requireMigrationFile($file); $object = new $class(); if (!$object instanceof MigrationInterface) { throw new Exception("Migration class {$class} must implement Arrilot\\BitrixMigrations\\Interfaces\\MigrationInterface"); } return $object; } /** * Require migration file. * * @param string $file * * @return void */ protected function requireMigrationFile($file) { $this->files->requireFile($this->getMigrationFilePath($file)); } /** * Get path to a migration file. * * @param string $migration * * @return string */ protected function getMigrationFilePath($migration) { $files = Helpers::rGlob("$this->dir/$migration.php"); if (count($files) != 1) { throw new \Exception("Not found migration file"); } return $files[0]; } /** * If package arrilot/bitrix-iblock-helper is loaded then we should disable its caching to avoid problems. */ private function disableBitrixIblockHelperCache() { if (class_exists('\\Arrilot\\BitrixIblockHelper\\IblockId')) { IblockId::setCacheTime(0); if (method_exists('\\Arrilot\\BitrixIblockHelper\\IblockId', 'flushLocalCache')) { IblockId::flushLocalCache(); } } if (class_exists('\\Arrilot\\BitrixIblockHelper\\HLBlock')) { HLBlock::setCacheTime(0); if (method_exists('\\Arrilot\\BitrixIblockHelper\\HLBlock', 'flushLocalCache')) { HLBlock::flushLocalCache(); } } } /** * @param MigrationInterface $migration * @param callable $callback * @throws Exception */ protected function checkTransactionAndRun($migration, $callback) { if ($migration->useTransaction($this->use_transaction)) { $this->database->startTransaction(); Logger::log("Начало транзакции", Logger::COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE); try { $callback(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->database->rollbackTransaction(); Logger::log("Откат транзакции из-за ошибки '{$e->getMessage()}'", Logger::COLOR_LIGHT_RED); throw $e; } $this->database->commitTransaction(); Logger::log("Конец транзакции", Logger::COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE); } else { $callback(); } } }