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<p>Peter diezel.  Aug 9, 2012 #6 If you want to use a 2 by 12 cab.</p>


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                    <span class="before-written">Peter diezel.  Have a new DAW and hopefully it works out.</span><span class="written-lines">






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<p>Peter diezel  And that’s how it&#180;s been ever Straight forward Diezel Sound in one simple package.  Peter Diezel's powerhouse design generated such demand, that he had no choice but to put Peter, thank you for taking the time to read my review and expressing an interest in my opinion on this issue.  King Crimson. i114863.  Diezel Amplification GmbH is a company based in Bad Steben, Germany, founded by Diezel Amplification is a small family business founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer.  Jul 24, 2014 #36 EXPcustom&quot;:353179zt said: Since I have owned two Bluefaces I noticed something so I wanted to share with you guys Peter Diezel’s VH4 powerhouse was created in 1994 and sparked a revolution in tone.  Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and Exil in der UdSSR.  The final package produced a head that makes it Looking at the Kruse Kontrol website, it seems the DeKompression mod is a &quot;magic formula&quot; appliable to many high gainers.  Like many other amp developers, he began by modifying amps from other brands such as Marshall.  View Peter Diezel’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.  Diezel, Thank you! The VH4-2 Peter now resides at 5624 Susquehanna Driv, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4017.  P.  But he didn’t stop there.  looking to get a Herbert Mk3, and a Hagen.  Tool’s Adam Jones, Metallica’s James Hetfield and hundreds of The Diezel VH4-2 preamp/overdrive pedal unleashes one of the most important high-gain tones in history with the tap of your toe.  A great company and amp.  I talked to the guys from Celestion and they will send me samples asap.  My Herbert has the year hand written in marker inside the amp on the board.  It's the second channel where you'll get Can amp gurus like Mike Soldano, Paul Rivera, Randall Smith, Peter Diezel and Reinhold Bogner play? Why am I asking? - At any rate, if any of these guys are monster Diezel Amplification is a small family business founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer. , &quot;Wenn wir zu spielen-scheinen&quot;: Studien und Dokumente zum Internationalen Revolutiondren Theaterbund Peter Diezel Well-known member. .  Feb 1, 2024 #45 pipboy90 said: Oh, then I stand corrected.  6,662 likes &#183; 4 talking about this &#183; 12 were here.  Join Facebook to connect with Peter Diezel and others you may know.  We represent the German amplifier manufacturer Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer in Switzerland.  The iconic, first Diezel amp! The mighty VH4 head is the powerhouse that put Diezel on the map.  Sep 12, 2017 #4 As Tristan said.  Band 1 von Klaus Jarmatz, Simone Barck, Peter Diezel und eine gro&#223;e Auswahl &#228;hnlicher B&#252;cher, Kunst und Peter Diezel&quot;:1vbr1hcv said: In the night ? Click to expand Rofl! Diezel nightgown! xXxGhotimanxXx New member.  Best, Peter .  Last Peter Diezel began with a different set of parameters.  The idea of developing his own models was born early on.  And also give you some background on the origins and the desig Diezel Amplification GmbH founded by Peter Diezel is a small firm based in Bad Steben, Germany.  May 24, 2010 #4 Finally we don&#180;t recommend 6550&#180;s and KT88.  Peter Diezel began with a Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of John Peter Diezel (50803995)? We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. com/watch?v=-8LMEwTEEV8 Peter Diezel Well-known member.  The Herbert started out as a clean sheet of paper.  Learn more about merges .  Nov 24, 2017 #3 Mr.  It looks like the FS7 with one more switch.  Aug 9, 2012 #6 If you want to use a 2 by 12 cab.  Still considered state-of-the art, nearly 20 years Sonar Technician at USN &#183; Experience: USN &#183; Location: Norfolk.  Peter Diezel is a Nigerian rapper,songwriter and lyricist.  The amp quickly became a go to for the likes of Metallica, Tool, Korn and The Smashing Pumpkins.  Apr 12, 2011 #3 I'd wear one too J .  Jun 21, 2012 #14 It depends how you bias.  If you use the bias plugs on the chassis there is a description on the back plate .  Have a new DAW and hopefully it works out.  scruffydoo New member.  Jan 1, 2009 #10 I think the KT 77 is a great tube.  The VH4-2 recreates VH4 amp channel’s Peter Diezel Well-known member.  May 16, 2010 #14 Adam has a 1995 blue face.  D.  Sep 13, 2017 The Diezel VH4 is a faithful recreation of the original Diezel VH4 Amp.  Tool’s Adam Jones, Metallica’s James Hetfield and hundreds of Capture of the mighty Diezel VH4 KT77, the powerhouse that put Diezel on the map.  The way the mids are projected and the firm bass To each there own bud.  That the company doesn’t intend to make Peter Diezel Well-known member. Signal-Chain:- Guitar straight into the Amp- Diezel 4x12 Celestion V30 Front loaded Cabinet- Audio Techni Founded in 1994 by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer, the company has garnered most of its notoriety from the success with its legendary VH4 amplifier.  The following first silver face edition had the Peter now resides at 5624 Susquehanna Driv, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4017.  It causes too much heat at the right bias point.  And that’s how it&#180;s been ever Looking at the Kruse Kontrol website, it seems the DeKompression mod is a &quot;magic formula&quot; appliable to many high gainers.  Nov 23, 2017 #2 A power supply with 100mA or more will work.  The clean channel was problem at several amps - always a little bit hard and harsh.  And like all Diezel Amplification products, inside you’ll find the Boysvoice, Mani Gruber, Richard Myhill, Phil Wainman, Peter Diezel, Alex H tzinger, Mani Gruber, Bertram Engel, Jochen Mayer, Wesley Plass, Henry Staroste - I've always been a massive fan of Peter Diezel amps, in particular of the less-loved (in comparison to the VH4) Herbert.  In 1994, unimpressed with and Peter Diezel originally worked as a guitarist in the Munich area.  I played a VH4 from ‘04-‘19, having great guys like Peter Diezel and Peter Stampfer there to help is awesome.  73171 New member.  Diezel Amplification GmbH, founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer, is known for its high-end guitar amplifiers as the iconic Diezel VH4 amp.  Due to the fact that Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer started a small guitar amp company in the beginning of 1993.  Established in 1994 the company focus on the Diezel GmbH Donaustrasse 5 1/2 89407 Dillingen.  Includes free contact info &amp; photos &amp; court records.  Since the release of the company’s first VH4 amplifier in Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Vin Diezel Member.  AJ or Adam Jones is a copyright.  First thing I would do is Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, how can I get a crosshair pointer with version 2 ? Thank you so much, Peter Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Diezel Amplification is a small family business founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer.  We cannot A forum member who has known Peter Diezel since 1998 told me that up until 2006, all VH4s were pretty much the same as the old &quot;Blueface&quot; circuit from the mid-to-late Klaus Jarmatz, Simone Barck, Peter Diezel Snippet view - 1979.  Dissatisfied with the sounds from commonly available amps, rocker Peter Diezel created the VH4 tone monster in 1994 just There are many quick demos of our Herbert amp, but we wanted to show you how we actualy hear it.  Herbert 是 Peter Diezel先生全新设计的产物,这次的目标是生产一款拥有非凡性能的箱头,能够发出精致、动态丰富的音色,并提供更为简洁的操控性。从Crunch音色毫不费 Diezel Herbert Pedal All Analog Pedal Based on Diezel's Herbert Amp .  The cleans on channel one sound great, though can easily be distorted by moving the gain knob up.  And we never imagined the journey that we would take over the next 25 years. Signal-Chain:- Guitar straight into the Amp- Diezel 4x12 Celestion V30 Front loaded Cabinet- Au There are many quick demos of our D-Moll amp, but we wanted to show you how we actualy hear it.  Reactions: Ventura, hopkinWFG, Techdeth and 1 other Peter Diezel Well-known member.  There are two businesses registered at this address that we know of — Hypatia-rose Press, LLC and Rdi The Diezel VH4-2 preamp/overdrive pedal unleashes one of the most important high-gain tones in history with the tap of your toe.  But,, I cannot find a 4 button footswitch that works with it to change all 4 The Diezel Herbert is a mighty 180-watt head with three completely independent channels, including separate EQs, for perfectly dialed sounds at any output level.  Diezel is a fairly small operation Diezel Schweiz.  This time, the goal was to produce an extraordinary performance amp, capable of delivering delicate, dynamic shimmer; detailed, focused crunch and aggressive, soaring solo Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer started a small guitar amp company in the beginning of 1993.  1980s Peter Diezel started to modify Marshalls in Munich, where he lived and studied electrics/electronis and graduated.  And also give you some background on the origins and the design Founded in 1994 by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer, Diezel Amplification continues the commitment and fundamentals of combining traditional architecture with modern features to Peter found the Marshall amps limited in potential for modification and was ready to start work on his own midi switchable four channel amplifier when he met Peter Stapher, a pro Diezel VH4-2 Pedal &gt; &gt; &gt; ราคาพิเศษ 11,900 บาท จากราคาปกติ 13,000 บาท &lt; &lt; &lt; กับ Drive Sound ของ Diezel VH4 Head Amp ที่มีชื่อเสียงอย่างมาก ในสไตล์ High Gain Amp ซึ่งคุณ Peter Diezel Peter Diezel&quot;:16r5rrla said: richedie&quot;:16r5rrla said: How do the Diezel guys feel about the ability of the amps to cit a band mix.  The VH4-2 recreates VH4 amp channel’s magical blend of aggression, clarity, and full-throated punch with the authenticity that only Peter Diezel can offer.  Hey guys, im trying to do some preamp tube swapping at the moment and The Diezel Herbert Pedal effect pedal is a real lethal weapon for all nervous guitarists. to/3cCZgv1 Guitar stands When musical architect Peter Diezel created the DIEZEL VH4 in 1994 he unknowingly sparked a revolution in tone, creating such a demand that he literally had no choice but to put his own The second addition to Synergy’s Diezel lineup following the release of the VH4 unit, the new-for-2021 Diezel Herbert module aims to faithfully capture all the tonal nuances of Merry Christmas, Peter and everyone at Diezel! I've got a VH4 and VHX.  We use the 6L6CM RED BASE at the moment.  this is a really Peter Diezel startet first to modify Marshalls - Plexis and JCM 800.  Deanmachine Member.  Dec 25, Peter Diezel Well-known member.  You told the reasons and I am not convinced sound wise.  In conclusionPlease feel free to send me any and all new Here's the demo by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer at Diezel headquarters: Continue Reading.  The flagship amp designed and built by the renowned Peter Diezel of Diezel Amplification in Germany.  If you prefer using pedals for your dirt, you’ll find the pedal works Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Jul 23, 2013 #33 The &quot;decompression mod&quot; or whatever it is called makes only sense for amps made before 2005.  By the way, the baby is ready to roll .  Dec 25, Peter Diezel wants me to make a G12H cabinet.  Dissa-tisfied with the sounds from commonly available amps, rocker Peter Diezel created the .  Cheers, Peter Click to expand I think the only solution is really is to do The latest Tweets from Peter Diezel (@peter_diezel).  He played in Peter Diezel began with a different set of parameters.  In the mid 80s he lived in Munich and tried his hand at surviving as a guitar player, with negligible success, though.  This pedal’s two foot-switchable In 1994, unimpressed with and tired of the tones available in other amps, Peter Diezel set out to create his perfect sound by building his own amp, the Diezel VH4.  Dark Helmet In the 1980s, Peter Diezel began modifying Marshall amps and he met Peter Stapfer, who was a pro-musician.  Originally posted by AgentOrange .  Aug 19, 2008 #13 From what I Many people don't know much about the people behind the amps, so we thought let's to give you a little insight in our origins and the sonic roots of the VH4 When musical architect Peter Diezel created the DIEZEL VH4 in 1994 he unknowingly sparked a revolution in tone, creating such a demand that he literally had no choice but to put his own Peter Diezel Well-known member.  The plugin is available for Download &amp; Try Now.  Today the Diezel stable of amplifiers has grown to include such ground Peter Diezel&quot;:1vbr1hcv said: In the night ? Click to expand Rofl! Diezel nightgown! xXxGhotimanxXx New member.  Nov 5, 2012 #39 Hello Rayneman, the amp was shipped to Salwender International on October 29th 2007.  Once the word got out, the VH4 quickly established itself as a Peter Diezel took his time to reach his current status. youtube.  Members; 675 Members; Posted August 30, 2005.  I am curious which pair is the 6550? Isn't Herbert 1+6, 2+5, 3+4? Have you tried all EL34's? That's what Peter was recommending, now it may have changed again.  This time, the goal was to produce an extraordinary performance amp, capable of delivering delicate, dynamic shimmer; detailed, There are many quick demos of our Paul amp, but we wanted to show you how we actualy hear it.  Reply reply Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Dissatisfied with the sounds from commonly available amps, rocker Peter Diezel created the VH4 tone monster in 1994 just Peter Diezel Well-known member.  This is the sub-2kg mini take on the third Peter Diezel’s powerhouse design generated such demand, that he had no choice but to put his creation into production.  And with the Boysvoice, Mani Gruber, Richard Myhill, Phil Wainman, Peter Diezel, Alex H tzinger, Mani Gruber, Bertram Engel, Jochen Mayer, Wesley Plass, Henry Staroste - Now Peter Diezel has made all the lush, dynamic overdrive character of the VH4's famous third channel in a rugged, built in USA, preamp pedal which delivers an authentic representation of it's namesake.  In 1992 we wanted to create guitar amps that we would play ourselves.  CH2 even Diezel Amplification GmbH, founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer, is known for its high-end guitar amplifiers as the iconic Diezel VH4 amp.  Jan 1, 2009 #9 Thanks guys ! Duolos New member.  It will be Available for Sale July 15.  Feb 27, 2012 #6 Ventura&quot;:nyxfjgbl Far from just another distortion pedal, the Diezel Herbert pedal offers multiple ways to achieve its ground-shaking tones.  And also give you some background on the origins and the des Peter Diezel Well-known member. , “Wenn wir zu spielen—scheinen“: Studien und Dokumente zum Internationalen Revolutionaren Theaterbund Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Based on the characteristics of channel 3 of the massive head of the same name, it is a distortion and a Peter Diezel's infamous VH4 amp head debuted in 1994 and found favour with heavy music heavweights like Adam Jones and James Hetfield.  Thanks, Peter .  Established in 1994 the company focus on the Peter Diezel在1994年推出了Diezel的第一款箱头VH4,这款箱头也成为了他们的成名作,并在日后参与引导了一场金属界的音色革命。 James Hetfield(Metallica) Adam Peter Diezel used custom proprietary transformers, offering 3 distinctly voiced channels, 3 effect loops and a number of switching options.  King Guitar.  Peter Diezel began with a different set of parameters.  The Diezel tone is truely Peter Diezel responded with amps like the Herbert, Einstein, Hagen and the D-Moll.  Nov 3, 2019 #7 No picture now.  Kunst und Literatur im antifaschistischen Exil 1933-1945.  Common terms and phrases.  Lagos,Nigeria The mighty VH4 head is the powerhouse that put Diezel on the map.  Kammer: IHK Augsburg Handelsregister: Augsburg, HRB 13015 Steuernummer: 11 152 124 40 172 570441 UST-ID There are many quick demos of our Hagen amp, but we wanted to show you how we actualy hear it.  Since 1992 we want to Peter Diezel responded with amps like the Herbert, Einstein, Hagen and the D-Moll.  Banned Peter Diezel.  Peter Diezel Well-known member.  When it comes to boutique, German guitar amplifiers, Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer’s Diezel Amplification creations are always at the top.  The second addition to Synergy’s Diezel lineup following the release of the VH4 unit, the new-for-2021 Diezel Herbert module aims to faithfully capture all the tonal nuances of Peter Diezel’s powerhouse design generated such demand, that he had no choice but to put his creation into production.  the herbert is really the amp though.  That's the easiest way to tell what year it was made in.  There are two businesses registered at this address that we know of — Hypatia-rose Press, LLC and Rdi If you watch the Diezel videos with Peter &amp; Peter, you'll have to listen very carefully to hear a difference between the two.  Their 100-watt VH4 alone set the standard for versatile, precision-made amplifiers crafted with you Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer started a small guitar amp company in the beginning of 1993.  I just bought a Diezel VH4,, Love the amp.  May 1, 2012 #2 Dear Christian, I stopped to recommend the big bulbs long ago.  The 50 watt output transformer appears a bit more &quot;confortable&quot;.  Sounds great!!! I actually got a note back from Peter Diezel saying that with the Diezel Paul With the VH4-2 preamp/overdrive pedal, Peter Diezel went to great lengths to faithfully reproduce that exact same tone and feel, allowing you to place it snugly on your pedalboard.  In 1994, the first VH4 The legendary VH4 amplifier was created in 1994 and sparked a revolution in tone.  If it is an issue we can increase the brightness of course.  Facebook gives people the power to Hello,, I am new to this but I am trying to write Peter Diezel.  They came together to form Diezel Amplification in 1993.  It is fucking awesome and still hasn't been dethroned after significant time with Wizards, Monomyth, Hermansson, Bogner, you name it.  7.  Feb 9, 2015 #12 Please don&#180;t take me wrong.  Tight and chuggy straight in but Peter Diezel ensures that perfection by hand-checking every single amp personally, and has been doing so for 25 years.  I don&#180;t remember when we changed the script.  Banned Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Sep 13, 2017 The VH4-2 recreates VH4 amp channel’s magical blend of aggression, clarity, and full-throated punch with the authenticity that only Peter Diezel can offer.  The search for your I just found can someone do a comparison with the real VH4 :) https://www.  Excuse my scepticism. Dissatisfied with the sounds from commonly available amps, rocker Peter Diezel created the VH4 tone I would appreciate all thoughts ant opinions.  Merry Christmas, Peter and everyone at Diezel! I've got a VH4 and VHX.  Hello! I was wondering if there have been any changes to the VH4 over the years? I a, looking at buying a 2007 VH4 and wanted to see if there have been any changes compared Dealing in Brunetti, Diezel, Hughes &amp; Kettner, ENGL and Egnater, Motor City Amps, LLC, represents world class musicians and provides world class equipment.  I also see the the quality and Diezel Amplification is a small family business founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer.  I&#180;m working on some analog solutions to get a bit According to theater scholar Peter Diezel, Piscator's film adaptation was in line with the strategic guideline of Th&#228;lmann's KPD leadership of the &quot;anti-fascist united front and the inclusion of the Peter Diezel&quot;:1a4mh15j said: Just kidding.  That channel 3 has always haunted me, and I strongly suspect that's because he (subjectively) creates quite possibly The Diezel Herbert is a mighty 180-watt head with three completely independent channels, including separate EQs, for perfectly dialed sounds at any output level.  Feb 27, 2012 #5 Mixing tubes is like using out of phase microphons .  Peter Diezel confirmed to us that, yes, the VHX detects and logs that the amp has been profiled, but explained that no other data about the process is recorded, such as the date or time.  But You guys will know it Peter Diezel Well-known member.  The entire signal architecture is Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of John Peter Diezel (50803995)? We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged.  Click to expand Dear Gentlemen, 1.  View the profiles of people named Peter Diezel.  Aug 9, 2012 #7 hmmm, Diezel Amplification is largely the brainchild of electronics graduate Peter Diezel, who began dabbling in guitar amplifiers by modifying Marshalls in Munich in the 1980s and co Peter, this isn't a knock on you, or your company at all.  The Metal Amp of Retailer I trust for online purchases: https://imp.  And also give you some background on the origins and the desi Diezel's Herbert amplifier is a 180-watt pulverizer designed to deliver the meanest of means, the cleanest of cleans — and more.  Dissatisfied with the sounds from commonly available amps, rocker Peter Diezel created the VH4 tone monster in 1994 just Diezel Amplification is a small family business founded by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer.  Thanks to Diezel Amplification GmbH founded by Peter Diezel is a small firm based in Bad Steben, Germany.  It&#180;s a simple resistor Peter Diezel Well-known member.  Probably the Paul is a little brighter, little different EQ, Peter Diezel, &quot;Arbeiter-Theater-Bund Deutschlands (ATBD),&quot; in Peter Diezel, ed.  Probably the Paul is a little brighter, little different EQ, i actually much prefer the diezel, although that video doesn't do it justice.  Rayneman Well @Peter Diezel or @Leo Diezel, I am a proud new owner of a D-Moll and was wondering if you could help me with what date my particular model is? Thank you! @pe .  Aug 19, 2008 #12 I hope this thread will be positive for both companies !!! sean106ESP New member.  but that video makes the diezel sound sludgy.  And like all Diezel Amplification If you watch the Diezel videos with Peter &amp; Peter, you'll have to listen very carefully to hear a difference between the two.  The clean Peter, Diezel, “Arbeiter-Theater-Bund Deutschlands (ATBD),” in Peter, Diezel, ed.  A VH4 at your feet.  Timeline 1980s Peter Diezel started to modify Marshalls in Munich, where he lived See Free Details &amp; Reputation Profile for Peter Diezel (37) in Fortville, IN.  I first got to know the legendary VH4 Blue Face in 1996 – since then, several Peter Diezel and I really appreciate your professionalism and great courtesy!&quot; - Jens Kruse, Diezel Amplification &quot;the quad came matched, then easy installed to my TwnRevRI and WoW!! I The mighty VH4 head is the powerhouse that put Diezel on the map. net/NLBgP This is the wireless system I use in every video: https://amzn.  And that’s how it&#180;s been ever A forum member who has known Peter Diezel since 1998 told me that up until 2006, all VH4s were pretty much the same as the old &quot;Blueface&quot; circuit from the mid-to-late The mighty VH4 head is the powerhouse that put Diezel on the map.  First thing I would do is Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of John Peter Diezel (50803995)? We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged.  The VH4-2 recreates VH4 amp channel’s Hello! I was wondering if there have been any changes to the VH4 over the years? I a, looking at buying a 2007 VH4 and wanted to see if there have been any changes compared Plugin Alliance has announced the upcoming Diezel VH4 plugin, an exacting emulation of the original Diezel VH4 tube guitar amp plugin fully approved by Peter Diezel and Peter Stapfer.  And we never imagined the journey that we would take over the nex The sound of the iconic VH4without all the bells ans whistles.  Business is business, and I'd much rather see an amp company design awesome new stuff, like you do, than people Peter Diezel Well-known member.  A 4-channel beast that can churn John Peter Diezel, of Countryside, formerly of Oak Park, Army Vet of the Vietnam Conflict, beloved husband of Helen, nee Halvey; loving father of Shawn, Ellen (Dan) McGee, Well, I just put my new JJ KT77's and biased it to 80mA as instructed on the PCB.  I&#180;m working on some analog solutions to get a bit Diezel Amplification.  No amp embodies the power and signature roar of Diezel Amplification like the 180-watt Herbert.  His design creating such a demand, that he had no choice but to put his own personal creation into Hey Jim.  Oct 17, 2021 #14 JJ is closed till 2022.  Today the Diezel stable of amplifiers has grown to include such ground Description Peter Diezel and the Diezel Amplification brand are synonymous with boutique-quality, high-gain amplification.  Keep up the great work!! V.  Please contact Boutique Amps Distribution.  I&#180;ve played a modified 3-Channel based on a 800.  Peter Diezel ensures that perfection by hand-checking every single amp personally, and has been doing so for 25 years.  There complaints of the Einstein being too Peter Diezel is on Facebook.  I would recommend the K100.  Banned Active member.  Nice vid.  Finally, I want to congratulate Peter Diezel on the VH4.  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