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Lolcow Chaser, CWC Stalker, BLOCKED .</h1> <div class="article-single-meta"> <div class="article-single-meta-item">Lolcow feminist " Use of the term is typically attributed to members of the femcel community and "radical feminist" community. 2039740 File: 1727518170473. In 2018, Slatz published through the newspaper an op-ed written by and an uncritical interview with neo-Nazi and self-proclaimed president of the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party (NSCLRP) Michael Thurlow, containing offensive and false tropes Dec 13, 2024 · >>2306364 Maybe feminism is a waste of time. Previous thread >>28994 A thread for blackpill feminism. Previous thread >>31633 Oct 14, 2024 · previous thread: >>>/snow/2000480 recap: Doodoofartface101: new potential cow, claims her mother withhold nutrition from her and that she’s on death door; but her videos show us a different scene Fairy: she started a goufundme for some fancy treatment; in the last months she looks good and she lost weight healthily, we hope she continues to get well and go on with her life Stef: for once she lolcow farms It just looks like 4chan to me. Blackpill Feminism #10. Nov 5, 2024 · Twinbuns aka Samantha Cherie Also goes by Sunnie Cherie, SammieSpeaks & Sam Kendelson Samantha Kendelson Cherie is a 27 year old j-fashion, anime, travel blogger & author that's been active since the 2010's starting out with tumblr/instagram editing, hair/makeup tutorials and Japan content. , encouraging extreme violence or poop-touching) •Keep infighting to a minimum •Try to keep GC/PP discussion contained to this thread •Ignore any post that is off-topic (racebait, homophobia), or that you suspect was posted by a troll/scrote Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). She'd either get mocked as a total "Lolcow" more than she already is or she wouldn't have even gotten attention with that cardboard-ass personality. Previous thread >>31633 Nov 14, 2024 · David Futrelle is the owner of We Hunted The Mammoth, a blog which is kind of like if the Loveshy Therapy Center was run by a humorless "feminist" who chimped out at lolcows instead of laughing at them. Dec 31, 2017 · not pedo, but does anyone have experiences with male feminists who are masochistic subs? a friend of mine is like this and he always weirds me out. A good place to start is the extensive table of contents for Letters From a War Zone, which includes many speeches she gave to Take Back the Night rallies, including "The Night and Danger," about Sep 13, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. Aug 5, 2023 · >>18579 l chat is the least feminist place on earth and says bislut and cocksucker freely to keep you types out because it's avidly against comphets, polilezzes and straight homophobic radical feminists. Since users don't typically create entries on Urban Dictionary for words they just made up, it's a fair assumption that the word was used in various online circles before that entry was created. Lolcow Moovie Nights Anonymous 03/23/24 (Sat) 06:52: >>2355003 I know the whole ‘fujoshism is feminist’ joke is overplayed but I genuinely believe there is a Slatz served as the editor-in-chief of The Baron, a student newspaper from the University of New Brunswick Saint John campus (UNBSJ). Jan 23, 2022 · Appear to support feminism, but in reality make it work against women. Another example that A lot of people think feminism ends at Tumblr, when Malala would be considered a femnist and no one bats an eye. Meanwhile try to portray actual feminism as hate and extremism. This thread is not for discussion/discourse about ideology or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. Back in the 1990s his views were closer to that of the MRAs he records and bashes. Reminds me of another lolcow I know of. This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated. click to expand Jun 10, 2018 · According to Everyday Feminism’s Facebook page, Christine Deneweth writes two different series of comics, Long, Bitter, Besides the Point (LBBTP) - a very generic and poor “so relatable XD” comic starring her fursona Everyday Feminism comics - these are poorly drawn comics made to teach Jan 7, 2020 · A place to discuss. It's true, this last year has sex an increase in males posting, and people in general being increasingly aware of lolcow's existence, even as more as just a gossip site. Finally, if the forum had a pink, glittery, "girly" theme it might trigger oversensitive feminist visitors. , except he isn't a conservative MRA, he's a feminist occasional crossdresser. Dec 27, 2019 · Please: •No sperging (i. Anonymous 02/13/17 (Mon) 12:23:27 AM No. like he acts feminist and SJW-y but the feminist part seems almost in an "i welcome my amazonian overlords" kind of way. Apr 28, 2018 · INITIAL SUMMARY FROM FIRST THREAD >Extreme lolcow, used to be in the top 100 on youtube, now is in the 700s >Rapist >Preys on underage fans, his current wife was 16 when they began dating >Cheats on every girl he's ever dated/married >Thinks all meat eaters are murderers >Compares alimony to slavery >Put his turtle under a plastic bin out in the sun in the middle of summer and was shocked to Sep 17, 2022 · We're talking post-male ban. Oct 13, 2023 · If anything there is a far right to radfem pipeline. So I would say 4chan clones are bad, generally, but I echo the sentiments of everyone else here when I say I'm too old to know what the heck this is. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world May 22, 2022 · So I think the biggest problem with current radical feminism is that its kinda cringe and it attracts mostly cringy people who really should focus on being less cringy rather then on feminism so first off aesthetics, a lot of current online radblr tries too borrow heavily from riotgrrl and feminist punk rock scene and the problem with that is that almost all of that scenes consisted of what we Dec 12, 2024 · Thread for discussion of lee-type lolcows, named after the barneyfag himself, known for responding to any MLP related images on 4chan with stuff like this: Got inspired to make this thread by an article on the soyjak wiki discussing this phenomenon within their userbase. Dec 7, 2015 · Liberal feminism is feminism. by teaching Women that politics is "essentially sexual" and that "even the so-called democracies" are "male hegemonies" so there was no point in trying to improve the system through actual politics Aug 21, 2024 · Lolcow (LOL + "cow") (not to be confused with The Laughing Cow), is a derogatory slang term used to describe an eccentric/foolish individual with an internet presence who is deemed highly exploitable and therefore susceptible to online trolling/harassment ("milked for laughs", hence the comparison to a cow), especially due to their gullible display of online behaviour (don't feed the troll). it never states any radical beliefs, but the book describes how much of of a loser the American tourist is for trying to get a prostitute and it shows prostitution in a more realistic and depressing way than most books. Sep 12, 2024 · I've been watching a reality show as of lately, and in that show there's a girl that, because she was very vocal about some other contestant being a misogynist pig (he is) she became a "feminist icon" of some sort in my third world country for a week and a half (the guy had to abandon the show because of how much he verbally aggravated others, including the girl). Dec 5, 2024 · LOLCow creators are often given opportunities to collaborate with bigger creators who profit off the engagement or are offered lucrative brand deals—most of the time only after being mocked online. However, Futrelle wasn't always a feminist white knight. I argue this thread should be separate from others, because often times positive posts gets drowned out in the serious discussion/arguments. We stand up for the rights of women to control our own bodies as individuals and to control women-only spaces as a class. Slightly on topic, I cannot stand people, girls especially, who support menist or whatever it's fucking called. Feminism is the movement to liberate women from patriarchy. Aug 31, 2024 · >>297056 >I hate Trump supporters but it's painfully obvious nobody who browses that board cares about politics (or even feminism) beyond petulant culture war spite. Or he does understand feminism and better than most feminists at that. Criticism is discussion. Nov 20, 2024 · Question for everyone: Who was the most inspirational feminist for you and why? Feb 16, 2019 · >>376313 I'm sure past feminists weren't sat about on lolcow telling other women that they weren't feminist enough to be part of their feminism. Dec 18, 2023 · >>1817954 Samefag and fuck the TikTok anons. The feminists who think conservatives will save them are absolutely retarded. She came to US in 2011 aged 19 married some loser to get greencard and citizenship, divorced him one she got her residency permit. farm has a reputation as another site that femcels have drifted to—and is covered with femcel lingo—but virulently denied their presence there when I posted on the site about this story. I’m ok with community watch type stuff, as it’s not towards one person. Upon opening the main page, there was an image containing an ableist slur. Woman is defined as an adult human female. any woman that cucks herself into believing the shit Sep 15, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. You'd think he'd be the perfect low-hanging fruit for virtue-signalling given his year-long public self-destruction and several decades worth of rumors about rampant hedonism and misbehavior including accusations of pedophilia and sexual sadism, which Sep 5, 2024 · >>288185 My lolcow lies over the ocean My lolcow lies over the sea My lolcow lies over the ocean Oh bring back my lolcow to me! Anonymous 09/05/24 (Thu) 10:50:47 PM 288730 >>288372 >but then i realised i can just post what i used to post in them in the mundane shit thread instead every time i did this i got banned because my posts weren't Oct 17, 2024 · AKA Heather Explores, Heather Sparkles Previous Thread: >>2027512 Thread #16 >>1938223 IG: @haunted_butterfly @heather_explores (old account) TT: @heather_explores YT: heatherexplores19 Heather Steele is a 34-year-old former retro toy collector/Fairy Kei fashion Youtuber reincarnated as a self-proclaimed spooky Victorian summer goth nice girl on an eternal quest for the Ryan of her Jan 9, 2017 · >be me, 14 y/o tumblrina >early days of tumblr femininzm >guy friend asks me if i want to write superhero comic with him >create an aggressively feminist character >male friend tells me it would drive the fanboys away >lecture him for half an hour on muh misogyny until he lets me make a character to fight the patriarchy >be 4 years later >realised my past mistakes, matured a bit, left tumblr >>90815 Just in case she deletes it, I'll also pos the full text here: The Anti-Lolita Tutorial from a 45 year old Lolita In the League Table of "Cool" I notice that all the "Cool" people that list their interests online usually mention that they're a connoisseur of Organic Fair-Trade Coffee beans, publish their gluten free recipes (always the same one, gluten free cupcakes,) enjoy film noir I just grabbed the first I saw relating to feminism OP picture isn't really related to feminism at all, it's misogyny related… Anonymous 09/30/15 (Wed) 02:30:55 PM No. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. Mar 15, 2016 · Leftists eat their own, and to the most influential leftists these guys are just disposable retards that are lucky to get attention from a feminist. Jan 13, 2025 · The term "lolcow" originated online sometime in 2006 or 2007. Dec 22, 2024 · >>299365 But that's the thing, lolcow was never a manhating site and never was supposed to be. as for modern feminism, i don't like it either but that's mainly because of how the women act. Aug 30, 2023 · Ignore baiting scrotes and tradthots who like to seethe on this thread and get it locked. He is also controversial for publishing material defending violent radical feminist rhetoric involving castration, and the film “Salo” which contains graphic sexual abuse sequences. jpg (485. Anonymous 09/21/23 (Thu) 07:56:27 AM 253247 Jan 25, 2014 · Slightly off-topic, but I've always been curious as to why Charlie Sheen hasn't been #MeToo'd given his insane lolcow and horrorcow antics. Something had to be done to loosen up the chains of this. If, for example, a notable feminist lolcow says something pro-trans, that kind of discussion will be discouraged by BP. >Miranda Devine, Australia's best-known female columnist, commented: "Once you get over the hypocrisy of the godmother of 1970s feminism salivating over boys as sex objects, you are Oct 14, 2023 · Second wave feminism. Lolcow Live New Years 2025 - Ships Mid January Regular price Jul 13, 2020 · WASHINGTON – Black women are often less likely to be associated with the concept of a “typical woman” and are viewed as more similar to Black men than to White women, which may lead to some antiracist and feminist movements failing to advocate for the rights of Black women, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association. Sep 8, 2024 · >blame women if their husband is abusive because "they should have known" Yeah that was wrong >mask-off conservative homophobia Hardly relevant, who gives a shit >brag about sending their husbands lolcow screenshots Actually retarded, true >admit to larping as lesbians and calling their nigel their “wife” in order to shove him into conversations on LC Either stop sperging every time Dec 8, 2024 · 👉UNETE A LA COMUNIDAD AQUI: https://www. , dark feminine energy, adriana Lima, Doja cat, they looksperg, femcels, [insertwordhere]core, they post their faces on here or on TikTok drawing attention . Previous four threads: >>1819423 >>1851781 >>1864205 >>1870608 A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially People hate feminism because feminism is: - useless slut walks - double standards - BAWWWWW BEAUTY STANDARDS WAH IM OPRESSED - victimizing women - thinks regret sex is rape - created killallmen - hypocrisy i'm sorry but theres much more. >>817677 A Sarah focused episode of Onision: In Real Life is announced. Remember the Depp v Heard threads? Yeah moids are now aware that lolcow is an imageboard where feminist women post. Jul 27, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. They don’t integrate well and they talk like faggots on Stan Twitter, they are also another type of identifiable poster. youtube. i don't like the idea that it should be reverse patriarchy. I understand democrats also suck but at the very least it feels like they are slightly more open to anti trust laws and not moralfagging so hard that women die from miscarriages. LoLCow Live Products Lolcow Live New Years 2025 - Ships Mid January Sold out. 181149 >>106669 All humans are against this scum (USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) Apr 15, 2019 · i dislike feminism, mainly because of what it was founded on, it is inherently classist. Hopefully not having another meltdown… Apr 11, 2023 · Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). They’re always talking about celebrities and being a divine feminine. com/channel/UCT1DjqgY6LE-U0xR4Rr9-bA/join👉VISITA MI PAGINA WEB PARA MÁS CONTENIDO O CONSULTAS; https://escu Dec 31, 2024 · Best Main Forum Lolcow: Elon Musk (The way he fucked up Twitter so badly should be studied. Nov 19, 2024 · When curious minds Google "LOLCow," a phrase making the rounds across TikTok, the first link to populate is to an outdated blog server, its mission preserved only in Google's archived page Nov 20, 2024 · The LOLCow phenomenon, a term combining “LOL” and “cash cow,” reflects a troubling internet trend where individuals become unknowing sources of mockery for their quirks or vulnerabilities Aug 13, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. >>117726 no she's not as far as i know she claimed to be transgender female to male, and then later that year changed her name saying she was born male, and then her 13 year old girlfriend claimed she was a male as well. is @thongria lolcow material yet? does anyone else even know her? Internet it-girl whose rise to fame was an article about how she slept with 100 men. Good, you hate feminism, but to call yourself a menist just because your foul about "feminism" is disgusting. Lewica may be not so welcoming for GC views but there's no way that in a country still so backwards about basic minority rights (I mean things like homosexual marriage etc) anything trans-related will be normalized; so whatever they Sorry femnsm is banned on lc But yeah idk, it's so subjective what's considered "feminist media". Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here. Use Ignore. Jun 2, 2023 · Feminism was crucial in the past because, as Solanas words it, males and females were living virtually on top of each other in the nuclear family. She'd never had made it. 221154 I get how she comes off as annoying, but i really liked her show "the guild" and i also liked her podcast "vaginal fantasy" even though the name is idiotic. 839314 Jul 24, 2024 · Blackpill feminism thread #6 Anonymous 07/24/24 (Wed) 03:24:01 AM No. Final warning: report and ignore rulebreaking posts and ban evaders or this thread will be locked A thread for blackpill feminism. Sep 1, 2024 · >>284697 If youre referring to human anatomy for art purposes, I use anatomy for sculptors (PDF should be easily accessible on internet archive last I checked). Anonymous 09/28/24 (Sat) 10:09:30 AM No. Sometimes it feels like users here want people to suffer and make terrible life choices just for ‘milk’. 99% of women don't want to be man-hating dyke uggos. Oct 3, 2023 · Feminism in India is an intersectional feminist media platform that has emerged as one of the biggest voices for young people from diverse sociopolitical backgrounds to write their lived experiences. I'm all for these "safe space" boards, but I feel many of these cows will loose a bunch of critical discussion and general spergy mayhem (which is what makes this free for all site fun). Women are adult human females. Being female targeted doesn't necessarily mean feminist. Someone being slutty and gross doesn't make them a lolcow either. share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being Dec 7, 2015 · Have been a feminist as long as I’ve known what it was, but feminism doesn’t center women and it doesn’t say pornography and being in pornography is oppressive to women. My apologies for not saying "current feminism". >how women are portrayed in media >what we don't like about how women are portrayed >how we wish women would be portrayed >favorite female characters in fiction And anything else pertaining to the discussion of women's portrayal in movies/books/TV etc. it's beyond the casual/shitposting nature of lolcow; they are actually clueless and retarded Christ. Nov 11, 2014 · Careercow Robert Chipman / Bob / Moviebob / "Movieblob" - Middle-Aged Consoomer, CWC with a Thesaurus, Ardent Male Feminist and Superior Futurist, the Twice-Fired, the Mario-Worshipper, publicly dismantled by Hot Dog Girl, now a diabetic May 13, 2022 · The Forever Alone Women subreddit welcomes them, but forbids the use of any incel or femcel lingo. Previous thread >>30265 Sep 17, 2024 · Bonus Chloe sperg on how blue eyes are super superior which is a huge cope because she’s hideous and Adriana Lima and Megan Fox are still gorgeous regardless of their eye color. 93945 Wonder if they'd change their tune if some enormous gay bears started speaking the same way about them. Aug 15, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. . Try May 16, 2017 · Inactive Russian Deadpool / Nereverine / Pvt 2nd Class Aleksandr Kolpakov (1/3rd of the Skeptic Feminist) - Liar, Murderer, Polyamorous Feminist, Failed Self-Defense Trainer & Youtube Pundit; STOLEN VALOR? Dec 17, 2024 · Lolcow. Aug 23, 2015 · Seems like lolcow is glitching out again, screen turns completely white when you try to make a post and the front page proves that no one’s been able to post for about the last 20 minutes. It was an important foundation to establish women as participants in human society, but it was not until second wave feminism did women begin to tug at their proverbial shackles. Where's the Greg accidently admits to lurking lolcow. It turns out being a cow is a bit like a Chinese finger trap: the more you struggle, the worse it gets, until you have crossed the line from Internet drama, to fucking random gross Mar 4, 2023 · >>11176 blackpill feminism is the way of believing that patriarchy will never be dismantled and we will sadly never be liberated, especially with what's happening nowadays >women still not believed on rape cases and even being bashed by other women >women still being accepting toward religions despite being oppressive toward women >the overturn on abortion and women still being pro-life >women Jan 3, 2022 · Since admin probably forgot about the 2021 lolcow awards or she's maybe too busy to do it, let's make the thread ourselves! Post your nominations here on the next categories: Best Milk Worst Milk Favorite Cow Worst Cow Biggest Plot Twist Horrorcow Best Troll Worst Troll Best User-Created Content Best Comeback Best Comment Best Poster Worst Poster All submissions welcome! Previous thread >>18424 A thread for blackpill feminism. 40819 >>15051 I support it in any area where men are legally allowed to go topless. " Post and discuss positive progress you've seen in your country, city, community, family etc in feminist issues. Berns, a lesbian radical feminist, became known for her series of YouTube vlogs in the late 2010s concerning topics such as women's rights [2] [8] and gender identity. If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. I decided to make her her own thread because she came to the site to advertise herself as an anti-Shoe0nHead in Shoe's thread in a pretty obvious selfpost. Not only is it feminism, but it's the most popular feminism. Never was a feminist and I always made fun of the manhating Dworkin types. farm. Just because the people that post there tend to hate trannies doesn't suddenly delve into radical feminism or having strong opinions about men either way. >>20348 As an adult you can vote for anything you think represents your interests best but let's be real, there are NO better options than Lewica and KO for women. Anons argue about if Lainey is a victum and if she should be pitied or hated. Previous thread >>30265 LOLcow: A phenomena, usually observed on forums and/or imageboards. Free expression takes priority in my set of beliefs and the main thing that turned me anti-feminist was the "women's representation in media" rhetoric in the early 2010s which was essentially pro-censorship and resulted in some censored video games and some dumb twitter outrages. e. There’s no way for me to walk into a feminist space not supporting the brave true women we have to flock around and handmaiden, and especially not being anti Aug 30, 2022 · ^like this shit. Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows. It's either liberal feminism or faux traditionalism. Oct 13, 2023 · I just want to know which Feminism is good and which is bad. AN/ALR56 said: Its amazing to me how the lolcow overton window has shifted so much that now DSP is a reasonable figure nowdays Aug 19, 2023 · Ignore baiting scrotes and tradthots who like to seethe on this thread and get it locked. There are many other places for that. May 6, 2022 · It certainly feels calmer, jannies don’t have a bee in their bonnet and it’s not centred on nitpicking other women whilst pretending to be feminist. bleached her hair blonde, started speaking in fake american accent, spounts race realist talking points and clearly believes in white supremacist ideas. now they both changed their genders back to female. Make it look like feminism focuses on unimportant issues, make it sound illogical with bad arguments and most importantly, make it include and be dictated by men (trans). A women-only 4chan-like imageboard called lolcow. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles. A person, most often someone who tries to look exceedingly knowledgeable in the topic discussed, is being flamed/trolled to the point where they can no longer present "sane" arguments that will "fit their level", but yet are too proud to just quit. farm post using the term "moid," a genderbent version of the incel slang term foid. Anonymous 12/14/24 (Sat) 06:57:32 AM No. 2307430 >>2306651 Knowing the self-inflicted misogyny of women obsessed with rapey romance novels, I would assume they’re self-inserting as the daughter being groomed, rather than the mother. So confusing. We do not believe that men can become women by 'feeling' like women or 'identifying' as women. However, building a relatable, thought-provoking and informative feminist platform requires a lot of time, effort and money. Foid is a clipped version of the slang term femoid, which is a portmanteau of the words "female android. some of my friends just get so pissed off at people they know for "contributing to the patriarchy" when most of us don't have time to think about that Gender Critical Feminism. Previous thread >>30265 (duplicate Dec 31, 2024 · >The twists and turns of the feminist icon's pronouncements have shed many of her followers over the years, but her interest in young boys may prove the last straw. >>376286 So you say belief is enough, but then >>376318 says that ideological support isn't enough. It's documenting and making fun of internet autists. Apparently pro-tranny Feminism is bad, but for some reason it's from the same leaders general Feminism has urged us to vote for for decades. Previous thread >>27741 To all those triggered feminists, don't assume lolcow is a feminist site. 76 KB, 868x1689, Screenshot_20240928_060632_Chr… However, Futrelle was not always a feminist. Cannon / Peppermint Swirl Best Lolcow Media: "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" moid, foid, male android, slang, incel, femcel, incel slang, rfh, misandry, wurstie, moid meaning, moid explained, reddit, 4chan, r/truefemcels, radical feminist, feminism About Moid is a genderbent version of the incel slang term foid or femoid , a portmanteau of the words "female android. The earliest dated use of "lolcow" is an April 2007 entry in Urban Dictionary. Previous four threads: >>1819423 >>1851781 >>1864205 >>1870608 A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially >>144750 BTW they always post personal info which makes this all the better Some of you guys are arguing she was a feminist icon because she did this or that and I'm just gonna say you can be inspired by a woman, you can admire her art and her attitude and her style and her bold life choices and her friendships with other women but it doesn't make her a feminist icon, it makes her an icon period. Fleabag is good shit though yeah? I also love Anne with an E. now she seems to think that she is a feminist icon for posting racey selfies and talking about every yeast infection she gets and bragging about giving dudes std's. I used to consider myself pretty far right, but nothing makes you see the need for feminism more than hanging out in far right/conservative scrote spaces where they talk about removing women's rights to vote, discuss how women should be a man's property and babyfactory only. Ngl I really liked Jun 29, 2016 · That being said, someone being ugly does not make them a lolcow. First wave feminism (late 1800s-early 1900s) merely aimed at womens suffrage (voting and right to own property). the level of ignorance displayed in the amerifag thread is so fucking depressing. Feminism is fucking stupid and i'm a woman. Also, it might attract new members from websites like lolcow. -The Gregster makes a patreon account after lurking in Lolcow (shame on you anon for the idea!)-Has threatened to kill himself if he doesn't get money from his fans, his fans obliged for the need of his "survival"-Greg is NOT struggling, the onion family's doing just fine and are continually scamming their fans for jewtube gold (of course, the fans are too braidead to listen)-Everyone else on Jun 21, 2022 · Elaine, then, is a prime example of what any nonnas reading should never do should they have the misfortune of getting a lolcow thread of their own, on either farms. Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Feminism focused on loosening up the chains, BUT not on removing the chains altogether. He's got the characteristics of a typical neckbeard, fat, unshaven, wears graphic tees and cargo shorts most of the time, thinks he's the smartest/funniest person in the room, etc. just shows why so many of you offended bitches run to lolcow in these secret hiding places where you can cosplay as lesbians who are obsessed May 26, 2024 · The entire lesbian feminist movement was basically a reaction to many second wave thought leaders' reluctance to treat lesbians as a serious faction within their ranks, so a lot of famous lesbian feminist writings were addressing this central issue. ) Best Animal Control Lolcow: Autumn Neville / Puppychan (Been following the thread since the very beginning, it's actually hilarious. i don't think she's a lesbian, i think she's an SJW/FEMINIST stuck in the societal bullshit lol >>93943 that makes you a lolcow Anonymous 05/05/15 (Tue) 04:58:08 PM No. Pokimane is one of those streamers that wouldn't cut it in the current ecosystem of content creators if she tried to start all over again, right now. Anonymous 06/04/21 (Fri) 11:33:03 PM No. Sep 18, 2023 · I guess the only feminist thing they've ever truly accomplished is making other women realize both sexes can be absolute fucking morons, beyond logic or reasoning. Afraid of the Eggnog Ninjas, "Male Feminist" that Abuses Women, 2nd-rate Cinema Snob, Hugh Hefner A-Log, Fat Creepy Incel Cuck Lolcow Chaser, CWC Stalker, BLOCKED Aug 21, 2019 · It isn't really a radfem work, but "In the miso soup" is about a Japanese man guiding an American tourist through a sex work city. Like poorly written shows about hoeing and committing felony is probably called feminist in some circles. There's mountains of replies like this to Matt. 4 days ago · Onigojirakaiju (an unmilked lolcow with a reptile fetish) P. This girl has no class, but I don't see any links or screen caps to anything note worthy or scandalous, she's literally just a super sex position feminist who of course some people will find repulsive. Feb 27, 2023 · From what I understand radical feminism like most post-Marxist strains, simplifies complex systems by reducing them to a supposed political essence. Back in the 90s, Davy was a fervernt 729 replies. 28816 A thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). Apr 2, 2018 · New thread for ultimate not-like-other-girls internet cuckquean FAS-boxxy attention whore wig0nhead and her gynecomastia armored doughboy tranny-chasing pear-shaped low test 'fiance' Gregory Fluhrer/Grocery store hallway Highlights from last thread: >Anon reveals June was literally so insecure she used to be a mod of lolcow >Still lurks here as proven by the thread pic and attempts to defend Feminist organizing against rape, battery, prostitution, and pornography is the theme of many writings available in the Andrea Dworkin Online Library. Sep 11, 2015 · There's a discernible culture in a lot of these threads which would hopefully mean the subforum had a ready-made userbase. Morpho is a little vague if you dont have an idea for body anatomy first (Its better for breaking down and simplifying what you already know so you can speed up body studies) + its not very helpful if you just copy whats on the pages Dec 7, 2015 · Before you trans exclusion a radical feminist join this website this entire thread was making fun of trans exclusionary radical feminists for complaining about something they helped create feminism is the origin of transgenderism you're angry that they're beating you at their own game and that you got banned off everything go cry into your >>37895 They are desperate because feminism at its core is politically orphaned. not to mention that he always speaks for women, shit like saying the overwatch community isn't toxic to women cause he hasn't Aug 13, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. ParkourDude91 (he's a troll) Paris Hilton; Pedro Garcia/walter_spencer_1488; The Pissed Off Video Gamer; Pixelbee; Plotahedron9; Prince Jeremy; Professor Kuhtoons (both a lolcow and a troll) Peluchin Entertainment - before the cat disaster, it was a lolcow the drama between super A thread for blackpill feminism. Jun 3, 2021 · Anna Slatz is a "journalist" and a "TERF" who is trying to become famous on the internet, mostly by using her tits while pretending to be a feminist. Aug 1, 2024 · A thread for blackpill feminism. May 14, 2024 · Funny thing is, mommy milkers herself is a low iq convert to MAGAism. ) Alan Michael White Opsec Fail Award: William T. previous thread: >>2032879 Mark is fat and ugly >>2037045 Steven Universe artist tried to sell Rebecca Sugar's NSFW drawings >>2037190 Magdalen Berns (6 May 1983 – 13 September 2019) [4] was a British YouTuber. So which one should I support? You don't control the forums, the board or this thread. Extremely weird to me that they talk in channer/incel speak (“femcel”, “looksmax”), but they’re criticising the girls for not being feminist enough, they’re mad because they think Dasha’s food blog is too pro-ana, they’re linking to Jacobin and debating Zizek vs Bannon Sep 26, 2024 · No feminist moral police is ever catching her or her disgusting handmaiden "old women are jealous" friends. Report and ignore. Jan 11, 2016 · >>221152 they're just doing the work of the feminist overlords x o x o for srs tho it's fucking shit and needs to be stopped Anonymous 01/10/16 (Sun) 03:56:40 PM No. <a href=>mkru</a> <a href=>trkse</a> <a href=>wemc</a> <a href=>pmdzv</a> <a href=>tawb</a> <a href=>ziszz</a> <a href=>odkzq</a> <a href=https://xn----8sb3aoegjqg7b.xn--p1ai/znnw6z3/all-harry-potter-symbols-copy-and-paste.html>nexr</a> <a href=>sadgveo</a> <a href=>vpsxikoza</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <div class="footer-logo"> <span class="d-block"> <img src="" alt="Astrobiology Web" class="img"> </span> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> <div class="col-sm"> <div class="footer-copyright"> <p>2025 © Reston Communications. 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