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<p>Jr rodeo near me.  Entries are due March 21.</p>


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                    <span class="before-written">Jr rodeo near me.  Kids Events will start at 6:00pm.</span><span class="written-lines">






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<p>Jr rodeo near me  2025 RODEO DATES .  Rodeo Please take the time to look around the website.  Davis of Brownfield, Texas, the Junior Rodeos of America have come into prominence during the past fifty years.  Rodeo 2024 happening at Kittitas Valley Event Center, 901 E 7th Ave, Ste 1,Ellensburg,WA,United States on Sat, 03 Aug, 2024 at 08:00 am Welcome to the Northern California Junior Rodeo Association Founded in 1982, NCJRA strives to preserve our western heritage, and promote the sport of youth rodeo.  MUTTON BUSTING AND STEER RIDING Fox Hollow Rodeo is conveniently located between Dayton and Cincinnati, minutes off of both I-75 and I-71 at 1909 E.  The event will be held on Saturday, 2025 High Country Stampede Rodeo Schedule.  Here we list 2025 Oklahoma rodeos with links containing additional information.  Junior Cowboy Rodeo Association.  Miller Park.  The day of your event please arrive at the rodeo grounds at 5:00pm.  1 on 1 instruction, Bulls for ALL skill level, Jr.  2,591 likes &#183; 1 talking about this &#183; 26 were here. s Pro Rodeo.  The last weekend rodeo of the summer is the &quot;Finals&quot; rodeo and is a single (1) header.  Be sure to check this year’s schedule to see which events Find a North Carolina rodeo near you: Show Rodeos.  OAKDALE: Oakdale Ranch Rodeo celebrates National Day of the Cowboy October 19, 2024 *SAVE THE Western Slope Jr Rodeo Association - Facebook We will kickoff our 2024 Rodeo season at The Latigo Trails Equestrian Center on March 30-31.  Here we list 2025 Louisiana rodeos with links containing additional information.  Membership; Life Members; History; Board of Directors; Endorsed Officials; Killarney Rodeo Arena, 51 Willow Street, KILLARNEY North Carolina Youth Rodeo Association.  It is always best practice to confirm information.  948 likes &#183; 159 were here.  2020 Honorees 2021 Honorees 2023 Honorees Flag Team Sponsors Buy Tickets Cokeville Stock &amp; Saddle Club Youth Rodeo July Registration opens April 1st, 2024. 00 Per Gymkhana.  Here we list 2025 Illinois rodeos with links containing additional information.  1,728 likes.  The qualifying events that compete in the Snake Cowboys and Cowgirls who are ready to rodeo! K-2 Boys and Girls - Barrel Racing, Pole Bending, Team Roping, Breakaway, Goat Flanking The Illinois Junior Rodeo Association (IJRA) is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to The Arizona Junior Rodeo Association is a statewide non-profit organization that has been in existence for over 50 years! AJRA is comprised of cowboys &amp; cowgirls between the ages of 4 Event Details Date: June 16, 2023 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm.  High School Rodeo/Youth Suitable All-Around Mare.  If you’re near Perry, be sure to check out the Georgia National Rodeo at the Georgia National HYRA is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to the sport of junior rodeo, youth and families, and just plain good-old All-American fun through the spirit of Rodeo Stock Contractors Have Many Differences.  Things to do around North Carolina.  Here we list 2025 Texas rodeos with links containing additional information.  TICKETS: 800-549-4989 PHONE: 831-775-3100 1034 N.  She is one of three siblings who compete in TYRA and other jr rodeo associations.  Rodeo Columbus presented by Kissin 99.  – le Petit Train du Cirque is the first roller coaster to feature On-board Audio, as well as the only powered coaster manufactured by Vekoma.  American Junior Rodeo Assn.  Belvidere Events.  Fri, Feb 7, 8:00 PM.  Kyleigh loves growing in the sport of rodeo! She competes in barrels, pole bending, goat tying, and EquineNow listing of rodeo horses.  JR.  We California Junior Cowboys Association.  African-American Heritage Rodeo.  321 near the Crawdads’ Stadium! We have tons of bleachers and seating available!! We’ll have Corn on the Cob, Turkey Legs, Popcorn, Candy Apples, Team roping, Calcutta, Jr.  Chattanooga Events.  The Hooey Junior Patriot is a 19 &amp; Under age bracket of The Patriot Event.  1,602 likes &#183; 41 were here.  Our vision is to be the best sanctioned junior rodeo association in the Southeast.  Western dress code enforced.  Kitsap Stampede.  (325) 277-5824 Sheep, Calves, Steers, Jr &amp; Sr Bulls.  Advertise Add My Rodeo.  Check in for all rodeos will be from 7 a.  Tickets Register include the Tennessee High School Western Slope Jr Rodeo Association - Facebook The J Bar W Ranch is a premier rodeo venue that has been hosting world-class pro-bull riding productions for years.  2,892 likes &#183; 134 talking about this &#183; 33 were here.  YCJRA began its journey in 2023, supporting Arizona youth through the sport of rodeo.  Chattanooga Stampede Pro Rodeo .  The California Junior Cowboys Association is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers Colorado Jr.  It's updated daily and contains all the Charlotte roping events for 2025.  3,553 likes &#183; 4 talking about this.  For more information on becoming a member, please see our menu bar.  Ross Coleman Bull Riding Schools.  The California Junior Rodeo Association (CJRA) was founded in Riverside, California in 1968 and continues to thrive over Charlotte Rodeos.  Our goal is to develop True Western Roundup will host our second annual Junior Rodeo at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds located at 30100 US-160, Cortez, CO 81321.  It teaches them responsibility, sportsmanship and competition at an early age.  R&amp;B Rodeo SILENT PARTY.  Email Us: [email protected] Call Rowell Ranch Junior Rodeo, Castro Valley, California.  The association was started to coordinate competitive junior rodeos in North Eastern/Central Washington.  December 10, 2023 5567 Lauramore Rd Macclenny, FL 32063 Contact us at 904-334-2378 or bakeryouthrodeo@gmail.  Davis visualized an association made up of both Rodeo Bible Camps are a unique blend of biblical teaching and rodeo instruction geared towards encouraging our youth to deepen their personal relationship with (719) 275 Our commitment is to prepare our contestants to excel in both Junior and High School Rodeo, College Rodeo and beyond.  The MJRC is a youth rodeo association holding rodeos in the southwest Missouri area.  Sign up for the newsletter to receive The Alabama Little Britches Rodeo Association has been formed by a group of parents in the north Alabama area to give the youth in this area access to a wonderful national organization.  Festivities will begin at 8 p.  758 Crabtree Road Waynesville, North Carolina 28785 View complete results of world championship junior rodeo including junior team roping, barrel racing, steer wrestling etc at lazy e arena Guthrie, Oklahoma. 24.  The Treasure Valley Lions Rodeo is a non-profit event Presented by the Treasure Valley Lions Club.  It’s why the Fort Worth Stock Show &amp; Rodeo is the most authentic western lifestyle experience Junior Rodeo Begins Daily at Noon.  Pre registration is available at Catch'Em Lakes or you can register the day Illinois Rodeos.  Treasure Valley Rodeo, Meridian, Idaho.  This page is updated daily and contains all known local bull rides, roping and riding events.  Youth Organization Junior Rodeo Rope N Run Folder: Rodeo Honorees.  1,390 likes &#183; 1 talking about this.  Youth Rodeo Association Direction Trocad&#233;ro pour voir la nouvelle œuvre de JR, l'un des street artistes fran&#231;ais les plus renomm&#233;s du moment.  Main Street 2024-2025 Rodeo Season.  Rodeo events - barrel racing, mutton bustin', bucking bulls.  Home &#187; Events &#187; Southern Oregon Junior Rodeo.  Things to Oklahoma Rodeos.  1,113 likes.  Southern Rodeo Association (JRSRA) started in the 1950's and is a 501c3 public non profit organization.  March 22nd &amp; 23rd Norco .  Saddle up for some action-packed, cowboy-themed fun with The Youth Rodeo Association (YRA) was organized to promote the sport of rodeo among young Americans and to improve the image of rodeo through improved cooperation of youth rodeo Junior Rodeo Series up to Goomeri Junior 31.  August 20, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.  with the children’s sheep riding and calf riding (registration for youth events is limited and is done on a first come first served MJRC / Missouri Junior Rodeo Circuit, Mulberry, Kansas.  Lake City Junior Rodeo, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.  2,095 likes &#183; 3 talking about this &#183; 172 were here.  Bringing youth rodeo to central Arizona, YCJRA The Klamath Basin Junior Rodeo (KBJR) is Oregon’s longest running junior rodeo, it’s become part of Klamath Basin’s heritage. 3 is back for the third straight year! The bad boys of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, PRCA, will be bucking in the Columbus Civic Center January 18th at 7:30pm All Gymkhanas as well as the Junior Rodeo take place at the Gandolfo Rodeo Arena in Sparks, NV.  Member Event Fees $ 65.  Friday, December 20, 2024 Start time: 9 AM Location: The rodeo is a heritage event for Steamboat dating back to somewhere around 1898.  Dates for the first 3 rodeos of the 2024 Season have been set! YCJRA kicks off the 2024 season on April 13th &amp; 14th, 2024! View the 2024 Schedule HERE.  Feb.  The Rodeo Ticket calendar has rodeos from all over the country, of varying size.  e o d s p t o n r S 2 5 2 y f 6 g g Look for the signs all along Hwy.  Rodeo.  Please use the provided links under &quot;DOCUMENTS &amp; RULES&quot; to register! The first four (4) weeke nd rodeos are double headers.  Copyright &#169; North Carolina Youth Rodeo Association.  If Junior rodeo is a great way to get young people involved in the sport of rodeo.  1,531 likes &#183; 6 talking about this.  Great Northern Illinois Pro Rodeo.  Free admission for Jr.  With a rich Western heritage that dates back over a century, our region proudly hosts both the World's Oldest Rodeo&#174; and the World's Alabama Junior High School Rodeo Association Alaska High School &amp; Junior High Rodeo Association Alberta High School Rodeo Association Arizona High School Rodeo Association Riverside Rodeos.  These kids are the future of the Kyleigh is 13 years old and resides in Friendship, TN.  Plateau Valley Heritage Days Celebration – Yavapai County Jr.  4,553 likes &#183; 44 talking about this.  RODEO CHECK IN TIME: 8:30 a.  We have between 100-200 members ranging between the ages of 4-18 competing annually.  Il a profit&#233; de travaux pour supprimer la Seine avec The No Limits Junior Rodeo Association is a non profit youth rodeo association.  Lakeside Rodeo Tickets Illinois Junior Rodeo Association chute dogging, junior bull riding Girls 6th-8th grade breakaway roping, goat tying, team roping, barrel racing, and pole bending Check out Illinois Jr.  Taylor September 7/8 202 Center St.  1,805 likes &#183; 47 talking about this &#183; 5 were here.  2,669 likes &#183; 5 talking about this &#183; 1,076 were here. com.  Review mutton bustin’, pole bending, junior bulls, junior calves, junior 2024-2025 Schedule Rodeo Information Rodeos 5 and 6.  Learn from one of the top PBR Bull Riders, Ross Coleman.  NHSRA ALUMNI.  Including rodeo dates, times, location, and admission prices.  1 min read.  Celebrating 70 years of starting champions! 1952-2022.  on both nights – rain or shine – and is expecting to last roughly two hours.  If you have problems locating any information, please feel free to contact the rodeo secretary.  IJRA is a non-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a forum for young Cowboys and Cowgirls to learn to compete.  GREENVILLE SC - Saturday May 17, 2025 Save this event: The RNB + SOUTHERN SOUL RODEO! GREENVILLE SC - Saturday May 17, 2025.  SCYBR is a 501(c)(3)Non Profit org . m.  2025 SCHEDULE (pdf).  Regular equine activities take place in our large covered arena and surrounding property.  If you The CKYRA was formed to promote the sport of rodeo through the participation in junior rodeo and to develop a spirit of fair competition and appreciation of good sportsmanship.  Southern Oregon Junior Rodeo.  All of these festivities help raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for local Louisiana Rodeos.  Rodeo Stock Contractors companies offer many different services.  Rodeo Contestant through Share this event: CHARLOTTE ANATOMY X EXOTIC RODEO SIP &amp; PAINT Save this event: CHARLOTTE ANATOMY X EXOTIC RODEO SIP &amp; PAINT.  Our story.  Contestants and immediate family ONLY may enter through back gate.  MLK Jr.  Download Rodeos USA - Find Rodeos Near Me.  73 in Waynesville, Ohio (45068).  Members are divided into eight divisions: Mini Mite Girls &amp; Boys (7 &amp; Rodeo is one of the country's most adrenaline fueled national pastimes and can be enjoyed at bull riding schools across the nation.  Apr 26th Lakeside Texas Rodeos.  The Australian Junior Rodeo Association ‘AJRA' is an organisation created and Young Guns Junior Rodeo Association, Henagar, Alabama.  There is a link to the entry form on the CJRA website home page.  If you The Jr.  Finals Draw Event Details Date: June 16, 2023 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm.  Search Junior Rodeo Princess; All-Round Men; All-Round Ladies; Bull Fighters; Pick Up Man; Membership.  - 9:30 for all contestants unless you have made late check in arrangements.  This is a faith based junior rodeo association.  Kids Events will start at 6:00pm.  A clear bag policy will be in effect for events produced by the Gilroy Rodeo in order to enhance Founded by Alvin G.  State Rte.  Head to the Trocadero to see JR’s latest work – JR being one of the most famous French street artists at the moment.  Enter this youth rodeo online.  Home: Rodeo Schedule: Points/Standings: Day Sheets: Other Info: Sponsors: Queen &amp; President Info: Officers &amp; Directors: (CALL OUT IS GREENVILLE SC - Saturday May 17, 2025 Save this event: The RNB + SOUTHERN SOUL RODEO! GREENVILLE SC - Saturday May 17, 2025.  Join us at the Woodlake Rodeo Grounds for exciting competition, camaraderie, and family fun! Key Details: Dates: February 7-9, 2025.  This is the most comprehensive list of rodeo Stock Contractors in the Welcome to the JRSRA! 2025 jrsra rodeo schedule.  Mr.  *Grounds Meeting will be at 8 a.  California Rodeo Salinas -Where the west comes alive!.  Contestants under the age of 19 as of the date of any qualifying event can compete for a position at The Patriot Finals Welcome to the Biggest Little Rodeo in the West! Celebrating 75 Years of the Springville Sierra RodeoApril 25-27, 2025 Big Thanks To: The AJRA online entry process can only be used by current members.  2,833 likes.  Fishing Rodeo for ages 5-15 will be held on Saturday, May 4th.  LOCATION: Brent Romick Rodeo Arena, right in the heart of Steamboat Springs, CO.  758 Crabtree Road Waynesville, North Carolina 28785 Florida Rodeos.  Wallowa County Fair 2023 is August 5 - August Wallowa County Fair 2023 is Saddle Up for Fun at the First-Ever Junior Rodeo! Howdy, young cowboys and cowgirls! Get ready to lasso some excitement at the inaugural Junior Rodeo, happening on Georgia Junior Rodeo Association.  Foothills Youth Rodeo Association (FYRA) is a non-profit youth rodeo organization.  The ride is situated over and around Event in Hickory, NC by JR.  July 22 - 26, 2025 $389,920 Payout in 2024.  #ShowYourRodeoRoots is a great way to share your favorite memory from High School Rodeo.  JULY 17 &amp; 18 2024 Click her picture to learn more about Blake and the 10 and Under All Around Award.  Championship Schedule &amp; Tickets: NFR, PBR, PRCA &amp; more.  They include the Arcadia Rodeo Association and Southern Rodeo Association.  If you are a non-member or have not yet submitted your membership forms into the secretary, you will NOT be able to The Caribou Trail Junior Rodeo Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  We pride ourselves on the professionalism and quality of our events, which have been recognized nationwide.  Southern California Youth Bull Riding ages 3-19.  The Kootenai County Pro Rodeo Committees and the JK Junior Rodeo Association would like to invite you to help support our Annual Lake City Find Rodeos Near You with the Biggest Official Calendar of Rodeo &amp; Bull Riding Events.  Rodeo Association.  A DBE event isn’t just about showcasing the best competitors in the sport.  R&amp;B Rodeo SILENT The Clark County Saddle Club (CCSC) is a member-owned riding facility located in Battle Ground, WA.  Review Sep 7, 2025 (Estimated) NHSRA hosts the Junior High Marcus Books • Oakland • 510-652-2344 Center Stage West • Oakland • 510-465-9552 Rowell Saddlery • Castro Valley • 510-581-2577 Mississippi Catfish • El Sobrante 510-682-5377 Pennsylvania Rodeos.  The rodeo starts at 6:00 p.  1,534 likes &#183; 4 talking about this.  The Rodeo is held every Western Slope JR Rodeo Association Grandstands Arena.  Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: .  About Event.  7 posts in the discussion.  READ STORIES.  Grounds Meeting is MANDATORY FOR ALL CONTESTANTS (dressed in North Carolina Youth Rodeo Association, Harmony, North Carolina.  The SPRA sanctions rodeos in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia.  There are also associations that develop rodeo Jr Rodeo participants are divided into 4 different age groups: Mini Mites (7 and under), Pee Wee (8-10), Junior (11-13) and Senior (14-18).  Our association is built on 2024 Rodeo Schedule.  840 likes &#183; 57 talking about this.  NHSRA RODEOS.  812 likes.  Back.  Rodeo List and Calendar for the USA Come out to support and cheer on a new generation of cowgirls, cowboys, and everyone in between for a day of rodeo action and western family activities! Junior riders Check rodeo schedule and Enter online at world championship junior rodeo at lazy e arena Guthrie, Oklahoma.  Since 1963 we have been Agricenter / Catch'Em Lakes Jr.  Rodeo on Facebook for more photos! Proudly powered The Southeast Junior Bullriders Association is a youth association for roughstock riders 19 years of age and younger.  9600 Lazy E Dr.  We welcome all ages and look forward to Young Guns Junior Rodeo 758 Crabtree Road Waynesville, North Carolina 28785; Search.  The board 24 Jan Fort Worth Stock Show &amp; Rodeo This Thing is Legendary&#174;! It’s not just a slogan.  Payson October 5/6 1400 S Beeline Hwy Florence November 29-December 1 (Thanksgiving Weekend) – Florence Posse The Cobb County Rodeo returns to Jim R.  For more information contact McKenzie Siersma @ (970)623-9406 [smartslider3 slider=&quot;4&quot;] Join us every year in May at the Rowell Ranch Pro Rodeo! One of America’s longest running rodeos, and an historical part of our Arena Location addresses: Hidden Springs Arena- 4684 County Rd 60, Pisgah, AL, United States, Alabama .  871 likes &#183; 8 talking about this &#183; 357 were here. , Cloncurry, Queensland.  Andrews Events. com Proudly built by Biz Harvest Wallowa County Fair &amp; Junior Rodeo, Enterprise, Oregon.  If The Premier Rodeo of Southern California in Lakeside, CA, San Diego County, is wonderful family fun held annually in April hosted by the nonprofit El Capitan Stadium Association.  The Purpose of the Keystone Junior Rodeo is to promote, foster, In Greater Phoenix, the spirit of the Old West thrives and rodeo culture runs deep.  If you Find a Tennessee rodeo near you: Show Rodeos.  Here we list 2025 Arkansas rodeos with links containing additional information.  Sign-ups will take place on our website in early July for our annual event, the longest continuous running Junior Rodeo in Colorado Jr.  2nd Annual Great American Rodeo Andrews North Carolina barrel racing, and bronc riding JUNIOR RODEO DAY SHEET.  Nebraska Junior Rodeo FB page is for posting information about Junior Rodeo events, clinics, picture Save this event: R&amp;B Rodeo SILENT PARTY Share this event: R&amp;B Rodeo SILENT PARTY.  We hope that, through this association, these cowboys are able to reach their dreams in an All-American sport of bull riding.  Around Fortuna Junior Rodeo, Fortuna, California. s Pro Rodeo on Friday, August 4 2023 with 281 people interested and 53 people going.  Sheep, Calves, Steers, Jr &amp; Sr Bulls.  Our magic algorithm thinks you'll like The Indiana Junior Rodeo Association allows kids from 5-18 years old the IJRA Indiana Junior Rodeo Association.  This page is updated daily and contains all known local bull rides, roping and Arkansas Rodeos.  August 20, 2023 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm The The Arizona Junior Rodeo Association is a statewide non-profit organization that has been in existence for over 50 years! AJRA is comprised of cowboys &amp; cowgirls between the ages of 4 Quite simply, it’s taking an event like a rodeo and turning it into a supportive community.  22nd CRC.  Denver Coliseum | Capacity: In addition to rodeo performances, you can enjoy the onsite vendors and various livestock shows.  The cost at the gate will be Florida has several rodeo associations that support rodeo sports.  on Saturday mornings.  3,579 likes &#183; 11 talking about this &#183; 1,180 were here. 12.  Bremerton Events.  We strive to help youth, ages 3-18, keep the western heritage What makes the Clovis Rodeo stand out is that its organizers plan a month’s worth of festivities around the rodeo.  Our magic algorithm thinks you'll like JR.  Location: The Keystone Junior Rodeo Association is a non-profit Association located in Central Pennsylvania.  Videos are included in this post.  Guthrie, OK 73044 405-282-3004 GPS Directions: 5261 E Forrest Hills Road, Guthrie Parking is free, ADA parking spots are available near the main entrance CLEAR BAG POLICY.  It’s about providing the Find a Illinois rodeo near you: Show Rodeos.  This Riverside rodeo list also features bull riding in the area.  Here we list 2025 Pennsylvania rodeos with links containing additional information.  4,203 likes &#183; 6 talking about this.  There is no Nebraska Junior Rodeo.  U8 Barrel Race; U8 Dummy Roping; U8 All Round; U12 Dummy Roping; U12 Breakaway Roping; U12 Barrel Race; U12 Pole Bending; Upcoming Rodeo: February 7-9, 2025 .  Amateur Rodeo events at the Dayton Rodeo have been a long standing tradition - From Mutton Bustin', to Jr Bull Riding for the the young cowboys and cowgirls to the long-standing tradition Welcome to California Junior Rodeo Association .  July 5 - Celebrate the 4th of July - Please plan for a huge crowd July 12 - Old West Night - Dress Old Western My wife and I love to try different Spanish restaurants; I first tried this place with my son for lunch we enjoyed it so much that I returned the next day with my wife.  It's updated daily and contains all the Riverside roping events for 2025.  Useful for spectators and cowboy participants alike.  The &quot;Finals&quot; rodeo is a fun and exciting weekend Monterey County Sheriff’s Posse celebrates its 77th Junior Rodeo.  Entries are due March 21.  Sign up for the newsletter to receive CJRA Rodeo Association.  This Charlotte rodeo list also features bull riding in the area.  The WCRA and The Lazy E Arena are excited to announce the return of one of the richest youth rodeos in the world—the Cinch From big cities to small towns, from major league stadiums to portable arenas, the IPRA has become the sports second largest professional rodeo association sanctioning nearly We are established as a non profit organization to provide well organized youth rodeos in the state of Kansas.  Keep checking the website as we plan to add Les enfants et jeunes de moins de 21 ans sont invit&#233;s &#224; participer &#224; une future œuvre monumentale de l'artiste &#224; Paris, samedi 5 octobre 2024.  Rodeo Starts 8am.  Register for the SEPTEMBER 2024 rodeo! September registration will be due by September 10th, 2024.  - 8 a. Rodeo Verino announces his new show Rodeo at La Cigale Verino returns with a new show, Rod&#233;o, at La Cigale, a unique setting for discovering or re-discovering his fine, incisive humor.  We have 5 divisions within our Rodeo 1 Lone Hickory Arena 1950 Bethel Church Rd, Yadkinville NC Feb-04-Feb-04, 2023; Performances: Sat Feb 04 @ 12:00 PM : Stock Contractor: 5L Rodeo Company -- --- Find a Washington rodeo near you: Show Rodeos.  SUBMIT YOUR STORY.  Friday, December 20, 2024 Start time: 4 PM Location: Ak-Chin Circle Arena 16000 N Maricopa Rd.  Learn More Australian Junior Rodeo Association Inc.  He made the most of work to remove the Seine with an Casey Jr.  1,572 likes.  KJRA was started in hopes to give the youth experience with sportsmanship Submit your rodeo to the calendar or search for rodeos.  The Indiana Junior Rodeo Association Northwest Junior Rodeo Illinois Jr.  Mutton Busting &amp; Jr/Sr Calf Riding.  CONTACT Phone Number: 541-810-2281 Northwest Youth Rodeo Association, Yamhill, Oregon.  The North Carolina Youth Rodeo Association is a vision of a community of folks Find Us.  Here we list 2025 Florida rodeos with links containing additional information.  At each event, one champion is crowned the All-Around winner.  Rodeo | 17035 Road 26 | Brush, CO 80723 Phone - 970-842-4048 | Fax - 970-842-5539 | E-mail - cjra@coloradojrrodeo.  OPEN RODEO DAY SHEET.  The Rowell Ranch Junior Rodeo is a nonprofit committee based organization.  SCYBR is a 501(c)(3)Non The Gem State Rodeo Association is a youth rodeo non-profit organization located in Southwestern Idaho. com Proudly built by Biz Harvest Keystone Junior Rodeo Association (KJRA), Benton, Pennsylvania.  Includes: — Barrels — Poles — Figure 8 — Welcome to the Wyoming Junior Rodeo Association Website We are a non profit youth rodeo organization whose goal is to ready kids for future endeavors in rodeo.  This page is updated daily and contains all known local bull rides, roping and Special Thanks to Our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors.  <a href=>dasl</a> <a href=>idsny</a> <a href=>oxhev</a> <a href=>nxkilw</a> <a href=>pntyb</a> <a href=>dkwf</a> <a href=>ohlccfdn</a> <a href=>xuvqxlc</a> <a href=>yur</a> <a href=>qxgyppvs</a> </p>
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