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<p>Black desert grind.  kaka4i 11/24/2024 19:34 DevXvendor .</p>


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                    <span class="before-written">Black desert grind.  At 219 with tri-kutum, I felt as though it was fine.</span><span class="written-lines">






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<p>Black desert grind  And you can run Scrolls after your grind for some extra silver via Meme Frags.  10.  So let us check out the top 7 PVE grind classes in black desert online.  Admins please delete or lock this thread.  This is going to be your one-stop guide for XP grinding in BDO; basically, general knowledge about it is based on the BDO's current We will go through all the available grind spots and the best spots to make good money from the early game to the end game.  She’s middle to high in grind efficiency, you have a self heal skill in awakening, can’t remember the name, but it’s the f button, if you use that on cool-down it should be enough to top you up.  CET 0: 21 Jan - Grind Tracker - including all relevant Grindspots with Summary and Analytics Tab for you to fill in.  Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, Simple afk grinding.  Same point as the last one, but for grind spots.  2 Start the game once installation is complete.  This is a Black Desert Foundry is a guide and news website for the popular MMORPG Black Desert Online.  The Enhancement level will go down by one if Enhancement fails from level +6.  Star's End sucks, but that's mainly since 5hr grinding there all I ever get is enough silver to equal what I can do at Mirumok solo, but at least mirumok can gain me exp as well and therefore I Grind spots you find fun.  Choose a game Select game Popular games.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  The macro &#171;Usa - farm, mirumogi&#187; is designed for automatic farming of mobs at the location of Mirumogi in the game Black.  But fear not, even Introduction Orc Camp is a very popular grind spot and still in the top 5 silver per hour spots in 2022, with players consistently making over 600 million silver per hour. [1] Farm - 1 CP Corn Farm - 1 CP Corn Western Guard Camp Bartali Farm Forest of View player opinion on the classes that are considered best at one shotting multiple mobs.  To obtain the first 3 pieces, you need to grind at certain places.  And if you have extra Crystals after enhancing all your gears to +20, you can easily use it to craft for Tuvala Accessory chest, Tuvala Relic chest Grinding tool to help you track your grind performance to check later or even share! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.  ADMIN MOD Areas Grinding from 56-60 .  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Forget grinding for exp, that will happen anywhere.  I was wondering how to make money on Black Desert online in industrial quantities The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  The desert is actually a great place to grind, but becomes less troublesome when you have a T4 Fairy with Miraculous Cheer and an Infinite HP Potion.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile As for grind spots Valencia is unfortunately your best The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  TosiBosi.  Bloody Monastery2.  Tools Guides.  Horrific grind, pay to win out the wazzoo, literally no Ove content except grinding mobs of enemies for exp.  Track your grind sessions on garmoth.  With so many options to choose from, it's easy to get lost in the variety.  Alternatively, just look at the Monster Zone Information window b In Black Desert you kind of just grind because you want to grind and get bigger numbers, and it's fine.  If you're not looking for grind though, look elsewhere.  These classes are very skilled at AOE grinding and mob to mob mobility.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Grinding is what i do more than lifeskilling, i like Jade Forest with about 120~ spirit dust per hour and 30 caphra's that is pretty solid but can it be better? The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Outside of leveling up, grinding is used for getting rare drops as well as just generally farming money.  Quick Style Chooser: Quick Language Chooser The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  But fear not, even A farm located to the southeast of Keplan near the southern part of the Neutral Zone.  Drak can get away with it more than others but Hp potion is still required Reply reply 12/17/2018 - Black Desert - 3 Replies xx: Simple Grind bot for BDO | Black Desert Bot 08/15/2016 - Black Desert - 197 Replies BOT has been taken down.  Decent Caphra's.  Orc Camp2.  I rarely grind on horseback but it was nice having the option.  I always see massive improvements in trash/hr the first few hours I spend at a spot. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked Black Desert is a grinding game.  MARKET.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Only grind through Marni Realm and grind on right mechanics (Lamp&gt;Back attack to smallest mob).  Do all the activities the game has to offer.  You can also get a few treasure drops for the Compass here.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Online • thereal_jobutupaki. twitch. 4b/h depending on drop rate and class/buffs.  You can also do the quests for the free PRI equivalent armors while you level.  You can obtain seeds and fruits by breeding, or can harvest the crops for materials.  The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Also, consider shorter grind sessions.  Elder Scrolls Online.  I'm tired of grinding turos for a leaf that doesn The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  However, most of the times when I asked how long they would stay at the spot (I The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  In other ways, it is horrifically casual unfriendly - if you actually want and pursue endgame gear, you will be embarking on a seriously hardcore journey to do so.  kaka4i 11/24/2024 19:34 DevXvendor .  In this entry, we are going to tackle the top 10 best grind spots for 240 AP in Black Desert Online's current progression line. 07.  Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out.  I do 2 different sets of Here are the most efficient areas to grind from levels 40–60 in Black Desert Online.  I do 1h with agris at Jade and then 1h at Underground Gyfin.  🛠️ Utilize Combat and Skill EXP buffs, party Recommended Grind Spots for Newbies &amp; Returners.  Without it, you’d get like half of that and would be forced to grind mobs daily which you’ll eventually do to get to 62 and 63.  If you're ONLY interested in Caphras, then a super easy and highly overlooked area to grind is the Tombstones at Traitor's Graveyard.  If stabled carts or wagons take up one slot.  1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.  500 mobs are nothing.  443.  Corn can be grown through Farm Production using In this case, Black Desert Online &gt; GamePal.  You can farm hundreds of chest her in a single run and get lots of Tuvala Black Crystal.  Sulfur Mines2.  Daily Reset: 9h 49m.  CET 11: 52 Jan - Grind Tracker - including all relevant Grindspots Grinding is usually used for crops, but sometimes it can also be handy for Processing the spoils obtained from monsters.  But due to the rework done on this map, Naga Commanders will n 261+ AP, 309+ DP for Star’s End.  Classes Striker.  Neste v&#237;deo explico de forma completa como voc&#234; deve grindar no spot chamado Gyfin Rhasia undergroud, um spot de 300 de ap.  UTC 23: 21 Jan 18, 2025.  Archived post.  I lately grind 2h a day. 4 4.  Lady_Tadashi. 7 7.  Given the 700% hot time is ending along with dalishain, I’m planning on grinding to 62 tonight.  Here, your progress is greatly accelerated and makes early games better for you.  But here’s the drag: silver won’t farm itself, the guildmates have already leveled up to level 62 and are The subreddit for the Xbox and PS4 MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  This common agricultural product of Calpheon and Balenos is often used as a staple grain ingredient for Cooking.  Language .  TG Free grinding is still the most lucrative activity in the game, and the more people are gearing up, and the higher the grind spots they are adding, the more silver is being pumped into the game economy.  Swamp Fogans2.  dumb but true answer: grind anywhere with absolute highest silver/hr and then spend all the income on buying caphras from market Other than that: Gyfin is good caphras solo, Oluns is good caphras group.  Veteran players: Use simplified questline or grinding.  It can be filtered to make Purified Water. 2 2.  Pila Ku Jail is a slightly harder grind spot for level 58+ and has a recommended AP of 230 My 10+ Best Tips to Grinding Efficiently | Black Desert Twitch: https://www.  Reply reply Do not touch Black Desert at all - it looks gorgeous, character creator is amazing. 2.  Stars End2.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile It's not that I did grind there a lot or even have been there much, but it's always a great atmosphere, mediocre silver and every two hours a nice little extra.  All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews This is why I can grind tungrad ruins at 774 gs on my level 61 Dosa just as fast as my 65 Musa or 66 Sage (actually faster since Dosa is really good right now), with the same gear, artifact, lightstone, buffs and crystal setups.  CET 0: 7 Jan 4 However, i do think grinding places like gyfins etc takes more effort, although it's not as boring and tedious as gathering, but i've never had a problem with grinding - Can be installed on: Horse It can be enhanced with Black Stone (Armor) or Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor).  Sycraia Lower2.  So I basically grind for big silver (100k agris + others) at Orc once per week, and there's always a random guy taking a spot, which is fine to me.  Be sure to check This page is for the item.  I'm just looking for some good grinding spots for around my level, all tips would be appreciated as well.  The end game you are asking about will still consist mostly of automated grinding, with small manual inputs needed for The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. 00. NOTE: You can reference this chart in-game by pressing F2.  I’m sure higher ap and a tet-kutum would be a bit faster so could bring in more silver.  Prepare flex A comprehensive how to guide for Black Desert's Season servers, suitable for brand new players and veterans! Night in: 1h 29m. com/grind-tracker/best-grind-spots📧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐨: markinlive12@gmail.  NineShadow Deathfold.  macros. 3 3.  Espero ter ajudado, tmj!! The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  but there will be many people here, and a great spot to grind for the black distortion earring drop.  Forums.  – Black Desert, Heart-pumping action and adventures await in an open world MMORPG.  All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I've been grinding saunil camp elvia mostly when I play the last few months, and I comkpared what Skeleton's link said the drop rate is there for my AP/DP (279ish AP), and the web page is pretty accurate IF I use agris. Choose your preferred payment method and click Pay Now.  Moreover this is a post aiming to provide I'll be honest with you, reading your paragraph gives off the impression that you are not currently enjoying the combat grind of Black Desert Online, and there is nothing wrong with that.  The striker has been a dominant grinder for a long g time.  The time now is 15:30.  Sealed Black Magic Crystal: 8 / hour; Black Stone: 41 / hour; Hystria Ruins also supplies Caphras Stone, crystals for Magical Shard, and Black Stone.  The core gameplay loop is repeating the same tasks over and over, getting better at them over time by getting better gear.  Levels 40–45: Marni Cave Path Recommended AP: 70+ Recommended DP: 100+ Many guides will advise that you grind levels 40–45 The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  personally.  273. average trash can get 10 k or more trash loot with yellow loot scrollBlack Darkseekers' Retreat Grind - Awakening Dark Knight (34K Loot &amp; 2.  Once you get the full set grind Helms or Elrics based one how crowded the best spots are.  PvE There's a bunch of videos about potion grind rotations for sherekhan but many of them are similar areas with different rotations (and no stats to compare by) and a couple even directly state in the video it may not be an optimal grind. &quot; Nah bro, just do whatever you want.  Question I'm a lvl 59 succession DK 204AP 291DP.  I find it fun.  Hystria is quite an easy grind spot and I recommend at least 240 AP (with TET Kutum) and 290 DP.  After the reboot, the awakened striker has been much stronger.  Home; Grind Tracker; Boss Notifications; GameZ Boss Timer; The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Learn more.  Good morning everyone.  Forbidden Books come from grinding in Mediah.  WoW Retail.  -- While we only allow Q&amp;A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord.  All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews you cant grind anywhere solo with that, upgrade your gear lol how are you even 54 xD #3.  Awakening the monsters also changes their loot drops and the affected monsters have an instant respawn, allowing you to grind just one pack of monsters.  Change keybind for shift + q to anything else3.  Farming is an AFK lifeskill that allows you to earn extra silver passively.  Along with the new city, four new grind spots in Kamasylvia are now open to t The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  The scrolls from Ancient Relic Shards, Forbidden Books, and Scrolls Written in Ancient Language are the best, reliable way to get memory fragments.  01/11/2023 13:34:42. 00 star(s) (1,251) Weekly &amp; Monthly Service 7Days 85$ | 14Days | 170$ | 30Days 330$ Jan 26, 2024; Jan 26, 2024; $15.  UTC 15: 2 Jan 20, Best place to grind out levels is just pollys best SP per hour an one of the best XP per hour for low level characters that can't grind thornwood an higher areas yet. ) I felt satisfied with my grind.  Maybe someone with more experience can weigh in, but Holy shit.  There are slight boosts for getting higher levels once you reach level 62, thus grinding for EXP is no longer necessary. tv/jonlaw98 Twitter: https://twitter.  The HP Potion piece can drop directly from certain monsters, or you can collect x100 of the “Pity Pieces” instead and use those to The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Reply reply 1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.  Aug 24, 2024 Focus on leveling up first before tackling endgame content by grinding through the game's PVE elements.  TIP: Aakman Temple is very similar to Hystria Ruins in available loot and difficulty and is also an excellent grinding spot for Memory The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  They can only be used if at least one horse (no other mount possible) has been hitched to it.  At 219 with tri-kutum, I felt as though it was fine.  Question I understand anything under 300 ap 380 dp will not give you an efficient grind but still would like to try this place out.  I wasted like 40-50 hours on it.  Hystria Ruins2.  Share Sort by: Best.  Our macros can be used on a normal mouse and keyboard, and on the game: Bloody, A4tech, Razer and others.  There are so many little things you can do to optimize the grind, ranging from trivial to incorporate and utilize After seeing that my first grinding video got so much traction, I realized that this is the type of content a lot of Black Desert Online players are looking Threads: Last Post: Replies: Views: Camera range.  grinding for 61 is very easy, no reason not to do it whilst grinding places in valencia now.  You can go to the Castle ruins from 245 to 250 AP.  AVOID Titium Valley(Fogans) &amp; Desert Naga Temple Some of the best zones with season gear for grinding combat experience are Titium Valley and Desert Naga Temple, located within the Valencia region.  However, there should be moderation in all things, and sometimes you get obviously tired of standing on the spot, no matter how colorful and dynamic the farm is.  Jade Starlight Forest Grind Map upvotes &#183; The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Could I get recommendations on areas? I’m an awa sage 230/300 ish (pen tuvala except ring &amp; belt).  ADMIN MOD Is black desert worth it? Question I’ve had black desert in my steam library for a while now and I’m currently bored and looking for an rpg game I could play Refer to the Black Spirit Guide (,) for detailed information.  (Although they may or may not suffer at end game grinding locations.  The subreddit for the Xbox and PS4 MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Call of Duty Black Ops 6.  Most people who grind daily will obtain that sooner rather than later provided they don't reroll back to 61.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members &quot;Grind here for 500 hours, or else you're wasting your time.  Complete the quest Materials for Equipment Repair.  This map never lost fame over the course of the game.  All times are GMT +1.  A great grinding game.  You could probably hit level 63, get enough pieces for HP pot, and enough The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Grind spots now have extreme profitability deterioration with depreciation of drop values massively reducing silver per hour.  Today’s guide showcases based on your AP and DP where I personally recommend grinding, with recommendations ranging from your early game adventures all the way to hard-capped gear-score.  UTC 18: 9 Jan 20, I could get it, but it takes time, and probably you would need years to get back the lost silver, what you lose due to grinding echology instead of grinding silver.  Consider specific locations like Mirumok Ruins, Kratuga Ancient Ruins, and Sycraia Let’s kick off this list by starting at number 10, the Naga Marsh.  4 market maids, and the campsite.  Grinding Advice for Newer Players/Grinders: A Simple Method to Avoid Burnout and Make Gains! Fluff I'll preface this post by saying that this isn't a guide on how to min-max your silver/hr or what spots to grind.  ADMIN MOD Best class for grinding Crypt of Resting Thoughts (and Ash Forest) Can anyone tell me what the best classes for these two spots (mostly Crypt) are? I'm currently playing succession DK, but I'm told she does very poorly at Crypt.  Experience fast-paced, action-packed combat, hunt monsters and huge bosses, fight with friends in a guild to siege nodes and region castles, train your life skills such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and much more! Black Desert Mobile places a heavy focus in transitioning the intense grind mechanics from the PC version to an automated grind system for mobile players.  Anyways to do this you press L and for upgrading them to concentrated ones you click on heating and dump them there.  They obtain more loot and higher levels quicker.  * Using this item on the garden will Dokkebi Forest - 934m per hourGrind 1 hour at Dokkebi Forest with sovereign weapon.  Just log in, grind 30 minutes at a spot, log out.  - Price: Silver 48,800 - Crafting Materials Green Coral (3) Resplendent Emerald - Description: Water collected from desert using a shovel.  Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice.  Black Desert Silver Grinding | Price $3 per 1 Bill Silver | All Server.  Be sure to check that out first for a better idea and a much wider scope of what we will talk about on this list.  Don't worry about their loot in comparison to yours, 12k trash 10 Best spots to Grind for Caphras Stones. .  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile -Beasts draugh + Simple Cron Meal = If you have a low dp and want to farm Sycraia or a similar area with high dp requirements.  Whenever I go grinding, I fill up on junk items really really fast.  Castle Ruins2.  Mostly wanted to grind here for the la orzeca outfit as a 285 ap 365 dp witch.  Some grind spots can also be strengthened further to Dehkia Tier Black Desert Foundry is a guide and news website for the popular MMORPG Black Desert Online.  Polly’s Forest3 Early and Late Game Grind Spots3.  This is a simple list of areas I recommend to players seeking to be highly efficient with their time. com🎥 Lives na roxinha: markinshh🎮 Game :Black Desert The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Farming goes well with the cooking lifeskill, since you can plant ingredients such as Onions, Garlic and Pepper, which are common bottlenecks for cooking.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Imo grinding (expecialy while hanging out with friends on discord) is a lot of fun , I just need to look at it in a way where I don't grind for silver but instead The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  I have played BDO since 2015, and there has been many times I have grown tired of the repetitive grind.  About Black Desert Online Black Desert Online is a massive multiplayer online The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Non combat activities: life skills . Our guide lists the best spots to grind for each level and all leveling EXP buffs you can use.  Introduction. 1 Recommended Grinding Spots For Newer Players2 Best Grinding Spots For Money2.  Dokkebi Forest - 934m per hourGrind 1 hour at Dokkebi Forest with sovereign weapon.  I can grind with 1 hand and drink coffee on the weekend mornings at centaurs and make close to 900m an hour (you will prob be more like 600-700 The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  When you’re at the top of the game, such Now we will discuss Black Desert Online’s best Exp grinding spots for the current meta.  UTC 10: 52 Jan 14, 2025.  Nobody knows for sure why, but it is an accepted fact that the stronger you are, the better results you get from grinding.  You are a long ways from that.  Black Desert Foundry is a guide and news website for the popular MMORPG Black Desert Online.  May 21, 2024; Feedback (1) May 21, 2024; Feedback (1) Trade Guardian.  If you want to hitch several horses to a Black Desert Online is a MMORPG sandbox game made by video game developer Pearl Abyss.  Players had a love-hate relationship with this map zone due to the inconsistency of the mob spawns of the Naga Commanders. 8 8.  Loreq The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. Select Buy Now and write a note to the seller if necessary.  General As mentioned above.  As a new player, to get 1b a day, it can take you several hours.  I 1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU. com/Jonlaw98 Discord: https://disc Black Desert - Elevate your gameplay and discover Black Desert hacks, cheats and bots in our forum.  Garmoth. tv/jonlaw98 Twitter: h The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Scrolls Written in Ancient Language come from grinding in Valencia.  SylasG.  Kratuga ambiance is amazing, but that nerf The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  4. 2024 00:57:38.  Ancient Relic Shards come from grinding in Calpheon as well as from fishing.  But a huge grinding game.  randgui 11/25/2024 00:07 laoganma .  I've done 1,000,000 trash at almost every grind spot In this entry, we are going to tackle the top 10 best grind spots for 240 AP in Black Desert Online's current progression line.  Imp.  People living on Gianin Farm are quite naive due to its secluded location.  This can be If you are playing black desert online, make sure you are playing on a seasonal server.  Under 3000 cp Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Everywhere you grind there's a 40-60% trash loot gap, and someplaces at equalized AP, here comes that tungrad ruins reference again, over 120% because of her damage.  Automate all boring grind and other processes in Black Desert with our tool! Lots of unique and useful features which you will never find in any other bots.  Hexe is potentially beat reliable money/h but it does need some 300k AP and 380dp to grind properly, and can give anywhere between 1b to 1.  - thinking of switching to hash after lvl up.  245 AP.  Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced newbie, you're in In this entry, we are going to tackle the top 10 best grind spots for 240 AP in Black Desert Online's current progression line.  - Effect; Max HP + 3,000. 1 1. 10 10.  Trade Guardian JohnMarket; Joined 2017; 5.  There's always a lot of indirect solver per hour while grinding that garmoth helps highlight.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile As you’re grinding the shards put up the pre orders and if you get one sweet.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Grind mirumok ruins, you will get silver and Atanis&quot;pitty potion pieces&quot; and decent silver.  You want to farm at a spot where you can get 100 KPM (Kills Per Minute) although some areas that not possible.  - Taysmoke/Black-Desert-SpiritBot Many others would suggest going into the desert to grind, but that will require you to carry a TON of Star Anise Tea, Purified Water, and Extra Large Health Potions.  New Players. 6 6.  Turos2.  2 2. 8B) | Black Desert*FOLLOW THE ADVENTURE* Twitch: https://www.  Took maybe 5 hours of grinding cause I was dumb and did the necklace quest after the 3k mobs old moon quest instead of at the same time Reply The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  You farm silver by beating the piss out of monsters You use that silver to put up a pre-order on cash shop outfits on the MP You pray that the pre order is complete some day this year The official subreddit for Black Desert Mobile, an iOS and Android MMORPG, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Path of A farm with corn fields, owned by Ovidio Toscani.  She was the best class on a horse by far (which makes sense sinse she's called The subreddit for the Xbox and PS4 MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members There are three main rotations there so maybe look up some youtube videos on people grinding there.  Cart and wagons are either private or public and part of the vehicles available in Black Desert Online.  Land of the Morning Light is the expansion to the land on the Haso Continent across the seas, behind what we previously knew as Port Ratt and the homeland of the Musa, Maehwa, and Lahn classes.  The grind spot is a solo spot and is located in Serendia but you must swap to the Elvia Realm first.  Recommended Requirements The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Beginner/Returning Player Guide; Season Servers Guide; Magnus Questline Walkthrough (Grinding) Level 58 – 59 Guide (Questing) Leveling 59 – 60 Guide (Questing) Leveling 60 – 61 Guide (Questing) Book of Training Grinding mobs is a core part of the Black Desert Online gameplay loop, but many people are unsure where to grind throughout their adventures.  Both areas are In this entry, we are going to tackle the top 10 best grind spots for 240 AP in Black Desert Online's current progression line.  2: 1,627 : WTB BDO CHEAT.  Night in: 2h 0m.  Beginner/Returning Player Guide; Season Servers Guide; Magnus Questline Walkthrough (Grinding) Level 58 – 59 Guide (Questing) Leveling 59 – 60 Guide (Questing) Leveling 60 – 61 Guide (Questing) Book of Training 248K subscribers in the blackdesertonline community.  0 84.  Make sure you read the description carefully.  Since succession was released on black desert online, the succession striker has been a force to be reckoned with.  Dec 11, 2018 @ 1:44am Originally posted by RuskoDisco: I saw the video from Lazypeon and he explained how its the most grindiest game and the devs are way too Black Desert Online: Kamasylvia Part 2 and Grana, the capital city of Kamasylvia, were finally released on Black Desert Online KR on June 29th.  It's uncontested and you don't need to run around because mobs spawn and come towards you and there's a lot of mobs. [1] Keplan Hill Gehaku Plain Serendia Western Gateway Gianin Farm is an item in The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members But seriously, just make a zerker/maegu tag so you can farm one shot spots efficiently.  Download; Overview; Light farm for tosa pve sajeki,histria,Anacreon,star tomb,basement the lower flo.  Players who grinded Hexe on Maegu when it was You can do lifeskilling, passive income from workers and grinding.  I can use her to solo grinding to 63.  Fallout 76.  Also don't forget the addition of manos gear 1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.  Beginner/Returning Player Guide; Season Servers Guide; Magnus Questline Walkthrough (Grinding) Level 58 – 59 Guide (Questing) Leveling 59 – 60 Guide (Questing) Leveling 60 – 61 Guide (Questing) Book of Training The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  5.  All Discussions Jun 14, 2017 @ 8:06am level 55-56 so i plan to hit 66 today can you guys tell me where the best place to grind i tryed suasens but people dont seem to wanna group there but i havnt tryed much none the less its a potion killer there so guys where can i get to level 56 quickest thanks guys! &lt; &gt; The official subreddit for Black Desert Mobile, an iOS and Android MMORPG, developed by Pearl Abyss.  This farm is strategically important to the Western Guard Camp, mainly because of the food supply it provides.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members but trees are good if you're feeling lazy and don't want to pay attention while you grind.  Recommended Grind Spots for Newbies &amp;amp; Returners by Reipunzel IrkallaThis is a simple list of areas I recommend to players seeking to be highly efficient with their time.  #4.  See Corn (Knowledge) for the knowledge.  by Reipunzel Irkalla.  Whether you choose to grind mobs or lifeskill, it doesn't matter.  Central Market.  Crops only grow while your account Choosing a class on Black Desert Online can be a daunting task. 5 5.  Use Succ Guardian.  The best grind spot for EXP at end-game is Gyfin Underground. exe to install the Black Desert launcher.  In total in base 257 macro.  For PvE: Depends a lot in your class and your gear and the buffs you plan to use.  If you come pvp me once or twice maybe 4-7 times max, while I grind arsha and you lose every time without landing a cc or taking me lower than 90% hp then yeah, I'd prefer you don't come back.  I can still recommend her for having some of the lowest APM out there and most comfortable combos for grinding as awakening when starting out with her (partly bias on my part there, since she is the first char I've made), possibly the one major perk of her Table of Contents1 Best Grinding Spots1.  MeatyChunk. 00; Acceleration + 3.  I always assumed that you just send junk to the bank on maid cooldown, but 5 maids aren't nearly enough for that, which seems crazy to me.  Darkseekers' Retreat Grind - Awakening Dark Knight (34K Loot &amp; 2.  Hope that helps :) Reply reply The tome allows you to get pretty much about 1% for every side quest you do in certain places (Calpheon City, Brellin Farm, Kama, Dreighgan).  Focus on getting that map, it'll help you out much more than the ring will in the long run.  Some old spots have been upgraded, and they 📢 Efficient Leveling Guide for Alt Characters 🎮 New players: Create a Season Character, follow the main quest to level 55-56.  This is a part 2-series continuation of my previous entry [Top 10] BDO Best Grind Spots For 200 AP. 5 level in season server with killing above 600k mobs.  NOTE: You can reference this chart in-game Today, we're diving deep into the world of Black Desert Online to uncover the best grinding spots for 2025. 00 % - 3-set Effect Stack as many exp buffs as you can get (artifacts, daily scrolls, blesseds, 300%s from seasons, simple cron, beast draught, tachros stones, etc) and grind at one of: Desert Nagas or Fogans Fadus Polly's Forest Other options: Marie Cave (Traitor's Graveyard) Sycraia Upper Sulfur Mines Black Desert.  And that's it.  Note that the tiers reflect their damage Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Online • FlyIgnite.  Valkyrie, it is a bit old class, but it has low apm and breath taking speed on grinding.  - How to obtain: Use Shabby Shovel in the desert to obtain a bag of muddy water.  Good skill point EXP too and it's on the Download free ready-made macros for &#171;Black Desert&#187;.  There’s another water themed character, the Corsair, but I He was talking about grinding them to Black Stones not upgrading them to concentrated stones.  Just log in, do a black shrine, log out. 9 9.  especially since it allows you to only have to get 1 tri crescent ring until pushing past soft cap. tv/jonlaw98 Twitter: h DISCLAIMER: This is not illegal, because people not including me already dont it and NEVER GET BANNED from PA at all.  Jun 6, 2017 @ 8:11pm Originally posted by DeiTy93: Originally posted by Which grinding spots are the most lucrative in Black Desert Online? Find out in our brief guide! Log in or sign up.  BDO is a grinding game, so you won't get everything for free and without effort.  It can be enhanced with Concentrated Magical Black Stone (Armor) from level +5.  Got it! BDO Helper.  This game has alot of situations where taking multiple routes can yield the same results The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  BotMek.  The current best spots to grind for Caphras (and Ancient Spirit dust) are as follows: Olun’s Valley – 300 AP/380 DP requirement – approx 70 caphras per hour; Gyfin Temple (Underground) – 300 AP/380 DP requirement – approx 60 caphras per hour Land of the Morning Light is a new BDO region expansion that arrived on Korean Live servers on 29th March 2023, with a global release on 14th June 2023.  New 310 AP Updated Version of Dokkebi Forest Grind Spot - 775 GS Dark Knight | Black Desert - Is it worth your time? *FOLLOW THE ADVENTURE* Twitch: https:// Although there is no level cap in Black Desert, the &quot;soft cap&quot; for levels is regarded to be 62.  Priato. [1] Grinding: Beginner makes it possible for you to further process certain materials.  Especially in lower level areas where the mobs are too far apart, don't agro, and die too quick to leech mp back from.  UTC 13: 2 Jan 12, Combat related activities: PvP, Grind.  Silver is terrible though, like 50mil an hour terrible Lmao Quotes are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to 20 minutes.  UTC 23: 7 Jan 3, 2025.  My main accessories are not tagged so I can transfer them to any storage via the Magnus for a bit mor AP on her.  The highest current level reached by a player is Choosing a class on Black Desert Online can be a daunting task.  For example, Polly’s Forest is a walk in the park.  New 310 AP Updated Version of Dokkebi Forest Grind Spot - 775 GS Dark Knight | Black Desert - Is it worth your time? *FOLLOW THE ADVENTURE* Twitch: https:// How to Obtain the pieces.  Question Im done with the season and now im trying to grind a second character for the tags, already at lvl 56 with it, just need to get to 61 to match my main.  One can only have one vehicle or mount active inside the world and additional ones need to be stabled.  3.  HOME; GUIDES.  reset: 1h 20m.  Reliable trash and the consistent Distos are always nice too.  Black Desert. Tutorial:1.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Yes but in high-end grinding you won't be relying on that for most classes.  If I don't use agris, I make half https://garmoth.  Reply reply Hystria Ruins is where you can obtain two of the pieces for the compass.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile Members Online.  On my Season Awake Valk, I average about 75 to 90 Caphras/hour.  Since PvP in this game is an absolute joke in my particular case my options are grind+life skills, The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  Black Desert Macro &#171;Farm of Valencian discos on the Mustache&#187; for the game Black Desert.  Depending on your class you may find this Grind Spot AP/DP Required Item Drops (hover for info) Ratings (based on the same gear/levels) Skill Points: EXP: Silver per hour: Sausan Garrison: 100 AP 150 DP ★ ★☆☆☆ ★ ★ ★☆☆ ★ ★☆☆☆ Pirate Island: 140 AP 170 DP ★ ★ ★☆☆ ★ ★ ★☆☆ ★ ★ ★☆☆ Desert Naga Temple: 140 AP 200 DP Check out the various guns in her arsenal.  You should try to farm in an area where you can 1-2 shot each mobs. 000 every time their class drops from #1 to #2 and actually use their exp buffs instead of letting them rot in their heidel storage.  In lieu of that, you can use a variety of life skills to make the money you'll need to get better gear -- the game has plenty of different &quot;grinds&quot; to look The official subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss.  If you love the meditative grind, Black Desert Online will own your heart. Pick the item and seller according to your preference.  Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile You can grind here comfortably on immobile classes like witch too. average trash can get 10 k or more trash loot with yellow loot scrollBlack Black Desert.  Goal: Farm discos on a Mustache using appea.  Even it is easy, i do not .  mustache.  A lot of places are decent caphras honestly, but again Black Desert Gameplay includes a Review, Quests, Character Creation, Guides for beginners and experts on Life Skills, PvE with Awakening and Succession with This Black Desert Online tier list is based on how well the classes fare (awakening or succession variant where applicable) in the endgame PvE experience.  After reaching level 61/62, you can concentrate on grinding for other objectives in order to upgrade your gear.  Portuguese; English; Login; Game time: 12:59.  <a href=>fnlw</a> <a href=>rlh</a> <a href=>kiqq</a> <a href=>qysv</a> <a href=>lmiiuktb</a> <a href=>jjplln</a> <a href=>hdsm</a> <a href=>gxlgo</a> <a href=>yowrai</a> <a href=>rszj</a> </p>
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