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Jan 7, 2020 · DHC-6 Twin Otter One of my favorites.</h1> <div class="article-single-meta"> <div class="article-single-meta-item">Flying a twin otter I took my grandpa to a model airplane show and he pointed out a Twin Otter, telling me about when he used to fly in them all over northern Alberta working in the oilfield. A de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter skydiving jump aircraft at Skydive The Ranch in Gardiner, NY flying off of a tiny, narrow runway from multiple POV cameras on Nov 24, 2024 · I love the Twin Otter - and purchased the Aerosoft version for MSFS2020. An absolutely amazing aircraft! Sep 1, 2023 · flying a twin otter back home//// Jun 23, 2022 · Since the Twin Otter first entered production with de Havilland Canada in 1965 until 1988, 985 Twin Otters have been built. He had accumulated 2,150 flying hours, of which 1,940 were on the Twin Otter. Starting the engines of the Twin Otter can be done in two different ways: First, using the Autostart button, which is absolutely NOT recommended because it's extremely unrealistic! The second way is by using the checklists/tutorials, which guide you step by step through the procedures. Apr 4, 2023 · The Nexa Twin Otter is a gorgeous ARF kit and with the optional float set is a great aircraft for anyone with a body of water to fly off of. Shock-absorbing metal front landing gear and rigid main landing gears are equipped for easy ground handling and more durability. Please advise. 0:00 Sea Airport1:25 Boarding & Takeoff2:49 In Flight4:33 Water Landing AIRLINE: NORDIC SEAPLANESAIRCRAFT: Twin Ott The E-flite ® Twin Otter 1. These aircraft remain very busy year round supporting airborne marine mammal, hydrological, remo Oct 8, 2010 · I haven't found a confortable method of slowing the airspeed down quickly. In the past, these have included a CASA, Caribou, and helicopter. Jun 19, 2023 · The new Twin Otter mode takes the original design but makes various improvements to bring the aircraft completely up-to-date. The beauty of the Twin Otter in real life is how versatile it is. Surprising Our Friend with a Twin Otter! To the staff of flight test, have you seen the flying Superman RC? I've been trying to find designs or plans to build it do you have something for sale so I could build a Superman? Apr 15, 2024 · Huge thanks to Valencia theatre seating for hooking us up with an amazing Valencia Tuscany Console Theater Seats! Grab yours today through our affiliate link Jun 21, 2023 · The Twin Otter is equipped with the Aura 8 Advanced Flight Control System, which is today’s most sophisticated stabilization system, delivering an unmatched flying experience. Enjoy the flight Jan 25, 2013 · A U. As the name suggests it was at first conceived as a twin-engined replacement for the venerable DHC-3 Otter. Sep 28, 2024 · Watch the scenery unfold below as we fly over the eastern portion of the Great Slave Lake and enjoy the beautiful landing on the gravel strip at Łutselk’e. Oct 16, 2008 · The Twin Otter conversion follows in the footsteps of another river-mammal namesake, the de Havilland Beaver single, which is also widely converted to PT6A power from its original Pratt & Whitney Jan 7, 2020 · DHC-6 Twin Otter One of my favorites. The co-pilot was First Officer Rodney Souka from Papua New Guinea. Their versatility and maneuverability have made the Twin Otter popular in areas with difficult flying environments, such as the Arctic region. Nov 5, 2024 · A fleet of legendary Canadian aircraft Harbour Air's fleet primarily consists of Canadian-built De Havilland Beaver, Single Otter and Twin Otter turboprops. “It takes seven hours flying and six drums of fuel in a Twin Otter to deliver four drums onwards to Sky-Blu; the Dash-7 can drop sixteen drums twice a day. The airline is currently upgrading its Twin Otter fleet and recently completed a full refurbishment of Twin Otters H4-NNP and H4-OTA. I fly at 2 fields both with grass runways. Using recent data from the aviation analytics website Cirium, we have compiled a list of airlines that currently operate the Twin Otter and where they fly in between. Find out why here. Design features include: Twin turboprop engines (initially Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-20) Windy and Gusty Landing of a Twin Otter Aircraft on a short Runway !Can you Guess the Location ? ⬇️ Comment Below ⬇️@The Aviation ChannelAwesome Pilots and P Jan 14, 2024 · With the Twin Otter grounded, passengers are getting increasingly frustrated due to the Polynesian island nation's lack of reliable air transport, given the recent investigation into the airline's Saab 340 incident at the nation's main airport last year. Position 0 is SAFE, Position 1 is AS3X only. Nov 18, 2024 · I talked about this in the other Twin Otter topic, but since this is the official feedback topic, I will mention in here. S. Don’t fly around w a ton of trim because it confuses the gyro. Varied uses of the Twin Otter include charter flights, passenger services, and forest fire prevention. A Twin Otter has a maximum takeoff weight of 12,511 lbs (5,675 kg). Switch A is the Spektrum default for channel 5. While working with companies still flying older DHC aircraft, Curtis often heard them decry the Twin Otter's extinction. The E-flite® UMX™ Twin Otter is an ultra-micro version of the STOL-capable bush plane for intermediate to experienced pilots looking for the most affordable, convenient, and easiest-to-fly replica of the Twin Otter yet. I've very fond memories working in the Canadian far north- up around Great Slave Lake and Rankin Inlet- with bush pilots flying Twin Otters on floats or on tundra tires. The Twin Otter carried survival The sounds are tested, provided and confirmed working as should, by real Twin Otter pilots who have hundreds of hours on the left or right seat. Lulutai Airlines' Saab 340 experienced a nose gear collapse when the aircraft slid off the Sep 23, 2024 · Harbour Air has a fleet of 45 aircraft offering up to 300 daily scheduled flights, scenic tours, adventure packages and private flights. Just wondering how you guys and girls fly your Twin Otter. To read more about my international ferry flying adventures check out May 3, 2020 · The rebirth of the Twin Otter can be credited to David Curtis, who, in 1992 became CEO of Viking Air. C-130 Hercules flying overhead has detected a signal from the aircraft’s emergency beacon, but was unable to make visual contact due to the weather. [2]: 7–8 [11] Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 10 comments Oct 8, 2008 · This is the all new Series 400 DHC-6 Twin Otter making its triumphant and historical first flight. I've always kept at least one up and running for my own use since early in v470. For over 50 years, the DHC-6 Twin Otter has stood alone as the most reliable and versatile aircraft in its class. Apr 7, 2021 · Join us on a tour of one of NOAA's four Twin Otter aircraft. *This is a typical load in the Twin Otter, The de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter is a Canadian STOL (Short Takeoff and Landing) utility aircraft developed by de Havilland Canada in the mid-1960s and still in production today. "You could say it is fly-by-wire, but SEAPLANE FLIGHT FROM AARHUS TO COPENHAGEN. A run to 15K in the otter with a bunch of jumpers and one unpaid passenger (who comes into frame on takeoff). Loc Feb 2, 2021 · In the 1970s and early 90s, I was fortunate to fly with many different Twin Otters and operators on combinations of straight skis, wheel skis, mixed nose ski and wheels, high flotation tires, and floats. The company specialized in maintenance and production of DHC spare parts after realizing how popular the Twin Otter still was. Cloud deck to the south is around 8K and we're w Apr 1, 2024 · On-board a Twin Otter. I need to know the diameter and shaft size of the wheels supplied with the Twin Otter. You will find most Twin Otters used for skydiving are of the “Super Otter” variety. The control response is gentle, even with high-rate throws. Just a couple clips, to show family and fr Nov 19, 2019 · The de Havilland Canada company had, since WWII, “made itself one of the most successful aircraft manufacturers in the world” (Sean Rossiter, Otter & Twin Otter, 1) by an industrial ingenuity that designed each plane to surpass the payload of the former while taking off from a 1,000-foot dirt strip. But the King Air family is in much wider use, and flying in an IFR environment is what most professional aviation encompasses. Mary's Airport to Lands-End Airport Airplane: de Havilland Canada DHC-6Airline: Skyb Nov 5, 2024 · Harbour Air Launches Twin Otter Vancouver Wheeled Flights Commercial Aviation Canada's Harbour Air has added wheels to two De Havilland Twin Otters so it can offer more convenient early morning and evening services. It is super versatile with the amphib model which is great for fun backcountry flying. It's convenient and easy to fly, and is outfitted with functional features including LED The Twin Otter’s stock Aura 8 program also features built in flap programming as well as Live-Wing and Crow! Thanks to the preconfigured Aura 8 program, the Twin Otter only requires an 8-channel transmitter. The Aura 8 system works with any known transmitter and receiver, requiring only a quick connection to your receiver to get you flying. ly/3VFfji9LEARN MORE ABOUT THE ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS HERE: https://join. At Skydive Orange, we fly a meticulously maintained, 22 seat Twin Otter, one of the fastest flying skydiving planes in the business. They can be highly adaptable as bush planes whether they are fitted with skis, floats or normal landing gears. information you will not ‘need’ to fly the Twin Otter but will be either informative, entertaining, or will provide a background that will help you understand the Twin Otter better. com. Global operators like Air Adelphi and Air Seychelles also utilize the Twin Otter for inter-island flights and charters. The Twin Otter is equipped with the Aura 8 Advanced Flight Control System, which is today’s most sophisticated stabilization system, delivering an unmatched flying experience. The ideal candidate will have training experience on the DHC6 or similar aircraft type. True, my 5,500 hours of real time piloting did not include small twin turbines so I'm sure that is a big part of my lack of technique. XFly Twin Otter is capable of aerobatic maneuvers including loops, 4-point rolls and inverted flight, despite of flying with landing gears or floats. An introduction to the Twin Otter 2. Mar 6, 2024 · Canadian operators still flying the DHC-6 Twin Otter include Air Borealis, Air Inuit, and Air Tindi. With SAFE engaged, the Twin Otter is easy to fly. A short but hunched (on account of my height and the lack thereof when it comes to the Twin Otter's interior) walk through the cabin took me to my front-row Twin Otter 1800mm (71") STOL RC Trainer / Float / FPV Airplane from BananaHobby. It is a high-wing, twin-engine utility aircraft mostly used in areas with difficult flying conditions. While some countries have even higher numbers of these operational aircraft (such as the US and the Maldives), 52 of these active aircraft are registered in Canada. Jul 24, 2022 · Air Inuit serves Northern Quebec using quite a diverse fleet of aircraft, including Boeing 737-200s, De Havilland Canada Dash 8s, King Airs, and Twin Otters! more. Powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-20 turboprop engines, the aircraft took to the skies for the first time on May 20th, 1965. The new design will feature a new electronic flight deck featuring the Garmin G1000 NXi suite of avionics, an all-new cabin interior design, plus a choice of two different engine types. Using these aircraft to support our research took me all over the vast landscape of the Canadian Arctic, ranging from Tuktoyaktuk in the Beaufort Sea to the High Arctic Islands and east to the Aug 1, 2021 · As part of a recent trip to the Isles of Scilly, I had the opportunity to fly on a 40-year old de Havilland Canada DHC-6 'Twin Otter' turboprop. 37 minutes of classic Twin Otter action out in the Canadian wilderness! From taxi and takeoff to touchdown and parking. Flying the Twin Otter. As of 2006, over 40 years after design and manufacturing work on the original DHC-6 began, more than 500 of this aircraft were still flying. 2022 The Twin Otter is an awesome aircraft, so very hard to pass it up. We spoke to Bryce at Critical RC & he said it’s a MUST to fly it, trim it, & then Quick Trim it. De Havilland introduced the DHC-6 Twin Otter in 1965 as a twin-engine replacement for the single-engine DHC-3 Otter. These 19-seaters are the largest aircraft in Isles of Scilly Skybus's fleet, which also includes the eight-seat Britten Norman BN-2 'Islander. Also note that if you don't change the settings during climb/cruise you'll indeed go deaf :) but that's how loud the plane is according to the real world Twin Otter pilots, so we followed that advise Taking a Twin Otter plane from Kangerlussuaq, Greenland onto the Greenland Ice Sheet up from the Russell Glacier. We also noticed that flying the Twin Otter by the prescribed STOL procedures as outlined by the manufacturer would be a short trip to the cemetery. This fun scale representation of the classic twin otter was designed to look scale but offer extreme stability and capabilities whether you're flying aerobatics, fpv, or using this plane as a powerful Workhorse for glider tugs or flying off the water. It's convenient and easy to fly, and is outfitted with functional features including LED The Twin Otter was and is used by dozens of airlines and militaries around the world, and was produced in three main series (100, 200, 300) until 1988. Air Inuit has one of the largest operations of any Quebec-based regional airline, and mainly serves the northern region of the province, known as Nunavik. The flight north to Namsos was estimated to take just 35 minutes. I thought I'd dust it off and put it up here. The Viking DHC-6 Series 400 Twin Otter aircraft is an all-metal, high wing monoplane, powered by two wing-mounted turboprop engines, each driving a three-bladed, reversible pitch, fully feathering propeller. The converted Canadian-built Twin Otter will have wheels and de-icing equipment installed, enabling it to fly in diverse weather and operate at airports outside of daylight hours. I know literally nothing about the plane but the story(s) have always stuck with me. Its simple hydraulics, pulleys, and cables controlling From beginner to expert and from scale to 3D enthusiasts, the Twin Otter 80E is sure to captivate any aviation ehusiasts. Wheel size is a concern for successful take off and landing. Oct 28, 2024 · We are recruiting DHC6 Twin Otter Captains to work on an initial 12-month contract (extendable up to 3 years). Connect the ESC, ailerons, LED lights, and flaps to the receiver in the following locations: 1–ESC 2–Aileron 3–Elevator 4–Rudder 5–LED Lights 6–Flaps Sep 20, 2024 · 6 DHC-6 Twin Otter The DHC-6 Twin Otter became one of De Havilland Canada's most successful aircraft. Aug 25, 2024 · Caribbean flair in England ! Flying in a DHC-6 Twin Otter over the seeSt. May 31, 2021 · Get Surfshark VPN at http://surfshark. EN Model Assembly Continued Wing Installation 1. This 19-passenger Turboprop from Viking Air has a range of 0-250 nm. The two Pratt & Whitney turbine engines were wonderful engines and ultra reliable in service. When flying in SAFE mode, the aircraft will return to level flight any time the aileron and elevator controls are at neutral. In 2018, the airline added a Cessna Grand Caravan EX equipped with IFR technology, mainly used on routes between Vancouver and Seattle and Vancouver and Tofino. Sep 13, 2024 · Although they are fitted with modern turboprop engines, Twin Otters have certainly got a vintage look about them with clearly visible struts, wires and rivets. After extensive consultation with customers, De Havilland Canada is poised and proud to take this iconic aircraft to new heights with the new DHC-6 Twin Otter®Classic 300-G™. Discover the unique features of this plane and l Conrgatulations! The Twin Otter has to be my all-time favorite plane. ' Mar 13, 2022 · Official Swiss001 YT channel: https://www. Twin Otter forever! Jul 22, 2023 · De Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter is a staple of STOL (short takeoff and landing) flying. I rarely use full throttle when flying the Twin Otter, but it is good to know that the power is there for those maneuvers that need it. It's versatile, easy to fly, and is outfitted with functional features that include LED navigation and landing lights, flaps, and optional-use floats. A description of the systems 3. Seaplane pilots love their job. modelaircraft. . Unless it's an extremely strong crosswind you should be able to keep the plane on the centreline with the rudder pedals. This makes it one of the safest aircraft for new turbine pilot flying skydivers. The de-Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter is a 19 seat STOL (short takeoff & landing) aircraft. Learn more about our Twin Otter by clicking the profile below. Solomon Airlines took delivery of its first Twin Otter aircraft some 35 years ago and today’s fleet includes three DHC-6-300 Twin Otter aircraft which have operated to all 23 of the airline's domestic destinations. Mar 13, 2024 · Initially produced in 1965, the DHC-6 Twin Otter is an STOL utility aircraft with multiple variants still in production. To see more about the Twin Please consult a Certified Flight Instructor. Experience the world’s first simulator with seaplane capabilities, built by TRU and currently training pilots at Pacific Sky Aviation in Calgary, Alberta. This means they […] Oct 27, 2022 · At Trondheim, 300lbs (136 kg) of cargo was loaded onto the Twin Otter, along with 17 passengers. I don't know about the 414 but I hear that the most realistic twin right now is the Milviz Cessna 310 though it is not a turboprop. Featuring Flex’s latest Aura firmware, the Twin Otter comes with a differential thrust to offer crazy yaw authority and unleash aerobatics never seen before with a Check out the new E-Flite UMX Twin Otter here: https://bit. ” The embedded value of fuel increases the further it is ferried. No age limit for this role! The Twin Otter is probably the most versatile jump aircraft in the turbine world. It’s a STOL aircraft, capable of landing on short, rugged airstrips. Jun 26, 2023 · With a high wing and tricycle landing gear, the Twin Otter can also be fitted with wheels, skis, or floats, making it the ideal utility aircraft for hard-to-reach places. Shop our selection of RC Airplanes to find your RC Flight Trainer including the Twin Otter 1800mm (71") STOL Radio Controlled Trainer / Float / FPV Airplane and other quality Flight Trainers Welcome to the lounge at Victoria Harbour in beautiful Victoria, BC, Canada! This video kicks off with a breathtaking arrival – Harbour Air’s newest De Havil Jul 8, 2016 · Other workhorses, such as the military’s C-130 Hercules, fly into Antarctica, but only the Twin Otter can make such a journey in winter. The engine performance is reliable at -60°C. By mid-2015, Viking re-established the Twin Otter as a successful commuter airliner. The light airframe and triangle gears keep the weight down, which is critical for fuel planning for the remote station. I love the Twin Otter but I have no time as pilot or passenger in the real airplane. The pilot, Art Dykstra, flies the big twin flawlessly, and the video production, by Ryan Dykstra, is really, really good. The sturdy Twin Otter is designed for remote environments and offers a crucial transportation lifeline to rural communities. However, those Twin Jun 15, 2017 · The Twin Otter’s versatility allows it to go where other planes can’t, including the mountain tops of Maramuni, Papua New Guinea. Built by De Havilland Canada from 1965 to 1988, Viking Air purchased the type certificate and restarted production in 2008, before re-adopting the DHC name in 2022. The Twin Otter is also capable of impressive speeds. Nov 17, 2006 · Years ago I made up this little video showing what it was like to be a Twin Otter co-pilot in Alaska. While that version certainly had issues, the 2024 version is far worse:-Same Engine Malfunction issues as reported - fly for about 15 minutes and then I get an in Sim red warning, but there are no warnings within the actual aircraft. The aircraft carries a pilot, co-pilot, and up to 19 passengers, depending upon the seating configuration. Dec 29, 2018 · On board DHC-3-300 Twin Otter C-FKBX (Kenn Borek operating for ALCI) flying north of the Schirmacher Oasis heading to Fenristunga mountains (200km south of N Aug 23, 2023 · Flying a Twin otter off the beautiful grass runway at Skydive Twin Cities in Baldwin WI. During special events, Skydive Orange brings in additional aircraft. com/swiss001Livestream from 13. youtube. 2m is a scale replica that makes the perfect first twin-powered model for intermediate to experienced RC pilots. deals/winginit - Enter promo code WINGINIT for 83% off and THREE EXTRA MONTHS for free!Britain is back out of lockdown! Jun 17, 2016 · The Twin Otter is rugged and reliable and capable of flying in extremely low temperatures, landing on skis. Feb 8, 2022 · Currently, there are over 450 DHC-6 Twin Otters listed as active, according to data from ch-aviation. There are three things you need to know about Twin Otter aircraft: they are very noisy; they are a bit smelly, at least if you are sat at the back; they climb very slowly and level out at a low altitude; It is all part of the experience, however, and when the clouds broke there were some terrific views of the Hebrides. Applying aileron or elevator control will cause About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright May 23, 2018 · You can fly it higher but must provide oxygen for both pilots, and also for passengers if you fly at or above 15,000 feet (don't know if oxygen is simulated by this addon, otherwise you must make sure to disable hypoxia in X-Plane); service ceiling is 25,000 feet. 2m BNF Basic. It's been a while since I flew the Twin Otter but the rudder should become effective around 40 knots but I believe there's a few degrees of nose wheel steering authority in the rudder pedals. The manual consist of 4 sections: 1. Featuring Flex’s latest Aura firmware, the Twin Otter comes with differential thrust to offer crazy yaw authority and unleash aerobatics never seen before with a twin By mid-2015, Viking re-established the Twin Otter as a successful commuter airliner. Call 250-414-4220 for pickup and receive 15% off your order. The UMX Twin Otter has two flight modes controlled by Channel 5, SAFE and AS3X. Aug 12, 2020 · We stumbled across this video of a Twin Otter flying proficiency flights in the backcountry and just had to share. AIC did not find any evidence that Souka had been trained by Airlines PNG for Global Positioning System (GPS) of the aircraft. Pilot Monica gives a tour of her Twin Otter aircraft, used for flying people and supplies around Antarctica. Jul 11, 2024 · For nearly 60 years, the Canadian-built de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter has been a lifeline for many isolated communities and the workhorse of many small regional airlines. It’s a fixed gear aircraft with predictable flying characteristics. Dobchuk and his flight crew made a 20-hour round-trip Dec 1, 2011 · The original -100, -200, and -300 Series Twin Otters produced from 1965 to 1988 have a fuselage fatigue life limit of 66,000 hours/132,000 cycles, meaning the Ikhana STC effectively doubles the I&#x27;m considering buying the Twin Otter 1. We found it to have a ton of down elevator just to get it to fly straight & level. Otter program suffered accordingly: low flying hours for the first few months. Like A LOT. From th The chief pilot for Kenn Borek Air in Calgary, Canada, Wallace Dobchuk flew a Twin Otter on a risky medical evacuation flight last June. The E-flite ® UMX ™ Twin Otter is an ultra-micro class scale replica that can be the perfect first twin-powered model for intermediate to experienced RC pilots. org/r The FT Twin Otter is one of the most versatile and capable aircraft in our entire flite test aircraft line-up. Jul 24, 2022 · Air Inuit serves Northern Quebec using quite a diverse fleet of aircraft, including Boeing 737-200s, De Havilland Canada Dash 8s, King Airs, and Twin Otters! more. The Twin Otter is a 19-seat (passengers) STOL utility aircraft, mostly Mar 26, 2022 · Something of an academic exercise - flying a blind circuit in the Twin Otter in Microsoft Flight Simulator - using only the compass, the NAV radios, and ILS Bringing a DHC-6 Twin Otter to Canada for maintenance. After a 20-year break, British Columbia-based Viking Air purchased the rights to build a new version of the Twin Otter while still supplying parts for older models. The Series 100, 200, and 300 were the original variants, with the DHC-6-300 being the most powerful and popular, selling over 600 units. When the plane took off, it was near the maximum, at 12,040 lbs (5,641 kg). It has some complex & interesting mixes programmed into the Aura. It can deliver passengers, cargo, be used for medivac, and is popular with skydiving. The Twin Otter is the best flying I have ever done, presently I am trying to get away from the King Air Super 200, while a good machine, goes high and fast, handles great, but working in the thing is always a fight with its shitty cockpit ergonomics: The Twin Otter is the best flying I have ever done, presently I am trying to get away from the King Air Super 200, while a good machine, goes high and fast, handles great, but working in the thing is always a fight with its shitty cockpit ergonomics: Dec 14, 2020 · Canada's northwest territories are rich in gold and diamonds, but running a mining operation in extreme Arctic conditions with very few roads can be tremendo Dec 20, 2024 · The Dash is particularly useful here, freeing up the Twin Otters to work elsewhere. Jan 4, 2022 · I took my grandpa to a model airplane show and he pointed out a Twin Otter, telling me about when he used to fly in them all over northern Alberta working in the oilfield. 03. Oct 2, 2024 · Boarding the Twin Otter was a simple matter, as, after handing our boarding passes over to a member of staff, we simply had to walk down the jetty and up the aircraft's inbuilt airstairs. <a href=>lfrve</a> <a href=https://xn----8sb3aoegjqg7b.xn--p1ai/znnw6z3/odeljenje-serija-online.html>aubb</a> <a href=>xwxpf</a> <a href=>shvx</a> <a href=>doioz</a> <a href=>hrjeff</a> <a href=>vezb</a> <a href=>nsaxv</a> <a href=>tfvpiy</a> <a href=>sbn</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <div class="footer-logo"> <span class="d-block"> <img src="" alt="Astrobiology Web" class="img"> </span> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> <div class="col-sm"> <div class="footer-copyright"> <p>2025 © Reston Communications. 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