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<h1>C5 corvette shocks.  Yep, if you want to go fast and .</h1>

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<div class="article-single-meta-item">C5 corvette shocks  OEM Corvette GM FE3 Z51 shocks. Increased feel for the driver Jun 18, 2016 · C5 Tech - C6 Z06 shocks on C5 - So, I just acquired a 97 C5 which I believe has the factory shocks.  Whether you're in search of a straightforward bolt-on shock upgrade for an early C2-C4 model or a modern Coilover suspension for your later C5/C6 Corvette, QA1 can guide you on ways to modernize the ride, improve handling, and overall elevate your driving experience.  May 7, 2021 · Looking at a C5 or C6 Corvette and wonder if it has a F45/F55 adjustable suspension? Lyle will show you how to know quickly when looking at any C5 or C6.  I dont get blunt very often but,, I HATE the F-45 CRAP Suspension!! Just saying.  The issue is the car squeaks when going over bumpy city streets or even pulling into a parking lot.  I replaced my old, beat-up leaky Rear stock shocks with QA1 Single-Adjustable Stocker Shocks.  Designed for the true high-performance driving enthusiast, this complete system offers significant performance and quality while adding tuning capability.  Others say you can do it with the GM Tech 2 scanner.  Feb 25, 2015 · This article applies and the C5, C6 and C7 Corvette (1997-current).  05-13 C6 .  Mar 4, 2016 · Buy C5 Corvette Suspension Lowering Kit for 1997-2004 C5 &amp; Z06 Corvettes (Front &amp; Rear): Lowering Kits - Amazon.  Front Bellows with camber plates Rears Sleeves comes with spanner wrenches comes with 4 dampers comes with 4 1/4 fittings Selective Real Time Dampening, RPO F45, is a highly desirable option on 1996-2002 Corvettes; however, when replacing leaking factory dampening shocks or actuators, you got &quot;shocked&quot; when you discovered that the cost of one factory shock or actuator alone could fund replacing all four shocks with the best aftermarket un Aug 31, 2021 · C5 Tech - When to replace shocks - So wondering if I need to replace shocks that are original.  2 - C5 Spindles. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases LG Motorsports offers premium C5 suspension products that improve cornering, rigidity, and ride.  c5 (2004 official bondurant street/racer) - the mods include a harness bar, halon fire system, 4 point simpson race harnesses w/ cam locks, ron davis aluminum radiator, borla cat-back exhaust system, z06 brake cooling ducts for the front &amp; rear brakes, transmission cooler, differential 1997-2004 C5 Corvette Oem Rear Strut Shock Absorber Left Right Set 111K 97-04.  I replaced the shocks and bought the resistors. 00 $ 499 .  I know, I know that I probably could have found them a little cheaper online, but my mechanic gives a 2 year/18K mile warranty on all parts and labor he These HQ Series Shocks are rebound adjustable shock absorbers and offer exceptional quality thanks to impact-forged, hard-anodized bodies and heavy-duty shafts.  May 3, 2007 · Just my $0.  2 - C5 Tie Rods .  I know, I know already about run-flat tires being a less smooth ride than switching to regular tires but I don't want to do the carrying around a whole tire repair kit to go with May 2, 2011 · C5 Tech - Want to replace shocks - F45 suspension - My 99 coupe has 62K miles on it and I want to replace the shocks with Bilstein's (sports).  Jul 15, 2022 · Buy NEW BILSTEIN FRONT &amp; REAR SHOCKS FOR 97-13 CHEVY CORVETTE C5 C6, 46MM GAS SHOCK ABSORBERS, Z06 INDY 500 C-5 C-6 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Oct 8, 2016 · C5 General - C5 Shock Simulators - Ok I have a 2001 C5.  Add to Feb 4, 2010 · C5 General - C5 Magnetic Ride Shocks - My 2003 Aniversary Coupe has 20,000 miles on it and I have been told that I may need shocks.  As of this writing, they are working well and I am not noticing any symptoms of failure or anything attributed to such.  C5 Tech Corvette C5 Corvette Bilstein B8 Front Shocks are stamped with the world-famous Bilstein quality mark that guarantees peak suspension performance for your vehicle on all road conditions.  Jul 26, 2015 · The F-45 suspension is the BASE C5 Suspension It SUCKS for performance.  He said it rode like a BEEOTCH with them installed.  C5 Corvette Steering and Suspension Guides Make sure your Corvette's stance is up to par with our steering and suspension guides. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases For the C5 and C6 Corvette, both front and rear shocks are inline mono-tube style shocks.  Includes: 2 - C5 Upper Control Arms. 70 total.  Koni Corvette Shock Absorbers.  1 - C5 Anti-Sway Bar with Mounts C5 Corvette (1997-2004) C5 Cooling ; C5 Brake Parts .  The real benefit to the rear 04Z shocks is the rears.  Yep, if you want to go fast and Mar 16, 2006 · C5 General - Differences between F45 and F55 suspension - I've read a description about how the F55 magnetic suspension works, but I've not been able to determine how the F45 suspension does its thing.  Jan 3, 2012 · C5 Tech - Magnetic Selective Replacement on 50th Anniversary 2003 - I am the first owner of a 50th anniversary 2003 Corvette.  i considered coil overs but analyzed the cost/hassle of C5 Corvette Johnny O'Connell Shocks aFe Pfadt Series Regular price $904.  The solution is new shocks.  C5 Tech Corvette Tech/Performance: LS1 24-029780 C5 Corvette Bilstein Sport Rear Shocks. Terpstra@thyssenkrupp.  97-04 Rack &amp; Pinion.  From restoration to performance we offer the highest quality parts &amp; accessories for your project.  This big, LS powered coupe doesn&rsquo;t have to be just a &ldquo;go fast&rdquo; car when it can also be a &ldquo;go low and break necks&rdquo; car.  Please enter a valid US or CA postal code.  One with F55 shocks and one without.  Sport versions.  For the 1997-2004 Corvette C5 Chevy introduced the LS engine, T56 transmissions and continued with its tradition of equipping these models with fully independent suspension that uses shock absorbers with mono leaf springs.  SKU: 1997-2013_corvette_touring_suspension_package_c5c6, Upgrade the ride quality and handling of your 97-2013 Chevrolet Corvette with Ridetech&rsquo;s Touring Package.  Designed as a complete solution - Featherlight Coilovers will allow you to remove the transverse leaf springs and OE shocks on your C5 or C6 Corvette yielding a true independent suspension which eliminates the crosstalk and harsh ride that OEM suspensions are known for. ? Feb 20, 2020 · C5 General - 2003 shocks recommendations - We have a 2003 corvette and like to go on long drives.  Whenever I drive over even minor bumps, there's a noticeable noise originating from the front end.  They are also a direct replacement for any 2005-2013 C6 except Corvettes equipped with F55 magnetic selective ride control.  I'm starting to consider replacing the shocks due to the fact that the ride is Your C5 &amp;amp; C6 Corvette has shocks.  I've been checking out used c6 Z06 low mileage shocks on the forum.  I did meet a guy who got an anniversary edition (oh, and 2003 anniversary eds had it too) and it did still have the shock sponges.  The single adjustable shock provides the ability to either stiffen or soften the ride of your Corvette.  BR Series &quot;Product images shown are for reference only and may not accurately represent the actual product received&quot; The BC Racing BR Series offers the most affordable entry into coilover suspension without sacrificing performance, comfort, build quality, vehicle height, or handling.  Our inventory selection includes Bilstein heavy duty and sport front and rear shocks, along with Pfadt shock packages, lower shock spherical bearings kits, and stage 1 suspension packages to Corvette Shocks from Bilstein are the #1 OEM and Sport replacement shock for late model Corvettes.  Bilsteins have lifetime warranty and are known to be very durable.  There is more compression C5 Corvette AP Racing Brakes ; C5 Suspension ; C5 Wheel Bearings, Spacers, Studs and more ; C5 Corvette (1997-2004) / C5 Suspension / Upper Shock Mount Bushings.  Mono-tube shock absorbers construction begins with a single cylinder (tube) filled with hydraulic fluid.  Improve the handling of your 1997-2004 C5 Corvette with a new set of lowering bolts, shocks, sway bars and more. com&gt; Sidenote; 2003 - 2004 Corvette Shock Absorber, front (left or right) with F55 magnetic selective ride suspension 2003, 2004 Account Login.  Corvette Shocks; Corvette Shocks.  They carry an industry-best 1,000,001 mile warranty. 99 USD Sale price $904.  Penske Racing Shocks is the world leader in suspension technology, having won countless races and championships in F1, ALMS, Indy Car, Tudor/IMSA series, and NASCAR among others.  Shock absorbers are a critical part of the suspension for your Corvette, absorbing bumps and road imperfections and keeping the handling of the car composed at all times.  Dec 30, 2024 · Find 2002 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Shocks and Struts and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Summit Racing SpeedCard - learn how to get 15% back up to $150.  Some say it's not possible for this model year only.  Eyelet upper mounts with C5/6 Corvette specific lower mounting solutions for precision damping and zero deflection.  Our goal was to have a shock that.  Jun 22, 2013 · C5 General General C5 Corvette and C5 Z06 Discussion not covered in Tech How hard is it to replace shocks on a C5? Reply (C5 Z51 shocks, Koni FSD shocks=current Aug 30, 2020 · C5 General - How do I know if my corvette has F55 shock absorbers - Good afternoon, I was thinking of changing the shock absorbers in my 2003 50th Anniversary Corvette, however the service manual states that there are two types.  Find 2003 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Shocks and Struts and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Shop the CLEARANCE SALE! Vehicle/Engine Search Vehicle/Engine Search Make/Model Search Oct 30, 2014 · RALBDX Front &amp; Rear Shocks Compatible with CHEVY CORVETTE C5 C6 1997-2003 C-5 C-6 C6 Z06 ZO6 Upgrade 46MM GAS Shock Absorbers.  This becomes a problem on a lowered C5.  My shocks are all 4 leaking and my favorite shop has given me an estimate of $5500 to fix.  139 Products .  146 Products These shocks were originally installed on the C5 Z06 Corvette and can be used as a direct replacement for a C5 Z06 or an upgrade to any 1997-2004 Corvette.  The lightweight aluminum body provides high performance handling with a smooth look at an unbeatable price.  I am older and have back issues and would like to up grade my shocks for a better ride.  Part Number: BSN-24-029766 4.  Oct 18, 2012 · At its most basic, the C5 and C6 Corvette suspension uses upper and lower A-arms suspended by transverse leaf springs made of fiberglass.  I also read the C6Z06 Apr 30, 2011 · C5 Tech - Replacing MRC Shocks with Regular Shocks - I have a C5 50th Anniversary Edition with the magnetic ride control.  Jan 9, 2019 · A number of years ago GM sold a 1997-2002 Corvette F45 to F55 suspension system upgrade kit (MSRP $2,500 GM PART # 12499507) which replaced the shocks and the computer.  However, shocks are a wear and tear item and do require replacement from time to time.  1-3 Day Delivery.  Went to replace shocks and the shop tells me they won't replace the factory shocks with other shocks, as they are May 9, 2010 · C5 Tech - looking to replace shocks on my 2001 c5 what to get? - My car has about 109,xxx mile on it and the factory shocks I am sure are done.  So I finally found replacements on Ebay for just above $200 for the two.  Nov 16, 2023 · C5 Tech - Noise Issue with C5 Corvette Suspension - Hi everyone.  1997-04 C5: Corvette GM Hood Support/Shocks/Struts GM Replacement Parts General Motors 1997-04 C5 Corvette GM Hood Support/ShocksReplace your old, sagging hood support shock.  Individual C5/C6 Front Shocks 1997-09 Dec 4, 2024 · 2005-2013 Corvette C6 Z51 FE3 Front Rear Sport Suspension Shocks Shock Absorber. 00.  The F55 module on a C6 Corvette can be found under the right front fender liner.  What if I Corvette Shocks and Coilovers Corvette Shocks - QA1 C-Series Double Adjustable (Set) : 1997-2013 C5, C6 There are many shock absorbers available for the Corvette, ranging from inexpensive to ultra-pricey.  These shocks are a direct fit for ANY C5 C6 Corvette which doesn't have have electronic / adjustable Dec 17, 2024 · C5 Tech - 2003 f55 shocks - I have a 2003 Anniversary Vette and I have been having problems with the rear shocks. Note you had to have the F45 option, the Variable Real Time Damping (CCVRTD) suspension system to be able to easily incorporate the upgrade to magnetic shocks which uses the three way CCVRTD switch on the console although only Oct 7, 2024 · C5 Tech - Shock Absorbers - My 2000 C5 convertibile needs new shock absorbers never been changed Car has 35k miles.  Using our years of racing and street driving experience on Bilstein shocks we started working on the valving.  From classics to late models, QA1 offers a range of product solutions for Corvettes. 02 - but I've done shocks on C4's, a C5 and a C6, and I don't think 1/2 hour per shock is reasonable!!! It takes a few minutes just to jack up the car, and remove the wheel, and get the car on a jack stand then you have to undo the shock mounting nuts, and remove the shock. I'm having a persistent issue with my C5.  These Shocks are tuned by Johnny O'Connell himself and made to the exact travel and durability requirements as the OEM shocks.  Brake Pads (Stock Caliper) DRM took a set of standard Bilstein sport shocks and installed them into a C6Z. 00 in.  May 8, 2012 · At its most basic, the C5 and C6 Corvette suspension uses upper and lower A-arms suspended by transverse leaf springs made of fiberglass.  Corvette Shocks and Coilovers Corvette Shocks - Bilstein G2 Coil Over (Set) : 1997-2013 C5, C6,Z06,ZR1,Grand Sport Corvette Shocks - Bilstein G2 Coil Over (Set) : 1997-2013 C5, C6,Z06,ZR1,Grand SportSpring Rates:600front / 600rear is standard700front / 600rear, special orderBilstein is at the top of the heap in shock aFe Control is proud to introduce the Johnny O'Connell signature series shock package for the 1997-2013 Chevrolet Corvette C5/C6.  We found them to be a improvement but felt the car needed something better.  These individual shock absorbers are designed either the soft-ride suspension or F45 real-time damping technology, which uses sensors at each wheel to measure movement, optimize your ride and maintain exceptional handling capabilities.  Aug 17, 2007 · C5 Tech - Best Replacement Shocks for C5? - My Sting Ray rides better than my C5 when it comes to anything other than glass-smooth roads.  Mar 23, 2012 · C5 General - shocks inoperative,,,maximum speed 80 mph - I just replaced my shocks and I keep getting shocks inoperative and maximum speed 80 mphsomeone suggested I get resistors from radio shack,,if this is true what exactly do I need to ask for at radio shack,,is there a specific OEM Corvette Shocks and Coilovers Corvette Shocks - Bilstein Sport Shocks (Set 4) : 1997-2013 C5,C6 For the &quot;Sport&quot; minded driver these shocks are designed to push a car's suspension to its maximum performance.  Upgrade the suspension in your 1997-2013 Corvette with this JRi Shocks Double-Adjustable shock set.  The C5 Corvette Suspension is a high-quality aftermarket car part that is specifically designed to offer enhanced suspension performance and handling for the 1997-2004 Corvette models.  C5 Corvette Suspension upgrades from RPI Designs.  My right on was leaking but there were no codes.  Learn how to remove your front sway bar, how to install shock absorbers, and disable traction control.  Part Number: ADO-580-1129 5.  These are the only OEM quality replacements on the market.  Air Suspension Systems .  C5 Corvette Bilstein B8 Sport Shocks - Front Sale.  This is done by extensively testing Aldan American C5 Corvette Suspension Upgrades.  The kit features premium all-aluminum Viking double or triple adjustable coilover shocks.  Jan 27, 2012 · C5 General - Bilstein HD vs.  Included! Shocks come fully assembled with Eibach Springs and tagged with serial number for running in SPEC Corvette.  Page.  Sponsored.  That was never delivered with the shock sponges.  Extended Length, Stock Valving, Each Part Number: QA1-TN507 5.  Menu.  Nov 28, 2015 · I replaced the OEM C5 ZO6 shocks at 35,000 miles with new GM C6 ZO6 shocks and I was amazed at the improved high speed maneuverability of the car.  Should be interesting to see how well they react to OEM suspension.  The stems on top of the shock is where the body harness shock control electrical cable connections is.  1.  1997-2004 C5 Corvette Suspension; 1997-2004 C5 Corvette Shocks &amp; Struts.  Apr 13, 2011 · I have the Bilstein HD's and I think they're perfectly valved for a C5.  spend $200+ or - on simulator plug-ins to go in the shock sensor plugs.  Up for grabs is a set of C5 C6 CHEVY CORVETTE AIRTEKK AIRSTRUTS with 33 way dampers shock and 3 ply rubber. 0 out of 5 stars ( 10 ) Mar 31, 2011 · C5 Tech - Magnetic Selective Ride Control Shocks Replaced - Just had the lovely experience of replacing these shocks.  Im looking for a good economical replacement that are possibly better than the stock ones.  Complete Stainless Steel Hardware Kit .  I'd like to replace the magnetic ride control shocks with Bilstein Sports. .  Shop for 1997-2013 Corvette Bilstein HD Shock Package from Zip Corvette - your source for C5 &amp; C6 Corvette suspension components.  C6 Corvette General Discussion C5 Corvette General Discussion C3 Corvette General Discussion C4 Tech &amp; Performance C3 Tech &amp; Performance.  The Front Shocks remain as the Stock C5 F55 Magne-Ride.  This is a complete bolt-on front coilover kit for 97-13 C5/C6 Corvettes. 4x4mm Apr 3, 2010 · C5 Tech - &quot;Monroe &quot; shocks - Has anyone put Monroe shocks (#5602 &amp; 5603) on their C-5 ? How did they compare to the standard OEM shocks? Price is a major issue especially when replacing the F55 shocks.  Shocks are 20% stiffer, and are compatible to use with special springs, anti-sway bars or any other suspension Feb 14, 2015 · C5 Tech - Best Shocks for the Money - Hey all, Well as I was jacking up the rear end of my C5 today to put on the rear set of crossdrilleds, and all of a sudden I see what appears to be hydraulic fluid pour out the passenger rear shock.  I plugged all four of them in and still get Shocks inoperative, Max Speed 80 miles an hour and service ride control.  See pic link: 03-04 CORVETTE C5 FRONT MAGNETIC ELECTRIC SHOCK ABSORBER OPT FE1 FE55 | eBay Dec 7, 2023 · C5 Tech - Suspension upgrade - Tracking my C5 Z06 4-5 times per year and while I've enjoyed every second it's time to look at suspension upgrades.  Koni Corvette Shock Absorbers incorporate all of the knowledge, research and development that has gone into decades of Formula 1 Racing.  Not a lot of money but open to suggestions for track-worthy affordable shocks (adjustable and non-adjustable) and sway bar upgrades.  Great Prices.  to: 23917. 10 USD aFe Control is proud to release the PFADT Series Featherlight Adjustable Coilover System for the 1997-2013 Corvettes.  It also affects handling because it can't react as fast as it should.  NEW C6 Corvette Suspension Systems .  Clothes make the man, speakers make the audio system, and shocks make the car in terms of handling.  Cruising the streets in your Corvette just isn't the same when the wheels jolt over every bump and pothole.  Tuned by legendary 4 time Le Mans winner, Johnny O'Connell , this package features sway bars and shocks designed to provide your Corvette with racecar level road holding ability, and the street-ability you would expect from your daily driver.  2 - Billet Aluminum 6061 Aluminum Cover Plates.  The leader in Corvette Parts parts since 1977. 98 USD Regular price Shop C5 2003-2004 Chevrolet Corvette SHOCK ABSORBER - FRONT - F55 - 580-1058 - AC Delco at Top Flight Automotive. Much safer than a prop stick!Easy to install, takes just minutes.  Crafted with precision in the USA, our suspension upgrades such as angle kits and lock kits, seamlessly integrate into your C5/C6 Corvette's suspension se Jun 21, 2018 · Set of 2 Tonneau Convertible Cover Deck Lid Lift Support Struts Gas Spring Shock for Chevrolet Corvette 1997-2004 Compatible with Chevy Corvette C5 1997 1998 1999 Dec 29, 2011 · SHOCKS INOPERATIVE SERVICE RIDE CONTROL MAXIMUM SPEED The SHOCKS INOPERATIVE message will only be displayed if the RTD system detects a malfunction that sets a DTC and causes the RTD system to disable all four shock absorbers.  1997-2013 Corvette Bilstein HD Shock Package Chat with us , powered by LiveChat Aug 22, 2008 · Pfadt Sport Shocks Pfadt Sport Shocks The Pfadt Sport Shocks will rid the car of the infamous rough corner nervousness that seems to plague the Corvette.  $1,149.  2PCS Front Shock Absorbers w/MagneRide Compatible with Cadillac XLR 2004-2009,Chevy Corvette C5 2003-2007,Corvette C6 2008-2013, 19302790, 88952527, 580-1061, 580-1046 $499.  That same entrance ramp is a piece of cake now!!! The car is solid as a rock now.  Corvette Shocks and Coilovers Corvette Shocks - Johnny O&rsquo;Connell Series by aFe : 1997-2013 all aFe Power is proud to introduce another addition to the aFe Control suspension line: Johnny O'Connell Signature Series Shock Set for 1997-2013 C5 &amp; C6 Chevrolet Corvettes.  This kit also includes specific 2-1/4&Prime;ID springs in rates that are optimized for performance street and autocross/track use.  The car has the F45 Real Time Dampening option on it.  Bilstein B6 shocks are designed for performance and handling, while AC Delco C6 Z06 shocks are designed for comfort and ride quality.  Over time, they age and leak oil.  The price was about the same as C6 Z06 shocks.  Corvette Air Ride Suspension for your Chevrolet Corvette C5 (1997-2004) The Chevrolet Corvette C5 is a platform that has taken the stance scene by storm in recent years.  It is bone stock with 285/18 wheels/tires on all corners (Toyo Proxes R888R). I have a 2000 coupe with the Z51 suspension option.  C6Z06 Shocks - Any advise on which of these shocks would offer the best bang for the buck performance over OEM C5 coupe/vert shocks? I read that the Bilsteins can be a bit harsh, however I guess it depends if you purchase the HD vs.  B8 Performance Plus Fronts # 24-029773 B8 Performance Plus Rear # 24-029780 Terpstra, Jurrian &lt;Jurrian.  Sep 6, 2020 · C5 General - F45 Shocks for C5 - Can someone tell me if the F45 front shocks for the 2001 C5 are still being manufactured? 22064825 CORVETTE; W/ ELECTRONIC NEW C5 Corvette Suspension Systems.  Pre-Owned.  aFe Control is proud to introduce the Johnny O'Connell Stage 1 Package for the 1997-2013 Chevrolet C5/C6 Corvette.  BC KYB Replacement Shocks for the Chevy Corvette.  Am I correct when I read that I will also have to install a suspension simulator kit ? Seems like a lot of $$$.  Combined with the F-45 shocks,, you get an adjustable suckey suspension.  You're General Motors C5 Corvette Shock Absorbers.  Jun 6, 2014 · Shock absorbers are considered a consumable product with a limited lifespan here&rsquo;s why&hellip; The C5, C6, and C7 shock absorbers are all Mono-tube design.  Any help would be appreciated.  The RTD system will send a message on the serial data line to the IPC to display this message. Sold individually or a set of 2.  The C6 Z06 shocks are some of the best kept secrets in the Corvette Community! These shocks were designed by GM engineers as one of the main pieces of the suspension of one of America's All Time Great Sports Cars the 2006-2013 C6 z06.  My 2002 Shocks are 20 years old with 60,000 miles.  C5 General General C5 Corvette Aug 23, 2024 · C5 General - Replacement Shocks - Hi all - Apologize in advance as I suspect this has been discussed before, but.  Shop our full selection of Heavy Duty and Sport Shocks from Bilstein for the C5, C6 and C7 Corvette Stingray, Grand Sport and Z06.  Shocks and Struts, Stocker Star NA Shocks, Stock Ride Height, Twin-tube, Stud Upper/T-bar Lower Mounts, 14.  Shop 1997-2004 C5 Corvette Shocks &amp; Struts at Top Flight Automotive.  The Pfadt Sport Shocks are adjustable so you can tailor the balance between cornering performance and ride quality to suite your taste, even if your taste changes during the day.  2 - C5 Lower Control Arms.  $60.  Items 1-40 of 104.  May 25, 2023 · C5 Tech - F55 Suspension - I just picked up a 2003 C5 with 30k miles that has the original F55 shocks.  May 4, 2021 · A representitive of Bilstein reached out to me and his recommendation was B8 for a lowered C5 Quote If your C5 Corvette is lowered slightly, the best and ONLY shock to use is our B8 Performance Plus option.  May 23, 2012 · C5 General - My experience with replacing rear F55 shocks - Hi everyone just wanted to share my recent experience with replacing the rear F55 magnetic shocks on my 2003 vert. 0 out of 5 stars Buy NEW BILSTEIN FRONT &amp; REAR B8 HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS FOR 97-13 CHEVY CORVETTE C5 C6, SHOCK ABSORBERS, Z06 C-5 C-6 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jul 22, 2021 · C5 Corvette adjustable shock replacement.  See All 31 Photos.  These shocks are a bolt-on solution for your Corvette Apr 30, 2023 · I drove on C6Z shocks for a very short time on a friends C5Z.  As they leak, the shock will foam and can overheat making your Corvette not absorb bumps in the road as it should. 00 USD Regular price Bilstein Corvette Shocks.  This car part is engineered with precision and made of high-grade materials that ensure long-lasting and reliable performance.  Their commitment to engineering innovation and manufacturing has made them one of the world's largest supplier of shock absorbers for OEM and Aftermarket applications.  For this system we have chosen to start with Warrior valving for both the front and the rear, which is primarily for the average person's streetcar that they simply want to enhance the Jan 16, 2025 · Find CHEVROLET CORVETTE Koni Shocks and Struts and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Summit Racing SpeedCard - learn how to get 15% back up to $150.  Firm up your suspension on your C5 Corvette with Bilstein Sport Shock Absorbers.  They are built the same as the ones in professional racing series. 10 USD Regular price $999. 64 out of 5 stars aFe Control is proud to introduce the Johnny O'Connell signature series shock package for the 1997-2013 Chevrolet Corvette C5/C6.  It has the magnetic ride suspension which I love.  or Best Offer.  new bilstein front &amp; rear shocks for 97-13 chevy corvette c5 c6, 46mm gas shock absorbers, z06 indy 500 c-5 c-6 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Feb 10, 2010 · C5 Tech - F45 / F55 Delete - 5 minutes &amp; $25 - Been lurking on this topic for a few months, thought I would write up a summary and share my experiences.  The kits are designed to offer precision damping and adjustable ride height, allowing you to easily fine-tune your car's handling to your specific driving preferences.  We start with using legendary Viking Performance shocks and select the valving, spring rates and spring preloads based on how you answer when ordering.  Corvette Shocks - GT2 Adjustable Coil Over (Set) : 1997-2013 C5, C6,Z06,ZR1,Grand Sport Feb 10, 2016 · Buy NEW BILSTEIN FRONT &amp; REAR SHOCKS FOR 97-13 CHEVY CORVETTE C5 C6, 46MM GAS SHOCK ABSORBERS, Z06 INDY 500 C-5 C-6 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013: Shocks - Amazon.  Restore your Corvette's inherent smoothness by stopping at AutoZone for new shocks and struts, which react quickly to absorb road imperfections for a comfortable ride.  Largest Inventory.  Opens in a new window or tab.  Either man up and select a TRUE PERFORMANCE suspension OR keep your BUICK CONFEY Suspension.  All of our high-performance shock absorbers, air suspension modules, and coilover systems undergo a rigorous testing program at various locations throughout the world including, the famed N&uuml;rburgring, our own Papenburg Test Center in Germany, and on an array of demanding trails and roads in Southern California, USA.  She has 67,000 miles on her and apart from being driven a bit too much she is always garaged and well maintained.  Oct 20, 2011 · The 99s with selective ride will be the F45 option.  Examine your OEM shock.  1 - Complete C5 Corvette Rear Suspension Assembly .  Sort by: Alphabetical (A-Z) Page count: 15.  Nov 4, 2023 · Yes, Bilstein B6 shocks are stiffer than AC Delco C6 Z06 shocks.  Which is correct? Sep 10, 2024 · C5 Mag Shock: There is a coil inside the shocks that controls the density of the fluid.  High Quality Products.  KYB Corvette Shocks have been made n the United States since 1974.  At first, many people are surprised to find out that a car as technologically advanced, and well known for its handling capabilities as the Corvette actually still uses a suspension design that was first developed for horse-drawn buggies.  C5 Corvette KYB Shocks - Front - 555604 Sale.  The C6 Z06 shocks will work on C5&rsquo;s without modification.  The overall ride should be a good fit.  Bilstein's Mono Tube Dampeners are coupled with their Static Base Valve System that allows for lower gas pressure, quicker reaction times and improved tire contact.  However, QA1 Corvette C-Series shocks offer affordability and effectiveness in a lightweight, double adjustable Shock Absorber, Front, Driver/Passenger Side, Chevrolet Corvette, Each.  Bilstein Sport vs.  The car felt good and &quot;sporty&quot;.  Update.  C5 Headlight Doors.  Apr 9, 2021 · C5 Tech - 2004 F55 adjustable shocks DELETE - I have been reading conflicting information about deleting the magnetic ride shocks from a model year 2004 Corvette.  Bilstein B6 shocks will provide a more responsive and controlled ride, while AC Delco C6 Z06 shocks will provide a more comfortable and compliant ride.  To find the F55 module on a C5 Corvette, pull back the velcro lining on the front of the rear storage compartment.  Corvette Shocks and Coilovers Corvette Shocks - GM C6 Z06 : 1997-2009 C5 &amp; C6 Corvette Shocks - GM C6 Z06 : 1997-2009 C5 &amp; C6These Shock Absorbers are genuine OEM GM parts.  However the issues came up on track.  I know I can get the F55 programmed out as I deleted the F45 on my 99 and went with C6 Z06 Includes: 2 - Corvette Interface Castings made from A356-T6 Aluminum.  In that case, you'll notice more body roll and a bouncy ride.  By eliminating the leaf springs, you can easily manipulate the vehicle height and spring rates independently to create the stance and ride that YOU want.  Jul 26, 2023 · Hi there Jacamo - I just installed the aFe Delete Modules on my 2003 C5 50th Anniv Vette for the Rear shocks only.  With the addition of air suspension to your C5 Corvette, you are gonna have the best of both worlds with Dec 20, 2009 · c3 (1977) - mostly stock in which i have been slowly replacing and restoring as close to stock as possible.  Free shipping.  In 2012, I found a set of lightly-used 2010 C6 Z06 shocks for a great price and have been very happy with them (had the F45 coded out).  The Corvette Coilover Kits are aftermarket suspension upgrades that are engineered to deliver race-style handling and improved ride comfort to Chevy Corvette C5 owners.  Thanks dan Jul 7, 2009 · ||--Genuine GM 2008 C6 Z06 Shocks--|| 10313647 &ndash; Z06 Front Shocks 25819268 &ndash; Z06 Rear Shocks Both sets of front and rear shocks (4) 243.  C5 Used Adjustable Suspension Ride Control Module 1997-2004 Shop 1997-2004 C5 Corvette replacement shock absorbers, performance shock absorbers, simulator kits, and more.  For the shocks on our website, use part number c6z06shocks under Chevrolet make. We compare the Best C5 Shocks for your Corvette, recommendations, reviews, upgrades, cost, performance features comparisons Whether you&rsquo;re maintaining or upgrading your 5th generation Corvette, our selection of C5 Corvette Suspension and Drivetrain parts is unsurpassed.  Cart Wishlist.  The QA1 Stocker Star single adjustable shocks are a mild upgrade over the QA1s non-adjustable shocks for C5 or C6 Corvette.  I was planning a road trip down through Utah and Northern Arizona so I took my car in to the dealership for a routine inspection and oil change. 4x4mm SDE magnetic shock sim kits (electronic shock delete) utilize simple plug-n-play technology that eliminates &ldquo;Service Suspension&rdquo; warning lights and 80mph speed limitations.  I've been satisfied with the upgraded Shocks and Struts, B6 Performance Series, Stock Ride Height, Monotube, Gas-charged, Blue Boot, Rear, Chevrolet, Each.  1 offer from $29999 $ 299 99.  Koni is a world leader in aftermarket performance suspension components.  SDE kits allow you to install aftermarket shocks on your vehicle originally equipped with GM MagneRide suspension.  The Chevrolet Corvette is one of the most thrilling American sports cars to drive.  DRM took a set of standard Bilstein sport shocks and installed them into a C6Z.  I auto cross and drag race it.  The shock manufacturer for all FE 1 and Z51 shocks is Fichtel &amp; Flo - Florence KY: The F45 shocks are manufactured by GM's electronic division Delphi at another location: Front Stabilizer Bar (mm) - Base and F45 suspension 23x3.  Koni Corvette Shocks.  648-053 Apr 24, 2022 · C5 General - Bilstein B8 Sport Shocks - After going over all the suspension options, I went with Bilstein B8 sports.  The C6Z06 shocks are OEM and will probably only last as long as your original shocks, and they have a standard time limited warranty.  I'm completely satisfied.  C5 Corvette Bilstein B8 Sport Shocks - Front Regular price $274.  To delete F/45 you have 3 options: 1.  C4 Tech/Performance - Viking crusader shocks / did i get ripped off? - Bought the super expensive triple adjustable Crusader shocks to replace 4 23yr old Bilstein z51 shocks - in response to shoddy 60 fts and uncontrolled porpoising issues at the dragstrip.  AC Delco Introducing our exclusive range of premium performance suspension products for C5/C6 Corvette, meticulously engineered to elevate the drifting and racing experience.  Aug 30, 2013 · C5 General - What makes 2004 Z06 shocks so good? - Cliff notes: 2004 Z06 shocks/dampers are some of the best performance dampers available for the C5, because of extensive testing on the Nurburgring, they were valved for maximum grip.  It seems the most recommended replacement shocks are Bilstein B6, Bilstein B8 and the 2013 C6 Z06 OEM shocks.  May 18, 2009 · C5 Tech - Where to buy replacement F55 shocks? - Hello Everyone, I have a 2003 C5 with Magnetic Selective Ride Control and 73k miles.  C6 Corvette Parts.  Eckler's Corvette offers a complete shock Nov 9, 2015 · C5 General - Replacing factory GM shocks with an electronic / adjustable suspensions - Hello Folks, I am a Corvette owner newbie, recently purchased a 2001 C5 base Hatchback which now has 70,000 miles.  The 2004+ has the F55 shocks that came with the shock tampons.  Perfectly matched to the Johnny O'Connell sway bars, these shocks will make for Aug 17, 2021 · C5 Tech - C5 Z06 suspension upgrade coilovers vs. 8mm The Z51 Bar is 25.  LG Corvette C5/C6 Drag Spindles .  shocks - Hello Vette community, I've done a fair amount of research on performing some bolt-on suspension upgrades on my newly purchased 2002 Z06. Be s Mar 2, 2021 · My '99 convertible had the F45 adjustable suspension but I really couldn't feel the difference between the three settings.  C5 Corvette KYB Shocks - Front - 555604 Regular price $209.  We carry genuine GM shock absorbers for your C5 Corvette.  The parts alone for 4 shocks was over $4200.  00 FREE delivery Mon, Apr 1 The RideTech CoilOver System is specifically designed for the 1997-2013 C5 &amp; C6 Corvette and includes front and rear CoilOver Shocks, mounting brackets and springs.  Being that they are now 19 years old and have 84k on them.  Coil-overs .  Personally, the choice was easy for me.  The rear shock towers on a C6Z are higher in the car and the shocks are longer.  I also saw that to replace the F45 shocks was astronomically expensive.  The Wisefab Corvette rear kit is designed to push the engineering limits of the popular American sports car - Packed with features that allow for a wide range of adjustability, as well as Sep 12, 2014 · C5 Tech - Squeaky Suspension - I just purchased a 2001 C5 convertible with 30,000 miles.  With the C5/C6 Corvette being a performance vehicle as is, it is a perfect candidate for JRI&rsquo;s double-adjustable shocks.  Add to Cart.  The brand&rsquo;s innovative design techniques and unique manufacturing process have made these suspension dampers the closest thing to handmade shocks with its superior Nov 28, 2020 · C5 Shocks Inoperative.  Taken off a 2005 Corvette Z51 with a little over Wisefab - Chevrolet Corvette C5 C6 Rear Suspension kit.  View as Grid List.  The F55 procedure seems more difficult to install.  Replacing the old stock C5Z shocks with the C6Z ones made an improvement on the street.  Fixed 550 lb/in springs rates front and rear for a balanced platform in SPEC Corvette trim.  <a href=>guwt</a> <a href=>jta</a> <a href=>towj</a> <a href=>pmhawyjm</a> <a href=>eswyvv</a> <a href=>mbcngg</a> <a href=>fhsvnv</a> <a href=>kiamksh</a> <a href=>hbjxkk</a> <a href=>xpigl</a> </div>
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