Current Path : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
;(function () { 'use strict'; BX.namespace('BX.UI.Viewer'); BX.UI.Viewer.Item = function(options) { options = options || {}; /** * @type {BX.UI.Viewer.Controller} */ this.controller = null; this.title = options.title; this.src = options.src; this.nakedActions = options.nakedActions; this.actions = options.actions; this.contentType = options.contentType; this.isLoaded = false; this.isLoading = false; this.sourceNode = null; this.transformationPromise = null; this.transformationTimeoutId = null; this.viewerGroupBy = null; this.isSeparate = false; this.transformationTimeout = options.transformationTimeout || 22000; this.layout = { container: null }; this.options = options; this.init(); }; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype = { setController: function (controller) { if (!(controller instanceof BX.UI.Viewer.Controller)) { throw new Error("BX.UI.Viewer.Item: 'controller' has to be instance of BX.UI.Viewer.Controller."); } this.controller = controller; }, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { this.title = node.dataset.title || node.title || node.alt; this.src = node.dataset.src; this.viewerGroupBy = node.dataset.viewerGroupBy; this.isSeparate = node.dataset.viewerSeparateItem || false; this.nakedActions = node.dataset.actions? JSON.parse(node.dataset.actions) : undefined; }, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ bindSourceNode: function (node) { this.sourceNode = node; }, applyReloadOptions: function (options) {}, isSeparateItem: function () { return this.isSeparate; }, isPullConnected: function() { if(top.BX.PULL) { // pull_v2 if(BX.type.isFunction(top.BX.PULL.isConnected)) { return top.BX.PULL.isConnected(); } else { var debugInfo = top.BX.PULL.getDebugInfoArray(); return debugInfo.connected; } } return false; }, registerTransformationHandler: function(pullTag) { if (this.isLoaded) { return; } if (this.controller.getCurrentItem() === this) { this.controller.setTextOnLoading(BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_TRANSFORMATION_IN_PROGRESS')); } if (this.isPullConnected()) { BX.addCustomEvent('onPullEvent-main', function (command, params) { if (command === 'transformationComplete' && this.transformationPromise) { this.loadData().then(function(){ this.transformationPromise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this)); } }.bind(this)); console.log('BX.PULL.extendWatch'); BX.PULL.extendWatch(pullTag); } else { setTimeout(function(){ BX.ajax.promise({ url: BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer'}), method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', headers: [{ name: 'BX-Viewer-check-transformation', value: null }] }).then(function(response){ if (! || ! { this.registerTransformationHandler(); } else { this.loadData().then(function(){ this.transformationPromise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this)); } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this), 5000); } this.transformationTimeoutId = setTimeout(function(){ if (!this.isLoaded) { console.log('Throw transformationTimeout'); if (this._loadPromise) { this._loadPromise.reject({ status: "timeout", message: BX.message("JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR_1").replace('#DOWNLOAD_LINK#', this.getSrc()), item: this }); this.isLoading = false; } } else { console.log('We don\'t have transformationTimeout :) '); } this.resetTransformationTimeout(); }.bind(this), this.transformationTimeout); }, resetTransformationTimeout: function () { if(this.transformationTimeoutId) { clearTimeout(this.transformationTimeoutId); } this.transformationTimeoutId = null; }, init: function () {}, load: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (this.isLoaded) { promise.fulfill(this); console.log('isLoaded'); return promise; } if (this.isLoading) { console.log('isLoading'); return this._loadPromise; } this.isLoading = true; this._loadPromise = this.loadData().then(function(item){ this.isLoaded = true; this.isLoading = false; return item; }.bind(this)).catch(function (reason) { console.log('catch'); this.isLoaded = false; this.isLoading = false; if(!reason.item) { reason.item = this; } var promise = new BX.Promise(); promise.reject(reason); return promise; }.bind(this)); console.log('will load'); return this._loadPromise; }, /** * Returns list of classes which will be added to viewer container before showing * and will be deleted after hiding. * @return {Array} */ listContainerModifiers: function() { return []; }, getSrc: function() { return this.src; }, hashCode: function (string) { var h = 0, l = string.length, i = 0; if (l > 0) { while (i < l) h = (h << 5) - h + string.charCodeAt(i++) | 0; } return h; }, generateUniqueId: function () { return this.hashCode(this.getSrc() || '') + (Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(10000))); }, getTitle: function() { return this.title; }, getGroupBy: function() { return this.viewerGroupBy; }, getNakedActions: function() { if (typeof this.nakedActions === 'undefined') { return [{ type: 'download' }]; } return this.nakedActions; }, setActions: function(actions) { this.actions = actions; }, getActions: function() { return this.actions; }, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); promise.setAutoResolve(true); promise.fulfill(this); return promise; }, render: function () {}, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ getContentWidth: function() {}, handleKeyPress: function (event) {}, asFirstToShow: function () {}, afterRender: function () {}, beforeHide: function() {} }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.Image = function (options) { options = options || {}; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); this.resizedSrc = options.resizedSrc; this.width = options.width; this.height = options.height; /** * @type {HTMLImageElement} */ this.imageNode = null; this.layout = { container: null } }; BX.UI.Viewer.Image.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.src = node.dataset.src || node.src; this.width = node.dataset.width; this.height = node.dataset.height; }, applyReloadOptions: function (options) { this.controller.unsetCachedData(this.src); }, tryToExportResizedSrcFromSourceNode: function() { /** * @see .ui-viewer-inner-content-wrapper > * { * max-height: calc(100% - 210px) */ var paddingHeight = 210; if (!(this.sourceNode instanceof Image)) { return; } if (!this.sourceNode.naturalWidth) { return; } var offsetHeight = this.controller.getItemContainer().offsetHeight; var offsetWidth = this.controller.getItemContainer().offsetWidth; var scale = offsetHeight / offsetWidth; var realMaxHeight = (offsetHeight - paddingHeight); var realMaxWidth = realMaxHeight / scale; if (this.sourceNode.naturalWidth >= realMaxWidth || this.sourceNode.naturalHeight >= realMaxHeight) { this.resizedSrc = this.sourceNode.src; } }, loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (!this.shouldRunLocalResize()) { this.resizedSrc = this.src; } this.tryToExportResizedSrcFromSourceNode(); if (this.controller.getCachedData(this.src)) { this.resizedSrc = this.controller.getCachedData(this.src).resizedSrc; } if (!this.resizedSrc) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { return; } if ((xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) && xhr.response) { console.log('resize image'); this.resizedSrc = URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response); this.imageNode = new Image(); this.imageNode.src = this.resizedSrc; this.imageNode.onload = function () { promise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this); this.controller.setCachedData(this.src, {resizedSrc: this.resizedSrc}); } else { promise.reject({ item: this, type: 'error' }); } }.bind(this);'GET', BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer'}), true); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.setRequestHeader('BX-Viewer-image', 'x'); xhr.send(); } else { this.imageNode = new Image(); this.imageNode.onload = function () { promise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this); this.imageNode.onerror = this.imageNode.onabort = function (event) { console.log('reject'); promise.reject({ item: this, type: 'error' }); }.bind(this); this.imageNode.src = this.resizedSrc; } return promise; }, shouldRunLocalResize: function () { return !this.controller.isExternalLink(this.src); }, render: function () { var item = document.createDocumentFragment(); item.appendChild(this.imageNode); if (this.title) { item.appendChild(BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'viewer-inner-fullsize' }, children: [ BX.create('a', { props: { href: BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer', ibxShowImage: 1}), target: '_blank' }, text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_IMAGE_VIEW_FULL_SIZE'), events: { click: function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); } } }) ] })); } this.imageNode.alt = this.title; return item; }, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ getContentWidth: function() { var promise = new BX.Promise(); promise.fulfill(this.imageNode.offsetWidth); return promise; }, afterRender: function () { //it's a dirty hack for IE11 and working with Image and blob content to prevent unexpected width&height attributes if (! { setTimeout(function () { this.imageNode.removeAttribute('width'); this.imageNode.removeAttribute('height'); }.bind(this), 200); } } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.PlainText = function (options) { options = options || {}; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); this.content = options.content; }; BX.UI.Viewer.PlainText.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.content = node.dataset.content; }, render: function () { var contentNode = BX.create('span', { text: this.content }); = '14px'; = 'white'; return contentNode; } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.Audio = function (options) { options = options || {}; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); this.playerId = 'audio-playerId_' + this.generateUniqueId(); this.svgMask = null; }; BX.UI.Viewer.Audio.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.playerId = 'audio-playerId_' + this.generateUniqueId(); }, loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (BX.getClass('BX.Fileman.Player')) { promise.fulfill(this); return promise; } var headers = [ { name: 'BX-Viewer-src', value: this.src }, { name: 'BX-Viewer', value: 'audio' } ]; var ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.promise({ url: BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer'}), method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', headers: headers }); ajaxPromise.then(function (response) { if (!response || ! { var errors = response? response.errors : []; promise.reject({ item: this, type: 'error', errors: errors || [] }); return; } if ( && !BX.getClass('BX.Fileman.Player')) { var html = BX.processHTML(; BX.load(html.STYLE, function(){ BX.ajax.processScripts(html.SCRIPT, undefined, function(){ promise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } else { promise.fulfill(this); } }.bind(this)); return promise; }, render: function () { this.player = new BX.Fileman.Player(this.playerId, { width: 320, height: 52, isAudio: true, skin: 'vjs-viewer-audio-player-skin', sources: [{ src: this.src, type: 'audio/mp3' }], onInit: function(player) { player.vjsPlayer.controlBar.removeChild('timeDivider'); player.vjsPlayer.controlBar.removeChild('durationDisplay'); player.vjsPlayer.controlBar.removeChild('fullscreenToggle'); player.vjsPlayer.hasStarted(true); } }); return this.player.createElement(); }, afterRender: function() { this.player.init(); } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.HightlightCode = function (options) { options = options || {}; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); this.content = options.content; }; BX.UI.Viewer.HightlightCode.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.content = node.dataset.content; }, listContainerModifiers: function() { return [ 'ui-viewer-document', 'ui-viewer-document-hlcode' ] }, loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); BX.loadExt('ui.highlightjs').then(function () { if (!this.content) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if(xhr.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { return; } if ((xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) && xhr.response) { this.content = xhr.response; console.log('text content is loaded'); this.controller.setCachedData(this.src, {content: this.content}); promise.fulfill(this); } else { promise.reject({ item: this, type: 'error' }); } }.bind(this);'GET', BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewerText'}), true); xhr.responseType = 'text'; xhr.send(); } else { promise.fulfill(this); } }.bind(this)); return promise; }, render: function () { var ext = this.getTitle().substring(this.getTitle().lastIndexOf('.') + 1); return BX.create('div', { props: { tabIndex: 2208 }, style: { width: '100%', height: '100%', paddingTop: '67px', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', overflow: 'auto' }, children: [ BX.create('pre', { children: [ this.codeNode = BX.create('code', { props: { className: hljs.getLanguage(ext)? ext : 'plaintext' }, style: { fontSize: '14px', textAlign: 'left' }, text: this.content }) ] }) ] }); }, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ getContentWidth: function() { var promise = new BX.Promise(); promise.fulfill(this.codeNode.offsetWidth); return promise; }, afterRender: function() { hljs.highlightBlock(this.codeNode) } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.Unknown = function (options) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); }; BX.UI.Viewer.Unknown.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, render: function () { return BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-unsupported' }, children: [ BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-unsupported-title' }, text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_UNKNOWN_TITLE') }), BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-unsupported-text' }, text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_UNKNOWN_NOTICE') }), BX.create('a', { props: { className: 'ui-btn ui-btn-light-border ui-btn-themes', href: this.getSrc(), target: '_blank' }, text: BX.message('JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_UNKNOWN_DOWNLOAD_ACTION') }) ] }); } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.Video = function (options) { options = options || {}; BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); this.player = null; this.sources = []; this.transformationPromise = null; this.contentNode = null; this.forceTransformation = false; this.videoWidth = null; this.playerId = 'playerId_' + this.generateUniqueId(); }; BX.UI.Viewer.Video.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.playerId = 'playerId_' + this.generateUniqueId(); }, applyReloadOptions: function (options) { if (options.forceTransformation) { this.forceTransformation = true; } }, init: function () { BX.addCustomEvent('PlayerManager.Player:onAfterInit', this.handleAfterInit.bind(this)); BX.addCustomEvent('PlayerManager.Player:onError', this.handleAfterInit.bind(this)); }, loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); var headers = [ { name: 'BX-Viewer-src', value: this.src } ]; headers.push({ name: this.forceTransformation? 'BX-Viewer-force-transformation' : 'BX-Viewer', value: 'video' }); var ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.promise({ url: BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer'}), method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', headers: headers }); ajaxPromise.then(function (response) { if (!response || ! { var errors = response? response.errors : []; promise.reject({ item: this, type: 'error', errors: errors || [] }); return; } if ('pullTag')) { this.transformationPromise = promise; this.registerTransformationHandler(; } else { if ( { this.width =; this.height =; this.sources =; } if ( { var html = BX.processHTML(; BX.load(html.STYLE, function(){ BX.ajax.processScripts(html.SCRIPT, undefined, function(){ promise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } } }.bind(this)); return promise; }, handleAfterInit: function (player) { if ( !== this.playerId) { return; } if (this.handleVideoError(player)) { return; } if(player.vjsPlayer.videoWidth() > 0 && player.vjsPlayer.videoHeight() > 0) { this.adjustVideo(); } else {'loadedmetadata', this.adjustVideo.bind(this)); } }, handleVideoError: function (player) { if ( !== this.playerId) { return false; } if (player.vjsPlayer.error() && !this.forceTransformation) { console.log('forceTransformation'); this.controller.reload(this, { forceTransformation: true }); return true; } return false; }, adjustVideo: function() { var container = this.contentNode; if (!container) { return; } if (!this.player.vjsPlayer) { return; } if (this.adjustVideoWidth(container, this.player.width, this.player.height, this.player.vjsPlayer.videoWidth(), this.player.vjsPlayer.videoHeight())) { this.player.vjsPlayer.fluid(true); } BX.addClass(container, 'player-loaded');, 'opacity', 1); }, adjustVideoWidth: function(node, maxWidth, maxHeight, videoWidth, videoHeight) { if (!BX.type.isDomNode(node)) { return false; } if (!maxWidth || !maxHeight || !videoWidth || !videoHeight) { return false; } if (videoHeight < maxHeight && videoWidth < maxWidth) { BX.width(node, videoWidth); this.videoWidth = videoWidth; if (!this.contentWidthPromise.state) { this.contentWidthPromise.fulfill(this.videoWidth); } return true; } else { maxHeight = window.innerHeight - 250; var resultRelativeSize = maxWidth / maxHeight; var videoRelativeSize = videoWidth / videoHeight; var reduceRatio = 1; if (resultRelativeSize > videoRelativeSize) { reduceRatio = maxHeight / videoHeight; } else { reduceRatio = maxWidth / videoWidth; } BX.width(node, Math.floor(videoWidth * reduceRatio)); this.videoWidth = Math.floor(videoWidth * reduceRatio); if (!this.contentWidthPromise.state) { this.contentWidthPromise.fulfill(this.videoWidth); } } return true; }, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ getContentWidth: function() { this.contentWidthPromise = new BX.Promise(); if (this.videoWidth) { this.contentWidthPromise.fulfill(this.videoWidth); } return this.contentWidthPromise; }, render: function () { this.player = new BX.Fileman.Player(this.playerId, { width: this.width, height: this.height, sources: this.sources }); this.controller.showLoading(); return this.contentNode = BX.create('div', { style: { opacity: 0 }, children: [ this.player.createElement() ] }); }, asFirstToShow: function () { if (this.player) { this.player.mute(true);; } }, afterRender: function() { this.player.init(); } }; /** * @extends {BX.UI.Viewer.Item} * @param options * @constructor */ BX.UI.Viewer.Document = function (options) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.apply(this, arguments); options = options || {}; this.scale = options.scale || 1.4; this.pdfDocument = null; this.pdfPages = {}; this.pdfRenderedPages = {}; this.lastRenderedPdfPage = null; this.contentNode = null; this.previewHtml = null; this.previewScriptToProcess = null; this.transformationPromise = null; this.disableAnnotationLayer = false; }; BX.UI.Viewer.Document.prototype = { __proto__: BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype, constructor: BX.UI.Viewer.Item, /** * @param {HTMLElement} node */ setPropertiesByNode: function (node) { BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.setPropertiesByNode.apply(this, arguments); this.disableAnnotationLayer = node.dataset.hasOwnProperty('disableAnnotationLayer'); }, applyReloadOptions: function (options) { this.controller.unsetCachedData(this.src); }, listContainerModifiers: function() { return [ 'ui-viewer-document' ] }, loadData: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); console.log('loadData pdf'); var ajaxPromise = BX.ajax.promise({ url: BX.util.add_url_param(this.src, {ts: 'bxviewer'}), method: 'GET', dataType: 'json', headers: [ { name: 'BX-Viewer-src', value: this.src }, { name: 'BX-Viewer', value: 'document' } ] }); ajaxPromise.then(function (response) { if (!response || ! { promise.reject({ item: this, message: BX.message("JS_UI_VIEWER_ITEM_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR_1").replace('#DOWNLOAD_LINK#', this.getSrc()), type: 'error' }); return; } if ('pullTag')) { this.transformationPromise = promise; this.registerTransformationHandler(; } if ( && { this._pdfSrc =; BX.loadExt('ui.' + this.getPdfJsExtensionName()).then(function () { if (!pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc) { pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = '/bitrix/js/ui/' + this.getPdfJsExtensionName() + '/pdf.worker.js'; } promise.fulfill(this); }.bind(this), function(){}); } }.bind(this)); return promise; }, getPdfJsExtensionName: function() { return BX.browser.IsIE11()? 'pdfjs-ie11' : 'pdfjs'; }, render: function () { this.controller.showLoading(); this.contentNode = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-viewer-item-document-content', tabIndex: 2208 }, style: { width: '100%', height: '100%', paddingTop: '67px', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', overflow: 'auto' } }); BX.bind(this.contentNode, 'scroll', BX.throttle(this.handleScrollDocument.bind(this), 100)); return this.contentNode; }, getNakedActions: function() { var nakedActions = BX.UI.Viewer.Item.prototype.getNakedActions.apply(this, arguments) || []; return this.insertPrintBeforeInfo(nakedActions); }, insertPrintBeforeInfo: function(actions) { actions = actions || []; var infoIndex = null; for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { if (actions[i].type === 'info') { infoIndex = i; } } var printAction = { type: 'print', action: this.print.bind(this) }; if (infoIndex === null) { actions.push(printAction); } else { actions = BX.util.insertIntoArray(actions, infoIndex, printAction); } return actions; }, getFirstDocumentPageHeight: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (this._height) { promise.fulfill(this._height); } else { this.getDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, 1).then(function (page) { var viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); this._height = viewport.height; promise.fulfill(this._height); }.bind(this)) } return promise; }, handleScrollDocument: function (event) { var sizeToLoad = 3; this.getFirstDocumentPageHeight().then(function (height) { var scrollBottom = this.contentNode.scrollHeight - this.contentNode.scrollTop - this.contentNode.clientHeight; if (scrollBottom < height * sizeToLoad && this.pdfDocument.numPages > this.lastRenderedPdfPage) { for (var i = this.lastRenderedPdfPage + 1; i <= Math.min(this.pdfDocument.numPages, this.lastRenderedPdfPage + sizeToLoad); i++) { this.renderDocumentPage(this.pdfDocument, i); } } }.bind(this)); }, loadDocument: function () { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (this.pdfDocument) { promise.fulfill(this.pdfDocument); } else { pdfjsLib.getDocument(this._pdfSrc).promise.then(function(pdf) { this.pdfDocument = pdf; promise.fulfill(this.pdfDocument); }.bind(this)); } return promise; }, getDocumentPage: function(pdf, pageNumber) { var promise = new BX.Promise(); if (this.pdfPages[pageNumber]) { promise.fulfill(this.pdfPages[pageNumber]); } else { pdf.getPage(pageNumber).then(function (page) { this.pdfPages[pageNumber] = page; promise.fulfill(this.pdfPages[pageNumber]); }.bind(this)); } return promise; }, renderDocumentPage: function(pdf, pageNumber) { if (this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber]) { return; } this.pdfRenderedPages[pageNumber] = true; this.getDocumentPage(pdf, pageNumber).then(function (page) { var canvas = this.createCanvasPage(); var viewport = page.getViewport(this.scale); canvas.height = viewport.height; canvas.width = viewport.width; var renderPromise = page.render({canvasContext: canvas.getContext('2d'), viewport: viewport}); if (!this.disableAnnotationLayer) { renderPromise.then(function(){ return page.getAnnotations(); }).then(function(annotationData){ var positionData = BX.pos(canvas); var annotationLayer = BX.create('div', { props : { className: 'ui-viewer-pdf-annotation-layer'} }); BX.insertAfter(annotationLayer, canvas); BX.adjust(annotationLayer, {style: { margin: '-' + canvas.offsetHeight + 'px auto 0 auto', height: canvas.height + 'px', width: canvas.width + 'px' }}); pdfjsLib.AnnotationLayer.render({ viewport: viewport.clone({dontFlip: true}), linkService: pdfjsLib.SimpleLinkService, div: annotationLayer, annotations: annotationData, page: page }); }); } renderPromise.then(function(){ return page.getTextContent(); }).then(function(textContent){ var positionData = BX.pos(canvas); var textLayer = BX.create('div', { props : { className: 'ui-viewer-pdf-text-layer'} }); BX.insertAfter(textLayer, canvas); BX.adjust(textLayer, {style: { margin: '-' + canvas.offsetHeight + 'px auto 0 auto', height: canvas.height + 'px', width: canvas.width + 'px' }}); pdfjsLib.renderTextLayer({ textContent: textContent, container: textLayer, viewport: viewport, textDivs: [] }); }); this.lastRenderedPdfPage = Math.max(pageNumber, this.lastRenderedPdfPage); if (pageNumber === 1) { this.firstWidthDocumentPage = canvas.width; this.contentWidthPromise.fulfill(this.firstWidthDocumentPage); } this.controller.hideLoading(); }.bind(this)); }, createCanvasPage: function () { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.className = 'ui-viewer-document-page-canvas'; this.contentNode.appendChild(canvas); return canvas; }, /** * @returns {BX.Promise} */ getContentWidth: function() { this.contentWidthPromise = new BX.Promise(); if (this.firstWidthDocumentPage) { this.contentWidthPromise.fulfill(this.firstWidthDocumentPage); } return this.contentWidthPromise; }, afterRender: function () { this.loadDocument().then(function (pdf) { for (var i = 1; i <= Math.min(pdf.numPages, 3); i++) { if (i === 1) { this._handleControls = this.controller.handleVisibleControls.bind(this.controller); this.controller.enableReadingMode(true); var printAction = this.controller.actionPanel.getItemById('print'); if (printAction) { printAction.layout.container.classList.remove('ui-btn-disabled'); 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