Current Path : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
/** * Class BX.Sale.Cashbox */ (function(window) { if (!BX.Sale) BX.Sale = {}; if (BX.Sale.Cashbox) return; BX.Sale.Cashbox = { ajaxUrl: "sale_cashbox_ajax.php", getRestrictionParamsHtml: function (params) { if (!params.class) return; params.params = params.params || {}; params.restrictionId = params.restrictionId || 0; params.sort = params.sort || 100; ShowWaitWindow(); var postData = { action: "get_restriction_params_html", className: params.class, params: params.params, cashboxId: params.cashboxId, sort: params.sort, lang: params.lang, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && result.RESTRICTION_HTML && !result.ERROR) { var data = BX.processHTML(result.RESTRICTION_HTML); BX.Sale.Cashbox.showRestrictionParamsDialog(data['HTML'], params); window["cashboxGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsLoadingStarted"] = false; //process scripts var scrs = function (loadScripts) { if (!loadScripts) BX.removeCustomEvent('cashboxGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsReady', scrs); for (var i in data['SCRIPT']) { BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); delete(data['SCRIPT'][i]); //It can be nesessary at first to load some JS for restriction form if (loadScripts && window["cashboxGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsLoadingStarted"]) return; } }; BX.addCustomEvent('cashboxGetRestrictionHtmlScriptsReady', scrs); scrs(true); BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); } else if (result && result.ERROR) { BX.debug("Error receiving restriction params html: " + result.ERROR); } else { BX.debug("Error receiving restriction params html!"); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); BX.debug("Error adding restriction!"); } }); }, showRestrictionParamsDialog: function (content, rstrParams) { var width = 460, dialog = new BX.CDialog({ 'content': '<form id="sale-cashbox-restriction-edit-form">' + content + '</form>', 'title': BX.message("SALE_RDL_RESTRICTION") + ": " + rstrParams.title, 'width': width, 'height': 500, 'resizable': true }); dialog.ClearButtons(); dialog.SetButtons([ { 'title': BX.message("SALE_RDL_SAVE"), 'action': function () { var form = BX("sale-cashbox-restriction-edit-form"), prepared = BX.ajax.prepareForm(form), values = !!prepared && ? : {}; BX.Sale.Cashbox.saveRestriction(rstrParams, values); this.parentWindow.Close(); } }, BX.CDialog.prototype.btnCancel ]); BX.addCustomEvent(dialog, 'onWindowClose', function (dialog) { dialog.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(dialog.DIV); }); dialog.Show(); dialog.adjustSizeEx(); }, saveRestriction: function (rstrParams, values) { ShowWaitWindow(); var params = values.RESTRICTION || {}, postData = { action: "save_restriction", params: params, sort: values.SORT, className: rstrParams.class, cashboxId: rstrParams.cashboxId, restrictionId: rstrParams.restrictionId, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), lang: BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID') }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && !result.ERROR) { if (result.HTML) BX.Sale.Cashbox.insertAjaxRestrictionHtml(result.HTML); } else { alert(result.ERROR); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); } }); }, deleteRestriction: function (restrictionId, cashboxId) { if (!restrictionId) return; ShowWaitWindow(); var postData = { action: "delete_restriction", restrictionId: restrictionId, cashboxId: cashboxId, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), lang: BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID') }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 30, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, data: postData, onsuccess: function (result) { CloseWaitWindow(); if (result && !result.ERROR) { if (result.HTML) BX.Sale.Cashbox.insertAjaxRestrictionHtml(result.HTML); if (result.ERROR) BX.debug("Error deleting restriction: " + result.ERROR); } else { BX.debug("Error deleting restriction!"); } }, onfailure: function () { CloseWaitWindow(); BX.debug("Error refreshing restriction!"); } }); }, insertAjaxRestrictionHtml: function (html) { var data = BX.processHTML(html), container = BX("sale-cashbox-restriction-container"); if (!container) return; BX.loadCSS(data['STYLE']); container.innerHTML = data['HTML']; for (var i in data['SCRIPT']) BX.evalGlobal(data['SCRIPT'][i]['JS']); }, generateConnectionLink: function() { var data = { 'action': 'generate_link', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }; BX.showWait(); BX.ajax({ data: data, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function(result) { BX.closeWait(); if(result) { if(!result.ERROR) { text = '<div style="margin-bottom: 50px;">' + '<ul class="adm-cashbox-list2 adm-cashbox-inner">' + '<li style="margin-bottom: 20px;">' + BX.message('SALE_CASHBOX_WINDOW_STEP_1') + '<br> <b id="generated-link">' + result.LINK + '</b></li>' + '<li>' + BX.message('SALE_CASHBOX_WINDOW_STEP_2') + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '</div>'; var dlg = new BX.CAdminDialog({ 'content': text, 'title': BX.message('SALE_CASHBOX_WINDOW_TITLE'), 'resizable': false, 'draggable': false, 'height': '145', 'width': '516', 'buttons': [ { title: top.BX.message('SALE_CASHBOX_COPY'), id: 'copyCheckBtn', name: 'copybtn', className: top.BX.browser.IsIE() && top.BX.browser.IsDoctype() && !top.BX.browser.IsIE10() ? '' : 'adm-btn-save' }, BX.CAdminDialog.btnCancel ] }); dlg.Show(); var copy = BX('copyCheckBtn'); if (copy) BX.clipboard.bindCopyClick(copy, {text : result.LINK}); } else { BX.debug(result.ERROR); } } }, this ), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('onfailure: generateConnectionLink');} }); }, connectToKKM: function (event) { BX.ajax({ data: { 'action': 'generate_link', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function(result) { BX.closeWait(); if(result) { if(!result.ERROR) { var parent = event.parentNode; BX.hide(parent); var container = BX('container-instruction'); = 'block'; BX('cashbox-url').innerHTML = result.LINK; } else { BX.debug(result.ERROR); } } }, this ), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('onfailure: generateConnectionLink');} }); }, reloadSettings: function() { if (BX('TEST_BUTTON')) { BX.hide(BX('TEST_BUTTON')); } var kkmId = BX('KKM_ID'); kkmId = (kkmId) ? kkmId.value : ''; var restCode = ''; var handlerSelect = BX("HANDLER"); if (handlerSelect && handlerSelect.options) { restCode = handlerSelect.options[handlerSelect.selectedIndex].getAttribute('data-rest-code'); } BX.ajax({ data: { 'action': 'reload_settings', 'kkmId': kkmId, 'handler': handlerSelect.value || '', 'restCode': restCode || '', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function(result) { BX.closeWait(); if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('HANDLER_CODE')) { var code = 'SALE_CASHBOX_'+result.HANDLER_CODE.toUpperCase()+'_HINT'; if (BX.message.hasOwnProperty(code) && BX('hint_HANDLER')) { BX.hint_replace(BX('hint_HANDLER'), BX.message(code)); } if (BX('hint_handler_wrapper')) { BX('hint_handler_wrapper').innerHTML = '<span id="hint_HANDLER"></span>'; } } if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('HTML')) BX('sale-cashbox-settings-container').innerHTML = result.HTML; if (BX('sale-cashbox-models-container')) { if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('MODEL_HTML')) { BX('sale-cashbox-models-container').innerHTML = result.MODEL_HTML; } else { BX('sale-cashbox-models-container').innerHTML = ''; } } if (result.hasOwnProperty('OFD')) { BX('OFD').value = result.OFD; } if (result.hasOwnProperty('GENERAL_REQUIRED_FIELDS')) { var generalBlock = BX('edit1_edit_table'); var tr = BX.findChildren(generalBlock, {tag : 'tr'}, true); for (var i in tr) { if (tr.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var span = BX.findChild(tr[i], {tag : 'span'} ,true); if (span) { var className = span.className; if (className && className.indexOf('adm-required-field') > -1) span.className = ''; } var id = tr[i].getAttribute('id'); if (id) id = id.slice(3); if (result.GENERAL_REQUIRED_FIELDS.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (span) { span.className = 'adm-required-field'; } else { tr[i].firstElementChild.innerHTML = '<span class="adm-required-field">'+tr[i].firstElementChild .innerHTML+'</span>'; } } } } } }, this ), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('onfailure: reloadSettings');} }); }, reloadOfdSettings: function() { BX.ajax({ data: { 'action': 'reload_ofd_settings', 'handler': BX('OFD').value || '', 'sessid': BX.bitrix_sessid() }, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function(result) { BX.closeWait(); if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('HTML')) BX('sale-cashbox-ofd-settings-container').innerHTML = result.HTML; }, this ), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('onfailure: reloadOfdSettings');} }); }, testConnection: function(cashboxId) { BX.ajax({ data: { action: 'test_connect', cashboxId: cashboxId, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid(), }, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.ajaxUrl, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function(result) { BX.closeWait(); if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('STATUS')) { var popup = new BX.Main.Popup({ content: result.STATUS, titleBar: BX.message('CASHBOX_CHECK_CONNECTION_TITLE'), width: 400, height: 200, buttons:[ new BX.UI.Button({ text: BX.message('CASHBOX_CHECK_CONNECTION_TITLE_POPUP_CLOSE'), size: BX.UI.Button.Size.SMALL, color: BX.UI.Button.Color.PRIMARY, onclick: function(button, event) { popup.close(); } }) ] });; } }, this ), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('onfailure: reloadOfdSettings');} }); }, showCreateCheckWindow: function() { var form = BX.create('form', { props : {name : 'check_form_add', id : 'check_form_add'}}); var div = BX.create('div', {attrs : {className : 'adm-info-message'}, text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_TITLE')}); form.appendChild(div); var table = BX.create( 'table', { props : {id : 'check_add_control_table'}, children : [ BX.create('tr', {children: [ BX.create('td', {text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_INPUT_ORDER')+':'}), BX.create('td', {children : [ BX.create('input', { props : { name : 'ORDER_ID', onchange : BX.delegate(function () { this.onChangeInputOrderId(); }, this) }, attrs : { className : 'sale-discount-bus-select', value : '', type : 'text' } }) ]}) ]}), BX.create('tr', {props : {id : 'check_entities_body'}}), BX.create('tbody', {props : {id : 'check_info_block'}}) ] } ); form.appendChild(table); var dlg = new BX.CAdminDialog({ 'title': BX.message('CASHBOX_CREATE_WINDOW_TITLE'), 'content': form, 'resizable': false, 'draggable': true, 'height': '300', 'width': '516', 'buttons': [ { title: BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), className: top.BX.browser.IsIE() && top.BX.browser.IsDoctype() && !top.BX.browser.IsIE10() ? '' : 'adm-btn-save', action : BX.delegate( function() { var form = BX('check_form_add'); var sendData = { sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), formData : BX.ajax.prepareForm(form), action: 'add_check' }; BX.ajax( { method: 'post', dataType: 'json', url: '/bitrix/admin/sale_cashbox_ajax.php', data: sendData, onsuccess: function (result) { if (result.ERROR && result.ERROR.length > 0) { alert(result.ERROR); } else { dlg.Close(); location.reload(); } }, onfailure: function() {BX.debug('Select params error');} } ); }, this ) }, { title: top.BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), id: 'cancelCheckBtn', name: 'cancel' } ] }); BX.bind(BX("cancelCheckBtn"), 'click', BX.delegate( function() { dlg.Close(); dlg.DIV.parentNode.removeChild(dlg.DIV); } ),this ); dlg.Show(); }, onChangeInputOrderId : function () { var form = BX('check_form_add'); var sendData = { sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), formData: BX.ajax.prepareForm(form), action: 'get_order_entities' }; BX.ajax({ method: 'post', dataType: 'json', url: '/bitrix/admin/sale_cashbox_ajax.php', data: sendData, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function (result) { if (result.ERROR && result.ERROR.length > 0) { alert(result.ERROR); } else { var group, option, i; var select = BX.create('select', { props : { id : 'ENTITY_CODE', name : 'ENTITY_CODE', onchange : BX.delegate(function() { var form = BX('check_form_add'); var sendData = { sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), formData: BX.ajax.prepareForm(form), action: 'get_data_for_check' }; BX.ajax({ method: 'post', dataType: 'json', url: '/bitrix/admin/sale_cashbox_ajax.php', data: sendData, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function (result) { if (result.ERROR && result.ERROR.length > 0) { alert(result.ERROR); } else { var tbody = BX('check_info_block'); tbody.innerHTML = ''; var elements = this.constructCheckInfoBlock(result); for (i in elements) { if (elements.hasOwnProperty(i)) tbody.appendChild(elements[i]); } } }, this), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('Select params error');} }); },this) } }); if (result.PAYMENTS) { group = BX.create('optgroup', { attrs : { label : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_OPTGROUP_PAYMENTS') } }); for (i in result.PAYMENTS) { if (result.PAYMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) { option = BX.create('option', { text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_PAYMENT')+' '+result.PAYMENTS[i].ID, attrs : { value : result.PAYMENTS[i].CODE } }); group.appendChild(option); } } select.appendChild(group); } if (result.SHIPMENTS) { group = BX.create('optgroup', { attrs : { label : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_OPTGROUP_SHIPMENTS') } }); for (i in result.SHIPMENTS) { if (result.SHIPMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) { option = BX.create('option', { text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_SHIPMENT')+' '+result.SHIPMENTS[i].ID, attrs : { value : result.SHIPMENTS[i].CODE } }); group.appendChild(option); } } select.appendChild(group); } var tr = BX('check_info_block'); tr.innerHTML = ''; tr = BX('check_entities_body'); tr.innerHTML = ''; var td = BX.create('td', { text: BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_ENTITIES')+': '}); tr.appendChild(td); td = BX.create('td', {children : [select]}); tr.appendChild(td); select.onchange(); } },this), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('Select params error');} }); }, constructCheckInfoBlock : function (data) { var i, element; var result = []; select = BX.create('select', { attrs : {id : 'CHECK_TYPE'}, props : { name : 'CHECK_TYPE', onchange : BX.delegate(function () { var td = BX('related_entity_list'); td.innerHTML = ''; BX.hide(td.parentNode); var entityCode = BX('ENTITY_CODE').value; var sendData = { sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), entityCode: entityCode, checkType: BX('CHECK_TYPE').value, action: 'get_related_entities' }; BX.ajax({ method: 'post', dataType: 'json', url: '/bitrix/admin/sale_cashbox_ajax.php', data: sendData, onsuccess: BX.delegate(function (result) { if (result.ERROR && result.ERROR.length > 0) { alert(result.ERROR); } else { var td = BX('related_entity_list'); if (result.PAYMENTS) { for (i in result.PAYMENTS) { if (!result.PAYMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; element = this.createSinglePayment(result.PAYMENTS[i]); td.appendChild(element); } } if (result.SHIPMENTS) { for (i in result.SHIPMENTS) { if (!result.SHIPMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; element = this.createSingleShipment(result.SHIPMENTS[i], result.FFD_105_ENABLED); td.appendChild(element); } } var tdTitle = td.parentNode; if (!result.PAYMENTS && !result.SHIPMENTS) { BX.hide(tdTitle); } else {, 'table-row'); } } }, this), onfailure: function() {BX.debug('Select params error');} }); }, this) } }); for (i in data.CHECK_TYPES) { if (!data.CHECK_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; option = BX.create('option', { text : data.CHECK_TYPES[i].NAME, attrs : { value : data.CHECK_TYPES[i].ID } }); select.appendChild(option); } var tr = BX.create('tr', { children : [ BX.create('td', {text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_TYPE_CHECKS')+': '}), BX.create('td', {children : [select]}) ] }); result.push(tr); var td = BX.create('td', {attrs : {id : 'related_entity_list'}}); if (data.PAYMENTS) { for (i in data.PAYMENTS) { if (!data.PAYMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; element = this.createSinglePayment(data.PAYMENTS[i]); td.appendChild(element); } } if (data.SHIPMENTS) { for (i in data.SHIPMENTS) { if (!data.SHIPMENTS.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; element = this.createSingleShipment(data.SHIPMENTS[i], data.FFD_105_ENABLED); td.appendChild(element); } } tr = BX.create('tr', { children : [ BX.create('td', {text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_ADDITIONAL_ENTITIES')+': '}), td ] }); result.push(tr); return result; }, createSinglePayment : function (payment) { var checkbox = BX.create('input', { props : { id : 'payment_'+payment.ID, name : 'PAYMENTS['+payment.ID+'][ID]', onclick : function () { var label = this.nextElementSibling; if (this.checked) = ''; else = '#D2D1D1'; var select = label.nextElementSibling; if (select) select.disabled = !this.checked; } }, attrs : { type : 'checkbox', value : payment.ID } }); var div = BX.create('div', {children : [ checkbox, BX.create('label', { text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_PAYMENT')+' '+payment.ID+': '+payment.NAME+' ', attrs : { style : 'color: #D2D1D1', for : 'payment_'+payment.ID } }) ]}); if (payment.PAYMENT_TYPES) { var select = BX.create('select', { props: { name: 'PAYMENTS[' + payment.ID + '][TYPE]', id: 'payment_' + payment.ID }, attrs: {disabled: 'disabled'} }); for (j in payment.PAYMENT_TYPES) { if (!payment.PAYMENT_TYPES.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue; var option = BX.create('option', { text: payment.PAYMENT_TYPES[j].NAME, attrs: { value: payment.PAYMENT_TYPES[j].CODE } }); select.appendChild(option); } div.appendChild(select); } return div; }, createSingleShipment: function(shipment, isFfd105Enable) { var checkbox = BX.create('input', { props : { id : 'shipment_'+shipment.ID, name : 'SHIPMENTS['+shipment.ID+'][ID]', onclick : function () { var label = this.nextElementSibling; if (this.checked) = ''; else = '#D2D1D1'; if (!isFfd105Enable) { var td = this.parentNode.parentNode; var inputs = BX.findChildren(td, {tag: 'input'}, true); for (var i in inputs) { if (inputs.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (inputs[i].id === continue; inputs[i].disabled = this.checked; } } } } }, attrs : { type : 'checkbox', value : shipment.ID } }); var div = BX.create('div', {children : [ checkbox, BX.create('label', { text : BX.message('CASHBOX_ADD_CHECK_SHIPMENT')+' '+shipment.ID+': '+shipment.NAME, attrs : { style : 'color: #D2D1D1', for : 'shipment_'+shipment.ID } }) ]}); return div; } } })(window);