Current Path : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
/** * @bxjs_lang_path config.php */ (function() { var BX = window.BX; BX.namespace("BXRL"); if (typeof BXRL.render != 'undefined') { return; } BX.namespace("BXRL.render"); BX.namespace("BXRL.manager"); BXRL.render = { reactionsList: ['like', 'kiss', 'laugh', 'wonder', 'cry', 'angry', 'facepalm'], popupCurrentReaction: false, popupPagesList: [], popupSizeInitialized: false, blockShowPopup: false, blockShowPopupTimeout: false, afterClickBlockShowPopup: false, touchStartPosition: null, touchCurrentPosition: { x: null, y: null }, currentReactionNodeHover: null, touchMoveDeltaY: null, touchScrollTop: 0, hasMobileTouchMoved: null, mobileOverlay: null, getTopUsersText: function(params) { var you = (typeof != 'undefined' ? !! : false); var topList = (typeof != 'undefined' && BX.type.isArray( ? : []); var more = (typeof params.more != 'undefined' ? parseInt(params.more) : 0); var result = ''; if ( topList.length <= 0 && !you && ( || more <= 0 ) ) { return result; } if ( { if (you) { topList.push({ ID: parseInt(BX.message('USER_ID')), NAME_FORMATTED: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_YOU'), WEIGHT: 1 }); } result = BX.message('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_' + (topList.length > 1 ? '2' : '1')). replace("#OVERFLOW_START#", ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-overflow">' : ''). replace("#OVERFLOW_END#", ? '</span>' : ''); } else { result = BX.message('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT2_' + (you ? 'YOU_' : '') + (topList.length) + (more > 0 ? '_MORE' : '')). replace("#OVERFLOW_START#", ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-overflow">' : ''). replace("#OVERFLOW_END#", ? '</span>' : ''). replace("#MORE_START#", ? '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item-more">' : ' '). replace("#MORE_END#", ? '</span>' : ''); } if ( { topList.sort(function(a, b) { if(parseFloat(a.ID) === parseInt(BX.message('USER_ID'))) { return -1; } if(parseInt(b.ID) === parseInt(BX.message('USER_ID'))) { return 1; } if (parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) === parseFloat(b.WEIGHT)) { return 0; } return (parseFloat(a.WEIGHT) > parseFloat(b.WEIGHT) ? -1 : 1); }); var userNameList = { return item.NAME_FORMATTED; }); var userNameBegin = '', userNameEnd = ''; if (userNameList.length === 1) { userNameBegin = userNameList.pop(); userNameEnd = ''; } else { userNameBegin = userNameList.slice(0, userNameList.length-1).join(BX.message('RATING_LIKE_TOP_TEXT3_USERLIST_SEPARATOR').replace(/#USERNAME#/g, '')); userNameEnd = userNameList[userNameList.length-1]; } result = result.replace('#USER_LIST_BEGIN#', userNameBegin).replace('#USER_LIST_END#', userNameEnd); } else { for(var i in topList) { if (!topList.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } result = result.replace('#USER_' + (parseInt(i) + 1) + '#', '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item">' + topList[i].NAME_FORMATTED + '</span>'); } result = result.replace('#USERS_MORE#', '<span class="feed-post-emoji-text-item">' + more + '</span>'); } return result; }, getUserReaction: function(params) { var result = ''; var userReactionNode = (BX(params.userReactionNode) ? BX(params.userReactionNode) : false); if (userReactionNode) { result = userReactionNode.getAttribute('data-value'); } return result; }, setReaction: function(params) { if ( typeof params.rating == 'undefined' || !BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ) { return; } var likeId = params.likeId, rating = params.rating, action = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.action) ? params.action : 'add'), userReaction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.userReaction) ? params.userReaction : BX.message('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT')), userReactionOld = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.userReactionOld) ? params.userReactionOld : BX.message('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT')), totalCount = (typeof params.totalCount != 'undefined' ? parseInt(params.totalCount) : null), userId = (typeof params.userId != 'undefined' ? parseInt(params.userId) : parseInt(BX.message('USER_ID'))); if (!BX.util.in_array(action, ['add', 'cancel', 'change'])) { return; } if ( action == 'change' && userReaction == userReactionOld ) { return; } var userReactionNode = (BX(rating.userReactionNode) ? BX(rating.userReactionNode) : false); var reactionsNode = (BX(rating.reactionsNode) ? BX(rating.reactionsNode) : false); var topPanel = (BX(rating.topPanel) ? BX(rating.topPanel) : false); var topPanelContainer = (BX(rating.topPanelContainer) ? BX(rating.topPanelContainer) : false); var topUsersText = (BX(rating.topUsersText) ? BX(rating.topUsersText) : false); var countText = (BX(rating.countText) ? BX(rating.countText) : false); var buttonText = (BX(rating.buttonText) ? BX(rating.buttonText) : false); if ( userId == BX.message('USER_ID') // not pull && userReactionNode ) { userReactionNode.setAttribute('data-value', (BX.util.in_array(action, ['add', 'change']) ? userReaction : '')); } var i = 0, elements = false, elementsNew = false, reactionValue = false, reactionCount = false; if ( totalCount !== null && topPanel && topUsersText && reactionsNode ) { if (totalCount > 0) { topPanelContainer.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-top-panel-container-active'); if (!topPanel.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle')) { topPanel.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle'); topUsersText.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-move-to-right'); reactionsNode.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-icon-box-show'); } } else if (totalCount <= 0) { topPanelContainer.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-top-panel-container-active'); if (topPanel.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle')) { topPanel.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-container-toggle'); topUsersText.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-move-to-right'); reactionsNode.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-icon-box-show'); } } } if ( totalCount !== null && countText ) { if ( totalCount <= 0 && !countText.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible') ) { countText.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible'); } else if ( totalCount > 0 && countText.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible') ) { countText.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-text-counter-invisible'); } } if (reactionsNode) { var reactionsContainer = reactionsNode.querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-icon-container'); elements = reactionsNode.querySelectorAll('.feed-post-emoji-icon-item'); elementsNew = []; if(reactionsContainer) { var found = false, newValue = false; for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { reactionValue = elements[i].getAttribute('data-reaction'); reactionCount = parseInt(elements[i].getAttribute('data-value')); if (reactionValue == userReaction) { found = true; if (action == 'cancel') { newValue = (reactionCount > 0 ? reactionCount - 1 : 0); } else if (BX.util.in_array(action, ['add', 'change'])) { newValue = reactionCount + 1; } if (newValue > 0) { elementsNew.push({ reaction: reactionValue, count: newValue, animate: false }); } } else if ( action == 'change' && reactionValue == userReactionOld ) { newValue = (reactionCount > 0 ? reactionCount - 1 : 0); if (newValue > 0) { elementsNew.push({ reaction: reactionValue, count: newValue, animate: false }); } } else { elementsNew.push({ reaction: reactionValue, count: reactionCount, animate: false }); } } if ( BX.util.in_array(action, ['add', 'change']) && !found ) { elementsNew.push({ reaction: userReaction, count: 1, animate: true }); } BX.cleanNode(reactionsContainer); if (topPanel) { if (elementsNew.length > 0) { topPanel.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-container-nonempty'); } else { topPanel.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-container-nonempty'); } if ( { var commentNode = BX.findParent(topPanel, { className: 'post-comment-block'}); if (commentNode) { if (elementsNew.length > 0) { commentNode.classList.add('comment-block-rating-nonempty'); } else { commentNode.classList.remove('comment-block-rating-nonempty'); } } } } var reactionEvents = ( ? {} : { click: BXRL.render.resultReactionClick, mouseenter: BXRL.render.resultReactionMouseEnter, mouseleave: BXRL.render.resultReactionMouseLeave } ); for(i = 0; i < elementsNew.length; i++) { if (i >= 1) { reactionsContainer.appendChild(BX.create('span', { props: { id: 'bx-ilike-result-reaction-' + elementsNew[i].reaction + '-' + likeId, className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-item '+(elementsNew[i].animate ? 'feed-post-emoji-icon-animate' : '') + ' feed-post-emoji-icon-' + elementsNew[i].reaction + ' feed-post-emoji-icon-item-' + (i+1) }, attrs: { 'data-reaction': elementsNew[i].reaction, 'data-value': elementsNew[i].count, 'data-like-id': likeId, title: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_' + elementsNew[i].reaction.toUpperCase() + '_CALC') }, events: reactionEvents })); } else { reactionsContainer.appendChild(BX.create('span', { props: { id: 'bx-ilike-result-reaction-' + elementsNew[i].reaction + '-' + likeId, className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-item '+(elementsNew.length == 1 && elementsNew[i].animate ? 'feed-post-emoji-animation-pop' : '')+' feed-post-emoji-icon-' + elementsNew[i].reaction + ' feed-post-emoji-icon-item-' + (i+1) }, attrs: { 'data-reaction': elementsNew[i].reaction, 'data-value': elementsNew[i].count, 'data-like-id': likeId, title: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_' + elementsNew[i].reaction.toUpperCase() + '_CALC') }, events: reactionEvents })); } } } } if ( userId == BX.message('USER_ID') && BX(buttonText) ) { if (BX.util.in_array(action, ['add', 'change'])) { BX(buttonText).innerHTML = BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_' + userReaction.toUpperCase() + '_CALC'); if ( { buttonText.parentElement.className = 'bx-ilike-left-wrap bx-you-like-button bx-you-like-button-' + userReaction.toLowerCase(); } } else { BX(buttonText).innerHTML = BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_LIKE_CALC'); if ( { buttonText.parentElement.className = 'bx-ilike-left-wrap'; } } } }, reactionsPopup: null, reactionsPopupAnimation: null, reactionsPopupAnimation2: null, reactionsPopupLikeId: null, reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler: null, reactionsPopupOpacityState: 0, reactionsPopupTouchStartIn: null, reactionsPopupPositionY: null, blockTouchEndByScroll: false, showReactionsPopup: function(params) { var bindElement = (BX(params.bindElement) ? BX(params.bindElement) : false), likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false); if ( !bindElement || !likeId ) { return false; } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId = likeId; if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopup == null) { var reactionsNodesList = []; for(var i in BXRL.render.reactionsList) { if (!BXRL.render.reactionsList.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } var currentEmotion = BXRL.render.reactionsList[i]; reactionsNodesList.push(BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-item feed-post-emoji-icon-' + currentEmotion }, attrs: { 'data-reaction': currentEmotion, title: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_' + currentEmotion.toUpperCase() + '_CALC') } })); } BXRL.render.reactionsPopup = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'feed-post-emoji-popup-container' + ( ? ' feed-post-emoji-popup-container-mobile' : '') }, children: [ BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-inner' }, children: reactionsNodesList }) ] }); BX.bind(BXRL.render.reactionsPopup, ( ? 'touchend' : 'click'), function(e) { var reactionNode = false; if ('feed-post-emoji-icon-item')) { reactionNode =; } else { reactionNode = BX.findParent(, {className: 'feed-post-emoji-icon-item'}, BXRL.render.reactionsPopup); } if (reactionNode) { RatingLike.ClickVote( BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId, reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction'), true ); } e.preventDefault(); }); BX.append(BXRL.render.reactionsPopup, document.body); } else if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible')) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible'); } else if ( && BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile') ) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile'); } else { return; } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler = BX.proxy(function(e) { var popupPosition = BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.getBoundingClientRect(); var inverted = BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-inverted'); if ( e.clientX >= popupPosition.left && e.clientX <= popupPosition.right && e.clientY >= - (inverted ? 25 : 0) && e.clientY <= (popupPosition.bottom + (inverted ? 0 : 25)) ) { return; } BXRL.render.blockReactionsPopup(); BXRL.render.hideReactionsPopup({ likeId: this.likeId }); BX.unbind(document, 'mousemove', BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler = null; }, { likeId: likeId }); var bindElementPosition = BX.pos(bindElement); if ( BX.findParent(bindElement, { className: 'feed-com-informers-bottom'}) && ( BX.findParent(bindElement, { className: 'iframe-comments-cont'}) || BX.findParent(bindElement, { className: 'task-iframe-popup'}) ) ) { bindElementPosition.left += 100; } var inverted = (( - BX.GetWindowSize().scrollTop) < 80); if (inverted) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-inverted'); } else { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-inverted'); } var deltaY = (inverted ? 15 : -45); if ( { BXRL.render.touchMoveDeltaY = (inverted ? 60 : -45); BX.adjust(BXRL.render.reactionsPopup, { style: { left: '12px', top: ((inverted ? ( - 23) : ( - 28)) + deltaY) + 'px', width: '330px', borderRadius: '61px' } }); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final-item'); BXRL[likeId].box.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-control-active'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileDisableScroll(); } else { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation = new BX.easing({ duration: 300, start: { width: 100, left: (bindElementPosition.left + (bindElementPosition.width / 2) - 50), top: ((inverted ? - 30 : + 30 ) + deltaY), borderRadius: 0, opacity: 0 }, finish: { width: 305, left: (bindElementPosition.left + (bindElementPosition.width / 2) - 133), top: ( + deltaY - 5), borderRadius: 50, opacity: 100 }, transition : BX.easing.makeEaseInOut(BX.easing.transitions.cubic), step: function(state) { = state.width + 'px'; = state.left + 'px'; = + 'px'; = state.borderRadius + 'px'; = state.opacity/100; BXRL.render.reactionsPopupOpacityState = state.opacity; }, complete: function() { = ''; BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final'); BXRL[likeId].box.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-control-active'); } }); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation.animate(); setTimeout(function() { var reactions = BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.querySelectorAll('.feed-post-emoji-icon-item'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation2 = new BX.easing({ duration: 140, start: { opacity: 0 }, finish: { opacity: 100 }, transition : BX.easing.transitions.cubic, step: function(state) { reactions[0].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[1].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[2].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[3].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[4].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[5].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; reactions[6].style.opacity = state.opacity/100; }, complete: function() { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final-item'); reactions[0].style.opacity = ''; reactions[1].style.opacity = ''; reactions[2].style.opacity = ''; reactions[3].style.opacity = ''; reactions[4].style.opacity = ''; reactions[5].style.opacity = ''; reactions[6].style.opacity = ''; } }); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation2.animate(); }, 100 ); } if (!BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.contains('feed-post-emoji-popup-active')) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-active'); } if (! { BX.bind(document, 'mousemove', BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMouseOutHandler); } else { BXRL.render.touchScrollTop = BX.GetWindowSize().scrollTop; BXRL.render.hasMobileTouchMoved = null; window.addEventListener("touchend", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler); window.addEventListener("touchmove", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler); } }, reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler: function(e) { var coords = { x: e.changedTouches[0].pageX, // e.touches[0].clientX + window.pageXOffset y: e.changedTouches[0].pageY // e.touches[0].clientY + window.pageYOffset }; if (BXRL.render.hasMobileTouchMoved === true) { var userReaction = null, reactionNode = BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode(coords.x, coords.y); if ( reactionNode && (userReaction = reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction')) ) { RatingLike.ClickVote( BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId, userReaction, true ); } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileHide(); } else // show reactions popup and handle clicks { window.addEventListener("touchend", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileHide); } window.removeEventListener("touchend", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileTouchEndHandler); window.removeEventListener("touchmove", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler); BXRL.render.touchStartPosition = null; e.preventDefault(); }, reactionsPopupMobileHide: function(e) { window.removeEventListener("touchend", BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileHide); if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId) { BXRL.render.hideReactionsPopup({ likeId: BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId }); if (e) { e.preventDefault(); } } }, reactionsPopupMobileCheckTouchMove: function() { if (BXRL.render.touchStartPosition === null) { return true; } else { if ( Math.abs(BXRL.render.touchCurrentPosition.x - BXRL.render.touchStartPosition.x) > 5 || Math.abs(BXRL.render.touchCurrentPosition.y - BXRL.render.touchStartPosition.y) > 5 ) { return false; } } return true; }, reactionsPopupMobileTouchMoveHandler: function(e) { var coords = { x: e.touches[0].pageX, // e.touches[0].clientX + window.pageXOffset y: e.touches[0].pageY // e.touches[0].clientY + window.pageYOffset }; BXRL.render.touchCurrentPosition = { x: coords.x, y: coords.y }; if (BXRL.render.touchStartPosition === null) { BXRL.render.touchStartPosition = { x: coords.x, y: coords.y }; } else { if (BXRL.render.hasMobileTouchMoved !== true) { BXRL.render.hasMobileTouchMoved = !BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileCheckTouchMove(); } } if (BXRL.render.hasMobileTouchMoved === true) { var reactionNode = BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode(coords.x, coords.y); if (reactionNode) { if ( BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover && BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover != reactionNode ) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover(BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover); } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileAddHover(reactionNode); BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover = reactionNode; } else if (BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover(BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover); } } else { if (BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover(BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover); } } }, reactionsPopupMobileGetHoverNode: function(x, y) { var reactionNode = null, userReaction = null, result = null; if ( ( (reactionNode = document.elementFromPoint(x, (y + BXRL.render.touchMoveDeltaY - BXRL.render.touchScrollTop))) && (userReaction = reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction')) && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(userReaction) ) // icon above/below a finger || ( (reactionNode = document.elementFromPoint(x, (y - BXRL.render.touchScrollTop))) && (userReaction = reactionNode.getAttribute('data-reaction')) && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(userReaction) ) // icon is under a finger ) { result = reactionNode; } return result; }, reactionsPopupMobileAddHover: function(reactionNode) { if (reactionNode) { reactionNode.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-icon-item-hover'); } }, reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover: function(reactionNode) { if (reactionNode) { reactionNode.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-icon-item-hover'); } }, reactionsPopupMobileDisableScroll: function() { document.addEventListener('touchmove', BXRL.render.touchMoveScrollListener, { passive: false }); BX.onCustomEvent("onPullDownDisable", {}); if (BXRL.render.mobileOverlay === null) { BXRL.render.mobileOverlay = BX.create('DIV', { props: { className: 'feed-post-emoji-popup-mobile-overlay' } }); setTimeout(function() { if (BXRL.render.mobileOverlay !== null) { BX.append(BXRL.render.mobileOverlay, document.body); } }, 1000); // to avoid blink } }, reactionsPopupMobileEnableScroll: function() { document.removeEventListener('touchmove', BXRL.render.touchMoveScrollListener, { passive: false }); BX.onCustomEvent("onPullDownEnable", {}); if (BXRL.render.mobileOverlay !== null) { BX.cleanNode(BXRL.render.mobileOverlay, true); BXRL.render.mobileOverlay = null; } }, touchMoveScrollListener: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, hideReactionsPopup: function(params) { var likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false); if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopup) { if ( { BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final-item'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileEnableScroll(); } else { if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation.stop(); } if (BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation2) { BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation2.stop(); } BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation4 = new BX.easing({ duration: 500, start: { opacity: BXRL.render.reactionsPopupOpacityState }, finish: { opacity: 0 }, transition : BX.easing.transitions.linear, step: function(state) { = state.opacity/100; BXRL.render.reactionsPopupOpacityState = state.opacity; }, complete: function() { = ''; BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final'); BXRL.render.reactionsPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final-item'); } }); BXRL.render.reactionsPopupAnimation4.animate(); } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupLikeId = null; if (likeId) { BXRL[likeId].box.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-control-active'); } } BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileRemoveHover(BXRL.render.currentReactionNodeHover); if (likeId) { BXRL.render.bindReactionsPopup({ likeId: likeId }); } }, bindReactionsPopup: function(params) { if ( { return false; } var likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false); if ( !likeId || typeof BXRL[likeId] == 'undefined' || !BXRL[likeId] ) { return false; } BXRL[likeId].mouseOverHandler = BX.debounce(function() { if (BXRL.render.afterClickBlockShowPopup) { BX.unbind(BXRL[this.likeId].box, 'mouseenter', BXRL[this.likeId].mouseOverHandler); BX.unbind(BXRL[this.likeId].box, 'mouseleave', BXRL.render.blockReactionsPopup); return; } if (!BXRL.render.blockShowPopup) { if ( { app.exec("callVibration"); } BXRL.render.showReactionsPopup({ bindElement: BXRL[this.likeId].box, likeId: this.likeId }); BX.unbind(BXRL[this.likeId].box, 'mouseenter', BXRL[this.likeId].mouseOverHandler); BX.unbind(BXRL[this.likeId].box, 'mouseleave', BXRL.render.blockReactionsPopup); } }, 500, { likeId: likeId }); BX.bind(BXRL[likeId].box, 'mouseenter', BXRL[likeId].mouseOverHandler); BX.bind(BXRL[likeId].box, 'mouseleave', BXRL.render.blockReactionsPopup); }, buildPopupContent: function(params) { var clear = (!!params.clear ? params.clear : false), likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false), rating = params.rating, requestReaction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : ''), page = (parseInt( > 0 ? : 1), data =, reaction = false; var reactionsList = [], reactionsCount = 0, lastReaction = null, i = null; if ( clear && page == 1 ) { BXRL.render.clearPopupContent({ likeId: likeId }); } this.popupCurrentReaction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(requestReaction) ? requestReaction : 'all'); if ( requestReaction.length <= 0 || requestReaction == 'all' ) // first current tab { BXRL.render.popupSizeInitialized = false; BX('bx-ilike-popup-cont-' + likeId).style.height = 'auto'; BX('bx-ilike-popup-cont-' + likeId).style.minWidth = 'auto'; } if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(requestReaction)) { this.popupPagesList = {}; } this.popupPagesList[(requestReaction == '' ? 'all' : requestReaction)] = (page + 1); if (typeof data.reactions != 'undefined') { for(reaction in data.reactions) { if ( !data.reactions.hasOwnProperty(reaction) || parseInt(data.reactions[reaction]) <= 0 ) { continue; } reactionsList.push({ reaction: reaction, count: parseInt(data.reactions[reaction]) }); reactionsCount++; lastReaction = reaction; } } var tabsNode = BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head' } }); if (reactionsCount > 1) { tabsNode.appendChild(BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-item' + (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(requestReaction) || requestReaction == 'all' ? ' bx-ilike-popup-head-item-current' : '') }, children: [ BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-icon feed-post-emoji-icon-all' } }), BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-text' }, html: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_POPUP_ALL').replace('#CNT#', parseInt(data.items_all)) }) ], events: { click: BX.proxy(function(e) { BXRL.render.changePopupTab({ likeId: this.likeId, rating: this.rating, reaction: 'all' }); e. preventDefault(); }, { likeId: likeId, rating: rating }) } })); } if (reactionsCount == 0) { reactionsList.push({ reaction: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_REACTION_DEFAULT'), count: parseInt(data.items_all) }); } reactionsList.sort(function(a, b) { var sample = { like: 0, kiss: 1, laugh: 2, wonder: 3, cry: 4, angry: 5, facepalm: 6 }; if (sample[a.reaction] < sample[b.reaction]) { return -1; } if (sample[a.reaction] > sample[b.reaction]) { return 1; } return 0; }); for(var ind = 0; ind < reactionsList.length; ind++) { tabsNode.appendChild(BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-item' + (requestReaction == reactionsList[ind].reaction ? ' bx-ilike-popup-head-item-current' : '') }, attrs: { title: BX.message('RATING_LIKE_EMOTION_' + reactionsList[ind].reaction.toUpperCase() + '_CALC') }, children: [ BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-icon feed-post-emoji-icon-item feed-post-emoji-icon-' + reactionsList[ind].reaction } }), BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-head-text' }, html: reactionsList[ind].count }) ], events: { click: BX.proxy(function(e) { var popupContent = BX('bx-ilike-popup-cont-' + this.likeId); var popupContentPosition = popupContent.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( requestReaction.length <= 0 || requestReaction == 'all' ) // first current tab { BXRL.render.popupSizeInitialized = true; = popupContentPosition.height + 'px'; = popupContentPosition.width + 'px'; } else { if (popupContentPosition.width > parseInt( { = popupContentPosition.width + 'px'; } } BXRL.render.changePopupTab({ likeId: this.likeId, rating: this.rating, reaction: this.reaction }); e. preventDefault(); }, { likeId: likeId, rating: rating, reaction: reactionsList[ind].reaction }) } })); } var usersNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-container'); var usersNodeExists = false; if (!usersNode) { usersNode = BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-content-container' } }); } else { usersNodeExists = true; } var contentNodes = usersNode.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-content'); for(i = 0; i < contentNodes.length; i++) { contentNodes[i].classList.add('bx-ilike-popup-content-invisible'); } var reactionUsersNode = usersNode.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-' + this.popupCurrentReaction); if (!reactionUsersNode) { reactionUsersNode = BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-content bx-ilike-popup-content-' + this.popupCurrentReaction } }); usersNode.appendChild(reactionUsersNode); } else { reactionUsersNode.classList.remove('bx-ilike-popup-content-invisible'); } for (i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) { reactionUsersNode.appendChild(BX.create('a', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-item' + (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data.items[i]['USER_TYPE']) ? " bx-ilike-popup-user-item-" + data.items[i]['USER_TYPE'] : "") }, attrs: { href: data.items[i]['URL'], target: '_blank' }, children: [ BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-icon' }, style: ( BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data.items[i]['PHOTO_SRC']) ? { 'background-image': 'url("' + data.items[i]['PHOTO_SRC'] + '")' } : {} ) }), BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-popup-user-name' }, html: data.items[i]['FULL_NAME'] }), BX.create("SPAN", { props: { className: "bx-ilike-popup-user-status" } }) ] })); } var waitNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-wait'); if (waitNode) { BX.cleanNode(waitNode, true); } var tabsNodeOld = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-head'); if (tabsNodeOld) { tabsNodeOld.parentNode.insertBefore(tabsNode, tabsNodeOld); tabsNodeOld.parentNode.removeChild(tabsNodeOld); } else { rating.popupContent.appendChild(tabsNode); } if (!usersNodeExists) { rating.popupContent.appendChild(usersNode); } }, clearPopupContent: function(params) { var likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false); BXRL[likeId].popupContent.innerHTML = ''; BX('bx-ilike-popup-cont-' + likeId).style.height = 'auto'; BX('bx-ilike-popup-cont-' + likeId).style.minWidth = 'auto'; BXRL[likeId].popupContent.appendChild(BX.create('span', { props: { className: 'bx-ilike-wait' } })); }, blockReactionsPopup: function() { if (BXRL.render.blockShowPopupTimeout) { window.clearTimeout(BXRL.render.blockShowPopupTimeout); } BXRL.render.blockShowPopup = true; BXRL.render.blockShowPopupTimeout = setTimeout(function() { BXRL.render.blockShowPopup = false; }, 500); }, changePopupTab: function(params) { var likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false), rating = params.rating, reaction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.reaction) ? params.reaction : ''), i = false, reactionTabNode = false; var contentContainerNode = rating.popupContent.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-container'); if (!contentContainerNode) { return false; } var reactionUsersNode = contentContainerNode.querySelector('.bx-ilike-popup-content-' + reaction); if (reactionUsersNode) { this.popupCurrentReaction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(reaction) ? reaction : 'all'); var tabNodes = rating.popupContent.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-head-item'); for(i = 0; i < tabNodes.length; i++) { tabNodes[i].classList.remove('bx-ilike-popup-head-item-current'); reactionTabNode = tabNodes[i].querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-icon-' + reaction); if (reactionTabNode) { tabNodes[i].classList.add('bx-ilike-popup-head-item-current'); } } var contentNodes = contentContainerNode.querySelectorAll('.bx-ilike-popup-content'); for(i = 0; i < contentNodes.length; i++) { contentNodes[i].classList.add('bx-ilike-popup-content-invisible'); } reactionUsersNode.classList.remove('bx-ilike-popup-content-invisible'); } else { RatingLike.List(likeId, 1, reaction); } }, afterClick: function (params) { var likeId = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.likeId) ? params.likeId : false); if (!likeId) { return; } BXRL.render.afterClickBlockShowPopup = true; BXRL.render.afterClickHandler = BX.proxy(function(e) { BXRL.render.afterClickBlockShowPopup = false; BX.unbind(BXRL[this.likeId].box, 'mouseleave', BXRL.render.afterClickHandler); }, { likeId: likeId } ); BX.bind(BXRL[likeId].box, 'mouseleave', BXRL.render.afterClickHandler); }, resultReactionClick: function (e) { var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id'), reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction'); if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(reaction)) { reaction = ''; } RatingLike.onResultClick({ likeId: likeId, event: e, reaction: reaction }); e.stopPropagation(); }, resultReactionMouseEnter: function (e) { var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id'), reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction'); RatingLike.onResultMouseEnter({ likeId: likeId, event: e, reaction: reaction }); }, resultReactionMouseLeave: function (e) { var likeId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-like-id'), reaction = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-reaction'); RatingLike.onResultMouseLeave({ likeId: likeId, reaction: reaction }); }, openMobileReactionsPage: function (params) { BXMobileApp.PageManager.loadPageBlank({ url: BX.message('SITE_DIR') + 'mobile/like/result.php', title: BX.message("RATING_LIKE_RESULTS"), backdrop:{ mediumPositionPercent:65 }, cache: true, data: { entityTypeId: params.entityTypeId, entityId: params.entityId } }); }, onRatingLike: function(eventData) { for(var i in BXRL) { if (!BXRL.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } if ( BXRL[i].entityTypeId == eventData.entityTypeId && BXRL[i].entityId == eventData.entityId ) { var voteAction = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(eventData.voteAction) ? eventData.voteAction.toUpperCase() : 'ADD'); voteAction = (voteAction == 'PLUS' ? 'ADD' : voteAction); if ( eventData.userId == BX.message('USER_ID') && BXRL[i].button ) { if (voteAction == 'CANCEL') { BX.removeClass(BXRL[i].button, 'bx-you-like-button'); } else { BX.addClass(BXRL[i].button, 'bx-you-like-button'); } } RatingLike.Draw(i, { TYPE: voteAction, USER_ID: eventData.userId, ENTITY_TYPE_ID: eventData.entityTypeId, ENTITY_ID: eventData.entityId, USER_DATA: eventData.userData, REACTION: eventData.voteReaction, REACTION_OLD: eventData.voteReactionOld, TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES: eventData.itemsAll }); } } }, onMobileCommentsGet: function() { var ratingEmojiSelectorPopup = document.querySelector('.feed-post-emoji-popup-container'); if (ratingEmojiSelectorPopup) { = 0; = 0; ratingEmojiSelectorPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active'); ratingEmojiSelectorPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final'); ratingEmojiSelectorPopup.classList.remove('feed-post-emoji-popup-active-final-item'); ratingEmojiSelectorPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final'); ratingEmojiSelectorPopup.classList.add('feed-post-emoji-popup-invisible-final-mobile'); } } }; BXRL.manager = { mobile: false, inited: false, displayHeight: 0, startScrollTop: 0, entityList: [], ratingNodeList: {}, delayedList: {}, init: function(params) { if (typeof params == 'undefined') { params = {}; } if (this.inited) { return; } = (typeof != 'undefined' && !!; this.inited = true; this.setDisplayHeight(); if (! { window.addEventListener("scroll", BX.throttle(function() { this.getInViewScope(); }, 80, this), { passive: true }); window.addEventListener("resize", BX.delegate(this.setDisplayHeight, this)); } BX.addCustomEvent('onBeforeMobileLivefeedRefresh', BXRL.render.reactionsPopupMobileHide); BX.addCustomEvent('BX.MobileLF:onCommentsGet', BXRL.render.onMobileCommentsGet); if ( { // new one BXMobileApp.addCustomEvent("onRatingLike", BXRL.render.onRatingLike); } }, addEntity: function(entityId, ratingObject) { if ( !BX.util.in_array(entityId, this.entityList) && ratingObject.topPanelContainer ) { this.entityList.push(entityId); this.addNode(entityId, ratingObject.topPanelContainer); } }, checkEntity: function(entityId) { return BX.util.in_array(entityId, this.entityList); }, addNode: function(entityId, node) { if ( BX(node) && typeof this.ratingNodeList[entityId] != 'undefined' ) { return; } this.ratingNodeList[entityId] = node; }, getNode: function(entityId) { var result = false; if (typeof this.ratingNodeList[entityId] != undefined) { result = this.ratingNodeList[entityId]; } return result; }, setDisplayHeight: function() { this.displayHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; }, getInViewScope: function() { var ratingNode = null; for(var key in this.delayedList) { if (!this.delayedList.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } ratingNode = BX(this.getNode(key)); if (!ratingNode) { continue; } if (this.isNodeVisibleOnScreen(ratingNode)) { this.fireAnimation(key, ratingNode, this.delayedList[key]); } } }, isNodeVisibleOnScreen: function(node) { var coords = node.getBoundingClientRect(); var visibleAreaTop = parseInt(this.displayHeight/10); var visibleAreaBottom = parseInt(this.displayHeight * 9/10); return ( ( ( > 0 && < visibleAreaBottom ) || ( coords.bottom > visibleAreaTop && coords.bottom < this.displayHeight ) ) && ( || !( ( < visibleAreaTop && coords.bottom < visibleAreaTop ) || ( > visibleAreaBottom && coords.bottom > visibleAreaBottom ) ) ) ); }, live: function(params) { if ( typeof params.TYPE == 'undefined' || params.TYPE != 'ADD' || !BX.type.isNotEmptyString(params.ENTITY_TYPE_ID) || typeof params.ENTITY_ID == 'undefined' || parseInt(params.ENTITY_ID) <= 0 ) { return; } var key = params.ENTITY_TYPE_ID + '_' + params.ENTITY_ID; if (!this.checkEntity(key)) { return; } var ratingNode = this.getNode(key); if (!ratingNode) { return false; } if (this.isNodeVisibleOnScreen(ratingNode)) { this.fireAnimation(key, ratingNode, params); } else { this.addDelayed(params) } }, addDelayed: function(liveParams) { if ( !BX.type.isNotEmptyString(liveParams.ENTITY_TYPE_ID) || typeof liveParams.ENTITY_ID == 'undefined' || parseInt(liveParams.ENTITY_ID) <= 0 ) { return; } var key = liveParams.ENTITY_TYPE_ID + '_' + liveParams.ENTITY_ID; if (typeof this.delayedList[key] == 'undefined') { this.delayedList[key] = []; } this.delayedList[key].push(liveParams); }, fireAnimation: function(key, node, data) { if (typeof this.delayedList[key] != 'undefined') { delete this.delayedList[key]; } } }; })();