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<h1>Toms river police blotter.  Toms River, NJ News, Events and Business.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Toms river police blotter  TOMS RIVER – A Township man was apprehended for eluding police in a stolen car, police said.  Sunday, July 21, 2024: Two DWI-related incidents led to arrests by Wall Township Police.  The parents of an 8-week-old baby girl brought the infant into bed with According to Brick Township Police on Wednesday, a man is being charged with both drug and weapons after cocaine and a defaced handgun were found during a motor vehicle stop.  50%.  Chris Lundy-December 6, 2024.  Breaking Local News Report January 14, 2025.  A male patient who was 29 years old was taken to Community Medical Center in Toms River and afterwards Toms River NJ Local Community Website.  Richard Prazych of Toms River, who was asleep in the driver's seat of his idling vehicle.  Wednesday, said Police Chief Michael Mastronardy.  Killers Identified In 2010 Toms River Homicide Cold Case.  Ocean County Police Blotter: Here’s Who Recently Checked In Police Blotter: Toms River Residents Charged - Toms River, NJ - Manchester police activity during the first week of July includes arrests of Toms River residents Warrant (Arrest) – On January 17, 2024, Patrolman Michael Sasso responded to the Toms River Police Department for a Warrant arrest out of our jurisdiction.  1 by Detective Nick Romano and charged with theft of service TOMS RIVER – A local man has been arrested and charged after fatally hitting a pedestrian with his car and leaving the scene, officials said.  Bodei, 24, of Toms Murderer Of 13-Year-Old Toms River Girl Will Soon Walk The Streets Shawn Milne - who was 15 when he brutally murdered Barbara Renee Harrison back in 1985 Ocean County Update &amp; Police Blotter.  STOLEN ELECTION.  Contact Us; Toms River Mayor The woman was placed under arrest, processed, and released pending future court dates with South Toms River and Toms River.  After the interviews it was down to 2.  Investigation at the scene resulted in Zachary Risberg, age 34, of Toms River, NJ and Michael Costello, age 34, of Forked River, NJ being arrested for multiple offenses.  for a report of a disturbance between customers in the parking lot, the department said The victim was treated by Toms River Police EMS.  James Christie and charged with violating a restraining order.  News from around the U.  Two staff members at a nursing and rehabilitation center in Bayville were arrested Thursday and taken to the Ocean County Jail on suspicion of assaulting a patient who was critically injured.  June 18 required firefighters to extricate the driver trapped inside Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy said the two suspects were buying a case of Heineken beer from the on Route 9 in Toms River, when “the clerks refused without proper documentation of Toms River Police Dept Demographics.  Toms River Police Department Police Blotter The following are incidents that Toms River Police Department officers recently responded to or were involved with.  were called to the area of Camino Medio for reported gunshots heard in the area.  LONG BRANCH — The Long Branch Police Dept.  Toms River Police responded to a call that an allegedly intoxicated male fell into a construction site at Ocean View Suites, Route 37, just before 5:30 a.  Toms River Police Blotter - 2/17/24 Read On February 16, 2024 11:37 PM Toms River Police Dept.  Cooke Toms River 18 CDS Pine Lake Park Ptl.  Source: Uniform Crime Report, Mapping Police Violence, LEMAS.  He was processed and released under John’s Henderson was taken by police to the Ocean County Jail in Toms River, according to Parker.  6,551 likes &#183; 6 talking about this &#183; 109 were here.  According to a news release from Police TOMS RIVER, NJ — A Manchester Township man has been sentenced to 18 years in New Jersey State Prison for the attempted murder of a woman in a 2023 stabbing Toms River Police seek public’s help identifying suspect vehicle in multiple attempted break-ins.  Officers on the scene discovered three individuals who had been shot.  Fire – On February 26, 2022, Patrolman Thomas Eichen, Patrolman Ryan Wahl and Patrolman Robert Kennedy responded to a report of a fire near the area of Rt9/ Serpentine Drive.  100%.  Miller, Patch Staff.  • Emily Edelman, 28, of Eatontown, was arrested March 8 by Ptl.  stabbed Eva Phillips 38 times and left her to die in a parking lot in Brick in 2023. com, December 4, 2012 Manchester Man Faces Drug Charge Following Stop at Toms River McDonalds, Patch.  19 Double Trouble Road South Toms River New Jersey 08757.  and Toms River Police and Toms River Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349 TOMS RIVER POLITICS TAKING OVER HOLIDAY CITY SILVERTON.  2024, Patrolman Michael Sasso responded to the Toms River Police Department for a Warrant arrest out of our jurisdiction.  19 where the victims said they received phone calls from what appeared to be the Toms River Police Department phone number, police said. , multiple police units were dispatched to the Days Hotel on Route 37 for a large fight in progress in the parking lot area.  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF----- Toms River crime rates are 42% lower than the national average Violent crimes in Toms River are 84% lower than the national average In Toms River you have a 1 in 68 chance of becoming a victim of crime Toms River is safer than 71% SOUTH TOMS RIVER POLICE BLOTTER.  when he saw an individual “with what appeared to be a large knife yelling at passing motorists,” said Jillian Messina, a department spokeswoman.  An investigation by responding Officers determined Lakewood Police Weekly Blotter.  🕵️‍♂️📄 The blotter covers arrests from May 28 through July 1 and includes residents of Brick, Toms River and other surrounding towns.  Morin Toms River 19 CDS Pine Lake Park Ptl.  has released a report of arrests that occurred in the township during the month of January 2023.  Alyssa Riccardi-December 4, Officers from the Toms River Police Department were called to the Aldi at 86 Route 70 in town at 6:55 p.  Drive.  39,026 likes &#183; 1,314 talking about this.  Upon arrival Jay Bates, 39, of Egg Harbor, was taken into custody for an outstanding Warrant for $2000 for Failure to Appear.  • Anthony Patrick Caruso, 36, of Eatontown, was arrested March 8 by Ptl.  Bonelli was arrested Nov.  Authorities on Saturday released the identities of the victim in a fatal car accident that SEA BRIGHT — The Sea Bright Police Dept.  The Ocean County Sheriff's Office is committed to protecting life and property.  Gene Bachonski told NJ Advance Media around 5 p.  Further investigation revealed evidence that shots were fired but no Here is the December police blotter, courtesy of Lacey police and unedited by Patch.  Gene Bachonski, Toms River Police officers at about 4:05 p.  IAFF Local 4846 is comprised of the Manchester Township Police Arrest Blotter 1/9/16 Matthew N.  72,355 likes &#183; 10,130 talking about this.  Police, Fire &amp; Courts Police ID Victim, 58, in Fatal Brick Car Accident; Suspect Facing DWI Charge.  Constantly updated.  96%.  Patrolman Joe Phillips arrested William C.  Incident Report 2/14/24.  Posted Thu, Toms River, possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of syringes - arrested on Route 547.  Motorcycle accident on Hooper.  Shore News Network.  Steffen Summons 1/9/16 Stephanie L.  Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Wall Township Police Blotter.  South Toms River Police.  Route 9 was closed for several hours.  Police Accountability i Section Score: 4 TOMS RIVER, NJ — After a day where Toms River police responded to more than 20 motor vehicle crashes across the township, police have two words for area motorists: Just.  On July 11, 2024, Emoni Davis, a 25-year-old Toms River resident, was arrested and charged with Forgery, Delgado was processed and released to the Toms River Police Department.  TOMS RIVER, NJ — A high-speed pursuit initiated by Toms River Police ended in a collision Wednesday night.  Copies of certain reports may be obtained via email.  Sarno, 33, of Toms River, was arrested July 9 by Ptl.  Marshals Office, who are conducting an investigation in Explore Ocean County, NJ police records online.  Fialk was processed and released OCEAN TOWNSHIP — The Ocean Township Police Dept.  Hyperlocal news, alerts, discussions and events for Toms River, NJ Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Ocean County Scanner Live is the way to listen to police, fire &amp; EMS agencies that serve Ocean County, New Jersey.  September 16, 2024 10:22 am.  Saturday.  Aft • Karalyn Smith, 21, of Toms River was charged with shoplifting $189 worth of merchandise from TJ Maxx in Lacey Township at 3:13 p.  Perform a police records lookup, request police reports, and search crash reports.  The map shows crime incident data down to neighborhood crime activity including arrest, arson, assault, burglary, robbery, shooting, theft, vandalism, and rape. 00.  The Ocean County Sheriff's Office Facebook page is an informational page. 00, Manchester Township for $1000.  • Joel Fernando Garcia-Bautista, 28, of Long Branch, and Anthony Geovani Giron-Alvizures, 22, of Long Branch, were arrested Feb.  He was placed under arrest, 15K Followers, 178 Following, 1,035 Posts - Toms River Police Department (@tomsriverpolice) on Instagram: &quot;Thank you for following us! Our social media is not monitored 24/7, if you have an emergency please call us at 732-349-0150.  Agents from the U.  November 8, Officer Michael Weg of the Toms River Police Department observed a car that was reported Robert J.  The Toms River Police Department Traffic Safety Unit, under the coordination of Sgt.  MANCHESTER, NJ — A Toms River man was arrested on charges of assaulting a police officer during a motor vehicle stop in Manchester on Aug.  Email the request to PoliceRecords@trpolice.  Gene Bachonski, are continuing to investigate two fatal motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians.  A Hi-Point Model C9 handgun was located and seized, Beachwood SOUTH RIVER, NJ – The South River Police Department has issued the following information regarding several incidents over the past few days requiring police response.  A person and commercial truck were seen at two Toms River Police Department Police Blotter The following are incidents that Toms River Police Department officers recently responded to or were involved with.  13: Brian Keane, 42, of Hillside Drive was arrested by Sheriff’s Detectives M.  20 and accused of selling stolen The latest posts from @TomsRiverPolice We recommend allowing 3 business days before attempting to retrieve a report in person.  on a 2005 motorcycle when it was struck from behind by a 2006 Jeep that was also northbound.  While responding, officers received further information regarding possible gunshots. com; February 24, 2013 Police: Bayville Man Charged with Drug Possession After Allegedly Stealing from Mall Store, Patch.  15K Followers, 180 Following, 1,045 Posts - Toms River Police Department (@tomsriverpolice) on Instagram: &quot;Thank you for following us! Our social media is not monitored 24/7, if you have an emergency please call us at 732-349-0150.  The warrants originated out of Lacey Township for $750.  Mid-Atlantic, East Coast and Ohio Shores.  Ocean Township Police Dept. Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.  Ocean County Woman Charged with Attempted Murder — According toLacey Township Police Department, on January 8, 2025, at approximately 6:30 p.  This is Nagy's third DWI: The first was in Toms River in March 2006, and the second was in Avon-by According to Toms River Police Department, in the Oak Avenue parking area of Toms River Police Headquarters, officers found a male individual who had self-inflicted gunshot wounds at approximately 3:00 PM this afternoon.  Papa Police responded to the fight reported at about 12:45 a.  45,164 likes &#183; 5,516 talking about this &#183; 1,005 were here. &quot; New Jersey State Police Troop B Troop &quot;B&quot; has the responsibility of providing full time coverage to 29 municipalities, part time coverage to six municipalities, as well as patrolling Highways ; I-78, I-80, I-95, I-280 and I-287, and I-24 in Northern NJ. 00, and South Toms River for $450. &quot; Thursday, Oct.  Berkeley, NJ crime, fire and public safety news and events, police &amp;amp; fire department updates A pair of masked men entered a convenience store in Toms River earlier this week, assaulted the store clerk and robbed the register, Toms River police said Thursday. , the Lacey Township Police Department was dispatched to a residence on Longwood Drive, Forked River, for a report of gun shots fired.  Barnegat Township Police Department 900 West Bay Avenue Barnegat, NJ 08005 609-698-5000 A foyer window was smashed and an ATM machine valued at $5,000 was stolen from Boston’s Restaurant early Friday morning, Toms River police said.  May 27 - David J. org TOMS RIVER POLITICS TAKING OVER HOLIDAY CITY SILVERTON.  People Killed.  Toms River Police Officer Gary Flynn responded to Branch Brook Court home for a first aid call at 4:45 p.  Thursday.  o r t p S e d s o n 5 f 3 7 l 5 h c i Robin L.  Officer Philip Bianco is investigating the theft Police Blotter January 1st.  Lynn O'Toole strikes again! We had an open board seat.  Toms River Patch.  July 3, officers responded to the Silver Beach section of Toms River to a call from private security of a group Police Blotter: Laptop Stolen Off Counter - Toms River, NJ - Police reports as released by Toms River Police Chief Michael Mastronardy: As previously reported by Daily Voice, Jason Nagy, 44, of Avon-by-the-Sea, was arrested on Thursday, July 11, the Belmar Police Department.  Gentile on an Ocean County Superior Court Warrant for failure to pay child support in The Toms River Police Department continues its investigation into the incident and encourages anyone with information to contact Detective Parente at 732-349-0150 extension 1391.  7%.  Get more local news Toms River Police Blotter - 2/17/24 Read On February 16, 2024 11:37 PM Toms River Police Dept.  Toms River, NJ News, Events and Business.  Toms River has published its periodic police blotter, featuring a sampling of calls to which the department responded recently.  15, 2024 Theft – A resident of Jackson Township • Nicholas L.  Frandano is being held at the Ocean County Jail in Toms AUGUST 2024 STRPD POLICE BLOTTER DWI – On Saturday August 3rd, Patrolman Dominick Palino conducted a motor vehicle stop in the area of Route 166.  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF----- The Toms River Police Department would like to thank the Barnegat Township Police Department, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department Crime Scene Investigation Unit and the Ocean County Prosecutor Brick, NJ crime, fire and public safety news and events, police &amp;amp; fire department updates Welcome to the Toms River Police Department Citizens Online Police Reporting System.  According to police spokeswoman Jillian Messina, police, EMS, and fire units were dispatched to the intersection of Adams Avenue and Fischer Boulvard June 30 for a reported motor vehicle accident involving a vehicle into [] Man Leads Toms River Police on Pursuit, is Arrested for DWI; Patch.  4 Special officer Sean Marelli and charged with possession of marijuana, use or possession of drug Explore a map of recent crime by location.  15, 2024 Theft – A resident of Jackson Township TOMS RIVER POLICE DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION.  Front Page; TR Life; Government; Police, Fire &amp; Courts; Schools; Subscribe for Daily News Updates; About Us/Contact.  • By Lacey PD | 2023-08-29T15:32:54-04:00 January 5th, 2023 | Weekly Police Blotter | Comments Off on Weekly Police Blotter – Lacey Township Police Department – December 29, 2022 through January 5, 2023 See May Incidents In Berkeley Police Blotter Upon further investigation Stetson was found to have warrants out of Toms River for $2000 and $500 for Criminal Trespass and $2000 out of Toms River Police Department | 433 followers on LinkedIn.  STOLEN VEHICLE – On Friday April 1st, Patrolman Dan Primavera and Officer Dovydas Jackevicius responded to a business on Flint • Toms River Police responded to an alarm at a residence in the 1300 block of Church Road near Old Freehold Road 10 a.  Toms River Police are looking for two black males who reportely stole two 32” LCD televisions from the Radio Shack store in the Tri-City Plaza.  has released a report of arrests that occurred in the township during the month of July 2022.  This release represents only Harry Bray Jr. Toms River Police Department Police Blotter The following are incidents that Toms River Police Department officers recently responded to or were involved with.  Records Hours Monday-Friday (except holidays) 8a-3p HAZLET — The Hazlet Township Police Dept.  Posted Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 4:14 pm ET | Updated Wed, Aug 15 The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Narcotics Strike Force, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Asset Forfeiture Unit, Toms River Police Department, Toms River Police Department Emergency A Toms River man is facing multiple weapons charges on top of attempted murder, following an investigation that began after a gunshot victim showed up at the emergency department of Ocean Medical Center in Brick Toms River Police EMS IAFF Local 4846, Toms River, New Jersey.  Ptl.  The w Victims report that they are receiving telephone calls from scammers from what appears to be the department phone number and utilizing the names of current officers of the Toms River has published its periodic police blotter, featuring a sampling of calls to which the department responded recently.  DWI – On Sunday November 21st, Patrolman Jaden Kosh and Officer Tess Martin responded to the intersection of Dover Road and Tilton Avenue for the report of a motor vehicle accident with an overturned vehicle.  beaten Kidnapped knocked River Seaside Park Police Blotter: Family Phone Drama, Riding on Rims, A Toms River man dropped a gun at a Point Pleasant Beach church, leading to a police investigation that resulted HOLMDEL — The Holmdel Police Dept. m.  On October 30, 2023, Sgt.  WANTED PERSON September 6, 2024, 33, from Toms River, N.  Laura was arrested, transported to police headquarters and subsequently charged with Toms River, NJ News, Events and Business.  New Jersey scanner channels as well as law enforcement, fire and EMS channels for Toms River, NJ.  Groesch and C.  has released a report of arrests that occurred in the borough during the month of September 2021.  Guerra, Toms River, 27, arrested for possession of a controlled dangerous substance on Route 70.  The Toms River Police Department has alerted the public via their social media channels, Cumberland Police Blotter: Department Reports Multiple Incidents.  that the department was “providing backup and support to the U.  An off-duty Seaside Heights police officer, Robert Wasilick, also stopped to assist as he was passing by, Messina said.  on April 27, Lacey police said.  Records Hours Monday-Friday • Carmine Ronald Sperrazza, 32, of Toms River, was arrested March 8 by Ptl. com, December 4, 2012 Largest Database of Ocean County Mugshots.  Neighbor News October 13, 2024, Officer Alexander Lopez responded to a motor vehicle crash on Clifton Avenue and First Street.  Always Open Emergency:9-1-1 Phone:(732) 349-0313 Non Emergency Police Dispatch: (732) 349-2010.  Contact was made with a male victim who stated that he was riding his bicycle through the Friendly Village development and was shot at by a juvenile he apparently knew.  Patricia A.  • Victoria R.  was arrested for DWI and charged with other related offenses.  TOMS RIVER, NJ — Multiple individuals have been arrested and detained in the Ocean County Jail over the past 24 hours, facing various charges. .  Friday in reference to two males approximately six-feet tall, wearing dark, hooded sweatshirts checking out vehicles in driveways.  Toms River Police Lt.  He was processed and remanded to OCJ without incident.  The men are still at large.  • Nicholas Fialk, 27, from Keansburg, was arrested by Officer Paul Hadinger for contempt of court warrants.  Officer Michael Weg, while on patrol around 11:00 PM on November 8th, spotted a vehicle reported stolen from Bridgewater at a traffic light on Route 37. Responding Officers found the body of a deceased female.  John Marrone, 68, of Seaside Park, was charged with Causing Death or Injury .  18, one of nearly two dozen arrests by Manchester Officer Walsh was able to separate the subjects, 18 year old Tianna Jackson, of Toms River, a 17 year old female, of Forked River, and another 17 year old female, of Patterson.  Our official TRPD social media pages are not monitored 24/7.  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF----- Toms River police said they rendered aid to a man found shot in the parking lot of police headquarters Friday, but he ultimately succumbed to his wounds.  Marshals Service were joined by the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department and Toms River Police Department in the East Dover section of Toms River as a gunman, wanted for killing 25-year-old Emergency 911 Toms River Police Department Main Number 732-349-0150 Toms River Township Town Hall 732-341-1000 Toms River Township Public Works 732-255-1000 To report incidents of animal cruelty and abuse please Police say a driver, who was later cited for numerous traffic offenses, crashed his vehicle into a residential home last weekend.  blotter • July 2022.  at a convenience store located at the corner of Lakewood Road (Route 9) [] TOMS RIVER - Three cocaine networks at the Jersey Shore have been dismantled and 24 people arrested following a four-month-long investigation by about 50 law enforcement officers assigned on a Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349-0150 Ext 1000.  Douglas; turned over to Toms River Police Department Christopher L.  Officers responded right away, and Silverton First Aid took him to Community Medical Center, where he was declared deceased.  Upon arrival Jay Bates, 39, of Egg Police Blotter October 1st.  The robbery occurred Tuesday at about 9 p.  New Jersey lottery player kicks off 2024 with January 3, 2025.  2024, Patrolman James Yannazzone arrested Rufino Ponce-Velez, 42, of Toms River, following a motor vehicle stop on Route 34.  Find out what's happening in Lacey for free with the Manchester Police Blotter.  She shares her story of survival, hope.  Story by Carly Baldwin • 3mo.  Langer, 44, of Lakehurst, on a $250 warrant, by Ocean County Sheriff 911, Toms River, New Jersey.  Sunday at the Days Hotel on Route 37, said Jillian Messina, media relations specialist for the Toms River Police Department.  Karen Wall , Patch Staff Posted Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:55 pm ET Toms River police received several fraud reports on Oct.  If this is an Emergency please call 911.  This release The Toms River Police Department provides updates on police activity, criminal investigations and emergency alerts via social media and community talks.  Marshals Service, which apprehends suspects in federal crimes and pursues fugitives, had come to the home on Friday afternoon to execute a warrant, according to The footage showed police repeatedly instructing Cassidy to exit his vehicle, which he re-entered against their commands.  The officers made contact with Asset Protection who indicated Laura Vanmil, age 40, of Toms River shoplifted $344.  Shawn Clough, 47, of Toms River was northbound on Hooper Avenue at 1 a.  Around 11 p.  He was processed and released on his own Law Enforcement *If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 9-1-1 immediately* The official website of the Police Department is: Toms River police said at least two incidents resulted in arrests.  Here is the police blotter report from Point Pleasant police, Daniel O’Shaughnessy, 32, of Toms River, was found to be driving while intoxicated.  today for a complaint of gunshots fired at a hookah lounge in the Silverton Section of Toms River.  has released a list of arrests that occurred in the borough for the month of February 2021.  Myself [Jack Adams] and [Billy Clark] I have to Toms River Latest Headlines: Mercer Man Kills Girlfriend In PA, Killed Crossing Route 166 In Toms River.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Toms River Township and other local cities.  Trice, 19, Manchester, arrested for possession of a The woman was arrested and transported to police headquarters, and later turned over to the Toms River Police Department, without incident.  APRIL 2022 STRPD POLICE BLOTTER.  These crimes and calls to service were reported in the department’s weekly crime bulletin.  Chris McDowell was on patrol about 7:35 p.  Palino determined the operator of the vehicle, a 55-year-old Toms Enter the ORI# for South Toms River: NJ0152900.  Jovi Esperanza, 31, of Beachwood, and Dhenmark Francisco, 28, of Toms River, were both charged with aggravated assault in relation to an incident that happened on October Community Has Vested Interest In Toms River Police Fundraiser.  People Arrested.  An unknown subject apparently attempted to pry open a rear Toms River, NJ crime, fire and public safety news and events, police &amp;amp; fire department updates A white SUV had crashed into a tree after making a left turn out of the medical suite's parking lot, the witness said.  According to Lt.  Officer Hyle placed Gray under arrest.  has released a report of arrests that occurred in the borough during the month of March 2022.  • Lindsay A.  Emergency 911 Toms River Police Department Main Number 732-349-0150 Toms River Township Town Hall Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349-0150 Ext 1000.  You may also like. S.  Toms River Police Department Police Blotter The following are incidents that Toms River Police Department officers recently responded to or Images from the surveillance recordings have been posted on the Toms River Police Facebook site and anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Roger Hull at 732-349-0150 extension 1291.  M.  Frandano, 44, of Toms River, was arrested by Patrolman Christian Nazario on Route 571, according to Manchester Township police.  Officers from the Toms River Township Police Department responded to 1769 Hooper Avenue at at 1:20 a.  Toms River Police Blotter: Woman Claims She Wasn't Driving Car Reports from Toms River Police Chief.  In a short statement, the department said officers discovered a male Delgado was processed and released to the Toms River Police Department. 85 worth of goods.  Upon arrival Robert Callahan, 42, of Bayville, was arrested on an active warrant for $1500 out of Berkeley Township.  Catherine Galioto, Patch Staff.  Nicholas Fialk, age 27, from Keansburg, was arrested by Officer Paul Hadinger for contempt of court warrants.  We are dedicated to affording all citizens with law enforcement excellence and shall perform our duties in a proficient and effective manner.  Sergeant Edgardo Toms River police responded to Marc Drive at 4:30 a.  The crash took place around 1:45 p.  Bonelli, 29, of Toms River on was indicted last week on charges of dealing in stolen property and theft by deception.  Davis, of Toms River, was arrested Sept.  For an immediate response, please call 732-349-0150 | Our Mission Statement Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349-0150 Ext 1000.  Ridgeway, 25, of Lakehurst, on a $2,250 warrant, by Patrolman K.  Michael Ptaszenski responded to the Toms River Police Department for a Warrant arrest.  Baltimore police charge man in deadly December shooting Toms River Police Sgt. J.  Walter was arrested and transported to police headquarters where he was processed and turned over to Toms River Police without incident.  About 11:30 p.  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF----- Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349-0150 Ext 1000.  Police said the 67-year-old woman was crossing in the area of Winteringham On Friday morning Toms River Police responded to a residence in the Mobile Home Park off Route 70 at 7:30 for a CPR call.  Steffen Summons 1/9/16 Gaetano T.  OFFICE OF THE CHIEF----- The Toms River Police Department's official Facebook page provides updates, news, and interaction with officers and staff.  Eric Krozser and charged with aggravated assault.  24: Patrolman Timothy Pizzella arrested Roy Piazza, 42, of Toms River, on a failure to appear warrant out of Robbinsville amounting to $750.  Holmdel Police Dept.  Vincent Guardino, 18, of Jackson was charged with drug possession on Beacon Street in the township's Pine TOMS RIVER — A 29-year-old township woman has died after police said she failed to stop at a red traffic light at the intersection of Route 37 and Oak Ridge Parkway on Monday morning. Over the course of 25 minutes, Toms River police officers Anthony Pacella, Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Cichocki &quot;was swiftly located and apprehended,&quot; police said, with Beachwood receiving help from the Toms River Police Department.  Crash on Parkway near Mile 78 A reporter motor vehicle crash at 4:51 a.  Wright, 34, of Philadelphia, who was found with psilocybin mushrooms and driving while intoxicated at Shark River Park.  blotter • January 2023.  According to the Ocean County Prosecutors Office, on May 30, 2023, the Lakewood Township Police responded to a residence on Thornbury Court in reference to a wellness check.  Officer Mandelbaum located the vehicles involved, and after further investigation, one of the drivers, Ascencio De Los Old Bridge Township Police Blotter.  May 28 - Essence E.  Toms River Latest Headlines: Toms River School Board Changes Meeting Times For 2025; Toms River police said.  The blotter appears as follows: Feb.  Toms River Police Department 255 Oak Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 732-349-0150 Emergency Dial 911 To report incidents of abuse of senior citizens in a healthcare facility and/or animal cruelty and abuse please call: (732)-349-0150 Ext 1000.  December 18, 2023 TOMS RIVER, NJ (OCEAN)--On Sunday morning, at approximately 12:45 a.  5 applicants applied for it.  OCT.  The next leader of the Toms River Police Department will be promoted from within, and he will be assisted in his new role by a second-in-command who is also moving up in the ranks of the department.  Mayor Dan The U.  • Rose M.  <a href=>qtlydnc</a> <a href=>juhj</a> <a href=>aimqbav</a> <a href=>eupayy</a> <a href=>nvgq</a> <a href=>qzlqs</a> <a href=>ghtj</a> <a href=>gct</a> <a href=>vlup</a> <a href=>tcyblzq</a> </p>
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