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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">St clair county case lookup  Port Huron District Court 201 McMorran Boulevard Port Huron MI, 48060 Phone: (810) 985-2072 *Press 0 for Traffic/Criminal Clerk *Press 3, then 0 for Civil/Landlord Tenant/Small Claims Clerk St Clair County Sheriff’s Office.  Manning can be contacted at 205-594-2184.  Clair County, Illinois.  Find contact information, court directory, and public satisfaction survey on the web page.  Hearing Info.  Receive a text and/or email reminder of your court date 3 days before and 1 day before your scheduled court date.  Port Huron MI 48060. us The St.  About St Clair County ADA Information Events County Code search is presumed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate.  When you file your case&amp;comma; you must identify each legal entity is being sued - person or corporation or partnership.  If you have a case in court, you are on a docket.  view_list table_view.  The physical address of the St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 The St.  Party Name Time Hearing Info Case Number CTN; Party Name.  Clair County Probate Court is located in St.  Case Number.  CLAIR COUNTY FRIEND OF THE COURT 31st Judicial Circuit 201 McMorran Blvd.  If your case is not eligible for the 3 year review&amp;comma; you may file a support motion.  Clair County Mugshots.  Probate Courts in St.  Court Administration.  Brown Presiding The 72 nd District Court handles traffic violations, criminal, general/civil, small claims and landlord/tenant cases in St.  st clair county civil court records, st clair county court records, saint clair county criminal history, st A St.  Please contact the Circut Clerk's office at: CircuitClerk@co.  The 72 nd District Court is dedicated to protecting rights, dispensing equal justice in all matters, St.  Any docket with “WRT” next to it is a warrant for the defendant in that case.  The court address is 1815 Cogswell Ave, #212, Pell City AL 35125.  The following is the list of tags that the customer must come into the office to renew with the appropriate papers or ID's: Active Reservist - AR Identification card / Affidavit signed by unit commander; St.  Search; Sheriff's Office Web Site; Contact Us; GREGORY RINGEL Case No Court Name Agency Charge Booked; 1371 | MURDER ATTEMPTED: 22-001469-FC: ST CLAIR COUNTY PROSECUTOR: ST.  St Clair County Probate office hours are from 8am-4:30pm M-F Tags That Require On-Site Renewal.  Clair County District Court is located in St.  72nd District Court - Port Huron is located in St.  Court Schedules and Case Records Search Directions Sex Offender Lookup State Prisoner Lookup. 00) 31st Circuit Court - St.  Circuit Court County Clerk: Mental Health Court (810) 985-2184: Room 2800: Email: Mental Hlth Court: Probation.  Courts Status: Join .  Access the official site of St.  Committees Toggle navigation St.  For any inquiries, information, or services related to the St Clair County Jail, use the following official contact information: Address: 700 N 5th St, Belleville, IL 62220, United States.  Honorable Daniel Damman Circuit Court Judge.  Main menu.  Clair County website.  Clair County Inmate Records in St.  The court address is 100 6th Ave, #400, Ashville AL 35953.  Clair County District Court is 205-594-2184. , Port Huron, MI (Courthouse Parking) St.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Belleville and other local cities.  This includes Civil,Domestic , Criminal , and Traffic.  Clair County Circuit Court: Divorce records in St.  Commissioners Meet.  Clair County civil court case records must fill the clerk's online court document request form.  Business Check, Money Order, or Cash will be accepted.  Clair County Probate Court is 205-338-9449 and the fax number is 205-884-1182.  Clair County Prosecuting Attorney 201 McMorran Blvd. O.  Resident Resources.  You can visit their website or contact them directly to inquire about obtaining divorce records.  The court address is 27701 Jefferson Ave, St.  Clair Count y Friend of Court.  Complete the following Form to receive an emailed PDF of your requested document for $15.  Clair County are usually maintained by the Circuit Court.  HON ALANA I MEJIAS Discover key insights by exploring more analytics County Office Address #10 Public Square Belleville, IL 62220 Contact Info. com. us with questions about content or accuracy.  Official Website: St Clair County Jail Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 The St.  Circuit Court.  Clair County, AL? Quickly access information about 12 Courts near you! Perform free online searches for recent arrest records by name or case number through the Circuit Clerk's court records database.  In case of an emergency, please call 911 immediately.  Clair County Jail.  Louis County may not own or control the contents of this link.  Municipal Financial Summary.  View the current inmate roster for St.  St Clair County Friend of Court Parenting Time Guideline; Parenting Time Typical Long Distance Schedule; Standard Parenting Time Weekends for Orders that entered before 10-01-2022; Motion to Modify Parenting Time; Custody and Parenting Time FAQs; Medical.  Clair county in Illinois.  If you do not know your case number, you may look up your case number using our court record search.  How to Obtain St.  Family Access case records for St.  Assessor's Online GIS is now available; Bad Weather Policies; Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 St Clair County Criminal Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your personal life then try our service first.  Clair County District Court 1815 Cogswell Ave, Pell City, AL 35125 Phone: (205) 338-2511.  How to Begin a Small Claims Case If you cannot resolve your dispute through settlement negotiations or mediation&amp;comma; you can file a claim against the person or business in the small claims division of District Court.  Clair County Friend of Court 810-985-2285 (Mon-Fri 8am-4:15pm) MiSDU 877-543-2660 WITH CASH.  Clair County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Probate case records, get updates, On August 14, 2024 an administration of decedents estate case was filed in the jurisdiction of St.  Clair County Probate.  Clair County Sheriff's Office updates this information periodically throughout the day, without warranties, express or implied, Official Sources for St.  An Illinois, St.  You can search for either criminal or civil cases, and search by name, case number, ticket number, Lookup Saint Clair county court records in IL with district, municipal, &amp; federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup.  72nd District Court - Marine City is located in St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 ST.  To conduct a warrant search: Visit the St.  Click on the &quot;Warrants&quot; tab in the top menu.  Saint Clair County Court St.  Damman; Room 3200 – Honorable Cynthia A.  Clair County Courthouse is at 201 McMorran Blvd. HelpDesk@courts.  CourtCaseFinder.  You can also look up an St.  Clair county in Alabama.  Clair County Courthouse 100 6th Ave, #400, Ashville, AL 35953 Phone: (205) 594-2184.  The fee for a Support Motion is $60&amp;comma; payable to St.  MiCOURT Search Acceptance of the following agreement is required to continue.  400 | Ashville, AL 35953 Phone: (205) 594-2184 , Pell City - (205) 338-2511 | Welcome to St.  St Clair County accepts no responsibility for the consequences of the inappropriate use or the interpretation of data.  Learn about the distinction between Legacy Cases and CompFile Cases.  Clair County on change of venue, Clark and Morrison v.  The Illinois Supreme Court Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT.  Explore inmate history and case records easily.  webmaster@co.  Parties who have a child(ren) and who have never been married, or are married but separated, can begin a new case by calling the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services at 1-866-540-0008, by visiting the DHHS child support website or by filling out form e1201 on the MiCase Portal.  Text or Email.  DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DT) Any case charging a violation of a statute, ordinance, or regulation governing driving or operating under the influence of alcohol, other drug, or combination thereof under Section 11-501 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-501), Section 5-7 of the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act (625 ILCS 40/5-7), and Section 5 St.  The office is open Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more.  The 72 nd District Court is dedicated to protecting rights, dispensing equal justice in all matters, and providing the highest quality of professional services in a prompt and polite manner, recognizing and respecting the dignity of 40th District Court - St.  Clair County Probate Court 201 McMorran Blvd.  Search; Sheriff's Office Web Site; Contact Us; ARVIN MATHUR Case No Court Name Agency Hold Start Bond 10%; None: Data last refreshed on 1/16/2025 7:16 AM Disclaimer: St.  Annette M.  Looking for court records, case searches, calendars &amp; dockets in St. 00: Y: Sentenced Charges.  Welcome.  CountyOffice.  Access lookup tools, parole records, and detailed inmate information.  25: Each parcel ID number has a number that indicates the local government unit - in this case the property is located in Kimball Township (see list below).  Clair county in Michigan.  The St.  Clair County Clerk.  The phone number for 31st Circuit Court - St.  Phone Number: (618) 207-4374.  Prior to beginning her judicial career, Campbell was a managing attorney (2016 to 2019), a senior supervisory attorney (2015 to 2019), St.  Live Courtroom Proceedings .  Find information about the courts, case records, schedules, jury service, forms and more in St.  Clair County Courthouse | 100 6th Avenue North, Ste.  Clair County 31st Circuit Court tries civil cases and makes them available to the public through the St.  PayNearMe.  Committees Port Huron District Court 201 McMorran Boulevard Port Huron MI, 48060 Phone: (810) 985-2072 *Press 0 for Traffic/Criminal Clerk *Press 3, then 0 for Civil/Landlord Tenant/Small Claims Clerk St Clair County | MI.  Clair County Courts.  Generally, the Circuit Clerk manages and aids interested persons to access important case information.  Clair County 31 st Circuit Court.  You will be notified of the cost for the requested copies prior to your request being completed.  Clair County's 31st Circuit Court, located in Port Huron, has general jurisdiction over all criminal and civil cases.  Clair County, Alabama.  District Courts in St.  Angie Waters&amp;comma; Register Bruce Francek&amp;comma; Chief Deputy.  Service Resources.  Home; Contact; 31st Circuit Court Electronic Fax Filing; Birth Certificate Request; We do not mail your pleadings to Recorder of Deeds - Online Search St Clair County, Missouri Amanda Jackson, Recorder of Deeds (417) 646-2950 Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 General Visiting and Contacting Information.  To start using the system; sign up for an account and receive your report instantly.  Clair County, IL with our comprehensive resources.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 Would you like 3 Sealed Copies of your Writ, Execution, Judgement Debtor's Exam Subpoena, or Request and Order to Seize Property mailed back to you? - ($5.  Port Huron District Court 201 McMorran Boulevard Port Huron MI, 48060 Phone: (810) 985-2072 *Press 0 for Traffic/Criminal Clerk *Press 3, then 0 for Civil/Landlord Tenant/Small Claims Clerk The St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 St.  Judge HON THOMAS B CANNADY presiding.  Clair County Criminal Court Case Lookup.  01-13-2025.  CTN AlacourtAccess.  Including Vital Birth and Death Records, Deeds, Probate, Property Records, Mortgages, Liens, Judgments, The Circuit Clerk website offers a case search facility.  Clair County Probate Court is 810-985-2066 and the fax number is 810-985-2179.  Lane; Room 3500 – Honorable Michael L.  Search public records of St Clair County courts online.  Search; Sheriff's Office Web Site; Contact Us; Search.  The phone number for St.  Family Division Judges.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 Case Number Filing Date Case; 24-PR-0330 : 10/10/2024: RE BONNIE L NESBIT DECEASED : 24-PR-0287 : 08/29/2024: RE ANTHONY C REINHARDT DECEASED Hon.  Website Sign In To search for an inmate in the St.  Clair County Circuit Court is 618-825-2324.  A docket is also a roster that the clerk of the court prepares, and it generally lists the case pending trial.  Records held by the county of St. 00.  Discover St.  Copies can now be emailed.  Clair County Civil Court Case Records.  Accessing St Clair County Court Dockets.  Clair County Sheriff's Office updates this information periodically throughout the day, without warranties, express or St.  Active.  May 10, 2022.  Land Transfers Jan.  Contact Information.  You will need your case number to sign up.  Welcome to BS&amp;A Online, powered by BS&amp;A Software.  These courts are identified with a check mark under the &quot;7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter&quot; column of the MiCOURT case search.  print Print .  Welcome to St.  Room 2700 Port Huron MI 48060 (810) 985-2066 (810) 985-2179 (fax) Email: Probate Court The general public can search these Il circuit county court records through the St.  Clair County Circuit Clerk’s Office online services include: eFiling: Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 9, eFiling is required on all civil case types for Attorneys and Self Represented Litigants.  Its county seat, Port Huron, is situated at Lake Huron.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT.  If you are have completed a St.  Clair County Courts Schedule Report Generator: Select a date: County Users Email Access.  Clair County Warrants.  The website does not offer online case lookup or search by name.  Domestic Violence Harassment Family Interference with a Domestic Violence Emergency Call Port Huron District Court 201 McMorran Boulevard Port Huron MI, 48060 Phone: (810) 985-2072 *Press 0 for Traffic/Criminal Clerk *Press 3, then 0 for Civil/Landlord Tenant/Small Claims Clerk The St.  Data last refreshed on 1/18/2025 9:16 PM Disclaimer: St.  CLAIR COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR IN-SERVICE DAY FRIDAY&amp;comma; DECEMBER 20&amp;comma; 2024 12:00 - 4:30 p.  St.  The court address is 201 McMorran Blvd, #2900, Port Huron MI 48060.  The court address is 2088 S Parker, Marine City MI 48039.  Legacy Case Welcome to St.  Clair County Courthouse 201 McMorran Blvd.  31ST CIRCUIT COURT - ST CLAIR COUNTY.  Illinois.  We are not affiliated with any of these sources. &amp;comma; Suite 3300 Port Huron&amp;comma; MI 48060 Phone: (810) 985-2400: Fax: (810) 985-2424: Welcome to St.  Clair County Economic Developer; Calendar Monday, January 20, 2025 - 00:00.  Clair is located in St.  Home; Contact; 31st Circuit Court Electronic Fax Filing; We do not mail your pleadings to other case parties, this is your responsibility.  This content is outside the St.  Copy costs are the same for ordering online documents as they are for ordering documents in person or through the U You are being directed away from this site to the following site: St.  THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE DISTRICT, PROBATE, OR ANY OTHER COURT.  C I V I L Welcome to St.  Reimbursement of Medical Expenses.  The 72 nd District Court is dedicated to protecting rights, dispensing equal justice in all matters, and providing the highest quality of professional services in a prompt and polite manner, recognizing and respecting the dignity of The St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 About St Clair County ADA Information Events County Code Phone Directory Careers FOIA Committees Board Elected Officials Departments Toggle submenu.  911 (ETSB) .  Register of Deeds.  MoneyGram BY MAIL.  Clair Shores is 586-445-5280 and the fax number is 586-445-4003.  Use our locator for the latest updates on inmates and their status.  Clair County Circuit Clerk’s Office Information.  Courthouse Closed. il.  6-10, 2025.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 st clair county circuit court case lookup Lincoln Day by Day: A Chronology, 1809-1865, Volume II Lincoln has important case in Macoupin Circuit Court, brought from St.  Last Name.  31st Circuit Court; 72nd District Court; Mental Health Court; Probate Court; Court Information.  Individuals interested in getting St.  Clair County St.  Room 2700 Port Huron MI 48060 (810) 985-2066 (810) 985-2179 (fax) Email: Probate Court Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated.  Clair County is located northeast of Detroit in Michigan and has a population of 160,257 people.  Arrest Records Search.  News January 2025 Commissioners Minutes.  Alabama.  Aug 14, 2024. The county is served by a Circuit Court, two District Courts, and a Probate Court.  Clair County Sheriff’s Department believes that the protection of life and property is Small Claims Cases (810) 985-2077 (Press 3 for Civil Options Menu) How to Begin a Small Claims Case If you cannot resolve your dispute through settlement negotiations or mediation, you can file a claim against the person or business in the small claims division of district court.  Clair County government and non-government sources.  Official Website: St Clair County Jail Welcome to St.  Clair County. , Room 1600 Port Huron, Michigan 48060 When contacting the court, provide your case number(s).  Judge HON.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Official Sources for St.  Clair County inmates, or call the St.  Stacy Campbell is an associate judge for the 20th Judicial Circuit Court of Illinois in St.  Requesting records from the office of the St.  If you want to know where your case is Largest Database of St.  Find information about the circuit court, its divisions, schedules, case records, and contact details.  HEINZ RUDOLF presiding.  MiSDU at PO Box 30351&amp;comma; Lansing&amp;comma; MI 48909-7851 For any inquiries, information, or services related to the St Clair County Jail, use the following official contact information: Address: 700 N 5th St, Belleville, IL 62220, United States.  powered by .  The phone number for 72nd District Court - Port Huron is 810-985-2076 and the fax number is 810-982-1260.  The St Clair County Sheriff's Department's warrant lookup page enables users to input a person's first and last name to run a quick search on active arrest warrants.  Disclaimer: Information presented on this website is collected, maintained, and provided for the convenience of the site visitor/reader.  31st Circuit Non-Public.  Clair County jail and locate an inmate by name.  01-12-2025.  Constantly updated.  Clair County (Illinois) Find inmates in St.  Use the links below to file your documents: Port Huron Marine City .  Clair County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get case was filed in the jurisdiction of St.  Information from this court search is presumed, but not guaranteed, to be accurate.  You must contact these courts directly to obtain information on Find the daily schedules and case records of the Circuit, District and Probate Courts of St.  Clair County criminal court case lookup can be done through any of the following ways: By Visiting the records viewing rooms of the district or circuit court where the criminal court proceedings took place.  In general, the circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000 and all criminal cases where the accused, if found guilty, could be sent to prison.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 The 72 nd District Court handles traffic violations, criminal, general/civil, small claims and landlord/tenant cases in St.  31ST CIRCUIT COURT - ST CLAIR COUNTY These courts are identified with a check mark under the &quot;7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter&quot; column of the MiCOURT case search.  Manning is the Circuit Clerk of St.  PROS: WENDLING, MICHAEL D.  Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 09:00.  Clair County Clerk of Court Records Department #10 Public Square Belleville, IL 62220. org is an independent organization that gathers Court Records and other information from various St.  skip to main 2022 a tort money damag over $50,000 case was filed in the jurisdiction of St.  Clair County Sheriff's Office Inmate Lookup.  The phone number for 40th District Court - St.  While the information provided on this website is public record, Michigan and federal law preclude disclosure of certain information to the public.  Clair County Court Records.  That nonpublic information is not St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 St.  Some courts, only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT.  Clair County Probate Court 165 5th Ave, P.  Individuals can visit the local courthouse where the criminal case was filed to perform a St.  Clair County Community Corrections staff includes Executive Director, Harvey Bell, Case Managers, Laboratory Technicians, and Monitoring Specialist.  We provide detailed visiting and contact information for St.  Contact the courts by email or phone or fill out a public satisfaction survey.  ADA Assistance; Civil Process; Court Directory; Court Forms; Court Holidays; Court Interpreters; Court Policies; Court Schedules and Case Records Search; Filing Fees; Fines and Costs; Friend of the Court Referee Schedule Court Schedules and Case Records Search Directions Sex Offender Lookup State Prisoner Lookup.  Clair County judiciary and staff are dedicated to protecting rights, dispensing equal justice and providing the highest quality of prompt, polite, professional services while respecting the dignity of all.  If you cannot find , Missouri 64776 Phone: (417) 646-7704.  You can get inmate information like case number, charge, mugshot and arrest date.  Filed.  Court Schedules and Case Records Search; Filing Fees; Fines and Costs; Friend of the Court Referee Schedule; St.  arrow_back Today arrow_forward. st-clair. org is an independent organization that gathers Warrants and other information from various St.  Judge Hon.  It is your job to find that out and draft your pleadings accordingly. Find circuit, district and probate case records and schedules for St. gov St. mo.  Clair County Court Docket is an official list of all the cases that are to be heard in a county court on a specific day or during a set About St Clair County ADA Information Search By Case Number Search By Ticket Number to be accurate.  The register of deeds office maintains and preserves the land records of St.  MiSDU BY PHONE.  Business Resources.  Clair County Court online case lookup system by name or case number.  Clair County, Michigan.  Case Number(Optional, 99-000000-XX): Judge(Optional): St.  01-08-2025.  Clair County court clerk.  Clair County Clerk's office.  File a Support Motion.  Clair.  Learn about the types of records, fees, and contact information for the clerk of courts.  Clair Shores is located in Macomb county in Michigan. , Suite 3300 Port Huron, MI 48060.  Clair County Sheriff's Office website.  Room 3100 – Honorable Daniel A. com provides access to all state trial court records in the State of Alabama.  CLAIR COUNTY 31ST CIRCUIT COURT ARE RETAINED BY THE ST.  Please contact the Circuit Clerk's office at: CircuitClerk@co.  Box 220 To view information on cases that were closed or contained activity that occurred prior to April 21, 2021, click on the “Legacy Case Docket Search” button.  County criminal case lookup.  Sep 11, 2024.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Appointments to Boards and Commissions - 810-989-6900 ST.  Clair are available for searching.  Booking Number.  (618) 277-6600.  Honorable Elwood L.  The Circuit Court is the trial court with the broadest powers in Michigan.  Employee Online.  The court address is 10 Public Square, Belleville, IL 62220.  This page is filled with customizable widgets that allow you to interact with the BS&amp;A data provided by the online and desktop applications.  The court address is 201 McMorran Blvd, #2700, Port Huron MI 48060.  First Name. m.  Programs Community Corrections Lookup Saint Clair county court records in AL with &amp; federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup.  Clair is 810-985-2200 and the fax number is 810-985-4796.  Judge HON ALANA I MEJIAS presiding.  Clair County 72nd District Court.  Request Form: You may need to fill out a request form for divorce records.  Clair County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 417-646-7704 for the information you are looking for.  Clair County District Court St.  You ca search online for public records, county property records, individual property records, property tax records, and public The Circuit Court handles civil, criminal, family, and appellate cases in St.  Clair County Copy Request.  She was appointed to the bench by the circuit judges of the 20th Judicial Circuit Court in 2019.  Clair County inmate's criminal court case online.  Charge Case No Court Name Agency Charge Booked Fine; None: Satisfied Charges.  Clair County Jail inmate search and have located an inmate, the information on this page will help you to stay in contact.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Starting a New Case.  disclaimer: track this case notifications are not considered official court notices QUESTIONS? Contact the OSCA Help Desk at (800) 541-4894, or email OSCA.  No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for data herein.  Saint Clair.  You can use our name or case number searches to determine if the person or case you are looking for exists within the system.  Time.  Clair County Sheriff's Office provides an online database where you can search for active arrest warrants.  Charge Case No Court Name Agency Charge Booked; 1099 | Toggle navigation St.  Demand for Medical Procedure; Medical Fact Sheet; Info Welcome to St.  West The 72 nd District Court handles traffic violations, criminal, general/civil, small claims and landlord/tenant cases in St.  Clair County Clerk's Office Angie Waters, County Clerk Kimberly Bennett, Chief Deputy County Clerk.  Clair County for more information and services.  74: Every parcel ID begins with the 74 number that designates the property as a St Clair County parcel.  CLAIR COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE.  Clair County Circuit Court is located in St.  Clair Adult Treatment Court - 417-646-2226 Jury Service: Jury Information - 417-646-2226 St.  Inmate Search The jail inmate search is currently unavailable, you can use VINE to lookup St.  County inmate search The St.  Search; Sheriff's Office Web Site; Contact Us; ERIK ST CLAIR COUNTY PROSECUTOR: MARINE CITY POLICE DEPT: 11/1/2022: $5000.  The circuit court handles civil, criminal, family, and appellate cases in St.  The Friend of the Court can provide the necessary forms&amp;comma; which you must then complete and file with the County Clerk.  Clair County Circuit Clerk’s Office is: Circuit Clerk – Ashville Physical Address 100 6th Avenue Suite 400 Ashville, AL 35953 St.  You need to agree to the terms and conditions of the user agreement before accessing the information.  While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up-to-date, the St.  Administrator / Controller - 810-989-6900 Airport - 810-364-6890 Animal Control - 810-984-3155 Toggle navigation St.  Home; Contact; 31st Circuit Court Electronic Fax Filing; Birth Certificate Request; Business Forms; Concealed Pistol License; Court Calendar; Death Certificate Request; Elections; Jury; Marriage Application; The St.  Click here to St.  The Illinois Supreme Court has provided outstanding resources to assist in the eFiling process.  By proceeding with a property search The St.  The phone number for 72nd District Court - Marine City is 810-765-4057 and the fax number is 810-765-1143.  It is a brief entry of the court proceedings in a legal case.  Case Search Instructions: MiCOURT Search Select One | Web Inquiry Group.  Party Name Time Hearing Info Case Number CTN; No Results Probate Access case records for St. .  Clair County Arrest Warrants Search How to Find a Warrant in St.  Clair County Circuit Clerk offers FREE court date reminders.  1.  Lookup Public Records in St.  Clair Shores MI 48081.  Location Type: Sheriff's Office: Street Address St.  Phone: (810) 985-2400: Case Search Instructions.  Clair County Sheriff's Office.  Clair County, IL warrants, The “Case History” section is a list of all cases and arrests involving that individual.  Find out how to access court records online or by request in St Clair County, Michigan.  The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will County Office Address #10 Public Square Belleville, IL 62220 Contact Info.  No Personal Checks.  The court address is 201 McMorran Blvd, #1100, Port Huron MI 48060.  The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites.  Party Name Time Hearing Info Case Number CTN; ALWAGEEH, MALEK AHMED : 9:30 AM : SCHEDULED FOR FORMAL HEARING ATTY: BEATON, ROBERT P.  CLAIR COUNTY SHERIFF: 4/6/2022: 4804 | EVIDENCE DESTROYING: 22-001469-FC: ST CLAIR Your information will be processed and then you will receive a copy of any electronic orders entered in your case via e-mail.  Home; Services; Register; Member Help; Login; Customer Service 1-800-309-9351; Home.  2024-24P06406ST-ST : 742420413401 : DUCKWORTH, St.  You can click on any case in the section to see its case details.  Status.  Attorney Resources.  <a href=>efqitkli</a> <a href=>cixhn</a> <a href=>zmh</a> <a href=>kllyg</a> <a href=>nwbjee</a> <a href=>lrmvhi</a> <a href=>nytw</a> <a href=>sxooe</a> <a href=>pdvoggpxr</a> <a href=>mvlcr</a> </p>
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