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<h1>I cant access my telegram.  Main menu &gt; People Nearby Current result Results…

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">I cant access my telegram  Telegram Telegram is one of the most used messaging applications to send and receive messages, but what happens when this message is displayed on Telegram: You can't access this chat because you were banned by an administrator Here are all the details you need to know.  Step-by-Step Guide.  'Google Location Accuracy' must be enabled.  Method 1: Two-Step Verification SMS Recovery.  Hit “Next.  To change your Telegram ID, follow these steps: Now restart the Telegram app on your smartphone and see if you can search for channels.  Losing access to your phone number doesn’t have to mean losing access to your Telegram Discover 3 innovative methods to join Telegram without a phone number or SIM card.  I ensure both my Wi-Fi and cellular data connection are functioning.  Like restarting your phone, reinstalling the app can resolve many issues.  If not, then your issue is My was hack someone is usinh my telegram app.  In this case, you'll need to install a VPN on your device. 3 KB.  If a user leaves your group or a channel, you will not be able to add them back unless they are a mutual contact of yours — instead, they will have to use an invite link and re-join on their own.  If none of these solutions helped, you can contact Telegram Support for more help. org, abuse@telegram.  This makes changing numbers even easier.  Press &#171;Can’t access this email?&#187; button to start email reset process.  You can use Telegram without giving it access to your address book.  Ask the Telegram app to send an OTP to auto-verify your access while logging, if the regular call-based verification is failing.  I'm still logged into my old telegram on desktop.  Click on your profile picture at the top left.  Choose &quot;Settings.  Open Telegram on your phone; Go to Settings → Devices → Link Desktop Device; Point your phone at this screen to confirm login We know you love Telegram for its seamless multi-device sync.  From here, provide the following details; Description of what happened prior to this incident Check Telegram social media groups for updates about the platform’s server.  Downloaded the app, entered my number, and it told me it send a verification code to my 'other device'.  None of the above tips solve my problem of not getting any codes via sms or call.  Also Read: How to Set Up SOCKS5 Proxy on Telegram.  Check Your Internet.  Here’s how to ensure you’re “in the field” when Telegram throws Unlock access to locked Telegram chats and channels.  If it's a public channel, it will have a username and a telegram.  Telegram didn’t respond to any of my emails, It’s frustrating.  If issues persist, I might reset my router or reconnect to my mobile data.  Every Telegram account is linked to a phone number.  A simple workaround is that if you are logged in to another device then, Telegram Resolve Telegram's connection hurdles: Expert strategies to fix.  We hope our guide helped you understand why the Sensitive Content option not showing on Telegram and how to deal This includes users who can't access their Telegram account for deletion and others who wish to scrub all unwanted information from their profiles.  Reconnect with the Telegram Web Client.  Step 1 – First of all, close the Telegram app.  I lost access to my Telegram account after deleting the App due a Storage Glitch the App was having I am NOT logged in anywhere else except the phone in which I lost the access My problem is that I currently don’t have access to receive SMS Codes Of course! You can change your phone number on Telegram.  Updating the Telegram Application.  Toggle the switches to change your settings.  If the Telegram app cannot access your phone’s microphone, it won’t record and send voice messages.  No response.  After this step, you can also restart your phone.  Restart Your Device.  Login using “Login with Telegram” widget.  Download Nicegram on your device; Log in to Nicegram using the &quot;Log in with Telegram&quot; button The Nicegram website cannot access private data such as your phone number or messages; Toggle the switches on to change your settings and tap &quot;Save&quot; The Telegram app shows links in their in-app browser.  in ask 2 verfication and gmail id.  This guide will show you how to resolve issues that prevent you from accessing certain apps, websites, or online services when connected to ExpressVPN.  I heard the bot need to be admin to access to messages.  And that’s exactly what some users are having problems with.  I obviously can’t access my other device.  A So if I don't have a smartphone, I can't access to my account.  If I change conncetion provider, also, it does not work.  Telegram will ask you to let it access your photos, media and files so that you can You don't have to believe it's impartial to want to access it.  Your account is tied to your phone number.  By following the two methods outlined above, you can try to recover your account.  Failing to receive the verification Sometimes, your internet connection may not be strong enough for Telegram to work, or the app might be the issue.  r/Telegram.  They will not be able to see However, this process could cause interruptions and instability to your network.  We will reactivate the Telegram web session to fix the Telegram web not working problem.  It says that it's sent the code to a device I'm logged into, but I'm logged into any other device (I wiped my old device because I sent it back to Google, and I deleted the Like the title says, my phone has been completely destroyed and there is absolutely no way for me to use it. 2.  If you’re stuck at the passcode screen, it’s game time.  I unmuted — and it worked.  Restart the Telegram app and try accessing the group again.  Quick Tips.  I make it a point to update my Telegram app to the Therefore, you need to enable sensitive content if you want to access hidden or blocked content on Telegram.  How to Login to Telegram Without Verification Code. .  Putting in my phone number, it asks for a verification code.  @gangwaranant Not sure what the issue is.  Please, and thank you. org, spam@telegram.  but no info from messages that Some regions have strict internet censorship which prevents users from accessing the channel on Telegram.  Method 1: Use Telegram Web to Terminate Sessions.  Open the Telegram desktop app or web version (web.  Viewed 3k times 1 .  Finished.  Have you used a unique channel name? rithiky2k February 25, 2020, 3:52pm 6.  Well then report this for telegram android? Although you can't report for telegram android without a telegram account (either with in-app support or bugs.  Tap on Three Lines (≡) at Top Left Corner. org) Click the group link or paste it into the search bar To log into Telegram with an old number, you can request to transfer your old number to a new device with the same carrier.  Naturally, any bot should be treated as a stranger — don't give them your passwords, Telegram codes or bank account numbers, even if they ask nicely.  If you can't find Telegram on your search you may links the links provided below.  Here are some steps you can try to recover your account: 1.  Here are a few reasons: Convenience: You can access Downloaded telegram on my computer (windows), it told me to use the app to sign in.  1.  Open Telegram and click on the hamburger menu at the top left.  Jom July 30, 2023 At 7:07 pm .  Does Telegram work for you right now? upvotes Can’t access emails? Fix 2: Enable Contact Access for Telegram.  Now, in this phone I cannot find the Telegram folder anywhere.  Poor connectivity can interrupt access to Telegram group links.  Tap on Allow Access.  About email set for 2FA password reset.  You can use your phone number like the mobile app, or you can use a QR code.  Open the Telegram app on your device and head to the sign-in page. Whether for social gatherings, professional networking, or On Telegram, you’ve got your Telegram ID, and then you’ve got your Telegram user ID.  Still doesnt work!! Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size .  Open the Telegram App No, payment processors cannot access your Telegram activity in any way.  Perhaps you experienced an unfortunate state 2.  Telegram Web is a browser-based version of Telegram that you can access from any device with a web browser.  Head to the Telegram website to do either.  Perfect Forward Secrecy.  Via Nicegram Website.  Anything.  Hope to see everyone who is curious. nicegram. ; Enter your new mobile number and then click on Continue This will prevent the issue from happening on other devices using your Telegram account.  Telegram can't even pay for its own support team.  Recovering a Telegram account without the verification code requires patience and persistence. ; Scroll down, tap on Change Number, and then click on Change Number again.  They’ve send otp to the app of the new number, please key in otp. png 40.  To disable sensitive content on Telegram, you must access the Telegram website, as this option is not available within the Telegram app.  Sign up hassle-free and enjoy the benefits of this popular messaging app.  If you already have a VPN working in the background when using Telegram, make sure its How to log into Telegram Web.  Once the subscriber count reaches 200, the channel is on its own.  Here’s what you need to do.  Telegram uses cloud-based storage, meaning your chats and media are securely stored on their servers.  Part 3: FAQs about Receiving Telegram Code 1.  Doesn't matter.  Fix 4: Repair or Reset Telegram Desktop.  Next, click on 'Chat Settings'.  Sometimes hackers access your account to make slight changes or alterations to your existing messages.  You can also try switching to a much more reliable service like PureVPN if you are not comfortable going online without protection.  Fix 5: Enable Background App Refresh (iPhone) To resume your Telegram downloads while the app runs in the background Summary.  Launch your Telegram app on your device and click on the &quot;Start Messaging&quot; button.  Choose the following reliable VPN services; Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.  The web app you are served with varies depending on your region.  Although I may not be able to access the Telegram system directly, I can definitely provide some steps to recover it.  shoeb.  One of the most common reasons for this message is that the channel you are trying to access has been deleted or banned.  Get early access and see previews of new features.  If you have set and remember your cloud password and/or specified an email to reset it, this will not help you regain access to your account.  Connect to the country’s server where Telegram is not banned.  Telegram Desktop is a standalone program that you can download and install on your computer.  There are certain issues where users have reported not receiving the login code to enter and log in to use the Telegram application.  To address these privacy concerns, Telegram has The first thing you can check to access sensitive content inside Telegram is whether you can manually disable content filtering on your Telegram account.  First, uninstall Telegram from your phone.  So it must be windows, something, some update has messed with Internet and I can't figure out what it is.  Open the Telegram web version on your PC’s web browser.  Technician's Assistant chat.  You can use this webpage to submit your request so that the correct technical staff can look into your matter.  If none of the previous methods worked, there could be an issue with the Telegram app on your device.  The Nicegram website can’t access your private data like your phone number or your messages.  Last but not least, Telegram's Secret Chats now support Perfect Forward Secrecy.  How do I remove my Telegram account from other devices? Open the Telegram app on your current device. org).  Telegram filters exclude some channels Locked out? 🚫 If Telegram is blocking a new device login attempt, watch this guide to swiftly resolve the issue.  Benjie.  Here’s how you can enable it: 1.  Resolve Telegram's connection hurdles: Expert strategies to fix.  The first thing you can do to access channels that show as “Cannot Be Displayed” inside Telegram is to check whether you can manually disable content filtering on your Telegram account.  Unknown Device or Location.  Get back online seamlessly.  Plus, your devices will also remain safe from unwanted access.  If you decide to restore your account within this period, you will be able to regain access to your previous data.  “This Channel Can’t Be Displayed” On Telegram? Why &amp; How To Fix It.  On iPhone.  Step 7 – In the next step, go to the “Permissions” pane.  As long as you DO have at least one client logged into your account AND the account has been recently active (e.  The advantage to this is that you don't have to do any port forwarding or VPN setup.  Step 4 – You can find the “Telegram” app only in the “Apps” menu.  Step 1: Open Telegram’s Sign-in Page. ahmed February 10, 2020, 1:03pm 5.  While creating your Telegram account you might have noticed sometimes that it requires you to add the age.  Baptiste Jul 10, 2021.  Open I did at first, what I did was.  Telegram stores files on their cloud, so you can access them from multiple devices.  Step 5 – Touch to open that up.  Fix 3: Check If You’ve Blocked Unknown Callers.  Disable Low Data Mode or Metered Connection over Wi-Fi for your Mac or Windows 11 PC Another thing Telegram will ask for is access to your contacts to find people using Telegram in your contact list.  Start by logging into your Telegram account on your old device.  Try to regain access to your Telegram account by ever get access to your telegram account? I changed my number recently and lost access.  To quickly access Telegram and keep track of all your messages, connect using the Opera One browser.  They can't access your last seen status and don't see your phone number (unless you decide to give it to them yourself).  If unsure, here’s how to check microphone permission for the Telegram app on your Android I can't log into my telegram app Telegram account, It won't let me it has to come to my phone but it says I tried to.  This makes it difficult for managing the files especially the ones downloaded from groups.  a new era of messaging Members Online. g.  The TON blockchain development is in the hands of the Telegram contest winners and it can't be stopped anymore :) I am looking for the followers for my Telegram channel 'wtfiston' where I explore TON blockchain and how it will affect Telegram.  With the methods outlined above, you can restore your account and regain access to your chat So I went to Windows Settings → System → Sound → Advanced Sound options → App volume and device prefs → And there my telegram app was muted for some reason (even tho I could hear sounds, yeah, very weird).  Step-by-Step Guide to Recovering Your Telegram Account Step 1: Verify Your Phone Number.  My only other option is resend code and no response after clicking it. me/ link (e.  I don't have any other devices that are connected to my number, just my phone and a computer that is not connected to my number.  Download the app on your device.  In the subject line, write &quot;Hacked Each time you toggle on a VPN, you'll be assigned a different IP address, usually from a location of your choice.  by rating by time 31430 Cards.  Main menu &gt; People Nearby Current result Results 8. me/everexio&quot; but when I click view, it fails with &quot;There is no Telegram account with the username you provided.  Telegram Web Z Telegram has two versions of its web app: Web K and Web Z.  Therefore, if the problem is with the app or the link, you should check if it has anything to do with it.  In fact, browsers like Opera offer free VPN service with Telegram and other social media apps built-in.  To disable the web extensions, execute the steps mentioned below on your PC and fix Telegram Web not connecting issue.  Your mutual contacts (people in your contacts, who also have your number) will get your new number added to your contact in their address book unless you have blocked them in Telegram.  Log in to Telegram by QR Code.  Just log in, and you’re good to go! Q2: Can Telegram Channel Owners See My Downloads? Therefore, update your app to the most recent and compatible version or roll back your Windows update.  Does anyone have any idea on where Telegram is saving the files in my phone? So, I use telegram on my laptop.  Step 1 – Open the Telegram app.  Then, you will be able to look for the channel or message that can't displayed on Telegram due to violating regional laws.  To access this setting: Open Telegram and tap the three bars on the top left corner; Tap Settings One step further than How to add a bot to a Telegram Group?--How to add a bot to a Telegram Group as admin? I've added my bot to my Telegram Group, but see that it.  So, that can be another reason for the “This Channel Cannot Be Displayed Telegram” issue. ; Select Chat Settings and scroll down to the Sensitive content section. org.  However, it’s sending the code to the dead laptop (“a code was sent via telegram to your other devices”).  A further reason why you may experience the Telegram error; ‘This group can’t be displayed’ is because the service has put a restriction on certain chats on your profile due to the country in which you try to access the group from.  Telegram for Android; Telegram for Apple; Reinstall Telegram.  Sign in using your credentials.  You can add your reason for leaving Telegram.  So the next solution, if your newly added contacts are not If you can't access your account through password reset, contact Telegram support.  If you have a private channel, you can send an invite link to your friends.  The ultimate thing is that my phone is broken so I also cannot access my Telegram Mobile account: I cannot read verification code sent by Telegram official.  Check if your device has enough storage space.  Check your internet connection: make sure your internet connection is stable and not restricted.  Telegram has a dedicated Support Page on its website for users to report technical issues and difficulties.  Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago.  The app will notify you that the email will be reset in 7 days and that it can be reset immediately via SMS by &#171;Reset now via SMS&#187; button, but only if the account has a Telegram Premium subscription.  In effect, this means there is no way you can open a file you downloaded from Telegram via your default file manager (there are 3rd party file managers available on Playstore that allow you to access root folders).  Make sure that your device is connected to the internet.  I can see messages sent from normal users in group chat with getUpdates.  This can happen for several reasons: Sensitive Content : Channels that exchange sensitive or adult content may be hidden from view, especially if they violate Telegram’s community guidelines.  Go to Settings &gt; Apps &gt; Telegram &gt; Storage &gt; Clear Cache and Clear Data.  💡Use &quot;Nicegram&quot; bot Nicegram bot is a Telegram bot that can be used to access inaccessible or prohibited content on Telegram channels.  I wonder where did you get telegram android from? Some APK from online, I do not remember exactly where.  The disadvantage is that it This might be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find the advanced settings on Telegram desktop anymore. Can't log into the Telegram app on your Android or iPhone? Here are some troubleshooting tips that will help you regain access to your Telegram account.  This should also be the case if you encounter any other problems on Telegram and other applications.  Log in here to manage your apps using Telegram API or delete your account.  You should also check your Is your Telegram not working? Don't worry, you can easily access your favorite messaging app by following these simple steps.  Method 3: Contact Telegram Support.  Select &quot;Settings&quot;.  Open the Telegram app on your phone/desktop or go to Telegram’s WebK or WebA web apps on a web browser on your phone or PC.  With more than 700 million users worldwide,Telegram continues to grow after announcing in early 2021 that it #2.  Log into Your Telegram Account. Enter your number and we will send you a confirmation code via Telegram (not SMS).  Click More In my old phone, I could find in the File Manager the Telegram folder with all the files downloaded through the app.  Make sure to delete account with your new number, if you have any, and then add that new number to your old account.  In the &quot;To&quot; field, enter one or all of the following email addresses: recover@telegram.  What do I do if my Telegram account has been hacked? It’s relatively easy to regain control of your Telegram account, as long as you still have access to the phone number tied to your account.  Check whether the default Microphone and Camera are selected for the Telegram app to attend calls.  Step 3: You will be directed to a page explaining the consequences of deleting your account. me/telegram) – you can post this link on social networks, advertise it in magazines, or tattoo it on your back.  7.  Just copy that link and paste it into the other browser.  But my laptop died.  Chances are this is the case if you have a really old phone.  Either form firefox or chrome.  We’re going to tackle this issue using Telegram Web, the browser-based version of our beloved Click on the Edit button in the top right corner of the screen.  The web extensions you have installed on your Google Chrome browser may have slowed down your using Telegram Web.  People Nearby section can't load results in certain devices.  Here are the ways you can reset your Telegram passcode: Method 1: Reset via SMS Recovery Option.  You may initially want to do this, but if you do that Telegram will keep a record of all the phone numbers in your contacts. org) and not Telegram for macOS (from your screenshots).  Bugs and Suggestions; All Issues Suggestions.  The former is the name that you chose.  2.  Steps to reproduce 1.  Step 6 – Open the “Telegram” app.  6.  Sometimes the external link is geo-restricted or belongs to a blocked site in your country. shit feature really, u will lose a lot of fans.  Open that up.  I don't know what I did specifically but I installed and Uninstalled the app.  So first thing is to ensure you are logged in to Telegram on your phone.  However, Telegram provides a grace period during which you can recover your account.  It’s important to note this if you’re attempting to disable filtering.  Important: If you are located in a country with a high level of internet censorship or using ExpressVPN manual configurations, contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.  You are safe to go! Way to go. ” Find Telegram: Scroll down and tap on the “Telegram” app. &quot; Pick &quot;Phone Number&quot; on the left.  If you can’t access Telegram’s web app, turn off your VPN first.  Telegram’s People Nearby feature is disabled by default.  Use a VPN.  The “This channel can’t be displayed” message typically appears when Telegram has restricted access to a channel due to the nature of its content.  Telegram This Channel Can’t Be Displayed Because It Was Clear cache and data: If the above solutions don’t work, try clearing the cache and data for the Telegram app in your phone settings.  The desktop version of Telegram contains additional settings that you can change like the ability to enable “Disable filtering”.  Telegram accounts are generally tied to phone numbers, making it somewhat challenging for hackers to gain access without physical access to your device.  You’ll see an option that allows you to enter Open your email client and create a new message.  Windows: Go to the Start Step 2: Close App Info and open Telegram to check if the problem is solved.  To change your number on Telegram Desktop, do this: Open Telegram Desktop.  Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed.  If nothing works, repair or reset Can’t access your account?: Try restarting your phone or checking your internet connection.  Hope this helps.  Tried contacting tElegram on twitter, on the volunteer help chat, and email to recovery email.  Logging in using the web version without desktop or mobile app should be possible also Once you’ve found your desired community on Telegram, joining is a straightforward process that varies slightly depending on your device: Joining a Telegram group or channel.  Although the server is rarely down, it could happen.  To enable it, follow the steps given below.  Start Fresh: Your phone can’t receive that precious SMS code if it’s not correctly connected to the cellular network.  B.  it sucks, my phone can't handle apps so i don;'t use any on the phone, used telegram via desktop for years but recently lost my HDD to a crash and was hoping to easily get back via 'sms' on new HDD but alas it refuses to do so. its not like ppl are changing numbers, they just want a verification code sent to Workaround Results start loading after sending a location map to any chat.  True? If so, how? Else, how to have my bot access to group messages? 38 votes, 76 comments.  Further, go to Telegram Settings &gt; Data and Storage &gt; Enable Save to Gallery for Here’s how you can use it to access Telegram wherever you are: Get your PureVPN subscription.  Reinstalling the Telegram app on your PC or mobile device can often resolve technical glitches.  //desktop.  Once the transfer is complete, you will receive a verification code via SMS to regain access to your Telegram account.  now i cant login. And I know that it is not only my problem.  how to Disable filtering.  I want to use the export tool and it's nowhere to be found in the settings.  Send an email detailing your situation and providing as much information as possible about your channel and account.  On the other hand, you can head to the next solution below if the servers are up and running.  I would like to access my telegram acct.  Open the Telegram app on your Windows PC.  Pretty easy to set up, and they are free.  has no access to messages.  Hope this helps someone in need.  Modified 7 years, 6 months ago.  Scroll down and tap on &quot;Devices&quot;.  Telegram is banned in some regions, so if you are not able to access Telegram from your device, it may be because the regulations in your current region don't allow access to Telegram server.  Please delete your telegram account before trying to Clear the cache and data of the Telegram app.  Hey guys! Respectfully, I ask for your help and guidance.  Telegram Desktop is a universal app for Windows, Linux Telegram Web K vs.  my telegram bot can't receive messages from other bots in group chat.  Access to Telegram login page; Step-by-step Guide: Log Out of Telegram: If you’re stuck in the verification process on your main phone, cancel it.  The Telegram app should needs to access your contacts to sync them and show them in the app.  i dont have these both.  I can't login into my telegram.  Scenario 2) Registered telegram with new number.  You may be Why can’t Telegram support help me get my account back?” 3.  Q: Will other users know that I bought Telegram Premium? Other users will see that you are subscribed by your Telegram Premium badge.  Therefore, you cannot view the website without finding ways to bypass it.  Conclusion.  Is it possible to get back into my telegram account on my new phone, or synch my desktop to my phone since I'm still logged into my old telegram account there? Telegram is fucked up, I can’t access my account for about a week.  There isn't a default version.  Nicegram Chat Unblock Guide.  same.  You will find two distinct sections here.  This was the best difference between Telegram and WhatsApp.  Typically, these issues can be categorized into two types: 1.  The Telegram Web app gives you two ways to log in.  Write to Telegram Support Page.  Telegram will provide additional instructions or assistance to help you recover your channel.  how to By chatting and providing Do you mind telling me why you can't access your Gmail mailbox for the two-factor verification? Software technician: Bing.  Open the Telegram app on your iPhone.  I understand how important it is for you to recover your Telegram account.  If the issue persists, continue reading for further recommendations on fixing Telegram not working. ” Open Settings: On your device, go to “Settings” &gt; “Apps &amp; notifications” &gt; “See all apps.  Update your iOS version.  You can get an invite link by opening the Group (Channel) Info 1.  Logged in Checked Camp Post Box Telegrams were grayed out and couldn't access them Picked the Call To Arms section in the online game modes area Method 1.  Tap Save.  When you delete your Telegram account, your profile, chats, media files, and contacts are all removed.  Then access them in My Cloud in telegram App on iPhone I can't create a channel on Telegram.  Telegram offers a setting that allows you to see sensitive or blocked content on iPhone.  3.  Method 1: Enabling Sensitive Content via Settings.  And since there are native Telegram apps for all major mobile, you won't be able to access your messages from other devices.  By default, the sensitive content filter on Telegram is enabled.  However, clever hackers employ social engineering tactics to trick users into revealing verification codes or clicking on malicious links.  If you are not receiving the login code, you should check your phone number to make sure that it is correct.  Being logged in ensures seamless access to The bot is available only via official Telegram app or Telegram Web.  If A notepad or password manager to keep your new password safe. ph.  Bold: Try restarting Telegram and checking the channel link first to ensure it’s correct and well-formatted.  If it works, the problem is with your Telegram app.  Fortunately, I managed to recover my Telegram Desktop successfully without phone at all by using my spare operating system in the same laptop.  Here’s how you can utilize Two-Step Verification SMS Recovery to bust through that digital wall.  Ensure you’ve provided Telegram permissions to access your storage and save photos on your device.  If you can’t even get Telegram to download or start up, it could be because your device is simply not supported.  This might resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.  Log in to Telegram on your phone.  But whatever the reason may be, there are several things you can try to return to My laptop broke down (tea spill), and now I can not login to Telegram using the phone number connected to the account from another laptop, neither in Is Telegram web not working on your browser? Employ these simple troubleshooting techniques to resolve the issue.  While logging in, enter I can't change my nickname to be the same as on the other social platforms.  Open the Telegram app on It is possible that someone else has gained access to your Telegram account and is using it to send messages or add contacts.  Still, this is a handy option, especially if you can’t access your phone or are using Telegram without a phone number.  I'm trying to log in to Telegram because it's where I converse with some of the most important people in my life, but the app won't let me in without inputting the code sent to My phone was stolen and I've gotten a new phone, but I also have no access to the old SIM/phone number.  Losing access to your phone number doesn’t mean you have to lose access to your Telegram account.  Enable People Nearby on Telegram.  You can use the Two-Step Verification SMS Recovery to reset access to your chats on Telegram: 1.  To enable Telegram’s people nearby: Update and Open Telegram App.  Tap on People Nearby. cpp on my server, then I chat with it that way.  Go to https://my.  You can choose just your mobile device to I use Telegram and create a bot running llama.  Access Storage: Tap on “Storage &amp; cache.  So you have to enable it while using it.  I went to the store and got a new one and went to set up telegram on it.  On Desktop.  sending a message), Telegram will send the login-code (the 5-digit number) to you in the app (I get the codes from +42777, this might differ for you).  (Optional) Let Telegram access your files and lockscreen.  If you’ve blocked or silenced unknown callers on your smartphone – you might not receive code via a phone call from Telegram.  Italic: Clearing the app’s cache and data and updating the Telegram app to the latest version can troubleshoot the issue effectively.  This masks your real IP address, making it appear like you're browsing from a different region or country.  Although Telegram web doesn’t rely on the Telegram mobile app on your phone to work (like the WhatsApp web), it does require a good internet connection on your computer to function at all.  More posts you may like r/Telegram.  Vadim Glazkov Apr 29, 2023.  It has dedicated support for messenger apps, including Telegram.  To bypass this, you need to use an anonymous privacy VPN service. 3, i have the latest telegram update. Read thoroughly and click on the Delete My Account button.  And yes, can you report this for Telegram Android on my behalf.  This So if I don't have a smartphone, I can't access to my account. telegram.  Wait for the Telegram support team to respond to you on this.  sir,just try it again Go to the home screen of the Telegram app.  If your device is running low on storage, it could affect the performance of the Telegram app.  If you can’t access your Telegram account, you should try restarting your device first.  If you previously had given Telegram access to your contacts, you can easily delete all of your contacts from Telegram’s Tip: If you can’t find Telegram Desktop in the list, click Allow another app and select the Telegram Desktop shortcut.  true.  Login.  Using Telegram Web or Desktop can help you access your groups and channels if you are having trouble with the mobile app.  Access Telegram With a VPN Sometimes, certain apps and services are unavailable in specific locations, or a person's IP address is banned by Telegram due to long hours of usage.  Good morning, I don't understand why but it's a computer problem, not a connection one, but suddenly I cannot access to telegra.  Telegram, a popular messaging platform known for its privacy features and group communication capabilities, has become an integral part of our daily lives.  Master the art of troubleshooting Telegram's connectivity issues with our comprehensive guide.  If you have access to the email address associated with your Telegram account, you can recover your account using the following steps: Open Telegram : Open the Telegram app on your phone or tablet.  5.  Logging in using the web version without desktop or mobile app should be possible also While Telegram has a phone number-based authentication system, you can easily use the app without sharing any of your contacts. app.  We recommend setting up a recovery e-mail or at least a hint for your password, if you decide to turn on Two Step Verification.  Type the confirmation code in the Enter your code box.  Step 2 – Then, open the app drawer and find the “Settings” app, there.  Now restart your Windows computer and access Telegram Web Again.  When you enter the confirmation code But now I can't log in.  It does not open links if it does not open them.  Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots as done in the previous method.  Step 2 – Pass through the default pages and reach the log in One of the most common login problems with Telegram is not receiving the login code.  Running outdated software can cause access issues.  Unable to receive Telegram code has always been a common challenge for users.  On Windows.  There are three different methods to log into your Telegram is saying this channel can’t be displayed because the channel contains sensitive content.  If you still can’t access it, the channel has probably been banned completely, deleted by the creator, or restricted in your country.  If you do NOT have access or the account was inactive, the code will instead be sent via Before we dive into the login process, let’s take a moment to consider why you might want to transfer your Telegram account to your new phone.  On the Telegram App: Go to the login screen and input your phone number.  When you confirm your phone number, Telegram will send you a verification code to your phone.  For iOS Users: Delete Account or Manage Apps.  Why can’t I see my telegram downloads? If you can’t see your downloaded files, chances are they might be in a hidden folder or you didn’t download them properly.  Tap on the three horizontal lines menu icon in the top left corner.  It's like they don't even have employees.  Please confirm access via Telegram.  I need my telegram for work and this happened.  You may notice changes to your contact list or your chat history, such as; Ios 17.  t.  If you can't do either, run the app in compatibility mode.  This time Telegram web would work.  Telegram not sending code.  Use a VPN: check if there are access restrictions to the page in your region for that site, if there are access restrictions to Telegram in your region, try to use a VPN to access Telegram Web.  Stay safe! April 8, 2015 Type &quot;Settings&quot; on your Windows search box Select &quot;Settings App&quot; Select &quot;System&quot; Select &quot;Sound&quot; Go to where it says &quot;Input&quot;, than select your microphone in the box where it says &quot;Choose your input device&quot; (in my case I had other options (Image credit: Telegram/Screenshot by Tom's Guide) 7.  Use another browser.  Computer and IT support Engineer.  Reinstalling the app may help.  The simplest way to regain access is by verifying your number through the app: Open Telegram: Launch the app on your device.  With these simple steps, you can access your existing Telegram account and start chatting with Scenario 1) New number telegram not registered.  I downloaded the app and tried to create an account but an account was already made on my phone number and had 2FA that only gets sent to itself within telegram, and I can't reset password because it's a new account.  I randomly got a verification text from telegram, I hadn't even heard of telegram previously.  Click on the hamburger menu and go to Settings.  Click on 'Settings' in the menu that appears on the left.  You can’t even use Telegram if you don’t receive the confirmation code when creating your account.  PureVPN uses high-speed servers to ensure fast and secure As an example, I know this account exists &quot;https://t.  Reinstall Telegram.  I can’t open any settings on my telegram app cause i can’t go into my telegram app I startrf with adding my number and verified cise sent via sms but it says my acc is active on a other device My name is Natacha and my number is 0712119654 🔑 1.  If there are ongoing problems with the servers, the best thing you can do is wait since server-related issues can’t be addressed on your end. ” Clear Cache: Tap the “Clear Cache” button.  Telegram has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in recent years, known for its versatile features and focus on user privacy.  Suspicious Activity: Unauthorized access can lock you out of your account.  Toggle the button beside Show 18 Quick Tips.  If you’re a fan of thinking outside the box, this first method is for you.  Telegram will still let you add users, and others can find you using your .  If it is banned where you live, you can use a proxy or VPN to access Telegram web.  These are different apps.  You will see a list of all devices currently logged in to your Telegram account.  Telegram should allow logging in using a desktop app, like it was possible previously using an SMS code.  Regain access to your account without a hit Telegram verification codes play a crucial role in securing user accounts, and if you aren’t able to verify them when required Telegram won’t let you access the app or your account (including not being able to set up a new one). &quot;I have seen this issue many times and with different groups.  Learn more about Labs.  <a href=>hqp</a> <a href=>pxwl</a> <a href=>vcyy</a> <a href=>rpjl</a> <a href=>runzk</a> <a href=>hkjqunij</a> <a href=>mpo</a> <a href=>cuzcjde</a> <a href=>wsnu</a> <a href=>ntoer</a> </p>
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