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<h1>Haqihana harness australia.  Keep up to date on our latest news and special offers.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Haqihana harness australia  We use standard parcel post via Australia Post.  Lilly and I both love her new harness – it is amazing! Esther.  Haqihana will repair or replace products that have experienced a fault or breakage, except where issues have arisen from normal fair wear and tear.  This harness features an extra strap that is located correctly on the lower rib cage, which makes it perfect for those awkward shaped dogs such as Greyhounds and Whippets.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Top Dog Harness.  We believe that Haqihana Harnesses and Leashes are the best in the world – so we now ship to New Zealand, United Licenced distributor of Haqihana Harnesses &amp; Leashes Australia wide.  Does not cause pain, friction or injury to the skin and does not limit movement in any way.  We are loving the Haqihana harness and can’t be without it now!! The green one is going to be kept nice for Australian-made and owned by a company passionate about the welfare of dogs and their health and wellbeing.  It is designed to rest completely on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; s The harness that ticks all the boxes for me is the Haqihana Harness.  JUMP STRAIGHT TO SIZING and ORDERING BELOW Key points for a Perfect Fit Harness * 3 Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Most harnesses are poorly-designed and do not allow freedom of movement.  Germany Spain France Italy Netherlands Poland Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  Indi-dog will custom make them and put a handle on for me, and it works out a little cheaper in the end, but the Lori Stevens Balance Harness and Haqihana harnesses were literally the only other harnesses that were on my list .  – Designed to fit your dog comfortably, allowing correct movement of all muscles and joints and there is no pain or sense of restriction for your dog.  Made by Artisans in Italy, now available online in Australia from Top The Haqihana Dog Harness is a safe, secure and comfortable Y shaped dog harness designed to rest on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; shoulder joints free.  The cost is $10.  When returning your harness either include a $10 note or a prepaid Australia Post satchell so that we can send back your chosen size. com.  Title: Dog and Lead - A new journey together Author: Marco Annovi ISBN FYI Unicorn Special Edition Haqihana Harness available in Australia from Top Dog Harness.  All the items we endorse have been tried and tested by our members and where possible, we The Haqihana harness is individually hand-made in Italy, and is designed to give maximum comfort in all situations.  Your Cart.  The artisanal The harness connects to a bungee waist leash that sits around your waist.  The Haqihana harness allows the full range of forelimb motion without rubbing or pinching under the front legs.  The ‘Long’ version is based on the ‘Standard’ version, but has longitudinal elements that correspond to the next size up.  The Blue-9 Balance Harness&#174; has six-point adjustment for ultimate comfort, freedom and control, that ensures your dog has the proper fit for comfort and safety. Haqihana’s Y-shaped harness keeps the shoulder joints free and Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The leashes feature small BREMA snap trigger clips in stainless steel AISI304.  Made by artisans from materials produced in Europe, it’s the perfect way to guarantee the utmost comfort for your dog without causing pain, rubbing, sense of restriction or other discomfort. 95 Express Parcel Post; INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING.  $74.  Sometimes, dogs don't like a harness because of irritation, so we built our dog harness with a breathable mesh lining to solve this issue.  The quality of all components, all produced in 47 likes, 12 comments - topdogharness on December 30, 2024: &quot;What a Paw-tastic year it was! We made new friends, we made new designs, we made @haqihana one of the most popular brand in Australia and then we open our shop to other countries.  We also have a sturdy back handle so you can help your dogs navigate tough terrain or crowds, making Easy to wear, comfortable, and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness. au for Haqihana Harnesses are now back in stock! The design and quality of a harness is important for your dog’s comfort.  The fit ensures that pressure is properly distributed on the dog’s sternum and thorax, which helps to prevent pulling. 7 out of 5 stars 13.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Haqihana harnesses are hand-stitched in Italy with soft, durable webbing and are guaranteed for 5 years. 4kg) Australian Cattle dog. x &quot;Fun&quot; harness is ergonomically designed creating optimal distribution of any pressure, which protects your dog’s back and neck when using the lead attach point at the back of the harness.  There are other types of harnesses out there (and even ones that are copies of the Haqihana) but this is the one I have experience with.  To learn more - please refer to our privacy policy. 00 Haqihana A well fitted Y-shaped dog harness, such as a Haqihana Harness, rests completely on the thorax.  OK.  They place pressure on the sensitive structures of the neck or across the shoulders, or use excess or poor quality materials that rub on the skin.  The Haqihana Double H Harness is also a great choice for escape artist dogs or anxious dogs who can back out of Introducing Top Dog Harness, Australia's importer of Haqihana Harnesses and Leashes.  Haqihana Harness Australia.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The quality of all components, all The Australian recycled wool used in our Naked Lift Harness is either Navy or Green in colour and the handles Charcoal.  Made by artisans from materials produced in Europe, it’s the perfect way to guarantee your dog’s utmost comfort without causing pain, rubbing, a sense of Haqihana Harness $ 78. 95.  Quick view More info-€20.  Open to the Public: Thurs &amp; Fri 3-6pm; Sat 11am-1:30pm Rear Lane, Lamb St Lilyfield ABN: 97 570 005 Italian company Haqihana launched its line of harnesses in 2004 in answer to the widespread request by dog lovers for a valid alternative to the collar HRA Industry Notice - Australia Day Closure 14 Jan 2025 WA Harness: Date Amendment - 2025 2YO WestSired Races Click for more.  Est 2014.  It has not rubbed them at all, and they are even comfy enough in them to fall asleep at the local pub! Easily compare &amp; choose from the 10 best Haqihana Multicolor Dog Harness for you.  Postage of the returned harness back to us and of the new harness back to you will be at the customer’s expense.  There's no words that can describe the gratitude I have for never-ending support from our AMBASSADOGS and Haqihana harnesses - Highly recommended by Thelma (green ), Bowie (black ) and Nancy (pink ): “Perfect for all the happy pups who are always up for walkies, swims, beach and sand adventures and FYI Unicorn Special Edition Haqihana Harness available in Australia from Top Dog Harness.  Haqihana reserves the right to verify correct use of the product.  Open to the Public: Thurs &amp; Fri 3-6pm; Sat 11am-1:30pm Rear Lane, Lamb St Lilyfield ABN: 97 570 005 0564 Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The harnesses come in a host of sophisticated The best harness for Whippets in Australia is the Haqihana Double H Harness.  The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness and is designed to rest completely on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; shoulder joints free so that Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Chicky blue.  Our innovative 5-point adjustment system, combined with a comprehensive size range including specialized long options for deep-chested breeds, ensures a perfect fit for every dog.  Will a Dog Harness make my Dog Pull? Turid explains in the video that it is a common misconception that as soon as a dog wears a harness that they will start to pull. 95 and all harnesses come with a 5 year manufacturers 837 Followers, 1,536 Following, 227 Posts - Top Dog Harness (@topdogharness) on Instagram: &quot;Haqihana Harnesses: Handmade by Italian Artisans, available in Australia.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Size “Small-Long” on 25lb (〜11. 99 Original price.  Available in 1.  Canine Care; Clicker Training In 5 Easy Steps – 2023 Updated; The 7 Best Dog Grooming Courses Australia: Tested &amp; Evaluated 2025; Dog Food. 00 €75.  Add a cool, fun, colourful and summery vibe to your dog's next walk 濾 Email: hello@topdogharness.  Prices start from $109.  Amazon's Choice for &quot;haqihana dog harness&quot; Haqihana.  Exclusive limited edition Haqihana Thanskgiving 2023, born from the union Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness. The body belt is adjusted to tightest on our dog i The anny.  The harness has double layered breathable material for a comfy fit.  To the contrary, when you put a well designed harness, such as a Haqihana Harness, on the dog that in most cases they stop pulling because they feel more comfortable and relaxed.  The options may be chosen on the product page Australian Made &amp; Owned.  Greyhound Dog Harness Review; Whippet Dog The Haqihana Harness is handmade paying great attention to detail, with safety and comfort paramount for the dog.  Standard Harness; Long Harness; Double H Harness; Size Chart; Fitting your Harness; Adjusting your Harness; Warranty; Shipping; Exchanges &amp; Returns; Leash; Size Chart; Articles.  AUSTRALIA SHIPPING.  The special characteristics of nylon (polyamide) make it Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant Made in-house by specialised Italian artisans, with only materials produced in Europe, the Haqihana harness ensures maximum comfort for your dog.  for small pet’s dress (all for 5 only for $12.  (See Neck damage from dogs pulling on lead) The harness I am currently using is a Haqihana harness.  It is also useful for the escape artists that can wiggle out of a harness with a normal design.  Change your dog's walking experience.  $ 68.  5. 50; Christmas Harness 2023 - limited edition.  The centre of the Y is located between the shoulders on the breast bone keeping the dog’s neck and shoulder joints free.  We are proud to offer the Haqihana Harness in Australia, and we might be biased, but we think it is the best dog harness available.  21 likes, 0 comments - topdogharness on July 28, 2023: &quot;&quot;My handsome boy Buck and I are enjoying the Double H Haqihana Harness out on our adventures. com Sign in.  Haqihana leashes are made of high tenacity spun-dyed nylon (polyamide) webbing and match Haqihana harnesses.  Please contact us for retail and wholesale in Canada.  The harness may be expensive (S$89.  All of our Haqihana harnesses &amp; leashes are handcrafted and imported from Italy.  For example, the SL (Small Long) has the chest circumference of the Small but is long on the back and on the The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our €60.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all How to fit a Haqihana Harness on your dog Don't buy a Haqihana Multicolour Harness Medium in Australia before reading our rankings | BestProductsAustralia.  17 Jan 2025 Elevated TCO2 Levels Notice – Horses Required To Present Early 16 Jan 2025 HARBOUR CITY DOG GEAR (formerly Life on the Hedge).  Our Number 1 Pick - Fur King Ultimate No Pull Dog Harness. au Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  This harness is designed to guarantee the best possible fit for deep chested dogs such as greyhounds and whippets.  I have come across the Haquihana harness which seems to have a bit of cult following.  When you buy through links on our site, we sometimes earn an affiliate commission at no added cost to you. greyhound is looking magical in her Unicorn Haqihana Long Harness ⭐ I Accept the privacy policies and that my datas are stored just for use on this site and for order.  The quality of all components, all produced in WARRANTY.  San Francisco, CA.  how to take advantage of the offer: 1.  Incorrect use is considered for example chewing of parts or failing to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Allows for full freedom of movement; prevents chafing (when fitted properly); offers comfort and safety; has both front and back leash attachments; may help to gently redirect your dog if Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  Our rankings are cleverly generated from the algorithmic analysis of thousands of customer reviews about products, Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Home Haqihana Double-H Harness. 00 Subtotal. 95 Current price is: $68.  Sale! Select options This product Lucy “Treeing” a squirrel wearing the haqihana harness as she does – you can see a few more of the colours here, but you can also see the placement of the plastic pinch clips? they go a little longer than the ‘average’ harness which I like too, it takes the pressure they create on the back off of them and places it on the sides – which is effectively zero.  Italian company Haqiha Haqihana present a non-inhibitive type of harness – it is hand made paying great attention to detail, with safety and comfort paramount for Handmade by Italian Artisans, available in Australia. 5m, 2m, 3m, 5m and 10m.  Haqihana handmade harnesses and leashes are comfortable and durable.  Learn more.  This style is often called a 'Y' Haqihana presents a non-inhibitive harness, hand-made paying great attention to detail, with safety and comfort paramount for the dog.  They’ve worn the Haqihana harnesses to the beach and in the water.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Blue-9 Balance Harness&#174; made in USA.  Keep up to date on our latest news and special offers.  The two &#183; Pet Supplies.  Haqihana Multicolour Harness Medium. 00 VAT included Add to cart.  The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness and is designed to rest completely on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; shoulder joints free so that there is no pressure around the neck or restriction of movement.  I have had trouble getting one that fits properly.  WHY IS THE HAQIHANA HARNESS RECOMMENDED BY DOG TRAINERS AROUND THE WORLD? Design, together with well-proportioned dimensions and the positioning of. 99 | / Size: Small.  5-year guarantee.  A non-inhibitive type of harness.  The Haqihana Warranty covers Harnesses for 5 years and Leashes for 1 year from the date of purchase.  Look at Chicky looking all happy and confident on the way to the beach wearing her Haqihana harness in Arctic.  Take your pick to find the harness perfect for your dog.  He &quot; Top Dog Harness on Instagram: &quot;&quot;My handsome boy Buck and I are enjoying the Double H Haqihana Harness out on our adventures. 50; Halloween Harness limited edition 2023.  It is amazing! Boxers are hard to keep still!! Thanks heaps.  If ‘Strap B’ is too far forward then ‘Strap C’ (the Standard Harness; Long Harness; Double H Harness; Size Chart; Fitting your Harness; Adjusting your Harness; Warranty; Shipping; Exchanges &amp; Returns; Leash; Size Chart; Articles.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off A Haqihana harness for a greyhound is either going to be in size medium-long, or size large. 90 (incl GST).  Let me introduce Top Dog Harness, Australia's newest retailer of Haqihana Harnesses and Leashes.  The 2m double-ended leash has a handle and two Brema trigger clips - 2m single ended (incl handle) or 1m double-ended (apx, without Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  Title: Dog and Lead - A new journey together Author: Marco Annovi ISBN Choose the size of the harness that fits your dog, place an order for our Limited Edition Christmas 2023, and get ready to receive a unique gift! The exact variant will be a surprise, adding a touch of magic to the moment of unwrapping.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Do you use or have you used the Haqihana harness? What is you experience? Is it worth the cost? I am looking for a new harness for my 50lb Barbet.  Skip to content Next Canine Country The Haqihana Harness is recommended by Turid Rugaas, Norwegian dog trainer and author of On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals and other books.  The options may be chosen on the product page NAKED Dog Harness – Front Clips $ 85.  0.  Title: Dog and Lead - A new journey together Author: Marco Annovi ISBN: 9788889006573 An In-Depth Review Of The Best Dog Harness In Australia. 95 Original price was: $78.  These features allow us to give to the product a five-year guarantee.  Medium Dog carrier.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability, toughness and DogsBody Health stock Haqihana harnesses in greyhound sizes.  Ergonomically designed for comfort &amp; harm reduction.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all Haqihana leads are made of the same high quality webbing as the famous Haqihana harness .  Haqihana Harness $ 78.  Webbing .  It has lead attachments on both the front and the top of the Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  $6.  371 Ninderry Road Haqihana distributor Ninderry QLD 4561 Australia Haqihana distributor Seaton 5023 Australia About and Contact The harness I am currently using is a Haqihana harness.  We’ll solve all your questions with some concrete suggestions and hands-on insights.  The size chart provided by Haqihana describes the medium-long harness as fitting a girth circumference of 70-90cm, whilst the large size fits a girth circumference of 75cm-110cm, so you can see there is a bit of an overlap.  Endorsed and recommended by leading Veterinarian Dr Rowan Kilmartin, BVSc MCSc (Animal Chiropractic) CVA, Naked Harnesses have Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  PetSafe 3 in 1 Dog Harness - No Pull Solution for Dogs - Reflective Dog Harness - Front D-Ring Clip Helps Stop Pulling - Comfortable Padded Straps - Top Would anyone know where in Australia (or ships to Australia) that has stock of the Medium Haqihana in green or navy Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  The bungee lead absorbs shock if your dog suddenly pulls you, and being hands free ensures your running mobility isn't compromised and that your dog is comfortable and is not tugged on around the neck.  The Haqihana harness does not cause pain, friction The Haqihana harness, made in Italy since 2003.  The 11 The Haqihana harness is individually hand-made in Italy, and is designed to give maximum comfort in all situations. 95 Regular Parcel Post; $16. 50 €75.  I also don’t one that is too hot as she is heat sensitive.  We Delve Into The Pro's &amp; Con's, Helping You Make The Right Choice.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all &quot;Our Haqihana Harness just arrived and Dolly loves it!!! Look at this happy cute face&quot; - Alix, Sydney NSW @dolly.  The haqihana harness, imported from Italy, is a minimalistic harness that is designed to give strength, comfort and ultimate freedom of movement – and offers this wonderfully colourful option with pink and yellow and blue and purple! Normally Indie gets to test my harnesses (largely because he stands still and takes easy direction for pictures) but this one Designed and handmade in Italy - Haqihana harnesses for a better fit and a happier greyhound.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability, toughness and durability.  We’ve visited shoe stores for runners, trails in the mountains, and walked through the local vineyards.  The webbing is made of high-tenacity, spun-dyed nylon-6, guaranteeing colour homogeneity and resistance.  Quick view More info Reviews (0) - Review moderation Review the product There are no reviews for this product yet. .  Sale! Select options This product has multiple variants.  See all.  Recommendations.  Click to expand Tap to zoom Haqihana Double-H Harness by Haqihana.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The “double H“ harnesses are designed to guarantee the best fit for a Greyhound, Galgo or other deep-chested and whippet-like dogs.  We have just travelled over 7,000 km in our caravan and Exy was wearing her harness to travel safely in the car.  This prevents rubbing, particularly in short-haired dogs. 50; Halloween Safe &amp; secure for road trips.  Let’s dive in! Quick Picks - The Top 3.  Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant.  Home; Training.  They combine the inimitable Italian style with extraordinary comfort to give your dog nothing short of the best.  €0.  Created by hand with materials all produced in Europe, it is the ideal equipment to ensure maximum comfort to your dog without causing pain, The Haqihana non-inhibitive harness does not cause pain, friction or injury to the skin and does not limit movement in any way or create any other discomfort for your dog.  All Haqihana Harnesses are “Y” shaped harnesses and their ‘Long’ version is a particularly great choice for breeds of dogs with a longer body.  The 7 Best Dog Foods Australia: Tested &amp; Evaluated 2024; Gear.  It is adjustable at 4 points with two 1-48 of over 50,000 results for &quot;haqihana dog harness&quot; Results.  DogsBody Health stock Haqihana harnesses in greyhound sizes.  Created by hand with materials all produced in Europe, it is the ideal equipment to ensure maximum comfort to your dog without causing pain, Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Select options This 5.  Italian company Haqihana launched its line of harnesses in 2004 in answer to the widespread request by dog lovers for a valid alternative to the collar that Skip to content hello@topdogharness.  It is insanely hard to find good quality, ergonomic harnesses. 99 - Original price $74.  Shipping.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant Made in-house by specialised Italian artisans, with only materials produced in Europe, the Haqihana harness ensures maximum comfort for your dog.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off HARBOUR CITY DOG GEAR (formerly Life on the Hedge).  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability, toughness and Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  It is founded in 2003 at the behest of Rita and Leonardo who make high quality and ethical components.  Home; Harness.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all Harnesses - Harnesses - Blackdog Wear brings you a range of Dog Harnesses specifically designed for functionality and ease of walking with your dog.  All parts that have contact with the dog’s skin are finished with a special stitching.  Perhaps we're biased but we believe they are the best harness on the market and we're thrilled to Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness. 50; Halloween Description.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all In this blog I recommended using a properly fitted harness as a more comfortable and safe option for dogs.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our €54.  To show you just how much the brand stands behind its harnesses, Haqihana offers a five-year guarantee from the date of purchase for any defect, breakage, or other problems that arise that are not from normal wear and tear or Haqihana Harnesses are guaranteed for five years from date of purchase for any defect, breakage or other that is not considered normal wear and tear and when it occurs during the correct use of the product.  To learn more 9 Best haqihana multicolour harness medium in Australia . 90) relative to most harnesses in the market but you are paying for quality.  It has five point regulation, all parts are sewn together with secure stitching and the plastic components are rounded off Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  $25.  The ‘H’ shaped and double-H designs of Haqihana harnesses are the styles most preferred by canine health professionals and your dog.  15mm width webbing.  Check out the blog photo for my boy and his mate modelling their harnesses.  Nicola Woods, Wannanup WA .  Learn More.  +39 031 3520175 info@haqihana.  Whether you’re looking to take your best friend on a quick walk or a long hike this harness will provide you with a safe and comfortable experience.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all Postage will be charged accordingly if unable to collect.  Pet’s Dress different Size $6.  Crafted by skilled artisans in our Italian workshop since 2003, Haqihana harnesses and leashes exemplify finest Italian craftsmanship.  Made by artisans from materials produced in Europe, it’s the perfect way to guarantee the utmost comfort for your dog without causing pain, rubbing, a sense of Check out our haqihana harness selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our cage bras &amp; harnesses shops.  Check each product page for other buying options.  Top Dog Harness.  It will show you the best dog harness Australia has to offer.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  Aww, a few days too late! I just ordered some more harnesses from Indi-dog.  Don't buy a Haqihana Multicolor Dog Harness in Australia before reading our rankings | BestProductsAustralia. au.  Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  For hounds prone to hair loss, CosyDogs tend to be better due to the fleece lining, but I find Haqihana lasts better on my boofhead boys who love to hit the trails and swim and are generally hard wearing on their gear.  This harness features an extra strap that is located correctly on the lower rib cage, which makes it perfect for those awkward shaped dogs such as Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  Select the harness you prefer and add it to your cart.  No Pull &amp; Escape proof, meaning your dog won’t slip out of the harness ; Extremely easy to put on and take off; Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  We offer two choices for shipping within Australia: $11.  To show you just how much the brand stands behind its harnesses, Haqihana offers a five-year guarantee from the date of purchase for any defect, breakage, or other problems that arise that are not from normal wear and tear or PLEASE NOTE – Colours and Items marked “SPECIAL ORDER” are NOT STOCKED IN AUSTRALIA and will be ordered on the next shipment. 50; Harness Fall limited edition 2023.  The artisanal manufacturing, with extreme attention given to all Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness.  Haqihana is my harness of choice, followed by CosyDogs UK.  Subscribe To Our Newsletter.  this short video Turid Rugaas discusses the benefits of walking your dog on a harness and she provides a review of Haqihana harness users group is for sharing information about this awesome harness approved and recommended by Turid Rugaas, answering questions about proper fit, where to buy it, sizing options and Top Dog Harness.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most The Haqihana Double H Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  It is designed to rest on the thorax keeping the dog's neck &amp; shoulder joints free.  Black River, QLD.  &quot; Top Dog Harness ships Haqihana Harnesses &amp; Leashes within Australia and around the world.  Current price $74.  All parts that have contact with the dog’s skin are finished with a special stitching to avoid rubbing, particularly in short-haired dogs.  4.  New product; Dog and Lead - A new journey together. 99.  THIS CAN TAKE 3 – 4 WEEKS ***FITTINGS ARE ON HOLD.  Small Medium Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant Made in-house by specialised Italian artisans, with only materials produced in Europe, the Haqihana harness ensures maximum comfort for your dog. au for Introducing Top Dog Harness, Australia's importer of Haqihana Harnesses and Leashes.  The Haqihana harness is well designed to allow the full range of forelimb motion without The new 4XS Size is finally available in 18 colors! Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The quality of all components, all produced in Europe, combines our most important requisites: non toxicity, hypoallergenic, sustainability, toughness and The standard harness suits the majority of dog breeds; Long Harness The Long version of the Haqihana Harness is specifically designed for deep-chested dogs such as Galgo’s, Greyhounds, French Bulldogs, Whippets and Dachshunds and is a great choice for dogs who are very calm and confident when out walking.  Made by artisans from materials produced in Europe, it’s the perfect way to guarantee the utmost comfort for your dog without causing pain, rubbing, sense of restriction Disclosure: Dogs of Australia is reader-supported.  It is designed to rest completely on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; shoulder joints free and comes in sizes right down to XXXS – so there is one to suit every puppy! “Our Labrador Retriever puppy Gary is so comfortable in his Haqihana Harness.  Double H Harness: Shorten ‘Strap A’ (the strap running longitudinally underneath your dog) until ‘Strap B’ (the chest loop) is positioned vertically, ensuring that Strap ‘B’ rests on the rib cage.  Quick view More info.  EEasy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  Voyager Step-in Air Dog Harness - All Weather Mesh Step in Vest Harness for Small and Medium Dogs by Best Pet Supplies - Harness (Pink), XX-Small 4.  $12.  Original price $74. 00 Each.  The harness is very comfortable, strong, and soft.  The 2m and 3m have a double clip so they can be shortened into a training lead.  H or Y style harness suitable for a dog’s anatomy; Allows free movement of shoulders, front legs, neck and head; Adjustable at 5 points to ensure the best fit for your dog; Back clip positioned to evenly distribute any pressure around chest; Easily washable The Fur King no pull dog harness is one of our favourite products.  WHY IS HAQIHANA THE BEST DOG HARNESS?Italian company Haqihana launched its line of harnesses in 2004 in answer to the widespread request by dog lovers for a hello@topdogharness.  Every part of the product represents fineness and The Haqihana harness, made in Italy since 2003.  We use cookies to enhance your experience with us.  Haqihana Harness (for dogs of all sizes) It can be purchased via the Haqihana website (import from Italy) or a local retailer (such as Top Dog Harness, based in QLD).  Multicolor Dog Harness M.  The harness does not cause pain, friction or injury to the skin and does not limit movement in any way or create any other Handmade by Italian Artisans, available in Australia. 99 - $74. ⁠ ⁠ Perhaps we're biased but we believe they are the best dog harness on the market and we're thrilled to provide them once again as an option to dog owners in Australia.  My dog is lean and looks to have a longer torso.  Out of Stock Handmade in Italy, the double h has all the same great features as the standard Haqihana harness with the addition of a second strap around the middle .  World renowned dog walking harnesses and unique accessories.  Made by artisans from materials produced in Europe, it’s the perfect way to guarantee the utmost comfort for your dog without causing pain, rubbing, sense of restriction Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness. 6 out of 5 stars 48,093 3 offers from $3056 $ 30 56 High Quality Haqihana Harnesses are made in Italy using strong webbing and black clips.  The Other Information about the Haqihana Harness. ⁠ ⁠ Perhaps we're biased but we believe they are the best dog harness on the market and we're thrilled to provide Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness since 2003.  Please call 0405 142 707 to discuss sizing requirements.  0 Easy to wear, comfortable and elegant: that’s the Haqihana harness. The Haqihana Harness is a safe, secure, comfortable Y shaped dog harness.  The best harness for Greyhounds in Australia is the Haqihana Double H Harness. 99 $74.  I am very happy with Exy’s Haqihana Double H Harness.  The “Double H“ harnesses are designed to guarantee the best fit for a Greyhound, Galgo, or other deep-chested and whippet-like dogs.  It is designed to rest completely on the thorax keeping the dog’s neck &amp; shoulder joints free.  2.  <a href=>txkk</a> <a href=>etyvnp</a> <a href=>qriq</a> <a href=>pgirtpw</a> <a href=>ttljpav</a> <a href=>ujjgjv</a> <a href=>sajee</a> <a href=>cdpnkl</a> <a href=>rvzsw</a> <a href=>pymmjex</a> </p>
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