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<h1>Greenwich patch obituaries. 
Thomas Michael Hynes Sr.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Greenwich patch obituaries  Obituary: Lawrence Dickie, 80, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Larry's true joy was found on the water. , 92, of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully on February 16, 2022.  He was a businessman, a gentleman, and above all, a family man.  Arturi, 97, Of Greenwich Peter spent his career dedicated to the medical profession and helping others.  About Patch; Careers; Greenwich, CT Patch In New Canaan Schools: Recent Obituaries From Stamford.  Obituary.  Condolences are extended to the families and friends of those who have recently died.  David J.  Obituary: Richard G. Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of Find out what’s happening in your community on the Patch app.  He served during World War II in the US Navy.  Cookson Jr.  By Richard Kaufman, Patch Staff.  He is survived by his grandmother, Shirley Tyminski of Greenwich Obituary: Douglas M.  Harley was a history teacher at East Greenwich High School for over 30 Find out what’s happening in your community on the Patch app.  Padden, 72 - East Greenwich, RI - Gerard &quot;Gerry&quot; Michael Padden, 72, died after a long battle with cancer at his home on Sunday, July 26th, in East Greenwich.  Paula Lorraine Brencher Jensen of Greenwich, CT passed away Dec.  Obituary: Shawn Zimmerman, 62, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Shawn was kind and generous, and loved by everyone who knew her.  Peter was born on August 3rd, 1987 in Greenwich, CT to Vincent and Marie (Megaw) Rubino.  Barbara M.  Bloom, 93, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Ed had a long career as an international tax lawyer.  Antonio ‘Tony’ Santos, a longtime resident of Greenwich CT, passed away on March 3rd, 2023 at the age of 54 surrounded by his loving family.  The funeral service will take place at St.  Melly, 87, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - &quot;Alice was a dedicated parent and grandparent and devoted herself to a life of extensive community involvement.  Lizora was born in Danville, VA to the late Lizora Schoolfield Miller and J A Greenwich resident for 72 years, he was born in Stamford on Feb.  GREENWICH, CT — Click on a name to read the full obituary from the respective funeral home.  Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Calling hours for the long-time Greenwich resident will be held Thursday, July 31, with the funeral service Diane Meryl Powis (nee: Romley) of Greenwich, Connecticut passed away on December 26, 2021 at age 54 after a lengthy battle with cancer.  News of his death has been greeted with sadness by people throughout the Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Browse Greenwich local obituaries on Legacy.  “Woody” Woodward, Ret.  She was active in politics in Los Angeles before moving to Rhode Island in 1992.  He was born in The Bronx, raised in Yonkers and has resided in Greenwich, Connecticut for the past 23 years.  Joseph Sidney Wilcox, Jr.  Find Greenwich Sentinel Obituaries and death notices from Greenwich, CT funeral homes and newspapers.  Kokoruda, US Naval Reserve Retired, 78, of Old Greenwich, Connecticut passed away suddenly at his home on Friday, March 24, 2023.  Triano of Greenwich, CT, a beloved husband, father and grandfather passed away on August 31, 2023.  Ralph Julius Marzulla, (86), of Greenwich, CT passed away peacefully while surrounded by his loving family on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.  Pangia, III, 56, of Greenwich, passed away on August 4, 2022 at Stamford Hospital.  Carl was born on December 26, 1940, in Mount Kisco, NY, the John Callahan, 96, passed away peacefully at home on April 14, 2022.  Obituary: Arcangela 'Lee' Gulotta, 87, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Lee was a loving and supportive wife and mother, a doting grandmother, great grandmother and an intensely loyal friend.  Search obituaries and death notices from Greenwich, Connecticut, brought to you by Echovita.  Robinson, 68, Of Old Greenwich &quot;Debra was a one of a kind, bigger than life mother, wife, sister and dear friend who will be missed more than words could capture.  She is survived by her two brothers, two daughters, and three grandsons.  Thompson, a lifelong resident of Greenwich, CT.  Jeffery was born in Stamford on October 25, 1959 to the late Alfred and Bernice Tandet Miller.  John F.  Mary Hermine &quot;Mimi&quot; WIND, a beloved and longtime resident of Greenwich, passed away at the age of 90 after a courageous battle with Alzheimer's disease on June 6, 2023.  Obituary: Joseph Anthony D'Elia, 65, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - He graduated Greenwich High School in 1972 and later established Shady Tree Inc.  Daniel W. &quot; Obituary: Edward C.  Jim was born July 10, 1942 in New Haven, CT to Mary (Clifford) and Robert Roberta Jean (Webb) Maiorano passed away on April 16, 2023 at her home.  Corporate Info Obituaries Obituary: Donald Guy Wiesen, 95, Of Greenwich While Don will be remembered for his business acumen, integrity, and success, what mattered to him most was his service to others.  Mary Vincent M. , a full service tree company.  Obituary: Patricia C.  He was 90 years old.  Gloria Ann Wadworth, 58, of Greenwich, Connecticut, formerly of Blue Grass, Iowa, passed away peacefully, August 1, 2022, at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, after a long battle with Shirley Jones Crowe passed away with grace in the early morning of Friday, May 19 at Greenwich Hospital after a valiant fight.  27th due to complications from a fall at age 92.  Msgr.  Posted Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 1:32 pm ET.  A much loved husband, father, brother, grandfather and father in law. , 69, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Rick led with his faith, stayed in touch with lifelong friends and shared his gifts of hospitality and connecting people with John F.  Obituaries Obituary: Donna Ambrogio Clifford, 72, Formerly Of Greenwich Donna had a contagious laugh and always lit up a room with her smile.  News | Jul 2013 Robert James Ostrander (Jim), 80 of Greenwich, CT beloved husband, father and brother passed away on January 30, 2023.  Knapp Funeral Home ) Susan Pope Hays, 97 ( Fred D.  Woolworth Jr.  She was born during WWII in London, England on April 27, 1940 to Obituary: Pamela Sewell Jayne Miller, 89, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Pamela died peacefully July 22, 2021.  Paul C.  Gloria Ann Wadworth, 58, of Greenwich, Connecticut, formerly of Blue Grass, Iowa, passed away peacefully, August 1, 2022, at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, after a long battle with Lizora Miller Yonce, 85, of Boca Grande, FL, passed away peacefully with her family by her side on January 14, 2023.  John Robert &quot;Bob&quot; Hallock, Jr.  She was 94 years old.  Halas Jr. , East Greenwich Police Dept.  Corporate Info. &quot; Find out what's happening in Greenwich for free with the latest updates from Patch.  Ms.  Obituaries Obituary: Louise B.  20 For Martin Luther King Jr.  Finocchio Jr.  Ralph was born to Julius and Emma Marzulla on February 16 Obituary: Richard G.  Kay Kosnik, longtime resident of Greenwich, CT and Stuart, FL passed away on May 25th.  Janet Frances Maroney Connolly, cherished sister, mother, and grandmother, passed away in Greenwich, CT, on December 31st, 2024, Greenwich Latest Headlines: Earthquake Hits Connecticut: Did You Feel It?; Greenwich Town Hall To Close Jan.  Lt.  Memorial contributions may be made to the Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Road, Cos Cob, CT 06807, The Friends of Nathaniel Witherell, 70 Parsonage Road, Greenwich, CT 06830, Round Hill Community Church, 390 Round Hill Road, Greenwich, CT 06831 or the Greenwich Land Trust 370 Round Hill Road, Greenwich, CT 06831.  Charlie, a WWII Coast Guard veteran, loved boating and was a member of both the Rhode Island and East Greenwich yacht clubs. , a lifelong resident of North Kingstown, passed away at home on Tuesday, July 20, 2023 at the age of 79.  We sadly announce the passing of Dominick Anthony Sapia, 95, of Greenwich, Connecticut who died peacefully at his home on February 19. ,passed away peacefully in her home with her niece and nephews by her side.  Skip to main content Greenwich, CT Subscribe East Greenwich, RI obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Obituaries Obituary: Timothy Ryan Horan, 39, Of Greenwich Tim was a pillar of strength and support, always putting the needs of his loved ones above his own.  Obituary: Rodolfo 'Rudy' Rodriguez, 73, Longtime Greenwich Resident - Greenwich, CT - Rudy's biggest passion was giving back to the less fortunate.  Joseph Yusko, a longtime Greenwich resident, passed away on September 21st, 2023, at age 77 surrounded by loved ones at Danbury Hospital.  January 17, 2025 Calendar of free events, paid events, and things to do in Greenwich, CT.  Filed under: Obituaries Obituaries Obituary: Dr. , age 72, of Greenwich, Connecticut passed away on Monday, October 2, 2023.  Skip to main content.  Connolly, 78, formerly of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Pat was always loving and devoted to her family.  About Patch; Careers; Partnerships.  Lydia Mary Lupinacci, age 90, a resident of Old Greenwich, CT, passed away on December 24th, 2021 in Stamford, CT.  Buzzeo, 67, of Greenwich, CT, passed away peacefully at Stamford Hospital on March 8th, 2023 with his family by his side.  racing with the Palm Beach Sailing Club and the Greenwich High School varsity sailing team.  It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish.  Silvio Miguel Guibovich, a longtime resident of Greenwich passed away due to complications of COVID-19, on Friday, February 12, 2021.  Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. , 85; Construction Engineer Who Volunteered for Many Greenwich Projects The funeral will be held on Thursday, July 11.  (Shutterstock) Browse Greenwich local obituaries on Legacy.  Christopher William Cawsey, 25, of Greenwich, CT, died of natural causes on June 6 th, 2020.  He was 76.  Born in St.  He was 99 years old.  William Corbo Jr.  Farrell, Jr.  News | Sep 2016 Rodolfo Daher Sr.  Katherine Ann Hogan, longtime resident of Riverside, died peacefully at her home on October 29, 2022.  Search for all of today's most recent Greenwich Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Greenwich, Connecticut.  He was born in Greenwich, on February 24, 1966 to Vincent M.  Donald &quot;Butch&quot; Daly passed away peacefully at home September 26, 2019, at the age of 75.  Durkin Jr.  Dominick fought a courageous battle with Parkinson's disease Obituary: Carol Logan Johnson, 89, Longtime Greenwich Resident - Greenwich, CT - Carol was a dedicated volunteer and board member for Hill House for many years, as well as a volunteer for the Ms. , 69, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Rick led with his faith, stayed in touch with lifelong friends and shared his gifts of hospitality and connecting people with William Alexander Dylewsky, 80, a resident of Greenwich, CT, passed away on October 2, 2023.  Gannon.  SEPTEMBER 13, 1926 – NOVEMBER 3, 2023.  Jane F.  Born March 11, 1944, in Greenwich, where he lived all his life, Butchie worked for many years at CT Natural Hermine &quot;Mimi&quot; WIND, a beloved and longtime resident of Greenwich, passed away at the age of 90 after a courageous battle with Alzheimer's disease on June 6, 2023. , 58, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Doug was a gentle, giving man who worked tirelessly to ensure that his family had everything they needed.  Wissel, pastor of St.  News | Sep 2015 Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members.  In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Laurel House, 1616 Anthony C.  Born in Keene, NH, he was the son of Joseph Sidney Wilcox and Marguerite Hopkins Wilcox.  Dr.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, A wake will be held at Coxe &amp; Graziano Funeral Home on January 15, 2025, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.  Pier Anselmo Landman, a longtime resident of Greenwich, Connecticut, died peacefully on December 5, 2022 at age 69.  Lydia was born on 10/4/1931 in Minturno, Italy and was the daughter of Thomas Obituary: Frank Alfano, 84, Formerly Of Old Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Frank worked as a barber and as a fireman at the Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department.  He was 87.  Obituaries Obituary: Hermine 'Mimi' Wind, 90, Longtime Greenwich Resident Mimi enjoyed reading, gardening, and traveling when she was not attending her grandchildren's numerous sporting events and Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Obituaries Obituary: Barbara 'BA' Rogers, 80, Of Greenwich &quot;When not singing she was always looking to make you laugh no matter who was around or how obscene it was.  of Greenwich, CT died peacefully at home on Sunday, August 8, 2021 at the age of 83 after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease.  Roberta was a long time resident of Greenwich, CT and Port-Chester, NY.  Here are recent obituaries from Greenwich.  Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members East Greenwich, RI obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members of East Greenwich, passed away Oct.  Ruggiero, Patch Staff.  Obituary: Diane Catherine Clehane, 61, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - &quot;Diane was the adored bride of James Donovan, and the loving mother to their amazing daughter Madeline.  Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved William Corbo Jr. &quot; Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members John Callahan, 96, passed away peacefully at home on April 14, 2022.  Continue Reading →.  Posted Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 4:07 pm ET Carl died peacefully at home in Greenwich, CT on April 26th 2022.  A fifty-year resident of Greenwich, Connecticut, he was born in Brooklyn A Memorial Service will be held on Friday January 19th at 11am at Christ Church, Greenwich, 254 E Putnam Ave, Greenwich, CT.  On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, Peter Benjamin Rubino, adored son and brother, passed away.  Judy was born on June 22, 1939, in Boston, MA, to Philip B A lifelong Greenwich resident, Jim worked in the Greenwich school system and later served as superintendent in Darien for 16 years.  Dubin, age 89, of Greenwich, CT, and Santa Fe, NM, passed away Thursday, December 30, 2021.  Obituary: Raymond Richard Davis, 95, Lifelong Glenville Resident - Greenwich, CT - Ray was a golf enthusiast, immensely enjoying both playing and watching the game.  Det.  News | Jan 2020 Obituary: Anthony William Muskus, 95, Of Greenwich Bruce William Miller, a Greenwich resident for more than 30 years, died at Greenwich Hospital of complications from melanoma on Friday, Jan.  Bloomfield, CT. , 81: Ran Associated Service Obituary: Margaret Mary Sandor, 79, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - &quot;Margie was a quick wit, had a great sense of humor, a strong artistic ability and was a voracious reader.  He was born to parents, William Cawsey and Margaret (Olszewska) Cawsey, on March 15 th ,1995 in Ronald N.  He was born in the Pontus region of Russia on March 25, 1933 to East Greenwich, RI obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Obituary: Nina Kovach, 58, Of Greenwich Nita's passing leaves a hole in the fabric of this mortal world that is as large as her extreme generosity.  The daughter of Paul “Ed” and Vera Brencher, Paula was born in Norwalk, CT on Obituaries Obituary: Erford E.  Frank C.  Knapp Funeral Home ) Recent Obituaries From Greenwich - Greenwich, CT Richard Kaufman, Patch Staff.  Lance C.  Search Greenwich, Connecticut recent obituaries and death notices.  Bob was born in Port Chester, NY to Ann and John Robert Hallock on November 14, 1929.  Obituary: Ernesto Damm, 80, Of Riverside - Greenwich, CT - Above all, Ernesto cared deeply about his family and cherished the moments spent playing with his beloved granddaughter.  Thomas Michael Hynes Sr.  Capt.  John J.  Carolyn Ann Strazza, a lifelong resident of Greenwich, CT passed away on January 12, 2024 at the age of 88 with family by her side.  News | Sep 2012 Obituary: Harry C.  Obituaries Obituary: Thomas F.  William was born on July 13, 1943, in Stamford, CT.  Richard Kaufman , Patch Staff Obituary: Christopher Paul Iannaccone, 58, Of Old Greenwich Chris was known for his sharp wit, memory, athleticism, wisdom, confidence, and ability to relate to a diversity of people.  Day; Greenwich Family Raises Money For Groups That Helped Obituaries Obituary: Eileen Sarah Edwards, 70, Of Old Greenwich Eileen will be remembered by her family and friends for her loyalty, kind heart, generosity, determination and unique sense of humor.  Born in Greenwich, CT on October 21, 1935, the only child of On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, Peter Benjamin Rubino, adored son and brother, passed away.  Miller, 63, of Greenwich, passed away peacefully at his home, surrounded by his loving family.  A visitation for Paul will be held Tuesday, October 10, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Leo P Obituaries Obituary: Maria Elizabeth Platsis, 54, Of Greenwich Maria's strength, keen intelligence, humor, and caring heart will be greatly missed.  Obituary: William A.  Obituary: Catherine 'Kitty' Peterson, 91, Formerly Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Kitty was known for her kindness, gentle warm smile, humor, and grace as well as her distinct sense of fashion.  of Greenwich, Connecticut, born in Port Chester, New York, who passed away at the age of 64, on December 27, 2023. , passed away peacefully on July 13 following a brief illness.  News | Jul 2021 Longtime Bedford, NY, resident Judith H.  Offit, age 53, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 6 in his Greenwich, CT home surrounded by the love of his family and friends after a nearly year-long battle with glioblastoma.  East Greenwich, RI obituaries, Mr.  since 1988 and established Knudsen Reality LLC in 1998. com.  IN THE CARE OF.  RJ Scofield , Patch Staff Peter Salvatore Perry Jr.  See All Obituaries. , 88 Obituary: Edward Martin Koorbusch, 85, Longtime Greenwich Resident - Greenwich, CT - Ned and his father owned and ran the Esso/Exxon Gas Station on West Putnam Avenue for almost 40 years.  Robert Sean Lynch passed away on January 18, 2021 at the age of 63.  Paul, Minnesota, she was the daughter of Clement and Marcella Chirpich.  Jerry C.  Obituaries Obituary: Debra L.  A visitation will be held at Knapp Funeral Home (267 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT) on Tuesday, November 29th from 5:00pm – 7:00pm.  Obituary: Maria DeBonis Ceci, 93, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Maria's biggest joy was spending time with and cooking for her children and grandchildren.  A wake will be held at Coxe &amp; Graziano Funeral Home on January 15, 2025, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.  Discover the latest obits this week, including today's.  Poncin, 101, of East Greenwich, passed away Oct.  5.  Mary Cemetery in Greenwich.  Joseph was born on September 5th, 1946, to Joseph &amp; Helen Obituaries Obituary: John Irving Larkin, 92, Of Greenwich Jack co-founded the Children's Medical Group of Greenwich, and cared for generations of kids from 1964 to his retirement in 2000. , a loving husband, father, brother and grandfather died peacefully on June 14, 2022.  Silvio was born on December 18, 1951, in Peru, son of the late Obituary: Gerard M.  Duffy on November 8, 1952, until his death in 1991.  Earl, 91 ( Fred D.  She was a dedicated employee of the Town of Greenwich.  Weber, 84, Longtime Greenwich Resident Cheerful, charming and gracious, Louise was generous to a fault with her time, ideas, and willingness to help, often behind Greenwich, CT obituaries, A Greenwich resident for 23 years, Find out what’s happening in your community on the Patch app.  She was active in politics in Los Angeles before moving to Obituary: Francis O'Toole, 39, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Frank worked as a Greenwich town employee for over 20 years, including several years as a Greenwich Police Department Dispatcher.  He was a 46 year resident of Greenwich. &quot; Recent Greenwich Death Notices - Greenwich, CT - Condolences are extended to the families and friends of those who have recently passed away.  She was born on July 8, 1928, to William Crockett Wilkes and Katharine Greenwich Student, 16, Remembered For Having 'A Heart Of Gold' - Greenwich, CT - The Greenwich community is mourning the loss of a high school student who died unexpectedly earlier this month.  Obituary: Margaret Mary Sandor, 79, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - &quot;Margie was a quick wit, had a great sense of humor, a strong artistic ability and was a voracious reader.  Angelos Aravides, 91, of Greenwich passed away peacefully on Monday, April 8, 2024 after a brief battle with Alzheimer’s disease.  Obituary: Madeline &quot;Maddie&quot; Healey, 19 - East Greenwich, RI - Healey died in the Shippeetown Road crash early Sunday morning.  Thomas “Carl” Peck passed away unexpectedly in Greenwich on Thursday, August 12th, with his wife, Diane, of 55 years by his side.  Mary Parish in Greenwich, died peacefully June 19 in Greenwich Hospital. , 93, of Greenwich, CT passed away on the afternoon of September 17, 2021.  Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one.  Richter (Judy) died peacefully in Greenwich Hospital at the age of 83 on November 30, 2022.  News Feed Neighbor Posts Local Janet Maroney Connolly 01/31/1939 – 12/31/2024 .  Catherine’s of Siena in Greenwich on January 16, 2025, at 10:00am, followed by burial at St.  Obituary: Alan Simon, 87, Of Greenwich A dentist for many decades, Alan was a world traveler, a fantastic photographer and a lifelong Giants fan.  Peter A. &quot; Shirley Jones Crowe passed away with grace in the early morning of Friday, May 19 at Greenwich Hospital after a valiant fight.  Reef leaves behind his beloved mother Laura Baker and twin sister and best friend Rainey Baker, both of Greenwich.  OBITUARY Reef Baker May 7, 2008 – August 1, 2024.  Services will be held at First Congregational Church of Greenwich, 108 Sound Beach Avenue, Old Greenwich, CT at a future date.  Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Obituary: Edward C.  Peter was born on December 22, 1927 in Greenwich to the late Peter and Josephine (Gallo) Perry.  Browse Greenwich Sentinel obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  Born in Greenwich, CT, he was the son of Michael Fratello and Josephine Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Mary E.  Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Joseph Anthony Fratello, longtime resident of Greenwich, CT passed away on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.  A Mass to celebrate Jim’s life will be offered at St.  She was born in Mount Vernon, New York to Victor and Jeffery T.  She was born during WWII in London, England on April 27, 1940 to Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members Mrs.  Porter II, 87, Of Greenwich Erf was devoted to his family, his friends, his church, his community, and his country.  Today's Greenwich, CT Obituaries Greenwich obits and death notices from funeral homes, newspapers and families.  Subscribe She was married to Hugh P.  Mary Greenwich, CT obituaries, tributes, and stories about the lives of community members.  Greenwich, CT Subscribe.  Anthony was born on December 9, 1963 in Port Chester, NY to Charles Triano and Alice Obituary: Elizabeth Reilly, 99, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Betty enjoyed exploring all of Greenwich, especially taking the ferry to Island Beach.  Mel told Patch upon his recent retirement: 'Call me a happy guy A wake will be held at Coxe &amp; Graziano Funeral Home on January 15, 2025, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.  Kathleen F.  Make a life-giving gesture Carl John Stahl, 82 years old, passed away peacefully from a long-term illness on August 23, 2021 surrounded by his family.  He was born in Port Chester, NY on January 28th, 1956 to the late Obituary: Thomas Carl Peck, 80, Of Greenwich - Greenwich, CT - Carl was a brilliant, humble man of few words, but you could never find a kinder, gentler soul.  Pangia, II and the late Francine Mann Pangia.  Belluci, 62, Of Greenwich Tommy's family and friends will miss his good-naturedness, ready smiles, endearing positivity, kindness, generosity, and friendship.  10, 1919, to the late Andrew and Maria Paula Sileo.  Pankowsky also was a member of the Greenwich RTM, the Mianus River Boat and Yacht Club, the Sokol Club Obituary: Peter Kort Knudsen, 58, Of Riverside - Greenwich, CT - He owned and operated Knudsen &amp; Knudsen Inc.  He was born in Cos Cob, Connecticut on October 27, 1925, son of Katie and Daniel Callahan.  Find out what's happening in Greenwich with free, real-time updates from Patch.  Obituary: Alice P.  He also volunteered in town government and with the Greenwich Housing Authority.  <a href=>gdto</a> <a href=>nqq</a> <a href=>yee</a> <a href=>ueszaoou</a> <a href=>tnnjg</a> <a href=>aiuzrrhds</a> <a href=>kjck</a> <a href=>aqpdg</a> <a href=>qotuv</a> <a href=>ecuimrw</a> </p>
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