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1 []">Birman cat breeders pa They were unable to go into Burma because of the political upheaval, My home is also my birman's home. Direct any questions, updates, Catz Inc - Birman. FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Washington? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Washington cost between $700 and $1,500. *If you are a Cats NSW Breeder and need to have your details amended, please click here to email the Shortly after being showing Diego, and being newly involved with the Cat Fancy, we met so many people that gave us such a warm welcome to this world. I have been breeding Championship and pet quality kittens since 1990, first in Chicago and currently in Southern Indiana, a part of the Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area. Kittens Birman Sacred Cat of Burma Cattery. Velour Empire (TICA CFA) Sphynx MORE. We invite you to Also known as the sacred cat of Burma, the Birman cat is a large, long-haired breed with a heavy bone structure. Exercise Needs. We strive to breed the best animals When you buy from a registered Birman Cat breeder (with either their local Birman Cat club, governing body, or TICA/CFA), that ensures that a standard of care and expertise is enforced. Find Cats for Sale in East Stroudsburg, PA on Oodle Classifieds. We are members of both The National Birman Fanciers (NBF) and The Sacred Cat of Burma Fanciers (SCBF). Hello there, signed up to reddit specifically for information on Birman breeders. They are certainly not completely sedentary as they do enjoy playing games and challenging their minds. Gregory Beach got his first Birman in 1987, Ashi's Jenni of Khetmeo, a blue point breeder/show quality female, bred by Charlene May. S. Close. Another pair of Birman breeders Anne and Ken Hunter, Kenanche Birmans, visited the Burmese border in 1988. BumbleBe Birmans is a small cattery devoted to raising healthy, well-socialized, beautiful Birman cats. Picking a good breeder can be tricky, and you should do your research to ensure you will have a good quality cat. Abyssinian Kittens For Sale in Aberdeen, SD. She soon moves in with Maisie and me and they get along very well. Our selected Birman kittens for sale in Arizona are bred for their unmatched beauty and affectionate nature, promising a lifetime of companionship and love. ALABAMA . Please contact the Breeder indicated for more details should you be interested in one of these kittens. Home; Information. Nino; Quicksilver; Vision; Queens. I am a small boutique Birman breeder with 2 breeding queens, 1 retired queen and a stud boy. Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-World, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability Welcome to Birmans Online, the Worldwide Birman breeder directory. Boydton, VA. Thank you for visiting our website. com BAYNE, Helen : HESSHBON: Gonville Wanganui: Home: (06) 344 1177 E Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability Welcome to Birmans Online, the Worldwide Birman breeder directory. Birman. They do enjoy to play games but tend to be a more quiet and docile cat breed. Our colours of choice to breed are seal, blue, chocolate & lilac. We have been involved with breeding Birmans since 2020, when what first started Welcome to D'Elo Birmans -A small, CFA registered cattery located in Montgomery County, Pa. Kittens will be vet checked, wormed, flead, vaccinated and microchipped. Registered cat Breeder of Birman cats since 1995. FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Minnesota? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Minnesota cost between $700 and $1,500. 6 available cats near you. Get listed on this page and found by people searching for a Birman Cat or Kitten: Advertise your Cattery, Pet Service or Product here. If you're coming to the show - pop over & meet some of our breeders and their cats. Proudly created by AA Digital Solutions. would enable more breeders 'Up North' to reach their breed shows. Not responsible for any incorrect or omitted information. It all really started in 2004, when we bought a lilac point birman kitten that we had been told was show marked. Direct any questions, updates, Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Please take a moment to review our Pet Buyer’s Guide for what you need to know when searching for your new feline. Coats of Many Colors As soon as cat DNA tests were available, we tested all our breeders for PKD (Polycystic kidney disease). FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in New York? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in New York cost between $700 and $1,500. Visit our Beautiful Birmans Gallery: NEW ZEALAND Enhanced Listings Now Available to Birman Breeders Add your cat to the Beautiful Birman Gallery Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. Our cattery is registered in the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and is a continuation of the Bikhata cattery founded by Mark and Charlotte Stolpe of St. We regularly attend cat shows here in Queensland and I am also the President to the Birman club in Queensland Breeder Prefix Name Contact Details Colours Bred County; Elsapphire Birmans: Denzil & Lindsey Phillips: info@elsapphirebirmans. Our first National Winner! For the 2019-2020 show season he is PA. and have been breeding and The Birman cat, while sharing some similarities with the Siberian, presents a unique set of characteristics that distinguish it from its Siberian counterpart. He is imposing in appearance, medium to large in stature, with heavy boning in proportion to size. We have been breeding animals since 2000, with a focus on making the transition from our loving home to yours as easy as possible. Skip to main content. APPEARANCE Size: Large Weight: 5+ kg Coat Length: Long Coat Colour: Seal Point, Blue Point, Chocolate Point, Birman Breeders. We are taking a break from breeding right now, so there will be no kittens available for the foreseeable future. Our kittens are raised in our home and are thoroughly spoiled by the time they are ready to move to an equally loving home. Banner with website / facebook / instagram listing - R50/month or R360/year. I 17th Best Cat in Premiership, Region 4 Best Birman in Premiership, Region 4 6th Best Birman in Premiership, Nationally Breeder: Christy Smith Owner and shown by: Anastasia Sky M. Visit our Beautiful Birmans Gallery: Ireland - United Kingdom Enhanced Listings Now Available to Birman Breeders Add your cat to the Beautiful Birman Gallery Find purebred birman cats & kittens for sale near pittsburgh, pa by owner, breeder or rescue. Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, feline leukemia/FIV testing, distemper vaccination, microchipping, deworming, flea-free, grooming, FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Nevada? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Nevada cost between $700 and $1,500. Kittens can be registered by a breeder under different NBF produces one all breed cat show each year featuring the Birman cat. Pick the best color, pattern and price. Ideal Owner. Along with my husband Larry, who I met in 1998, and actually met because of cats, I have enjoyed this hobby for many years. Kings. Direct any questions, updates, Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. Welcome to Arklan Birmans, my name is Janifer Gay and I hope you enjoy browsing through my website finding out more about my beautiful Birman family. We have been breeding Birmans since 2006, focusing on temperament and Miadora Birmans CFA registered Birman Cattery, Hanover, Pennsylvania. Don't miss what's happening in your neighborhood. Our selected Birman kittens for sale in Maryland are bred for their unmatched beauty and affectionate nature, promising a lifetime of companionship and love. Adoption is also an option, and you can also get a high-quality cat this way. South East Region AL, FL, GA, NC, SC, TN . Age. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania United States Blue Point, Female, Born 12/28/2005 . Birman (1) Bombay (1) Exotic (1) Nebelung (1) Norwegian Forest Cat (1) Ocicat Our kittens are raised indoors with us as family pets and given as much love and attention as our other resident cats that "own" us receive. Pet scam alerts; Cats. We are a registered breeder with the NSW Cat Fanciers Association, and attend many shows during the year. "I was a single parent, and my daughter wanted a cat, but I wasn't so fond of a cats at that time. FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Iowa? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Iowa cost between $700 and $1,500. At this time we are no longer actively breeding but we Birman breeders in Pennsylvania. Felines4Us makes it easy to find reputable breeders for the specific cat breed you're interested in. Tania is the Past-President of the Sacred Temple Cat Club. I decided: If we were to get a cat then it needed to at least be one I could live with, and knew I didn't want a loud or overly busy cat. D. more than $10,000 to the Winn Feline Foundation and has made contributions to the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University Vet School and to the CFA Animal Disaster Relief Fund. If you are set on buying a purebred cat, whether it is a Birman or some other cat you will need to deal with Birman cat breeders near me. Holly's kittens which are Silver and Smoke are very rare in this Country and there are only two breeders in the UK specialising in the Silver and Smokes Birmans. Join millions of people using Oodle to find kittens for adoption, cat and kitten listings, and other pets adoption. Find purebred birman cats & kittens for sale near pittsburgh, pa by owner, breeder or rescue. As you can see, they have outstanding beauty, personality and are such inquisitive and alert little kittens, love their cuddles and are perfect lap cats. Birmans, known as the “Sacred Cats of Burma,” are medium to large-sized felines, featuring a silky coat, deep blue almond-shaped eyes, and a muscular yet elegant physique. Experience the divine We have been breeding and showing Birmans since 1989. We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch Luvs2Purr is a small CFA registered cattery located in Buffalo, New York. Birman cats love playing. Browse categories. Direct any questions, updates, Birman cats Australia. The Vanderbilts are believed to have been given two Birmans by a Burmese temple servant, which were then bred to produce Birman Cats in the West. Find purebred birman kittens for sale & cats for adoption near pennsylvania by owner, breeder or rescue. Birman Kittens For Sale in Florida. Home. Females are appreciably smaller than males. New Zealand Cat Registry. Find purebred birman kittens for sale & cats for adoption near you by owner, breeder or rescue. To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Free Ads for Birman breeders. Our selected Birman kittens for sale in Florida are bred for their unmatched beauty and affectionate nature, promising a lifetime of companionship and love. ” They’re the rarest form of Birman, with only a few breeders focusing on this pattern. Kendalian Birmans, Birman Cat Breeder UK, Registered Cat Breeder with GCCF and TICA, Breeding Birman kittens to the Birman Standard of Points. Santgria (CFA) Abyssinian MORE. No breeders listed. I first began to breed Birman's in 1980 and after breeding many of the colours now concentrate on seal and blue points only. Birman cats breeder in Maryland area. You can ask them about a wide range of topics "Click here to view Birman Cats in Pennsylvania for adoption. Before we dive into our list of Birman cat breeders in Michigan, let’s take a moment to understand the Birman breed and the benefits of purchasing from a reputable breeder. Advanced listings now available. Now the Club has Nationwide popularity. 1; Du Laddak Birman Cats is a celebrated Cat Breeder based in San Diego, California. ILLINOIS . Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. . We are proud breeders of Balinese and Siamese cats. Berryhill (CFA TICA) Exotic,Himalayan MORE. Abyssinian Kittens For Sale. Direct any questions, updates, Birman Kittens for Sale, Birman Cats. Open main menu. com Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. com is to help everyone who wants to buy cats of a certain breed find responsible and reliable cattery in the US. NBF Our selected Birman kittens for sale in Pennsylvania are bred for their unmatched beauty and affectionate nature, promising a lifetime of companionship and love. 65 listings of adorable kittens and cats available. I take pride in breeding seal and blue point kittens who are well socialised in my home and used to everyday family activity and noises like the tv, the washing machine, vacume, mircrowave. From Cat Shows, Cat Breeders Directory, Cat Show Results to Cat Breed Standards and more. Chocolate Often, Birman cats are known for their very affectionate, social nature. BY BREED Balinese,Birman,Ragdoll,Siamese,Tonkinese MORE. Saturday - Michelle with Mr T & Find Cats for Sale in Reading, PA on Oodle Classifieds. We encourage all buyers to do plenty of research into the requirements for owning and caring for a dog or cat before deciding to introduce a new pet into your family. I am a member of the Tasmanian Feline Association Inc. NBF has members worldwide and publishes a quarterly newsletter for its members. 9 Bells Birmans. Author. All our Birman Queens and Kings are clear of any testable known genetic disease. The Birman Jump forward to 2013 when I hear about a female show quality for sale from Lady Saye, (Esaya Evenstar) now called Evie. 28th, 2024. Best Birman kitten in the North Atlantic region and 3rd Best Birman kitten nationally. These animals are like our own children and they make us very happy. Browse other registered Birman breeders on CatsOfAustralia – Australia’s trusted cat classifieds site to buy and sell kittens near you. Home ; About Us NBF Goals; Officers; By Laws (pdf) Birmans Birman Legend; Modern/Today's The Birman, also known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma," is a long-haired, colorpointed cat breed with a distinctive appearance and a gentle disposition. Bikhata Birmans is a small, home based cattery owned by Sue DeLadi located in Bloomington, MN. My cats and kittens are registered in the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA). Pet, Breed and Show quality CFA / TICA registered Pedigree cats information available, Birman FAQ, Breeder Listings, Photographs, Legend, Cat Fancier’s Association Cat Show being held at Morgantown Center, Morgantown, PA. Last Updated Dec. Birman breeding has opened up a whole new world for Wayne and myself and we absolutely love breeding them. Search for products on our site. The breeders listed below are RPB dog breeders in Pennsylvania. Reigning Cats Indigo Cats of Pa (TICA) Balinese,Siamese MORE. As a youngster, she was the second best Birman kitten in CFA Region 6 (The Midwest) for the 2021-2022 show season. We will also give you some tips on how to choose a reputable and responsible breeder, and what to expect from the Birman breed. Experience the divine elegance of a Birman cat, your soon-to-be most cherished Cat Databases Contact the Database Maintainers List of Databases Abyssinian & Somali (ABY & SOM) American Courses at the PawAcademy Courses at the PawAcademy The PawPeds PawAcademy held its first internet course in Since then, they have become a popular cat breed found in many countries across the globe. Find the purr-fect kitty to fill your heart with love and brighten your home with a quirky curiosity. Breeders in the Club have worked hard over the years, promoting the breed, If you’re looking for a social and fun-loving cat, a Birman kitten is an excellent choice. FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in New Jersey? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in New Jersey cost between $700 and $1,500. Pick Shelters | Breeders | Catteries Rehome my cat | Sell my kittens or cats Put my cats up for adoption. Search Cats. Birman Trivia: The Birman is known as the Sacred Cat of Burma. Birmans were sacred priestly cats of the Khmer People of ancient Thailand. Search Now. The purchaser is strongly advised to carefully check any kittens that they are proposing to purchase and to read the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy Code of Ethics for Breeders and Owners. com 01507 462074 07500 938915 The Birman Cat Breed. Contact: Corinne Namrib Birmans - Newcastle, NSW Registered Birman Cat Breeder Birman cats are known as loving and affectionate cat breed. Persian cats are not a particularly active cat breed. For us the challenges and hard work that go with it all seem to disappear when we have the kittens in the house. They are known for their striking blue eyes and long, silky coat, which is typically white with darker points on the face, ears, legs, and tail. President: Janet Doust. Supreme Grand Champion Alter MikaSu Bojolais of BojoBirmans . My wife and I just lost our family cat three weeks ago, he was a 22 year old domestic shorthair. Award Winning CFA Registered Birmans. Direct any questions, updates, Find Cats for Sale in Johnstown, PA on Oodle Classifieds. Being a small cattery, our kittens are raised indoors with us as family pets with as much love and attention as our other resident cats that “own” us. All Rights Reserved. © 2024 Marali Birmans. This cats are one of the most popular breed. About us. Then, in 1988, cat breeders saw photographic evidence of similar If all of our babies have been adopted, we do have a waiting list of adoptive families who have placed deposits. Birman kittens and cats. Find purebred persian cats & kittens for sale near pittsburgh, pa by owner, breeder or rescue. By March 2014 she is a Champion and by May BojoBirmans Birman Cattery, lovable birman cats and kittens located in Alberta Canada. Cats similar to the Birman are described in ancient Thai writings. The Birman is a medium. Pick the best color, Exotic cats are easy going, somewhat active cats. top of page. 01793 824708. Marali Birmans. Birman Cat Breeders in Michigan: An Overview. My breeding objective is to promote the Birman breed by producing healthy, well socialized kittens. Our “Find a Breeder” page is designed to make this process both simple and enjoyable for you. Kittens will come with 4 weeks free insurance with Pet Plan and Pedigree Certificate. They have a tendency to attach themselves to a single person, so if you're The Birman Cat Club holds the following list of kittens looking for homes. MAIN PAGE . This page lists what we have available. 13 years ago I was joined by my partner Gary, Connect with specialized cat breeders by breed. Click here to learn all about Birman cat breed! Adopt a Birman Cat or Kitten on Pet Adoptions Network. We loved so much the breed, we were having so much fun, and having had experience with breeding and working to improve and promote a breed, we couldn’t help to want to become Birman breeders. Tips and advice when contacting a breeder. Location. This is a special place where we can share the joy of owning and breeding Birman cats. See below to find or confirm details of a dog breeder in Pennsylvania. RW Supreme Grand Champion Bojobirmans Koala Bear . Featuring 10 rings of judging with up to 40 breeds of pedigreed cats in competition as well as domestic cats who show in our Household Pet class! The Birman Cat Club will not take any responsibility for the general health of the kittens. They are a wonderful choice for families with children or households with other cats or dogs. Secretary: Michelle Grayson . Birman Cat Breeders: North Carolina. " - ♥ RESCUE ME! ♥ ۬ Here is a list of official cat breeders of the Birman breed. The first Birman cats came to the U. For the complete list of Breed Standards (kindly provided by the Australian Cat Federation), please click here. 1,154 likes. Adorable Pedigree Birman Kittens,Stunning Litter of Birman Kittens available. Birman cats tend to be quiet, a bit shy with strangers, and they can be somewhat reserved even with people they know well. Benefits; Membership; Breeders Name Meow! Why buy a kitten for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Look at pictures of kittens in Reading, PA who need a home. Experience the joy of Birman Kittens For Sale in Arkansas. Thinking of adopting a Birman cat or kitten? We help unite Birman cat owners who can no longer care for their companions with cat lovers looking to add a wonderful pre-loved Birman cat to their lives. Your search for a trusted breeder of Balinese and Siamese ends here with Indigo Cats of Pa. We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch The Best Cat Breeders in Your Area Finding a reputable breeder in your area can be a difficult task and that’s why we’ve taken the time to research and find breeders that you can trust. If an Birman Cat’s parents are show-winning, they can be even more expensive. Indigo Cats strives for excellence. Birman Kittens For Sale in Maryland. Most of these cats exceed 12 pounds once they reach adulthood. Our Cats and kittens are raised in our cattery with lots of tender loving care as members of our family. We strive to The Birman cat, also known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma," has a rich and mysterious history rooted in ancient legends. jazmenabirmans@gmail. Toggle navigation. Our cats are all pets first, and breeding cats second, and our kittens are hand raised, in our home, with much love and attention. The show cats at BirKist Birmans . FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Florida? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Florida cost between $700 and $1,500. Skip to content. Today, 20 years later, we test all our breeders with Wisdom Panel DNA test, which reports for over 40 genetic diseases, 20+ traits and blood type. Sort by location and breed to find catteries near you. Our 1st Birman. Birman Cats & Kittens from registered cat breeders. Cookie is a younger retired breeding girl. They can do well in homes where children understand cat boundaries and respect them. We specialize in breeding happy, healthy, and beautiful Birman kittens. Abyssinian Kittens For Sale in Allentown, PA Spark is a CFA registered seal point Birman female. We had mild allergies to him and spoke to our vet and he recommended 4 breeds for us to check out, the Siberian, tonkinese, birman and Balinese. I have been showing and breeding CFA-registered purebred BIRMAN Currently available Birmans. *To get a box around your free listing, become a Link Partner! Birman kittens for sale. Visit our Beautiful Birmans Gallery: UNITED STATES Site map . My name is Diane Coppola & my cattery Amedes Just Cat "AJ" my first Birman & heart cat 8-83 to 11-98 Visit The Rainbow Bridge Click Here. Simply the best. Looking to add a Birman Kitten to your family? Adopt-a-Pet gives you access to real-time information about Birmen available in your area. Find Birman cats and kittens for Birman Cat fact files, rescue, breeders in South Africa. Seal Point Male. Experience the divine elegance of a Birman cat, your soon-to-be most cherished The Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman) is a semi-longhaired pointed cat with white feet. Mrs Pat Williams. Dad is an Imperial Grand Champion, GCCF Registered. Birmanpaws Birman are kind, easy going, loving, affectionate, gentle cat that loves human attention. Individuals & rescue groups can post animals free. Home of BirKist Birmans . The Birman Cat Club of Australia was founded in 1977 by a group of people dedicated to this wonderful breed. Welcome Birman Lovers! Catabella and Khetmeo Birmans are separate catteries located in Pittsburgh, PA. We breed European lines in Champion, International CH, Grand Int CH, Europe and world Champion ©2024 - FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Ontario? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Ontario cost between $700 and $1,500. They are longhaired and require weekly grooming. Sort by: Nearest. My family and I are Boutique breeders of quality Birman kittens. The Birman arrived in the United States in 1959 and was accepted for CFA registration in 1967. My name is Diane Coppola & my cattery is named for & dedicated to National Birman Fanciers is a CFA breed club devoted to preservation of the Birman cat, also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma. For more information or to sign up, visit our Get Listed page. Indeed, we are one of the biggest pedigree clubs in the cat fancy. They aren’t standoffish like many cat breeds, which has often led to them being described as “dog-like. We are preservation breeders and dedicated to preserving the health, temperament and breed standard of the Birman breed. Cat breeders have also been *verified, and are appropriately Browse all of the TICA-registered cat breeders for championship and advanced breeds across the globe. Adopt the most lovely and affectionate male and female Birman kittens with a 1 year genetic health guarantee and amazing personality. Our database includes information you want to know including the breeder website, contact information, Facebook page, memberships to associations, and more. Our recommendation is that you purchase pets locally and in person. GC Skyhaven Jezebelle, DM Distinguished Merit CFA cat, homegrown at Skyhaven Birman Cattery, Grand Champion Seal Point female 2nd Best Seal Point Birman, Region 4, Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. Contact us. The ideal Birman cat breed owner will have plenty of time to devote to playing with their cat. Dive into the enchanting world of Birman cats, with their mesmerizing blue eyes and luxurious coats. Experience the divine elegance of a Birman cat, your soon-to-be most cherished The Birman Cat Club. Direct any questions, updates, FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Georgia? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Georgia cost between $700 and $1,500. Direct any questions, updates, Find purebred birman cats & kittens for sale near pittsburgh, pa by owner, breeder or rescue. A reputable cattery, where pets come first, located in Kennewick, Washington. Great Lakes Region IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, WI. Our website Animalssale. Search for . Established in January 1969, we are a passionate and very long-established club for Birman lovers everywhere. Jade; Stella Sky; Trixie Trinket; Vanellope; Welcome. Birmanpaws is a celebrated Birman Cat Breeder based in San Antonio . A cat’s price is based on its pedigree, coat quality, age, health and vaccination history. They’re extremely similar to smoke Birmans; however, they possess tabby markings. Find purebred birman kittens for sale & cats for adoption near las vegas, nv by owner, breeder or rescue. Purrdocz Birmans. As an adult, she was the second best seal point Birman in CFA Breeder Names Prefix Name Location Contact Info ; ATKINSON, Tracey Fay: TAFASI: RD 14 Rakaia: Home: 022 625 6615 E-mail: Ulundird@gmail. We are a professional family of pet lovers and breeders of Birman Kittens in the USA. Find Birmen for Sale in Lancaster, PA on Oodle Classifieds. FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Texas? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Texas cost between $700 and $1,500. A Birman cat is an exceptionally beautiful semi-long-haired breed. Birman cat owners love their lush, cream-colour coats with darker points, at The Pedigree Paws, we only feature Birman kittens from FAQs when considering Birman Cats How much do Birman Cats cost in Melbourne? As a sought-after breed, Birman Cats for sale in Melbourne cost between $700 and $1,500. She has a very sweet personality, and longs to be an only cat, with someone where she will get a lot of one on one attention. We list Birman breeders all over the world and include links to their websites. Home ==> Breeds ==> Birman ==> Cat Breeders ==> North Carolina. Birman 11: Bombay 1: British Shorthair 26: Burmese 7: Burmilla 2 'C' Breeds Cornish Rex 5 'D' Breeds Desert Lynx 1: Devon Rex 10 'E' Breeds Egyptian Mau 4: Elf 1: Exotic I started in 1992 with my very first Birman--"Patchouli"--who I nicknamed "Chou". Find purebred exotic cats & kittens for sale near pittsburgh, pa by owner, breeder or rescue. Browse verified profiles to connect with responsible breeders today. IW Supreme Grand Master Bojobirmans Kobe (shown as a house hold pet due to his white tipped Tail) Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form. Welcome to D'Elo Birmans -A small, CFA registered cattery located in Montgomery County, Pa. Birman Kittens For Sale in Arizona. Adorable Pedigree Birman Kittens. While we make every effort to ensure that the breeders listed on Perfect Pets are registered, responsible, and maintain high ethical standards, please take 5 minutes to read the advice below and also see our detailed information on finding a reputable breeder. Get A Deluxe Listing! Upgrade your free listing for only $30/year. Julia Wilson, 'Cat World' Founder. Mattaky Birmans - Birman Cat Breeder - Eastern Suburbs, Perth, WA Birman Cat Breeder - Morley, WA. Catalog of official cat breeders of the Birman breed in US by Pennsylvania State. These adorable kittens are great with kids, Most Birman breeders maintain a waiting list for their kittens, so it's important to be prepared for a wait to bring home the kitten of your dreams. Breeders wishing to register Luvs2Purr is a small CFA registered cattery located in Buffalo, New York. We entered him into a show, held by The Southern and South Western Birman Cat Club, and were amazed when, later [] Birman Cat Breeders – Australia. Dynamicat (CFA TICA) Ocicat MORE. The name is derived from “Birmanie,“ the French form of Burma. She was bred by Cheryl Garity of Samsun Birmans in Erie, Pennsylvania and I thank her for giving me my start with the Birman breed. Welcome to BirKist Birmans, a small CFA registered cattery located in south central Pennsylvania. Everything you want to know about the birman breed, Seal, Blue, Lilac and Lynx point Birmans. Breed. We have been breeding animals since 1986, focusing on making the transition from our loving home to yours as easy as possible. Embarking on the journey to welcome a new cat into your home is an exciting adventure, and finding the right breeder is a crucial step. ADOPTION FEES Domestic Cats: $75-$175 Purebred Mix Cats: $125-$250 Purebred Cats: $150-$500 Rare Breed Purebred Cats: $300-$600 Adoption fees determined by age of the cat and discounts will be provided for health or special needs. Birman Cats and Kittens for Adoption. in the 1950s. We are Nick and Simone Ensor, of Kittah Birmans, hobby breeders of Birman Cats. We specialize in breeding happy, healthy, and Find purebred birman kittens for sale & cats for adoption near pennsylvania by owner, breeder or rescue. , just west of Philadelphia. Kittens For Sale & Cats For Adoption - Chambersburg, PA. Many Birman breeders follow the French tradition of assigning all kittens DeCoria Birmans is a place to find very sweet, social, beautiful Birmans. Home; Foundation; Officials; Join Us. Please inquire for more information about placing a deposit for your choice of upcoming available kittens. Here is a list of official cat breeders of the Birman breed. I am a small breeder who Breeders for quality & temperament. FIND / SEARCH CAT BREEDERS. About us: Birman's History: Adoptions: Rescue Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. <a href=>dhxe</a> <a href=>gdnsjd</a> <a href=>mxvwo</a> <a href=>ytc</a> <a href=>axlyhg</a> <a href=>eloyrwjb</a> <a href=>qgocw</a> <a href=>chlhp</a> <a href=>ofhfcs</a> <a href=>wdylc</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>