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<h1>1913 liberty head v nickel. 21 mm) and a weight of 0.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">1913 liberty head v nickel  Year: 1913 Mint Mark: No mint mark Mintage: N/A Composition: 75% copper, 25% nickel Weight: 5 grams Face Value: $0.  On July The 1913 Liberty head five-cent piece, or nickel, falls into this category.  These include the 1885 and 1886 Liberty Head The Liberty Head nickel, sometimes known as the V nickel because of its reverse design, was struck for circulation from 1883 until 1912, with at least five pieces being struck dated 1913 and very rare.  Key coin dates and values/prices of Liberty nickels.  This price does not reference any standard coin grading scale.  Buffalo or Indian Head Nickels (1913-1938): These feature the head of a Native American and the image of a buffalo.  Levy, to extract it from the group and Liberty Head V nickels are old coins that have numismatic value.  1913 Liberty Head nickel. 321 - US - 1907 1883-1913 - Liberty Head Nickel - V Nickels - Obverse Design: Liberty, wearing a coronet and wreath - Reverse Design: Roman numeral V, for 5, indicating the denomination, surrounded by a wreath Information on the Liberty &quot;V&quot; Nickels issued from 1883 to 1913.  R.  Condition: Brand new.  In 1972, a 1913 Liberty V Nickel became the first coin to sell for more than $100,000.  The Liberty Head nickel series, which was designed by James B.  1913 Liberty Head Nickel (Eliasberg specimen): Photo courtesy of CoinFacts.  This is the specimen now offered at auction.  However, an intriguing turn of events unfolded in 1919 when Samuel Brown, a conveniently placed Mint employee, unveiled an enigmatic treasure at the gathering of the Chicago Coin Club.  1883.  Roll of 40 Liberty Head V Nickel Coins years 1900-1911 Good + Full date &amp; Rim Nice Circulated Condition coins (830) $ 38.  1883-1913 Liberty Head / V-NICKELS, 34 Coin Set missing 4 Coins.  Liberty Head Nickels, also known as the “V Nickel” was minted from 1883 to 1912, with a few being minted in 1913.  logicalbottle (452) 100%.  Free shipping.  See prices and values for Liberty Head Five Cents (1883-1913) in the NGC Coin Price Guide.  It was a Liberty Head coin bearing the unmistakable Check out our 1913 v nickel selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our coins &amp; money shops. com The 1913 Liberty Head Nickel is an American five-cent piece produced in limited quantities without authorization from the United States Mint.  Be sure to visit our Liberty Head V Nickel Forum if you need help.  Home; Cents.  They’re worth about $2 to $12 each in circulated condition, depending on the grade of the coin.  Most issues of the series with the exception of three remain relatively available for collectors.  But the date is different, and a very clever set of circumstances ensured that the coins bearing it became memorable, twentieth-century legends.  6 bids &#183; Time left 3d 12h left (Mon, 06:30 PM) Free shipping.  NGC is the &quot;grading service of choice&quot; of the ANA (American Numismatic Association), the largest Get the best deals on US Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) 1908 Liberty Head V Nickel - 5c PCGS MS64 - Old Green Holder - OGH.  1903 Liberty Nickels Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel.  Shipping: US-Mainland: free (more destinations) Sales Tax: check.  A man named Samuel Brown worked at the mint in 1913 and also introduced all five coins at the American The infamous Liberty Head nickel of 1913 is not a coin that any collector will likely ever see in the wild, but it is certainly one with a rich and colorful history. 00 at auction.  The Liberty Head Nickel design appeared on U.  The first design did not feature the word “CENTS” on the reverse – mint officials believing that the metal and size would be sufficient for the public to know it was a five-cent coin.  These round five-cent coins came with a diameter of 0.  1899 Liberty V Nickel 5C ANACS AU 55.  The American contingent of bidders persuaded the auctioneer for Sotheby's, Mr.  Fast forward a number of years after production of the Liberty Nickel ceased, to December of 1919.  A certified mint state (MS+) coin could fetch up to $4,228,955.  Barber crafted this magnificent coin, and the coin’s production In 1913, the Liberty Head design gave way to the Buffalo type.  Mint nickels from 1883 to 1912, replacing the Shield nickel design.  No one is completely certain as to why five 1913 Liberty Nickels were struck that year.  Barber, was issued between 1883 and 1912.  The absence of the word “cents” on the coin’s reverse led to its initial confusion with gold coins A Rarity is Created.  Today, there are only five known 1913 Liberty Head Nickels in existence.  The story of the 1913 Liberty Head nickel begins with a mystery — no one is sure how or why the five known pieces were produced. 6%.  Liberty Head 5 Cents (V Nickel) (ebay coin auction by date) 1883 No Cent . 2 millimeters Metal content: Copper - 75% Nickel - 25% Weight: 1883-1913 LIBERTY HEAD NICKEL This historical information is provided complements of NGC (Numismatic Guarantee Corporation).  Get the best deals for 1913 liberty head v nickel at eBay.  1.  VERY unusual, and you're not likely to get one from the cashier at 7-11.  These five coins are extremely rare and valuable, and their Although with five known copies, the 1913 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; nickel is not the most rare coin, it is perhaps the favorite coin amongst collectors and certainly one of the most famous of the world's extremely rare coins. PCGS.  See a picture of the Liberty Head nickel (aka the V Nickel), as well as mintage numbers and other details.  That coin was the 1913 Liberty Head ( The 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel stands as a testament to numismatic history, renowned for its rarity and allure. Check out my video on 1955 D The Eliasberg 1913 Liberty Head nickel, one of only five ever produced.  Complete coverage of the famous 1913 Liberty Head Nickel, as well as patterns, varieties and Discover the value of the 1883 No Cents Liberty Head V Nickel with our comprehensive guide, featuring coin photos, price charts, mintage stats, and selling tips this coin is part of the V-nickels series minted between 1883 and 1913.  coinvalueinvestor.  Henry Norweb were among those in attendance in Cairo and wanted to buy the 1913.  Fast &amp; free shipping on orders +$199. .  Etsy.  V-Nickels dated pre-1897 can command significant 1883 P Liberty Nickel With Cents: Coin Value Prices, Price Chart, Coin Photos, Mintage Figures, Coin Melt Value, Metal Composition, Mint Mark Location, Statistics &amp; Facts. 5 Million.  Mint engraver Charles Barber in 1883 as an attempt to achieve a more uniform design with 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel Specifications: Circulation Strikes: 0 Proof Strikes: 5 Content: 75% copper, 25% nickel Weight: 5 grams Diameter: 21.  No Liberty nickels were made that year officially, but years later collectors were stunned to learn that five 1913 examples had surfaced, all of them apparently The introduction of the new nickel received a warm reception from the public, seamlessly blending into everyday life. com) has formally certified the famous Walton 1913 Liberty Head nickel with a grade of PCGS Secure PR63, bringing together in Florida the The Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel is a classic and historic coin that was minted by the United States from 1883 to 1913.  For Sale 77 Auctions 0 Wishlist 0 Collection 127.  Five known examples of a 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel featuring the earlier Liberty Head V design were Even though the 1913 Liberty Head nickel is generally not considered part of the regular series of coins, that hasn’t stopped people from clamoring to get their hands on the coin.  V Nickels from 1912 to 1897 are among the more common.  It features the Goddess of Liberty on the obverse and a V (Roman numeral five) on the reverse, hence the nickname.  BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bowers, Liberty Nickel (1883-1913) Auction Prices Population CoinFacts Photograde ™ Shop at: APMEX David Lawrence L&amp;C Coins Collectors Corner eBay U.  US 1913 ~ 1938 Indian Head Buffalo Nickel 5 Cent Coin Gold Plated Tie Tac Tack NEW (2.  Today, these This page is dedicated exclusively to the 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel.  However, there is a little more to this story.  100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.  Undoubtedly, the most pricey Liberty Head nickels are rare five pieces struck in 1913 in the Philadelphia mint under mysterious Here' my reaction to a group claiming the 1913 Liberty V Nickle and the 1955 Lincoln Cent Doubled Die Penny is counterfeit fakes.  1885 I found two miniature 1913 liberty head V nickels and I'm trying to find any information I can about them.  Lettering: * * * * * * * * * * * * * LIBERTY 1912.  With the exception of the multi-million-dollar proof 1913 Liberty Head nickel, which technically isn't even a regular They're things like an 1804 silver dollar, a 1913 Liberty Head nickel, an 1838-O half dollar, and so on.  The V-nickel design was replaced by the Buffalo Head nickel in 1913.  Even though these coins’ minting ended in 1912, someone struck five specimens the following year.  However, against all odds, five nickels with the 1913 date and Liberty Head design The Liberty Head nickel was produced from 1883 to 1913.  Only five of the rare 1913-dated coins are known.  The 1913 Liberty Head nickels are some of the most valuable and rarest US coins in existence with each one worth many millions Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel.  Ambassador and Mrs.  A recent auction sale of a 1913 Liberty nickel brought in the Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel.  David Bowers.  Use this Coin Guide to learn about the value of your Liberty Head Nickel.  The Liberty or “V” nickel, a design by Charles E.  A coin dealer named Samuel W.  Mintage: 28,006,725 .  hills-steigers (296) 100%.  I've found a bunch of information on novelty/dollhouse coins but none of the 1913 liberty head.  1913: $4,455,000; Liberty Head Nickel Key Dates.  lmy New Member.  Proof V (or Liberty Head) nickels exist for every year the series was struck from 1883 through 1912.  Online Guide Online Guide containing complete date and mint mark information.  Rare Nickel Sells for Record-Breaking $4.  which became known as the Buffalo nickel and went into production in February 1913.  Tweet Description; ① The Coin Is Copy For Collection ② Technique: Casting ④ Material: Copper ⑤ It Is A Good Gift For Your Lover,Family,Friend And Coworker. 2 millimeters Edge: Plain Rarity: Extremely rare 1903 P Liberty Nickel: Coin Value Prices, Price Chart, Coin Photos, Mintage Figures, Coin Melt Value, Metal Composition, Mint Mark Location, Statistics &amp; Facts.  Coin artist Charles Barber created the Liberty Nickel (also Liberty Head or V Nickels (1883-1913): These were named for the Roman numeral V on the reverse, signifying five cents.  1896 Liberty Nickels Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel.  Buy &amp; Sell This Coin.  History of the V Nickel.  This coin had a left-facing bust of Liberty on the obverse and the Roman numeral “V” on its reverse.  Reverse.  Opens in a new window or tab.  Weight: 5 grams Composition: 75% copper, 25% nickle Diameter: 21.  It was struck at the Philadelphia mint in late 1912, the final year of its issue, but with the year 1913 cast on its face – the same year the Other features of the Liberty Head nickel (V nickel) All Liberty Head nickels minted from 1883 to 1912, including five pieces struck in 1913, contained copper and nickel in a 75%: 25% ratio.  I found two miniature 1913 liberty head V nickels and I'm trying to find any information I can about them.  Large V in center, representing Roman Numeral 5 with wreath.  1883 Liberty Head V Nickel PF-66 UCAM NGC The 1913 Liberty Head nickel was included as part of a date collection of nickels, without any particular notice being made of it.  But the date is different, and a very clever set of circumstances Back in 1913, the US Mint introduced a new design for the 5-cent piece that featured a Native American on the front and a bison on the back. 99. 83504 inches (21.  Liberty Head Nickel Values.  maximus500 (6,218) 99.  Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC), the official grading service of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), has confirmed the authenticity of the 1913 Liberty Head nickel that was rediscovered at the ANA convention in Baltimore this summer after being out of sight for (Orlando, Florida) -- Professional Coin Grading Service (www.  Mint transitioned to the Buffalo Nickel, officially retiring the Liberty Head design.  R$ 1,453.  The Eliasberg Liberty Head Nickel is from 1913.  In addition to the 1913 Liberty Head nickel, there are a few key dates worth noting in the series.  Add to Favorites .  Skip to content.  However, at least five of these coins were secretly minted in 1913, making them pricey.  Each coin was minted at the Philadelphia Mint.  The Buffalo nickel design switched the nickel design in 1913.  Only 5 Liberty Head V Nickels were minted in 1913 and production was unauthorized by the mint. 21 mm) and a weight of 0. The 1913 Liberty Head nickel is an American five-cent piece which was produced in extremely limited quantities unauthorized by the United States Mint, making it one of the best-known and most coveted rarities in American numismatics.  Seller: Rickos Certification Agency: Raw / Unspecified Related: 1913 liberty head v nickel 1913 v nickel 1912 liberty head nickel 1943 copper penny 1804 silver dollar 1955 double die lincoln cent buffalo nickels 1787 fugio cent 1913 liberty head nickel replica 1913 buffalo nickel 1893 s morgan dollar 1912 Liberty Head Five Cents (V Nickel)-Learn about Liberty Head Nickels by the facts and images, recource for nickel coin collectors.  Minted at: The Liberty Nickel series officially concluded in December 1912 and was replaced in 1913 by the Buffalo Nickel design.  2.  Early in that year it was decided to replace the familiar Liberty Head nickel, in circulation since 1883, with a new design, popularly called the “Buffalo” nickel, featuring on the obverse an Indian or Native American, and on the reverse a buffalo (more properly a bison in terms of zoology).  It is a numismatic mystery: why do five specimens of V-Nickels dated 1913 exist? 1913 Proof V Nickel Value: n/a: n/a: $5,500,000: n/a .  CoinStudy.  V Nickel Value In all but a few cases, the mintages for the Liberty Head Nickel occurred in relatively high numbers.  Does anyone know about these The 1913 Liberty Head nickels' value stems from their unsanctioned, secretive production rather than from mint errors, making them even more coveted.  1896 P Liberty Nickel: Coin Value Prices, Price Chart, Coin Photos, Mintage Figures, Coin Melt Value, Metal Composition, Mint Mark Location, Statistics &amp; Facts.  1913 LIBERTY 1913 LIBERTY 5C PF Shop! Shop! Updated: 8/13/2021: 5C: PF: 3: Shop Now! PrAg PrAg G G VG VG F F VF VF XF XF XF XF 50 50 50 50 53 53 53 53 55 55 55 55 58 58 58 58 60 60 60 60 The Mysterious 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel Surfaces.  The finest of the coins has been Liberty Head Nickels can range from very common to extremely rare, with the 1913 nickel bringing several million dollars.  Norweb wanted to buy the 1913 and made this known to her fellow countrymen.  Like other coin types, V-Nickel values can vary significantly based on condition and date.  In the 1920s and early 1930s, one man and one coin were key factors that brought new life to old hobby.  You can buy the coin with our auction links, and fill the hole in your collection.  Hailed as “the most famous coin in the world,” the 1913 Liberty Head nickel started life as a cheat.  Sort By Newest Listings Proof V (or Liberty Head) nickels exist for every year the series was struck from 1883 through 1912.  * * * Sources.  Pedigree of Five Known 1913 Liberty Nickels The 1913 Liberty Head nickel, for example, was part of a collection of 149 nickels from 1866 to 1948 that was offered in a single lot.  Hurricane-prone states The day in pictures Buy Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) on APMEX.  After this, Charles designed the popular Barber coins which include the Quarter, Half Dollar and Dime.  Picked For You Top selling items from trusted sellers | Sponsored.  It fell to the partnership of Sol Kaplan and Abe Kosoff (the latter being a partner with Abner Kreisberg in the Get the best deals on 1911 Year US Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.  In 1972, one specimen of the five cent coin became the first coin to sell for See more Only 5 Liberty Head V Nickels were minted in 1913 and production was unauthorized by the mint.  This coin received its nickname because the reverse features a large Roman number “V” for five, which indicates its face value of five cents.  Stating that he was looking for 1913 Liberty nickels to buy.  Liberty Nickels 1883-1913 Liberty Nickel Coin Guide Home; Specs; Liberty Gold Eagles Indian Head Eagles The tale of the recovery of the 1913 Liberty nickel from the wreckage, its later incorrect identification as a counterfeit, subsequent authentication as the &quot;missing 1913 Liberty nickel&quot; and its reuniting with its Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel.  1913 Nickel Liberty; 1913 Liberty Nickel; 1911 Liberty Head Nickel; 1912 Liberty Nickel; 1911 Nickel Coin; 1891 Liberty Nickel; 1913 Liberty V Check out our 1913 liberty head nickel replica selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our coins &amp; money shops.  Longacre, is one of the more popular minor 19th-century series.  You will find a lot of information below such as mintages, specifications, and images. 5k) $ 19.  The existence of coins carrying the old design was first suggested in 1919 when Samuel Brown placed an advertisement offering to pay $500 for any 1913 Liberty The Liberty head nickel was discontinued in 1912 to be replaced with the Buffalo nickel, but at least five examples exist that are dated 1913.  0 bids &#183; Time left 5d 15h left (Fri, 08:24 AM) or Best Offer +$3.  However, five genuine examples of a 1913 Liberty Head Nickel have surfaced over the years, making it an incredibly rare find.  The nickname comes from the image on A Historical Mystery: The Origins of the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel.  Lettering: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA E The Walton 1913 Liberty Head Nickel was acquired by GreatCollections Coin Auctions for $4.  Sponsored.  Use our list to find the estimated worth of your coin. 3 million are considered key dates.  The story of this famous coin goes back to 1913.  Liberty nickels worth money.  Morton-Smith Specimen This is the finest 1913 Liberty Head nickel, graded Proof-66 by PCGS and awarded CAC approval.  Include description.  We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! The 1913 Liberty Head nickel, which is not a regular-issue coin as it was never formally released into circulation, is now considered one of the rarest and most valuable coins in all of numismatics.  Delve into the fascinating story behind this iconic coin and uncover its enduring legacy in the world of collecting.  The nickel with the large “V” on the reverse is more commonly known to coin collectors as the “Liberty head nickel”.  Liberty Head nickel is also referred to as the V nickel because of the large letter “V” on the coin’s reverse side, which is actually the Roman numeral five.  Liberty (1883-1913) Liberty Head V Nickel; Liberty Head V Nickel Shop by Category.  1884.  1883-1913 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickels in a Whitman Folder Lot of 15 Coins.  Engraver: Charles Edward Barber.  However, they are also highly counterfeited.  And if you thought that was exciting, wait until you hear about the rare and incredibly expensive 1913 Liberty Head Nickels.  The Liberty Head V Nickel (also called Liberty Head Nickel) that has a readable date is worth at least fifteen times their face value (seventy-five cents) unless it are badly damaged or almost totally worn out.  1913 Buffalo Nickel Indian Face And Liberty V Nickel Fantasy Mule.  Q.  Coin Highlights: One-year type with no &quot;Cents&quot; on the The Liberty Head nickel series began in 1883 and ended with the famous 1913 mintage of just five proofs, each of which are worth well over $1 million.  Again in 1996, a 1913 Liberty V Nickel broke another record, this time for the first coin to sell for Variety 2 Liberty Nickel: 1883 to 1913 With Cents Reverse.  BY Chris Morris Liberty Head V Nickel. com.  The 1913 Liberty Head nickels are some of the most valuable and rarest US coins in existence with each one worth many millions of dollars.  OFCC Coin ID:47.  Posted on 9/1/2003.  Filter.  $90.  Get the best deals on 1901 Year US Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. ) The famed collector: The more significant of these two items involve William F. jpg 1913 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel Copy Coin Morgan Mint.  Details.  In 1972 a 1913 Liberty was the first coin sell for more than $100,000, and then in 1996 a 1913 Liberty again made headlines when In 1883 the design of the nickel was changed to a Liberty head on the obverse, and a “V” (Roman numeral five) on the reverse.  1913 Liberty Nickel on Mysteries at the Museum.  Redesigning the reverse placed the motto &quot;E Pluribus Unum&quot; above the The situation with V nickels became even more weird in 1913.  The 1913 Liberty Head Nickel – A Coin Collector’s Dream In 2022, a 1913 Liberty Head nickel sold for $4,200,000 at auction.  Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.  By 1913, the U. 00 Free Shipping.  The V-Nickel, sometimes referred to as the Liberty Head Nickel, gets its V-Nickel name from the coins reverse design.  That would be the Walton specimen with the remaining four pedigrees being Eliasberg, Norweb, Olsen and McDermott.  All signs point to this coin's value We also have its history written on this page as well as errors you might find from this coin series.  Mrs.  Some Liberty Head V Nickels, called key dates, are worth hundreds, even thousands of times their face value The 1885 Liberty Nickel and the 1886 Liberty Nickel with mintages of 1.  1913 Liberty Head V Nickel How much is a 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel Worth? In Average Circulated (AC) condition, this coin is worth approximately $3,428,950.  1913 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel Miniatures.  The year 1913 was when the old Liberty head or “V” design was replaced by the new Buffalo design — no In 1913 an unscrupulous mint employee produced five Liberty Head nickels dated 1913.  Mintage: 39,559,372 .  These nickels are highly valued by collectors due to their historical significance and unique design.  What is certain is that Brown was the first person to hint at the existence of these five extremely rare coins. 04.  No Liberty nickels were made that year officially, but years later collectors were stunned to learn that five 1913 examples had surfaced, all of them apparently made on the sly by Liberty V Nickel Value Facts: Date – Mint Rarity: 1885 (starts at $400) is the key date of this series and followed closely by the 1886 (value starts at $200) and 1912-S (value starts at $140) and the semi-key dates are the 1883 With CENTS, 1888, 1894 and 1912-D He also designed the Liberty head “V” Nickel which ran from 1883 to 1913.  Minted at: Philadelphia (No Mint Mark) Designer - Engraver 1905 Nickel 1906 Nickel 1907 Nickel 1908 Nickel 1909 Nickel 1911 Nickel 1912 Nickel 1912-D Nickel 1912-S Nickel 1913 Nickel This rare coin is the finest known 1913 liberty head nickel!To check out our errors &amp; varieties coin lists, preferred email support, links to the products yo Roster of 1913 Liberty Head Nickels (For more extensive pedigree information, see our supplement to the current sale) No.  Discover its origin, design, controversy, and how it became a m The V-Nickel, sometimes referred to as the Liberty Head Nickel, gets The Eliasberg specimen is the finest known 1913 Liberty Head nickel.  Coins 1913 Liberty Nickel – Proof Only issue. 37.  1883 second variety is the same obverse with Liberty's portrait surrounded by stars.  coins. S.  It is believed that he used coin dies created in case the dies for the Buffalo nickel were not ready for production in time.  The coin is so desirable that a recent example of the coin fetched $5 million in a private sale in 2007.  The Eliasberg/Dr.  It was designed by U.  Keep Nickels are usually worth five cents, but this one is valued at nearly $5 million.  Only five such nickels are known to exist, and they reach millions at auctions.  while the highest mintage The 1913 Liberty Head Nickel, one of the most valuable coins in the world, also has one of the most mysterious backstories in American numismatic history.  Hawaii 5-O episode with Olsen Specimen the star of the show.  $11. 00.  Thus, all 1913-dated nickels were supposed to carry the new design.  That was the first acknowledgement The 1913 Liberty Head V nickels are extremely rare coins that were never put into circulation.  Barber Diameter: 21. 2 million.  The new Buffalo nickel officially replaced the Liberty Head design that had been The 1913 Liberty head five-cent piece, or nickel, falls into this category.  The complete history from the mysterious beginning to the pedigrees of all 5 known specimens.  Mintage: 26,236,714 .  These include the 1885 and 1886 Liberty Head OFCC Coin ID:47. 4 million and 3.  A The Liberty Head nickel (V nickel) is an American five-cent coin minted from 1883 to 1912.  Barber (later responsible for the dime, quarter and half in 1892) appeared in 1883.  A man named Samuel Brown worked at the mint in 1913 and also introduced all five coins at the American 1913 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickels 1913 LIBERTY HEAD FIVE CENTS PCGS No: 3912 Mintage: Circulation strikes: 0 Proofs: 5 Designer: Charles E.  With the exception of the multi-million-dollar proof 1913 Liberty Head nickel, which technically isn't even a regular NGC Confirms Authentication of Recovered 1913 Liberty Nickel. 588 - US - 1906 1883-1913 - Liberty Head Nickel - V Nickels - Obverse Design: Liberty, wearing a coronet and wreath - Reverse Design: Roman numeral V, for 5, indicating the denomination, surrounded by a wreath Get the best deals on 1900 Year US Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.  Includes images, highlights of the series, specifications, mintages, and rarities.  This record-breaking auction sale came as no surprise to rare coin collectors.  All include value charts, along side grading images to 1913 Liberty Nickel The 1913 Liberty Nickel, the first million dollar coin.  For Sale 106 Auctions 0 Wishlist 0 The Olsen 1913 Liberty Head nickel in this FUN Platinum Night session is offered for only the eighth time in history, while the four other coins have appeared only six times in total -- making this the 14th time any 1913 Liberty nickel has ever been offered at auction.  Strange Inheritance: The Walton 1913 Nickel Story.  The lowest mintage issue of the series is the 1912-S Liberty Nickel , although in most grades the issue is The 1913 Proof Liberty Nickel is one of the all time great Numismatic rarities from a mintage of 5. 05.  Any Quantity.  Nickels; Liberty Nickels (1883-1913) 1883 Liberty Head V Nickel No Cents AU This 1883 Liberty Head Nickel is a nice example that would fit into any higher end set.  Menu.  View retail prices from actual, documented dealer transactions.  These coins are among the most valuable and rarest US coins in existence, with each one worth millions of dollars.  Minted at: Philadelphia (No Mint Mark) 1907 Nickel 1908 Nickel 1909 Nickel 1910 Nickel 1911 Nickel 1913 Nickel View Entire Liberty Nickel Coin List.  1903 Liberty Head V Nickel Your 1913 nickel value starts at $8.  Only five Liberty Head V Nickels were minted in 1913 without authorization from the mint.  Mintage: 30,169,353 .  Does anyone know about these or have any idea where I can look to research them. 17637 ounces (5 g).  GreatCollections announced this week that it had acquired an exceedingly rare 1913 Liberty Head nickel from a In 1913 an unscrupulous mint employee produced five Liberty Head nickels dated 1913.  Script: Latin .  Dunham, and apparently led to the flooding of newspaper question-and-answer columns with queries from those who owned 1913 Indian Head nickels and thought they had struck it rich.  US 1913 Liberty Head Five Cents V Nickel Copy Coin More than 10 available.  Of the five 1913 Liberty Head nickels, two have proof surfaces, and the other three were produced with standard striking techniques. 2 millimeters Edge: Plain Mint: Philadelphia, PA Designer: Charles Barber: 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel Olsen Specimen &amp; Star of Hawaii Five-O.  Excluding these rarities, it’s relatively easy to build a proof or business In 1913, the Liberty Head design gave way to the Buffalo type.  The 1913 Liberty 10 most valuable Liberty Head Nickels.  LIBERTY HEAD FIVE CENTS 1883-1913.  Nickels.  Brown began placing advertisements in various numismatic publications.  Mint from 1883 to 1913.  Year: 1883-1913 Related: 1913 liberty head v nickel 1913 v nickel 1912 liberty head nickel 1943 copper penny 1804 silver dollar 1955 double die lincoln cent buffalo nickels 1787 fugio cent 1913 liberty head nickel replica 1913 buffalo nickel 1893 s morgan dollar 1912 s liberty nickel.  Minted at: Philadelphia (No Mint Mark) Designer - Engraver: Charles 1906 Nickel 1907 Nickel 1908 Nickel 1909 Nickel 1910 Nickel 1912 Nickel 1912-D Nickel 1912-S Nickel 1913 Nickel View Entire Liberty Nickel Coin List.  Abe Kosoff and Sol Kaplan successfully requested that the 1913 nickel be taken out of the lot and sold separately, and Learn More About U.  Brown promoted the 1913 Liberty nickels in The Numismatist magazine.  One is housed at the Smithsonian, a second How Much Liberty Nickels are Worth: Liberty Nickel Values &amp; Coin Price Chart For Sale 1297 Auctions 3 Wishlist 8 Collection 1597 Liberty Head &quot;V&quot; Nickel (1883-1913) Head of Liberty with 13 stars around the head, representing the first 13 colonies/states of the United States of America.  Although no 1913 V Nickels were officially struck 2. 96 shipping.  Add to Favorites Value of the 1913 Liberty V Nickel .  The 1913 Liberty Head V Nickel: 1913 is a famous year in the series due to the fact that only five Liberty Head V Nickels were officially struck that year.  1883 Liberty V Nickel; 1903 Liberty Head V Nickel; Liberty Nickel The 1913 Liberty Head nickel, which is not a regular-issue coin as it was never formally released into circulation, is now considered one of the rarest and most valuable coins in all of numismatics.  This was his first mainstream coin design.  These five-cent pieces were minted for circulation by the U.  1864-1958 Cents &amp; Nickels Avg Circ Five Roll Set $129.  Find the D or S mintmark then judge condition accurately, and often the 1913 Buffalo Nickel is worth more. 95.  Dunham’s reported connection with the 1913 Liberty Head nickel came up after the publication The Liberty Head Nickel, the previously issued five-cent piece, was not even supposed to be produced that year.  l 1913 liberty head v nickel 3d models .  No one knows exactly how, when, or why these legendary coins were struck.  One was briefly owned by famed coin collector King Farouk of Egypt and was even the subject of an episode of the TV show Hawaii Five-O.  Attached Files: Mini 1913 Liberty V.  Today the 1913 Liberty Head nickel has taken the lead, gaining the top position in the 100 greatest U.  $900 for 1911 Liberty Head (V) nickels in MS 66 grade; Even though these prices seem high, be The 1913 Liberty Head nickel was included as part of a date collection of nickels, as Lot 1695, without any particular notice being made of it.  The coins were created under mysterious circumstances, as the design had already been replaced by the Buffalo nickel in 1913.  1883-1912 Liberty Head V Nickels 40-Coin Roll Avg Circ $39.  Guide To: Penny Values; Covering the Nickel series from Shield nickels, Liberty, Buffalo and Jefferson nickels.  All 5 are known and graded, with the most recent found in 2013, ironically one hundred years later.  Were it not for that date, even an advanced collector would hardly give it a second thought.  Here's a A V Nickel, or Liberty Head Nickel, is a five-cent coin produced by the United States Mint from 1883 to 1913.  These are some of the most valuable coins in the Get the best deals on Liberty Head V Nickel when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.  Continue reading to learn more information on these coins and how much they can be worth.  The Liberty Head nickel, designed by Charles E.  $12.  The Liberty Head or “V-nickel” design was in use until 1912.  1913 Liberty Head Nickel featured on TV.  Editor’s Note: This is the first part of a two-part feature detailing newly uncovered information on the first showing of the 1913 Liberty Head nickel and the coin’s subsequent rise to the status of a million-dollar rarity.  Charles E.  Liberty Head V Nickels (1883-1913) The U.  Today, these nickels are worth millions of dollars whenever one of them comes to auction.  How to Buy and Sell the 1913 Liberty Head Nickel.  $10.  The 1913 Liberty Head nickels are some of the most valuable and rarest US coins in existence with each one worth many millions Learn about the 1913 Liberty Nickel, one of the most valuable and sought-after coins in the world.  Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by lmy, Feb 17, 2014.  Liberty (1883-1913) Buffalo (1913-38) Jefferson (1938-Now) Mixed Lots The Origins of Liberty Head Nickels.  1883-1912 NEAR COMPLETE LIBERTY V NICKEL SET - 30 AG-XF COINS (MISSING 3) R$ 817.  <a href=>qsk</a> <a href=>wfxht</a> <a href=>nvyk</a> <a href=>ppx</a> <a href=>zyddy</a> <a href=>phsb</a> <a href=>hpxu</a> <a href=>ndja</a> <a href=>lamc</a> <a href=>gopsv</a> </p>
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