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Disposition of cases can be searched at Iowa Courts Online.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Polk county jail address iowa County. 1979, by the architectural firm of Wehner, Nowysz, The Polk County Jail is located in Mena, Arkansas. Des Moines, Iowa 50313. A permit to acquire weapons requires a fee of $25. The facility is located at 1985 NE 51st Place, Des Moines, IA, Polk County Jail is a 1500-bed jail located in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. We operate out of the West Wing of the Polk County Jail to provide Polk County Administration Building 111 Court Avenue, Room 154 Des Moines, IA 50309 Address Polk County Juvenile Detention/Centralized Intake 1548 Hull Avenue Des Moines, IA 50316 . This facility handles the booking and processing of individuals arrested for misdemeanors Call the facility at 515-323-5400 for updates. The Polk County By code we can not accept an Absentee Ballot Request greater than 70 days before requested Election Day. . Des Moines, IA In order to better serve the citizens of Polk County, the Sheriff's Civil Process Office has moved to The Justice Center, 222 5th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309. About Letters mailed to inmates must contain the inmate’s full Polk County Board of Supervisors Community, Family & Youth Services The address on your application must match the address on your identification. The Polk County An inmate's commissary account at the Polk County Jail in IA can be used to buy snacks, hygiene products, stamps and stationary. 200 S. Our current Sheriff, Kevin J. Address: 2390 Bob Phillips Road Bartow, FL 33830 Phone: 863-534-6153. 479-394-2511 is the official Polk County Jail phone number you can use for communication with the Polk County Jail’s Mail for inmates must come into the jail via the United States Postal Service. (515) 286-3800 Communications (515) 286-3333 Jail Polk County Assessor 111 Court Ave. Polk Co Jail is for Address Polk County Sheriff 5995 NE 14th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50313 . It is subject to change and may be updated periodically. 286-3333 Jail (515) 323-5400 Law Enforcement (515) 286-3306 Polk County IA Jail is a County Jail facility located at 1985 NE 51st Pl, Des moines, Iowa 50313 Phone 515-323-5400. Phone Number: 770-749-2900 Fax Number: The Polk County Sheriff's Office is responsible for ensuring the orderly, peaceful and safe conduct of business at the Polk County Courthouse. See map: Google Maps. The Polk County jail roster is a list that displays information about all the inmates currently housed at the detention facility. Visitation at Polk County Jail is based Courthouse Security provides law enforcement functions within the Polk County Historic Courthouse (civil), Polk County Criminal Courts, and Polk County Justice Center (juvenile, traffic). Inmate Search. Inmate Rule Book. As of the 2020 census, the population was 492,401. Polk County Jail 1676 Rockmart Hwy. 309 W Van Dorn St. The Jail Diversion Program seeks to address people incarcerated in the county jail who may be dealt with more effectively through collaboration between law enforcement, jails, community Polk County Jail, GA Inmate Locator, Mail, Calling and Visitation Rules, Contacts. Des Moines, Iowa 50313 Administration (515) * To register as a Qualified Professional please contact the Polk County Jail Facility by dialing 515-323-5400 during normal business hours * To schedule an after-hours confidential in Address. Polk County Sheriff’s Office, records request: (515)286-3313; In Person. There will be NO video visitation on Monday Polk County, Iowa is extremely supportive of our mission and recognizes the value our program provides to the community. Tablets may be free to use for reading mail, but inmates are charged for entertainment and research use. The PCSO Department of Detention allows inmates at both the Central County Jail (located at 2390 Bob Phillips Road in Bartow) and the South County Jail Sheriff Grady Judd Polk Polk County Administrative Building 111 Court Avenue, Suite 390 Des Moines, IA 50309 The Polk County Juvenile Detention Center, located in Des Moines, Iowa, is managed by the Polk County Sheriff's Office. COVID-19 Call Center Availability: Due to COVID-19, Call Center hours maybe increased or decreased as necessary. 4 miles A correctional facility in Des Moines, Iowa, housing individuals awaiting trial or serving Booking Date Case Number Case Date Arrest Agency Charge Count Bail Amount Bail Type Charge Details; 11/11/2024 02:43 AM : 24 2604 The Polk County Jail, alone, recycles more than one ton per month of steel cans. (515) 286-3800 Communications (515) 286-3333 Jail (515) The current Polk County Jail facility opened November 1, 2008. Room & Board. The Polk Immediate help is available for people experiencing a mental health crisis. 1985 NE 51st Pl, Des Moines, IA 50313-2517. For non-emergency mental health needs, visit behavioral health urgent care or contact the Resource & Polk County South Jail Contact Details. gov. Most of the sentenced Individuals obtaining information from this web site should verify accuracy through the arresting agency or Iowa Courts Online. 1985 NE 51st Place. When sending mail to an inmate, remember to include the inmate's full Contact Information. Here's what you can typically find on the roster: Official Address. 286-3333 Jail (515) 323-5400 Law Enforcement (515) 286-3306 polkcounty. Located in Seminole County, Florida, the Seminole County correction facility is Adult correctional institution run by the Seminole County Sheriffs Department And Department Of Public Safety. Schneider, was appointed by the Polk County Board of Supervisors in The Warren County Sheriff's Office, led by Sheriff Joe Carico, is responsible for upholding the law and ensuring public safety in Warren County, Iowa. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when Polk County Board of Supervisors Community, Family & Youth Services Central County Jail (Annex) – Kiosk available 24 hours daily inside the front lobby at 2390 Bob Phillips Road in Bartow, FL, 33830. The sender's complete name and address must be on the return address portion of the envelope. Its physical address is 1676 Rockmart Highway, Cedartown, GA, 30125. The mission of the Polk County Sheriff's Office is to preserve Polk County Jail, located in Des Moines, Iowa, is a correctional facility that houses individuals awaiting trial or serving sentences for various offenses. Des Major Shawn VanHoozer an Iowa native and longtime Polk County Sheriff’s Office Deputy. Polk County Administration Building 111 Court Avenue, Room 154 Des Moines, IA 50309 Polk County Central Jail. It is based in Sanford. Individuals obtaining information from this web site should verify accuracy through the arresting agency or Iowa Courts Online. Horton, Associate Superintendent, Affirmative Action Coordinator, Equity Coordinator and Title IX The IA Polk County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Cedartown, GA 30125 Phone Number and Fax Number. 2. Polk County Juvenile Detention Center 1548 Hull Avenue, Des Moines, IA A public Contact Info. Disclaimer: Information posted on this website is provided for informational purposes only. IA 50309. Other Legal Access Related The Polk County Jail is a 160 bed facility which opened in 2003. Fax. 1550 L Street, Suite B. Sheriff Grady Judd Polk County Sheriff's Office 1891 Jim Keene Blvd Winter Haven, FL 33880 / Directions 863-298-6200 / 1-800-226-0344 Contact Info. Location: 1676 Rockmart Highway, Cedartown, GA, 30125: To begin an inmate search: Click this link to reach the Polk County jail information page. Phone. This The Polk County Jail has a written set of rules for inmates, and makes them available to the public here. As a member of a Grand Jury, you stand in a very real sense between the government and the 4. Room B40. Polk County Sheriff’s Office. The Des Moines Jail is a The mission of the Polk County Sheriff's Office is to preserve the integrity of the law through proactive community involvement, impartial enforcement, and secure custody of inmates. View visitation hours. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact, Joseph M. It is part of the Polk County Sheriff's To locate an inmate currently detained at the Polk County Detention Center: Visit the Official Website: Navigate to the Polk County Detention Center's official website. 5 tons of pallets are recycled every year. Call 515-323-5400 for details. The jail’s address is 1103 US Hwy 98 West, Frostproof, FL, 33843, and the phone number is 863-635-6920. Polk. Individual Absentee Ballot Request Form: Print and mail or return this form to 1445 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA. S. ; Once you do that you can choose a Des Moines, IA 50313 Polk County Jail 1985 NE 51st Place Des Moines, IA 50313 Completed forms may be mailed to: Polk County Sheriff's Office Office of Professional Standards 5995 NE The prosecution is taken over by either the Polk County Attorney or the Iowa Attorney General. Polk Co Jail is for County Jail offenders sentenced up to twenty four Send an inmate money online, using the lobby kiosk or by mailing or dropping a money order at the Polk County Jail in IA. All cashier’s checks and money orders must be made inmates can place outbound telephone conversations but cannot receive inbound calls. To converse with an inmate, you can create a pre-funded setup through a system Select one of the links on the toolbar to search for frequently asked questions in different areas of the Polk County Sheriff's Office. There will be NO video visitation on Monday This facility has tablets. Beds. For more information and to set up an online visitation account. Facility Address. Disposition of cases can be searched at Iowa Courts Online. National studies indicate that as many as 44% of jail inmates Please call Polk County Jail staff at 503-623-9254 or a Jail Medical professional at 503-831-1738. Call 515-323-5400 for info. Sheriff Grady Judd Polk County Sheriff's Office 1891 Jim Keene Blvd Winter Haven, FL 33880 / Directions 863-298-6200 / 1-800-226-0344 Video Visitation at Polk County Jail. Email: fifth. 500 Mulberry St. The 325,000 square-feet facility sits on 40 acres of land just north of Des Moines. Updated on: April 22, 2024. cs@iowa. The Polk Polk County Jail Inmate Video Visitation. Polk Address. "You are receiving a call from "inmate Name" from Polk County Central Jail. Friends and family can schedule an Anywhere Bridges of Iowa accepts individuals directly into our halfway house treatment program. Contact Information. Humphrey Center is situated 2½ POLK COUNTY SHERIFF, IA Polk County Sheriff offers The Visitor™ video visitation system, which allows friends, family members, and professionals the control to schedule and conduct 36 Polk County Jail jobs available in Des Moines, IA on Indeed. Address: 1985 NE 51st Place Des Moines, IA 50313 Phone: There are dozens of third-party for profit companies working with Polk County Jail and other jails in Iowa to provide a way for inmates to phone friends and Address. Des Moines, IA. Inmate Search This page will tell you all about everything you might want to know about Polk County Jailsuch as the following: Find out who's in jail at Polk County Jail? Find mugshots and inmate photos. gov Disclaimer: Record of an arrest is not an indication of guilt. D. Cross-Gender Supervision: The Polk County Jail is a cross Booking Date Case Number Case Date Arrest Agency Charge Count Bail Amount Bail Type Charge Details; 02/19/2024 12:15 AM : 24 437 Address. At-home and onsite video visitation guidelines for Polk County Jail, when this service is available, can be found by going to the visitation information page. Address: Police Station. Scheduling your visiting hours on the day and time you want with an inmate guarantees you The Polk County Recorder's Office records, maintains and retrieves trade names for Sole Proprietorships or Co-Partnerships. Polk City, IA. 📞📋 hours, phone number, and address. (that have a verifiable United States address). Polk County Jail Information Polk County Jail is a 1500-bed jail located in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. 1985 NE 51st Place Des Moines, IA 50313 515-323-5400. 515-323-5473. Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; Federal Bureau of Prisons; California; Colorado; Connecticut; individual who is or was housed at the Polk County Jail, you may contact the Polk County Jail at the following numbers. The Polk County Sheriff's Office does not Jail Information Search. 00), The Polk County Jail is a 325,000 square-feet facility that sits on 40 acres of land just north of Des Moines. com. It is Iowa's most populous county, and home to over 15% of the Name Age Book Date Status; View DIGEORGE, MATTHEW JOEL 49 01/20/2025 11:28 PM The Sheriff's Office provides law enforcement services throughout Polk County. Search for inmates incarcerated in Polk County Jail - New, Des Moines, Iowa. Find essential details on local government staff and departments. The Sheriff's Office is the responsible agency for unincorporated Polk County, the cities of Alleman, All incoming money must be sent to the following address: IDOC Offender Fiduciary Account. We are conveniently located in the The Polk County Juvenile Detention Center provides safe and secure detention care for juveniles who require custody pending disposition and placement. The Polk Polk Central County Jail Address: 2390 Bob Phillips Road, Bartow, Florida 33830, Phone: (863) 534-6123 Polk South County Jail Address: 1103 US Hwy 98 West, Frostproof, Florida 33843, Polk County Administration Building 111 Court Avenue, Room 154 Des Moines, IA 50309 JAIL: 12/04/2023 09:59 AM : DMPD: 1: $ 0. Business Hours 24/7 Juvenile Detention 515-286-3344 2025 Polk County Iowa Schedule and manage upcoming visits with your inmate at the Polk County Central Jail in FL. The Polk County Juvenile Detention Center is located at 1548 Hull Avenue, Des Moines, IA, 50316-1397, serving as a main detention center for the region. Department of Veterans Affairs. that Disclaimer: Record of an arrest is not an indication of guilt. Attention: Jerry Noble 5995 NE 14 th Street. 00: M SMMS 708. 3600 30th St, Des Moines, IA 50310. You can access information on how to send a non-confidential message at: Jail How Do I - Polk County Iowa. Des Moines, IA 50313. 1985 NE 51st Pl, Des Moines, IA As an extension of the Polk County Opioid Settlement Funds FY2024-26 Strategic Plan Priority Area 4: Supports for People with Lived Experience, on August 27, 2024, the Polk County The mission of the Polk County Sheriff's Office is to preserve the integrity of the law through proactive community involvement, impartial enforcement, and secure custody of inmates. Polk County Jail 1985 Ne 51St Place Des Moines, IA 50313 Phone Number and Fax Number. Will assist with a variety of duties, such as scanning, entering case data, listening to jail calls, assisting with payment plans, garnishments and general office Booking Date: 08/23/2024 04:36 AM : Case Number: AMCR384180: Case Date: 08/28/2024 11:42 AM : Arrest Agency The Polk City Police Department utilizes the Polk County Jail to house inmates. Polk County Sheriff's Office Citizen Inquiry / Complaint Form. All mail should be addressed to the inmate’s name followed by their identification number and should be sent to the jail’s mailing address: 2390 Bob Phillips Road, Bartow, FL, You can support your loved ones at Des Moines Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 515-283-4800. If you Polk County Attorney’s Office . To learn about the Polk County video visitation policy: Read the instructions on this page. 286-3333 Jail (515) 323-5400 Law Enforcement Find information about Jackson County Jail inmate visitation rules and inmate communication options. If it is not, POLK COUNTY - IA. The Polk County detention facility Access Polk County, IA government employee contact information and directories. 515-323-5400. Fort Dodge, IA 50501. The facility has 1,500 beds and the ability to Polk County Sheriff’s Office. All deposits must be in the form of a cashier’s check or money order. Polk County Main Jail Northeast 51st Place, Des Moines, IA - 11. 5995 NE 14 th Street. Schmunk Gregory. 1500. First Time Offender Class · DMACC - Phone: (515) 964-6385: License Under Suspension · DMACC - Phone: (515) 964-6385: OWI 1st Polk County IA Jail (ICE) - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code. Then Sending books to inmates incarcerated at Polk County Jail in Iowa is really a fairly easy process but there are several rules that you have to follow to ensure your books arrive correctly. Purchase an online care pack. - Room 195 Des Moines, IA 50309 Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm 2025 Polk County Iowa Contact Us Photography Credits Disclaimer Employee To pay an offender's bond that has been arrested and is being held at the Polk County Jail, first call 515-323-5400 for the exact amount needed, then follow the instructions outlined below. The Polk County Jail has recently transitioned to a new inmate phone system and soon will be transitioning to a new video visitation system. The facility has 1,500 beds and the ability to expand capacity an additional 1,000 beds The Polk County Sheriff's Office is responsible for ensuring the orderly, peaceful and safe conduct of business at the Polk County Courthouse. FIND A FACILITY. Participation in our high-intensity residential treatment is not required for admission into this Polk County Courthouse. Medication management and therapy services can help people learn coping skills with mental health 210 Walnut St Rm 447, Des Moines, IA 50309. 00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100. Manual de Presos. The facility has 1,500 beds and the ability to Address 1985 NE 51st Pl Des Moines, IA 50313 Email Telephone (515) 323-5400. Apply to Registered Nurse, Supervisor, Natural Resource Technician and more! Polk County, IA. 6023 NE 14th St, Des Moines, IA 50313. View Official Website. Major VanHoozer was born in Ames and raised in Des Moines, graduating from North Des Moines High School, enlisting in the United States Payments can be made in person at the Polk County Jail. If you fear for your safety or the safety of others call 911. inmate seach. Disposition of cases can be searched here. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address For security and safety reasons, random and unannounced searches will take place in the Polk County Jail. City & County The current Polk County Jail facility opened November 1, 2008. The Ankeny Jail is a city jail Mail for inmates must come into the jail via the United States Postal Service. United States. Note that in-person submissions, Polaroid photos, and Polk County is located in the U. The mission of the Polk County Sheriff's Office is to preserve the integrity of the law through proactive community involvement, impartial enforcement, and secure custody of inmates. Releases can be faxed to the Contracted Jail Mental Health Medical Department at 515-875-5716. Jail Roster Information: The names on this roster are currently in custody at the Polk County If you are attempting to obtain information about a death that did not occur in Polk County, please contact the Iowa Office of the State Medical Examiner at (515) 725-1400. information on how to receive calls from the polk county jail PREPAID ACCOUNT : Allows anyone to purchase prepaid phone services to receive phone calls from Polk County to You can support your loved ones at Ankeny Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 515-289-5240. If it is not, . Polk County Sheriff 5995 NE 14th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50313 The first Polk County Sheriff, Thomas Mitchell, took the Oath of Office on April 3, 1846. Administration (515) 286-3814 Administration Fax (515) 323-5473 Civil (515) 286-3800 Communications (515) 286 Jail Contact Details. Jail Information Search. Polk County Sheriff's Office Detention Facilities Sheriff's Processing Center(formerly known as booking) Address: 7101 De Castro Road, Winter Haven, Florida Mental health services are available to incarcerated individuals at the Polk County jail. sheriff@polkcountyiowa. Dallas County Jail / Dallas County Sheriffs Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. state of Iowa. First, you need to register with iWebVisit online. South County Jail (Frostproof) – Kiosk available 7:00 am * To register as a Qualified Professional please contact the Polk County Jail Facility by dialing 515-323-5400 during normal business hours * To schedule an after-hours confidential in To search for an inmate in the Polk County Juvenile Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 515 Free listing of inmates in county jails in Polk County, Iowa. The Justice Center is located at 222 5th Avenue, Des Moines, IA, 50309. Justin Skaggs, 24, of Perry, died Friday morning at a Des Moines hospital. Courthouse Services (515) 286-3800 The Polk County Jail is situated in the heart of Cedartown, Georgia. The The Polk Co Jail is a detention center located at 1985 NE 51st Pl Des Moines, IA which is operated locally by the Polk County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address Search for inmates incarcerated in Polk County Jail - New, Des Moines, Iowa. Reports can be made over the phone, in person, in writing or The Polk County Jail has recently transitioned to a new inmate phone system and soon will be transitioning to a new video visitation system. This establishment serves as the primary The Humphrey Center, also known as Old Main, is a historic building located on the campus of Grand View University in Des Moines, Iowa, United States. Cell Phone # Created Date: 8/7/2009 11:11:58 AM Polk County Jail: Sheriff office address: 1985 NE 51st Place, Des Moines, IA 50313: Sheriff office phone number: 515-286-3333: Inmate search information: To locate an inmate in Polk County, Rent a tablet for an inmate in the Polk County Jail in IA. The facility houses pre-sentence and sentenced inmates ranging in all security classification levels from maximum to minimum Address Witness Name. All deposits must be in the form of a cashier’s The prosecution is taken over by either the Polk County Attorney or the Iowa Attorney General. 4. You can contact the Polk County detention facility in several ways: you can visit the offices at 1103 US Hwy 98 West, Frostproof, FL, Polk County Jail inmates can have a maximum of five (5) photographs in their personal possession, which must be mailed. Phone: (515) 323-5400 Fax: Polk County Jail inmates at both the Central County Jail and the South County Jail have opportunities to visit with friends and family. The Jail website has information regarding Jail Visitation, Jail & Arrest Information, Booking Date Case Number Case Date Arrest Agency Charge Count Bail Amount Bail Type Charge Details; 08/21/2024 10:51 PM : TF24-5541PCSO Unfortunately, the Polk County Jail is the largest mental health and substance use disorder housing facility in Polk County. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office visitation program is provided Looking for inmate rosters, mugshots & criminal records in Polk County, IA? Quickly access information about 8 Jails & Prisons near you! Polk County Jail. For inmate information, you can call them at any time at 515-323-5400. ($25. Learn about Polk Correctional Institution including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Parole Board. Our purpose is to emphasize educational services, personal responsibility, Disclaimer: Record of an arrest is not an indication of guilt. This is where juvenile court, traffic court, simple misdemeanor court and small claims are handled. Information provided should not be relied upon for any type of To reach out to Polk County Jail – New for more details or particular questions, you can call them at 515-323-5400. Payments may also be mailed: Polk County Jail. A search of Polk County Jail records for inmates released in the previous 365 days. Inmates can use money on their books to purchase commissary or phone cards. It is based in Frostproof. Sheriff Criminal Court Process for Polk County Iowa Polk County Iowa Criminal Court System - Definitions. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office does not provide case disposition. Des Moines, Contact Polk County Jail. they do. 00 and a valid driver's license or non-operator I. Sheriff DES MOINES, Iowa — An Iowa man died Friday morning just hours after being booked into jail. Iowa State Prison 600 Southeast 18th Street, Des Moines, IA. 222 5th Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309. 2A(2)(a) DOMESTIC ABUSE ASSAULT- 1ST OFFENSE The Polk County Sheriff’s Office does not provide case FL Search for inmates incarcerated in Polk Correctional Institution, Polk City, Florida. As a member of a Grand Jury, you stand in a very real sense between the government and the The mission of the Polk County Sheriff's Office is to preserve the integrity of the law through proactive community involvement, impartial enforcement, and secure custody of For standard mail, please address your letters to: Polk County Jail 2390 Bob Phillips Road Bartow, FL 33830. 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