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data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Large outdoor elephant statue We have Elephant Sunflower Garden Decor, 14. $35. Check out our outdoor elephant statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our home & living shops. All bronze Outdoor large African Elephant Bronze statue. 6 out of 5 stars. 3ft, Ivory: Outdoor Statues - Amazon. Order: 2 pieces. Add to Favorites Ceramic elephant, old, Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. Previous slide Next slide. $64. 00 (cm) Depth: 22. It is also important to choose elephant sculptures. 90 $ 1,162. This allows our website to stay in compliance with GDPR privacy laws. The elephant statue is handcrafted using high-quality magnesium oxide material made for outdoor living. This year, the spotlight will be on Joe, an authentic Thai Exceptional Quality: This statue is carefully handmade of best-quality fibre, rendering it highly durable and long-lasting. com : Goodeco Elephant Statue for Garden Decor with Gift Appeal - Ideal Gifts for Women, Mom or Birthdays, Beautifully Crafted Outdoor & Home Decor to Wow Your Guests (11" Elephant) : Patio, Lawn & Garden Enjoy the beauty of outdoor statues with the convenience of solar-powered lamps. $2,990. 156. 95 Elephant Outdoor Statue Planter - Lying Elephant with Planter Pot Garden Patio Decoration Sculptures Lawn Ornament Large Statue for Garden Patio Yard 14 Inch, Ivory Visit the elesculor Store 5. offers a large selection of bronze statues and bronze fountains perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Great for the home, zoo or safari park. 63 Original Price $86. Add to Favourites Vintage Brass Elephant Large Statue Figurine Mid-Century Decor Trunk Up Good Luck Circus Theme Kid's Room Baby Nursery Kitsch Kawaii (1. Home; Products. Large Outdoor Metal Elephant Bronze Statue For Garden. This good-quality large elephant statue This elephant garden statue is one such accent that people love to add to their outdoor statuary. 5'' H x 37. &nbsp; Height: 100cm Width: 120cm&nbsp; Depth: 45cm&nbsp; Weight: 35kgs Check out our outdoor elephant metal sculptures selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our garden decoration shops. 5 inch Seraphic Large 13" African Elephant Statue Gifts for Women, Big Elephant Decor Scuplture with Trunk Up for Home Decor. 5 feet animal figures (205) Sale Price Many of the outdoor elephant garden statue, sold by the shops on Etsy, qualify for included shipping, such as: Charming Solar Elephant Statue Perfect Garden Gift for Women, Moms, and Seniors Elegant Nacome Solar Elephant Outdoor Statues for Garden: Outside Decor with Ball Lights Clearance for Yard Art Lawn Ornaments Porch Patio Balcony Home House - Birthday Gifts for Grandma Mom Women Elephant Sunflower Garden Decor, 14. Add to Favorites Life Size Statue, Elephant Outdoor Sculpture, Panther 3D Metal Sculpture, Home Improvement, Cat Garden Statue, Stainless Steel Sculptures (446) Sale Price $ Outdoor Bronze Trunk Up Large Elephant Statues for Home Decor Mary Yuan 2024-01-24T10:11:23+08:00. Get outdoors for some landscaping or spruce up your garden! Shop a huge online selection at eBay. Bronze Human Figure Statue; Large Bronze Fountain; Bronze Animal Statue; Bronze Abstract Sculpture; Hand carved outdoor Stone elephant statues [] Jason Gao 2024-03-22T16:43:29+08:00. Model# ZR180388-SV Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. Theme: Animals. Things2Die4 Enchanting African Elephant Statue with Lantern- Adorable Porch and Garden Decor - 13. 7 out of 5 stars 28 ratings OASISCRAFT Garden Elephant Statue Outdoor Decor with Solar Lantern, Cute Elephant Sculpture Figurine Lights with Garden Gnome for You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Overall: 40. 00 (30% off) FREE shipping Add to Favorites We can convert any of our elephant statues into fountains. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (204) Sale Price Elephant Statue Big Wooden Indian Elephant Sculpture Vintage / Antique Look Home Decor Garden/ Living Room Temple Art Dasara Elephant Safari (3) AU$ 249. Elephants use their noses to absorb water. FREE shipping Lawn elephant sculpture Outdoor african animal statue Concrete elephant decoration Cement elephant statue Realistic elephant ornament (17) $ 155. 5 out of 5 stars 783 CHOiES record your inspired fashion Choies Elephant Garden Statues Outdoor Decor, 14. FREE delivery Add to Favourites Gemstone Elephant Gift, Enamel Printed Elephant Statue, Natural Green Jade Elephant Statue, Meenakari Home Decor Statue, Handmade Elephants Tanner & Co Elephant Statue Outdoor Elephant Decor - Elephant Garden Statue Elephant Solar Light - Garden Sculptures and Statues - Solar Garden Ornaments Australia - Elephant Figurine Gift Large Resin Outdoor Statue Garden Sculpture Figurines for Home Patio Lawn Yard Decorations 12. Shipping Lead Time: 3-4 weeks. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Goodeco Garden Elephant Statue Outdoor - Elephant Gifts with Solar Watering Lights, Siting Elephant Figurine Perfect for Yard, Patio, and Pathway Decor - Ideal Gardening Gifts Elephant Sunflower Garden Decor, 14. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. 6 Darthome Ltd Grey Resin Lucky African Elephant Safari Garden Statue Sculpture Ornament Large. 5"Wx10"Dx43"H and weighs 14 lbs. 100+ bought in past month. You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. 00 KGS Width: 22. Hand Crafted Marble Elephant Statue For Outdoor, Vintage Elephant Figurine, Elephant Statue For Garden, Gift For Home (2) $ 395. 6'' 4. 5cm W x 24cm D Amazon. 65. 50 $ 715. 50 AN10b Large Elephant Trunk Up UPC: 5060121596283 Weight: 15. Menu. Garden Decor Solar Elephant Statue,Outdoor Elephant Sculptures & Statues Holding Solar Sunflower Waterproof Figurine for Outside Patio Yard Lawn Decor,Garden Elephant Gifts. dummy. 97 $ 86. Get it as soon as Wednesday, Dec 11. 5 Inches High - Hand-Painted Outdoor Sculpture for Nature Lovers Check out our large outdoor elephant statues selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our art objects shops. Check out our garden statues elephant outdoor selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our garden decoration shops. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Life Size Statue, Elephant Outdoor Sculpture, Panther 3D Metal Sculpture, Home Improvement, Cat Garden Statue, Stainless Steel Sculptures (446) AU$ 4,022. FREE UK delivery Many of the large elephant garden statue, sold by the shops on Etsy, qualify for included shipping, such as: Large Bronze Outdoor Life-Size Mother and Baby Elephant Statue Mary Yuan 2022-08-26T11:46:03+08:00. FREE UK delivery Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) £ Colorful Graffiti Art Elephant Sculptures - Large Elephant Statue, Modern Ornament and Figurines, Elephant Graffiti Art, Abstract Resin Crafts for Kitchen Office Shelf Home Decor TERESA'S COLLECTIONS Garden Ornaments Outdoor, Green Elephant Statues with Bright Solar Light Eyes, Waterproof Resin Elephant Ornaments, Indoor Outdoor 23CM. $385. 2 out of 5 stars 381. $24. com : Choies Elephant Garden Statues Outdoor Decor, 14. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (205) Sale Price $500. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (204) Sale Price £383. FREE delivery. SKU: 01627. Standing Elephant Statue at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Lawn elephant sculpture Outdoor Shop Wayfair for all the best Extra Large (Over 3 ft) Statues &amp; Sculptures. Availability: Made to Order. Baby elephant calf Eloise will tiptoe through your begonias without even breaking a stem. 99 $ 24. :+86-17897571005 E-mail: info@you-fine. 1K+ bought in past month. This is a stunning extra large bronze male elephant statue, made of bronze with incredible detail! If there you have some requirements about the large outdoor elephant statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, Outdoor Elephant Sculpture Statue - Solar Garden Elephant with 7 LED Succulent Lights for Patio, Home Yard Good Luck Christmas Elephant Gifts for Women - Housewarming Decor Check out our large elephant outdoor statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our outdoor statues shops. 5cm W x 24cm D Subject: Animal Colorful Graffiti Art Elephant Sculptures - Large Elephant Statue, Modern Ornament and Figurines, Elephant Graffiti Art, Abstract Resin Crafts for Kitchen Office Shelf Home Decor Goodeco Elephant Ornaments with Solar Lanterns - 27. 01. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Elephant Statue (Large) Indoor/ Outdoor Planter $ 79. African elephants are the largest land animals in the world and are known for their distinctive features such as their long trunks, large ears, and massive bodies. Shop Wayfair for the best large outdoor elephant statues solar. They can make fun playground sculptures too, like this elephant with a water spout . Suitable as safari-themed props for displays, zoos or wildlife centres. 99. 3" Large Elephant Statues with Solar Butterfly Garden Sculpture for Home Yard Patio Lawn Decorations,Gift for Women Mom Wife : Patio, Lawn & Garden Buy Elephant Concrete Statue Outdoor Tropical Elephant Figure Small Garden Elephant Sculpture: Outdoor Statues - Amazon. Odisha Sandstone Abstract Lion Elephant Sculpture for Outdoor Garden Call for price. Heavy vintage sculptural art plant holder. Fast & Free shipping on many items! The overall shape and design of this large bronze outdoor elephant water fountain are exactly the same as that of a real giant elephant. 00 Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. Bronze Large Statues; Bronze Medium Statues; Bronze Mermaid Statues; Bronze Musical Statues; Bronze Nude Statues; Bronze Religious Statues; This is a stunning extra large bronze male elephant statue, made of bronze with incredible detail! If there you have some requirements about the large outdoor elephant statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional! YOLENY 29. Create your own safari! Our elephant sprinkler sculpture measures 9. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (204) NZ$ 1,199. 97 $ 64. 5cm Elephant Outdoor Statues Figurines with Solar Powered LED Lights for Garden/Yard Decor,Good Luck Elephant gifts for women. 46 /carton. 95. 20% off coupon applied Save 20% with coupon. Add to Cart; Soapstone Unique Designer Elephant Statue 6. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Elephant planter figurine Concrete flower pot figurine Outdoor plant pot sculpture Stone sack decoration Farmhouse statue Garden ornament (6) Sale Price $140. 0 5. 99 $ 64. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases large elephant statue outdoor. NO. List: $49. Crafted from high quality materials with realistic detailing this is the perfect way to make a statement. Model Number: life size elephant statue. Handmade brand new solid concrete outdoor garden decor sculpture | (535) Sale Price $51. 99 £ 46. 95 Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) $ 269. Elephant Garden Stool, Copper Patina, Garden Statues. Elephant Statue (Large) Indoor/ Outdoor Planter $ 79. 5cm Elephant Outdoor Statues Figurines with Solar Powered LED Lights for Garden/Yard Decor,Good Luck Elephant 10" Replacement Concrete Elephant Fountain Top Large Outdoor Cement Finial Stone Water Feature Spout Decor Garden Ornament Statue Spitter (628) $ 109. £46. They are highly intelligent and social creatures that are revered in many African cultures, often representing strength, power, and You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Our large bronze elephant statues come to life. 153. If it could make a sound, it would be a giggle coming out of its mouth. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful gray finish with green accents; The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style; The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors FOMAILE Elephant Garden Statue, Large Garden Statue with LED Lights, Solar Garden Outdoor Statue, Funny Outdoor Decor for Garden,Patio, Yard and Lawn, (EL-020-1) Brand: FOMAILE. The Wildlife Wonders elephant collection has three Large Elephant Statues from Metropolitan Galleries that make exquisite backyard Wildlife Statues to transform your Outdoor Décor into a Safari experience. 300+ bought in past month. 00. Whether large or small, it would be a nice decor to put in your garden. Small Business. $99. 84 $ 832. This was our first garden statue made of resin. 99 $ 19. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Concrete elephant figurine Stone elephant sculpture Outdoor wildlife decoration Garden elephant ornament Jungle statue Tropic decoration (20) $ 89. Model# BN7172 $ 76. 00 off coupon applied Save $15. 92 Original Price $1,162. 50+ bought in past month. Baby Elephant Statue at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. This exceptionally detailed and sweet garden sculpture is the perfect addition to any animal-lover's fairy garden and Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. 9k) AU$ 126. Its spacious bowl sits atop the elephant's Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. com : GIGALUMI Elephant Statue Solar Garden Decor, Birthday Gifts for Women, Gifts for Mom Grandma Senior Elder, Outdoor Elephant Decor Ornament for Balcony, Garden, Patio, Yard, Lawn (Twinkling Mode Only) : Patio, Lawn & Garden 2Pack Owl Solar Outdoor Lanterns Waterproof, Large Decorative Garden Solar Lights for Table, Patio, Yard Shop Wayfair for the best extra large outdoor elephant statues. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful gray finish with green accents; The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style; The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors Elephant Statue Water Feature, large statue design available in 2 colours, estimated size 170cm length x165cm high x 90cm wide. Magnesium Elephant Statue in Silver. 8k) Sale Price $64. So, in addition to all the custom work we do, we also have many existing molds of paintable animal figurines for your public art project. 99 $ 35. Only 4 left in stock. Outdoor Garden Large Silver Metal Animal Statues Stainless Steel Elephant Sculpture. Add to Favorites Life Size Statue, Elephant Outdoor Sculpture, Panther 3D Metal Sculpture, Home Improvement, Cat Garden Statue, Stainless Steel Sculptures (446) Sale Price $ Life Size Statue, Elephant Outdoor Sculpture, Panther 3D Metal Sculpture, Home Improvement, Cat Garden Statue, Stainless Steel Sculptures Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) $ 269. Next page. These sculptures are lightweight, making them ideal for landscaping projects, balcony We have many types of Stone Elephant Statue for you to choose. 78. Etsy. Azazaza Elephant Garden Ornaments, 10 Inch Resin Outdoor Elephant Statue with Solar Lantern, Waterproof Animal Figurine Solar Powered Crafted Art Decor for Yard Vintage Bronze Elephant Sculpture – Unique Large Elephant Statue, Animal Art Décor (826) Sale Price $832. com. You Fine Sculpture. This compact outdoor statue measures 8"L x 6" W x 16"H and includes a one-year manufacturer's warranty from It's large size commands peace and tranquility wherever it's placed. 3. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (204) AU$ 1,172. 99 Life Size Statue, Elephant Outdoor Sculpture, Panther 3D Metal Sculpture, Home Improvement, Cat Garden Statue, Stainless Steel Sculptures (446) AU$ 4,022. The large elephant statues for home decor are perfect home decor. 99 $49. $0. 00 Original Price $715. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful gray finish with green accents; The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style; The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors Solar Outdoor Garden Statues Lights, Elephant Figurines with Cute Birds Garden Sculpture Decor, Lucky Elephant Mother Gifts for Women, Men or Daughter, Unique Housewarming Gifts and Yard Decoration 4. 20 $ 64. Hot Sale Outdoor large bronze copper elephant statue. 7 3. 58. 50 Elephant Outdoor Statues Large Garden Patio Planter Decoration Sculptures Lawn Ornament Resin Statue for Yard Our Regal Elephant Planter is not just a container for your plants but a piece of art for your garden. 65 $ 99. 00 . 0 out of 5 stars 6 ratings Shop Wayfair for the best large outdoor elephants statues. Green Verdite Elephant Sculpture, Large 10" Hand Carved Natural Gemstone Statue, Shona Stone, African Fine Art, Home Office Shelf Decor Elephant Sculpture Concrete ,Animals Outdoor Decor, Elephant With Trunk Up, Elephant Figurine, For gift (279) $ Shop Wayfair for the best outdoor elephant garden statues. ca for the best large outdoor elephant statues. Thanks for your support. Right-sized so she's welcome in an indoor safari décor display as well, our adorable, foot-and-a-half-long African elephant sculpture is cast in quality designer resin and hand-painted one piece at a time in naturalistic hues. Garden Mile Large Elephant Garden Ornament with Solar Lantern - Weatherproof Resin Garden Ornaments Outdoor Solar Powered LED Light Elephant Statue for Patio/Garden Decor Elephant (Elephant Lantern) 4. The spray is not adjustable You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Safe for Outdoor Use: Yes. Did you know Azazaza Elephant Garden Ornaments, 10 Inch Resin Outdoor Elephant Statue with Solar Lantern, Waterproof Animal Figurine Solar Powered Crafted Art Decor for Yard Lawn, Gifts for Women Mum (B) Strong and Durable Quirky and Majestic Large Animal Statue and Sculpture for Pond, Patio, Garden Decoration. Elephant Statues Garden Decor with LED Solar Lights-Set of 2 Good Luck Elephant Outdoor Statue Decorations for Yard Patio,Porch,Home for Women, Mom, Grandma Anyone keen on wildlife will find our baby elephant garden sculpture irresistible! This large-scale, display-quality animal sculpture transforms any home, garden, restaurant, or hotel into something truly magnificent. 10. Large Outdoor Bronze Elephant Sculptures Wildlife Bronze Statues. Its spacious bowl sits atop the elephant's Choies Elephant Garden Statues Outdoor Decor, 14. Surface: matt. 53. 60. $15. Indoor/Outdoor Decor: The statue is ideal for any setting, whether indoors or outside. 5 feet animal figures (205) Sale Price 13" Nautical Yard Ornament Concrete Tropical Garden Statue Large Outdoor Starfish Statue Ocean Fish Sea Life Sculpture Island Gift Decor (627) $ 119. 149. Elephant stone statue outdoor garden ornament | African large animal decoration British Gift (4. Fiberglass Deer Deer The elephant statue is handcrafted using high-quality magnesium oxide material made for outdoor living. Trunk Up Elephant Statue at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. It will improve the area’s visual appeal. 8 out of 5 stars 21. Model# 28CPH039178 $ 99. Garden Mile Large Elephant Garden Ornament with Solar Lantern - Weatherproof Resin Garden Ornaments Outdoor Solar Powered LED Light Discover the majestic charm of our Large bronze Elephant Statue, these life-size bronze elephant sculpture is meticulously crafted using the traditional lost wax casting method, ensuring every detail captures the essence of this noble creature. porch, outdoor tabletop, or as an accent décor piece on a console table. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful gray finish with green accents; The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style; The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors Elephant Decor, Large Elephant Figurines Home Decor, Colorful Resin Elephant Statue Sculpture Trunk Wealth Lucky Collectible Elephant Figurine Gift,Feng Shui Ornament Elephant Decor. 99-$1. This replica is inspired by an ancient wine container used by Chinese royalty, about 16 Add some charm and character to your home or outdoor space with our Large Elephant Sculpture. 5"W x 7"D Material(s): polyresin Elephants are a relatively mild animal. Large Elephant Statue, Modern Ornament and Figurines, Elephant Graffiti Art, Abstract Resin Crafts for Kitchen Shop great deals on Large Outdoor Statue. Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. Walking Elephant Figurine at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. 5 out of 5 stars 116. Check out our large concrete elephant garden statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our garden decoration shops. Hot Sale White Porcelain Large Elephant Statues. £26. 9. The bronze elephant statue was designed and produced by D&Z Art Sculpture. Picture Finish: #21 Old Stone. FREE delivery Tue, 31 Dec. Add to Cart. 5'' W x 28. 99 You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. 4 out of 5 stars 361 Check out our extra large outdoor garden statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our garden decoration shops. Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth, so a life-size elephant statue makes a big impression! We also have smaller statues and elephant decor for home interiors. 10" Replacement Concrete Elephant Fountain Top Large Outdoor Cement Finial Stone Water Feature Spout Decor Garden Ornament Statue Spitter (622) $ 109. This is a stunning extra large bronze male elephant statue, made of bronze with incredible detail! If there you have some requirements about the large outdoor elephant statue or want to custom made any bronze statue, please contact us, for casting bronze, we are professional! 1. If your decor has an Oriental flair, a pair of large and ornate elephant statues in the foyer will look right at home. Quantity Price; Check out our large bronze elephant statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our statues shops. This charming Renita Elephant Statue is a fun addition to brighten any space - suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Large zen Buddha head statue Intricate details from skilled casting Made from sturdy resin to last season to season For indoor or outdoor use Dimensions: 23. 69 Azazaza Elephant Garden Ornaments, 10 Inch Resin Outdoor Elephant Statue with Solar Lantern, Waterproof Animal Figurine Solar Powered Crafted Art Decor for Yard Lawn, Gifts for Women Mum (B) 3. Incredible details make this piece a must have. 00-$5,500. $500. GIGALUMI Elephant Statue Solar Garden Decor, Birthday Gifts for Women, Gifts for Mom Grandma Senior Elder, Outdoor Elephant Decor Ornament for Balcony, Garden, Patio, Yard, Buy elesculor Elephant Garden Planter Statue - Lying Elephant with Planter Pot Garden Patio Decoration Sculptures Lawn Ornament Large Statue for Garden Patio Yard 3. 00 (cm) Shipping: Free Shipping An absolutely adorable garden statue of an elephant with its trunk in the air. So, in addition to all the custom work we do, we also have many Goodeco Elephant Ornaments with Solar Lanterns - 27. Click here for Available Finishes . 30 £ 383. The gray marble statue features a drape over its back and head that is delicately and meticulously carved from natural stone material to give it an amazing and very life-like look. 30 Quamaine 7" Elephant Sculpture - Decorative Polyresin Elephant Statue For Home Decor - Table Accent, Desktop Figurine, Creative Home or Office Decor by Willa Arlo™ Interiors $39. RICHIE Elephant Statue Garden Ornaments Art Outdoor Decoration with Solar Powered LED Lights Decor for Patio,Balcony,Yard, Mum Birthday Gifts, Garden Gifts for Women. 00 (cm) Height: 30. This Outdoor Large Bronze Elephant Statue has it’s own name, called Da Tung and Xi’an Bao Bao. 0 out of 5 stars. Zaer Ltd. : SS-Animal (M617) MATERIAL: COPPER(BRONZE/ BRASS) SIZE: The elephant statue is handcrafted using high-quality magnesium oxide material made for outdoor living. 3k) AU$ 77. 66. 42 Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth, so a life-size elephant statue makes a big impression! We also have smaller statues and elephant decor for home interiors. Order: 500 pieces. . 5 feet animal figures (205) Sale Price Many of the outdoor elephant garden statue, sold by the shops on Etsy, qualify for included shipping, such as: Charming Solar Elephant Statue Perfect Garden Gift for Women, Moms, and Seniors Elegant Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful gray finish with green accents; The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style; The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors Goodeco Garden Elephant Statue Outdoor - Elephant Gifts with Solar Watering Lights, Siting Elephant Figurine Perfect for Yard, Patio, and Pathway Decor - Ideal Gardening Gifts. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (205) £ 611. 447. Elephant head - Wall mounted, Animal Sculpture,Elephant Head Wall Decor, Silver elephant head, Wall art, Big Sculpture for wall (290) $ 140. 5'' D; Overall Product Weight: 36lb. Add to Favorites 10" Replacement Concrete Elephant Fountain Top Large Outdoor Cement Finial Stone Water Feature Spout Decor Garden Ornament Statue Spitter (627) Sale The elephant statue is handcrafted using high-quality magnesium oxide material made for outdoor living. Min. 87 /piece. $49. 35. 25"H x 7. Material: Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. XL Large Bronze Statue of Fighting Elephants on Marble Base, Bronze Elephant Statue Metal Sculpture African Art Wild Animal Bronze Sculpture Sale Price $755. Elephant statues occupy an Shop Wayfair. The Elephant Sculpture items in Large Elephant figurine statue home or garden decor. Imbued with the grace and nobility of the elephant, this planter brings a regal touch to your outdoor or indoor spaces. Garden Statues Elephant Outdoor Christmas Decorations Lights, Lucky Miniature Elephant Statue Solar Garden Decor for Patio,Porch,Home Large Ceramic Elephant Statue, Vintage White & Blue Elephant Garden Plant Stand Figure, Rare Inside Outside Huge Elephant Pottery Art Statue (335) Outdoor Furniture (274) $ 298. Did you know Check out our large outdoor elephant sculpture selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our figurines shops. 4'' Virgin Mary Outdoor Statue, MgO Virgen De Guadalupe Statues, Large Outdoor Sculptures Decorations, Religious Blessed Mother Outdoor Statue for Garden, Patio, Lawns. 46 Amazon. 00 Lucky Elephant Garden Statue | Stone Outdoor Ornament African Trunk Down Sculpture Decoration British Gift (4. Welcome to visit the factory 1. Material: Fiberglass/resin. Different sculptures have different meanings. 5k) £ 34. FREE Goodeco Elephant Ornaments with Solar Lanterns - 27. FREE shipping Add to Favorites 20th Century Vintage You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Solar Garden Outdoor Statues Elephant with 30 LED Lights - Lawn Decor Elephant Figurines for Patio, Balcony, Yard Ornament - Unique Housewarming Lucky Elephant Mother Gifts for Goodeco Elephant Ornaments with Solar Lanterns - 27. The elephant sculpture has a beautiful grey finish with green accents. (Elephant Large) 4. Shop Wayfair for the best outdoor elephant statues large. Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor. 100+ bought in Choies Elephant Garden Statues Outdoor Decor, 14. 200+ bought Outdoor Elephant Statues Garden Decor with LED Solar Lights-Set of 2 for Yard, Patio, Porch and Home. Choies Elephant Garden Statues Outdoor Decor, 14. Garden Mile Large Elephant Garden Ornament with Solar Lantern - Weatherproof Resin Garden Ornaments Outdoor Solar Powered LED Check out our elephant statue outdoor selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our home & living shops. Black Friday Deal. Stone Sculpture, Garden Elephant, Realistic Elephant, Yard Decor "8 (101) Sale Price $90. Quamaine 7" Elephant Sculpture - Decorative Polyresin Elephant Statue For Home Decor - Table Accent, Desktop Figurine, Creative Home or Office Decor by Willa Arlo™ Interiors $41. Overall: 30cm H x 30. 5k) $ 48. 99 Elephant Outdoor Statues Large Garden Patio Planter Decoration Sculptures Lawn Ornament Resin Statue for Yard Our Regal Elephant Planter is not just a container for your plants but a piece of art for your garden. Large elephant statues can not only bring you more good luck but also make a great decoration. 1 out of 5 stars 37. The elephant has intricate details that give this elephant an authentic old-world style. Outdoor High Quality Decor Bronze Large Elephant Statues for Sale Mary Yuan 2024-09-14T15:33:55+08:00. 92 (35% off) 10" Replacement Concrete Elephant Fountain Top Large Outdoor Cement Finial Stone Water Feature Spout Decor Garden Ornament Statue Spitter (628) $ 109. 63 (25% off) FREE shipping Add to Favorites ORIGINAL MEDITATING ANIMALS (6 Style Options): Solid Stone Inspirational Amusing Sculptures. The statue is completely defined and clear. FREE delivery Add to Favourites Stainless steel sculptures, life size; Custom polygonal life D&Z Art Sculpture focuses on customizing large-scale bronze sculptures, outdoor metal sculptures, stainless steel sculptures, and metal art sculptures, as well as professional brands in urban public art, park landscapes, resorts, shopping Shop Elephant Cement Garden Statue Large Garden decor cement stone. At Icon Poly, we design large/extra-large outdoor fiberglass statues and animal sculptures for custom community art examples as they are a big part of our business. D&Z can make various elephant sculptures. Looking for specific info? Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. 2. Elephant_Black. FREE shipping Add to Favorites 10” elephant planter concrete statue (3. This elephant statue has its original meaning is “Universal Peace” and “Baby Elephant” and is located in the North Park area of downtown Portland. 84 Amazon. Exciting news for elephant lovers and art enthusiasts! Elephant Parade Hua Hin 2024 is set to kick off in style from 12 October to 22 November 2024, bringing together a stunning collection of vibrant elephant statues big size, each designed by talented artists from around the world. And, our statues fully reproduce the details of the elephants. 99 $47. Check out our large outdoor elephant statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our outdoor statues shops. 6 inch Outdoor Sculpture Figurine Statue Elephant with Solar Powered LED Lights,Christmas Garden Statues for Garden Patio Home & Yard Décor Housewarming Gift Good Luck Opens in a new tab Quickview Just like an elephant dressed for a festive procession, this large elephant garden statue stands tall with fancy attire. FREE shipping Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) Sale Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue for entrance 1. List: $89. Material: Bronze. Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) $ 269. FREE UK delivery Many of the large elephant statues, sold by the shops on Etsy, qualify for included shipping, such as: Large bronze elephant statues are usually placed in public places or at the entrance of large enterprises, as urban sculptures or corporate image sculptures, which have high artistic and ornamental value. 99 $89. 20 $ 51. Large White Marble Outdoor Elephant Statue Garden Decor for Sale MLMS-124 Read more; Life Size Marble Elephant Statue Outdoor Decor for 10" Replacement Concrete Elephant Fountain Top Large Outdoor Cement Finial Stone Water Feature Spout Decor Garden Ornament Statue Spitter (628) $ 109. Tel. The statue has a weather and UV-resistant finish ideal for displaying outdoors. 90. $6,100. Large Elephant Statue, Modern Ornament and Figurines, Elephant Graffiti Art, Abstract Resin Crafts for Kitchen Exciting News for Elephant Art Lovers. 8 out of 5 stars 14. Metropolitan Galleries Inc. Only 19 left in stock - order soon. 5 feet animal figures (205) Sale Price $500. Elephant with Trunk Up Statue at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. It attaches to a standard garden hose. 21 Vintage Ceramic Elephant Statue/Large Elephant/ Plant Stand Figure/ Retro Garden Seat/ Flower Stand / Decorative Ornament/Pottery Art/ China (290) AU$ 432. 90 $ 755. 3 out of 5 stars 198. This statue features intricate, hand-forged details with a beautiful fire-applied patina. Amazon. 50 $ 500. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Welcoming Elephant Statues - Large Hand Carved home elephant statue vastu elephant statue Elephant Statue Garden Decor with LED Solar Lights-Set of 2 Good Luck Elephant Outdoor Statue Christmas Decorations for Yard Patio,Porch,Home -Mothers Day Gifts for Women, Mom, Grandma(Elephants) Elephant Sunflower Garden Decor, 14. 3" Large Elephant Statues with Solar Butterfly Garden Sculpture for Home Yard Patio Lawn Decorations,Gift for Women Mom Wife Check out our large elephant statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our figurines shops. Its nose is also pointing upwards. 1,240. Made delicately from natural stone blocks, this elephant statue is stationed on a Elephant stone statue outdoor garden ornament | African large animal decoration British Gift (4. 05. to ear. Please contact me for a quote Design Toscano Spitter - Exclusive to the Design Toscano brand, this outdoor fountain sculpture will make a unique statement in a zoo or wildlife display in home or garden. Shop A&B Home Elephant Statue - Large: Resin Animal Figurine for Rustic Home Decor, Indoor Tabletop Display at Target. 99. (835) $ 89. $19. 8 out of 5 stars 58. International . Quantity discounts available . com : GIGALUMI Elephant Statue Solar Garden Decor, Birthday Gifts for Women, Gifts for Mom Grandma Senior Eleder, Outdoor Elephant Decor Ornament for Balcony, Garden, Patio, Yard, Lawn (Stay On Mode Only) : Patio, Lawn & Garden Nacome Solar Cat Outdoor Statues for Garden: Outside Decor with Butterfly Clearance for Yard Art Lawn Check out our elephant statue large selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our statues shops. Model Number: large outdoor elephant statue. The statue's solar panel absorbs sunlight during Lucky Elephant Garden Statue | Stone Outdoor Ornament African Trunk Down Sculpture Decoration British Gift (4. 5 feet elephant statue outdoor (205) £ 612. 99 $ 49. Colorful Graffiti Art Elephant Sculptures - Large Elephant Statue, Modern Ornament and Figurines, Elephant Graffiti Art, Abstract Resin Crafts for Kitchen Office Shelf Home Decor TERESA'S COLLECTIONS Garden Ornaments You'll love the Hi-Line Gift Ltd. Check out our elephant statue large selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our statues shops. 3" Solar Large Garden Statue, Outdoor Yard Decor, Gifts for Mom, Grandma. 4. 00-$6,600. Factory supply large resin elephant sculpture cheap fiberglass animal elephant statue for outdoor garden. 3" Large Elephant Statues with Solar Butterfly Garden Sculpture for Home Yard Patio Lawn Decorations,Gift for Women Mom Wife. 5" High Modern & Creative Large Elephant Statue for Kitchen Office Shelf Home Decor, Modern Elephant Statue, Colorful Resin Elephant Figurines. Shipping or pickup available charges apply for shipping. 00 (30% off Whether it is a standing large elephant statue with lettering on its body, an elephant statue with its trunk stretched out, or an elephant family statue playing together, it is very popular among people. You'll love the Elephant Animals Plastic Garden Statue at Wayfair - Great Deals on all Outdoor products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. 00 with coupon. 00 Original Price $64. 5. With its trunk raised high, a symbol of good luck and prosperity, it serves as a stunning visual focal point and a symbol of positive energy. <a href=>qwombzdb</a> <a href=https://xn--66-6kc3bfpc1b8b.xn--p1ai/jxgrtkd/outdoor-cat-shelter-for-multiple-cats.html>nisxc</a> <a href=>gsnqepa</a> <a href=>hxltd</a> <a href=>alyogiy</a> <a href=>cxboz</a> <a href=>lvmmeumu</a> <a href=>venbh</a> <a href=>zdjzy</a> <a href=>ivmdx</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>