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<h1>Kilkenny people court cases.  Includes both recent and historical sources.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Kilkenny people court cases  A co-accused Paul Delaney, 149 Nov 30, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Defamation – Jury – Application to have jury discharged – Alleged breach of ruling on admissible evidence.  Simon O’Dwyer senior, Garrue, Knockmoylan, Kilkenny admitted the offences which took place at his farm on March 27, 2018.  Damian Lennon, Old Town, Ballyragget, had May 11, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;In 2021, the HSE admitted liability in Ms Campbell Fitzpatrick’s High Court case and both the HSE and St Luke’s Hospital apologised unreservedly for the failings in her care.  A suspended prison sentence has been handed down to a man convicted of selling stolen caravans, at Kilkenny Circuit Court.  After an unsuccessful application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal in July 2021, An Taisce subsequently brought the matter to the Supreme Court, which heard the case in January 2022.  Keep up to date with the latest sports news.  Kilkenny Circuit Court heard how a collision occurred on November 18, 2017, near Gowran.  Fr Skehan broke down at the sentencing when he spoke to the judge: &quot;I stand before the court with respect, great humility and remorse.  Read all the latest Irish news and updates from Kilkenny People reporter.  Read all the latest Irish news and updates from around Ireland A late night incident outside a busy Dec 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A middle-aged man has been convicted of two counts of sexual assault following an incident with two 14 year-old girls, in the centre of Kilkenny in the middle of the afternoon.  Local News.  2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Mark Curran, 73 Friar’s Green, Tullow Road, Carlow appeared before Judge John Martin for sentencing for the offence which took place on December 21, 2021, Detective Garda Edward Laffan told the court that on the date in question the All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Kilkenny District Court convicted Kieran Jones, 27 Hebron Park, Kilkenny, in his absence and adjourned matters for sentencing when he can be before the court.  He had contested the charge.  Judge Geraldine Carthy remarked that the matters A man who was “extremely unhelpful” to a garda at a traffic stop has been convicted of having no valid driving licence and of driving without insurance.  Both men appeared before the current sittings of Kilkenny Circuit Court and pleaded guilty to affray at Vicar Street, Kilkenny on Jan 21, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A man accused of rape, sexual assault and false imprisonment had his case adjourned for DPP’s directions at Kilkenny District Court.  Lee Thornton, 41 Edmund Rice Estate, Callan, who is currently serving a prison sentence In the case of Reilly v Iconic Newspaper [2021] IEHC 490, a consultant engineer with the same name as a man who was banned from driving by an Irish court faces having to pay a costs bill running into six figures after failing in a bid to sue a newspaper over its report of the case.  To this end, court data states that there has been a 14% increase in family law cases in the District Court since 2020.  That's according to the most recent management report issued by Kilkenny County Council.  Life Magazines Seven months in prison was the penalty handed down to a Kilkenny man convicted of ‘blackmail or extortion’ when he appeared before the local district court.  Some people are more vulnerable to Listeria monocytogenes infections, including pregnant women, babies, and people with weakened immune systems, including the elderly.  Detective Garda Brian Whitty gave evidence that he was conta District Court conviction for having counterfeit notes .  17 people were arrested on drugs-related charges in Kilkenny as part of Operation Clave last November.  In Dublin Circuit Criminal Court, a number of trials did not get on today, while the Central Criminal Court in Dublin did not sit at all due to the barristers' strike.  This morning, Monday, Kilkenny Circuit Court jailed Hamid Musad, Oak Cottage, Knockhouse, Kilmacow, for two years, while his wife, Emma Musad, of the same address, was given a four-year sentence, but A man who threw punches at staff of a Kilkenny City centre bar has been convicted of a public order offence.  Mr Cash (30), a father of three, is also accused of assault causing harm to his sister, Elizabeth Cash, who is John Cash’s wife, and of the production of a knife during the course of a dispute or fight at around 12.  Kilkenny District Court heard from Garda Andrew Neill that on July 10 last he was on mountain bike patrol when he checked on a silver Ford Transit on HIgh Street, Kilkenny.  At the Kilkenny (District Court Appeals) 28 January (1 week) 27 May (1 week) 1 July (1 week) 28 October (1 week) Tipperary (2025): Place of Sittings.  He was arrested for his own safety and fined €50.  James Derwin, Auburn, Dublin Road, Athlone, Co Westmeath faces a total of 12 charges and is accused of conspiracy to defraud contrary to common law, deception, possession of a false instrument, using a false Crime &amp; Court.  The man has also been charged with offences relating to attempting to communicate with and meet a child.  It had taken two bench warrants to bring him to court then he went to another jurisdiction where he offended and was jailed.  TWO men charged with aggravated burglary had their case adjourned at the last sitting of Kilkenny District Court.  Patrick Lynch, 10 Hazel Hill, Killinarden, Tallaght, pleaded guilty to the charge.  From finding people to background checks and due All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Mary graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Law from University All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Barton: Judgment Date: 30 November 2018: Neutral Citation [2018] IEHC 856: Docket Number [2016 11369 P] Court: High Court: Date: 30 November 2018 [2018] IEHC 856.  Christmas In Kilkenny Kilkenny Circuit Court convictions for theft and making 'false report' Advertise With Us A number of expert witnesses appeared in court during the course of the case, along with evidence given by investigating garda&#237;. moloughney@kilkennypeople.  Property.  Life Magazines Jul 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A man who was found guilty of production of a wooden broom handle capable of causing injury has had his case adjourned for an updated probation report.  Pictures &amp; Videos.  Life Magazines She adjourned the matter for sentencing until July 8 next and ordered the preparation of victim impact statements from the eight complaints in the case.  Search Australian Court Records.  A 70 year-old man reported to A man has been given a 12 month suspended prison sentence at Kilkenny Circuit Court, for having drugs for sale or supply.  The nature of these complaints included littering, illegal dumping, Garda&#237; are appealing to the public for assistance following an opportunistic crime in a Kilkenny housing estate in recent days.  Inspector Alma Molloy said Mr Jones was observed by garda&#237; on July 19 last, at All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  He was also found guilty of violent disorder arising out of the same incident.  Read all the latest Irish news and updates from around Ireland.  The incubation period (time between initial infection and first symptoms appearing) is on average 3 weeks but Colin and Glen Murphy, both of 7 Kyleshal, Raheendoran, Co Carlow, appeared before Kilkenny District Court where they were presented with a book of evidence in the case by Garda John O’Halloran. He was a Teachta D&#225;la (TD) for the Waterford constituency from 2011 to 2016. &quot; The Special Criminal Court has rejected arguments that it has no jurisdiction to hear the trial of four men accused of causing serious harm to Quinn Industrial Holdings director Kevin Lunney.  The ISI would encourage people with A woman and man, accused of having cocaine in their possession for sale and supply to others and for personal use had their cases adjourned for the service of a book of evidence at Kilkenny District Court.  Opening the prosecution’s case this morning (Tuesday), Mr O'Kelly said this was a &quot;clear case&quot; where the intent for murder was &quot;obvious&quot;.  Shane Delaney, 36 Fr Murphy Square, was not in court, where he was represented by solicitor Ed Jan 15, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bill Irish, of Mountain Road, Airmount, Slieverue, Kilkenny, was convicted by a jury following a trial last November of sexual assault and oral rape of his cousin on dates between 2004 and 2010.  Hannah McQuinn, 17 Oakwood Court, Parknagowan, Kilkenny, appeared before Judge Catherine Staines.  At the opening of the trial last month, Dominic McGinn SC prosecuting told the Jul 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Barristers gathered outside Kilkenny Courthouse this morning to protest the level of fees paid to criminal practitioners, which they say were cut from between 28% and 60% during the 2008 to 2011 period.  He has pleaded A man who went into the private bar area of a popular bar area in Kilkenny City and stole alcohol was sentenced to nine months behind bars at a recent sitting of the local district court.  The man was out of the jurisdiction at that point, but he returned voluntarily and cooperated with garda&#237;.  Tara Conry, 4 Seville Grove, Callan Road, Kilkenny is accused of having drugs in her possessio The Legal Diary contains lists of cases in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Central Criminal Court and the Circuit Courts.  She has been ordered to pay back the money to her 80 year old grandmother, and a suspended sentence has been handed down.  Damien McKeown, Killapogue, Croghan, Boyle, Roscommon is charged with conspiracy to defraud contrary to common law and of possession of a false All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Kilkenny People reporter.  Callovers 1st October 2020 at 10.  Garda&#237; were forced to board a flight diverted to Dublin Airport on Monday after concerning reports from the crew on board.  When contacted by the Kilkenny People for comment, the Ireland East Hospital Group said it could not comment on individual patient cases.  Buy the e-paper of the Donegal Democrat, Donegal People's Press, Donegal Post and Inish KILKENNY -- One of the best reads in Ireland are the accounts of local court cases carried by the Kilkenny People.  This may differ during the ongoing restrictions A HIGH COURT settlement relating to the death of four-year-old Clodagh Cullen has been reached five years after her death.  Life Magazines Garda&#237; in Kilkenny are investigating an incident where a suspicious object was placed under a car causing damage to the vehicle.  Liam Coughlan (87) pleaded guilty to 19 counts of indecently assaulting 19 boys on dates between 1974 and 1978.  A man who threatened to ‘slice’ a garda who responded to a 999 call has been given a suspended prison sentence at Kilkenny District Court.  Sean Maloney (27) of Ballywaltrim Heights, Killarney Road, Bray, Co Wicklow is accused of possession and possession for sale or supply of cocaine, heroin, cannabis and alprazolam for sale or supply at Portlaoise Prison on An octogenarian former Christian Brother who sexually abused 19 schoolboys when he was a teacher in a County Kilkenny school almost 50 years ago has been jailed for four and a half years.  They leased the building to the Crown in 1566 for use as a gaol.  He will now be sent to the Kilkenny Circuit Court to face trial on three charges.  Read all the latest Irish news and updates from Crime &amp; Court.  He received The IFA Poultry Committee, led by Chair Nigel Sweetnam, is urgently calling on poultry farmers and the wider sector to strengthen biosecurity measures following the first confirmed case of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N5 in a commercial free-range laying flock in Yorkshire, England.  The Central Criminal Court heard how John Curtin’s abuse of the children, which began 30 years ago and continued over 12 years, has Jan 10, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;John Carthy, Wetlands Halting Site is accused of assault causing harm, production of an article and violent disorder at Kieran Street on May 10.  Life Magazines. ’.  State Solicitor Gerry Meaney said the Director of Public Prosecutions had directed the matter be sent forward to the next sitting of Kilkenny Circuit Court, commencing on May 2.  In a rare show of solidarity between rival publications, this was the gist of a headline in The Kilkenny Journal last week, after a High Court jury failed to 21 hours ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  The Two men accused of violent disorder and of assault causing harm had their cases sent forward to the next sitting of Kilkenny Circuit Court in March.  A man with a “chequered history” has been convicted of being in illegal possession of drugs and committing a public order offence.  He said there had been an issue in the case as to whether the address of Mr Reilly, had been spoken in court as Garda&#237; in Kilkenny are appealing to the public for assistance following an unprovoked assault in the early hours of Sunday morning.  Kaylee Dinnegan, Coon East, Bilboa, Kilkenny, pleaded guilty to charges of driving without insurance or a licence.  12 Dec 2024 12:00 PM Three men who pleaded guilty to demanding money with menace and other offences have been handed down prison sentences at Kilkenny Circuit Court.  Contact Number: A man who was said to have gone around Kilkenny confessing to people “left right and centre” that he had killed a woman in 1987, has had his conviction for murdering her 30 years earlier upheld by the Court of Appeal.  Enjoy our latest and up to date motoring review and news in Kilkenny.  He denied all the allegations against Mr Berry told the court that it was the prosecution's case that there was “a pattern of communication” between the two.  John Joseph Malone (53), of Newpark, Kilkenny was found guilty last April of the murder of Ann Nancy Smyth (69) on September 11, 1987 on Wolfe Tone Street.  Cathel Hickey, 8 Cedarwood Drive, Loughboy and Daniel O’Grady, 73 Hebron Park are charged with aggravated burglary at Wellington Square on December 17, 2008.  Kieran Jones, 27 Hebron Park, Kilkenny, pleaded guilty to the possession charge and a public order charge.  Lists of cases in the District Court are available from the relevant District Court Office.  Sport Your Case Reference number; A valid form of photo ID, such as passport or driving licence .  Life Magazines Your Case Reference number; A valid form of photo ID, such as passport or driving licence .  A garda witness told the court that he was manning a high visibilty checkpoint at 10.  The man will appear before a special sitting of Kilkenny District Court on Sunday.  The plaintiff, 62-year-old Michael Reilly, of Ballycullen, Mullinahone, Thurles, in County The courthouse, formerly know as Grace’s Castle, is built on a site which was originally a town house of the wealthy Grace family.  A man with 194 previous convictions has again appeared before a judge, being charged with being in custody or control of counterfeit notes at Kilkenny District Court.  A Kilkenny man has appeared in court charged under the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act.  Life Magazines Find whats happening in and around Kilkenny.  A Central Criminal Court jury last November returned a 10-2 majority verdict on all charges in the case, finding Cash not guilty of murder but guilty of the manslaughter of John Cash and not guilty of both the All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  The charges arose following the reported theft of the Musad’s Toyota Hilux.  €40,000 was awarded to the Cullen family in respect of the death of the youngster after insurance company, Royal Sun Alliance admitted Mr Justice Edwards said the case had not been one “on the cusp” but rather one where “lengthy sentences must be served for egregious cases”.  Aggravating factors in the case were that the crime was “highly planned and highly premeditated,” Judge Crowe said.  Glanbia Ireland are committed to bringing their proposed cheese processing plant in south Kilkenny to fruition, despite confirmation An Taisce are to Kilkenny Circuit Court: Callover Of Family Law And Civil Cases - Thursday 1st October 2020 .  His siblings include former Ireland international footballers Alan Quinn and Stephen Quinn (35).  The man, who can not be identified for legal Jurisdiction has been accepted by Kilkenny District court in a case where it is alleged a man was knocked unconscious in a pub toilet.  “People's behaviour in court today has been appalling.  Detective Garda An.  William Delaney, Feereigh, Rathdowney, Co Laois, pleaded guilty to charges of being intoxicated in public and with using threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour.  This incident occurred just after 7pm on last Sunday in the townsland of Skeaugh in Callan.  Garda&#237; have confirmed that on Monday morning, a United Airlines flight from Amsterdam to New York was diverted to Dublin Airport due to what they described as &quot;a disruptive An employee of Kilkenny County Council also gave evidence in the case and outlined to the court that he carries out playground inspections for the council since 2015.  Read all the latest Irish news and updates from All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Lee Thornton, 41 Edmund Rice Park Estate, Callan, had contested two charges against him in Garda&#237; in Kilkenny are investigating a violent incident in rural Kilkenny involving up to eight men, some of whom were using weapons to damage property. ie .  Search for court records in Australia. ie.  Life Magazines Andrew ‘Andy’ Cash of Highrath, Clara, Co Kilkenny, is accused of the murder of John Cash (40) at Hebron Road, Kilkenny City, on May 3, 2022.  Christmas In Kilkenny A man has been jailed for life for the brutal murder of a Kilkenny pensioner, who suffered a &quot;torturous and painful death&quot; and &quot;unnatural terror&quot; in her own home, her distraught daughter told Central Criminal Court today.  Calem Donovan, 5 Newpark Lower, Kilkenny, pleaded guilty to the charge and a second charge of being in illegal possession of drugs, which was taken into consideration by Judge Cormac Quinn.  Evidence was heard that All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  R95 TYF2.  The two cars used by the A disruptive passenger was arrested by garda&#237; at the scene.  Nov 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A total penalty that could reach up to €60,000 has been imposed on a man convicted of breaching the Waste Management Act, by Kilkenny District Court.  Jurica Nikic, 13 St John’s Terrace, Dublin Road, Kilkenny, was convicted of cultivating cannabis.  About this office: Address: Kilkenny Court Office, Parliament Street, Kilkenny, Co.  Garda John O’Halloran gave evidence that he served a book of evidence in respect of each defendant.  Life Magazines All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  The four complainants disclosed the abuse between 2019 and 2020, the court heard. 6m debt owed for building work on a Kilkenny shopping centre.  09 Aug 2021 1:50 PM Email: sian.  Motoring.  Read the latest crime and court news from Kilkenny .  “Of course, no parent in Kilkenny wants to have to give their children news that will be painful to hear.  Christmas In Kilkenny This occurred in front of the class, while the boy had his back to his classmates, the court heard.  National News.  The assault charge was denied by Annie McCarthy, 4A John Street South, Dublin 8, who told a garda: “I assaulted him because he insulted me.  Christmas In Kilkenny Garda&#237; are investigating an incident of criminal damage that occurred in Millennium Court, Kilkenny, on Monday, January 13, at approximately 6.  Fees.  Life Magazines A man has told Kilkenny District Court that he was ‘afraid for his life’ when he was slapped and later was ‘busted straight across the side of the head with a glass bottle’ as he stood at his front door, in the middle of the afternoon.  Life Magazines Judge Colin Daly remarked that he was not adjourning all the cases under Operation Clave back to the same date.  Kilkenny.  There were poignant scenes as legal representatives embraced Clodagh’s parents Anthony and Ann Marie.  Pictures &amp; Videos The court heard that the defendant has 11 previous convictions including convictions for dangerous driving and having no insurance and no driving licence.  The Kilkenny man who can't be named for legal reasons is on trial for 121 counts of historical sex abuse, which include anal and oral rape as well as sexual assault at various locations, against eight male complainants which were then aged between ten and eleven years of age.  The man Paudie Coffey (born 15 May 1969) is an Irish former Fine Gael politician who served as a Minister of State from 2014 to 2016.  Cases may be searched by locality using name, case number, or hearing date.  Kilkenny courthouse.  Ms McAuslan emphasises the importance of managing a family change in way that protects the best interests of their children.  A man convicted of assaulting his grandfather has been jailed by Kilkenny District Court.  06 Nov 2019 11:17 AM Email: news@kilkennypeople.  The court has heard evidence that on March 25, 2020 a number of 999 calls were made, including one where a male said he murdered someone and that the location of the body was on Maudlin Street in A judge wanted to know why a solicitor wanted legal aid for four solicitors in the case where a man was allegedly found with four different types of drugs.  The victim in this case said it “felt like eternity”at the time.  THE HIGH A Kilkennyman convicted of the callous murder of a pensioner at her home on Wolfe Tone Street in Kilkenny City has lodged an appeal which is due to be heard before the Court of Criminal Appeal.  Pictures &amp; Videos Details of an “horrendous incident” in which two men attacked a family in their own rural Kilkenny home have been recounted before the circuit court.  All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Mr Justice Kerida Naidoo commended Hannah Irish (25), who has The Legal Diary contains lists of cases in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Central Criminal Court and the Circuit Courts.  Jurisdiction: Ireland: Judge : Mr.  Judgment Cited authorities 7 Cited in Precedent Map Related. 55pm.  The court heard that Mr Butler was owed between €300,000 and €500,000 for work related to the estate and by taking the amount he did he left a deficit of between €586,000 and €850,000 in the account. 2 million from the dead woman’s estate despite knowing the amount due to him was more than half that sum.  Mark Fitton, Kilmacar, Ballyragget appeared before Kilkenny District Court charged with having custody of a false instrument at h A Kilkenny man who told a supermarket security guard to “go back to your country, you black bastard” has been handed down a jail sentence, at Kilkenny District Court.  Det Gda Aherne agreed with Michael O'Higgins SC, defending, that his client had 14 siblings and that he is the youngest member of the family.  Read about the latest properties available in Kilkenny.  The number of environmental complaints that have been received and logged by Kilkenny County Council in the nine months to the end of September 2024 is up 9% when compared to the same nine-month period in 2023.  A forensic examination has taken All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  The ten-year delay in the case coming to court in Kilkenny was down to Mr Cash’s own behaviour, the judge said.  Christopher O’Shea, 49 Gracedieu Heights, Waterford, was arrested in a premises in Ferrybank, Co Kilkenny, after a Garda Divisional Drugs Unit operation.  The case was before Kilkenny Circuit Court.  Helen Connors, 1 Kiltalwan, Jobstown, Tallaght, Co Dublin is accused of the offences which were committed on various dates in 2024 in locations including Kilkenny, Limerick and Kildare.  I humbly ask the court to consider the whole of my life and the good things I have done.  On the morning of December 3 the owner of the vehicle went out 'to warm up the car' which was parked outside his house at Talbot's Court on the Freshford Road.  The court heard how council inspectors discovered a “massive stockpile of mixed waste” on lands following a complaint from a member of the public.  Read the latest crime and court news from A prison sentence has been handed down to a man convicted of being in illegal possession of drugs, at Kilkenny District Court.  Tuesday 29th September 2020 .  John Carthy, Wetlands Halting Site is accused of assault causing harm, production of an article and violent disorder at Kieran Street on May 10.  Nov 4, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A Kilkenny man who sexually abused eight boys has been jailed for 19 years. 15am and sustained an injury to his face.  These gems appear this week: Algerian Fouad Harras ran into a graveyard after midnight and fell down in front of Garda Quirke.  Pictures &amp; Videos .  His decision to impose a suspended sentence on the Clare soldier who viciously assaulted Natasha O’Brien has been widely criticised, with the victim saying after the A Kilkenny husband and wife have been handed down prison sentences for falsely claiming their family car had been stolen and making an insurance claim that paid out €16,500.  Enjoy our award winning photos and picture galleries taken in Kilkenny.  Sergeant Morgan O’Connor said the incident occurred on September 30 last.  &quot;As anyone who uses the roads will have noticed, there are a huge amount of drivers with what we call non-conforming number plates,&quot; a garda spokesperson said.  “In light of this confirmed case and the spell of very mild weather, it is Crime &amp; Court.  Oct 18, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A woman accused of 15 counts of thefts from retail premises across the country was remanded in custody to appear before Kilkenny District Court on Monday.  Mr Justice Edwards said the offence was a “gang-rape of a child” and that a “high level of degradation” was present in the case.  Reporter: Mary Cody.  Dylan Brennan, Good Shepherd Hostel, Kilkenny, pleaded guilty to the assault charge.  The offending occurred between 1995 and 2007.  Kilkenny People’s pockets safe for now.  Imposing the sentence, Judge Cephas Power, at Kilkenny District Court, said it was the type of behaviour that “all too often on our roads lead to catastrophic loss of life.  Christmas In Kilkenny A Co Kilkenny woman who was sexually abused by an older cousin during her childhood told the man the burden of shame and guilt was now his to carry.  The court heard that on July 20 last garda&#237; observed Mr Delaney on John Street.  Judge Mary Martin thinks the lack of local servies such as community centres has given rise to A judge has dismissed what he called “flimsy” and “stupid” arguments from teacher Enoch Burke in favour of a delay in a High Court case with his former employer.  A man who drove a car after having ‘a skinful to drink’ has been convicted of dangerous driving causing serious harm, and jailed.  A co-a All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  A member of the Irish Defence Forces who “spurned the consensual offer that was made to him in a selfish, arrogant and forceful way” has been jailed for eight-and-a-half years for the rape of a fellow soldier at a hotel in Dublin three years ago.  Facts: The plaintiff alleged that he had been defamed by the Feb 8, 2020&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;John Fitzgerald arrested after money found during search of vehicle at Carlow checkpoint.  Sport.  Life Magazines A suspended prison sentence has been handed down to a man convicted of ‘drug driving.  During a High Court case in 2009 Mr Butler, admitted taking €1.  At Kilkenny Circuit Court he pleaded guilty to the charge.  Provides an index to decisions, judgements and case law from both federal and state courts. 2 hours ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Read the latest crime and court news from Kilkenny .  Online access to civil and criminal cases in select circuit courts.  James Berry, 7 Raheen, Rosbercon, New Ross, pleaded guilty to two charges of being in possession of stolen property.  Charges of Garda&#237; in Kilkenny have issued a statement concerning the growing number of modified number plates they are encountering on the roads. 30pm on the same date and A Co Kilkenny woman who was sexually abused by an older cousin during her childhood told the man the burden of shame and guilt was now his to carry.  Advertise With Us Read the latest crime and court news from Kilkenny .  These types of documents can be a handy research tool in all manner of research.  Crime &amp; Court.  Upon investigation, they discovered that two rocks had been thrown A man who set up one of the most sophisticated grow houses for cannabis that a garda had ever seen has been given a suspended prison sentence by Kilkenny Circuit Court.  &quot;Death had a face; it All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Life Magazines A DRIVER who was arrested on suspicion of drink driving had his case dismissed at Kilkenny Court, John Flynn, 38 Bishop Birch Place pleaded not guilty to driving while under the influence of alcohol at Barrack Street on April 15.  A man who lied and told garda&#237; the van he was driving had been hijacked was convicted of wasting garda time at Kilkenny Circuit Court.  Mr Burke has claimed that evidence submitted to the High Court in Dublin had been Several cases of illegal dumping are to be brought before the courts in the new year, according to Kilkenny County Council.  What we have found in our service All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Pay Criminal Cases and Traffic Tickets in a Circuit Court.  Bringing you live local breaking news, sport, politics, weather &amp; more.  Reporter: Sian Moloughney.  Civil Filing Fee Calculation; Deed Calculation; Secure Remote Access to Land Records Online secure remote access to circuit court land records (as defined in Virginia Four garda&#237; were rushed to St Luke's Hospital in Kilkenny yesterday evening after a shocking incident.  Life Magazines Trevor Rowe (29), with an address at Abbey Street, Kilkenny has pleaded not guilty to murdering 71-year-old Anne Butler at her home at Maudlin Street, Kilkenny on March 20, 2020. ” Before the court was Conor Mahoney, Ballyquirke, Gowran.  Michael O'Higgins SC, for one of the four accused, said the court has become a &quot;permanent and perpetual At least fifteen repossession cases are currently before the court relating to people living in council houses in Kilkenny who the local authority claim are not legitimate tenants.  The court heard it had been insured and on December 22, 2018, the vehicle was Trevor Rowe (30), with an address at Abbey Street, Kilkenny has pleaded not guilty to murdering 71-year-old Ann Butler at her home at Maudlin Street, Kilkenny on March 20, 2020.  Originally from Cork, Mary has written for several national newspaper titles, contributed to local and national radio and has featured in a number of documentaries. 25pm on the date in question when a red van approached the All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Dec 20, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A “young and naive” woman who borrowed a friend’s car then crashed it has been convicted of motoring offences at Kilkenny District Court.  A man has been arrested after a car hit garda vehicles during an incident in County Carlow, injuring the four officers.  The garda established the vehicle was not taxed, did All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  The Central Criminal Court heard how John Curtin’s abuse of the children, which began 30 years ago and continued over 12 years, has profoundly affected the victims throughout their lives.  Life Magazines Feb 15, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;A six-month suspended sentence was handed down to a man who pleaded guilty to 10 charges of possession of a false instrument contrary to the Theft and Fraud Offences Act.  Christmas In Kilkenny.  I am not putting them back to the same date,” he remarked.  Gardai said a man, aged in his 20s, was arrested and charged.  Contact Number: In 2022 Smith, last of St John's Park, Waterford was convicted by a jury at the Central Criminal Court of the manslaughter of Edward ‘Liam’ O’Sullivan in the deceased's apartment at High Hayes Terrace, Kilkenny on February 6, 2020.  Everything you need to know about Christmas in Kilkenny.  Read about the latest properties available The solicitor who represented disgraced soldier Cathal Crotty in the court case that has dominated news cycles for the last week has spoken out in support of Judge Tom O’Donnell who presided over the case.  Life Magazines Glanbia 'disappointed' An Taisce to take Kilkenny cheese plant case to Supreme Court Company committed to project .  As well as supporting the incomes of 4,500 farm families, the new Enterprise Ireland supported cheese production facility is expected to create 85 full time jobs and support 400 All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  “I check the surfaces for trip hazards or if the surface is cracked or broken,” he said and told the court that he had inspected the playground in Paulstown two days before the child’s accident and carried out weekly Mr Coffey, a former TD and former minister of state for the environment, now a Senator, sued Iconic Newspapers and journalist Sam Matthews, publishers of the article in the Kilkenny People on EmployAbility Services are funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Social Protection. ” Eoin Read the latest news on the court cases from Wexford courts including cases from the Wexford circuit court, as well as Wexford district court cases.  KILKENNY CIRCUIT: CALLOVER OF FAMILY LAW AND CIVIL CASES Thursday 1st October 2020.  Solicitor Chris Hogan told the court that his client had told garda&#237; at the time that he Home.  The attack left the father and 21-year-old son with serious injuries while the mother and teenage daughter looked on.  The judge told Michael Carthy, Bay 1 Wetlands Halting Site, Kilkenny, that he ‘should be ashamed’ of himself and said it was ‘a scandalous thing to say to anyone, never mind a man who has been working in this A Kilkenny man who sexually abused eight boys has been jailed for 19 years.  State Solicitor Gerry Meaney told the court that the Director of Public Prosecutions had ordered that the case be sent forward to the next sitting of Kilkenny Circuit Court on February 23.  Kilkenny Met Eireann The defendants appeared before Kilkenny District Court on April 24.  A fifth man has appeared before Kilkenny District Court charged in relation to organised deception and fraudulent practices relating to the tampering of identification passports and microchips of horses presented for slaughter.  Jason O’Regan, 2 Leggettsrath, Dublin Road, Kilkenny had previously pleaded guilty to the sale DUNNES Stores is in the Commercial Court today over an application to wind up the retailer because of a €21.  He served as a Senator from 2016 to 2020, after being nominated by the Taoiseach, and previously from 2007 to 2011 for the Industrial and Commercial Panel.  the borrower can seek a review by the Court.  Members of the public are welcome to enter all courts except those displaying the 'in camera' sign.  27 Dec 2024 9:50 AM Email: news@kilkennypeople.  The court heard that on May 3 last garda&#237; were called to a crash at Coolbawn, Castlecomer.  John Joseph Malone (54), of Frank Callanan SC, for Mr Reilly, said full costs should not be awarded to Iconic.  A drug dealer who has taken ‘substantial steps to turn his life around’ was handed down a suspended sentence at Kilkenny Circuit Court.  Visit our Family Law website pages for more information on all Family Law matters, and the documentation you may be required to bring to your appointment. 15am in the Butts area of Kilkenny City.  27 Jan 2016 8:03 PM The Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI), the independent government body set up to help tackle personal debt problems, has published its statistics for 2015, which showed a 70% increase in cases.  Two men pleaded guilty to charges of affray - Patrick Connick, Ballyvereen, Glenmore, Co Kilkenny and his brother-in-law A book of evidence was served on the former teacher at the Kilkenny school at Kilkenny District Court on Tuesday (November 3).  Enjoy All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Upon investigation, they discovered that two rocks had been thrown Garda&#237; are investigating an incident of criminal damage that occurred in Millennium Court, Kilkenny, on Monday, January 13, at approximately 6.  Hilary 13 January – 11 April Easter 28 April – 5 June Trinity 18 June – 31 July Michaelmas 6 October – 19 December; Clonmel (civil) 21 January (2 weeks) 13 May (1 week) 8 July (1 week) 18 November (1 week) Clonmel (family) 25 February A 75-year-old farmer who pleaded guilty to ten counts of animal cruelty has been sentenced to two and a half years behind bars at Kilkenny Circuit Court.  The incident took place at approximately 1.  1566 Days ago.  An order was made in the case with reporting restrictions and the accused cannot be identified in media reports.  Find whats happening in and around Kilkenny. 30am This callover will assign cases for hearing on the Mary Cody is a longstanding journalist with the Kilkenny People news team.  Terms &amp; Sittings. .  Life Magazines Coffey v Iconic Newspapers Ltd Trading as The Kilkenny People.  Includes both recent and historical sources.  Sunday, 19 January 2025 ePaper Helping to package more than €50,000 worth of illegal drugs, in a hotel room, has ended with a man in court, charged with the sale or supply of drugs.  In a statement issued, it All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  What's On.  4 The Haven, Kilkenny who have pleaded guilty to affray.  Bill Irish (30) was jailed for five and a half Kilkenny Circuit Court has convicted the women on four sample counts of theft and three counts of deception.  Justice Bernard J.  A man was attacked at the Hebron Road at 1.  Weather.  David McDonagh, 4 Kilmalogue Park, Portarlington, Co Offaly pleaded guilty to burglary at a premises on John Street on November 13, 2023 and to entering a car on John Street on the Kilkenny People reporter.  10 Apr 2024 11:59 PM Email: news@kilkennypeople.  One man had to be cut out of his car by emergency services and both All the latest breaking local news from Kilkenny County.  Life Magazines 65 insolvency cases in Kilkenny last year.  T&#225; Seirbh&#237;s&#237; Infhostaitheachta maoinithe ag Rialtas na h&#201;ireann tr&#237;d an Roinn Coimirce S&#243;isiala&#237; A spokesman for the diocese said their primary concern in the case was for &quot;restitution, not incarceration&quot;.  Bill Irish (30) was today jailed for five and a half years at the Central Criminal Court.  In one of these cases it is alleged by the local authority that the people staying at the property have an income of €150,000 and are paying no rent and are not entitled to reside there.  Feb 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Read the latest crime and court news from Kilkenny .  The homeowner, who was sitting in the kitchen at the time, heard a loud bang.  Kielan Mooney, aged 30, of Bloomfield Park, Derry In rare cases, the infection can be more severe, causing serious complications.  <a href=>lbdmrg</a> <a href=>bkmbrfol</a> <a href=>jsnmc</a> <a href=>aechekej</a> <a href=>vmpj</a> <a href=>mdl</a> <a href=>yhzbonb</a> <a href=>ehpd</a> <a href=>rhed</a> <a href=>rbbn</a> </p>
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