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This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local .</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Clarke county ga arrest records Phone: 706-613-3190. Use our directory to look up jail records, request arrest records, and learn about inmate visitation and financial transactions. 140 Honeytree Dr Athens, GA 30605. Box 1805 Athens, GA 30603 Phone: 706. Meeting Agendas & Minutes. #2 cleared by arrest. An inmate can be searched by first name, last name, race, sex, docket number, or even booking number. Height: 4'11" Weight: 145 lbs. Alexander Arrest Records in Braselton (Georgia) Official Sources for Braselton Arrest Records CountyOffice. Clarke County Jail Inmates Search. Contact the respective county clerk of State Largest open database of current and former Georgia jail inmates. 250 Sanders Road Athens, GA 30605. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. BOND: $40 #3 POSS OF A WEAPON DURING A CRIME. Arrested on 05/28/22 for an alleged trespassing offense . City: Athens, Georgia 30601. Pubilc Records Search. Clarke County Sheriff’s Office (706) 613-3250 325 E Washington St, Athens, GA, United States, 30601 2825 County Farm Rd, Athens, GA 30610 706-613-3400 Website. Amos Robert Coney. 00: Collect fifas up to and including $100: $10. See Michael 's Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. The jail’s capacity is 101 offenders. Block: 3600 Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Search public, recent, and criminal arrest records by name, date of birth, address, case number, and charges. For general questions, call the non-emergency phone number of the Sheriff’s Office- 706-613-3345. Height: 5'8" Weight: 125 lbs.  · mid# name sex race booking date charge bond amount case number police case# year of birth; 1075742: abdullah, rahim taqwa aadil: male: black/african american: 11/8/2023 Find police records in Clarke County, GA. Arrest Age:34. Height: 6'0" Weight: 220 lbs. Instantly get anyone's arrest record from this new website, Truthfinder. mid# booking time name year of birth race sex arresting agency release time charge crime type court jurisdiction bonding company bond amount warrant # police case# Provides law enforcement services to the eastern part of Athens, Georgia. Explore Clarke County, Georgia Court Records Online! Record of court is one of the great sources that help people to grab various useful data. Box 1868 Athens, Georgia 30603 Website Administrator Jul 1, 2024 · The mission of the Magistrate Court is to deliver justice to the citizens of Athens-Clarke County by ruling on disputed claims or approving mutual settlements in civil cases as well as serving as the court of entry into the Jan 6, 2025 · Athens-Clarke County Magistrate Court is located in Athens - Clarke county in Georgia. If after 14 business days, your case does not appear in the Cobb Court Records Search link, contact the State Court Clerk’s Office at 770-528-2660 to inquire. Please note that the above list includes only the Law Enforcement Agencies located in Clarke County, Georgia. Aug 25, 2024 · The Clarke County Jail is a medium-security correctional facility designated for Clarke County inmates. See Michael 's Criminal Record. Call the jail at 706-613-3270. Alemi Arroyo Ayala. Height: 5'10" Weight: 210 lbs. Box 1868 Athens, Georgia 30603 Website Administrator Department & Staff Contacts; Quick Links. A significant Mug Shot for Kyle Roedler booked into the Clarke county jail. 8. Clarke. The phone number for Athens-Clarke County Magistrate Action from another county: $50. it may take up to 24 hours after an arrest for the inmate to appear in the search results. These agencies play a vital role in maintaining public safety and enforcing the law within the county's jurisdiction. Sep 13, 2022 · The Clarke County Sheriff’s Office runs and maintains the Clarke County Jail. 27 Views. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's To obtain property records in Clarke County, Georgia in 2024, there are several options available. An arrest record search in Athens Clarke County can be performed through the Athens Clarke County Sheriff's Office or An arrest record usually includes the arrested individual's full name, date of birth, physical description, fingerprints, photographs (mugshots), the details of the crime they were arrested Criminal Records in Clarke County (Georgia) Access a wide range of criminal records and related information for Clarke County, GA. 5 financial transaction card theft (ce0140222) : $4875 criminal trespassing - physical trespass (25mw0146) : $1000 theft by taking - all other theft misdemeanor (ce0140222) : $700 criminal trespassing - physical trespass (25mw0146) : $1000 Dec 2, 2024 · Clarke County Department of Corrections is in Clarke County, Georgia and is the primary correctional facility for the area. 🔍👮♂️ Access detailed records, including maps, mugshots, and arrest details, through the Clarke County Sheriff's Office and other official sources. Discover case details, court calendars, marriage applications, arrest warrants, probate records, and more. The county seat Johnson County Sheriff’s Office 230 Donovan Harrison Rd, Wrightsville, GA 31096 Phone: 478-864-3941 Fax: 478-864-2944 Email: anthony@johnsonso. Arrest Records Birth Records Court Records Criminal Records Death Records Divorce Records Driving Records Inmate Records Land Records Marriage Records 4 days ago · You must wait 10-14 business days after your arrest before you attempt to obtain online information regarding your case. Because most criminal cases begin with an arrest warrant, searching for Grady County’s court records is an excellent place to start searching for active warrants. . Learn how to locate and obtain arrest records in Georgia, where to find free arrest records, and how to lookup arrest records online in Georgia. Houston. Get details like Athens, GA 30603. Block: 800 Abba Ct NE. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Contact the respective county clerk of State The GA Clarke County Correctional Institution inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Sidebar Navigation (Courts) State Court Judges; Find a Court Case. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. From visitation Athens-Clarke County, Georgia free public records searches at Black Book Online. To obtain warrant Sep 27, 2024 · The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Get records about registered offenders. Distribution of the information does not constitute such a warranty. Boards, Authorities, & Commissions. According to the Public Record Act, these records are made available to the general public for access and review. Search public arrest records for free to get current and recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots. This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local Athens, GA 30601 706-613-3250 sheriff@accgov. Jan 12, 2025 · Shannon Brett Clark was Arrested/Booked on Thursday September 5th 2024. Court Records in Clarke County (Georgia) Find comprehensive court records in Clarke County, GA, through our directory. SEARCH HERE. Records Requests; Warrant Applications; Staff Directory. Arrests and Arrest Records Search. A document called an Clarke County inmate record contains details on a person who has been imprisoned or arrested. Arrested on 06/22/24 for an alleged obstruct of justice charge . City: Watkinsville, Georgia 30677. BOND: $345. mid# booking time name year of birth race sex arresting agency release time charge crime type court jurisdiction bonding company bond amount warrant # police case# Looking for arrest records & criminal charges in Athens, GA? Quickly search arrest records from 7 official databases. See Christopher 's Criminal Record. To search for arrest warrants in Grady County, you should begin with the Clerk of Court’s office. The phone number for Athens-Clarke County Superior Court is Access court records for Clarke County Superior Court, GA. S. Legal Grab also offers access to Jackson County, Gwinnett County, Forsyth County, White County, and more. To start your warrant search, begin with the courts that operate in Grady County. When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be overwhelming. Search by Name or Case # ADR Dispute Program; Child Support; Civil Subpoena; Clarke County Jail in Georgia is a state-of-the-art detention center committed to the safe and secure housing of inmates awaiting trial or serving sentences. Search Mugshots Bail Bonds Bail Bondsman Intake & Discharge Visitation & Phone Calls Court Records Criminal Records Arrest Records Warrant Search Life In Jail Send Money to Inmate News Photos & Video Family Resources Mug Shot for David Adger booked into the Clarke county jail. Athens-Clarke County Jail is a 839-bed facility based in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia. In addition, the court collects and disburses restitution, penalties, court costs, and fines imposed on bad check cases. Athens-Clarke County Police Department - West Athens Substation 1060 Baxter Street, Athens, GA Aug 11, 2024 · The facility’s strategic position in Clarke County not only makes it reachable but also central to the law enforcement framework of the area. To show that there is indeed The Georgia Open Records Act (O. View profile photo. Website records shall be available up to seven days after the arrest of an inmate. This page links to county and state records, most wanted lists, court records, and police logs. 02 per 100. General Index to Deed Books, From 1801 To 1984 ; State Civil Dockets, From 1985 To 1993 ; Clarke County, Clerk of The Superior Court has jurisdiction in divorce, felony, land-title, equity, adoption, and certain civil suits. Mug Shot for Darrell Fleming booked into the Clarke county jail. The Georgia Gazette offers detailed updates on local law enforcement activities, helping you stay The procedure for active arrest warrants in Washington County is not different from that of Georgia's other areas. Easily find free criminal records, free court records, free arrest records, free arrest warrants search, free corporation records, free divorce records, free marriage records, free property records, free Nov 15, 2024 · You can support your loved ones at Athens-Clarke Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 706-613-3250. These laws ensure that the public has the right to access records of governmental In Clarke County, court records are available to the general public. 00: Collect fifas over $100: $20. Press Release 02-23-2022 ACCPD Investigating Shooting - Newton Bridge Road. First Name. 4. Discover latest arrest records with the latest mugshot searches, booking logs, warrants, and background checks. Access inmate details like names, charges, bond amounts, and case numbers through official sources. Use this page to search for Clarke County Jail inmates and to locate inmates at the jail in the city of Athens, Georgia. The Clarke County Correctional Institution, not to be confused with the Athens-Clarke County Jail, houses only minimum (and some medium) security sentenced inmates that are under the jurisdiction of the Georgia Department of Corrections. Alexander Robert Korponay. Contact the How do I find out if someone was arrested in Athens or Clarke County? There are five ways to find out if someone was arrested in Clarke County: 1. Superior Elisa Zarate Clerk of Superior and State Court 325 E. City: Athens, Georgia 30607. Arrest Records in Glynn County (Georgia) Get arrest records in Glynn County, GA. Are Arrest Records Public in Clarke County, Georgia? Yes, arrest records are public in Clarke County, Georgia. See Alyssa 's Criminal Record. The purpose of making marriage records public is to ensure transparency and accountability in the legal system. This is available 24 hours a day. If you want to schedule a visit or send mail/money Jul 7, 2020 · The Magistrate Court Criminal and Bad Checks Division processes warrant applications and generates criminal arrest warrants. org is an independent organization that gathers Arrest Records and other information from various Clarke County government and non-government sources. Use our search engine to get details on arrests, Clarke County Sheriff's Office fadsThe Clarke County Sheriff's Office offers online access to a variety of records. Section 50-18-70, et seq. Alton Stephens. Johnson Sheriff Facebook. County, GA Public Records. Height: 6'0" Weight: 230 lbs. Among the 2017 arrests 0 were made for violent crime charges. Third-party Athens Arrest Records Are Arrest Records Public in Athens, Georgia? Yes, arrest records are public in Athens, Georgia. Inmate Search Inmates Arrest Records Arrests Schedule a Visit Visitation Send Books Books Send Money Send $$ Clarke County - County Jail - Georgia. Height: 6'1" Weight: 188 lbs. Largest Database of Clarke County Mugshots. More Info. Stay updated with Brunswick Police Department press releases, including incident dates, report types, and Mug Shot for Michael Adkins booked into the Clarke county jail. Look up arrest records and check them online for free. Learn about Clarke County public records, including information on population statistics, county seat, and its establishment. Johnson County Sheriff. All public visitation is suspended until further notice. Inmate details include sex, race, booking date, charge, bond amount, case number, police case number, year of birth, MID number, address, height, weight, booking date, released date, arresting agency and bond amount. Do a free background check here using free online public records searches in Athens-Clarke County. Search by Name or Case # ADR Dispute Program; Child Support; Civil Subpoena; Athens - Clarke County, Georgia Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Learn about key county departments such as the Sheriff’s Office, Court House, and County Clerk’s Office Largest Database of Georgia Mugshots. 00 per 100. 00% lower than the National average of 739. CountyOffice. Access state, county, and free arrest records. Arrest warrants are issued when the police can prove probable cause to a local tribunal's sitting magistrate that holds the authority to rule in criminal matters. 337 Epps Bridge Parkway Athens, GA 30606. Arrested on 06/11/23 for an alleged traffic offense . This record may contain the detainee’s name, birthdate, photograph, offense, and sentence. Floyd 138 Views. Search Inmate Records, Jail Records, Arrest Records, Prison Records, and Court Records. Contact the respective county clerk of State Jan 3, 2024 · Reason(s) For Booking: POSSESS/DISPLAY/USE ANY FALSE/FRAUDULENT/ALTERED ID – Misdemeanor POSSESS/DISPLAY/USE ANY FALSE/FRAUDULENT/ALTERED ID – Misdemeanor Aug 21, 2024 · Georgia Clarke County Amanda Bray. This accessibility is mandated by the public record laws of the state, which are designed to promote transparency and accountability in governance. Use of the information is the sole responsibility of the user. Compared to neighboring county Barrow and Sep 19, 2024 · Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports Georgia, the Clarke County Jail is a correctional facility designed to house individuals who are awaiting trial. For inmate information, you can call the facility 24/7 at 706-613-3270 . Visit the website listed above for Clarke County Deed records for years 1801-1984. Offenders arrested for misdemeanors or felonies are processed at this facility. City: Athens, Georgia 30606. 00: Copy of Process: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government P. Clarke County Prison East Washington Street, Athens, GA - 2. Look them up on vinelink. 22 Views. An example of an official online database where one can find recent arrests in Georgia is the Clarke County Sheriff's Office Jail Booking Report, Clark County Arrest Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out. gov/adoption View Clarke County, Georgia adoption information, including guidelines for requesting adoption records, adoption fees, foreign and domestic adoption. Please click the checkbox to Athens Clarke County Jail, GA, is a detention facility located in Athens, Georgia. Records include inmates booked with a 24 hour delay and are updated every 15 minutes thereafter. com. Dec 13, 2024 · Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports Athens, GA, 30605. From visitation guidelines to The jail is responsible for accepting, detaining, and caring for all persons that are arrested within Clarke County, to include Athens. If you are looking to access court records in Clarke County, Georgia, you can visit the following websites: Athens-Clarke County Clerk of Court - Land Records; Athens-Clarke County Clerk of Court - Web Case Search; Athens-Clarke County Superior Court; Athens-Clarke County Marriage Licenses; Athens Instantly get anyone's arrest record from this new website, Truthfinder. Gender: Female. Arrests from the Last 7 Days. Lookup Criminal Records in Clarke County, Georgia. An arrest record usually includes the arrested individual's full name, date of birth, physical description, fingerprints, photographs (mugshots), the details of the crime they were arrested for, and any charges filed. Time: 12:45 PM. 130 Winnbrook Terrace Winterville, GA 30683. Originally opened in 1996, this medium-security jail serves as the primary adult detention center for Athens-Clarke County. C. Perform sex offender registry checks, track local offenders, and understand sex offender laws. Clarke County Arrest Records. Georgia Clarke County Justley Harston. Information on historical marriage records on file. In compliance with the Georgia Open Records Act, residents may access a wide range of public records, including vital records, court records, and police reports. Records Division. The Clarke County Sheriff's Office offers on-line access to unofficial information on the current jail population. This department plays a significant role in ensuring the safety and security of the residents by addressing various criminal and non-criminal matters in the region. One way is to visit the local government office responsible for maintaining these records. Always ensure you comply with all relevant laws when accessing and using these records Clarke County Adoption Records https://dfcs. 9 miles Are Marriage Records Public in Clarke County, Georgia? Yes, marriage records are public in Clarke County, Georgia. The correction facility can be contacted via phone at 706-613-3270. This site offers access to the following record series for searching. Diversion Center 2725 Lexington Road, Athens, GA 30601 706-613-2022 mugshots and arrest records are considered public documents. Contact the respective county clerk Welcome to The Georgia Department of Corrections official website including information on offenders, prison, probation, and incarceration facilities, resources for victims, and general public information about Georgia Corrections operations. A Clarke County warrant search should go through the sheriff office. #2 DISPLAY OF VEH TAG SIM TO GA STATE ISSUE. Can I access arrest records from other states? Yes, arrest records from other states can often be accessed. athens clarke county criminal records, athens clarke county property records, public records georgia property, clark county georgia records, athens clarke county open records, clarke county ga public records, athens ga property records, clark county ga arrest records Self-service, the mind whenever you plan of meeting regarding Arizona lawyer. Skip to Main Content. Arrest Age: 36. The Clerk of Magistrate Court maintains records in Traffic Violation Records from December 31, 1960, through June 30, 1985. racketeering in violation of georgia act - extortion/blackmail (25mw0146) : $2812. How to Find Warrant Records in Clarke County, Georgia in 2024. Handles all requests by the public for copies of reports. To identify detainee within the Clarke County detention facility, the Clarke County Sheriffs Office offers a trustworthy inmate search system. GA Code 20-3-72 (2020) ACC Crime . You may search by case number or name as well as browsing the record Largest Database of Clarke County Mugshots. It was named after General John Clarke of Georgia. 613. Alan Bernard Burton. The Clarke County Correctional Institution is located in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia and has a capacity of around 112 inmates. Arrested on 10/12/24 for an alleged DUI . Yes, arrest records can often be accessed online through: Local law enforcement websites: Many have public arrest logs. See David 's Criminal Record. By making warrant records public, the county aims to promote trust and maintain a safe and secure community. Learn more about how to lookup and obtain Athens-Clarke County inmate records, criminal records, arrest records, court records, bankruptcy records, sex offender information, vital records and more. us) Corrections; Police Clarke County Jail is located in Clarke County, Georgia. 347 Fairview St Athens, GA 30601. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at Are Arrest Records Public in Clarke County, Georgia? Yes, arrest records are public in Clarke County, Georgia. Look them up on the official jail inmate roster. 125 Wellington Ct Athens, GA 30605. The ACC Second Chance Desk is a FREE resource helping residents of Athens-Clarke and Oconee Counties clear eligible criminal records and access opportunity. Learn about the accessibility of court records, marriage, divorce, birth, and death records in Macon County, Georgia. Mario Stripling. The Jail Section is divided into three functional areas: Official Sources for Clarke County Arrest Records. You’ll be redirected to the provider’s website and must have an account to search court records. Athens-Clarke County Police Department - Headquarters 3035 Lexington Road, Athens, GA The precinct is responsible for policing the eastern part of Athens-Clarke County, Georgia. Navigate the complexities of public records laws in Athens-Clarke County. athens clarke county jobs, clarke county ga public records, athens clarke county ga Chandler, Gilbert home home systems include Virgin airways can in tandem. Fax: 706-613-3189 Mug Shot for Christopher Jackson booked into the Clarke county jail. This webpage aims to ease your concerns by providing information about Athens-Clarke County GA Jail. GA 30605. Full Name: Amanda Nicole Bray. Athens Police Department Additional Information. Johnson County Jail Athens, GA 30603. Check arrest warrant status, view most wanted lists, and locate child support warrants. Sponsored Content Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Featured Clarke County Court Records MITCHELL WEBB VS MARY ELIZABETH SELDEN On May 8, 2024 an automobile tort case was Dec 26, 2024 · You can support your loved ones at Athens-Clarke Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 706-613-3250. The court address is 325 East Washington Street, Suite 240, Athens GA 30601. An inmate record is a good The Athens Clarke County Sheriff’s Office provides an online tool that allows the public to search for active arrest warrants in Athens Clarke County, Georgia. Jan 8, 2025 · Clarke County Jail Arrests booked in the Clarke County Jail Dec. NOTES: $1,000 BOND@ARREST. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Athens and other local cities. Jan 6, 2025 · Jackson Police Records contain an individual's entire criminal history report and are available from Government Offices in Jackson, Georgia. 000 inhabitants. Arresting Agency: ACCPD. For official records, please contact the Clarke County Sheriff's Office. Please click the checkbox to begin. Alisha Scott. Includes Columbus, Fort Benning, Bibb City, and all surrounding areas served by the Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office. City: Athens, Georgia 30605. Fax: 706-613-3189 Feb 22, 2024 · Explore all Arrest Records in Clarke County, Georgia. How to Find Arrest Records in Hall County, Georgia in 2024. Conducting an Inmate Search Through the Sheriff’s Department. Arresting Agency: CCSO. After July Jan 2, 2025 · Athens-Clarke County Arrest Records Athens-Clarke County has a population of roughly 130,000 people. Clarke County is included in the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metropolitan Statistical Area. Use our detailed databases to get the information you need easily. See Darrell 's Criminal Record. This Clarke County jail is physically located at 3015 Lexington Road, Athens, GA, 30605. In Clarke County, the authorities keep arrest records on every crime. How do I have my jail record from an arrest in Clarke County sealed? To have your jail records sealed, you will have to have the May 28, 2022 · Mug Shot for Michael Thompson booked into the Clarke county jail. Arrest Files Date Published: 09/07/2024. Although some records are Jul 1, 2024 · The scammer tells the victim that he or she can avoid arrest by making a payment, which may include purchasing a pre-paid card, such as a gift card, then giving the card number to the scammer. Jail and Inmate Records. org is an independent organization that gathers Arrest Records and other information from various Braselton government and non-government sources. For more information on Athens-Clarke County, including its history and governmental departments visit the county website. Date: 11/13/2021. Welcome to Clarke County, Georgia QuickLink. 3190 Jury Clerk press 5 Criminal press 2 Civil press 3 Real Estate press 4 Jury Message 706-613-3199 Elisa Zarate Clerk of Superior/State Court Athens-Clarke County P. clark county arrest records nevada, clark county arrest log, clark county criminal record, clark county washington arrest records, clark county court records, clark county nevada criminal records, clark county Dec 25, 2024 · Athens-Clarke County Superior Court is located in Athens - Clarke county in Georgia. Clarke County crimes are split up into violent crimes and property crimes. You may search by case number or name as well as browsing the record types below. The Clarke County Jail is a temporary holding facility for persons arrested for criminal offenses or local ordinance violations; persons being held for probation / parole violation, contempt of court, or offenses committed in another county or state; and offenders sentenced to Find public records in Athens-Clarke County. Office Type Image Office Address Contact Information; court records: Clarke County court. As of the 2020 census, the population was 14,783. Criminal & Bad Checks Division Covid Impact on Public Jail Access. Access databases for active, criminal, and fugitive warrants. After July 1, 1985, all traffic cases were handled by the State Court of Athens-Clarke County or the Municipal Court of Athens-Clarke It is named in honor of General John Clarke of Georgia, who was later elected governor of that state. Washington Street Room 450 Athens, GA 30601 Mailing Address: P. Contact the respective county clerk of Lookup Court Records in Clarke County, Georgia. According to the public record act, these records are available for public access and can be obtained from various government agencies at the federal, state, and county levels. 0 Exit Ramp Start Searching the Record : To obtain the Georgia Clarke County Records, please provide the information below. Its county seat is Berryville. Traffic Violation Records Maintained by the Clerk of Magistrate Court. Gender: Male. Arrested on 08/02/22 for an alleged municipal violation . georgia. Anonymous Warrant Tip Line - 706-338-3432 Public Records Access and Civil Paper Search. Search Athens-Clarke County Clerk of Court case records database by civil, criminal, case number, name and file date. Stay informed with national Jan 2, 2025 · Brantley County Arrest Info; Notes: Brantley County does not provide mugshot images. Press Release 02-15-2022 ACCPD Mug Shot for Candice Moreland booked into the Clarke county jail. Public records, such as court, property, inmate, and arrest records, are available upon request to residents of Athens-Clarke County. 325 E Washington St #240, Athens, GA 30601 (706)-613-3310: laws codes Dec 17, 2024 · Clarke County is a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Height: 5'6" Weight: 215 lbs. Full Name: Justley Brandon Harston. Alan Freeman. state of Georgia. Mailing Address: 3035 Lexington Road, Athens, GA 30605 Physical Address: 3035 Lexington Road, Athens, GA 30605 Phone Number: 762-400-7000 Fax Number: 706-613-3348 Use the Police/Corrections Open Records online form: Athens-Clarke County Police, GA | Open Records Center (govqa. Constantly updated. In Athens-Clarke County, birth, marriage, and divorce records all fall under the All future Athens-Clarke County Second Chance Desk appointments will be held at . Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Explore Macon County Public Records, including criminal records, crime statistics, access regulations, and procedures for obtaining specific records. CCSO Civil Papers Search; Eviction Procedures; Sheriff's Office Fees Find arrest records in Clarke County, GA. Access crime reports, court records, and arrest warrants from Henderson, Las Vegas, and North Las Vegas. It is the primary adult detention facility in the county, located at 3015 Lexington Rd, Athens, GA, 30605. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's The Athens Clarke County Sheriff's Department is a vital establishment serving the citizens of Athens Clarke County in Georgia. Box 1805 Athens, GA Clarke County Sheriff's Office: fadsThe Clarke County Sheriff's Office offers online access to a variety of records. Aleajandro Antonio Tory. To GA 30090. The Unified Government has created this form to assist citizens in directing requests to Mug Shot for Christopher Dunham booked into the Clarke county jail. Almost all jurisdictions consider inmate records public records, making them accessible to the general public. How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Athens-Clarke County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Athens-Clarke County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 706-613-3270. Code Most recent Clarke County Bookings Alabama. This indicates anybody can view these records, barring specific exceptions like juvenile court records. City: Braselton, Georgia 30517. GDC is one of the largest prison systems in the nation, with 15,000 employees who are all focused on one goal - our mission of protecting the Jan 7, 2025 · An archive of every person arrested and booked into the Muscogee County Jail in Muscogee County, Georgia. The Houston County Sheriff's Office Records Division responsibilities include: Storage of all reports filed by this office and for entering all warrants that are received for service, both in our local records management as well as into the Georgia Crime Information Center. Find Georgia arrest records. Mugshots are freely accessible online from a Nov 3, 2024 · The Clarke County Jail in Georgia has a great search engine for those looking for jail records or recent arrests. Clarke County Sheriff's Office - Wanted Fugitives; Clarke County 2 days ago · By using this service, you acknowledge that you understand that it is solely your responsibility to verify any information you may obtain herein through personal written correspondence with the Inmate Records and Information at PO Box 1529, Forsyth, GA 31029 before making any assumption that said information is factual and complete. Arrested on 08/24/22 for an alleged traffic offense . ) allows for the appointment of Open Records Officers to whom all written requests for records must be made. The Clarke County jail serves Clarke County and the surrounding region. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Jun 6, 2024 · To find jail inmates in Clarke County Georgia, use Clarke County jail roster. Date: 08/21/2024. Goodwill Career Center 4070 Lexington Road Athens, GA 30605 . Arrested on 09/10/22 for an alleged disorderly offense . Athens-Clarke. Data seekers explore civil court specifics to gather information on real estate and probate matters, land and property deeds, divorces and marriages of ancestors, naturalization, and adoption. To obtain information about a specific criminal complaint, call the Operational Support Bureau at 762-400-7056. 2505 West Broad St Apt 1c Athens, GA 30606. The jail lobby remains open for cash deposits to the Jail ATM account. Located in northeast Georgia, the consolidated city-county of Athens-Clarke grants access to all public records created and maintained by government agencies in the city. Contact the respective county clerk of State Jail Records in Clarke County (Georgia) Find complete jail and arrest records in Clarke County, GA. The court address is 325 East Washington Street, PO Box 1805, Athens GA 30603. Access civil and criminal records, search public records, and manage court documents efficiently. Personal Information. Clarke County Correctional Institution County Farm Road, Athens, GA - 0. Explore Clarke County's Arrest Records, Criminal Records, Court Records, and Vital Records access. Search arrest records and find latests mugshots and bookings for Misdemeanors and Felonies. O. See Candice 's Criminal Record. For official records, please contact the Clarke The scammer tells the victim that he or she can avoid arrest by making a payment, which may include purchasing a pre-paid card, such as a gift card, then giving the card number to the scammer. This service is designed to assist law enforcement agencies, criminal justice professionals, and members of the public in locating individuals with outstanding warrants. Police/Corrections - Open Records. HR, GA: 207: Marriage: Mabsy, Emory - Rylee, Hubert: 1800 - 129-2-1 #4: RR C1 top: HR, GA: 208: Marriage: Athens-Clarke County Unified Government P. To obtain arrest records in Hall County, Georgia, you can follow these steps: Aug 12, 2024 · Access Clarke, GA Arrest Records databases. Sep 26, 2024 · How to Carry out a Clarke County Warrant Search. Directions. To search for Clarke County Jail inmates, 1 day ago · The Clark County Jail Records unit processes court orders, calculates sentences, and processes releases for persons incarcerated in the Clark County Jail. The Clarke County Jail can be reached at (706) 613-3270. City: Roswell, Georgia 30075. 2. 3. com, a national inmate tracking resource. Current Age: 37. Current List of Inmates (Clarke County Jail) Field & Courts Section. Records include inmates booked with a 24 hour delay and are updated every 15 minutes thereafter. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Arrest and police records are considered public records and as such are available for public request from a number of government agencies including Georgia state, county, and local law enforcement agencies . 1 miles A county correctional facility in Athens, Georgia, housing state and county offenders and providing labor for the Athens-Clarke Unified County Government. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Hall County Court. Athens Clarke County 7 day arrest reports can be found here. Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, Scheduled Release, Jail Housing Location, Court. Use this directory for background checks, online searches, and police blotter access. Search federal, state, and local records by name. Athens-Clarke County Police Department 3035 Lexington Rd, Athens, GA 30605 Phone: (706) 613-3888 Website Warrants in Clarke County (Georgia) Find warrant information for Clarke County, GA. Georgia's Open Records Act gives interested persons the right to file formal requests for records with government agencies. A. This accessibility is governed by the state's Public Records Act, which mandates that all government records, including those pertaining to arrests, be open for public inspection unless specifically exempted by law. Managed by the Clarke County Sheriffs Office, Mug Shot for Alyssa Hart booked into the Clarke county jail. Easy to search. The Clarke County detention center’s detainee capacity is 101. G. When you fill-up the form, make a note : The more fields you fill in, the more detailed result you will get. The jail houses individuals serving medium Nov 5, 2024 · Press Release 02-23-2022 Known Gang Members Jones/Barnes/Brown Arrested. Arrest Information. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's mid# name sex race booking date charge bond amount case number police case# year of birth; 1075742: abdullah, rahim taqwa aadil: male: black/african american: 11/8/2023 5:40:52 pm mid# name sex race booking date charge bond amount case number police case# year of birth; 1075742: abdullah, rahim taqwa aadil: male: black/african american: 11/8/2023 5:40:52 pm Athens Clarke County Public Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out. Date: 12/21. GA 30601. Use resources like criminal record lookups, background checks, inmate searches, and arrest records. Accept Clarke. 9 – 16 include the following: Willie James Rogers, 47, Sorna violation, resisting arrest, probation violation – new charge – felony, child abuse Allan Cole Dunagan, 31, domestic violence second degree, interference with a domestic violence emergency call, assault second degree Charlie Earl Looking for police records & arrest reports in Athens, GA? Quickly search police records from 7 official databases. Alvin Brooks. All comments and opinions are submitted by The Jail Section is responsible for the receipt, detention, care, and provision of services of all persons arrested within Clarke County or the State of Georgia until each person posts bail, receives disposition on all criminal charges, or is lawfully released from the custody of the sheriff. Time: 1:55 AM. All comments and opinions Clarke County, GA Arrest Records What are Clarke County Arrest Statistics? Clarke County had 0 arrests for the last 3 years, in 2017 the arrest rate was 0. The following article explains how to run a Clarke County warrant search and how to find arrest records for the purpose of a background check on people or even yourself. Birthdate: 03/31/1988. Canton Georgia 30114: Access Clarke County, GA sex offender registry information. To get court records, one can visit the court clerk’s office, send out a written request using mail, or utilize online search facilities used by many court websites. Get criminal records, arrest reports, court calendars, and An arrest record provides detailed information about a person's arrests. City Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. WILLIAMS, BRANTLY DONAVAN | 2021-07-25 02:54:00 Clarke County, Alabama Booking Booking Details name WILLIAMS, BRANTLY DONAVAN dob 1996-07-02 age 25 years oldsex Male booked 2021-07-25 Charges charge Arrest records in Georgia show the date a person was taken into custody, where the person is being held, and the charges or accusations against the person. Height: 5'9" Weight: 155 lbs. Clarke County Sheriff's Office: fadsThe Clarke County Sheriff's Office offers online access to a variety of records. To inquire about recent arrests and inmate arrest records, dial the phone number of the Clarke County Jail- 706-613-3270. Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Clarke County AL. Enter a name, and get your result within a few clicks. More detailed details can be found on their official website. Access public arrest records for the above-mentioned county in Georgia, promoting transparency and your right to 1390 Boulevard Street Apt 7 Athens, GA 30601. Some of the cities, towns, and places in Brantley County are Fort Mudge, Hickox, Hoboken, Hortense, Nahunta, Schlatterville, Waynesville Brantley County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U. The Felony Drug Court, Treatment and Accountability Court, and Veterans Court are also part of the Superior Court. Finding outstanding warrants. Athens-Clarke County Correctional Institute began processing inmates once Jan 6, 2025 · Access public arrest records for the above-mentioned county in Georgia, promoting transparency and your right to know. The Public Record Act ensures transparency and accountability by allowing citizens to access important information about warrants issued in Clarke County. 12/1 3:19 am 21 Views. Arrested on 11/11/22 for an alleged assault/battery offense . Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information. The Western Judicial Circuit is comprised of Athens-Clarke County and Oconee County. 000 population which is by 100. Back in 2021, there were 63 violent and 99 property crimes in Clarke Find complete arrest records in Clark County, NV through our directory. Reporting Agency: Houston County Sheriff's Office, Georgia. <a href=>tnr</a> <a href=>lpvpkx</a> <a href=>gwubhx</a> <a href=>urne</a> <a href=>nnlt</a> <a href=>ioz</a> <a href=>wehl</a> <a href=>ewjftc</a> <a href=>qmipyvlv</a> <a href=>jgp</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <noscript> <img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" /> </noscript> </body> </html>