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Police said the crash happened in the .</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Chicago accident today Police said a 61-year-old man was driving in the 12600 block of South Torrence Avenue in Hegewisch just SCHAUMBURG, Ill. It happened in the 7700 block of South Cicero Avenue just after 3 a. , troopers responded to the CHICAGO (WLS) -- Three Chicago police officers were injured after a speeding car crashed into their squad car on the South Side Monday morning, police said. CPD said two male pedestrians were attempting to cross all LOCKPORT, Ill. Police said around 4:30 a. The crash happened CHICAGO — One person died and six others were injured overnight after a crash on the city’s Southwest Side. Chicago police said a semi-truck, driven by a 54-year-old man, was 📆 Today in History 🛒 Coyote rescued from Aldi A crash on Interstate 290 on the Near West Side killed two people, including one pedestrian, and injured several others early Sunday morning . Get traffic updates on Chicago traffic and the surrounding areas with ABC7. Illinois State Police responded to a two-vehicle Chicago, IL (January 14, 2025) – A crash involving a vehicle rollover occurred at the intersection of W Ogden Ave and S Albany Ave, leaving at least one person injured. ABC7 Chicago is now streaming 24/7. Advisor. . One person is dead and several others were injured after a vehicle fleeing a traffic stop hit an SUV and slammed into a building in Chicago’s McKinley Park neighborhood on Tuesday morning. 23, 2022. Some lanes on I-57 were closed and traffic was backing up during the Monday morning commute after a deadly hit-and-run crash, the Illinois State Police said. Chat (312) 236-2900. in the outbound lanes of the Kennedy Expressway at Monroe Street in Chicago. to 1:30 p. According to Schaumburg police, the deadly crash unfolded Illinois State Police later confirmed a three-vehicle crash occurred in the inbound lanes of I-94 near the Old Orchard Road, where a commercial vehicle caused a chain-reaction crash with two other 3 children, 1 adult injured in serious crash on I-94 Bishop Ford that closed lanes Three children and one adult were transported to a nearby hospital in serious condition Published October 21 The accident happened around noon at a construction site on the University Of Chicago Medical Center campus at East 57th Street and South Drexel Avenue. (CBS) -- Three people were killed Wednesday afternoon when a car went around crossing Three people were killed in a fiery car crash in Glenview early Sunday morning, according to the Glenview Police Department. , as the train passed through the rail yard close to the Howard Street terminal above Howard and Paulina streets, according to Chicago Transit Authority NEW YORK -- An MTA bus crashed into a guardrail and went partially over the edge of an overpass in New York City on Friday morning. in the Little Village neighborhood near West 26th Street and South California Boulevard. Free Consultation (312) 236-2900. The fee is $6. on the Edens Expressway near Oakton. The aftermath of the train crash in the north part of the city. Wednesday, November 8, 2023. Investigators said the crash stemmed from an earlier incident. ISP said troopers responded just CHICAGO (CBS) --A rollover crash overnight on the Eisenhower Expressway led to a second collision involving a Chicago fire truck. That's near the Cook County Jail and the George N At 11:23 a. CHICAGO (WLS) -- Our coverage of this story has moved here. , state troopers responded to a crash on the eastbound lanes of I-290 on the ramp to Cicero Avenue and found that Terrance K. The crash happened near North Avenue and Kimball Avenue in 3 killed when car hits freight train in Harvey, Illinois, and such accidents aren't new 02:39. By ABC7 Chicago Digital Team. , have decades of experience with helping injured victims & their families in Chicago and throughout Illinois. Subscribe to FOX 32 Chicago: https://www. (WLS) -- A crash shut down main roads in the south suburbs, according to police. near West 60th Street Around 2:20 a. Pritzker says his administration is monitoring the situation after a CTA train crash Thursday. Chicago police said a semi-truck, driven by a 54-year-old man, was traveling north on Ashland when it hit the rear CHICAGO - A motorcyclist was killed in a crash on Chicago's Far South Side Saturday night. Two adults were taken to the University of Chicago Medical Center, also in serious-to-critical condition, the CFD said. Dozens of passengers were injured on Thursday when a Chicago subway train smashed into a snow removal machine in the northern part CICERO, Ill. have extensive experience helping riders and their families with legal claims in Chicago and across Illinois. The workers were iron workers employed by An investigation is underway after a man was killed in a traffic crash on Interstate 94 earlier this week. 00 convenience fee. Jared Staver. Police said the crash happened in A witness is questioning the safety of the intersection, where another deadly crash happened in 2021. The car Two people are dead and several others injured, including multiple children, after a stolen vehicle going the wrong way collided with seven other vehicles before bursting into flames in Chicago CHICAGO — A 17-year-old boy from Joliet was killed and three others were seriously injured in a car crash late Sunday night near the intersection of West 71st Street and Police respond to a crash in Chicago on Sunday. Stay updated with real-time traffic maps and freeway trip times. CHICAGO (CBS) — Illinois State Police are investigating what happened before a 35-year-old man died in a crash on the Edens Woman killed, four people hospitalized after serious crash in Chicago suburb 01:08 CHICAGO (CBS) — A woman was killed, and four people were sent to local hospitals after a serious crash in car crash news stories - get the latest updates from ABC7. The two adults in the car sustained non-life-threatening injuries, village officials said. The road to recovery starts by contacting a Chicago car Crash involving school bus leaves 1 injured on eastbound I-290 near Itasca of Chicago, stood charged Tuesday with two counts each of felony aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol 1 injured in early morning River North car crash Through approximately 7 a. Police said a gray sedan traveling westbound on Jackson Boulevard collided with a southbound CTA bus. m I-294 backups remain after passenger struck, killed on Interstate after exiting stalled vehicle NBC Traffic Reporter Kye Martin noted the crash violated the state's "Scott's Law," which mandates The crash happened at about 4:04 a. The Chicago motorcycle accident lawyers of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P. The crash caused significant damage It's one of the largest CTA train crashes in decades, NBC5 Investigates found. CST on January 12. 📺 24/7 Chicago news stream: Watch NBC 5 free wherever According to posts shared by Chicago Fire officials on X at around 7:30 p. Chopper 7 was over the scene CHICAGO (WLS) -- Metra Milwaukee District North line trains are delayed Friday afternoon after an Amtrak train hit a vehicle on the city's Northwest Side. or you may call (312) 745-5130 Call today! The car accident lawyers of Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P. The Glenview Police and Fire departments responded to the crash at 4:30 a. , the North Chicago Fire Department was called for a motorcycle hit by a sport-utility If you've been involved in an accident in Chicago, the car accident attorneys at Smith LaCien are here to help. CHICAGO (WLS) -- A semi crashed into an overpass on the city's Northwest Side, causing some traffic delays on Thursday. in West Chesterfield. Illinois State Police (ISP) responded to I-94 westbound near Lake Avenue on Jan. Illinois Sate Police said at about 3:10 p. CHICAGO (CBS) – One driver was killed after a crash involving a semi-truck on the Stevenson Expressway Monday morning CHICAGO (CBS) — A crash shut down outbound lanes on the Dan Ryan Expressway for several hours on Wednesday. Three people were taken to the hospital on Saturday following a crash in which an ambulance hit two vehicles after colliding with a semi in Chicago's West Englewood neighborhood, police said. A truck flipped on its side around 11 a. ISP said a car was driving the wrong way and ended up crashing and overturning on the CTA tracks near Fiery crash What we know. Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business. The crash happened It happened just before 11:30 a. in the 6800 1 dead after FedEx truck strikes guard rail, catches fire on I-294 in suburbs The crash occurred in the 2 a. , officers were called to the 5200 CHICAGO (WLS) -- Two people were seriously injured when a car crashed into the backyard of a home Friday evening on the Northwest Side. According to the Cook County Medical E Chicago Data Portal. The pedestrian, who was in the CTA Red Line trains run on elevated tracks after train hits person 00:21. Police said they responded to the scene of the crash around 10 a. Click here to watch The crash happened on the northbound lanes of I-55 Police said a 20-year-old woman driving a gray sedan was traveling northbound in the southbound lanes near the 5200 block of South Lake Shore Drive around 3:10 a. Kevin O'Donnell, David's youngest SKOKIE, Ill. Chopper 7 was over the scene around 6:55 a. The Chicago Fire Department described the crash as CHICAGO (WLS) -- One person was killed, and 13 others were hurt after a crash involving a CTA bus on Wednesday on the city's South Side. The crash caused temporary disruptions as crews worked to assist the injured and clear the scene. on the city’s North Side near the Howard CTA station, the Chicago Fire Department said. According to Chicago police, the 20-year-old woman was A fiery early morning crash in suburban Glenview left three people dead Sunday. Chicago police said a 41-year-old woman was driving a Nissan Altima northbound when she lost control of the car and hit a pole. CHICAGO (AP) — A Chicago commuter train collided with rail equipment Thursday morning, injuring nearly 40 people, some of them critically, fire officials said. Saturday, August 27, 2022. NBC 5 Traffic reporter noted the reroute is fairly convenient Possible police pursuit precedes crash that leaves 1 dead, 13 injured in Chicago 02:25. com/watch/live/11064984/. CHICAGO (WLS) -- One person has died and 15 are injured after a fiery wrong-way crash involving a CTA bus early Sunday morning on DuSable Lake Shore Drive, Chicago police said. in the 300 block of South Pulaski Road. Three others are in critical condition. CHICAGO (CBS) -- One person was killed and 13 other people were injured Wednesday evening when a stolen car Glencoe police and fire units responded to the crash around 4:15 p. At least 5 were taken to hospitals after a bus hit a building Chicago customs seized 1,500 Glock switches to turn guns automatic in 2024 Most of the Glock switch shipments had come from China, and were destined for various locations throughout the United CHICAGO - Four people were injured in a two-car crash in Chicago's Garfield Ridge neighborhood early Sunday morning. (WLS) -- All lanes of the Edens Expressway have now reopened near Old Orchard Road in Skokie after a crash. The crash happened at about 7 p. We Eliminate Risk For Chicago Car Crash Victims. An I-90 crash disrupted CTA Blue Line service and Kennedy Expressway traffic 12:01 p. : Gov. Police said the vehicle was speeding in A construction worker was killed and another critically injured after they fell nine stories from scaffolding at a construction site on the University of Chicago campus, officials said. (CBS) — Glenview police are asking for the public's help with information about a fiery crash that left three people dead early Sunday morning. The car was traveling westbound around 4:20 a. m Motorcycle Accidents. when it struck a Fourteen people were injured, including four seriously, after a CTA bus collided with two other vehicles in Chicago's Washington Park neighborhood, according to fire officials. New Orleans attack suspect's travel to Egypt under investigation. Browse through Local Accident Reports for real-time updates and helpful resources. North Suburbs West Suburbs South Suburbs NW CHICAGO - Chicago police released photos of the car involved in a deadly hit-and-run crash in Longwood Manor over the weekend. J. Click here to watch. According to the Illinois State Police, the crash occurred just before 2 a. It happened in the Bronx just before 9 a. m All lanes on I-57 Northbound were closed for hours Tuesday after a serious crash left two people dead and one injured. Police said the crash happened in the The rollover crash happened near State Street and 93rd Street just off the Dan Ryan Expressway. CHICAGO (WLS) -- A driver has been cited for DUI after a man and a woman were killed in a crash in front of Chicago Police Headquarters early Monday morning, police said. (WLS) -- A vehicle hit and killed a pedestrian on the Eisenhower Expressway in west suburban Maywood early Monday morning, Illinois State Police said. 00 per report. Initial reports indicate that multiple vehicles were involved, and With its bustling traffic and complex road network, Chicago experiences many car accidents each year. A man was driving a SCHAUMBURG, Ill. Inbound and outbound lanes on the Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) were closed early Monday morning and heavy delays were expected after a pedestrian on the roadway was struck and killed overnight, CHICAGO (WLS) -- Two people have died in a horrific wrong-way crash on Chicago's South Side Wednesday evening, officials said. Illinois Gov. Click Three people died in a single-vehicle crash in north suburban Glenview early Sunday morning, according to authorities. The man who died was later identified as 27-year-old David O'Donnell of 3 hurt in South Side chain-reaction crash involving ambulance: CPD The driver of the semi involved in the crash was cited for failing to yield to the ambulance, police said. Seven vehicles were involved in the crash near the intersection Glenview police and firefighters responded to a single vehicle crash near the intersection of West Lake Avenue and Pfingsten Road around 4:30 a. The crash happened shortly after 9 p. CHICAGO — A “major” accident closed part of the Kennedy expressway downtown Wednesday and one person died. Paulina, between Evanston and Chicago's CHICAGO (CBS) — A woman is dead and a man was hurt following a crash early Thursday morning on the Southwest Side. After the crash, the left lane remained open on inbound I-57, while the 7 injured, 4 critically, in Englewood crash near 63rd, Halsted, Chicago fire officials say . CHICAGO (CBS) — A 12-year-old girl and a teenage boy died, and three others were hurt after a crash late Saturday night in Garfield Traffic Crash Reports. 24/7 Live Chicago & Suburban Cook Co. Officers responded CHICAGO (WLS) -- Two people were hospitalized after a driver hit a pedestrian on Chicago's Far Northwest Side Tuesday. Home; About Us. Video shows the crashed vehicle CHICAGO (WLS) -- Two people have died after a single-car crash on Chicago's South Side early Thursday morning, Chicago police said. —A motorcyclist was killed and another driver was injured in a crash in the northwest suburbs on Wednesday afternoon. According to Glenview police, officers and firefighters reported to the scene of a single-vehicle crash near the The crash occurred in the northbound lanes of Interstate 55 just before LaGrange Road about 12:15 a. Thursday. They found the car engulfed in flames with the A significant crash involving a semi-truck has caused lane closures in both directions on Cicero Avenue on Chicago's West Side, according to Total Traffic. The crash happened in the southbound lanes of the Dan Ryan at around 10:45 a. Chicago, IL (January 13, 2025) – Emergency responders were dispatched to a vehicle collision with reported injuries at the intersection of I-90 W and S Emerald Ave in Chicago's Lower West Side neighborhood yesterday. Call (312) 509-8900 today. Man sentenced 6 years in 2023 DUI crash that killed suburban teacher New Orleans barriers to Streaming now at https://abc7chicago. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, there were over 98,000 motor vehicle crashes in Chicago in a recent year, resulting A Chicago crash today left a 32-year-old woman dead after she was struck by a BMW that drove through a bus stop in the 2100-block of W. Chicago Police Department Records Customer Service Section 3510 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60653. 7 around Driver killed in crash involving semi-truck on I-55 at Central Avenue 00:26. A 40-year-old man was driving a motorcycle in the Chicago fire officials said crash took place near Sayre. (WLS) -- One person was killed and another was injured in a five-vehicle crash in the south suburbs early Saturday, Illinois State Police said. Officials found the According to officials, the crash occurred just after 11 a. Chicago police said an 18 CHICAGO - Chicago police are investigating a two-car crash on Chicago's Southwest Side that left one person dead and six others seriously and critically injured Sunday morning. A person was killed Saturday after a Metra train hit a vehicle on Chicago's Northwest Side. With over 90 years of combined experience, our team is here to help you navigate your car CHICAGO (CBS) — One person was hurt after a crash involving a school bus filled with students Monday morning on Interstate 290 near Itasca, according to Illinois State Police. A pileup crash on I-294 near Golf Road has created traffic backups, with Illinois State Police closing southbound lanes of the Tri-State Tollway. — A person was killed in a fiery crash in west suburban Cicero. Police said three-vehicle accident happened just after 9:15 a. The crash happened near Canal Street and A 28-year-old Chicago woman was arrested for OWI after crashing her Chevrolet Tahoe into a scale house on I-94 in Northwest Indiana Saturday, state police said. Free case evaluation . Sunday, officers responded to a c CHICAGO (WLS) -- A motorcyclist was killed in a crash when he hit a car trying to make a U-turn in Rogers Park Sunday night, Chicago police said. Glenview police and firefighters responded to a single vehicle crash Police process the fatal crash Wednesday at 87th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue in Chicago that sent drivers and passengers in other vehicles to hospitals. Car Accident Alert. Both people inside the speeding Dodge Charger were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash in the South Side Chicago neighborhood of Chatham, Police Glenview police and fire personnel were called to the single-car crash at the intersection of West Lake Avenue and Pfingsten Road around 4:30 a. Family seeks answers 4 years after man killed in Chicago hit-and-run. CHICAGO — A 17-year-old boy from Joliet was killed and three others were seriously injured in a car crash late Sunday night near the intersection of West 71st Street and South Ashland Avenue, in CHICAGO (WLS) -- A pedestrian was hit and killed on DuSable Lake Shore Drive in Streeterville early Tuesday morning, Chicago police said. Authorities reported that emergency responders, including the Chicago Police Department and local fire crews, were dispatched to Chicago police guard a fatal crash scene at 87th Street and Cottage Grove Avenue in Chicago on Nov. His car burst into 29-year-old driver dead after being ejected from car in fatal crash on I-290 in Chicago Around 2:20 a. local time on Henry Four people, including two Chicago Police Department officers, were taken to the hospital Monday night after a Rogers Park car crash involving five vehicles, according to police. Police said a motorcycle and another vehicle crashed around 11:56 p. m Request a Copy of your Chicago Accident Report 3510 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60653 Non-Emergency: 3127445000 Location Date/Time Vehicles Involved Description; Crash ID: 2446098084 7800 S COTTAGE GROVE AVE, IL, US. CHICAGO — All outbound lanes of the Dan Ryan have reopened on the South Side following a crash involving a truck. (CBS) -- Three people were killed Wednesday afternoon when a car went around crossing gates and was hit by a freight train south suburban Harvey. Peterson. Pritzker monitoring situation after CTA train crash . According to the Chicago Fire Department, the crash happened at 7519 N. We offer a free and confidential case evaluation at (312) 509 Contact the West Chicago Car Accident Attorneys at John J. m The crash happened around 10:10 p. , a car was CHICAGO - The driver in a fiery single-car crash was killed on the Dan Ryan Expressway on the city’s South Side early Saturday morning. North Suburbs West Suburbs South Suburbs NW Indiana Chicago police said the crash happened at about 5 a. 01/15/25 19:23: Accident Leaves 1 Injured In accident On 7800 S COTTAGE GROVE AVE, IL, US. North Suburbs West Suburbs South Suburbs NW Indiana Welcome, Mickey CHICAGO (WLS) -- A motorcyclist was killed in a crash on the Dan Ryan Expressway Saturday night, Illinois State Police said. 00 service fee and $1. NBC Chicago The male driver of the car and two female passengers were taken to local hospitals in critical condition, according to the Chicago A crash involving a Chicago Transit Authority train in Chicago has led to numerous injuries and service disruptions on multiple lines, authorities said Thursday. A crash involving two semis prompted I-80 to be shut down in the south suburbs on Thursday morning. CHICAGO (CBS) -- A Red Line train hit a person Thursday afternoon at the Clark/Division stop in Old Town, forcing the CTA The CTA issued a series of alerts for multiple route impacts because of the crash, with buses on the 8 and 35 routes being rerouted away from the scene of the collision. The crash happened near the Western Brown traffic accident news stories - get the latest updates from ABC7. — Chicago OEMC (@ChicagoOEMC) September 18, 2024 The crash happened just before 11:30 a. Search Search Chicago police were investigating after a man died on Friday following a rollover crash along Harlem Avenue near Summit, authorities stated. , when a white SUV disregarded a traffic signal and was struck by a gray SUV traveling northbound through the intersection of Ashland Avenue and 71st Street CHICAGO (WLS) -- At least one person was taken to a hospital after a CTA train made contact with a forklift Friday afternoon on the city's North Side. (CBS) -- A motorcyclist was killed Friday afternoon in a crash in North Chicago. B. Seek alternate route. At around 3:29 p. Another worker was sent to the hospital in critical condition. , state troopers responded to a crash on the eastbound lanes of I-290 on the ramp to Cicero CHICAGO (WLS) -- A driver died in a fiery collision on the Dan Ryan Expressway after fleeing the scene of another crash early Saturday, Illinois State Police said. on the city's West Side on the eastbound lanes of I-290. Wednesday, the Chicago Fire Department tweeted that the crash occurred in the outbound lanes of the Kennedy at Monroe Street. C. Illinois State Police said the passenger vehicle was driving Schedule a free consultation with a Chicago car accident lawyer near you today. Sign In. Mitchell had been ejected from a vehicle, Illinois CHICAGO (CBS) -- One person was killed and 13 other people were injured Wednesday evening when a stolen car slammed into another car and a CTA bus in the HARVEY, Ill. in the outbound lanes Two teens killed, three others hurt in West Side crash 00:24. Knightdale, NC. Wednesday, the crash unfolded near the intersection of East 60th Street and South State Street, in the Washington Park The expressway has reopened on both sides after the inbound and outbound lanes of I-290 were shut down near 17th Avenue in Maywood while authorities investigated the car-on-pedestrian fatal crash Two people were killed and at least six other people were hurt in a multi-vehicle wrong-way crash on DuSable Lake Shore Drive Saturday. A fiery crash in Franklin Park left two young people dead and multiple others injured. 00 out of pocket expenses . Malm & Associates. Our Firm; If you have been injured in a car accident that was not your fault, please, contact our car accident lawyer today. Illinois State Police said the hours-long closure was due to an ongoing investigation into the crash, which involved a pedestrian. The crash left both cars mangled and crushed as they came to rest in the parking lot of a convenience store. HARVEY, Ill. youtube. At least 38 people were injured, three critically CHICAGO (WLS) -- The construction worker who died after falling eight stories during high winds Thursday has been identified as 27-year-old David O'Donnell. (WLS) -- Two drivers were injured in a crash on Interstate 90 in the northwest suburbs on Friday afternoon, Illinois State Police said. ISP said the crash happened in the Chicago fire officials said 38 people were hurt, 3 critically, in a crash involving a CTA Yellow Line train near the Howard Station on Thursday. Let's Get Started. Service Hours Monday through Friday (excluding public holidays) from 8:00 a. The male driver of a white Honda sedan was traveling north in GLENVIEW, Ill. The accident happened at approximately 5:24 p. At 4 p. The crash took place just after 10:30 a. Icy conditions have led to numerous spinouts and crashes across the Chicago area Wednesday morning. Saturday near 76th Street, police said. A major crash on the southbound Kennedy Expressway downtown Chicago closed a highway exit and critically injured four people Wednesday morning, Chicago fire and Illinois State Police officials A 30-year-old man was fleeing a previous crash when he went up an embankment on the Dan Ryan Expressway and struck a pole about 1:30 a. hour at I-294 and Lake Cook Road in Deerfield CHICAGO (WLS) -- A construction worker was killed in a hit-and-run on the Kennedy Expressway Monday night, Illinois State Police said. That includes a $5. Advocate. Ally. Illinois State Police confirm a 36-year-old man was involved in a chain-reaction crash NotifyChicago All lanes blocked at 9100 S Dan Ryan expy OB due to auto crash. Illinois State Police said, shortly after 4 a. Police said at least two vehicles were involved with serious injuries reported. There was a CTA bus crash today. Police said the crash happened in the Gresham neighborhood CHICAGO - A Chicago man was killed and three others were injured in a crash on the outbound Kennedy Expressway in West Loop Wednesday morning. As of 6 a. A pedestrian was struck by a gray Dodge Durango while crossing the NORTH CHICAGO, Ill. No fee unless you win . We want you to contact us if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident because of another driver’s careless or reckless driving. Map data @2024 Google. According to Chicago police, the crash happened around 1:43 a. com/fox32chicago?sub_c Stay updated with recent car crash reports and accident news in your area over the last 24 hours. m. near CHICAGO (WLS) -- Three people were injured in a four-vehicle crash involving an ambulance on the city's South Side on Saturday morning, Chicago police said. , all outbound lanes on I-90 were blocked at Cumberland due to the crash, ISP said, with a detour in place at Canfield. in the 6300 block of South Ashland Avenue. LIVE: Chicago Today The crash happened around 11:31 p. Thursday on Cicero Avenue near 35th Street. on the Kennedy Expressway between North Avenue and Armitage Avenue on the Northwest Side. Several vehicles were involved in the crash and at least two people died, officials said. According to Chicago police, just after 2:30 a. , yellow police tape could be seen blocking off LaSalle street between Ohio and Ontario streets near the former Rock Cause of deadly Edens Expressway crash still a mystery 02:29. The crash, involving a semi truck and motorcycle, happened around 5:30 a. , blocking all lanes. Driver charged after A crash involving multiple vehicles caused long delays in the south suburbs on Thursday. Glenview police and fire personnel were called to the single-car crash at the intersection of West Lake Avenue and Pfingsten Road around 4:30 a. The Chicago Transit Authority train crashed into snow-removal equipment just before 10:35 a. (WLS) -- A rollover crash caused big delays on the Edens Expressway in the north suburbs. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in West Chicago, contact the dedicated and compassionate West Chicago car crash lawyers at John J. when she struck a white sedan. fatal crash news stories - get the latest updates from ABC7. One of the vehicles involved in the crash was a truck-tractor semi-trailer. North Suburbs West Suburbs South Suburbs NW Indiana Welcome, Mickey A worker was found dead at the scene, Chicago police said. MAYWOOD, Ill. m LANSING, Ill. Around 12:25 p. $0. Car Accident Reports Today. COOK COUNTY, Ill. CHICAGO (WLS) -- A man is dead and a woman is critically injured after a crash on Chicago's South Side early Sunday morning, police said. 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