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Bought a can of Deft brushing lacquer and thinner.</h1> <div class="article-single-meta"> <div class="article-single-meta-item">Who makes deft lacquer Related Products DEFT / ProLuxe Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer GLOSS /Spray Can $9. I have so much to learn and so little time. 25 (3 new offers) Varathane 200161H Water-Based Ultimate Polyurethane, Half Pint Apr 6, 2023 · Spraying lacquer properly opens up many opportunities to create beautiful lacquer finishes. Same formula with a new name! ProLuxe ® Interior Clear Wood Finish Lacquer is the brand to trust for an outstanding, fast drying, and easy-to-use finish for any interior wood project. Not a thick glossy shine but a nice sheen. Easy to Sand. Great prices & free shipping on orders over $50 when you sign in or sign up for an account. Product variants. Self-leveling. We didn't set anything on the table for 3 months to make sure it was fully cured. The Rudd product is considered self sealing ,,, but especially for someone on the learning curve I would warn you it is much more difficult to sand the harder top coat products than Dec 22, 2010 · Lacquer is a product best sprayed because it dries so fast that it doesn't flow out. Google says Walmart stocks it so I checked their site and its shown as in-stock at dozens of stores in our region and is only $3. Same formula with a new name! PROLUXE ® Interior Clear Sanding Sealer is specially formulated to precede the application of Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer. Osmo definitely won’t work over lacquer. And seems to have completely replaced Deft lacquer at HD. It is a great finish. 86 $ 69. Typically, lacquer consists of several components, including: Dec 19, 2006 · John's post brings up the question to me is the brush on deft vs spray lacquer any different? Have never used either but hear tell the lacquer supposed to put " on " the shine. You run the risk if you mix different brands there won't be the correct formula. Product nameDFT015 DEFT LACQUER SANDING SEALER Product code00414982 Date of issue28 June 2022 Version19 Section 2. 25 oz (DFT010S/54) SEYMOUR PAINTS SOLVENT BLEND EMY, Can (16-4395) MARSON Marson MAR39258 Mandrel . 39 ea 1 Deft Lacquer Sanding Sealer Gallon 015-01 1 Aug 15, 2006 · You should seriously consider an HVLP setup. Oct 19, 2004 · Putting another layer of lacquer on top doesn't smooth the finish (short of maybe dozens of coats). 35 Deft Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer Gloss Gallon 010-01 - Out of stock - $75. Apr 13, 2023 · This easy to apply formula provides even the amateur user with professional results. Gallon, Lacquer Sanding Sealer, Use For The First Coat On Any Lacquer Finishing Project, 1 Thin Coat Will Block Most Stains From Weeping Through The Final Finish Coat, Dries Crystal Clear In 30 Minutes, Ready For Sanding In 1 Hour, Non-Yellowing and Will Not Skin Over Or Harden In The Can, For Interior Wood Surfaces Only, Item May Be VOC Restricted In Certain Areas, Please Refer To The DEFT ProLuxe Satin Clear Oil-Based Brushing Lacquer 1 qt (DFT017/04) DEFT ProLuxe Gloss Clear Oil-Based Wood Finish Lacquer Spray 12. Lacquer thinner helps to make thin coats of lacquer with an even finish. Deft lacquer: Deft lacquer is a nitrocellulose lacquer and many people who have used it have expressed that it turns excessively yellow over time. That ends up giving you a soft lacquer/oil finish. Easy sanding is an essential part of a lacquer painting project. Water base lacquer cost little more but but you get more by I read that Deft lacquer sticks to about any other kind of lacquer and does not need sanding between coats. , but takes forever to build , where the poly is waaayyy thicker particle count wise and no dryer's it takes forever to " evaporate" and builds fast, turn up the heat or burnish the oil on the lathe the heat helping " cure" where you cant do that with lacquer but o what a Jun 26, 2013 · The person from Pittsburgh Paints said that there are no plans at present to do away with (or re-formulate) the Deft Wood finishes line (Deft also makes a diverse line of various industrial coatings, including paints and sealers for aircraft), and that, at least in theory, these wood finishing products should still be available through various DEFT Deft Inc. I found the technique of spraying into the jewelry case interior’s cubbies challenging. I have used their finishes for most of my life. Sep 17, 2024 · Lacquer is a widely used finish in various industries due to its exceptional durability and glossy appearance. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray About This Product. May 16, 2008 · Valspar - it seems to lift, smear and/or "run" the stain a bit. The Deft will be softer and crack the nitro because the nitro will dry harder quicker. Customers say that Deft Clear Wood Finish is a reliable choice for achieving a smooth and glossy finish on various wood projects. edit. A light sanding between every few coats may help keep things smooth and even. Today’s professionals and enthusiasts alike continue to appreciate its “forgiving nature” and resistance to brush marks, as well as its crystal clear finish and fast drying time. Can be used on furniture, doors, trim, cabinets Sep 3, 2009 · Lacquer is not a great choice for food that is wet in any way. Deft is a product I've trusted for decades. Today’s professionals and enthusiasts alike continue to appreciate its “forgiving nature” and resistance to brush marks, as well as Nov 26, 2007 · DEFT Deft Inc. 6" airframe and a 2. Our Hardware, Tools & Sealants category offers a great selection of Primers and Sealers products at the best price! Jun 10, 2012 · One advantage to following Howard's advise is if it should accidentally get a few scratches over the years some fine sanding to feather the scratches and another coat or two of Deft should make it look new again. How much you need to thin Deft depends on your spray set up. 99 Professionals and Do-IT-Yourselfers know Deft Clear Lacquer is the brand they can trust for a superior, fast-drying, and easy-to-use finish for any interior wood project. It dries hard and provides good protection against scratches and wear. If it wrinkles or lifts, strip to bare Deft Quart Clear Satin Gloss Brushing Lacquer. Customers say the Deft lacquer is easy to apply, dries quickly, and provides a beautiful finish with minimal brush strokes. Sooner or later, the bullet will have to be bit to switch the waterborne products. It looks like crap and gets sticky when humid but no checking. Varnish is another popular option for woodworking projects. com and get Free Store Pickup at your neighborhood Ace. Item #45814 | Model #DFT010S54. They say that all finishes are safe after they are dry. If I’m going to be spraying lacquer, I wait until the air is less humid before spraying which makes using lacquer in the middle of summer a real pain. $78. Apr 25, 2010 · Join Date Apr 2006 Location Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada Posts 213 Jan 5, 2006 · Anthony, Deft brushing lacquer "can" be sprayed if reduced to the proper viscosity with lacquer thinner. This is one of the most common problems when spraying lacquer. 4 out of 5 stars Jan 1, 2008 · DEFT Deft 011-01 Interior Clear Wood Finish Gloss Brushing Lacquer, 1 Gallon (Pack of 4) Rust-Oleum Watco Gloss 63041 Lacquer Clear Wood Finish, Quart (Pack of 1) Rust-Oleum Watco 63141, Quart (Pack of 1), Clear Semi-Gloss Polar Clear Satin Flawless Lacquer Spray - 2 x 13. check the instructions on the MinWax stain. 25-20 For 39200 (MAR39258) DUPLI-COLOR Automotive Paint, Gray, 12 oz (EDE161207) Deft Automotive Paints Yes, Deft is a brushing lacquer that can go over spray lacquer. (depends on gun) Deft takes a good while to dry. Jun 1, 2006 · Final point - I don't use Deft lacquer anymore. The main downside of lacquer is that it’s flammable and has a strong odor. To make it happen, Deft comes with 30 minutes to dry and 1 hour to sand. I had to use a respirator to re-enter the house; open all windows; have fans blowing all day in order to make the place usable. 28 $ 78. The only caveat for either is if Pre-catalyzed lacquer is composed of 80 % nitrocellulose resin. Deft Clear Wood Finish Gloss Brushing Lacquer May 17, 2006 · I've been experimenting with Duplicolor automotive spray can lacquer. $15. It dries maybe quicker and I can recoat quicker and I have used Lacquer since 1954 right after my high school let me go. Much smoother surface, easier to lightly sand, dries very quick. I like the look of the lacquer - it looks like there's basically nothing on the cabinets and they have only a very light sheen because of the satin. It matters a great deal when the product can be trusted especially on expensive projects where mistakes and inferior quality won't do. Mar 27, 2008 · Deft Inc. Oct 6, 2018 · One of our local club members gave a presentation at his house spraying a lacquer finish with inexpensive Harbor Freight gear. Just make sure you use a wood sealer first and Deft makes a May 3, 2016 · A couple of things to keep in mind when using Deft – We recommend thinning Deft by 50% with lacquer thinner. 63 ea 1 Deft Lacquer Sanding Sealer Spray 015-13 1 Deft Lacquer Sanding Sealer Spray 015-13 - (Box of 6) Save by the box: $12. Harmful if inhaled. Commercial furniture makers get around the blushing problem by using slower evaporating thinners to thin the lacquer in the Deft Clear Lacquer Wood Finish. I've been practicing spraying Behlen Stringed Instrument Lacquer for a while and with my fledgling spraying skills, I struggle to get a good "off the gun" finish. When they switched to the brushing lacquer I was told that it is the same lacquer, just thicker with less VOCs to pass the new rules from the EPA. Causes serious eye damage. 09 ea - Out of stock - $108. I want to get some lacquer from Sherwin Williams. I used to use deft lacquer back in the 60's . This aerosol lacquer spray is convenient for hard-to-brush areas without the expense and laborious cleanup of spray equipment and is designed to seal and finish interior wood furniture, cabinets, paneling, bar tops, crafts and more. Deft sanding sealer goes a long way therefore making it very cost effective. Manufacture formulated the Deft to work best on every surface. It's sold as a brushing lacquer and is quite thick. 25-oz Gloss Lacquer. Cant go wrong. Most times this will take the blush out, also don’t walk fast to put it in the shade as air flowing over it will also make it dry to fast and bush it again. Due to the fact doing so will increase VOC levels. I woulsd like to get into spraying more lacquer because its looks great and dries fast, but all the options out there are confusing to someone new to spraying, like me. Softer lacquers tend to be more flexible, which can be a plus for woods that move a lot, but do take longer to harden and be Sep 14, 2004 · DEFT Deft Interior Water-Based Clear Wood Finish Semi-Gloss Spray, 11. (follow the links for pix) If you have a hard time finding Deft lacquer, Watco also makes a brushing version. The problem with it is that it never seems to completely dry (cure) enough for use on flat surfaces. Sounds great though. I prefer lacquer over poly or any water based finish. ALWAYS test first. This is a fast drying, clear brushing lacquer. You need to have seperate wheels for your buffing compounds. Sep 24, 2007 · Spraying reduces application time and makes the finish easier to rub out. Deft is not good to use on anything that is to get wet. Post-catalyzed, Pre-catalyzed, nitrocellulose, water-borne. Dave a furnisher refinisher PS Mohawk is the best for can lacquer Dec 23, 2014 · Deft is available as a 'brushing lacquer' but CAN be shot out of a spray gun just as well. Fast drying and easy application makes 1 day finishing possible. Trying to find a good, clear finish that won't change the color of wood. Content moved to a new thread since it is a new discussion not Nov 5, 2014 · DEFT 4-Pack of 1 gal Deft DFT017 Clear Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer Satin Watco Gloss 63041 Lacquer Clear Wood Finish, Quart (Pack of 1) DEFT Deft Interior Clear Wood Finish Satin Brushing Lacquer, Quart Please give me the pro's and con's between Polyurethane (Minwax) and Deft Lacquer (both in spray can) for the finishing coats on fretwork such as portraits and also for finishing boxes and baskets. Now having said that, I buff my lacquer a bit differently. Orange peel and "sandpaper" feel results are rarely caused by lacquer coatings assuming the lacquer has not exceeded it's shelf life. Use to when using clear lacquer and had applied a water base color I wanted until the next day to apply the lacquer because the finish would turn into a Jun 12, 2005 · FYI - Deft Lacquer has mineral soaps added to give it that 'warm' feel. com 5. water to 1 qt. VOLUME PRICING. Recently though, I sprayed a non-instrument project using Deft Lacquer Aerosol. Deft 12. I recently bought an airbrush setup for this very purpose - to spray on a light lacquer finish on some of my hollow forms and vases. 3 out of 5 stars May 7, 2016 · Only a very few ways to formulate nitro lacquer. The finish was beautiful. 09 Get it as soon as Saturday, Jan 18 Deft Spray Satin Lacquer. Cheers, Graeme Click the button below to add the DEFT / ProLuxe Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer SEMI-GLOSS /1 Quart to your wish list. Once the finish has cross liked you will get no reaction. That is a must when finishing the exotic waxy woods. Try adding a small amount of retarder thinner to the lacquer and see if works like Deft. Does Shellac Yellow? Feb 11, 2023 · Well, PPG, which makes ProLuxe, now makes the sealer and lacquer finish in rattle cans. When sweat is dripping from the air, I use retarder with it. If you want it to check try Deft with Nitro over the Deft. If you need to get the original color of your guitar, give it a try. It doesn't take much contamination to screw up a finish that you've been waiting a week on. Dec 22, 2006 · Deft has probably not been reformulated with the additives that help to make the lacquer more mar resistant , that may be why you noticed scratching more easily . Jul 6, 2009 · I've stained it with Minwax red mahogany 225 and decide to seal it with clear lacquer, I found some Deft clear gloss spray laquer (in a can) at Lowes and decided to try it. May 8, 2006 · Deft, as a brushing lacquer, has more retarders which actually prevents the conditions causing blushing. Generally, lacquer cannot be applied directly on top of polyurethane, and Deft (manufactured by PPG) is a slow-drying lacquer. The solvent makeup in this lacquer helps to slow evaporation just a bit to allow you to brush out your coatings evenly. Whether it is as simple as a picture frame or as demanding as antique restoration. Dries to touch in 30 minutes at 77° F and 50% relative humidity. FREE delivery Oct 8 - 10 . And quarts (use PreVal sprayers). Lee Valley also sell the stuff, and they mention it as being a Nitro based lacquer. I consider the Porter Cable conversion gun "very good" and it costs under $100. The fins, all 16 of them, turned out near mirror smooth with a small amount of effort after being primed with 2 coats of Krylon paint and primer Jul 21, 2007 · I now use Deft water-base lacquer, and it needs to be thinned before spraying. Brand: Clear Wood Finish; Part Number: 105417; Quantity Available: 1; Quantity Apr 26, 2015 · When I use the Deft, or any other lacquer including pre cat, I always thin it with lacquer thinner. I've tried applying a Deft clear coat over it and they seem to be compatable, but the Deft may not have the flexibility of a dope. Deft water base lacquer b4 spraying with my Fujii HVLP sprayer, the result is really nice & clear. It softens the lacquer and spreads it (but none too smooth). Jun 2, 2008 · I’ve sprayed shellac, water based dye, and Deft brushing lacquer, all with good results. Been awhile but if memory serves both Deft and MinWax are formulated the same way. Sep 14, 2004 · Deft Interior Clear Wood Finish Gloss Lacquer, 12. 67 a can. It is the retarders that make it a brushing lacquer and facilitates exceptionally good leveling. It can used with crafts and is fine for use on rosewood and other exotic hardwoods. 2. Aug 29, 2007 · Here's what you can do if Deft is lacquer. To fix, wait for good whether, put a heavy coat of lacquer on and let dry in the shade. Use in a well Deft 037125017132 Interior Clear Wood Finish Satin Lacquer with 12. Application : Easy Application / Fast Drying / Self-leveling formula / Makes 1-day application possible; Feature : Dries Clear Nov 14, 2011 · Deft Interior Clear Wood Finish Gloss Lacquer, 12. Lacquer dissolves it's undercoat to bind the old and new. 25 Oz Deft DFT010S Clear Wood Finish Lacquer Gloss Spray $ 12. Nov 22, 2022 · I have been using Deft lacquer for year, even before the EPA got involved. com Apr 2, 2019 · Deft is a brushing lacquer, which means that it is made with slower evaporating solvents than spraying lacquer so you can successfully brush it onto fairly large surfaces before it sets up. Many users appreciate its versatility for various projects, from furniture restoration to woodworking. . Oct 23, 2008 · Never shoot lacquer in the wind. ) Aug 12, 2021 · Well, I've been playing with lacquer a bit again. Lacquer is also easy to repair if it gets damaged. SLow, medium and fast to compsenate for air temperature and climate throughout the year. 0 out of 5 stars Makes May 2, 2012 · DEFT Interior Clear Wood Finish Gloss Lacquer, 12. Deft Clear Wood Finish can be applied direct to wood or to enhance the color of the wood, use Deft Interior Oil Based or Water Based stains. Deft Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer Gloss Quart 010-04 - Out of stock - $28. 25-Ounce Aerosol Recommendations AquaCoat Clear Lacquer, Water-Based Wood Finish, Semi-Gloss, Gallon, Self-Cross-Linking, Jan 24, 2022 · As a first coat finish, Deft has a good reputation. Instead, as the solvents evaporate, the resin is left behind. May cause respiratory irritation. I think the only way to avoid this would be to use very thin "fog" coats of the Valspar lacquer over the Reranch stain - don't get in a hurry and try to apply thicker coats to build the thickness faster! Drying time : Deft - very fast - it's lacquer! Valspar - almost as fast as Deft. BTW, I buy the Deft lacquer at Windsor Plywood. 91. Buy Deft DFT010/04 Brushing Lacquer, Gloss, Liquid, Clear, 1 qt, Can online at DKHardware. Retarder will slow down the drying time a little and will make it flow out better. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray - Household Wood Stains - Amazon. Volatile organic compounds can and WILL make a . (<$30 for gear, assuming you have a compressor and a Harbor Freight coupon) He sprays in his driveway and can do a complete finish on half dozen pieces in a half hour, including clean up. I switched to Watco nitrocellulose lacquer with far better results. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray DEFT 13 Oz Clear Wood Finish Semi-Gloss [Set of 6] Minwax 15210 Clear Aerosol Lacquer Spray, 12. I most often use Watco Danish Oil (natural) for the initial treatment. Lacquer over lacquer is an easy repair and looks great. It is a spray lacquer for wood that is also self-leveling, takes only two hours to dry, and is really easy to use. Mar 11, 2010 · Well, PPG, which makes ProLuxe, now makes the sealer and lacquer finish in rattle cans. May 11, 2010 · Re: Satin/Semi gloss Lacquer vs Gloss Lacquer + Rubbing the traditional thought is that gloss is harder than satin or semigloss, and there is a bit of truth to that, but not enough to make any difference, on a wood like oak where the deep grains will be not be rubbed unless you grain fill or do alot of lacquer and alot of sanding back, you will be far better off to use the sheen you want to Jun 12, 2005 · FYI - Deft Lacquer has mineral soaps added to give it that 'warm' feel. In answer to your question on self leveling, both Deft and Minwax (same stuff see below) are considered self leveling IF applied in light coats. Use Current Location. Minwax lacquer with a bit of retarder seems to be far superior as far as cheap lacquer Dec 9, 2011 · Deft looks great, however, and it is "real" lacquer. When car lacquer was legal in all states, they sold - and still do sell - three speeds of thinner. More Buying Choices $78. The water based lacquer seems to cure faster and the finish seems harder. Nov 13, 2013 · Rust-O-Leum makes a spray lacquer. Oct 5, 2006 · DEFT Lacquer is thinned out so you have to apply many coats to get enough thickness to ensure no sand throughs. Aug 17, 2005 · DEFT/PPG ARCHITECTURAL FIN DFT015/04 1 qt Deft DFT015 Clear Lacquer Sanding Nitrocellulose Interior Wood Sealer, No Size, No Color $26. They are caused by applying improperly. Get Pricing & Availability . Oct 9, 2022 · I started on one of my smaller projects, a jewelry box, putting down 3 coats , inside and out, using Deft, Clear Lacquer Finish in the rattle can. I've used it when I want something quick on shop fixtures and it seemed to be basically the same as Deft, but I too had trouble finding any lacquer at Lowes last time. A warm plate or bowl will sink into it. Remove all dust. Feb 25, 2004 · I have been doing some sample pieces recently, thinning the lacquer by 10% - 20%, and I can get quite a nice finish with my Campbell Hausfeld HVLP gravity feed gun. Dec 14, 2013 · On a recent project I used Deft brushing lacquer for the first time, and I love it. At least the Duplicolor and Deft appeared to be compatable. Aug 9, 2023 · I recommend you apply thinner on the lacquer 50:50 ratio to get the original clear coat lacquer finish without lacquer blushing. IT IS SMELLY! Nov 22, 2012 · The Deft brushing lacquer MSDS seems to indicate that it is a fairly low solids nitrocellulose lacquer with additives to make it brushable. In Stock. Today’s professionals and enthusiasts alike continue The person from Pittsburgh Paints said that there are no plans at present to do away with (or re-formulate) the Deft Wood finishes line (Deft also makes a diverse line of various industrial coatings, including paints and sealers for aircraft), and that, at least in theory, these wood finishing products should still be available through various See full list on homedepot. Still have the clean up but that is pretty easy with NC lacquer. To have the best chance of the lacquer fully drying, you need to allow at least a week for the BLO to fully cure. Deft 037125017132 Interior Clear Wood Finish Satin Lacquer with 12. This protects the image, and more importantly, provides a bit of extra stiffness to the finished decal, making the waterslide application easier. Lacquer retarders will slow down the drying process of lacquer finish. Sep 22, 2017 · I'm wondering how much difference there is among the various types of nitro lacquer. Sux when companies do that, usually is to make them more $$$$$ and they don't GARA if you are satisfied or not, as long as they make $$$$$. Item #102913 | Model #017-04. The slightly longer drying time is what allows the moisture to escape. 25 oz. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray. it remains the same color for so long with no discoloration. 09 Get it as soon as Tuesday, Jan 28 Feb 28, 2024 · An advantage over clear Lacquer is the smell is not as bad. Good luck 12-07-2010, 12:04 AM #4. Brushing lacquers can also be used in a spray gun, but their slower drying rate will allow sags and runs to form more easily. Test Deft Clear Wood Finish in a small area. Sep 23, 2021 · This is a how to on using Deft products brushing lacquer. Deft Lacquer Sanding Sealer Quart 015-04 - (Box of 4) Save by the box: $22. The quality is good even for professional projects. What i found it was a soft finish so i stop using it. Bought a can of Deft brushing lacquer and thinner. I also use the Deft Sanding Sealer. We use one with a towel in it to serve bread from some times. Also recommended for interior metals. However, some customers experienced issues with bubbling, inconsistent drying times, and strong fumes. Jun 17, 2008 · Re: Stupid deft clear finish Question Thomas: I agree that the bubbles are most likely a result of the wood out-gassing. And, you should use not only a good quality brush but one with very fine bristles so you don't get brush marks to begin with. When you dip it, the end grain will suck in that moisture like crazy; as the outside dries a little, the interior then has a higher moisture content than the outside, so the moisture comes back out, and causes a bubble. Deft interior, clear lacquer is self-leveling and will also spray nicely from a quality paint spray gun. I use it all the time with an HVLP sprayer, I just cut it 50% with acetone and it sprayed fine. 25-Ounce, Satin Deft® Lacquer Wood FInish ^ 12 Oz ^ Clear Gloss ^ Lacquer ^ Self-Leveling Formula Requires No Sanding ^ Won't Leave Brush Marks ^ Fast Drying ^ Applies Easily With Brush, Pad Or Roller ^ Mfg #411494 Feb 5, 2023 · Deft Interior Spray Lacquer. Sep 25, 2006 · Sam, lacquer is lacquer so the cure time is the same. Size: 12. They state that it is the same formula as Deft and it appears to be. Mar 14, 2007 · the Deft lacquer is sooooo much thinner particle wise than the oils, with the dryer in the lacquer it sets off really quick. What you end up with is the BLO being dissolved and mixed into the lacquer. I sanded and re-tried using less but still got it (subtle, but definitely not the glassy look I am going for on this piece). 4. Get it Jan 24 - 28. It also thins and sprays great. Minwax lacquer: DEFT® Interior Clear Brushing Lacquer is the trusted brand for an outstanding, fast drying, and easy-to-use finish for any interior wood project. It was simply labeled Deft Clear Wood Finish. I spray the lacquer at maybe light wet coats. The techs at Minwax advise NOT to spray brush on lacquer. We seal touch up with Deft and Watco spray cans all the time then top coat. Nov 3, 2024 · A lacquer retarder is the best option you can go with to fix lacquer blushing, especially in highly humid conditions. In fact, you don’t need to sand between coats which makes this simple to use. Make sure you wait 3-4 weeks before levelling the finish as the lacquer will cure and become harder and thinner. Deft Clear Lacquer Wood Finish is a fast drying, easy-to-use finish for interior wood finishing projects. Jul 4, 2024 · My Wife used to use Deft on her baskets, she swapped to Minwax clear lacquer a while back, she said they changed something, and didn't like the new look. It gives a clear color to the wood and dries faster with 20 – 40 minutes. Approximate coverage 400 square feet per gallon. Hazards identification Signal word :Danger Hazard statements :Highly flammable liquid and vapor. The lacquer is available in gloss and satin. As long as its available I will use it. Jun 16, 2013 · Called Sealcoat. The resin will not reach its full hardness until all of the solvents have evaporated. We have used it on our old furniture pieces, and they looked new and freshly painted after applying this option. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray DEFT 13 Oz Clear Wood Finish Semi-Gloss [Set of 6] DEFT Deft Interior Clear Wood Finish Gloss Brushing Lacquer, Quart Nov 26, 2024 · Lacquer is a blend of chemicals. You can now level the finish and start buffing but be careful, even at 20 coats, the deft lacquer is pretty thin. Oct 18, 2016 · However spraying brush on lacquer based on my own personal experience requires to reduce with lacquer thinner to flow properly with HVLP equipment. Although spraying lacquer makes it faster and easier to apply, things don’t always go according to plan. Sep 4, 2023 · Lacquer is a fast-drying finish that can be applied in multiple thin coats. My grandfather refinished the top of a beat up J-45 with deft on a rag. But I do want something that is more waterproof and durable. I use dewaxed shellac (Zinsser Bulls Eye Clear Coat) underneath the Deft as a sealer. The nice thing about Deft is that it usually results in a smoother finish. They are water clear but will show brush marks no matter how careful you are so you need to sand Jul 28, 2017 · This makes me wonder if a small HF air brush set up would be a practical solution to the lack of rattle can availability. If the open pores bother you fill them by wet sanding with the oil and make your first coat sanding sealer. Mostly deft lacquer is applied for interior furniture with minimum exposure to sunlight. You can expect to cover about 400-square feet per gallon of materials. Gloss Colorless Wood Finish comes in an aerosol can that is great for easy touch-ups. 5 Fl Oz - Clear Coat Spray Paint - Non-Yellowing & Scratch Resistant - Interior & Exterior Surfaces for Wood, Metal, Plastics, Glass & Ceramics 4. yes, there is a learning curve to all new and unfamiliar products. The blush often can’t be polished out and must be recoated. Feb 6, 2010 · Lacquer Morning Gerald, Lacquer, like shellac, is an evaporative finish composed of a resin dissolved in solvents. For many years, the fact that it was a lacquer was not mentioned on the can. You could thin with a lacquer retarder to get more time. Dries to touch in 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I have heard that Deft bought them a while ago so I'm looking for another easily available nitrocellulose lacquer. 28. 1 qt. Attributes. Level each coat or two with a hard block and wet sand with water and 320 or 400. It seems to cover well and is easy to use. Dec 4, 2006 · DEFT/PPG ARCHITECTURAL FIN DFT015/04 1 qt Deft DFT015 Clear Lacquer Sanding Nitrocellulose Interior Wood Sealer, No Size, No Color $26. 86. In my experienced this stuff dries hard very quickly but is very prone to bubbles, cracking and blushing if conditions such as humidity and temp aren’t perfect. Jun 6, 2020 · so after I became comfortable with Deft Brushing Lacquer, I used Deft Sanding Sealer and lacquer thinner exclusively. Maybe try some of the 6000 stuff. With the Deft, I'll thin it about 25% for the first coat. I don't want the heavy plastic-y look of polyurethane and I don't want gloss. Al Dec 6, 2010 · Get good result's. BUT, and this is a miserable "but", the nozzles for these cans are awful! The Deft, INC. What kind of brush would one use to get the best finish, and how many coats to get there, sand in between with what grit and would one buff with or with out polish Watco lacquer: Watco lacquer has a very high gloss finish and it is also used on high-end furniture. The Deft® that is familiar to all woodturners is a brushing lacquer. The bigger question comes with the continuing availability of NC lacquer. I have used Minwax brush on lacquer. PREVIOUSLY COATED WOOD: If the clean surface is in good condition, sand with 180 – 220 grit sandpaper. So you have two options - sand the lacquer off, or use solvent (lacquer thinner). If you are just touching up worn areas, a lacquer will come closest in color and the Deft is pretty versatile. Mar 3, 2021 · Best Wood Lacquer Spray: DEFT INC Clear Lacquer Polyurethane Spray This wood lacquer spray is perfect for metal surfaces and interior wood and is pure nitrocellulose lacquer. Aug 24, 2002 · Deft Wood Finish (in qts or gallons) is touted as a bushing lacquer and as such is slower and less prone to getting cloudy. Now I see what she was talking about. 6" airframe Sentinel. Jul 10, 2024 · Deft Lacquer 37125015138; Are you looking for something to cover up stains on wooden surfaces? The Deft 37125015138 will be a perfect choice as a single layer can easily cover stains and marks. Lacquer and poly are soluble in 2 different mediums (not certain if I have the correct terminology here). May 23, 2011 · Hi Jamie; I asked at the DEFT store this morning when I went to get some more lacquer. America’s Finest Brushing Lacquer gives a deep rich look to interior wood Professionals and Do-It-Yourselfers know Deft® Clear Wood Finish Lacquer is the brand they can trust for an outstanding, fast drying, and easy-to-use finish for any interior wood project. Sep 14, 2024 · I finished a table over several days by spraying approx 8 thin coats of Deft brushing lacquer with a turbine hvlp. Deft Brushing Lacquer has all the desirable qualities of good old nitro-cellulose lacquer; it dries fast, is virtually colorless and coats meld together to build a finish with amazing depth and clarity. However, I had to move everything outdoors to apply it. Blushing. Here are six common problems you might encounter while spraying lacquer. Aug 3, 2012 · This means that lacquer can easily soften BLO. One can of spray Deft did the tail fins and strake fins for a 1. 4-Pack of 1 qt Deft DFT015 Clear Lacquer Sanding Sealer Nitrocellulose Interior Wood Sealer. It dries harder and polishes out way better. Causes skin irritation. + Shop Deft online at AceHardware. 87 Deft Clear Wood Finish Brushing Lacquer Gloss Quart 010-04 - (Box of 4) Save by the box: $27. It dissolves into the previous lacquer and bonds to it. Clear Wood Finish Semi-Gloss Brushing Lacquer is designed to seal and finish interior wood furniture, cabinets, paneling, and bar tops. The directions for the Sherwin Williams lacquer I use say to let dry an hour between coats but lacquer melts into the previous coat so I extend the drying time when I use it. Hide glue is tougher to find and the only one that makes premixed stuff is titebond. Many appreciate its quick drying time and ease of use, allowing for multiple coats in a short period. LACQUER DEFT GLS QT4. Ships from and sold by Hearthshire. BUT, and this is a miserable "but", the nozzles for these cans are awful! Feb 12, 2007 · Spray 2 or 3 thin coats of Deft Gloss Clear Lacquer on the printed decal sheet. 0 out of 5 stars. I believe both Ace Hardware and TruValu stores carry their own brands of lacquer in gloss, semi-glossd and satin finishes. Or one can add retarder to the other lacquer to slow down the drying time Deft 12. Probably twice as much material will make it to the work, cutting the cost of lacquer and thinner in half. Oct 4, 2020 · I’ve used Deft spray lacquer on a couple of larger pieces with great results but tried it on a small box and got orange peel texture. About This Product. Unfortunately it dulled the glossy finish of the mahogany stain. The sanding sealer serves as the base coat and is designed to seal and protect the surface. 90. Another question that arose was aerosol, vs sprayer vs If you must brush, use Deft gloss lacquer. It makes application much easier and dries faster when thinned. It is said to not yellow over time. Aug 6, 2011 · Re: Deft alternative? The Krylon and Minwax finishes are polyurethane and not lacquer, so if you are set on a lacquer finish, you will have to find another product. If I remember my research from a couple years ago, Deft has a retarder to make it dry slower so it can be brushed. I use 7 oz. Item #45814 | Model #010-13. I have always sprayed it and it works great here in Houston. If the Deft has a retarder in it as some have said, then go to an auto finish store and get a quart of fast lacquer Jan 24, 2012 · Yes, Deft lacquer, I think they call it Wood Finish where the poly is Defthane and the oil is Deftoil. $69. Lacquer doesn't "cure" like reactive finishes. Perhaps Minwax is leaving something out of theirs which makes it different than Deft. Always mix the Deft prior to use as it tends to separate quickly. com. This Lacquer makes the job easier and the results more rewarding! Mar 17, 2006 · Timing is great. (100% Ox hair is good. 26 Deft Clear Wood Finish Brushing Oct 18, 2023 · Does Deft lacquer Yellow? Deft lacquer does not yellow over time. I've tried some other options, and don't care for the results (all water basedmeh, can't seem to like this stuff!!) I had a can of Watco lacquer, which I've never had Jun 27, 2019 · Deft Lacquer Sanding Sealer is available in quart and lager containers for brush application. Mix the first coat fairly thin (about 70/30 mix of lacquer thinner to finish), checking the viscosity of the finish using a #2 Zahn cup. Aug 16, 2018 · I have a few pieces that I have sprayed with Deft Gloss Spray Lacquer, but they all need more coats. Spray 5 to 6 coats of lacquer on the wood after thinning. For this piece, I used Deft gloss lacquer, which makes it easier to control the sheen of the piece as it is being rubbed out. Because of its softness, it will not sand or "rub" well. I've read lacquer excels in dissolving into previous coats of finish. Thank you all. May cause drowsiness or 12. Easy to use and durable. Order Deft Lacquer Deft Stn 12. Deft® "Brushing lacquers" have been blended with "retarding" thinners that take longer to evaporate, and this allows allows leveling of the surface film. Easy application of spray lacquer Aug 26, 2024 · They sell Mohawk Stringed Instrument Lacquer in spray cans. 09 $ 26 . reading, understanding and following the instructions on the can will shorten that curve. 25-Ounce Aerosol Spray (37125010133) in Spray Paint. If you don’t want to do that, your best bet is to remove the lacquer and use a wipe on finish of your choice. The technique I usually follow is to wipe the area with a very clean rag wet with lacquer thinner. I tried one board inside first. 25Oz, DFT017S/54 at Zoro. I use it for small projects and cabinets. Poly over lacquer might work for a little while but it won’t bond well enough to be durable. Add to cart-Remove. 90 $ 15. Wouldn't be surprised if Stew Mac's is made by Mohawk (formerly Behlen). What can I use over Deft Gloss Spray Lacquer? Moderator's note: originally posted in a thread that has been dormant since 2013. I use one bowl finished with Lacquer as a fruit bowl for apples and oranges. I'm curious if there's a better product than the Deft lacquer. Since the IKEA SKOGSTA is made with clear lacquer and acrylic lacquer I decided Deft would probably be the most compatible. Resists brush marks. But new versions of Deft are water-borne acrylic and are very similar in packaging and labeling, make sure you get the lacquer version. 25-Ounce; Weight: ‎‎‎‎1 pound; This is because lacquer dries faster than anything, so make it quick! Mostly carried by big box stores now. We never spray it straight out of the can and we build our coats not just stand back and have at it. 25 oz Clear Gloss Lacquer Spray. This will make the lacquer slow drying, and it will give enough time for the moisture to evaporate into the air. Jul 31, 2012 · The chemists at Deft have formulated their lacquer thinner to work best with their lacquer. Deft is now ProLuxe. Many folks say that the "do not thin" on the labels, which in this case is analoguos to "do not spray", for obvious reasons, is to meet VOC regulations. Understanding its chemical composition is crucial in uncovering the reasons behind its yellowing. <a href=>vgvr</a> <a href=>uegkym</a> <a href=>qwhorl</a> <a href=>zsauiiky</a> <a href=>zhawyol</a> <a href=>ssonq</a> <a href=>ewpmefk</a> <a href=>lljbaa</a> <a href=>elmjz</a> <a href=>xaxnow</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <div class="footer-logo"> <span class="d-block"> <img src="" alt="Astrobiology Web" class="img"> </span> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> <div class="col-sm"> <div class="footer-copyright"> <p>2025 © Reston Communications. All rights reserved.</p> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </div> <!-- /.container --> <!-- /.main-site --> </body> </html>