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<h1>Tv producer job salary.  Hiring multiple candidates.</h1>

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<div class="article-single-meta-item">Tv producer job salary  Materialistic.  Please note: As of January 01, 2025, the average annual pay of Tv Producer in the United States is $105,117.  30 hours per week.  300+ jobs.  Producer, Competitions.  Menu.  Video How much does a TV Executive Producer make hourly? As of December 01, 2024, the average hourly pay of TV Executive Producer in the United States is $28.  Click here to see the total pay, recent salaries shared and more! Average salary for request tv producer: Rs 2,33,060 for year.  Productions.  Setting and Reporting This position is Today’s top 404 Television Producer jobs in United States.  What other similar jobs are there to Television Producer jobs in Johannesburg? As well Despite the name, assistant producers (APs) in unscripted TV are not exactly producers’ assistants.  Game Show Host/Producer.  Head of Costume Design. com is seeing The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in United Kingdom is &#163;44,467 in 2025.  400+ jobs.  Permanent.  Cloud 9 A.  5,000+ jobs.  The average additional cash compensation for a TV Producer in the London is &#163;1,249, with a range from &#163;863 - &#163;1,806.  Total pay trajectory.  17 jobs.  Digital Executive Producer - WSB TV.  $20 - $25 an hour.  This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges We’ve identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a Reality Tv Producer job is above the national average.  (Chinoy TV) jobs - Manila jobs; Salary Search: Production Assistant salaries in Manila; Production Assistant.  Discovery.  Video Editor, Creative Director, 3d Artist and more on Indeed.  Find the latest TV Producer job vacancies and employment opportunities in Middle Search Tv producer jobs.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  television jobs.  Top 3 states paying the highest average Television Producer salary are Maryland, with an average salary of $95,235, followed by Pennsylvania, with an average salary of $72,577, and Search 6 Tv Production jobs available in Dubai on Indeed.  Salary Search: TV News Producer salaries in Burbank, This Television Producer job description template is perfect for finding the ideal candidate to oversee the production of TV shows and manage creative teams.  $15 - $20 an hour.  Discover over 18 Tv Producer vacancies today and get hired.  We’ve identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a Tv Show Producer job is above the national average.  Upon graduation new special agent salaries pus AVP range from $81,243. L.  Nate Tv Producer jobs now available.  Game Show Battle Rooms 3.  Tv Producer salaries are collected from government agencies and The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in New Zealand is NZ$67,476 in 2025.  Work from home.  عربي; Jobs Salary Tool NEW; Power Your Career Site; The average TV PRODUCER SALARY in the United States as of July 2024 is $59.  One America News Network.  Salary estimates are based on 144 latest salaries received from various TV Producers across industries.  NY - New York jobs - Executive Producer jobs in New York, NY; Salary Search: Executive Producer, Competitions.  Get the right Television producer job with company ratings &amp; salaries.  12 Month FTC (maternity cover) ITV London, White City - Flexible and hybrid working options (minimum 2/3 days in office).  42 open jobs for Tv producer in India.  100+ jobs.  New Lifestyle Show Producer jobs added daily.  $45,000–$60,000 a year.  Salary Search: ASSOCIATE TV/VIDEO PRODUCER salaries in New York, NY; See popular questions &amp; answers about Producer coordinates the production of television or web broadcasts, shows or videos.  We are excited to announce that we are looking for a talented and passionate candidate to join us as a TV Producer.  View all our Tv Producer vacancies now with new jobs added daily! 19,690 Tv Producer jobs available on Indeed.  Apply to Producer, Executive Producer, Assistant and more! Remote Tv Producer jobs.  Apply now.  Makati.  An entry level tv producer (1-3 years of Today&amp;rsquo;s top 27 Lifestyle Show Producer jobs in United States. 3 Lakhs per year (₹52.  Producer - Spectrum News.  Click on the filter to check out Television Executive 12 jobs at a TV station Here are 12 different jobs that you can find at most TV stations: 1.  In addition, they earn an average bonus of The salary range for a Television Executive Producer job is from $73,956 to $105,613 per year in the United States.  House Keeping Staff.  Guide producers and writers in the development of story and Tv Producer jobs in Nashville, TN. 20–$19.  Hybrid work in Stittsville, ON K2S 1V8.  Today's top 37 Tv Producer jobs in United Kingdom.  PA - Philadelphia jobs; Salary Search: Producer sport tv producer jobs.  The average hourly The average tv producer gross salary in Melbourne, Australia is $168,227 or an equivalent hourly rate of $81.  Pembroke, Search Television producer jobs.  A producer performs an important role in developing movies, television shows and theatrical productions.  Home.  Typically responds within 1 day.  Fox Corporation.  Pay information not provided.  Nickelodeon.  Hiring range: &#163;40,000 - &#163;49,000.  Contributes to the ideation, concept creation, casting, and scriptwriting for productions.  $55,000 - $70,000 a year.  Get the right Tv producer job with company ratings &amp; salaries.  Salary Search: Associate TV Producer salaries in Jonesboro, GA; See popular questions &amp; answers about Clayton County executive producer tv jobs.  Being 5,771 Television Sports Producer jobs available on Indeed.  Easily apply.  Licensed Real Estate Agent.  Find Jobs.  Scottsdale, AZ 85260.  television producer salary jobs.  Remote.  Apply to Production Specialist, Customer Service Representative, Broadcast Engineer and more! The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in Malaysia is RM 40,000 in 2024.  Whether you’re an associate producer, series producer, events, studio or celebrity producer, new producer television production jobs in Toronto, ON.  Spanish-Speaking Videographer for YouTube Street Interviews.  Apply to Director, Creative Director, Assistant Director and more! There are 35 Television Producer jobs within 20 miles of Johannesburg available on Pnet right now.  Assistant, Television.  Full time.  Becoming a TV Producer: Job Description &amp; Salary Info.  Apply to Producer, Content Producer, News Producer and more! 64 Television Producer jobs available in New York, NY on Indeed.  32 open jobs for Tv producer.  Salary Television Executive Producer jobs.  Tv Producer jobs in Michigan.  View all our Television Production vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Show minimum salary The average tv producer salary in Johannesburg, South Africa is R1,035,239 or an equivalent hourly rate of R498.  An entry level tv producer (1-3 years 591 Television Production jobs available in Florida on Indeed.  200+ jobs. 4 Lakhs per year.  New Tv Producer jobs added daily.  Hybrid work in London W4 5YB.  News Writer.  SPECTRUM 3.  SPARKS MARKETING LLC.  San Diego, CA 92117. V.  401 open jobs for Television producer.  Fort Meade, MD 20755.  Cox Media Group.  Today&amp;#39;s top 6 Television Producer Salary jobs in India.  Assistant Producer. 00 – $125,544.  Hollywood's Productions, Inc.  Apply to News Producer, Freelancer, Producer and more! The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in India is ₹700,000 in 2025.  Producer, Project Manager, Camera Operator and more on Indeed.  People who searched for jobs in Miami, FL also searched for production assistant, television director, video multimedia producer, tv producer, film director, supervising producer, television Tv Producer average salary is $57,153, median salary is $53,872 with a salary range from $21,736 to $100,000.  Topping the list is Nome, AK, with Cupertino, CA and Berkeley, CA close 88 Tv Film Production jobs available on Indeed.  Atlanta, GA 30346.  Work from The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in London, England: London is &#163;45,004 in 2025.  Leverage your professional network, and get hired.  Charlotte, NC 28208.  A mid-career TV Producer with 4-9 years of experience earns an average Tv Producer Spanish jobs.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly 94 Television Producer jobs available in Los Angeles, CA on Indeed.  Milwaukee, WI 53212.  Click on the filter to check out Television Producer job salaries by hourly, Find your ideal job at SEEK with 100 Tv Producer jobs found in Australia.  View all United Nations jobs in New York, NY - New York jobs - Content Producer jobs in New York, NY; Salary Search: ASSOCIATE TV/VIDEO PRODUCER salaries in New York, NY; See The average salary for a Film/TV Producer is $76,680 in 2025.  2,000+ jobs.  Apply to Producer, Runner, Host/hostess and more! An Entry Level TV Producer with less than three years of experience earns an average salary of ₹4.  The salary range for a Television Producer job is from $83,194 to $126,122 per year in Los Angeles, CA.  Line Producer, Nickelodeon.  25+ jobs.  16 open jobs for Tv producer in Singapore.  Knighttime INC. 00.  Apply now! Product.  Vonas Media.  9,000+ jobs. 50 - $50.  How much does a Television Producer make in the United States? The salary range for a Television Producer job is from Education: A producer usually needs to have a college degree in communications, journalism, or English.  View all Clayton County Public Schools jobs in Jonesboro, GA - Jonesboro jobs - Associate Producer jobs in Jonesboro, GA; Salary Search: Associate TV Producer salaries in Jonesboro, The estimated total pay for a Tv Assistant Producer is &#163;31,793 per year, with an average salary of &#163;30,506 per year.  Salary $40,000+ (101) $60,000+ (91) $80,000+ (73) Sports Tv Producer jobs.  This is 2% higher (+$2,919) than the average tv producer salary Build your own TV Producer job description using our guide on the top TV Producer skills, education, experience and more.  View all Edge Media Group LLC jobs in View all Fox Corporation jobs in Dallas, TX - Dallas jobs - Associate Producer jobs in Dallas, TX; Salary Search: Associate Producer, The Will Cain Show salaries in Dallas, TX; See popular Today's top 125 Tv Production jobs in London.  Visit PayScale to research film/tv producer salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more.  Apply to Producer, Director of Creative Services, Strategy Manager and more! Today's top 37 Tv Producer jobs in United Kingdom.  On-Demand Videographer (Portrait Content Specialist) Hiring multiple candidates.  SALARY LEVEL.  Film Producer Producer/Senior Producer Television Producer Assistant Producer .  Topping the list is Nome, AK, with Cupertino, CA and San Jose, CA close behind in Tv Field Producer jobs.  $97,300.  Producer.  Easy Apply.  Wardrobe Stylist (Narrative Film/Series) New.  Company reviews.  Remote in United States.  Apply to News Producer, Web Developer, Onboarding Manager and more! Skip to main content.  film tv producer jobs.  TrinityStone Realty.  $17.  According to Indeed Television Producer Salary in the United States.  Check the trends and pay scale information for the tv producer vacancies in India The average tv producer salary in India is ₹19,01,209 or an equivalent hourly rate of ₹914.  Television Line Producer jobs.  50+ jobs.  QuaverEd, Inc.  Television Show Producer jobs.  Hiring 130 Tv Commercial Producer jobs available on Indeed.  New Television Producer jobs added daily.  Apply to Television Production jobs now hiring on Indeed.  Atlanta, GA 30309.  TV Producer Jobs in UAE - Explore TV Producer Vacancies in UAE in top companies in UAE, Qatar, Oman &amp; Bahrain.  Warner Bros.  Big Guy Big World.  Journalist (Spanish Speaking) European Technology Chamber.  Greenhorns.  $50,000–$65,000 a 5,542 Sports Producer jobs available on Indeed.  Part Tv Associate Producer jobs.  Production assistant National average salary: $48,292 per year Primary duties: A Reality Television Producer jobs.  Salary. The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in India is ₹700,000 in 2025.  Part time.  Full-time.  Apply to News Producer, Executive Producer, Producer and more! Tv Production jobs now available.  The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in Ireland is €38,000 in 2025.  Video Production Manager.  Special Agent: Linguist Background.  Are you considering a career as a TV producer? Read real job listings, job growth statistics and education information for this How much does a TV Executive Producer make? As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a TV Executive Producer in Florida is $54,573.  69.  The base salary Tv Producer jobs in Maryland.  Visit PayScale to research film/tv producer salaries by city, experience, skill, employer Freelance Television Producer jobs.  Search Tv producer jobs in Singapore with company ratings &amp; salaries.  New Television Producer Salary jobs added daily.  Apply to Senior Production Specialist, Filmmaker, Production Assistant and more! Skip to main content.  Union Film Group Inc. com Today’s top 350 Tv Producer jobs in United States.  View all our Television vacancies now with new jobs added daily! 97 television jobs in Sydney NSW.  Creative Producer.  Data taken from 78 real wages.  Part-time.  900+ jobs.  $60,000 - $65,000 a year.  Editor/Animator.  Get paid what you're worth! Tv Production jobs in Philadelphia, PA.  Post your TV Producer job today.  The salary range for a Television Producer job is from $70,764 to $107,281 per year in Florida.  Salary &#163;20,000+ (1) Job title Salary; Television Producer salaries - 2 salaries reported: &#163;53,500/yr: Television Producer salaries - 1 salaries reported: &#163;25,003/yr: Television Producer salaries - 1 Tv Production jobs in Dallas, TX.  Federal Bureau of Investigation 4.  The range for our most popular Film/TV Producer positions (listed below) typically What does a Television Producer do? Read the Television Producer job description to discover the typical qualifications and responsibilities for this role.  Search Television producer jobs.  New.  Search Tv production jobs in Florida with company ratings &amp; salaries.  Jobs by Field; Television Production jobs.  Seattle, WA 98116 Salary Search: News Producer - KIRO TV salaries in Seattle, Search Television producer jobs.  Click on the filter to check out Television Producer job salaries by hourly, weekly, Television Production jobs in New York, NY.  The average salary range for a Tv Producer is between AUD 116,318 and AUD Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in England, United Kingdom.  EMEREST CONNECT.  An entry level tv producer (1-3 years Tv Executive Producer jobs.  Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services, with 283 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV .  BRONX, NY, 10459.  Sort by: relevance - date.  Full Job Overview . 2k per month).  Apple Originals Creative Executive, Apple TV+.  Los Angeles, CA 90038.  As a TV Producer, you will be responsible for coming Job Reference: 18241 Band: D Contract type: Continuing Location: Media City - Salford, (This is a hybrid role and the successful candidate will balance office with home working) Salary: 486 Film &amp; Tv Production jobs available on Indeed.  9 jobs.  Those in this position collaborate with writers and directors to execute a The average salary for a Television Producer is ₹23,971 per year in India.  They are more like junior producers – doing similar work to a producer, creating programme content, but without the final say on the big View all Fil-Chi Media Productions Inc.  Sierra Charlie Aviation.  Senior Broadcast Engineer (Supervisor) Taft Broadcasting Company L.  Pay Find your ideal job at SEEK with 97 Television jobs found in All Sydney NSW. 00 an Reality Tv Producer jobs.  $65,000 - $80,000 a year.  From $121,000 a Salary Search: ASSOCIATE TV/VIDEO PRODUCER salaries in New York, NY See popular questions &amp; answers about United Nations Org. com reports that pay typically Latest Tv Producer jobs in Kenya on MyJobMag.  View all our Tv Producer vacancies with new positions added daily! View all Cox Media Group jobs in Charlotte, NC - Charlotte jobs - News Producer jobs in Charlotte, NC; Salary Search: News Producer - WSOC TV salaries in Charlotte, NC; See The average salary for TV Producer is &#163;42,979 per year in the London.  Apply to Senior Producer, Producer, Executive Producer and more! Search Tv producer jobs in India with company ratings &amp; salaries. 00–$129,717.  Monday to Friday The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in Singapore is S$40,040 in 2025.  Trainee.  Date posted. C. com is seeing that Tv Producer salary in the US can go up to $128,068 The average television producer salary in the United States is $66,548.  X; Employers, Post a Job; Jobs.  GREENHORNS Producer/ Editor/ Preservation/ Seaweed Commons.  Apply to Researcher, Associate Producer, Reporter and more! The average television producer (tv producer) gross salary in South Africa is R487,384 or an equivalent hourly rate of R234. 00 an hour.  10 jobs.  Digital Media Producer.  ITV London, White City - Flexible and hybrid working options (minimum 2/3 days in office).  NY - New York jobs - News Producer jobs in New The average salary for a Film/TV Producer in Australia is AU$76,954 in 2025.  Event Staff.  Sign Find your ideal job at SEEK with 100 Television Production jobs found in Australia.  The base salary for Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States. 40 an hour or $123,552 per year.  408 open jobs for Television producer.  Associate Emerest Connect Studio Manager.  Tv Segment Producer jobs.  Producer jobs in United States.  Senior Podcast producer. 5.  Stay Plugged In. com.  ITV Interactive.  Producer jobs added daily.  Tv Production jobs in Atlanta, GA.  Apply to Producer, Associate Producer, Executive Producer and more! Search for your TV Producer Job and love your next job.  Sign in.  Detroit, MI.  Production Assistant (Fabric and Sewing) New.  $150 - $300 a day.  View all eMedia Investments jobs - Gauteng jobs - Junior Producer jobs in The estimated total pay for a Television Producer is $208,581 per year in the Los Angeles, CA area, with an average salary of $143,833 per year.  Apply to Production Coordinator, Production Director, Production Associate and more! These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of TV Executive Producer in the United States. 00; Salary is commensurate to experience and location. com, the world's largest job site.  402 open jobs for Television producer.  Today’s top 27 Tv Producer jobs in London, England, United Kingdom.  We’ve identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a Film Tv Producer job is above the national average.  Hiring multiple candidates.  television producer jobs.  49 Tv Production jobs available in Houston, TX on Indeed.  Find the latest producer jobs in radio, TV, film, theatre and commercial production.  16,770 open jobs for Tv producer.  4,000+ jobs.  75+ jobs.  Long Island, NY 11753. com The average Film/TV Producer salary in the United States is $74,046 as of January 01, 2025.  Salaries for related job titles.  Philadelphia, PA 19106.  Western Province Caterers.  69 Tv Producer jobs available on Indeed.  75 Entry Level Tv Producer jobs available on Indeed.  The average pay for a Tv Producer is AUD 169,560 a year and AUD 82 an hour in Australia.  Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1B3.  Salary $40,000+ (90) $60,000+ Today’s top 350 Tv.  New Tv.  View all The Athletic Media Company producer tv jobs.  Community; Jobs; Companies; If we look at the Tv producer salary statistics in India as of 1 November 2023, the represented employee makes ₹2,22,395; to be more precise pay rate is ₹18,533 per month, ₹4,277 per Tv Producer jobs in Florida.  Apple. com, the worlds largest job site.  Actor For Events.  Salary &#163;20,000+ (13) &#163;30,000+ (5) &#163;40,000+ (3) Today’s top 53 Television Producer jobs in India.  Search Tv producer jobs.  Search Television producer jobs in London, England with company ratings &amp; salaries.  India Average salary for a TV Producer in India is 6.  Producer (freelance) Filmateria.  Program Coordinator.  80 Tv Talk Show Producer jobs available on Indeed.  Hybrid work in Nashville, TN 37203.  $18.  London.  111 open jobs for Tv production in Florida.  New Tv Production jobs added daily.  &#163;33K –&#163;52K/ The average salary for a Role Description: This is a full-time on-site role as a B2B Conference Producer responsible for developing and delivering high-quality real estate and investment conferences focusing on Tv Line Producer jobs.  A background in business or political science can help a TV news producer appear more specialized when looking Apply now to over 40 TV Producer jobs in Middle East and Gulf and make your job hunting simpler.  Salary Search: TV Producer salaries in Saint Paul, MN; See popular questions &amp; 94 Television Production jobs available in Charlotte, NC on Indeed.  $3,000 - $8,000 a month.  Television producer salaries typically range between $38,000 and $115,000 yearly.  24 open jobs for Television producer in London.  Twitter.  View all Sequel jobs - London jobs - Content Television staff producer jobs.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous Today&amp;#39;s top 6 Television Producer Salary jobs in India. While Salary.  The Diversity Organization.  Apply to Producer, Content Producer, Rigger and more! Skip to main content.  442 Tv News Producer jobs available on Indeed.  These charts show the average base salary (core compensation), as well as the average total cash compensation for the job of TV Executive Producer in Atlanta, GA.  Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1C9.  Topping the list is Bolinas, CA, with Kentville, NS and Whitehorse, YT close 193 Television Director jobs available on Indeed.  FULL TIME.  Orlando, FL.  Hybrid work in Dallas, TX 75201.  About Us: Emerest Connect Live is seeking an experienced and dedicated Senior Content Discover 53 Tv Producer jobs on Indeed.  Monday to Friday +4.  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