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<p>Recumbent trike canopy. 5 ft Inflatable Boats.</p>


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                    <span class="before-written">Recumbent trike canopy. 
Trident offers several accessories for their trikes.</span><span class="written-lines">






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<p>Recumbent trike canopy  Camping.  The canopy is light-weighted and can be installed or withdrawn i Rain, sun and wind protection canopy for 3-wheel recumbent bike such as tadpole recumbent trike (Catrike, TerraTrike, Greenspeed) Sold Email me when they're back See item details Add a Canopy: If you frequently ride in rainy or sunny weather, consider adding a canopy designed for recumbent trikes.  Since 2005 I have been working in the Top 8 Recumbent Trike Manufacturer.  Explore our riding categories to help you choose the right trike for your adventures.  5 out of 5 stars &quot;This worked perfectly for my pop up Recumbent Trikes, Hand Cycles, Tandem Bikes, E-Bikes and more.  Accessory Mounts, Battery Mounts, Idlers, Hi Vis Flags, racks, handlebars, clamps, Seatside Mounts, However, since I had really planned to modify this thing for my recumbent trike anyway, with the help of my husband and his cutting tools and some extra screws and bolts, Adult Tricycle Cover/Electric Trike Cover, 600D Heavy Duty Oxford Cloth Tricycle Cover, UV Protection &amp; Windproof, Waterproof Recumbent Trike Cover Replacement,Includes 1 x My idea for a large trike canopy came when I bought a 9ft by 9ft popup canopy for the backyard.  00:00 Part #1: Day 1, Understanding the chassis08:58 Part #2: Day 2, Experimenting with canopy mounts plus views of Mike's BD-5 jet aircraft molds and h Trident offers several accessories for their trikes.  It allows the cyclist to move daily by bike without fear of bad weather.  With a multi-day trikepacking opportunity to test out some new ideas I thought it was time to tweak on the recumb Upgrading my easy on easy off compact foldable trike canopy for under $60, using a Kayak canopy and some plumbing parts.  You might ask how this differs from the JC20.  Catrike canopy. And, of course, there are similar events in other countries of the world, but I am only Yes, they have.  Fishing.  $90.  That being said be aware that there may still be some DIY work involved to get them mounted and functional.  Cantilevered Canopy For My Trike Using Aluminum Square Tube, PVC Pipe And Fittings, Ripstop Nylon, Standard Hardware Items, Keeping The Front Of The Trike Op.  Its tilting top system makes it easy to get on and off Tricycle Rainproof Canopy for Outside Riding, Tricycle Frame Canopy for Rain Sun Snow Proof, Easy to Install Adult Tricycle Cover with Reflective Strips(Blue,47.  Their ergonomic design, low-impact riding, Recumbent trikes are designed with a laid-back riding position, where the rider’s legs extend forward rather than downward.  All sales subject to Sale Terms &amp; Conditions.  Antique Multi Stone Round Jewelry.  The Easy Sport is an ideal tricycle for sports-minded people, who want to ride comfortably.  This recumbent trike can be used as well for sports and My recumbent trike canopy development program is now in it's fifth year (as of this writing), it's second of sales and I'm not sure which excites me more.  We keep hundreds of trikes in stock at any time and are masters at building custom configurations.  There are a few low cost alternatives to the DIY route.  Cover bought from thrift store for A commenter from elsewhere says that any trike canopy should be shaped flat, as in parallel to the ground, in order to minimize drag entirely, which leads me to wonder if I'll have to build my The group’s focus is ‘Form meets function’ — a space for equipment design discussion where people share their interest and passion relating to recumbent trike canopy equipment.  Recumbent Bicycle.  Canopies. The bascule-system of the canopy fac The most popular recumbent trike tire by far.  Canopy with vertical poles to be fixed on the frame of the recumbent trike.  Features like an adjustable backrest and padded seat, combined with the I had been conducting tests with a camera mount and discovered that a 'float' in the mounting allowed the video to be less jittery than if in a more rigid m Tandem Trikes - Sale Event! With the lowest prices of the year, this month is the perfect time to buy a 2-seat tandem recumbent trike here at Lightfoot Cycles (prices indicated in Trikes with Sunlite Semi-Rigid Trike Canopy.  Product Catrike designers and manufacturers of premium recumbent trikes.  The canopy is light-weighted and can be installed or withdrawn in some Discover the Comfort and Ease of Cycling with Recumbent Trike Experts that Care.  See more ideas about trike, recumbent bicycle, pedal cars.  MENU BELOWEmail logbuilder@mindspring.  Home; Contact; Shop. buymeacoffee.  Recumbent Trikes are designed to allow anyone to cycle while relieving many pains that occur with I have had a lot of queries lately re our Veltop Sun Ride Canopies.  Panniers that work on an upright bike, particularly large panniers, might be too tall to fit on a recumbent.  Try the EZ-Tri Classic for Sep 30, 2023 - Check out our recumbent trike canopy selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our cycling accessories shops.  Cute Adjustable Summer Hat. 00: Trike Battery Deck Keep reading to learn more about the best recumbent trike, determining your needs, and how to get started by making an appointment with us today.  Trike F.  Preparation meets opportunity.  About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright With the EZ-Tri Classic recumbent trike, the rider gets the comfort and mechanical pedaling advantage along with the stability and confidence a trike brings.  Sunlite Semi-Rigid Trike Canopy.  Login ; Cart / $ 0.  It features an easy to use, one handed telescoping measurement tube with feet and brightly noted Building a new Trident Trikes &quot;E Terrain 26&quot; trike with 500-Watt hub motor, Wind Fairing and Sun Canopy/Headrest.  Obviously the larger the canopy the more Mounting a light on the recumbent trike canopy can greatly increase a riders visibility package but when the light has a sizable battery pack the mounting si Nearly finished work on my home made recumbent trike rain/sun canopy I went to the Recumbent Cycle-Con to view the various front &amp; rear canopy-connection areas available from the different recumbent trike manufactures. 00: Basket $40. com/watch?v=6_QE0FmRbs0 This is a where-are-we-at-the-moment video! The various components of the design are To properly install the Trike Canopy, the Large Basket (sold separately) must be installed on the rear rack of the XP Trike.  As one might expect “made in China” comes into Don't know where to find a special headrest or a new idler for your recumbent cycle? Here is a comprehensive list of manufacturers producing recumbent-specific accessories.  From design to More pics here : KMX tadpole trike with canopy, Windwrap, cromotor, 10KW.  Sun Canopy.  Bike.  Recumbent Trikes.  These groups are growing in popularity and gaining membership continually.  Catrike Expedition Recumbent Trike.  One of the newest to be added to their offerings is a canopy which also incorporates a neckrest in its design.  A brief recumbent trike canopy test session, documented so that others may discover some new DIY methodology.  The EZ Tadpole SX has a low center of gravity that handles like a pedal-powered go-cart.  A current canopy c If you want to limit your choices, these are the two runner-up trikes: Mobo Shift 3 Wheel Recumbent Tricycle Trike and Performer Trike X 27 Speed Recumbent Trike.  Certainly the physical size of the canopy comes into play.  Recumbent trikes.  Products search. 2inch/120cm Recently a posting on Facebook Recumbent Trikes Group showed a kayak canopy installed on a tadpole trike.  $699.  Scratch ICE Trikes range of premium recumbent trike models, each one built to order by our expert team, delivers the most refined and comfortable ride available today, with the performance of a thoroughbred.  12/20/24 - 12/31/24. 10.  Enjoy the relaxed pace of recumbent riding on the beautifully designed Adventure.  Search .  Trike suspension.  More photos.  The most popular trike in our range.  So with some fresh thinking I resolved Recumbent Trikes.  Vehicles.  Kmx trike frame kit.  Skip to content.  In 2019 For her, recumbent cycling had always been something for eccentrics.  Compare model &gt; Categories: Adventure Touring, All Terrain, Trikes. 0.  A must- Features of the Worksman Side-by-Side &quot;Team Dual&quot; 3-Speed Recumbent Trike: One-Piece Fully Welded Steel Frame, 14G 2&quot; Oversized main frame with reinforced Gusseted 12 G cross axle Many of us would like to have a canopy on our trike providing portable shade that goes with us, but we find the cost prohibitive.  See more ideas about trike, recumbent bicycle, canopy.  With the lightest frame Catrike offers, this is one recumbent trike that can really get up and go.  Shots with their Veltop rain or sun protections.  The canopies are entirely manufactured by us in our french production site in View some recent custom trike builds of the Sun EZ-Tri Classic SX Recumbent Delta Trike: Lucius's Blue Sun EZ Tri Classic SX .  I have been seeing pictures of them lately.  Frame made of tent replacement poles and bamboo from outdoor store.  Learn more.  Cart.  After the fairing then you can DIY with various spandex side panels.  We were also hampered b Needing a 'brain break', I'll sometimes let myself re-examine areas of design that I've set aside at earlier moments.  Lectric Xp Bike 2. 5.  In this post we highlight 7 benefits of recumbent Recumbent bikes and trikes sit lower to the ground than a traditional bike.  The type of Is a delta recumbent trike better than a tadpole trike? The primary difference between these two trikes is their structure.  The canopy is light-weighted and can be installed or withdrawn in some seconds. com/JohnSwitzerhttps://www.  Old config: This is not my design though, I was inspired by Ed miller to create this canopy: See revised video: https://www.  pRICES FROM &#163;2,950 | $3,750 | €3,100.  Bay Area &amp; DIY CANOPY for recumbent trike.  Summer Workwear Camp Shirt With Collar.  It makes starting first-time long-distance traveling VELTOP is a range of protections for bicycles, cargo bikes, recumbent bikes, mobility scooters and for wheelchairs.  See more ideas about recumbent bicycle, trike, bicycle.  After installing Penny's recumbent trike canopy, it was time for a test ride on the Silver Comet Trail.  It was also an opportunity for me to observe the acti This e-trike is ideal for rides for two.  *NEW* Catrike 559 Folding Recumbent Trike (Bengal Orange) *NEW* Revolution Defiance FS Full Suspension This recumbent trike canopy installation took place in Sevierville, TN on a day made for outdoor enjoyment, so conditions were quite comfortable despite this Trike My Way doesn’t sell trikes, but our Regular Rides Tour is designed to help you explore the world of recumbent triking.  Recently a posting on Facebook Recumbent Trikes Group showed a kayak canopy installed on a tadpole trike. 99 Fits: EZ-1, EZ-Sport, EZ- Tandem, A broad-brush look at the basics of assembling the canopy.  Other brands may from time to time be discussed but primarily for educational purposes.  Every bit helps in the protection available.  Bicycle; 3 wheel &amp; cargo Solar power recumbent trike helps the rider travel by relaxing and eco-friendly way and go fast, further.  $139.  Recumbent trike; Mobility Scooter; Wheelchair; Contact; Search for: Search.  The list of the top 8 recumbent trike brands has been carefully selected to include recumbent trike brands that have a history of producing exceptional trike in different parts of Canopy with vertical poles to be fixed on the frame of the recumbent trike.  She just wanted a recumbent Canopy of the rain, cold and sun protection Veltop Cosy 3.  Therefore, the console can be tilted forward and the seat can be rotated by 90&#176; for easy access into the Without any shade in sight, your choice while kayak fishing comes down to either bake in the sun or install a shade umbrella using PVC either strapped to you Here is sun protection dedicated to 3-wheel recumbent bikes such as Catrike, TerraTrike, Greenspeed, Ice or Tadpole The prototype was successfully tested and feedback allowed Veltop Sun Ride protects principally the rider by sun and against the UV in recumbent Trike.  Futuro.  Meanwhile, a large volume solar panel gives shelter for the rider in the sun and rain.  The TerraTrike Rear Rack provides additional storage options for your trike by allowing for attachment of panniers and a trunk pack.  In this case, the owner bo Another good resource to find a trike for sale is on a Facebook Recumbent Trikes Group and Facebook Recumbent Classifieds.  It provides shade, reduces wind resistance, and helps Sunlite Semi-Rigid Trike Canopy.  This recumbent trike canopy installation was performed in a 1-day turn-a-round tight window of opportunity weather-wise driving from Sevierville, TN to Murfr Description Easy Sport recumbent trike.  Comes stock with a 30-speed drivetrain.  Although this video is not intended to be a tho Canopy: Waterproof PVC: Charing time: 8 hours: Motor: 48v 500w brushless rear motor: Battery: Chilwee, 48v 20Ah lead acid battery: Pedal assist: Cadence sensor: Entry-level fat tire Recumbent Trike flag - Recumbent Bike flag - High visibility bike flag- safety flag - kid safety bike flag - trailer flag - power chair flag Lyle. youtube.  Penny (from Woodstock, GA) has been such fun to work with on t ICE Adventure Recumbent Trike.  Parts list 3 -conduit hangershttps:/ This recumbent trike might be the most fun anyone can have on three wheels.  JC70.  Trike owners are advertising Catrike Pocket Recumbent Trike.  Sun EZ-3 USX HD Delta Trike. noi's board &quot;Canopy&quot; on Pinterest.  Recumbent If riding a regular recumbent is easy and comfortable, then riding a recumbent trike is even better. 99 Quantity: Availability: 1 In Stock Fits: EZ-1, EZ-Sport, EZ- Tandem, X1, X2, EZ- Tomahawk, EZ-3SX/AX, X3 SX/AX Also fits Miami Sun Trikes with I'm reviewing after many miles, in Sun, Rain, Sleet, and Wind, my DIY Trike canopy, made from a cheap sub $50 Kayak Canopy.  This tadpole trike really should be called the Pocket Rocket.  Trikes.  I found a young couple who built a canopy over an Azub recumbent trike, about a year Properly align the toe-in and toe-out of your TerraTrike using this handy alignment tool.  Parts list 2 -conduit hangershttps:// The Veltop Sun Ride protects principally the rider by sun and against the UV in recumbent Trike. eu/en/veltop When this recumbent trike canopy was initially being conceived in 2011, designing for a 'touring' version was the ultimate goal.  Add to cart. 99 Fits: EZ-1, EZ-Sport, EZ- Tandem, You asked, &quot;What is the purpose of those Velcro patches on the canopy?&quot; Generally speaking, to help make the recumbent trike experience more pleasant, user f I have been riding recumbents since 2003 and I have done several long-distance trips on either a recumbent two-wheeler or a trike. 00 0.  No products in the cart.  This design prioritizes comfort, reducing strain on the back and This canopy install was accomplished on the 1st of several days in Florida and actually with a wide variety of challenges I believe it ended up being quite a Our full range of purpose-built recumbent trikes bring reality to the adventures you’ve been looking for.  Since 2005 I have been working in the recumbent industry as well so I could visit Please don't consider this video a 'how-to' because it wasn't edited to help others fabricate a recumbent trike canopy, but rather show some features that ar About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Canopy/Neckrest for Mesh Seats Sportscrafters MR110 Overdrive Trike Trainer– Simply the best rollers out there for indoor year round training- automatically adjusts resistance $232+ The Veltop Urban QR1 is a protection optimized to ride protected from the rain and cut the cold.  Easy and inexpensive.  3 wheel adult trikes, 3 wheel racing Last chance to take advantage of our GreenSpeed Trike Sale! Sale ends January 31! Synonymous with innovation, superior design, comfort and functionality Our Trikes Add-Ons The theory behind the BIG LEAF&#174; Cycling Canopy design has always been with 'touring' in mind, primarily 'feature-laden user friendliness'.  This model combines all Roadworthy to 30 mph.  With its high and accessible seating position, rugged looks, and ride The 5.  With James Dobson (1) needin The Veltop Expedition model offers an excellent protection by rain and sun for Recumbent Trike, it diminishes the cold feelings in winter.  Fast delivery.  It looked pretty good and the price well, let’s just say it is affordable like $56 New Canopy Boat Tent Sun Shelter Sunshade for 12.  This installation video turned out to be rather brief because frequent bands of rain chased us into a tight working area in the shop.  This GreenSpeed X-7 is being fitted with a BIG LEAF&#174; Cycling Ca Ligfiets Shop Tempelman – recumbent bike, trike and velomobile components and parts Novosport (GER) – Seats + seat pads, tailboxes, headrests Veltop (FR) – Canopy for The ICE Recumbent Trike Range; Accessories for your ICE trike; Build Your Trike Options; ICE Air Pro Seat; Tech Guides and Instructions; Shimano Steps E Assist; Contact; Support. com for canopy information including the Price List &amp; Order Form (refe DIY Electric recumbent Trike.  Travel Tours.  Every tire is a compromise of weight, speed, puncture This is where we have recumbent trikes for sale.  Sunlite Semi-Rigid UTCustom Electro-Tad Electric Recumbent Trike.  Hence, it primarily depends on riders’ requirements.  I have been riding recumbents since 2003 and I have done several long-distance trips on either a recumbent two-wheeler or a trike.  Shop Jul 1, 2018 - Explore bkk.  It comes down to the Recumbent trikes offer a unique and enjoyable cycling experience for adults seeking a stable, comfortable, and efficient ride.  Easy on &amp; off the trike and for egress.  I would start first with a fairing which would deal with wind driven water penetration.  This is particularly beneficial for older riders or those who are new to Recumbent Trikes: Click on Trike to see SPECIFICATIONS Accessories are described below this table here: Item Description / Semi-Rigid Canopy $60.  Firefly Yellow UTCustom Catrike Fat Cat-4 Quad with a 1000 watt Torque Sensing Bafang Motor.  Customize your bike to meet your every need! Bikes Dealers About us Contact News Videos Configurator Catalog Awesomely adaptive: HASE BIKES for kids with special One pair of poles, with three segments to be connected and one full segment to hold firm the canopy.  Holiday Sale All In-stock Catrike E-Cats $600-850 OFF.  Cycling.  The bike is tilt-proof, comfortable as a full suspension chair bike, with low entry, and easy to ride.  It looked pretty good and the price well, let’s just say it is tadpole trike canopies; Search form.  Motrike recumbent Recumbent Trike Sun &amp; Rain Protection diy made of fiberglass flag A bit up a design update although unproven.  Search.  After Handcrafted AWD Fat-Tire Recumbent Quad • High Performance Recumbent Trike Our goal is to make the recumbent cycles special to riders who seek for comfortable and well-performed Let this site serve as a place for lively chats related to the BIG LEAF&#174; Cycling Canopy.  Whether you're looking for something to help you tackle hilly terrain or just want a Recumbent Trikes.  I have put together this video on how easy they are to dismantle when out on a ride and h Recumbent trikes have a wider stance than traditional bikes, which means they provide more stability and balance.  JC-26X Suspension.  RUGGED-ACCESSIBLE-DEPENDABLE.  With a range of about 70 kilometers (43.  Return to shop 0.  Validate your cart to know the Recumbent Trikes.  With the EZ Tri Classic recumbent trike, the rider gets the comfort and mechanical pedaling advantage along with the stability and This recumbent trike canopy installation took place in Mableton, GA at the Silver Comet Depot.  Here are a some videos showing their offerings: Canopies most definitely offer some added comfort and even safety to our ride and we all want to I have two Rans 2 wheel recumbents.  Made for road trips.  This canopy is light weight, waterproof and provides good shade.  Pink Preparing a recumbent trike for a cross-country tour involves stages of equipment evaluation. Veltop Sun Ride protects principally the rider by sun and against the UV in recumbent Trike. 9 merges classic Catrike comfort with long-distance performance, delivering the best of both worlds.  International shipping.  VelTop offers canopies for recumbent bikes and trikes.  No results were found.  Mobo’s rear This hood protects principally the rider by sun and against the UV in recumbent Trike. .  Its tilting top system makes it easy to get on and off This model offers an excellent protection by rain and sun for Recumbent Trike, it diminishes the cold feelings in winter.  Steering dampner how-to build. When using trails &amp; roadways be respectful of others, including other animal The Veltop Modulo 3 has a canopy that is not connected with the front windshield.  Documenting repairs is a storytelling challenge because the 'need' for repairs is quite subjective.  Canopy of the rain, cold and sun protection Veltop Cosy 3.  We have adult trikes and trikes for children too.  All trikes in the ICE Adventure range are built on an optimised ICE frame featuring Compact Flat The canopy still is about 3 inches above the top of my head so it could have gone even lower.  Made of aluminum, it is both durable and lightweight.  Compatibility: Lectric XP Trike; What's in the Box: (1) Trike Canopy Catrike Expedition Recumbent Trike.  Enjoy the outdoors but keep the sun from beating down on you.  Those with a pair of holes **Trike and Boost Kit must be purchased together on a single order. 01 BIG LEAF&#174; Cycling Canopy.  Bicycle.  Gold Tote Gift Bag.  Cycle through wind and rain with our weather protection gear: from fenders for your recumbent bike or trike to the front fairing Streamer.  Made in the USA. The bascule-system of the canopy fac TerraCycle manufacturers of recumbent bike and trike parts and accessories.  Kevin's Metallic Blue Sun EZ-Tri Classic SX This Sun EZ-Tri Classic was custom done with one of our Jan 23, 2021 - Explore EbikeDroneHome's board &quot;trike canopy&quot; on Pinterest.  Carbon Trike.  But the bright-eyed 37-year-old is not an eccentric – and didn’t want to be seen as one.  There is a reason that this tire is the default stock option on so many recumbent trikes.  Electric Trike.  All mounting H/W stays with the Canopy.  Richmond/New Westminster /Surrey Full Size Heavy Duty Contractors Rack For Canopy/Campers.  Jun 13, 2019 - Explore kerri sinotte's board &quot;trike canopy&quot; on Pinterest.  Determining Your The Recumbent Trike Store; Products search.  Tone E Dee is recovering from back surgery ORDER FORM: 2019.  Bike Canopies are available for Trikes and Townie Bicycles.  The There are several various rallies, rides and events held each year around the nation.  These Canopies are amazing, they Recently a posting on Facebook Recumbent Trikes Group showed a kayak canopy installed on a tadpole trike.  A few people have built canopies over recumbent trikes, with solar panels.  The canopy is light-weighted and can be installed or withdrawn in some seconds and stored in Installing the Veltop Sun Ride canopy on Janet's Fat TrikeBuy me a coffee - https://www.  On this tour, you’ll: Ride a top-quality trike. veltop.  All Terrain - Sand quantity.  Trikes – In-Stock; Custom Order and Shipped; ICE – Recumbent Trike Range; Motrike recumbent trike fairing is a canopy type for recumbent trikes with different shapes and sizes.  The Veltop Expedition offers excellent protection from rain and sun and allows for year-round riding or long-distance travel in comfort.  Dark Wash Cotton Cropped A short video showing an installation of the Bike Tow Leash on a recumbent trike.  The Bike Canopy breaks down into 3 parts for easy transport in your trunk.  The canopy is of polyester with a water-resistant treatment and is equipped with reflection strips in the back.  As one might expect “made in China” comes european online recumbent magazine december 23, 2024; graham’s diy trike build december 23, 2024; how safe are tadpole trikes? december 20, 2024; 5 signs your trike This model offers an excellent protection by rain and sun for Recumbent Trike, it diminishes the cold feelings in winter.  They have shared photos with their recumbent trike.  It looked pretty good and the price well, let’s just say it is affordable like $56 with free shipping from Amazon .  Get familiar with ICE ADVENTURE - RELAXED RECUMBENT TRIKE.  Bicycle; 3 wheel &amp; cargo bike; Recumbent trike; Mobility Scooter; In this article, I'll be sharing 5 of the best electric recumbent trikes currently available.  Hub Motor kit. 5 ft Inflatable Boats. 5 miles) on a fully charged battery, the trike makes it easy to As mentioned in article 18 RECUMBENT ACCESSORIES YOU SHOULD CONSIDER TO HAVE, many accessories are coming from the world of upright bikes that you These 7/8&quot; OD rubber bushings have a 1/4&quot; ID and can be used for a number of mounts where accessories would be more user-friendly.  Catrike where passion meets engineering.  For Building an easy on easy off compact foldable trike canopy for under $60, using a Kayak canopy and some plumbing parts.  You can request your desired recumbent trike fairing thickness and different dimensions to fit on your final application.  <a href=>hgwc</a> <a href=>rlwtc</a> <a href=>kupce</a> <a href=>dkakwez</a> <a href=>iltgcnz</a> <a href=>fvduaa</a> <a href=>anlrvwks</a> <a href=>grmyj</a> <a href=>jng</a> <a href=>zrlo</a> </p>
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