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The nozzles used by Prusa are E3D V6 nozzles.</h1> <div class="article-single-meta"> <div class="article-single-meta-item">Prusa stringing is the stringing tips. After calibrating my extrusion multiplier, any length of retraction is sufficient to eliminate fine stringing. So retraction settings can be the problem, but mostly is not, when operator is using right material profile. This article is free for you and free from outside influence. Sort by: Best. Due to the material expansion, the retractions are ineffective. printables. 8mm default in generic PLA, no This will help the filament to cool more quickly, reducing the amount of stringing. TPU and stringing issue. 20mm QUALITY New Prusa MINI with really bad stringing. 25. I personally have not tried prusa slicer but have heard good things about it. I use default settings in the Prusa slicer for the MINI and have stringing issues with the original Prusament that was provided as a sample in the kit and with other filaments as well. Yeah xan be wet filament, but on pla less likely. The only way I've managed to get a visible reduction in stringing is by turning up retraction length to 4mm, but I'm afraid that would eventually lead to clogs. Having done that, follow the Prusa guide to calibrating your extrusion multiplier. Incorrect nozzle temperature is the #1 Stringing and oozing. I've attempted to use Jessie PLA with Jessie PETG as the support interface, but I am encountering excessive stringing. Today a thermistor with blue wires arrived. g. 25 increments from there to test print. jpg. PETG printing issues. Seems like when extruder moves from side to side it is extruding a little. Hi, the Prusa Knowledge Base shows the Mk2. The first layer failed, and the spaghetti strings are all over the exterior of the nozzle. Post anything that relates to these 3d printers, personal projects, new designs, improvements, questions, news or anything that relates to the main topic. Print Settings : 0. It helps reduce the risk of stringing and usually results in a higher-quality print overall. Right, should have mentioned that I was having issues with the nozzle completely clogging at lower temps. I can usually get by with 0. The ideal approach is to download bridging test models, for example, this one, put it in the slicer several times, and set up a different flow for every Say what you want, i print on prusa mini. So I was expecting the same black wired thermistor I already had. I printed with some Taulman PCTPE nylon a few days ago with moderate results. ) Prusa printers have this on by default; on my Ender 3 V2 Neo I get better By default, the "stock" Prusa settings include "wipe" and "raise the z before non-printing moves"; I eliminated both of those settings and the stringing problem got much better. Printables; Basics; Buyer's Guides; News; Get It 3D Printed. The same roll of filament, the same day, the same conditions, the same moon phase, on MK3S+ - string-free. 6 nozzles. I did try 205 temp versus 215 and it seemed to help a small amount but not significantly. 1), stringing is very much under control on my 2T XL (with the filament I have). Strange Parts (Scotty Allen) gave his ticket to this little girl who's family couldn't afford a printer New Prusa owner - dealing with PLA stringing on all temps Question/Need help Hey Prusa community! I'm a fairly new Prusa owner, I've got mine Mk3S+ about a month ago. Question I’m seeming to have a bunch of stringing RE: What Settings Work For PETG to Reduce Stringing? It depends on what brand you're using and the polymers they use. Increase the nozzle temperature by 5 °C, this All things related to Prusa 3D printers. Some filaments are just stringier than others. Prusa docs and forum posts have helped me with every issue to this point but I could use some input on this as I feel like I’ve tried everything. Danke für die Antwort. 4mm DiamondBack nozzle (has a diamond for the tip). But that all I'm currently encounter a quite bad form of stringing on my newly build Prusa MK4. 4mm and adjust while trying (in 0. Sudden issues printing PETG - clumping, stringing. /r/prusa is a place for people to discuss the open source Prusa 3d printer design. As the print moves around from one object to the next it doesnt take a straight line, rather it follows the perimeter until it gets RE: Prusa Stringing. Many 3D printer vendors carry them, and many Chinese sweatshops clone them. 6 or 0. Sphère stéréographique (Une sphère avec un quadrillage ajouré) Résultat, beaucoup de stringing, les tranches ont tendance à être des petites zones isolées. If you reduce the printing temperature, you should also reduce the speed of extrusion. This helps you to define where the strings come from, from the PLA Stringing And Blobbing In Ender 3 & Prusa. 8mm for the MK3S+ on my Ender 3 V2 Neo the best setting is 7mm; Lift Z. Honeycomb support pattern seems to be more stable than rectilinear The stringing is heavily compared with my mk3. Instead of 240C first layer and 250c for other layers I use 235C-235C with good results Maybe with hardened steel nozzles the default settings are OK, but not with RE: help with polyterra pla. Brand new roll of Overture PETG (have some fresh Prusament PLA The stringing occurs when the nozzle oozes while travelling across open space. I’ll try to summarize the problem and what I’ve done (sorry this is long winded, wanted to be detailed): Stringing all the way up on retraction tests and towers, as if the script is not working. Die Temperatur war glaube ich bei 240 Grad, mit der 0,4mm Nozzle. Stringing. I tweaked my own profiles a bit, and while I still get a bit more stringing and oozing than the standard V6 I've reduced it down to almost nothing by changing the retraction (retraction length of 1. I've messed with: Temperature: tried 190-230 temperature tower. RE: Preheat oozing, and wispy stringing. I have found that tweaking retraction speed and length increments of . 2) and PrusaSlicer (2. 565 Forums. I'm very pleased with the overall print quality ,but I'm getting a consistent small amount of stringing I would enjoy getting rid of. RE: Stopping stringing across open space in an object. Prusa suggests a nozzle temperature of 230°C for the first layer and 240°C for all subsequent layers. Suddenly bad stringing with PLA . I downloaded a Stringing tower to confirm that the PETG settings were less the optimal . Source: Jackson O'Connell via All3DP. They all came out great. RE: Stringing Issues. RE: MK4 PLA Stringing. 21 Online. Petg, would say go dry immediatly All things related to Prusa 3D printers. At that point I don’t know how to recover because printer only give me All things related to Prusa 3D printers. I am using ESun LW-PLA and the result has very little stringing. My mini was stringing terribly for months when I got it. Ender 3 users, for instance, might find that the perfect temperature interval for the Pro and V2 printers is between 220°C and 235°C. The water molecules steam and boils up causing the marks and moisture makes it incredibly gooey and After assembling and running all the calibration tests, I immediately encountered stringing on one of the 2-extruder models I tested. RE: Constant Very Fine Stringing! Also recently I found having the K factor set incorrectly can make a massive difference to stringing, set this correct and you wont need to set Wipe while retracting and you should be able to use retraction and Lift Z: settings of 0. Previously it was crossing the perimeter during infill. Did not had any of those problems with PLA, not even tried to dry it. I use TPU for things like eye guards for instrument displays, so I get quite close to the printed results very often, and the settings above have (finally) gotten quite good, even when supports are needed. I have not mentioned anything about the XL thermistor. TPU printing is now quite clean, with very little stringing, and with good layer-to-layer adhesion. I've been following the tutorial and can do perimeters just fine and clean, but having a lot of trouble with stringing. Not stringing in traditional sense, when extrusion stops and the ooze from the nozzle drags a string to the next starting point. Reply reply Egghebrecht • Same, got that exact dryer too It does a far better job of PETG than prusa slicer for me. 4 nozzle and primarily Jessie PETG. However, I was still having some amount of fuzzy stringing and unwanted blobs, but only during multi-tool printing. Gedruckt habe ich bisher das Test PLA, PETG und ASA. Does the stringing persist if you print any of the sample gcode that comes on the Prusa SD card? If no, then I recommend reslicing your models with PrusaSlicer at default settings for “GenericPLA”. Stringing or oozing, also known as "hairy prints", is the name given for when small strings of filament are left on a printed model. Customizer. Learn, discuss and share with other makers Edit: Running the retract tower helped a lot to minimize stringing, turns out optimal values for me are around 1mm distance while previously I tried much higher values. Einen neuen Sensor habe ich auch schon von Prusa gekriegt. This usually happens when the filament Learn how to stop PETG stringing by adjusting nozzle temperature, travel speed, retraction settings, and filament quality. Amazon Basics PLA. The part on the XL looks similar to the pictures above, Increase the Retraction Length and disable z-hop. Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Same gcode, same spool - stringing almost non exitant on dried fillament. Stringing foulling the nozzle MK4. Stringing Hygroscopic material (absorbs moisture) For Original Prusa printers, we recommend using the “Semiflex or Flexfill 98A” or “Filatech FilaFlex40” profiles that have proper speed settings. Brand new, upwards of ten or so stock rolls over the last 8 months. Stringing apparent in all temperature, but moderately better at 190. Occasional clicking sounds near z axis. Stringing is much more based on temperature than on retraction. Groups. I'd rather dry my filament and deal with whatever stringing is still happening, than have parts break. I probably should have added that the stringing is very easy to deal with; a quick blast with a hot air gun removes the Stringing After Switching to DiamondBack Nozzle. in Ultimaker Cura you can watch each layer and e. While you were so busy reducing temperature to reduce stringing have you also checked on your part strength, namely the interlayer adhesion now you have reduced it to its current temperature ? I use a heat gun on low heat to help melt any stringing. Details in the comments. PLA stringing and blobbing could happen in some printers more than others. How to Fix PETG Stringing on Prusa. Try it and see if it helps you. Had one big mess up that was my own fault but other than that it's been awesome. 0-rc1 of Prusa Slicer and the 5. Lift z: lifts the extruder during movement. Unable to stop stringing. I'd advise avoiding the clones if you can, but sometimes budget restrictions require compromise. Prusa has a guide on one method of calibrating your extrusion multiplier for each filament. 566 Forums. I reduced the stringing somewhat by increasing retraction, which is crazy low by default on MK4 for PETG, but still far from happy. It looks like what I would expect this machine to produce. By altering filament overrides values I have reduced stringing artifacts somewhat, but stringing still exists. I had some troubles with stringing since my first print (Benchy), it was quite stringy under the roof and between the arches and at that time it didn´t seem like somthing serious/big Fädenziehen (Stringing) oder Nachsickern, auch als "haarige Drucke" bekannt, kann auftreten, wenn kleine Fäden auf einem gedruckten Modell zurückbleiben. I would not be surprised if my thermocouple reader and/or thermocouple are a few degrees off, and it is the Prusa that is closer to the real temperature, in fact. Bought this dryer and never looked back, no stringing. The settings currently being used are the DEFAULT PETG settings in Prusa slicer. Posted : 15/09/2021 11:55 pm Blackadder (@blackadder) Active Member. PrusaSlicer. Outside clean and perfect to me. Really getting disappointed in this 5TH Prusa XL (stringing might be insufficient part cooling, and suspect layer shifts are the umbilicals catching on each other) I think it would be hard to overstate my level of disappointment with Prusa in PETG is a great material to 3D print with, even if it is a little stringy. Prusa provides Cura profiles for the Mk3 on their downloads page under Other downloads. Not like Prusa where it was Prusa default is 0. Example: Overture PETG with stock "Generic PETG" gives me very pretty results with minimal to no stringing, even the Prusament PETG setting works well (but I notice a bit of bulge at the corners, likely LA difference) when I wanted Stringing with prusaslicer solved with Cura. Try to print two small temp towers with a distance to see who temperature changes stringing over different distances. Perimeters dont touch, not first layer. Hello again friends, I've dried my filaments and even have a filament dryer now since it realized the humidity is actually super high! I printed with the defaults again with a raised z-calibration and there was some serious improvement! But still SOME stringing. Then I replaced the ptfe tube in ten hot end and made sure that whole assembly was tight. The PLA looks amazing. Depending in the severity of the stringing dry for 3 - 6 Hoping this is the key to the actual issue though, since I couldn't find anyone mentioning worsening stringing so hoping it points to a more specific, maybe even obvious, issue that I am just overlooking. 2 wasn't stopping the strings and used 2. I recently printed a model using my MK4 and Prusament PET-G with the IS standard config. Muss aber noch weitere Tests machen. There is an issue with an early iteration of the hotend thermistor, its temperature readings are not accurate enough, and that might cause the stringing. 448. I set them to the default and then went up in . 4 mm nozzle (both get stringy) Max Volumetric Speed 3 mm^3/s. Overture TPU using Prusa Slicer SainSmart TPU preset, but with "Avoid Crossing Perimeters" checked. If this is the case "avoid crossing perimeter" will not help. @cwbullet you are right! I can't upload the whole 3mf because the Stl is copyrighted, but I can upload my profile . zero issues. New. I am printing inside a Prusa Original Enclosure. Reply reply Prusa Mini only begins a sputtered PLA extrusion around 233°C; any layer height has the same result. Aber ich kann dort nochmal nachfragen. Manufacturer guidelines are intended to work across Given the amount of people that use those presets then no they are not 'bullshit'. Update: my re-creation of my Prusa hoodie without the awful slogan on the back. Prusa even lists a printing temp of 255 here, yet the ABS filament they sell in the shop is listed at 220-240 RE: Stringing. The worst I am getting is very fine wispy spider webs that are very easy to remove Problème de stringing. Bonjour, J'ai essayé d'imprimer ce joli modèle. On all machines they show more stringing and oozing than stock V6 when using either the default Prusa profiles or my own tweaked ones. If you’re using the MK2. Stringing Hinge stringing Strange artifacts More strange New firmware flash, Fan test fine - still stringing Latest prusa slicer. Having this setting lower will improve 3D printer stringing is a common problem, especially with flexible materials. The filament doesn’t load properly and eventually errors out. E. 0 from the Prusa Forum suggestions. Stringing after hot end replacement. I started with all default settings (3,2mm retraction distance), this is the result: All things related to Prusa 3D printers. Any ideas would be appreciated. Discover Things, Creators, Tags and more. 3mm or so, because you are pulling melted hot plastic into a cold zone where the plastic Discover how to use PrusaSlicer retraction settings to reduce stringing on your 3D prints! All3DP; All3DP Pro; Printables Basics Buyer's Guides News. Only issues were a little stringing around the hinges and the same weird artifacts, but smaller. Prusa support has sent me a new thermistor (delivery note from DHL came 1 day after contacting support, pretty nice). I ran the stringing test and clearly there was a lot of stringing I would like to reduce this a lot how could I do so? The settings were 5mm retraction at a speed of 80mm/s with a retraction befor wiping of 65% and a detraction speed of 40mm/s everything else was factory settings. Meine Nerven und meine Zeit sind immer sehr knapp ;-). I got a great first layer with the Live Z My Way method, then printed the Prusa logo, Benchy, Triceratops, and Adalinda. I also tested the belt and its tight. Hi all, same problem with a new factory assembled MK4. This usually happens when the filament Troubleshooting > Print Quality Troubleshooting Stringing can also come from the filament being "wet" as it absorbs moisture from the air over time. Then work your way up and activate as much retraction as nee. Lower your Z-hop if you get stringing but raise it if you get warping I print in Glass Filled Nylon all the time, its significantly better than pure nylons. works really well. 1 mm; on the right it was done with the default 0. The only huge problem that I haven't been able to figure out is the bad stringing. So slowing retraction speed way down appears to be the way to go to minimize stringing for the Prusa Mini when printing with PETG. More posts you may like Prusa software & others. Hi guys, so i got a general problem with stringing, even the prusament or quality filaments were making stringing and on in prusament it got solved with lowering the temperature (without lift Z) or lowering sooo much the temperature if i wanted to keep the lift Z option. I'm using a certain brand right now, a local one that makes my Prusa mini look like a cheap Chinese printer. severe stringing on my prusa mini . I can't seem to get rid of stringing on my prints on Neptune 3 Pro. Was ist PETG Stringing? Das Bespannen ist ein Problem, das beim 3D-Druck sehr häufig auftritt. There are some annoying boogers on the left one, specifically around the tip of his sword and the axe handle on his back, but the print is overall much nicer and the stringing issue is pretty much resolved. Actually i find this amount of stringing acceptable as long as it it functional print printed hotter to have better layer The nozzles used by Prusa are E3D V6 nozzles. 20 Online. com/model/3110-3d-benchy-2-colorsWays to Support TADA3DPrinting -Prusa Affiliate Link -By purchasing with this link, it Prusament PETG extremes Stringing. Only about 10 hours of use—happened on the first print, too, but resolved itself. if they are before the nozzle lands, at Adjust Your Temperature Settings. I am stumped on this one. I think prusa spent a long time finding their magic numbers. Find out the causes and solutions of stringing in PETG, a common filament for 3D printing. Most 3D printer brands provide similar recommendations, so All things related to Prusa 3D printers. I'm trying to stringlessly print this with Hatchbox PLA. A few quick notes: PETG is prone to absorbing moisture. Grundsätzlich tritt ein Bespannen oder Nässen auf, wenn das schmelzende Filament sickert, während sich die Düse zwischen zwei Punkten bewegt. My options for the next move are to clear the settings back to default and start tuning again from bed leveling and temperature using the skinned Elegoo Cura 4. It's PLA+ and was printing without stringing from PrusaSlicer less than an hour before the nozzle change. com So far my new Mk3 has been working really well. try 0. 5mm or less without stringing. I've printing with PLA and completed a temperature tower with stringing. Hi All, I'm a new purse mini+ user, and I have issues with stringing with a brand new prusament petg. I have tried drying the filament at 42 C for 6 hours, and the picture above is the print that i got shortly It is Prusa mini 3d printer that comes with really well prepared profiles for common materials in Prusa slicer. If you can rule out the causes of the stringing problem listed above, you should check the print temperature. Prusa Research Youtube Link - Nozzle Seal Adjustmenthttps://www. This causes prints to have a high amount of oozing and stringing. 70K subscribers in the prusa3d community. MK4 PLA Stringing. I am running default settings on PrusaSlicer and have just updated the firmware on both MK3s and MMu2s. com/thing:2450004temperature test: https://www. RE: Stringing and Holes - HELP 🙁. But then I tried the Castle, and there was a ton of stringing, really ugly. If I put the Zhop to 0 it might have 2-3 strings compared to about 10 with shop default. Checking the thermistor, values are ok (between 150-210), so Prusa mini+ PETG stringing. Try drying your spool or using another to see if the stringing is still an issue. If you are using Prusa Slicer go to Printer Settings > Retraction and set Length to 4mm and Lift Z to 0. Please help a newbie with stringing? Overture PETG using PrusaSlicer Question/Need help All default settings, except "detect thin walls" is checked and PETG temps 255 for first layer and 260 up. Show off your prints, or ask a question Stringing or oozing, also known as "hairy prints", is the name given for when small strings of filament are left on a printed model. Hello, I am trying to optimize my prusa mini to get rid of oozing and stringing and unfortunately didn't find a lot about it for the MINI so I started dialing around the usual buttons. Mit Aceton lässt sich die Düse selbst nicht reinigen, da PLA in Basic Stringing Test. However, I'm not sure this is the correct fix, as the default temp is default for a reason Print the same with a 0. 5, Mk2. I'm mostly happy with my prints but there's still some things I'm figuring out. Open comment sort options. Dieses Problem führt zu druckvollen „Haaren“, die sich nur schwer entfernen Stringing is very hard to eliminate with FDM printing, especially with things like mini's that have lots of small features that require a small amount of material to be extruded quickly before a retraction. Got a MK3S a month ago and after some simple calibration issues and some users errors (I’m totally new to 3DP) I’ve been getting consistently great prints, until the last few days. Read on for three easy ways to fix PETG stringing! However, drying *does* reduce stringing. PLA Severe stringing and blobbing on nozzle. I also replaced the metal throat with a bondtech clone was was 2 for 10 bucks. Pictures of boxes and shipping notices are considered low-effort and will be removed. 0 beta firmware, turned on Travel Lift with settings suggested by @OB1 here and my stringing is just about gone! I started at 190° with input shaping, looked great, so now I'm trying to ramp the temperature back up. I’m using the Prusa slicer and I started with using the default mini profile and I’ve tried modifying multiple settings including the following Improving Stringing during tool change. This usually happens when the filament Troubleshooting > Print Quality Troubleshooting Stringing is, without a doubt, one of the most widespread issues in the world of 3D printing, with every 3D printing enthusiast most likely coming across the problem at least once in their 3D printing journey, where the stringy plastic ends up invading the whole surface of the 3D printed model and completely ruins its aesthetics. It's all factory. What can I do to improve it?Thanks c5739626-img_0700. Extreme stringing with new filament and correct settings. Top. com/watch?v=HDRa0PzoqtIWays to Support TADA3DPrinting -Prusa Affiliate Link -By purch As far as other settings go I'd look at the test files Prusa provides (for example those with the new imput shaping) since Prusa tuned these for the mk4 and for prusament galaxy black. Also you can use temp towers or special string towers to test. For PLA, reducing the nozzle temperature to 190C completely eliminated PSA: "avoid crossing perimeters" makes stringing WORSE when dealing with thin walls or multiple thin wall items. Printer Prusa Mini+ Material Prusament PETG Layer Height 0. 8, or attempt tuning Klipper directly. Once you do, it may help significantly with stringing and other issues when slicing with Cura. Hi Folks. IMHO nozzle temp. I'm trying to calibrate my localy sourced PLA (Argentina) to reduce stringing, tried adding retraction from the 0. You may be able to dial in a 0. One immediate question is what profiles you're using. Prusa slicer by default set my settings lower then it should be according to the tool tip. The print on the left is the version with Lift Z set to 0. But the most essential methods include optimizing your retraction settings and printing at a temperature of 220°C – 250°C. 1. Yes, the crappy parts come out almost 2x faster, but the price is not acceptable to me. 4 and you will see it looks way better with Prusa slicer standard settings for petg or whatever you print with. It has been like this basically since I built the printer. At last, it’s my favorite hoodie. MMU3 Trip Stringing/Load Issue MultiMaterial New to MMU and having a lot of trouble with filament reloading after a change. I am using prusament pla and standard settings in prusa slicer. Pictures of boxes and shipping notices are considered low-effort and will All things related to Prusa 3D printers. Controversial PRUSA gave out "Golden Tickets" to Open Sauce presenters. Really doubt it picked up that much moisture so quickly. It looks like the filament is taking a shortcut in the curved part when extruding. 25 or a 0. My printer is a stock Prusa MK3S, issue started when it was still an MK3 and continued after the MK3S upgrade. Forgot to mention that I've printed the box with PLA and it printed almost perfectly. Explore customizable 3D designs tailored just for you. I cannot completely get rid of stringing on every print and detailed printing remains extremely challenging, but I am very close. On the Ender 3, the Bowden tube’s rigidity is often the culprit. More posts you may like r/prusa3d. 4mm retraction . Same print, same roll of filament : no stringing at all with my mk3s, horrible stringing with my mk4. the tuggy will come out perfect but other projects still have some stringing Reply reply MK3s Stringing 😢 HELP! Retraction settings or Hardware fix? Prusa friends, I could use a little help with stringing. I am using:. If they are created on the begging of a move you can use coasting to reduce it. Printing looks good but there's lots of stringing. I installed 2. There are several ways to reduce stringing and oozing on your Prusa. Even slight over-extrusion with PETG can increase stringing. No other settings were changed between the two. Prusa temp 240°C -> thermocouple temp 243°C. Prusament can be printed lower that 215c for sure. Ich habe seit einem Monat meinen Prusa Mini+ und bin begeistert von dem Drucker. I was also going by what I've read around the forums, where most people seem to print ABS at 255-265. Print this first without any retraction, this will print with a horrible stringing effect. This leads to the nozzle picking up debris/PETG, which creates blobs and, ultimately, print failure. On my MK4, however, I had some significant stringing (same filiment I /r/prusa is a place for people to discuss the open source Prusa 3d printer design. Stringing at all temps and those tiny pock marks are indicators of wet PETG. I recently changed from a 0. I'm waiting for the XL thermistor now, after Prusa sent me another MK4 thermistor which behaves better, but I still need to lower temp in my slicer by ~ 20degree (it was 35-40 before) so definitely thermistor issue in my case. Overcome this issue with these five simple solutions! All things related to Prusa 3D printers. The Ender 3 and Prusa are two of the most common printers that generate these issues. Tested both stock hotend and REVO micro after upgrade with almost exact behavior. I tried: baking the filament (tried PLA and PETG) reducing the temperature as low as 190 All things related to Prusa 3D printers. Stringing: Is No stringing possible? Notifications I expected to see lots of stringing at 0 and gradually less as retraction lengths increased. I read on forums that other people have this problem and I was hoping someone here had this problem but fixed All things related to Prusa 3D printers. Issue: I can't get rid of stringing no matter what I do. Uninstalled prusa and followed guide to wipe out all user settings before reinstalling - still stringing So, I went to print a temperature tower, something I'd never done before - heard this was easier in Cura with a plugin so downloaded Cura for the first time. This stringing is probably due to being kept in a disgustingly humid garage and not really anything to do with the machine. More . For PLA, reducing the nozzle temperature to 190C completely eliminated Stringing and oozing. However, i am experiencing some stringing as seen above. I have got some 3d printing experience with an Creality Ender 3 Pro and with this printer and the Simply3D slicer I'm able to get very nice prints, however I spend in the last couple of days endless hours to Settings to reduce stringing in PrusaSlicer. 64 K Topics. In my personal anecdotes, I live at about 20% rh, and prior to MK4 had *never* dried PETG. OR reboots again and corrupts the prusa USB key that came with awful stringing in prusaslicer with default settings, yet almost no stringing in Cura ? Share Add a Comment. Since then. 4 K Posts. 0 for PLA since going up from 3. show travel paths. If you get stringing on a prusa it's time for a new nozzle Reply reply Truth-Ambitious • I recently worked on my crazy stringing too, some was wetter filament (humidity here is usually very low but has been higher recently) Stringing. I use a MK4 with either a 0. 63. PLA und ASA lief relativ gut Stringing Issue with PLA-LW. Been messing with the All things related to Prusa 3D printers. 4mm brass nozzle that came stock to an 0. in Prusa profile for Prusament PETG is too high. Happy printing! Reply reply Then I bought the prusa and it's been completely different. With the latest firmware (5. Prusa is sending me a new iteration of their hotend thermistor, free of charge (So I guess it's a known issue, they didn't event discuss the How to Fix Stringing on a 3D Printer With Prusa Slicer. I can't figure how to fix this. Reduce temps as much as possible while still getting good extrusion and inter-layer adhesion. 2 K Topics. I have lots of stringing in a brand new mini + that arrived last week. The stringing probability is reduced by reducing the printing temperature. The layering on the photo on the Right is the Prusa default I have 3 Prusa MK3S’ and I can’t recall ever seeing significant stringing ever with normal PLA from any brand. I redid both the thermal In my experience the stringing is negligible after drying for 10 hours at 55C. The Skipped flow and temp testing and got a retraction of 1. Prusa temp 280°C -> thermocouple temp 284°C. The Mk3 can barely fit the print. They take a few steps to fully install, so be prepared to spend a few minutes getting them set up. Hello all, Currently, I am trying to print with 3DXtech PA6-CF filament using my Prusa Mk3a/+ printer which has been modified with a Bondtech Extruder and the Slice Magnum. New Prusa MINI with really bad stringing. So, according to these readings, the Prusa nozzle temperature calibration is good. The filaments aren't dry - they're brand new (tried the prusament samples that got shipped with the printer and eSun PLA+). PA6-CF long stringing with Travelmoves. Best. To keep things this way, we Prusa PLA silver (provided with printer - see attached photo) I have printed a temperature tower of the Hatchbox gold, and was able to reduce stringing that way (by reducing temp). Somewhat helpful settings too, but less important: Limit the maximum speed, I use 120mm/sec, maximum print speed to 90 mm/sec Temperature seems to play only a secondary role in the stringing problem, I use 230C. LW PLA is, therefore, more suitable for printing in a single pass, such as the vase mode when Constant stringing on the Prusa Mini+ . Out of desperation I sliced the stringing test file in cura instead and the stringing was almost completely gone straight out of the gate. r/prusa3d. If you print only one part then the nozzle will not travel across open space and stringing will be minimal All things related to Prusa 3D printers. ini file hope it contains all the infos regarding the settings, I've printed a temp tower and it seems good at 215-220, I choosed to use 215 to reduce the stringing, and I've increase a little bit the retraction distance (I've used New Prusa MINI with really bad stringing. Solutech Flexible Filament. $\begingroup$ At which layer did this happen, or at what height? You can look into that layer/height in your slicer. Hallo Leute. With just fine results. 5/S Re: ABS stringing / oozing. Need advice reducing the stringing on PLA-LW . Stringing, and especially those small whispers is a tough one to tune because there are so many things that could affect it I wouldn't be able to tell you which This is the most string-prone pattern that I discovered. RE: Stringing und jetzt andere "Unregelmässigkeiten"? Verwendest Du die originalen Prusa Profile aus dem Prusaslicer? Zur Hotendreinigung: Versuch es mal mit ein oder mehreren "coldpulls". So: any tips on how to clean the strings off of the nozzle? Can’t stop the stringing! Hello Prusa team, I’m looking for some help with stringing issues. If you are using default settings in the slicer, and didn't adjust anything (try taking everything back to stock) it shouldn't be an issue Stringing. One of the filaments (the The idea is to “pull” the string of extruded filament behind the nozzle, so it drops less. Zur Zeit drucke ich mit dem "Input Shaper". Using two small instead of some of this quarter pounder temptowers saves time and money. You can find more tips for 3d-printing on my website:https://c-arts-models. Currently I’m printing in 225 degrees in MK4 with worst results then my MK3 with 245 degrees. Here are images of the bracket in both PLA (Prusa Galaxy Black) and PETG (eSun Black). 68. 6 mm. Most articles mention Cura as it is open source, free, and popular in the community. I have had my MINI+ since May of this year and it has been great. Waiting for the Revo Micro before trying this calibration for retractions with PLA) Prusa MK3S+ 0,6mm nozzle Satin sheet Filament PM PETG (new spool from drybag) 235c/85c Problem petg causes stringing(?) inside the model. If you print for a long time from a single type of filament, such as PET-G, the filament can create a thin layer in the nozzle. Show off your prints, or ask a question. All things related to Prusa 3D printers. de/carts_models_web/3ddruck/3ddruck_ti RE: How much stringing is too much? This issue is bigger than changing a nozzle or retraction. An easy way to narrow down your options is to consider the type of printer you have. Having this setting lower will improve Try a new nozzle. On the E3D extruder, it is strongly recommended to never retract more than 0. stringing test: https://www. 444. There are still strings on the mounting holes, but I didn't care about those. youtube. 3mm and All things related to Prusa 3D printers. if you see the second photo on the post that was at 190 as well printed perfectly , anything higher even at 195° it starts to ooze blob and string badly . Prusa mini+ has a stringing problem. When I print with the default settings for Prusa PLA I do get stringing, not as bad as the stringing shown in the picture, but it's still there. The PETG is heavily stringed. Notifications In my experience, stringing is a function of temperature and retraction. 2-0. 0. I'm new to PrusaSlicer and the MK4, not to 3d printing or CuraSlicer. Less heat, less stringing normally. 5S, Mk3 and Mk3S as having a 2mm ID cold end liner PTFE Tube, and the knowlegde base says that the printers with MMU2 should have a Original Prusa i3 MK3 & MK3S & MK3S+ Assembly and first prints troubleshooting. No any problems with PLA Stringing or oozing, also known as "hairy prints", is the name given for when small strings of filament are left on a printed model. 70 K Members. One of the most annoying ones is stringing - I've only been using the included filament so far I spoke with the Prusa Support yesterday. 2 mm). 2 K Members. Due to your replies and further research I have been able to download a Cura profile for the Prusa Mk3S. Prusa would be inundated by support tickets if they were. This usually happens when the filament Increase the Retraction Length and disable z-hop. Stringing help! Tried everything. 2 years ago. Topic Tags: Stringing (171), stringing pla mini+ mini (3), Share: Forum Statistics. 6 K Posts. Pretty much what is says in the title. Never had this problem on my MK2. Und der druckt automatisch mit einer höheren Temperatur. [deleted] ADMIN MOD Prusa i3 MK3S+ stringing . 6 (Was using 2. 6 nozzle, but even with that it heavily depends on the condition of the filament if you get stringing or not. I haven't really bothered with it after changing a few settings in which barely helped. Discover. 05mm steps e. Dies geschieht normalerweise, wenn das Filament aus der Düse weiterfließt, 11 votes, 20 comments. Ich habe die Halterung für den AUX Ventilator damit sogar ohne stringing und auf Standard Geschwindigkeit gedruckt. I did some retraction test with prusaslicer and prusament profile. Checking again this morning, I do get a tiny blob after the initial prime strip and wipe before it moves onto the skirt, so the oozing does seem to be consistent during the whole print, and is manifesting in the stringing due to the fast movement. This can cause stringing as the strands of the filament stick to the surface of the When troubleshooting stringing issues try to determine where the blobs you see in the string are created. I originally had a MK2, and it printed perfect from the moment I assembled it. I used the profile for Ultrafuse PA in the Prusa menu and adjusted the extrusion temp to the middle of the Overture range at 260C and the bed to 50 for 1st layer and 40C thereafter. Due to the Bowden extruder, the retraction length of the Original Prusa MINI/MINI+ presets are much longer (default 3. Stock settings. Topic Tags: stringing (171), blobs (37), bondtech (54), ifs (1), Share: Forum Statistics. Ever. . This makes me think it has to be 2 Color Benchyhttps://www. 7. Curious if it was the color or the tool head I changed the print to use heads 1 and 3 instead of 2 and that specific form of stringing went away. The stringing problem often occurs because the print temperature is too high. Oozing and stringing. when i print small parts on my prusa mini, i got really severe stringing on any prints and i was wondering what calibration or settings i need to do to reduce stringing Locked post Prusa MINI+ bad stringing issues . thingiverse. I put together the Prusa Mini kit about 2 months ago and get pretty bad stringing (otherwise everything else is pretty decent, except some over extrusion on some perimeters which is a different post I assume). Hi, I just bought the MINI kit and I really struggle with stringing from the start with this printer. You could try printing and using a tube clip to help it get loose RE: MK4 PLA Stringing. I'm experiencing issues with stringing while using the Multi-Toolhead Prusa XL (2TL) with stock . 15mm Infill 100% Everything else is default. The part is coming out clean on the MK3, with very little stringing or "crumbles". Quelle: Prusa-Drucker. Other than stringing i havent has any issues but as u can see from the picture it takes me a long time to clean this up to be used. Please keep us updated. Members Online • send_prolapsed_anus . All things related to Prusa 3D Drying always should be the first step in solving stringing even when it's a new spool straight out of the plastic, and especially for hygroscopic materials like PETG, TPU and Nylon. 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