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<h1>Percy jackson sith fanfiction. 
Percy Jackson: the Guardian of the force.</h1>

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<div class="article-single-meta-item">Percy jackson sith fanfiction  I wonder about death, what happens after we die.  Clearly, I underestimated how much I would write, but I had way too much fun developing relationships between Percy and Anakin and Percy and Obi-Wan, plus exploring the difference in philosophy between Percy and the Jedi.  The gods and demigods read the Percy Jackson Series Part 1 of The Fates' wish Please Review :) PERCY JACKSON IS OWNED BY RICK RIORDAN Rated: Fiction T - English - Annabeth C.  Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi who found me, took me to Coruscant and presented me to the Jedi Council.  He discovers a unique special talent which saves his dad's company, without him ever knowing.  Enough to impress me, you have more talent than my first Apprentice, Sidious.  Percy Jackson and the sapphire flame (Silas-the-Sith 05) - Percy x Azula (PJO x Avatar the last air bender) - so! In this universe when Percy arrives at camp Poseiden takes pity on him and asks hermes to take him to the ATLA universe to save him from everything that would have happened.  You're like me.  The owl took a step closer to the demigod.  He started to realize why Percy was so shaken up, and what Percy probably left out when he had told him what had happened in the dream.  Porphyrion struggled to get free.  Dec 7, 2024 · Percy Jackson finds himself inexplicably transported from into the tumultuous Prequel era of the Star Wars galaxy, only a few years from the Jedi Order's most dire challenge: The Clone Wars.  You weren't my Percy,&quot; she cried.  With a hard hiss, a radiant blade of sapphire light blazed into existence.  You could hate someone, sure, but you couldn't act upon that hate.  When Percy returned from his first quest, he came home to find his mom had been murdered by Gabe.  &quot;You did great, Annabeth.  Part 1 of Rhea Jackson; Language: English Words: 741 According to Darth Plagueis, thirty Sith Lords existed in the time between the Seventh Battle of Ruusan and the rise of the Sith during the Battle of Naboo.  &quot;Ok, ow.  &quot;Hello, sea spawn.  But he ignored him as he looked directly at Percy.  I would carry it with me always.  'What?', you say.  Percy slowly gets up and finds he is in different clothes.  After I had reported to the council I was walking around the temple not really going anywhere until I saw my old friend Anakin Skywalker, we were about the same age and admitted to the order at an unorthodox age so we looked out for each other &quot;hey Skywalker I heard you where appointed to the council just after I was debriefed, so should I call you master Skywalker now Swift, dangerous, tactical, powerful, all the things that a Sith needed.  The fatal blow was dealt by yours truly.  There are only two: the Mar 10, 2024 · The fusion of Percy Jackson and the DC universe that absolutely no one asked for, but that I brought anyway.  The heresy of Darth Bane has forever tainted them.  then Annabeth gave Sally a big hug, and started silently crying in her shoulder at the reminder of her boyfriend.  Oct 12, 2017 · Fem!Harry.  Annabeth appreciated how, unlike the Olympians who had their thrones in the shape of a U to emphasize Zeus and his siblings 'power and importance, the Jedi preferred more of an Arthurian approach, keeping their chairs in a circle to suggest that they all had equal At this point, the data crystal represented the evidence Percy had gathered on Senator Dare's involvement with the Sith Empire and his betrayal of the Jedi Knights on Yarvin 4.  Maris looked confused, so the Sith explained. Olympus is going down and the Olympians are herolessor at least that's what Kronos thinks.  But never before has he faced the Sith.  I tried to move, but my dream-self seemed rooted to the spot. , Percy J.  &quot;You were brought together to glimpse the occurrences of a world far from other dimensions He no longer wears a suit to breath.  I put my arm around him and held him tightly.  &quot;We need to talk.  The Blackjack was literally the best starship money could buy.  Percy Jackson was currently standing at the entrance of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant; His home after leaving Earth when he was called for a new task.  &quot;You are very old then.  The past lovers look at one another smiling.  Part 1 of Rhea Jackson; Language: English Words: 741 2. &quot; &quot;There has not been in Sith sighted in over a thousand years!&quot; Qui-Gon exclaimed to me.  They don't expect Percy to conquer the pit and return for revenge, so what will they do when he does? Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Angst - Percy J.  &ldquo;oh, he is my son, he should be here soon, if you wish to meet him. &quot; &quot;Night Piper.  &quot;SALLY&quot; cried all the future demigods.  I was the child of prophecy that saved Olympus against the Titan army.  TW: abused!Percy and mentions of self-harm.  Percy willed all the water in the air to pool around the feet of the giant.  Any suggestions? Most likely percy/female multi.  Pairing undecided.  Nico Di Angelo may be back, but Lord Reaper is still lurking in the shadows.  The gods stood still, tense in their seats, and among the silent demigods Percy Jackson stiffened in his seat, remembering the first time he saw the fates in their yard spinning and Atropo cut a blue thread, which only later was discovered to be Luke's.  It sounded old and powerful. &quot; Aug 6, 2016 · After twenty years of being galactic heroes, Percy has once again been plunged into a war that would end in a lot of deaths.  &quot;Good look Percy&quot; the doctor said shielding his eyes whilst signalling everybody else to do so.  He is no longer a Sith.  But that's not all, Percy also possesses a unique power: the Percy smirked as he felt Palpatine's anger wash over him like a nice spring breeze.  I yawned from my throne as Zeus babbled on about some problem that Olympus had yet again.  Me: YAY! Ok, so first I wish to say thank you to 'imaginexwriter9' for allowing me to use &quot;When the Moon Fades&quot; and 'Xed Alpha' for letting me use &quot;Broken Bow&quot; So as you can guess from the Title and the prologue the characters of the Percy Jackson series including 'imaginexwriter9's character Seth Hunter in &quot;When the Moon Fades&quot; and Armani Dove from Xed Alpha's &quot;Broken Bow&quot; as well as some of May 4, 2023 · We, the voice announced, are ancient beings, servants of the sith.  Fanfiction.  After I had reported to the council I was walking around the temple not really going anywhere until I saw my old friend Anakin Skywalker, we were about the same age and admitted to the order at an unorthodox age so we looked out for each other &quot;hey Skywalker I heard you where appointed to the council just after I was debriefed, so should I call you master Skywalker now a series of oneshot smut stories in the percy jackson story.  Aug 1, 2013 · When Percy is betrayed by the gods and cast into Tartarus, they expect to never see him again.  Paul likes being her dad.  Everyone's faces seemed to darken. &quot; The stuttering response of Grace was cut short as Jackson severed the communication.  Annabeth sobbed at the admission.  I don't know what would have happened between Percy and I if he was still alive.  Percy Jackson and the Olympians crossover fanfiction archive.  No doubt this Sith had tried to convince Percy that he was destined to become his name.  &quot;Percy Jackson, you have got to be the most IDIOTIC demigod I've ever met!&quot; Dec 12, 2020 · Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Star Wars: The Clone Wars crossover fanfiction archive with over 10 stories.  &quot;The Sith Empire has no need for trained weaklings who can't beat a mere boy with a stolen saber, Cleet.  I was also one of the 7 demigods of prophecy that forced Mother Earth back into slumber. 56.  Jackson stared at his guardian for a moment before turning to Palpatine, &quot;I'm sorry if I offended you, Senator.  Previously: &quot;Of course, Uncle.  Give it a review or follow if you'd like to For a better explanation than the summary above, this is a story with Percy Jackson as the MC in the Star Wars Universe.  A/N: This story will be roughly following the chronological order of the chapters in The Lightning Thief.  One guest said he wanted a Percy x Zoe which made me laugh cause he obviously doesn't realize that this is after the Titan's Curse meaning she's dead.  He had ended the Mandalorian Wars, sure.  Entropy.  The centaur stood in front of Percy prompting a roar from the Minotaur.  I still haven't decided on the pairing yet, some people want a Percy x Artemis while others wouldn't mind Percy x Hera.  &quot;And what of it?&quot; He asked in return, prepared to take his leave if necessary.  &quot;What's happening to me&quot; Percy asked scared &quot;Regeneration.  Series.  Percy proceeded to gently pick up the baby, holding her in his arms.  Sitting in the sand, staring into the setting sun, I took the scrap of Percy's burial shroud and tied it onto my camp necklace.  Jan 12, 2023 · Vader didnt have to use the force to feel the megaton glower Jackson was currently levelling towards the other ships in the system. &quot; &quot;I don't want to go&quot; Percy said crying.  So after the Giant War, a lot of things happened.  She laid back, and Percy lifted her long tan legs to get a better handle on her smooth body. &quot; Qui-Gon's eyes had a mischievous gleam, &quot;Do keep Jar-Jar out of trouble while I do so.  Jan 1, 2022 · Percy looks to see a beautiful woman looking at him his kindness.  Percy Jackson, abandon, betrayed, hated and all alone.  Hades and his roman counterpart, Pluto, would be unable to completly finish the spell because he has to know the sith language to lead the arm that drags the spirit into chao's Percy screamed as his left elbow came down smashing into her stomach and crashing her into the ground, her armor ripped like paper and tore apart her stomach, she cried out in pain as ichor flowed from the wound, she suddenly lunged from the ground, her spear going straight for Percy only to phase through him, she tried again and again it Percy has fallen to the dark side and is now on a mission to destroy the republic and the jedi as well as take over the galaxy can anakin stop him or will the sith rule once again, don't own either, on hiatus Above the Winter Moonlight is a fanfiction author that has written 104 stories for Warriors, Inheritance Cycle, Star Wars, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, Danny Phantom, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh, Code Geass, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V, Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Star Wars, and D. &rdquo; Percy Jackson: The Rise Of Darth Malak Fanfiction.  Based on my original outline, I thought Episode I would be about 20 chapters and 30k words.  Not everyone approves of him or his unconventional ways, but he makes it clear to anyone that asks.  Nox will meet new people and learn the truth of who he is.  Betrayed by Annabeth, Percy finds happiness and love again in The Hunt.  The ice was as blue as a glacier.  Then everything comes crashing down.  Percy nodded he looked to Brutus once more before walking away with Annabeth and Grover right Percy Jackson: the Guardian of the force.  Percy seemingly managed to gain the upper hand and struck at Jason with three downward strikes.  Who was discretely looking at Poseidon.  The Sith? They use the Dark Side.  A bit OOC.  - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,060 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 110 - Updated: 11/27/2011 - Published: 11/6/2011 - id: 7530005 Mar 3, 2021 · Fanfiction.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Star Wars: The Clone Wars universe.  Previously: &quot;In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor I welcome our esteemed allies, the Kyoshi Warriors!&quot; King Kuei proclaimed loudly, unaware of the vipers he'd welcomed into his city.  He was the one that murdered all of those little kids several months back.  Beckendorf] - Chapters: 17 - Words: 52,828 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 166 Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson, all characters belong to Rick Riordan.  &quot;You formed a bond with that rancor, and I killed it, causing you misery and increasing your rage.  Join Nico Di Angelo as he try's to change the Fate of a galaxy wide war, while trying to cope with the demons inside. ) pairings. , Grover, Percy J.  &quot;Sally Blofis, mother of Percy Jackson.  I have no idea why I thought it appropriate to say this, and deeply apologize for it.  The war with Gaea and the Giants was over, and Percy was excited to have the chance to spend time with his beautiful girlfriend.  After death, all, mothers, brothers, sisters, are nothing but a distant memory, and a burden.  computers,Scrolls,books,Letters,Telekenetic communication. &quot; said Paul.  It seems war is all he knows, and it is all he is good at. P.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Star Wars universe.  He stared at the ash-filled campfire.  &quot;Enough,&quot; He said, raising his hand, the creatures freezing in place as Sally straightened, still on high alert, &quot;You have done well, Sally Jackson.  He ignited his saber and relieved Cleet of his head. ) what should Percy and the other demigods midichlorian count be? You're tight,&quot; Percy muttered as he rubbed her wet clitoris.  But now, here is a complete history of the various Sith Lords, who's millennia of scheming allowed for the Sith to destroy the Republic and eradicate Sally dies protecting 2 year-old Percy Jackson from the Minotaur.  Where the light is order, the dark is death.  5. Gray-Man.  Destruction.  &quot;Who are you M'Lady?&quot; Percy asks with respect &quot;Come with me Perseus, Hestia, Zoe, Bianca as we need to talk&quot;, the woman states.  The Sith are powerful, monstrously so, but they are few.  You weren't the Percy that set zebras free from a semi truck in Nevada, you were&hellip;&quot; &quot;A monster,&quot; he finished for her. &quot; ( - ) Author Note - Alright everyone so this is the end of chapter 9 of Percy Jackson &amp; The Sapphire Flame and I hoped y'all Chapter 15.  We'll talk there.  Beckendorf] - Chapters: 15 - Words: 51,646 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 138 &quot;Hi Mom,&quot; Percy says, opening his arms for a hug.  May 4, 2023 · We, the voice announced, are ancient beings, servants of the sith. &quot; Jackson replied, cautiously.  They all hugged her.  Just then Percy's face started to glow like his body and Percy Jackson was no more.  Read along as Percy lives with the Gods, and finds a place in their hearts.  But when he is rejected by Artemis upon expressing his love, he is broken more than ever.  &quot;While the Jedi use the Light Side of the Force. , Piper M.  7.  &quot;What are Sith?&quot; I asked.  Now that the rush of hiding her presents has worn off, Estelle is crashing and her head rests on his chest.  &quot;Stuff it, you overgrown tube sock,&quot; Harry snaps at Cait-Sith angrily, &quot;Shouldn't you be curled up on Luna's lap like a good kitten you pretend to be,&quot; Harry tells it.  Percy stepped toward the Sith, which caused said Sith to unconsciously take a step back. &quot; She shares, trying not to be too intimidated.  The Earthshaker greatly underestimated his son's refusal to play by the rules, for Percy Jackson was about to change the bending nations forever.  Hi, I'm Percy Jackson; you may know me as the Hero of Olympus.  I apologize to any and all Michael Vey FanFic writers and any and everyone else who may have been offended by this statement. &quot; Nov 22, 2015 · Dr.  Percy Jackson and the Gaia System.  &quot;Who are you?&quot; Percy asks Apr 24, 2012 · The battle continued to rage as Jason and Percy fought the leader of the giants. &quot; Jaro spat on the ground next to the kneeling, defeated Sith.  Then without warning, Percy began thrusting in and out, causing Annabeth to yell cries of joy and moans of passion.  Reaching into the Force, Plagueis found his midichlorians rebuilding his body and increasing his powers in the Force astonished the old Sith Master.  Post anything from requests, fanfic suggestions, hell lemons as well, if it&rsquo;s fanfic, you can post it here.  Am I being cocky? Yeah I think so.  After the betrayal of so many campers, they left Camp Half-Blood only to be picked up by the Jedi Order.  &quot;Uh, I honestly have no idea why I've been included in this, but I'm Sally Jackson, Percy's mother.  Part of the Darkverse, rated M for violence, gore, lost limbs, decapitation, language and more.  We do not recognise your sith.  &quot;Well, I'm going to go call Captain Panaka.  Percy asked.  If you have any more questions just ask me in the reviewers box or PM me (I've been reading to much Percy Jackson fics on this website cause on the last chapter I said IM me instead of PM me LOL). &quot; Percy seemingly managed to gain the upper hand and struck at Jason with three downward strikes.  Sue me, you won't get anything.  I don't own anything.  A long time ago, there was a war between the Jedi &quot;Yes, there is no doubt in my mind that the Sith have returned from hiding, and at least two of them are after the queen.  Obedience clearly did not come easily to him.  A reminder of Percy, my best friend and love. &quot; Then the Master jumped through the burned hole in the wall and down the shaft, chasing her Sith Lord quarry Feb 9, 2023 · Percy Jackson ends up floating in the ocean of Kamino.  I sit in a cushy chair with a Naboo laptop that Annabeth programmed specially to sift through all the information and recordings we receive from our spy mission on Tatooine. V.  ( - ) Author Note - Alright everyone so this is the end of the first chapter/prologue of Percy Jackson &amp; The Sapphire Flame and I hope y'all enjoyed it.  So, when Fates appear before Olympians with a proposal to answer a summon of help from a foreign world, Percy takes the offer to find a change and meaning in his life.  Star Wars and Percy Jackson and the Olympians crossover fanfiction archive with over 54 stories.  Neutral Sith I.  Spells,and Divine angry voices.  I shudder to think of the day when Wattpad and fanfiction will be obsolete.  It was destroyed under his eyes. &quot; Olympus is clueless,Kronos has risen,an anti-Olympian army has formed,and a secret weapon is deployed. &quot; The boy looked like he had swallowed something bitter. O.  And unfortunately for them, the soul governing his body is not big on loyalty Percy is left behind and discovered by chaos who needs an assassin first story pls dont be too critical Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Percy J.  Hazel, could you lead us there?&quot; Percy said, rubbing the back of his head.  Luke and Leia were becoming more powerful by the day and so was my clone army and my sith following, &quot;master when will we destroy the Jedi and avenge my parents&quot; Luke asked &quot;soon my apprentice and then you will become a sith master and get an apprentice of your own&quot; I said It all started with a wish, but because it was Percy Jackson it couldn't have been a friendly goddess granting him a wish.  Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (14233) Nico di Angelo/Will Solace (5889) Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson (3200) Jason Grace/Piper McLean (3020) Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang (2957) Annabeth Chase &amp; Percy Jackson (1981) Jason Grace/Percy Jackson (1677) Nico di Angelo &amp; Percy Jackson (1391) Apollo/Percy Jackson (1219) Percy Jackson &amp; Sally Jackson (1212) &quot;I have been a Jedi Master, a Sith Lord, a soldier, a prisoner, and then at the end of my life I was what I have always been, a warrior of the Force.  I had never gotten to tell him how I felt.  In a world where Greek mythology comes to life, Percy Jackson, a seemingly normal boy, discovers that he is a demigod, son of Poseidon, god of the sea.  Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or the ATLA universe because I'm a broke-ass college student.  Percy's sudden arrival becomes a catalyst for unforeseen events, as his presence changes the plans and catches the attention of both Jedi and Sith.  The beast growled, a horrible, gurgling noise echoed through the cavernous temple.  No, it had to be Nemesis, goddess of revenge and balance.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor - Annabeth C.  Percy guided the ship away from Naboo as Annabeth entered the coordinates into the navicomputer for the jump to hyperspace.  It was then that he decided to intervene. &quot; &quot;But surly the Jedi Council would have sensed something.  And he is taking the Trials to become a Jedi Knight.  As Percy hugs Sally, Estelle tugs at the bottom of Paul's shirt and he picks her up in his arms, propping her on his hip.  &quot;Revenge&quot; Brutus growled.  'A throne?' Why indeed, I had a throne now, because I, Percy Danger Jackson, was an Olympian.  &quot;Because if young Percy's dream was right about this Sith apprentice hunting us, then I'm sure the rest of his dream is also true.  Sep 10, 2023 · Her voice was low as she continued, &quot;I didn't recognize you at that moment.  &quot;Why yes, yes we should be,&quot; Cait-Sith says before hopping down from his perch on top of the tree limb and landing on a large stone next to the path.  (sorry, I still love Sally!) Hey there folks coming at you with another new story here, this time a crossover with Star Wars and Percy Jackson, clearly there are some massive changes between the pjo elements and their original form including our main character Percy.  Chapter 3.  All the heroes who fought in the war were rewarded with something.  He shrinks down to human size and wanders over hesitant. ' well guys, I hope you enjoyed that, now you have a choice, to continue or not to continue, that is the question.  Imperious had asked why Percy was so jumpy and the son of the sea god had told him the when he was on Ogygia, Percy and Calypso had fallen into a Brother/Sister After the Death of Revan and the Emperor now having returned.  &quot;Ahsoka, I think I can handle a crippled Sith Lord who requires a full body suit to survive,&quot; Luminara said.  After twenty years of being galactic heroes, Percy has once again been plunged into a war that wo For some reason they seem to happen around Percy Jackson (because naturally the strange things must happen to him), Annabeth Chase (she always gets dragged into whatever mess Percy's found himself in), and Nico di Angelo (as if being the son of Hades wasn't strange enough). ] [Silena B.  &quot;They are,&quot; I said calmly.  Like Sidious or Dooku&hellip;or himself.  He isn't a Jedi.  He guessed his others had been destroyed. BURN. Taken from Earth by a Sith Lord, Percy Jackson will become one of the greatest Sith in history.  &quot;So, this is the mysterious Percy Jackson who has been causing so much trouble,&quot; the Sith Lord mused. &quot; Chiron said sternly.  Rey wouldn't wish it upon anyone. &quot; The old Jedi slipped away to make his call before Percy could stop him.  - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,161 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 130 - Follows: 178 - Updated 2.  Follow.  It was a good thing it was a warm night, or else he and Piper would have been freezing.  By 1710 both Annabeth and I are in her room.  What is it?&quot; Master Mundi asked. &quot; The Demigod Sith Fanfiction.  Darth Nox returning from searching for lost Sith knowledge with his loyal companion HK-51.  &quot;Percy!&quot; &quot;Because there is nothing left to cause me misery,&quot; Reaper replied.  &quot;Who's there?&quot; Now Percy would either be in Elysium with Annabeth and his friends, or he would be immortal. &quot; I shrugged and said, &quot;A good slug-thrower would put you on the back foot.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians universe.  Apparently there had once been a Jedi code, along with a Sith code, but that Jedi code had been lost sometime during the Empire's reign, and the Sith one with the end of the Sith.  His new name, Darth Saladin.  However the Sith Lords' ancient teachings continued to plague the galaxy as the term Sith branched to refer to an arcane cult of devotees who dedicated themselves to studying the dark side lore and ways of the original Sith; taking the species' name as their own, rather than being connected to the species itself.  &quot;Mom!?&quot; Percy sprints to her and hugging her tight.  Then he lifted the pan pipes hanging around his neck to his lips and played a few quick notes that caused his best friend to smack himself in the forehead.  These were my original ideas: Lab Rats: Percy is Marcus and he seems evil, but turns out to be good (lasted a week before declared a bad idea) Avatar: Percy is Aang and Jason is possessed by Gaea and forced into the Earth Lord (idea lasted two weeks before declared Plan B) The sith that created this spell was Martha Ragnos, a sith mage that was the only one that could destroy spirits in the plain of the living and the plain of the dead.  Percy yelled for Jason to Time flies, but we feel stationary, and bored.  I've been expecting you.  R.  After the reinforcements got to us me and a scout team when to see how well guarded the temple was, there were spider droid patrols and super battle droid sentries, we went back to our men, &quot;ok I have an idea&quot; I said, &quot;if we put snipers in the trees we can take out the B2's and the we use the tanks to take out the spiders&quot; &quot;Well, I'm going to go call Captain Panaka.  War never ends, and he has been tasked to lead men into battle.  Percy's eyes seemed to shine with power as the pools of water froze into solid blocks of ice.  &quot;I want in.  Percy Jackson spoke, his tone of voice so familiar, it was filled with so much love, happiness and excitement.  Percy looked ready to bolt to the ramp and look for the island's only occupant, Calypso.  It was a testament to Jackson's deep respect for Panaka that the boy did as the captain asked.  The man probably feeling the finger Percy flipped at his back if his chuckle was any indication.  Annabeth's second chance had began and it had begun again with a simple 'Hello.  When Imperious landed his sith fighter, he felt something, like a warning in the force.  You're a time lord from Gallifray.  Percy and Jason have not been seen in years.  Perseus hones this skill until he is 7, when his parents die in an accident.  Annabeth appreciated how, unlike the Olympians who had their thrones in the shape of a U to emphasize Zeus and his siblings 'power and importance, the Jedi preferred more of an Arthurian approach, keeping their chairs in a circle to suggest that they all had equal Chapter 3.  Ahsoka wanted to protest, but Luminara ordered &quot;Stay here and guard Gunray.  Olympus is clueless,Kronos has risen,an anti-Olympian army has formed,and a secret weapon is deployed. ) all I know from star wars, is from the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, and the sequel trilogy, which I don&rsquo;t know if I will write about, and I know a bit about the clone wars tv show.  The Sith Master tilted his head, as he considered me.  Jacks (Percy) and Jaks will encounter the Greek Pantheon and discover that yes, Lightning can indeed be stolen.  Poseidon finds him and decides to raise Percy by himself. , C.  One day it was just like any normal day, but a new Demigod son of Zeus came and royally fucked him.  That was what being a Jedi was all about.  Annabeth whimpered a retort, but it was lost in her groans of pleasure.  Percy: Wait, you're me? Me: Yeah, I'm PercyJacksonSonofPoseidon! Percy: Oh yeah.  Please review.  She seemed very overconfident for a Jedi Master.  In the end I was betrayed and left to. &quot; Percy said, massaging the place where Grover thought his brain would have been had he had one.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Star Wars and Percy Jackson and the Olympians universe.  Focus: Books Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Since: 12-02-14. , Annabeth C.  &quot;You weren't the Percy I know and love. &quot; Thanatos looked wary &quot;Darth Vader is a force user like Imperious, but unlike Imperious, Darth Vader uses the dark side.  He's then taken in by the fire nation and grows up there.  Ares spoke first &quot;Darth Vader is the lord of the Sith, the right hand man to the Emperor.  Sally dies protecting 2 year-old Percy Jackson from the Minotaur.  Exagol, planet of the Sith: Darth Sidious walked through the ominous looking halls of the ancient, Sith temple.  He has saved so many worlds that he has lost count.  He gently pinched her cheeks, before planting a kiss.  &quot;Percy,&quot; Panaka warned.  Because Benthatguy did a helluva job, and I wouldn't have ruined the live-action movies.  Post your favorite fanfic of Percy Jackson or anything related to Rick Riordans books- that includes Magnus chase and the Kane chronicles.  &quot;That will not be necessary Admiral, I will lead the fight from Jackson's destroyer.  Before long the lines between friend and foe quickly become indistinguishable.  By this time Chiron and Annabeth arrived.  After the Death of Revan and the Emperor now having returned.  Yet we dont know who these Sith are.  - Chapters: 27 - Words: 96,165 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 873 - Follows: 570 - Updated: 8/25/2021 - Published: 8/8/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13935704 Chapter 1.  The circular room had not changed much in the last six years with its large windows and impressive views of the city beyond.  They set me on fire, didn't care about me, curs #darthvader #gods #olympus #percyjackson #starkiller #starwars Percy Jackson best fanfic.  Percy POV: It's been a few days since I left Earth.  That's what scared me.  - Chapters: 14 - Words: 46,452 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 1/1 - Published: 10/6/2021 - id: 13968353 Disclaimer: We do not own Naruto, Percy Jackson or Dragon Ball Z.  Obi-Wan knew enough from his history studies that Siths had taken on new names to supposedly better reflect their character.  No one here knew the senator and Percy had met prior to this, meaning any reaction from the *cough*Sith*cough* would raise more questions than he would like.  Not everyone approves of Mar 26, 2023 · Percy Jackson ends up floating in the ocean of Kamino. sithpony is a fanfiction author that has written 8 stories for Spider-Man, Warcraft, My Little Pony, Adventure Quest, X-Men, Naruto, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, Marvel, Dungeons and Dragons, DragonFable, Game X-overs, and Mythology.  How can he break this curse and get home while keeping his true identity secret, or will he have to defy the gods to save everyone? Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson, the ATLA universe, or the first 9 &frac12; chapters.  Percy lunged forward and Jason spun, driving his saber backwards and between Percy's arm and torso and he dropped to his knees slowly, as if he was scared of death.  And he likes being Percy's dad too.  &quot;What should we name her?&quot; &quot;How about Athena?&quot; I suggested. &quot; Reyna sighed before turning and heading out of the temple.  Regaining some composure Annabeth managed to struggle back to unsteady feet.  Percy Jackson pulled a lightsaber hilt from his belt and as she stepped around her cowering and shaking body.  Please Review! I give you: Percy Jackson: Son of Poseidon and Lord of the Force &hellip;Chapter Two&hellip; Thirteen years in the past&hellip; Percy asked, looking from the black sword that Imperious held and to Reyna.  Coming to Earth after Order 66 with a faithful Clone Trooper.  &quot;Agreed, Percy and Hazel, escort Imperious and HK-47 to the my office.  Even though I was facing him directly, his hood was so deep, all I could make out was a pale chin and the tip of a nose.  A beautiful young woman could be walking up a flight of stairs the woman had light blue exotic skin with a darker shade as lipstick the woman was fairly tall and had long flowing white hair that reached all the way to her back.  I stood at the altar with the crystal in my hands, people telling me to smash it, to not smash it and I could feel the Dark side getting to me, as Gungi and Tom were shouting at me I made my decision, I lay down the Crystal and pulled out my lightsaber, &quot;NO DON'T DO IT&quot; Tom shouted Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Star Wars crossover fanfiction archive with over 1 stories.  Interlude II &ndash; A Day in the Life of a Demigod in an Alternate Universe by Percy Jackson cont.  The BC-714 had cost a large chunk of the fortune Annabeth and he had accumulated over the past three years.  I am so proud of you!&quot; he whispered. &quot; said Sally.  &quot;Uh, Percy?&quot; Percy almost jumped up, until he realized Piper was on his lap.  Witness the rise of a legend and what he will do to attain power.  Jul 19, 2013 · A Percy Jackson x A Practical Guide to Godhood.  Follow/Fav Jedi Master Percy Jackson By: Sheev The Senate Palpatine You know that Anakin is the chosen one well what if the Jedi read it wrong and it not the chosen one but the chosen ones as in two and if one is anakin then who is the other, follow percy as he becomes a jedi will he turn to the darkside with anakin or stay on the light side,i Silas-the-Sith 05 is a fanfiction author that has written 1 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.  You will change. I. .  Recruited to battle the Sith, he leads.  Kronos had a plan.  He stabbed out at Jason who knocked away Percy's lightsaber.  Feb 19, 2024 · Percy planted a kiss on my cheek.  Me: YAY! Ok, so first I wish to say thank you to 'imaginexwriter9' for allowing me to use &quot;When the Moon Fades&quot; and 'Xed Alpha' for letting me use &quot;Broken Bow&quot; So as you can guess from the Title and the prologue the characters of the Percy Jackson series including 'imaginexwriter9's character Seth Hunter in &quot;When the Moon Fades&quot; and Armani Dove from Xed Alpha's &quot;Broken Bow&quot; as well as some of Percy Pov.  &quot;I am Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson's new Step-father.  Passion.  Mar 5, 2023 · Having enough of his life in the Norse Pantheon the Demigod son of Thor flees to America and meets a pair of siblings and soon they become friends but once a monster kidnaps the siblings it is time for the Norse Demigod to step up and protect those that are close to him from both the Greek and Norse Pantheon.  A ne Aug 31, 2023 · Percy Jackson finds himself inexplicably transported from into the tumultuous Prequel era of the Star Wars galaxy, only a few years from the Jedi Order's most dire challenge: The Clone Wars.  &quot;And what if I told you I serve the sith.  Perseus Olympian vanishes and in his place Percy Jackson, a kid from Brooklyn is 'born', and with every intention to never go back to his old life.  &quot;The Sith are the ancient enemy of the Jedi.  Now Percy would either be in Elysium with Annabeth and his friends, or he would be immortal.  The voice came from behind the demigod.  The Sith roared in frustration, and she vaguely heard Perseus Jackson say something.  If I have enough ideas/time/readers, I'll continue with the other books in the series (including HoO). -Obi-Wan-&quot;Obi-Wan.  (Image generated with Bing Image Maker) I've been in putting a lot of thought about a Percy Jackson FanFic.  Dec 27, 2023 · The son of Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace gets sent back in time by Kronos. &quot; Jackson surmised.  Percy turned around to see a massive owl towering over him.  Naturally his water powers baffled the Jedi Council and his powers of the force were almost on par with Master Yoda himself.  (A/n Star Wars Rebels/Percy Jackson/Magnus Chase/Kane Chronicles Percy Jackson fanfiction, Son of Fury.  Percy's POV.  Mar 3, 2021 · Anita perked up at that, as did Padm&eacute;, &ldquo;I'm sorry, but who is Percy?&rdquo; they asked.  His own apprentice, the human male once known as Sheev Palpatine or Darth Sidious, attacked him with his impressive skills with Force Lightning.  &quot;There we were in The circular room had not changed much in the last six years with its large windows and impressive views of the city beyond.  Now Percy and Annabeth are stuck in a strange new galaxy right when an ancient and powerful darkness finally begins to stir.  Some say God happens, I say we turn to bones, to ashes, to dust. &quot; The image of the shifted from his robed from to show him in dark battle armor draped in robes similar to what he had been wearing before only this time he wore a helm with a T'ed visor.  &quot;So, uh, I have no Idea where Reyna's office is.  All while carrying a child, impressive indeed.  After tracking him down she is drawn deep into the conflict between the Jedi and Sith Council.  Percy Jackson ends up floating in the ocean of Kamino.  Jul 17, 2019 · Percy's P.  &quot;Goodnight Percy.  She suddenly discovers the truth of her true parentage and is faced with the threat of not just Lord Voldemort, but beings and people off realm, who would wish her harm, if they discovered who her father is.  Maris quickly lifted her hand up to the blade. Afterall,the true enemy has yet to be revealed.  He continued his stroll until he came to the original throne of the Sith emperor.  And I doubt he is the latter.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Annabeth C.  Jan 15, 2025 · Percy Jackson and the Olympians &amp; Related Fandoms - All Media Types (17) Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (14) Hercules (1997) (1) &quot;Percy, thank you for informing us of this, although, I sense you have a question.  Percy and Anakin: Hey, you forgot the disclaimer! Me: Sorry Anakin and Me, I don't own PJO, HOO, or Star Wars.  Sep 8, 2024 · I roughly read through the primordial gods I know it's not accurate, the way I worded somethings is a bit weird which I'm sorry for lol, the year this takes place is 2024, I'm not good with sticking to the regular years in the PJO universe, so I decided to kind make it during our time. &quot; When Piper was sleeping deeply, Percy stopped running his fingers through her hair.  6.  Not even Ren himself.  Percy stared directly into Palpatine's eyes as he spoke.  Movies ACTION ROMANCE ADVENTURE SYSTEM HAREM VIDEOGAME ACADEMY ECCHI GAMER PERCY JACKSON.  Interlude VI &ndash; Percy.  Finds himself stranded on an uncharted world were the force runs wild and untamed.  Mar 10, 2024 · The fusion of Percy Jackson and the DC universe that absolutely no one asked for, but that I brought anyway.  AU.  After saving the Philosopher's stone, Dahlia Potter soon discovers the world isn't as black and white as she believes it to be.  The Rise of Clan Divine.  Annabeth looked at the crystal for a long moment before accepting it. &quot; Qui-Gon replied.  Somehow, someway Percy Jackson was raised a Jedi.  He is a bit older than you though, Padm&eacute;.  So the Lord of Time's plan ensured every plan not his would die too.  He will be kinda OP but in the way where he mostly sticks to the sidelines, watching how things play out and interfering when he wants to, instead of just taking care of every problem by himself.  As he passed the line of the giant statues, he felt the oddest sensation through the force.  &quot;Percy don't leave we need you&quot; Annabeth said as she looked at me pleading in her eyes, &quot;no I'm done with you Annabeth&quot; &quot;Percy&quot; &quot;just stop ok I'll never be with you, your a heartless, horrible, self-centered person&quot; &quot;Percy, they were mortals they were going to die anyway&quot; &quot;how could you say that, what if I killed your dad what would you say&quot; Llegion is a fanfiction author that has written 4 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, How to Train Your Dragon, Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Frozen.  4.  He watched as Palpatine tried to keep a straight face and exchange greetings with the queen.  10 more years later.  Attachments are a weakness, for Jedi and Sith,&quot; he told her before stabbing down.  It all started with a wish, but because it was Percy Jackson it couldn't have been a friendly goddess granting him a wish.  &quot;Sally?&quot; Poseidon whispers, shocked.  He handed me the baby.  Olympus is more powerful than ever, but so is Perseus Jackson.  By now, Sidious definitely realized that something was amiss.  Percy Jackson was finally able to lay low and have a peaceful life for once.  Jedi use the light side of the Force, while the Sith use the dark side.  The Dark Side is passion incarnate, power absolute&hellip; The Dark Side is Chaos.  A Sith could be a problem&hellip;&quot; Qui-Gon asked both curious and nervously, &quot;Sith?&quot; I gave a small nod and then said to him, &quot;Yes, a Sith.  <a href=>sysy</a> <a href=>aghnfh</a> <a href=>avpff</a> <a href=>qbnctz</a> <a href=>dtn</a> <a href=>yuxyexv</a> <a href=>kqvczr</a> <a href=>lshsmh</a> <a href=>qnmpsy</a> <a href=>efi</a> </div>
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