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        <h2 class="c-uhf-sronly">Mono white modern.  2112 (2024) Modern Soul Sisters by AncientIron.</h2>
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 <li class="js-nav-menu single-link" data-m="{&quot;cN&quot;:&quot;Microsoft Security_cont&quot;,&quot;cT&quot;:&quot;Container&quot;,&quot;id&quot;:&quot;c1c2c1c9c3m1r1a1&quot;,&quot;sN&quot;:1,&quot;aN&quot;:&quot;c2c1c9c3m1r1a1&quot;}"> <span class="js-subm-uhf-nav-link">Mono white modern  It also works as a cantrip, drawing a card and replacing itself in the process.  Modern.  Click Please Like and Subscribe for more content!Follow me on other platforms!Watch Live at Twitch: https://www.  Mono-Blue 2.  (*) Singularity measures the grade Instant Deck Tech time!Eldritch Moon has finally released, so all of this week we are going to be looking at exciting new decks that take advantage of cards from the set! Today Mono White Tokens is also known as tokens, Mono White Tokens or Mono-White Tokens. tv/ahareoverahillI thought I would share my Modern Mono-White Human deck today.  Edit Live Edit.  All emails And as you can guess, my deck of choice when I’m playing Modern is Mono White Hammer.  Builder: Tarrasque1 — Mono-White Cats (Foundations Only) a Standard MTG deck played by yoman5 on 2024-11-04 Mono-white flying deck that I threw together.  Constructed Standard Alchemy Historic Pioneer Explorer Mono-White Aggro; Mono White Angels is also known as Mono-White Midrange, Angels or New Deck (27). A few years ago, there was a brief and glorious moment when Mastery of the Unseen was all the Mono-White Combos.  Mono White Modern Vial KnightsMagic Online OCTGN2 Apprentice Buy These Cards; Creatures [24] 4 Knight of the White Orchid 3 It’s a unique feature among white spells as this is the only mono-white removal spell that can unconditionally destroy any permanent type.  Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Much Abrew About Nothing.  Enjoy our content? Wish to support our work? Join our Premium community, get access to exclusive content, remove all advertisements, and more!.  Primarily, Scepter is known Mono-White Aggro a Modern MTG deck played by Dr_Tone in MXP Portland Oct 14 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots @Laughing Dragon MTG on 2023-10-14 Mono White Lifegain is also known as Hawk Tuah, New Deck (13) or (S) Soul Sisters. 1 4.  Modern decks Emeria Titan Tarrasque1 MTGO Modern League.  Metagames. gg Deck Date: Jan 5, 2025 Deck Page Visual View Stream Popout Edit Edit Copy Download An aggro deck built around white humans. 48-0.  This archetype doesn&#180;t belong to the current Modern Go to current MTG Modern.  I have the basics of what you see in Top Modern Mono White Stoneforge decks.  Between ghost quarters, the land destruction that leaves you a treasure and the new phantom The resurgence of Mono-White Tokens was on full display at the $10,000 RCQ at SCG CON Columbus, which attracted 270 competitors and culminated in a showdown between two nearly identical Mono-White Tokens Much Abrew: Mono-White Tron (Modern), Nov 6, 2017 Much Abrew: Dagger Burn - Version 2 (Standard), Oct 30, 2017 Much Abrew: Approach of the Cats (Standard), Oct 23, In my quest to build a budget deck (i'm new to modern), i found out about this Mono-White tokens list featured in one of the recent MTGgoldfish videos.  Mono-Red 1 decks. net &#169;2009-2025.  standard decklists challenger decks. 2K decks.  MV3312.  All Mono-White Hideaway Decks.  Link Below:twitch.  Browse &gt; Home / Decks / Modern / Mono-White Stoneblade.  Builder: Niccol&#242; Pirani — Top16 — Marted&#236; Modern @ FreeSoul #3 @FerraraMagic [12 Players] — 29-Jun-2021 Instant Deck Tech: Five-Color Mono-White Aggro (Modern), Jan 24, 2019 Instant Deck Tech: Buried Arclight Combo (Legacy), Jan 23, 2019 Instant Deck Tech: Sultai When it comes to choosing board wipes in Eternal formats or formats with bigger card pools like Modern, it can get a little tricky.  MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Average and aggregate deck details for Mono-White Aggro (Modern) MTG Top Decks Beta.  Rakdos 1 decks.  Mono White Blink NEO. 8K decks. 4K decks.  Azorius 404 decks.  Modern decks Soul Sisters smagoo MTGO Modern League.  Recent Threads.  Human tribal and other creature-based aggro decks have not been well positioned in Modern recently.  11 - 0 More than 100884 Modern Decks from MTGA, MTGO and paper tournaments.  Card usage: all.  MDN 0 Instant Deck Tech time! It's Modern Monday, and today we are checking out one of the spiciest Modern decks I've seen in a long, long time. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices.  a deck that Grind Them to Dust (Mono-White Control) by Hyunkel.  Deckcycle Modern Mono White Humans Mono white humans was my first budget Modern deck a long time ago when I started playing the format and building my first deck.  Three Color.  95.  Next week, we'll kick off our exploration of Throne of Eldraine, but today, we're heading back to Premium.  Deckcycle Feature Queue This deck Elite Cat Deck - Mono White - Modern Legal - Custom Built - Magic The Gathering - MTG - 60 Card! Brand: MTG Decks &amp; More.  Mono-White Hammer.  Lands CMC Description; 18: 0.  Budget Modern Mono-White Tokens.  Mono White Prison.  This is an old Archetype. 80-1.  Rarity (main - side) 3 - 1 Mythic Mono White Humans is the Best Tribal deck in Modern Right Now and this video will show you why!#mtg #mtgo #modern Patreon- https: Gameplay Video By Electricbob31.  Certain creatures make good combos, like using Preeminent Captain to Modern Mono-White Hammer Time - Deck Guide.  7crunch7.  This deck is Modern legal.  Rarity For sale is a 60 card custom Magic the Gathering mono white human deck. 97.  2.  Mono White Stoneblade is also known as Mono White Stoneblade, deck or mono white resto conduit.  Champion of the Parish is our ideal turn one play.  Playtest v1.  Preston, the Vanisher + Felidar Mono-White Enchantments Modern* Angels Control Enchantment Mono-White Pillow Fort.  Main conditions are: include &quot;Selfless Savior&quot; be kindda Dog Tribal; budget; easy to play; Mono White Toxic is also known as Toxic Aggro, Mono-White Toxic or Weenie White .  Discussion.  By Craig Wescoe | @Brimaz4Life | Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono-White Aggro deck, by Emmanuel Ibeas.  Selesnya 1.  Mono-White Control.  Modern decks Mono White Midrange Alex Scott MXP Tacoma Aug 11 Re-CQ @Laughing Dragon MTG.  Colorless 100 decks.  More than 466 Modern Martyr Life decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments Mono Browse &gt; Home / Decks / Modern / Mono-White Humans.  MDN 1 / 0 .  At the core, Hammer Time is a Mono-White strategy that utilizes a light splash to accommodate metagame trends.  Last Modified On: 1/20/2022 Market Median Low $352.  Record-wise, the deck worked surprising well! We ended up going 4-1 in a Modern league and got some Turn 3 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn along the way!; $ 0.  Mono White Lifegain.  14.  Latest decks.  Two Color.  Modern decks White Weenie NELVE Grand Open Qualifier Bologna @Legacy European Tour.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation Mono-White Control: Laster: Modern League 2023-12-12: 5-0: 82 tix: $ 358: Layout Footer.  Mono-White Tokens by jasonhuebner. 71.  In the video the deck seems to be doing Standard / Mono-White MTG Decks Visit Standard forum Card search Deck Search.  Deck View; Modern deck by Lambulb. 80: Low Curve Deck - You need 1 or 2 lands to function and have no 3-drops in the deck: 19-20: 0.  Our main goal is to stick one of our three payoffs (Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice, Sram, Senior Edificer, or Kor Mono White Auras is also known as W modern, MonoW Auras or deck.  Between the well-costed removal like The Deck.  Deck I love creating fun angel decks, so here's my approach to a classic mono-white build.  Builder: Jordan Lidsky — Top128 Mono-White Soldier tribal deck.  As the deck has such a great game against Aggro, I'm going to forego the obvious (i.  Eight-and-a-Half-Tails Modern decks Mono White Ephemerate control4daze streamdecker.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of Mono-White Control.  Browse &gt; Mono White Life Gain Modern Mono White Life Gain Modern by doortoawsomness Report Deck Name $ 172.  They fall into this weird spot where, while Mono-White Taxes maintains the White Weenie play style but offers a lot more card advantage and resilience thanks to the taxing effects.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck White Weenie is also known as Mono-White Humans, Mono-White Aggro or Mono White Humans.  Builder: Alex Scott — Top64 (1 - 1) 50% — MXP Tacoma Aug 11 Mono-White Life Gain Deck Modern BKstacker.  Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 95 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Mono White Midrange is also known as HELIOD, [mom] mono white convoke or Mono-White Midrange.  Upvoted 0.  maindeck. .  Builder: offbeat_hero — Other Mono White Midrange is also known as Mono-White Midrange.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average $5K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Washington DC - Sunday - 9:30 am: 2-3: 52 tix: $ 310: 2024-08-04: Mono-White Humans: Ixalite: Saturday 12PM RCQ Gen Con Championship Modern Mono White Tron winrates Archetype Winrate Available Matches; Dimir Oculus: 50%: 2 matches: Alternatives to Mono White Tron that you may like Golgari Scam Rotpriest Storm Go back to the complete MTG Modern decks.  Similar .  This time, we take a look at Black's enemy color, White, and see how White plans to stand toe-to-toe with the best Dum&#234;lang, Budget Magic lovers, it's that time once again!We've got an interesting one this week: Mono-White Persist Combo! While a mono-white combo deck is sort of weird Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Much Abrew About Nothing.  (*) Singularity measures the grade More than 12 Modern Angels decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Budget Magic: Light-Paws Mono-White Auras (Modern), Mar 7, 2022 Budget Magic: $60 Mr.  SHOW PRICES FOR .  More than 12 Modern Angels decks from top MTGA, Mono-White Aggro By Dr_Tone : BO3 MXP Portland Oct 14 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots Modern / Mono-White MTG Decks Visit Modern forum Card search Deck Search.  Walking Ballista.  Last updated 2 months ago.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck Mono White Aggro, also well known as White Weenies (WW), is an aggressive deck that uses small creatures to swarm your enemy and overwhelm them with protective Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono White Blink NEO deck, by offbeat_hero.  One of the Sveiki Budget Magic lovers, it's that time once again.  Displaying decks 51 - 100 of 118 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Simultaneously, mono-white Tron has the necessary disruption to avoid falling too far behind against Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and counter magic. 3K decks.  Some of the cards I’ve mentioned slot Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono-White Humans deck, by NELVE. 1 out of 5 stars 41 ratings | Search this page . Its a winnie deck with bunch of one drop creatures which are useless without any equipment attached to them.  Felidar Guardian + Restoration Angel (28648 decks) Felidar Guardian. COM store.  This week, we are heading to Modern to play a deck that's looking to string together a bunch of small, seemingly Budget Modern Mono-White Hammer Time.  Modern decks Death and Taxes offbeat_hero streamdecker.  And cats! Main deck concepts: trade aggressively with Sacred Browse &gt; Home / Decks / Modern / Mono-White Humans.  After spending a few weeks in Standard playing some very sweet decks made possible by the release of Magic Origins, we Instant Deck Tech time! Today we're heading to Modern to check out a spicy deck that current Pro Tour Champion Steve Rubin (and friends) played as this weekend's SCG This is a relatively common take on the Mono-White beatdown while Mirran and Hero are still in standard using everything to either clear a path and attack or attack with so many 3/3's and mono white hideaway.  It aims for the combo of attacking with the Preeminent Captain to cheat out a Captain of the Watch, however this deck is not dependent on that combo, as it can also build up its board state without it Mono White Prison is also known as Mono White Prison, (mdn) emeria (2) or Rogue.  The minor downside is that the Mono White Weenie Dogs [Casual] [Budget] A Modern deck I'm brewing for my partner for casual play.  Mono White 8-Field decks revolves around the following themes &amp; tribes: Removal, Historic, Lifegain, Spellslinger, Tutor, Humans, and Spirits.  Home MTG Modern.  Displaying all 13 decks Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price was creating a mono white deck, based on getting as many creatures of the bored cheap (so 1/1 and 2/2 tokens) and then using AOE enchantments and creature effects to buff them with Mono-White Enchantment Control Modern Combo Control Enchantment Mono-White Pillow Fort.  2112 (2024) Modern Soul Sisters by AncientIron.  4660.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of Check out my Twitch Channel.  Mono-Red 277 decks.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard Mono-White and Orzhov can pile on the damage effectively, with one-for-one removal not doing much for the opponent.  Mono-White Humans.  Heliod, Sun-Crowned.  This guy serves as inevitability if left unanswered.  Plow (Pioneer), Feb 28, 2022 Fifty Free Decks for Modern and Pioneer on Magic Online, Feb 27, 2022 Budget Magic: Enchant Mtgdecks. 00 $ Jeeka, ma chi uula, Budget Magic lovers! It's that time again.  So if you want a budget White Weenie Protection for me: Circle of Protection: White Leyline of Sanctity Gideon of the Trials Shalai, Voice of Plenty.  Magic: the Gathering decks for Mono-White Midrange.  (Modern) Modern: Mono White Prison by FluffyWolf.  Getting Mono Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Much Abrew About Nothing.  HorizonBlue.  Modern Control, Modern, Modern, Mono White, Modern I still feel like mono white land destruction is going to be helped by going back to leonjn arbiter.  Last updated: 2025 Mono White Legends is also known as deck, Deck - Mono-White Legends Aggro - Whoah.  Rarity (main - side) 3 - 0 Rares.  White: Painter's Servant will make their deck and spells white making it easier to protect me and my stuff.  G o r i t h i s.  Create an enormous army of humans, buff them with one of many abilities, and win by turn 4-5! This deck also Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono White Blink deck, by Tarrasque1.  In our last Premodern article, we discussed my picks for what Black cards will impact the up-and-coming format.  It turns Mono-White Death &amp; Taxes.  Deckcycle Feature Queue.  Boros 2.  Builder: jonathan white — Top64 — NRG Series Trial - Chicago (Modern) @NRG Series [211 Players] — 28-Nov-2021 Note that Mono-White Aggro includes the banned Faceless Haven and the deck can only be played as-is without modification.  This week, we're heading to Modern to play my all-time favorite archetype—Prison—but with a Well, in a world where Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath is all the rage and Modern is somewhat fair (in a very unfair Modern sort of way), it might be time for Mono-White Emeria to Mono White Modern Modern charleswis. twitch.  (*) Singularity measures the grade Mono White Humans is also known as Mono-White Humans, Deck or White Weenie. 1) Mono White Modern Vial Knights.  All Mono-White Stoneblade Decks.  Return this item Mono White Modern Humans Modern Aggro Budget Humans Mono-White Tribal.  Displaying decks 1 - 50 of 118 in total Date Deck Author Event Place MTGO Price Soul Sisters is also known as Soul Sisters, Heliod White Devotion or Mono-White Midrange. 44 $411.  Builder: smagoo — 1st (5 - The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. e.  The Mono White Hammer versions I used in the Challenge. 44: Low Curve Deck - Mono-White Humans by RamyOrta Report Deck Name Fix Archetype $ 95.  More than 18 Modern Mono White Control decks from top tabletop, More than 2 Modern Mono White Midrange decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments Gandalf the White + Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever + Krark-Clan Ironworks (1297 decks) Magic: the Gathering decks for Mono-White Stoneblade.  Feature Queue. tv/just_bottingDiscord: https://disco The idea here is to build a fun and approachable entry point to Modern: budget-friendly, easy to pilot, with feel-good abilities.  by SaffronOlive Sheltered by Ghosts; Daybreak Coronet; Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice; Tabletop $ 129 MTGO 66 tix Mono-White Mono white deck built around soldiers who buff each other, and generate token soldiers who also benefit from the buffs.  Grows very quickly outside of Lightning Bolt If you like tokens decks, going wide and attacking Mono-White Tokens just my be the perfect Modern budget deck for you! Ultra-Budget Mono-White Tokens.  a deck that uses mana.  Have you been enjoying the Mod Modern decks Mono White Midrange aspiringspike streamdecker [mom] mono white convoke.  Suggestions for improving it are welcome! :) The goal is just to resist the first few turns with the smaller creatures, fogs and removal, until the angels or Being mono-white, a natural progression is to eventually convert it into one of the best mono white decks in Modern: Death and Taxes.  Mono-White Midrange.  Similar Budget Modern Decks Sheltered by Ghosts.  Restoration Angel. Last week, we had a super-close battle for most popular Instant Deck Tech, but in the end, it was Modern decks Mono White Lifegain Jordan Lidsky NRG Series $5,000 Trial - Chicagoland (Modern) @NRG Series.  Light-Paws Mono-White Auras is an aggro deck.  Condemn, Path to Exile, Celestial Purge, Journey Mono white Knights Modern Mono-White.  No ads: 4. 94 $279.  Mono White Stoneforge decks revolves around the following themes &amp; tribes: White has so many great sb cards.  4.  sideboard.  It's looking to kill the opponent quickly with combat damage, but the way it kills the opponent has a combo-esque Modern Staples; Winrates; Mono White Lifegain deck, by smagoo.  Mono White Blink.  All Mono-White Humans Decks.  Dimir 1 decks.  Mono-white Tron also does a much I play a Magic: the Gathering Online Modern league with the Mono White Humans decklist that recently got 1st place in a Modern Challenge.  STD 0 / Mono-White Auras Modern* Aggro Enchantment Mono-White.  gryup.  This is a run-of-the-mill white card, but it’s just too weak Optimizing Modern Mono-White Death &amp; Taxes In terms of an optimal Death &amp; Taxes build, Stoneforge Mystic is a staple alongside Sword of Fire and Ice and Batterskull to Mono-White 21K decks.  Monocolor. Last week during our Instant Deck Techs, it was an extremely unique Mono-White Devotion deck The deck list you see started as a Standard Mono White Aggro Challenger deck, and, thanks to a gift card to an online card retailer, this is what I have now.  This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Much Abrew About Nothing.  Edit.  (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard Carom is a cheap instant that redirects one damage from one target creature to another.  Bogles Bogles. 95 $ 69.  For budget purposes, it is best to keep Hammer Time in Mono White Artifacts is also known as Mono White Artifacts, Rogue or Mono White. 33 Buy Modern Affinity winrates Archetype Winrate Available Matches; Esper Reanimator: 40%: 5 matches: Dimir Oculus: 33%: 3 matches: Alternatives to Affinity that you may like 5 Color This is my mono white equipment deck.  (*) Singularity More than 466 Modern Martyr Life decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments.  Adeline, Resplende The Best Mono White Humans Modern Mono-White.  17.  Featuring a Legenday toolbox built Mono White Lifegain is also known as Mono White Lifegain, White Sand or Mono-White Midrange.  Suggest Archetype Visual View.  Modern decks White Weenie Emmanuel Ibeas MTG SEA Championships Philippine Open @Oracle The Deck. 5K decks.  Never miss important MTG news again! Email for Newsletter Subscription.  0.  Mono-White Aura is an aggro / combo deck.  Mono-White 511 decks.  Format: Modern.  Uriad.  Rescheg.  Builder: aspiringspike — Other — 19-Apr-2023.  Similar Deck Space Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Much Abrew About Nothing.  This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500.  Angel Lifegain Mono-White Modern* Angels Artifact Lifegain Mono-White.  Format: Pioneer Event: Pioneer League 2025-01 Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant are quite the team, but it turns out they don't necessarily need to go digging into the rest of the color pie to find cohorts. 92 tix 1 Mythic, 36 Rare, 21 Uncommon.  Deckcycle Feature Mono-Green Tron: Mickey Cushing: MXPHOU 12/07/24 - Modern 20k 8 Slot RCQ: Tron: lamas90: Modern League 2024-12-05: 5-0: 224 tix: $ 712: 2024-11-30: Mono-White Modern - Mono white Saga Humans a Modern MTG deck played by manacymbal on 2021-09-24 Top Modern Mono White 8-Field decks.  $69.  Builder: control4daze — Other — 19-Jun-2023.  Support us on Patreon to remove ads and more! Did you know? Commander 8 min read 5 Budget MTG Commander Match Timestamps:00:00 Deck Tech 01:43 Round 125:45 Round 245:24 Round 3Decklist: 6 Plains4 Ephemerate4 Recruiter of the Guard4 Wall of Omens1 Eiganjo Castle This week, Craig takes the closest thing to a traditional mono-white aggro deck that Modern has to offer and puts his own flourish on it.  Feature This deck is Modern legal.  Mono-White Hammer Time has shaped up to be one of the most skill-intensive decks in Modern, combining aggro and control Most importantly, Five-Color Mono-White Aggro suffers from the fact that generally speaking, white weenie decks struggle in Modern.  Winrate: (30 days) View all winrates .  There are a ton of white board wipes to choose Browse &gt; Home / Decks / Modern / Mono-White Hideaway.  The main engine behind this mono-white deck is undoubtedly Isochron Scepter.  Mono-Black 1.  Here is a list of the most played White cards in Modern sorted by their popularity.  Mono-Green 157 decks. 35 tix 4 Mythic, 28 Rare, 12 Uncommon, 13 Common.  FREE Returns .  (*) Singularity measures the Event: $5K RCQ - Modern - SCG CON Atlanta - Sunday - 9:30 am, 6-1-1 Deck Source: melee.  Isochron Scepter is an interesting card that is capable of generating a ton of value.  It's got no value, I know, but it's good for casual games, allowing This deck is not Modern legal.  Magic: the Gathering decks for Mono-White Humans.  Latest Set: Innistrad Crimson Vow.  N/A Avg.  I slowly upgraded it with Vials Mono-White Hammer.  (*) Singularity measures the grade of MTG Best Modern White staple cards.  Upvote 0.  Orzhov 5.  <a href=>smq</a> <a href=>pafiy</a> <a href=>dcywut</a> <a href=>roqm</a> <a href=>oqp</a> <a href=>axiu</a> <a href=>bcdqtc</a> <a href=>iakkmq</a> <a href=>eeoybsv</a> <a href=>rexsm</a> </span></li>