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Cargos updated to latest DLC.</h1> <div class="article-single-meta"> <div class="article-single-meta-item">Ets2 double trailers in traffic 1. 6 variants 5. Trucks ETS, ATS, old trucks Game version tested ets 2 v1. doubles contain also all personalized sounds from my sound pack for ETS2. Angles morts sticker (ONLY IN FULL ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Compatible with AI packs by OHN Gaming. 36 Simplify and add lightness Remove Krone Traffic double triple trailers ETS2 (1. Version 1. x FIXED. DAF XF116 510 FLOWER SHUTTLE v2. added double deck trailers (special for UK and Ireland), new cargo, new ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. [ETS2 edition] Engine sounds added to the 1986 Moskvitch 2141 Aleko in AI traffic. Our user friendly system is B-Double + Drawbar Trailer: 3 Axles [B] + 3 Axles Standard + 2 Axles Spread Center Axle Trailer. Top. 50. . CORRECTED DOUBLE SIDE WINDOWS & NOT WORKING SIDE MIRROR. So this mod in NOT compatible with WOTr online jobs. I very much doubt it will work under any version of ETS2 prior to v1. Reflective stripes. Don’t use them together! Compatible with all my packs, except trailers and cargo pack. B-double, drawbar double and HCT gooseneck trailers with container and tank cargo. Cargo and Traffic double triple trailers for - Description: Cargo and Traffic double, triple trailers No rules tested game version 1. by Jazzycat Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 by Actros 5 Crew Features – Standalone – Skinnable – 4 axis configurations – AO in high quality – 19 configurable slots – 75 configurable parts – Angles mort – Various logos – Skin templates – Compatible for 1. 38] - Description: Changes v6. Re: Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. B-double, drawbar double and HCT gooseneck trailers with container and tank cargo. Game Version 1. With the "Traffic Trailer Pack" for "ETS2" you add new trailers to the traffic and the freight market. BE WARNING. x) - Description: Pack adds more of 100 trucks with double and triple trailers in transit. Do not connect with a full map from Mario. Easter ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Credits Pack adds in traffic 1379 trailers with 5091 skins of real companies. ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Credits: TrafficManiac. WinRAR, 7zip, etc) allows it you can just open the mod(s), click though to /def and remove the <country> directory. @PaulF777 You're getting quite a lot of errors from a couple of my mods, though, because of missing dependencies; the Adapted to ETS2 1. What you must accept is that there will be a couple of forward corrections that are not required when backing up a single trailer. 4: – Update time already due to new countries – Kosovo and Montenegro Credits: Mr Larrington DOWNLOAD 25 MB ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Animation brace 9. x 1. Adds drawbar double and B-Double trailers in ETS2 traffic. 40. Versions of all SCS traffic trucks to pull them with. SCS Software 2. g. This pack adds many kind of brazilian articulated trailers (Doubles) in traffic and as cargo. These are available as a body selection for the BOX trailers, NOT the flatbed. Pack adds in traffic Traffic double small+ B double trailer with skins of over 17 real companies. Standalone 2. Freight market (ONLY FULL The return of double trailers for the SCS companies that have them for cargo-hauling. 1 skin 7. x Pack includes-19 variants of the Ekeri trailers-Lumikko, Carrier coolers-Real company skins-Double trailers-own wheels-Standalone-Advanced coupling-Trailer lift Adapted to ETS2 1. ETS2 Jazzycat MULTIPLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC 1. 000 EUROS MAP EXPLORED 100. MDModding 3. Angles morts sticker (ONLY IN FULL Double Trailers with Dolly - Description: &ndash; Standalone &ndash; Triple pivot point &ndash; Advancing coupling Only for version 1. Fully functional and totally compatible with EAA map, Eldorado map, RBR map, RCBrasil map and MBR Mr Larrington's ETS2 Traffic Mods v1. SCS default trailer Schmitz Universal with rear hook to connect dolly and next trailer. 12. THIS IS A LITE VERSION. AI cables simulation compatible. ETS2_Mixer ETS2_Jazzycat_Doubles trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat ETS2_Jazzycat_LCV Painted_bdf_traffic_pack_by_Jazzycat With all of them disabled, the crash still continued I returned with them, however, keeping the changes mentioned to avoid conflict, but this time, I disabled ETS2_double_trailers_in_traffic_base and the game did not crash This is the new version of Double Articulated Trailer to Traffic and Cargo Pack V. Only quality lowpoly models – no FPS drop. Multiple Pivot Points Credits: 1. [ETS2 edition] Sounds added to the 1997 Bombardier Double-decker Coach. 40 ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic. REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC MOD AND KRONE DLC. 1 (brazilian trailer style). 31 model (so you don't need the Krone DLC). There are too many double trailers in traffic, how can I reduce the spawn count. For version 1. 53 of the base game. Credits: Punicron This mod will add to the game standalone trailer Double Trailers The pack of trailers of the three models, large, Medium (normal), and small (separate with a saddle cart). This is full and fix version of Irizar Buspack mod for ETS2 1. ETS2 Double Trucks For CIP Sound Mod SCS trucks adapted to use CIP’s improved sound mod. ETS2 Jazzycat ETS 2 1. With this mod you can use Krone and Standard SCS Doubles, B-Doubles and HCT in all the EU countries. Are registered by separate slots and Changes: Adaptation under 1. Double and HCT silo trailers. x Pack adds in traffic 1379 trailers with 5091 skins of real companies. Include two versions: double trailers in Scandinavia only and double trailers everywhere. Basically I just change the def files, so there is a proper trailer weight for each one, depending of trailer size and Dolly Trailers (included Double und HCT). 2 (brazilian trailer style). 40 Credits: ilGiocomane (Alessandro Motta) AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat 192029 870 67 2 weeks ago. x. 4: – Update time already due to new countries – Kosovo and The return of double trailers for the SCS companies that have them for cargo-hauling. Retexturized, improved, Reduced PMG. 5 GB [mirror] Comments (0) Sponsored links. November, 20:49 Uhr Version update auf 1. 1 [ETS2 v1. 52-1. Cargo standalone 6. The return of double trailers for the SCS companies that have them Profiliner/Proficarrier and Profiliner HCT trailers. 7 and Chris45_Trailer_Pack_9. ) KIPPER AGRAR TRAILER v3. Credits: OHN Gaming DOWNLOAD 18 MB I put this pack together with about 50 double trailers for ets2 and ats. Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 - v1. Compatible with all my packs, except trailers and cargo pack. 151 and v1. de plus il est impossible de monter les bretelles d acces aux autoroute car on reste bloquer en plein millieux de la chaussée. Feech, feech! v1. Re: Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 - v1. This mod is not perfect and does contain imperfections and glitches but it does work. [ETS2 edition] Replaced engine sound for the 2006 Ford F-350 XL Super Duty Regular Cab Ambulance in ProMods Canada in Multiple Trailers in Traffic V6. This is the new version of Double Articulated Trailer to Traffic and Cargo Pack V. REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. Tested 1. The trailers currently appear in: Algeria Adapted to ETS2 1. Adapted to ETS2 1. 13: fixed some traffic trailer errors Added more cargos Added more Trailers, Doubles & Triples Added more Traffic Trailers. These are the trailers which have the "flying licence plate" issue. DOWNLOAD 1. ETS2_single_trailer_traffic: expanded SCS trailer/cargo combinations only - no DLC trailer or cargo content. 3. Engine sounds added to the 1986 Moskvitch 2141 Aleko in AI traffic. Sunshield with lights. by Jazzycat Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 by Double Trailers ETS2 - Description: Add functional double trailer in the game. x Models and skins by: I bring to your attention; High quality trailer dvuhurovnik, with 40 skins, version 10. download both links below: Credits: Cipinho, Chris45, Mr Larrington. 3 (brazilian trailer style). 7s Credits: Author / Credit Trucks: Jazzycat Double Trailers in Traffic ETS2 1. Attention! This pack is part of my Trailers and cargo pack. by Jazzycat Trailers and Cargo Pack by - Mod Trailer Krone Double Deck: v1. (Which folder path should I follow). Home Euro Truck Simulator 2 Double Trailers in Traffic [1. At least, that was the initial scope. long trailers in traffic. What you get: – Drawbar and B-double versions of the SCS box vans, curtainsiders, Adds drawbar double, HCT double and B-Double trailers in ETS2 traffic. Ownable. Cargo icons. 0 for quite some time without any issues, but ever since I updated ETS 2 to 1. If you want overweight trailers in traffic put in mod folder file: overweight_trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_traf. Do not connect with traffic mods: - AI Traffic Intensity from D. 36, and it needs the Scandiwegia DLC. 36 Simplify and add lightness Remove Krone Profiliner/Proficarrier rigs Split cement mixer out to separate mod (included) All of the trucks can now haul all of the remaining trailers Where it came from: Someone anonymous did This is the new version of Double Articulated Trailer to Traffic and Cargo Pack V. Tandem trailers. Compatible with AI packs by Jazzycat. Pack adds in traffic 26 trailers with 26 skins of real companies. Refine your search by category: Search. x and Newer Credits: OverTruck DOWNLOAD 64 KB REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. Pack adds in traffic 1379 trailers with 5091 skins of real companies. large 3 axis I present to you the seventh version of the mod “Russian Trailer Traffic Pack” for Euro Truck Simulator 2! Mod Dear friends, completely reworked. fedeg_1 Posts: 78 Joined: 22 Sep 2018 20:56 Location: Argentina. donc ce Search Results for: double trailer. – Tweaked the spawn ratios for traffic containers to have more reasonable densities of containers in the traffic – Fixed minor def errors. The trailer supports REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. 5 for ETS2 version 1. In some cases you can coupling trailer from KIPPER AGRAR TRAILER v3. ETS2 Low Spawn Frequency Trailers If you reckon you’re seeing too many of the trailers in this package try putting this mod above all the other trailer mods. Added Uzbekistan. Fully functional and totally compatible with EAA map, Eldorado map, RBR map, RCBrasil map and MBR map. Cargos updated to latest DLC. 36 Double Trailers in Traffic 1. Mod Land; Home Games Forums News TikTok YouTube Mods AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat 210591 928 74 1 month ago. Double and ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. 00% CITIES 329/329 ——————————————— This mod – adds foreign car, semitruck, bus, van, camper and caravan traffic to each of the countries featured in the vanilla game (including all map DLCs) Vangs side tipper trailers and truck parts for ETS2 Game ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. B-double, drawbar double and HCT gooseneck trailers with container and tank Go to trailer manager and highlight your mouse over one of the trailers that shows as a HCT, B-Double or double - You'll see it says 'Single' Step 6 - Go ahead and SAVE the new profile and go into TMP, load up the profile Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 - v1. Double and -All cetinate trailers, vans, refrigerated, single/double and triple insulated with additional modifications lightbox-Chemical, gas, food, fuel tank mod. Forum rules Meaning that there are a lot of separate files for the more complicated double trailers such as flatbeds and goosenecks. And other relevant changes. What you get: – Drawbar and B-double versions of the SCS box vans, curtainsiders, insulated trailers and reefers; New Single Trailer Traffic Mod. * Added 3 new trailers Fully functional and totally compatible with EAA map, Eldorado map, RBR Adds double/triple trailers in traffic Forestry DLC Addon adds the trailers and cargo from the Forest Machinery DLC these were broken on 17 December in ETS2 not the multiple trailers. * Improved and with reduced PMG. Only quality lowpoly models - no FPS drop. [ATS edition] Comprehensive sounds added to the Siemens Vectron train locomotive. 38. AI Traffic Pack What it does: Adds drawbar double and B-Double trailers in ETS2 traffic What you get: - Drawbar and B-double versions of the SCS box vans, curtainsiders, insulated trailers and reefers; drawbar double Profiliners using the v1. ASK FOR FULL VERSION BY EMAIL. The trailer supports KIPPER AGRAR TRAILER v3. Mr Larrington Posts: 390 Joined: 22 Jul 2015 19:25 Location: That London, that they have now. 5 Front grill models. 48. 34. I have also included trailers for Ford, Yorkshire Tea* and an alternative Volvo one, because I am Nice. x Models and skins by: SCS Software,Skin - DAF,pepsi,Cocacola,intel,msi,CMA CGM,EVERGREEN,MEARSK,MEARSK Hi, I cannot seem to get the doubles & HCT in traffic to work. 9 – added new double deck trailers with skins of UK real companies. tested in vanilla game 1. 53. scs. 52 Credits: Truck Custom, Mat007 DOWNLOAD 203 MB Trailers Traffic Pack by TrafficManiac - Pack adds in traffic 861 trailers with 3152 skins of real companies. Also, you can find trailers for tandem trucks. Version: 1. Autonomous and independent assembly. Adds Several AI Trailers In Traffic. It has, like Topsy, just growed. 62, no matter how long I wait or drive, I can't ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. I was using version 8. 31 Engine sounds added to the 1986 Moskvitch 2141 Aleko in AI traffic. 0. x beta only!!! Credits: Adds drawbar double and B-Double trailers in ETS2 traffic. 1 ETS2 1. S: You need to activate only one trailer in order to work, DON’T activate all trailers in REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. What you get: - Drawbar and B-double versions of the SCS box vans, curtainsiders, insulated trailers and reefers So I was recently taught a trick in order to get double trailers in every area of the ETS 2 map. Pack adds in traffic 1093 trailers with 3948 skins of real companies. Now with added cement mixers in traffic and cargo. Whether Double, Be-Double or HTC Trailer, we have all added the traffic in the respective countries. 43. Thank you. REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT IN THE MOD MANAGER. You may not take a job and finish your job on some small warehouses. Please, inform about bugs/errors. I have also included trailers Mod adds in traffic double trailers. Mr Larrington wrote: ↑ 02 Jan 2025 19:14 After a good look around I agree with @thedrippingone; I'm fairly sure the weird trailers aren't coming from any of my mods, because the Scania with the Saaroinen paint job isn't one I use at all, not even in mods for my personal use only. And a lot of other minor corrections. 28. This Pack is compatible with other trailers packs. Credits This version is only compatible with Jazzycat’s AI traffic pack v21. Long vehicle banner (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). x Trailers. Interior light. All standalone. v3. New cargos for assorted SCS, Kassbohrer, Krone and Schwarzmuller trailers. Trailer cables. xx 4. Double Deck B&Q Trailer with ownership For ETS2 1. 51. FMOD sound effects. 3 is now available from Mr_Larrington__x27_s_ETS2_Traffic_Mods_v1. A re-upload of the mod, parts of the mod or edited material IS NOT PERMITTED. For the full effect you need all three (plus ETS2_double_trailers_in_traffic_base, obv. 0 for ETS2 v1. DLC Feldbinder load Here you can find thousands of user created content for games - mods, like custom vehicles, maps, also tutorials, cheats and news about the latest games! Choose the game you want to explore below, join our large and growing gaming social network, choose from our large collection of content and download modifications completely for free. Advanced coupling 8. [email protected] FULL version includes: Truck and trailer integrated in one mod. 3 steering wheel models. In a single trailer, you turn left to get the trailer to back up to the right and vice versa. In this mod, there are a lot of features you will obviously Adapted to ETS2 1. 8. 36. Freight market (ONLY FULL VERSION). Attention! 1. 000. Expanded Double Trailer For Cargo mod to include Jazzycat doubles. 35 Works on all Maps. 28) - Description: Traffic and Cargo double trailers Tested game version 1. Thousands of ETS2 trailers and semi-trailers mods. KiLLeR Modding ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. 10: added more cargos added more trailers added more heavy haul cargos added more double trailers Updated for ETS2 V1. 45 and Promods to 2. 0 changes: Adapted to ETS2 1. Don’t use them together! ETS2 Double-Trailers - Description: Pak trailers of the three models: - large (paired, while turning the cart does not work) - Medium (normal) - small (with a separate seat cart) - Registered individual slots and goods. 15/11/2024 Trucks. [ETS2 edition] Sounds added to the 1997 Bombardier ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. 7z file on Sharemods. Maz, Nefaz, Szap, Tonar, Odaz, Becema and others), 545 new cargo, 622 traffic trailers and over 2500 skins. Ai traffic 3. This Pack REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. Credits Makes double trailers available for all of Europe, not just Scandinavia because why should they have all the fun? Double and B-Double owned trailers can be sent to any garage, freight market jobs for box trailers should also have the option to choose a double by clicking the gear icon, and they will appear randomly for quick jobs. The return of double trailers for the SCS companies that have them for cargo-hauling. Because I am nice, I have created a bijou mod-ette containing the same trucks as the base ETS2 Double Trailer In Traffic mod, but using CIP's sound mod. KIPPER AGRAR TRAILER v3. 49. Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 - - Description: Changes v5. S: You need to activate only one trailer in Multiple Trailers in Traffic - ETS2 - v1. Thanks again. So now you can connect here and there and one mod, instead of two as they used to be. All Trailers Compatible with Advanced Coupling ETS2 V1. 46 #115 Post by Mr Larrington » 07 Apr 2023 13:09 They're all contained in the . Download it from here: that the Iberia DLC has finally broken cover we find that SCS is allowing ye Portingals to share in the bounty that is double trailers. DOWNLOAD 29 MB Trailer Pack DOWNLOAD 270 KB Double Trailers in Traffic ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Changelog: V9. -Great collection Double, Trouble (double, triple) semi-trailers from different authors-In a package of over 90 varieties of Double, Trouble semi-trailers - Rotary axes-Some are present in the traffic-Most autonomous (replace a small part of ce mode n’est pas réaliste du tout en plus la double remorque a du mal a suivre le camion. 28 + all maps and all trailers dlcs. 5 GB DOWNLOAD 1. Freight market After a good look around I agree with @thedrippingone; I'm fairly sure the weird trailers aren't coming from any of my mods, because the Scania with the Saaroinen paint job isn't one I use at all, not even in mods for my personal use only. Curtainsiders, dryvans, insulated trailers and reefers in drawbar double, B-double and HCT versions. 162 - Ten Companies - Trailer in Traffic Credits: Original Trailers: SCS, Da Modza Customs - Skins and Configuration for ETS2: SCS and apferreira truckman Sponsored links What’s in the box:ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base Curtainsiders, dryvans, insulated trailers and reefers in drawbar double, B-double and HCT versions. I did not copy the sounds into doubles to save space on the SSD. 44. Changes v5. Credits: OveRTRucK DOWNLOAD 143 KB CORRECTED DOUBLE SIDE WINDOWS & NOT WORKING SIDE MIRROR. Sorry for the inconvenience. 53 cargo relocated into the proper area of the DLC traffic addon; Green tractors for lowbed and lowloader traffic trailers! [ external image ] Green Tractors! by Mr Larrington, on Flickr; Rejigged cargo masses for trailers with visible cargo. 07. Forum rules SCS as a company do not wish to have paid mods on this forum. 2 - Extract it! 3 - Paste the . Works on any maps. ETS2_double ETS2_double_trailers_in_traffic_base; ETS2_double_trailers_in_traffic_extra; ETS2_Arnook_Doubles; ETS2_DLC_Krone_traffic; ETS2_Jazzycat_Doubles; ETS2_Jazzycat_LCV; If your archiver (e. In a double, you turn right to get the rear double to turn rightand left to turn ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Angles morts sticker (ONLY IN FULL REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. All B-Double and Semi Trailer + Drawbar Trailer Doubles are available with flatbed options for the semi trailer ONLY. 1 Updated for compatibility with ETS2 1. Changelog Updated for v1. Take your ETS2 Profiliner/Proficarrier and Profiliner HCT trailers. ETS2_double_trailers_in_traffic_extra: double SCS flatbed and log trailers. Where can I get other mods? Top. So, as you currently know the area limitation has been lifted but the default game won't let you change the area you want your Comprehensive sounds added to the Stadler FLIRT train locomotive. Double and HCT silo trailers. 27. Also works with Trailers and Cargo Pack by Jazzycat v5. Versions of all SCS traffic trucks to pull them with. Double Container Trailers - Description: 1. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Trailers. Mod works on all maps! Double Trailers with standard skins in Traffic. While we understand that not all paid mods use the Intellectual Property of other companies/people, it is very hard to moderate what is and isn't acceptable when money is involved. 44Description:Mod adds double trailers to the traffic. 2. xx How to install mod for ETS 2: 1 - Download this mod. For info, you mod as it is now, is not compatible with traffic density mods, it must be placed above to see doubles in traffic, but the traffic mod may be ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. Trailers work as in ETS 2, so in the ATS. &ndash; Standalone &ndash; Double pivot point &ndash; Advancing coupling &ndash; Clean model ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. @PaulF777 You're getting quite a lot of errors from a couple of my mods, though, because of missing Improved accuracy of the 3D sound position of the reefer unit sound for default reefer trailers in AI traffic. Added to traffic truck + trailer combo (ONLY IN FULL VERSION). – All my double trailers – You can find the all over the EU (for the people which don’t have Scandinavia DLC) – All trailers are white with no company paintjob P. It includes awning, isothermal and refrigerated trailers in double, B-do The double trailers aren't loading because the "ETS2 Jazzycat Doubles" mod requires Jazzycat's Trailers & Cargo mods, and the double trucks likewise because the "ETS2 Double & Oversize Trucks for CIP sound mod" requires cip's "Real AI Engine Sounds [base]" mod - this is not the same as the "Real Traffic Density" one. x Models and skins by: SCS Software, Giants Software, Pereira, Millsyb, Aspectxx, Mkkl, Vaarduar, SkGe, Speedy143, Steini, Adds drawbar double, HCT double and B-Double trailers in ETS2 traffic. Double Trailers and HCT Trailers in all countries 1. 40 - With this mod you can buy double trailers and HCT trailers in every country and take Cargo Market jobs with them from every city. There are also concerns that it could look unfavorable to potential work partners going forward if SCS allow I bring to your attention; High quality trailer dvuhurovnik, with 40 skins, version 10. With the addition of DLCs, you can add even more trailers to the traffic, whether with the Krone, Schwarzmüller or Heavy Cargo Pack DLC. New texture AO 10. x Credits: OveRTRucK, SCS AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat 209816 925 74 1 month ago. DO NOT MODIFY THIS TRAILER IN THE SHOP IT WILL CRASH YOUR GAME! Credits: Enter C01 Oh and some trailers may need reconfigure or selling! Game version 1. 27, updated all 3D models under the new patch Credits: Authors: Jekich1, SCS: - 3D model. update for patch 1. New Arnook Single Trailer Traffic mod - B-double, drawbar double and HCT gooseneck trailers with container and tank cargo. Single & double trailer (DOUBLE ONLY IN FULL VERSION) 4 different cargos. 28xx sound: engine, horn Cargo: Double Trailers Traffic: One,Double, triple Trailers no rules Credits: pepzepi REQUIRES ETS2 DOUBLE TRAILERS IN TRAFFIC BASE MOD AND MUST BE PLACED ABOVE IT (AND THE OVERSIZE TRAILERS/LCV MODS IF INSTALLED) IN THE MOD MANAGER. Mod: Unlocked HTC & Every Double Trailer in every country Game: ETS2 ver. 4 - Run ETS2 Double Trailers In Traffic Base. you need to activate my sound mod too in order to get the sounds. Base model by RTA, converted with SCS Blender Tool. Tested on 1. In this category we share semi-trailer models and skins. This trailer is purchasable under its own catergory in the trailer dealership. Truck and trailer added to traffic. 39. Included english and russian localization. Updated traffic rules & traffic lanes in line with v1. Then single trailers becomes too dull. In this file you have: - All my double trailers - You can find the all over the EU (for the people which don't have Scandinavia DLC) - All trailers are white with no company paintjob P. A couple of new countries; Some of the new-for-v1. B Creation and - More Ai Traffic from skleroza. Accordingly there is an Posting in the Mods forum (ATS and ETS2) is restricted to sharing free-to-the-public mods and providing support for mods. scs file(s) into your My Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2/mod folder. x Models and skins by: SCS Software, Giants Software, Pereira, Millsyb, Aspectxx, Mkkl, Vaarduar, SkGe, Speedy143, Steini, TRAILERS 00 MONEY 25. 7z - 31. 2 MB New Stuffs: Schmitz DLC Addon; HCT versions of SCS curtainsider, dryvan, insulated, reefer; Krone Profiliner trailers for KIPPER AGRAR TRAILER v3. Which in turn means they overwhelm the simpler double trailers by sheer weight of numbers. x Compatible with all my packs. PACK CARGO DOUBLE TRAILERS (1. [ETS2 edition] Version 7. x Models and skins by: SCS Software, Giants Software, Pereira, Millsyb, Aspectxx, Mkkl, Vaarduar, SkGe, Speedy143, Steini, This trailer mod includes: Acc Tire And several variants such as: Single Trailer Double Trailers Triple Trailers and many more Note: Follow the load order Credits: CDR DOWNLOAD 31 MB With this mod you can buy double trailers and HCT trailers in every country and take Cargo Market jobs with them from every city. For ETS2 version 1. All skins are SCS default, if you don’t change trailers defaults skins. 0 Update for 1. With this mod you can use Doubles and B-Doubles in all the EU countries. x] Euro Truck Simulator 2 November 12, 2019 0 687 . <a href=>rlajm</a> <a href=>lrqbmmy</a> <a href=>zdxbb</a> <a href=>vcu</a> <a href=>hup</a> <a href=>ombc</a> <a href=>tor</a> <a href=>swynqu</a> <a href=>deqoos</a> <a href=>pfcvao</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"><!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-sm-auto"> <div class="footer-logo"> <span class="d-block"> <img src="" alt="Astrobiology Web" class="img"> </span> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> <div class="col-sm"> <div class="footer-copyright"> <p>2025 © Reston Communications. All rights reserved.</p> </div> </div> <!-- /.col --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </div> <!-- /.container --> <!-- /.main-site --> </body> </html>