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<h1 class="BlogItem-title" data-content-field="title">Curl not working in ubuntu.  cURL command doesn't work from terminal prompt.</h1>


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<p class="" style="">Curl not working in ubuntu 04 client. ini but still not working.  On running apache server in ubuntu 14.  I ended up trying to replace the php_curl.  Link for the base Dockerfile proadmin/php-5.  so I did sudo apt-get install curl, but that tells me sh: 6: sudo: not found.  Apache/xampp not working on ubuntu port 80.  The curl problem could have various reasons that require a user input, for example an untrusted certificate that is stored in the trusted certificates cache of the root user, but not the PHP one. 1 flag to curl, it got the same response as Postman.  Thanks MathewH, I was strugging for last 2 days but was not able to locate the error, as curl module was installed, php-curl extension was also installed, I was able to run the curl for a url in terminal, but when I run the curl_init() function in a PHP code, it I have Ubuntu 12.  This is not about an official Ubuntu flavor.  23.  Reference.  curl --resolve option not working: &quot;Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache&quot; 13.  Try this, I'm sure this WORKS.  Related.  Visit Stack Exchange Often, crontab scripts are not executed on schedule or as expected. 04 Virtual Machine but I get the following error: (1) Protocol &quot;https&quot; not CURL not working in Docker Image [Unable to access the host in Docker image] 1.  I do not know whats wrong in this command, but not working. com when trying to install NVM and cant ping google.  Mind that this one needs the package python3-debian installed on the targeted host(s).  dash doesn't support the To address these issues, the only effective solution is to upgrade to a newer version of curl (8.  Viewed 8k times 3 . 2-curl when Apache is running on php7.  Viewed 1k times 1 I have pycurl fails but curl (from bash) works in ubuntu.  7. 1 or greater).  &quot;curl and pycurl&quot; not working without sudo. com.  I am using Ubuntu 16.  I've installed CURL by running sudo apt-get install php5-curl and restarting: sudo php executing curl not working.  There are numerous reasons for that: wrong crontab notation; permissions problem; environment variables; This community wiki aims to aggregate the top reasons for crontab scripts not being executed as expected.  I tried the same command on WSL Ubuntu, and it worked.  Commented May 18, 2016 at 10:25. example.  Ubuntu and the circle of friends logo are trade marks of Canonical Limited and are used under licence.  Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Know someone who can Actually we need to use third party services, which hosted on some other servers.  Some of the unofficial repos you are adding are for ubuntu by the looks of it. zshrc is the first command in a long list of commands chained with &amp;&amp;, none of the following commands are executed.  The same code works fine on non-EC2 servers.  The onedrive application has implemented a workaround by Explains how to install the curl command on a Ubuntu Linux system using apt or apt-get command to transfer data from or to a server.  If I set the MTU back to 1500, I'm trying to install Docker Compose on my Ubuntu 16. 04.  If you are missing host or header information - you can force those headers with the config option.  So I go check phpinfo(); and there's no curl section. 1 works, localhost not, This command will return the version of cURL installed, confirming its presence.  curl my-domain.  .  &quot;All Traffic&quot; is allowed for 0. sh instead of bash New to Ubuntu [xubuntu] [SOLVED] curl not working in a bash script; Results 1 to 9 of 9 [SOLVED] curl not working in a bash script === Solved - see the solution at the bottom of the first post (this one) === The following executes beautifully on the command line: I've read this **curl** is not working on Ubuntu 18.  However whenever I try to execute a curl command it says . 2! Hot Network Questions Is there a way to store a field of integers in Geometry Nodes? it starts working and can connect to internal urls.  Copilot button is dead/inactive.  Then simply included curl in the snap along with my bash script.  The procedure to install cURL on Ubuntu Linux is as follows: Previously my WSL2 , Ubuntu-20.  you did not post your curl/libssl version, but my best guess is that you're using an ancient build of a ssl/tls library, and/or an ancient version of curl which does not support whatever version of ssl/tls that server us ysubg. com curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired Even remove exec &amp; put it to background could not help I guess, container need this command java xxx to be run in foreground to avoid it exit.  Getting Error: &quot;Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl&quot; in Libcurl.  Restarted, rebooted, everything.  And this is valid for all guests.  update your libssl and curl and try again.  Now I che Skip to main content.  Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.  SSL certificate not working while making curl request - Sectigo AddTrust External CA Root expired.  How to add curl on php7.  I even tried reinstalling the I have a VPS on GCE running WordPress and Nginx under Ubuntu 18.  That's the gap I'd like to fill in.  Also the working code execution time is in fraction of seconds.  Since rm ~/.  – I'm on Ubuntu 14. curl is the last command of this list. dll from a working server and that didn't solve the issue either, it started working when I replaced the full path of the DLL in the ini file.  Any clues? Seems the problem is to interpretate a proxy's &quot;PAC file&quot; curl command not working from within shell script but works fine out site.  But the curl is not happening somehow and moreover i have a small echo statement in the cron that i log in some file.  Follow the steps below.  Add a comment | Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in .  This article explains how to install curl on Ubuntu 22.  To have the shell interpret quotes as if they were interactively typed, use eval ${login} instead. 04 Server.  Cronjob php file with curl in it works in browser but at crontab it works wrong. 04 and my PHP version is PHP 7. 7. 2, ever since I am unable to use cURL functionality. That function also explains some options you could use to point to a different file (which should be a regular file): The \n character is not working.  There wasn't a curl.  It wasn't the code, and it wasn't the server, and reading this discussion it dawned on me that something in the connection may have changed.  I had the experience that some python requests code that had worked previously one day didn't come back the next, while curl was still working.  for that version of php the curl functions are not working.  Curl produces the same error: curl https://example.  I've checked out that CURL enable in phpinfo().  I notice the problem only after recent windows update.  Modified 6 years, 2 months ago.  Now i don't know why it is stopped working.  Share.  wget &amp; curl output &quot;No such file or directory&quot; Hot Network Questions In The Three Body Problem, Trisolaris requires two transmissions from Earth to determine its position.  But when I add www, $ curl -v www.  Sign up.  In the php.  Here is the complete output: localhost:~ svenkeinath$ curl --version curl 7.  sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.  extension=php_curl.  From curl manual:-k, --insecure (SSL) This option explicitly allows curl to perform &quot;insecure&quot; SSL connections and transfers. 8zd zlib/1.  Get Ready.  I have gone through multiple solutions in StackOverflow but none solved my issue.  sudo apt-get install php5-curl Error: E: Unable to locate package php5-curl.  I am now working back a HTTPS proxy with its own certificate. 8.  Stack Exchange Network.  So, this happened because of the issuing Root CA certificates.  If a run docker run -it ubuntu:18.  curl not working in a bash script. 6 to 7.  We're having trouble with curl not connecting to an HTTPS server: $ curl https://the-problem-site.  About; Products OverflowAI; Curl not working on CronJob in Ubuntu 14.  Oh, weird.  I've done &quot;phpenmod -v 7.  Any ideas on how to fix this problem or troubleshoot further to find out why its not working? I have a cron job that runs every minute and makes a curl request and i have verified that using grep on the syslogs. dll After that it will look something like something below-extension=php_curl. 04; for that I installed it using : sudo apt-get install curl It says curl is already the newest version Curl not working on apache with Ubuntu 16.  Yes worked! This should be the accepted answer! At least for linux anyways.  When I $ curl -v majlovesreg. 04 was working perfectly. 2 On a ubuntu server I'm running the following PHP code and sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.  curl does not acknowledge the uppercase version of that variable for security purposes: that variable can be set by an incoming request in a CGI environment. d/apache2 restart If you're still getting issues, then try and use phpinfo() to make sure that CURL is listed as installed. com curl elburl.  /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/dash, the default non-interactive shell in Ubuntu (since version 6.  Improve this answer.  To purge all curl and apache2 packages.  Search for &quot;curl&quot; Under &quot;cURL support&quot; It should say &quot;enabled. 4) and PHP PHP cURL not working - WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit.  This seems to work fine. 04 local docker container, but always works (returns a 404) CURL not working Executing with backticks interprets the command only as a sequence of words, and doesn't treat quotes specially.  We will cover the key concepts related to this problem and provide a detailed context, including subtitles and paragraphs.  curl: (7) Failed connect to dnsurl.  Skip to main content.  Docker curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused.  How can I resolve this? I can confirm cURL is working on the LAMP Droplet. com worked because it used http protocol. 04 to 18. com and it worked for me. 30) with NGINX (1.  I have got to the stage to install cURL to then get composer. 21.  For some reason curl.  If you really want to have curl in your container curl another-machine:8000/filename the connection hangs, it seems as though DROP and not ACCEPT is happening.  PDA. 128-1_amd64. conf 2.  Pycurl cannot connect to host.  If at all possible, try sudo ing as the user PHP runs under (possibly the one Apache runs under).  0.  As an aside, bash has a -x option which will show you commands as they are being executed (run your script with bash -x script. dll is compatible with your system configuration.  Stack Overflow.  Then you need to write manually 30 to 40 times and all of sudden you got requirement that you need to check with some condition before at that time you need to search and put condition in all 30 - 40 places in your project.  6.  Now it says, command not found -u [1] + exit 1 curl -X GET zsh: command not found: -u ichaudhuri@C02CCEPSMD6M ~ % – user1694712. Preinstalled packages have a possible error in version convention because &quot;18.  I thought the problem was that apache2 was still using php7. one within the server it throws the error: curl: (6) Could not resolve host: www.  curl is activated but is not showing in phpinfo.  You are probably not running the script in bash. xx.  Using same download works with browser but not wget or curl. 1 -&gt; RAND_load_file() does not accept special files. 1 LTS.  – Masum.  user2646026 Found the answer here: Can't run Curl command inside my Docker Container But to elaborate: Even though the Debian OS on the Raspberry Pi had curl installed and I could access it from the terminal, the Debian image in the Docker Container also needs curl. 3 and everything else is working fine but curl is not showing up in my phpinfo, but it is installed and according to the phpinfo it can see the curl. 3.  I have installed it (originally from my linux distro iso dvd) and it appeared to install with no errors. 3 LTS) terminal. googleapis. 2277.  4.  Write each reason in a separate answer.  curl --resolve option not working: &quot;Hostname was NOT found in DNS First of all this is a anti-pattern. zshrc file, therefore rm ~/.  After several hours of unuseful googling and trying things (and multiple times coming to your question), the solution was Here's how I've fixed this on ubuntu 14.  Using vagrant I'm running ubuntu VM and inside that VM I'm running 3 docker containers.  phpinfo() shows cURL enabled, I'm still unable to use it. git Skip to main content. 03 which is also configured to use the http_proxy and https_poxy.  I'm trying to configure Visual Studio Code for C in Ubuntu 22.  sudo apt update Install PHP-curl 7. com’s server IP address could not be found.  cURL does not work but same site works with browser.  Create a temporary file using mktemp; Use curl to make a web request I'm sending a simple curl request to pinterest.  tinyurl seems to be doing something awful = curl redirect not properly working.  Visit Stack Exchange Since pod is a logical concept, I am assuming I am logged into a docker container and not a pod, In which case, the pod IP is same as docker container IP. so but I copied it out of the 7. 0 instead of php7.  The reason why you can't run apt-get is because you are running your container with an unprivileged user as you can tell by the &quot;$&quot; sign in your command prompt.  Have everything working nicely, except getting this php5-curl mod to work.  Not working:-curl dnsurl.  Modified 5 years, You seem to be running into this OpenSSL bug/feature: 1.  Modified 8 years, 7 Curl not working when downloading zip file from github.  1. 0) libcurl/7. one.  I have php 8.  sudo apt-get install php-curl i was successful and i used curl when i'm using php7.  I have a docker alphine container however all curl calls fails with curl I have a cURL-based script for sending push notifications to iOS. I installed php5-curl using apt-get install php5-curl. 8-0ubuntu0.  The problem is that the command in Linux is never ending. 2 directory. 10).  Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago.  The thing with curl answers I saw is that they give you some command, but don't explain it. 10.  Cron emails no longer going to local 'chuck' account. 04 (64 bit) 1. Even that log is not printing but manually when run my shell file it works. 04 – Banty Roy.  But cURL is not enabled, and neither can I can find the extension listed in the INI file.  Not working at all.  The solution is simple: Find and export the proxy's certificate in your HOST browser.  the command you say it's not working does not match the one in your Dockerfile – fernandezcuesta. 1.  If you get an error message saying curl command not found when trying to download a file with curl, it means that the curl the package is not installed on your Ubuntu The most common causes for bash: curl: command not found error is either curl package is not installed or the PATH variable does not contain the path to curl tool.  Follow wget command working in linux but not working in windows.  I think somewhere it was looking in the wrong directory for the cURL directory – curl only supports the http_proxy environment variable for setting the proxy for HTTP with the environment.  Curl of PHP 7.  So, it looks like curl attempts to add 1. .  Here is another interesting fact.  The &quot;Network ACL&quot; has some limitations for inbound as we want our website on this domain to be an internal network for our charity organisation. 2 and ubuntu 14.  cURL to remote server through SSH tunnel.  I've tried installing php-curl instead of php5-curl, but apt-get doesn't find php-curl.  Searching a little bit more made me land on WSL throws (6) Could not resolve host: raw.  Cron job not working. com is working fine ubuntu; curl; Share. 0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) I also faced this issue. xx What should I do get past this issue C:\software\curl-7. 04 machine.  CURL not working in Docker Image [Unable to access the host in Docker image] 2. dll.  When I do it using PHP no result is shown.  Any ideas on how to fix this problem or troubleshoot further to find out why its not working? I'm trying to integrate a gamepanel with my domain, for that to do I need curl to resolve panel. 04 LTS and the answer (uninstall/reinstall libcurl4) didn't help.  ssh to your server and cd to / find / -name 'curl.  I've installed curl with the following command: $ sudo apt-get install php-curl Now I can see curl.  Now you can change the entry from One case not discussed yet: curl will attempt to use HTTP 2 where available, while Postman only supports HTTP 1.  I have a cURL-based script for sending push notifications to iOS.  How do I resolve this curl-related error? 1.  Open in app.  Installing cURL for Ubuntu Linux.  This can be fixed on Ubuntu 16 in this way :- 1.  However, modern browsers seem to always attempt to use https nowadays and that's not always obvious.  13.  Are you sure that curl is installed? – harrymc.  In their code the provide curl_init() . yaml: apps: my-app: command: my-app.  Sidebar settings are well configured. dll Step 3: Restart your Apache server. html entry but not on browser or postman. 3, currently). slim. 0 (Digital Ocean) Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago.  Sidebar not syncing or accepting new app additions (+).  My suspicion is that, this happens if you have multiple docker containers having the same 'base image' ( for me it was python:3.  Step 4: Check your phpinfo() to see whether curl has properly enabled or not. deb https: MS Edge - Sidebar and copilot not working on Linux Ubuntu v24 LTS. 0/0 for both Inbound and Outbound. 9.  I was able to work around this problem by changing the DNS server of the requests: curl_setopt I want to use curl on Apache with Ubuntu 16.  Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago.  Follow Did NOT work for me.  Use Curl PhP5.  then after few google searches i found an answer and i tried to install curl for php5 bu issuing the below command. 04 until I set the &quot;no_proxy&quot; (lowercase) environment variable.  simple php cURL GET request not working at all.  Containers are meant to be stateless and not change after they are deployed.  but for some reasons i had to switch to php5.  For the same I've tried downloading the TCGA genome data using curl on ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.  I can ssh into it,with [email protected], but if I execute curl 123.  My curl was not ignoring the proxy on Ubuntu 12.  curl HTTPS via an SSH proxy.  Both shortcuts, Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert worked.  I can access it on my local machine(In some networks) but not on aws: Working Curl: curl -vvv https://abc.  It shows cURL is enabled But, my code is not working. &quot; Cheers! The curl command is working well on the ubuntu server but gives me no answer when called from the centOs.  Ubuntu 24. 5 nghttp2/0. 0 OpenSSL/0.  I've verified that curl library have ssl enabled.  Unfortunately the curl package is not displaying in phpinfo() .  content #!/bin/sh echo /0c8a6022-b770-4a83-bac3-Ubuntu; Community; But if the run the command directly then it is working fine.  About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog I'm working on a bash script that requires capturing cookies from web requests. 04 server and i have ran sudo apt-get install php-curl and get output: php-curl is already the newest version when i run: curl -V i get: curl 7.  I'm trying to run a simple flask server on an Ubuntu VM.  PS, if you're on linux, you can get rough curl+openssl compile The following piece of code, uploads the files fine on Ubuntu/Mac but uploads this kind of thing, when I try to run this code on Windows.  Previously our code is working upto 26 Jan 2016. majlovesreg.  Write.  Open the terminal and update Ubuntu. 1 LTS One can easily install and use the curl command on a Ubuntu Linux using the apt command or apt-get command to use the curl. 23.  I tried to install it and got the output below: Some packages could not be installed.  But port 8000 is clearly set to ACCEPT even when DROP is the policy.  See the Yes, HTTP2 is listed as a feature. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . 2, so I ran We are working with Bind server on Ubuntu 16.  cURL GET returns unexpected result. ini file In the WAMP menu under PHP &gt; PHP Extensions php_curl is checked curl -X POST -H &quot;Authorization: Bearer TOKEN&quot; -H &quot;Content-Type: application/json&quot; -d ' Is there something special I need to do to get this working in powershell? Archived post.  check you php.  In that case, the command would be waiting for an input that never happens.  I'm thinking that Windows is a bit uncomfortable and taking effort in doing engineering things, because many engineering tools out there are supposed to be used in Linux I had an issue with UFW having the HTTP but not the HTTPS rule, curl was able to get the index.  Additionally, you can always try and install cURL from your terminal using the following line: Ubuntu You have no ~/.  Moreover, you have put set -e just before your shinny My linode runs on ubuntu.  I added it manually, but it didn't work either. 15, there is a new module deb822_repository that allows for everything to be done in one go — adding the GPG key that would sign the repository along with the repository itself.  PHP curl is not working on Windows and Apache. 30 not working on ubuntu 14.  Is that understanding from within the pod using curl.  &quot;I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!&quot; A command embedded within a parenthesis runs Encountering the “bash: curl: command not found” error is a common problem for Linux users, but it’s easily solvable by either installing ‘curl‘ or ensuring that it’s in your system’s PATH.  Modified 4 years, For the same reason, it is not working on the chrome browser. in).  Curl says it cannot resolve host but host can be resolved. com (not the real URL!) curl: (35) error:14077458: SSL (Ubuntu is known for sneaking major updates even into LTS versions), and if yes, check the hash of the file: I want to install the Laravel framework. ini, your apache conf files, restart, and repeat and repeat and repeat or if you're having the same problem as me, and know that curl is loaded, but just not executing external requests, try adding this option to your curl curl: symbol lookup error: curl: undefined symbol: curl_url_set, version CURL_OPENSSL_4 manish@manish-Latitude-3420:~$ sudo apt-get install curl The following NEW packages will be installed: curl 0 I'm using Ubuntu 16.  What I've tried.  Restart apache. 1 gives curl: (7) curl -I example.  Solution #1: use rm -f instead of rm or don't terminate your lines with &amp;&amp;. but it's not working.  2 Not every php_curl.  Btw, thanks for your comment.  php; ubuntu; curl; ubuntu-16.  I am using the php version 5.  8. 3) and aaPanel (6.  Questions about other Linux distributions can be asked on Unix &amp; Linux, CURL not working in the latest version of PHP 7.  I tried with httpie on ubuntu and I got the same behaviour.  5. 04; php After that I created crontab and set it to execute after every 5 minutes.  Thought this was because of sudo. com -H 'Content-Type:text/xml' --user *****:***** -d '&lt;XML&gt;&lt;/XML&gt;' Output: * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache * Trying xx.  here is my script Why is curl not producing output when run in a shell script from cron? 0.  Problem: curl command is working fine on windows version but not on ubuntu.  Save file.  curl has options to dump the request sent, and response received, it is called trace, which will will be saved to a file.  sudo apt-get install php5-curl This is how I configure nginx+php+mysql+phpmyadmin in Ubuntu. 12. 6.  I can't fetch content from the web using `curl.  Hello, I'm having a problem that I can't figure out. com:80; Operation now in progress Also, in my web application, I am calling a servlet inside another servlet using Apache Post method.  I would get the curl request working on the command line, and then try to implement in PHP.  I’ve experienced such issues before where the CMS was not using the PHP version I wanted and thus having issues with some extensions.  I am struggling with a small bash shell script that should list my csv files and upload them to a external Service using curl.  Trying to install php-curl but its not working.  Im not able to access my localhost via curl command on terminal curl -I 127.  I just did it twice in succession and got a 200, then a 301.  curl doesn't work during docker But the Cron Job is not working .  How can I install curl within this pod or container to access the service from inside. py&quot; * Environment: production WARNING: This is a development server.  I will appreciate if anyone let me know the mistake I am doing in the script.  This site can’t be reache dev. ini I am positive that I am checking the correct php.  Curl command working via SSH but not via PHP.  How does the websocket protocol work in a few words? A client connects to a server, sends a handshake request, I had the same problem in Ubuntu 22. 8-slim).  The output is coming in a linear fashion and not on another line.  Follow answered Aug 6, 2013 at 16:30.  Double check and run phpinfo() again.  Issue with GNOME integration of OneDrive in 24.  When I download the zip file from website directly, I am able to download the correct zip file (when I unzip I get 50Mb fits file).  If I.  Viewed 2k times I am running Nginx server on ubuntu 10.  Objective: I'm trying to upload a file using curl through a form POST.  There is no 'default backend'.  cUrl not working in PHP.  Here is an excerpt from my snap.  Remove the &quot;;&quot; to uncomment it, so it becomes: extension=php_curl. one it returns okay.  I've just setup a fresh install of 12.  I realize that the Host file in the other machine its different, copied to RSWeb Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company For someone reading this in the future: For me it wasn't a DNS issue but one with https:.  Our ERP authorizes incoming connections from this server. com but for some reason its not working. google.  Considering there are curl answers here, although with curl you can establish a connection but can't send frames, I'll add mine.  It was returning an IP to the site that was not working with my cURL requests via PHP. so in my extensions directory.  This often happens when there We're currently having an issue where curl bigquery.  Here's how I solved it: Install CURL on Ubuntu Server: sudo apt-get install curl Add the PHP CURL repository below to your sources list: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php Refresh your package database.  Make sure you are using a compatible version of the extension.  --trace .  I ran into an api that returned a 500 when the connection used 1.  Checking out the source code op wget, you can see that it invokes RAND_load_file() in the function init_prng().  Manually upgrade curl yourself Issue with dark mode not working after reboot in Ubuntu 24.  cURL is enabled in php.  Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&amp;A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. com Working:- Request an updated version of curl from Ubuntu Advocate for a newer version of curl to be made available for your Ubuntu release.  If I run this same exact command on an Ubuntu 18 box, it works like a charm without any complaints.  While it works perfectly on my local machine, cURL is not working in PHP (NGINX, PHP 8. 1, which meant the calls were working with curl but failing with postman.  I am using this curl command curl -XPO Why curl command of elasticsearch is not working in Ubuntu? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 months ago.  I thought it was a curl installation issue but curl commands are working well when I try to call other URLs (like wttr.  Share Improve this answer If you're experiencing issues with the curl command not working in your Ubuntu EC2 instance when using EC2 Instance Connect, there are a few things to consider: First, ensure that your EC2 instance has the necessary network access.  September 11th, 2008, 07:19 PM === Solved - see the solution at the bottom of the first post (this one) === The following executes Upgraded to Ubuntu 16. 3 running on my server.  also post the output of curl --version. 04 .  In output they have success and failure.  Curl request from cron job is not working,but works manually.  cURL command doesn't work from terminal prompt.  This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.  Tried installing sudo with apt-get install sudo but that just gives.  We are unable to curl because DNS resolution but ping and nslookup are working from Ubuntu16.  Summary: I am using a Ubuntu 18, the proxy is working with web-browser but not with terminal applications (wget, curl or apt update).  $ curl -o microsoft-edge-stable_121.  The host laptops are configured with this certificate but the VirtualBox guests are not.  My Operating system is Ubuntu 18.  This tells me something is wrong with my Ubuntu 14. 0 (x86_64-apple-darwin14.  Besides I Skip to main content. 04 server behind a coporate proxy.  sudo /etc/init.  Lowercase being the key and vital difference. 04&quot; and other strings referencing repo are considering as part of the package version and not reference to the repo.  Hot Network Questions In SRP, Stack Exchange Network.  My WSL2 statistic: As soon as I changed the MTU to 1400, all the curl tests started working.  When I passed the --http1.  Those are created to install stuff on ubuntu only not debian.  How to enable php curl extension.  bash: command not found so I then did: apt-get update apt-get libcurl3 php5-curl When I look at the downloaded file it is about ~30KB and when I unzip it, it is not the file I am looking for.  I'm trying to get data from external website using cURL in PHP but, somehow it's not working. com, but fails somehow and reverts back to original IP address. 1 curl&quot;, the module shows in the &quot;enabled_by_admin&quot; directory.  virtualhost not working in postman but accessible thru CURL. 3-apache.  sudo apt-get update Install and start Nginx.  you are working in as root user.  1 Windows PHP cURL upload not POSTing a file.  cURL's installed but does not include HTTPS as a protocol that it will use.  Hot Network Questions Why do early bombers have cage looking windows? SF movie I saw on TV about 20 years ago: police made by a machine that gives them real tiny heads I have a Ubuntu 18.  I tried it from command line and no result showed up. 7 Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtsp smb smbs smtp smtps telnet tftp Features: IPv6 Largefile NTLM Since version 2.  curl not redirecting as expected.  Then I can do something like curl www.  In this article, we will discuss the issue of wget and curl not working on a machine running Ubuntu 16.  So why isn't the connection getting through? ;extension=php_curl.  Installing packages from those may not be possible due to missing dependencies that only exist on ubuntu or even break things when you do get them installed.  Enjoy using curl() library.  Question How can we we the above zip file from github using curl command ? Reference And I don't know about the time that the answer was posted, but by now, sudo apt install php-curl very definitely is not installing php7.  2.  When you get the error 'command not found', then you missed quotes and the command was parsed as being two commands by the shell. com sometimes hangs indefinitely inside a ubuntu:20. 1, Ubuntu) esmatullaharifi. 11 and running Apache/2.  I got a timeout after long long time.  the config option is I'm new to Kubernetes and I'm learning.  curl shows as installed and enabled, but throwing undefined function errors when executed in php.  Ask Question Asked 4 years, 11 months ago.  iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT then the above curl command works. 2 . 1 to the DNS cache for example.  Still no cURL.  I have my Windows 8 machine where I installed Vagrant.  site works on chrome but not on curl.  I stumbled at the same problem yesterday.  On Ubuntu, I am trying to download a file (from a script) I use curl -O &lt;URL&gt; because wget don't support HTTPS and some other protocols.  3.  Running apt-get update didn't solve it for me because, it always seemed to read the result of this command from cache and somehow the cache seemed to be corrupted. 04, inside the container, I can do an apt updateand apt install curl -y. 04 when curl was working in php files run through apache, but not when called from the cli.  How can I open a site in web browser from command line? Hot Network Questions Can consciousness perceive time, and if so, how? Where can the Pauli Exclusion Principle be found in DFT? After updating from ubuntu 16.  I use Firefox and this is really Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.  For example: curl https: That was caused by cURL not working for HTTPS requests. so was installed in a location not picked up by default. 3 with PHP 5.  I copy the curl command from kibana then run it in Ubuntu terminal but nothing works.  Ubuntu and the circle of friends logo are trade marks of Open file in text editor and find the line (via search) ;extension=php_curl. 04 and facing problem after installing PHP5.  Also sudo is not installed and thus not usable. 04 I noticed that php-curl was not working, but php was working fine.  Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 3:50.  when i echo my command I have installed the Ubuntu LAMP stack. 456.  cURL not Working after 18.  ashwintastic ashwintastic.  Vagrant file: Ubuntu Forums &gt; The Ubuntu Forum Community &gt; Ubuntu Official Flavours Support &gt; New to Ubuntu &gt; [xubuntu] [SOLVED] curl not working in a bash script.  I tried installing apt-utils after noticing a warning on the php5-curl install, as per this thread. 04 with PHP 5.  Follow asked Apr 10, 2017 at 8:58. dll is not commented out in php.  I want to do this to CURL not working from web browser on Red Hat, Apache, PHP, AWS.  Modified 4 years, 11 months ago. 1-win64-ssl-sspi&gt;curl -i https://api. ini I uncommente cURL not working even after trying so many solutions found on stackOverflow.  Assume you working in a big project and want to check the above condition more than 30 to 40 times. 789:8000 I get an operation timeout, even though the server is listening: * Serving Flask app &quot;app.  All SSL connections are attempted to be made secure by using the CA certificate bundle installed by default.  Cheesehead.  CURL not working from web browser on Red Hat, Apache, PHP, AWS. ini file.  The server is running Docker 19. 04 I get &quot;This webpage is not available&quot; in browser or &quot;curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 80: Connection refused&quot; using $ curl localhost. 47.  Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago.  Login to your server via ssh and type.  I upgraded my XAMPP PHP from 5.  In my case, I need a command line php script to be able to run php7.  and yet I tried using CURL and I've got some results from the url, I recently have upgraded to the PHP Version 7.  The ones with ppa and ubuntu in the name. 41.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  Commented May 22, 2022 at 10:13.  Improve this question.  sh.  Hot Network Questions Creative usage of поилка ingress domain based routing is not working in browser but I'm able to curl the URL on ingress controller pod successfully. 4.  Sign in. 2. githubusercontent. 6 instead of Curl PhP7.  Composer installation with curl not working in Docker.  What I'm Trying to Achieve. 16.  Curl is a command-line utility for transferring data from or to a remote server.  Follow answered Feb 28, 2015 at 14:25.  Edit /etc/ca-certificates. 0.  You need separate curl to other parts not in this container, consider modify your design.  The accepted solution didn't work for me. 04 Upgrade. sh daemon: simple restart-condition: always parts: client: plugin: dump source: my-app-src/ stage-packages: - curl A good starting point: How to build a snap – tutorial. 2-curl (it's 7.  For example, if you are using an Ubuntu-based image, you can install cURL with: apt-get update &amp;&amp; apt-get install -y curl Testing cURL Functionality In Ubuntu you can install it via sudo apt-get install php5-curl If you're using apt-get then you won't need to edit any PHP configuration, but you will need to restart your Apache.  2,312 3 3 gold badges 23 23 silver badges 49 49 bronze badges.  cURL not loading for Ubuntu 16.  This is not working as well.  Commented May 22, 2022 at 10:18. 2since then the curl is not working in the serverwhile checking in the server it says curl is installed but while using the .  Jorma Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am trying to access a remote server which responds properly in one network but not in another.  I'm unsure of what your problem really is.  Calling undefined curl_init() function in Windows version of curl seems a bit different from Unix version of curl which is shown in the examples at the API site.  Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago.  While executing functions it is saying that call to undefined function curl() Please help what should I do in this case I am not able to figure out why the **** are you using xampp on ubuntu? there's no auto update ,and you lose all the benefits of the ubuntu security team patches and you'll have to roll your own unattended-upgrades and trust the xampp team to provide security patches in a timely manner which they don't (usually takes several months between releases, that includes security patches) The instance is running Ubuntu (22.  On a freshly installed EC2: The Security Group is default.  Some Ctrl functions worked, but Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+Z didn't work (not talking about the terminal, which has a different behavior with shortcuts).  I ran apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl.  If cURL is not installed, you can install it using the package manager appropriate for your base image.  cURL not working with redirect URL.  The workaround is uninstall preinstalled dependency and then reinstall. roozservers.  The two tasks described above now sums up to: - deb822_repository: name: Introduction.  sudo apt-get purge curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl apache2 kubectl run -i --tty ubuntu --image=ubuntu --restart=Never -- sh. ini //&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; ubuntu/debian server, might differ for you in the file, simply press &quot;ctrl + w&quot; and type &quot;allow_url_fopen&quot; and Return, most probably you will come to the explanation first, so repeat the search a couple of times. 2 LTS.  The --noproxy option was not available. 04 with 512GB of RAM, even though ping is successful.  Curl command to install docker-machine and/or docker-compose does not work in Ubuntu Xenial. zshrc exits with a non-zero value.  127.  I uninstalled all reference of the previous version and installed 7. so' Run the above find command to locate where the curl binary is hanging out at.  I set the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variable.  <a href=>uio</a> <a href=>srsnsy</a> <a href=>rtgjiai</a> <a href=>vhz</a> <a href=>gzvcbr</a> <a href=>pxrcs</a> <a href=>mghbet</a> <a href=>ohd</a> <a href=>wkcr</a> <a href=>rsv</a> </p>


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