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font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; }/* cyrillic-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0460-052F, U+1C80-1C8A, U+20B4, U+2DE0-2DFF, U+A640-A69F, U+FE2E-FE2F; } /* cyrillic */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0301, U+0400-045F, U+0490-0491, U+04B0-04B1, U+2116; } /* greek-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+1F00-1FFF; } /* greek */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0370-0377, U+037A-037F, U+0384-038A, U+038C, U+038E-03A1, U+03A3-03FF; } /* math */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0302-0303, U+0305, U+0307-0308, U+0310, U+0312, U+0315, U+031A, U+0326-0327, U+032C, U+032F-0330, U+0332-0333, U+0338, U+033A, U+0346, U+034D, U+0391-03A1, U+03A3-03A9, U+03B1-03C9, U+03D1, U+03D5-03D6, U+03F0-03F1, U+03F4-03F5, U+2016-2017, U+2034-2038, U+203C, U+2040, U+2043, U+2047, U+2050, U+2057, U+205F, U+2070-2071, U+2074-208E, U+2090-209C, U+20D0-20DC, U+20E1, U+20E5-20EF, U+2100-2112, U+2114-2115, U+2117-2121, U+2123-214F, U+2190, U+2192, U+2194-21AE, U+21B0-21E5, U+21F1-21F2, U+21F4-2211, U+2213-2214, U+2216-22FF, U+2308-230B, U+2310, U+2319, U+231C-2321, U+2336-237A, U+237C, U+2395, U+239B-23B7, U+23D0, U+23DC-23E1, U+2474-2475, U+25AF, U+25B3, U+25B7, U+25BD, U+25C1, U+25CA, U+25CC, U+25FB, U+266D-266F, U+27C0-27FF, U+2900-2AFF, U+2B0E-2B11, U+2B30-2B4C, U+2BFE, U+3030, U+FF5B, U+FF5D, U+1D400-1D7FF, U+1EE00-1EEFF; } /* symbols */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0001-000C, U+000E-001F, U+007F-009F, U+20DD-20E0, U+20E2-20E4, U+2150-218F, U+2190, U+2192, U+2194-2199, U+21AF, U+21E6-21F0, U+21F3, U+2218-2219, U+2299, U+22C4-22C6, U+2300-243F, U+2440-244A, U+2460-24FF, U+25A0-27BF, U+2800-28FF, U+2921-2922, U+2981, U+29BF, U+29EB, U+2B00-2BFF, U+4DC0-4DFF, U+FFF9-FFFB, U+10140-1018E, U+10190-1019C, U+101A0, U+101D0-101FD, U+102E0-102FB, U+10E60-10E7E, U+1D2C0-1D2D3, U+1D2E0-1D37F, U+1F000-1F0FF, U+1F100-1F1AD, U+1F1E6-1F1FF, U+1F30D-1F30F, U+1F315, U+1F31C, U+1F31E, U+1F320-1F32C, U+1F336, U+1F378, U+1F37D, U+1F382, U+1F393-1F39F, U+1F3A7-1F3A8, U+1F3AC-1F3AF, U+1F3C2, U+1F3C4-1F3C6, U+1F3CA-1F3CE, U+1F3D4-1F3E0, U+1F3ED, U+1F3F1-1F3F3, U+1F3F5-1F3F7, U+1F408, U+1F415, U+1F41F, U+1F426, U+1F43F, U+1F441-1F442, U+1F444, U+1F446-1F449, U+1F44C-1F44E, U+1F453, U+1F46A, U+1F47D, U+1F4A3, U+1F4B0, U+1F4B3, U+1F4B9, U+1F4BB, U+1F4BF, U+1F4C8-1F4CB, U+1F4D6, U+1F4DA, U+1F4DF, U+1F4E3-1F4E6, U+1F4EA-1F4ED, U+1F4F7, U+1F4F9-1F4FB, U+1F4FD-1F4FE, U+1F503, U+1F507-1F50B, U+1F50D, U+1F512-1F513, U+1F53E-1F54A, U+1F54F-1F5FA, U+1F610, U+1F650-1F67F, U+1F687, U+1F68D, U+1F691, U+1F694, U+1F698, U+1F6AD, U+1F6B2, U+1F6B9-1F6BA, U+1F6BC, U+1F6C6-1F6CF, U+1F6D3-1F6D7, U+1F6E0-1F6EA, U+1F6F0-1F6F3, U+1F6F7-1F6FC, U+1F700-1F7FF, U+1F800-1F80B, U+1F810-1F847, U+1F850-1F859, U+1F860-1F887, U+1F890-1F8AD, U+1F8B0-1F8BB, U+1F8C0-1F8C1, U+1F900-1F90B, U+1F93B, U+1F946, U+1F984, U+1F996, U+1F9E9, U+1FA00-1FA6F, U+1FA70-1FA7C, U+1FA80-1FA89, U+1FA8F-1FAC6, U+1FACE-1FADC, U+1FADF-1FAE9, U+1FAF0-1FAF8, U+1FB00-1FBFF; } /* vietnamese */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0102-0103, U+0110-0111, U+0128-0129, U+0168-0169, U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+0300-0301, U+0303-0304, U+0308-0309, U+0323, U+0329, U+1EA0-1EF9, U+20AB; } /* latin-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0100-02BA, U+02BD-02C5, U+02C7-02CC, U+02CE-02D7, U+02DD-02FF, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+1D00-1DBF, U+1E00-1E9F, U+1EF2-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20C0, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF; } /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; }/* cyrillic-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0460-052F, U+1C80-1C8A, U+20B4, U+2DE0-2DFF, U+A640-A69F, U+FE2E-FE2F; } /* cyrillic */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0301, U+0400-045F, U+0490-0491, U+04B0-04B1, U+2116; } /* greek-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+1F00-1FFF; } /* greek */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0370-0377, U+037A-037F, U+0384-038A, U+038C, U+038E-03A1, U+03A3-03FF; } /* math */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0302-0303, U+0305, U+0307-0308, U+0310, U+0312, U+0315, U+031A, U+0326-0327, U+032C, U+032F-0330, U+0332-0333, U+0338, U+033A, U+0346, U+034D, U+0391-03A1, U+03A3-03A9, U+03B1-03C9, U+03D1, U+03D5-03D6, U+03F0-03F1, U+03F4-03F5, U+2016-2017, U+2034-2038, U+203C, U+2040, U+2043, U+2047, U+2050, U+2057, U+205F, U+2070-2071, U+2074-208E, U+2090-209C, U+20D0-20DC, U+20E1, U+20E5-20EF, U+2100-2112, U+2114-2115, U+2117-2121, U+2123-214F, U+2190, U+2192, U+2194-21AE, U+21B0-21E5, U+21F1-21F2, U+21F4-2211, U+2213-2214, U+2216-22FF, U+2308-230B, U+2310, U+2319, U+231C-2321, U+2336-237A, U+237C, U+2395, U+239B-23B7, U+23D0, U+23DC-23E1, U+2474-2475, U+25AF, U+25B3, U+25B7, U+25BD, U+25C1, U+25CA, U+25CC, U+25FB, U+266D-266F, U+27C0-27FF, U+2900-2AFF, U+2B0E-2B11, U+2B30-2B4C, U+2BFE, U+3030, U+FF5B, U+FF5D, U+1D400-1D7FF, U+1EE00-1EEFF; } /* symbols */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0001-000C, U+000E-001F, U+007F-009F, U+20DD-20E0, U+20E2-20E4, U+2150-218F, U+2190, U+2192, U+2194-2199, U+21AF, U+21E6-21F0, U+21F3, U+2218-2219, U+2299, U+22C4-22C6, U+2300-243F, U+2440-244A, U+2460-24FF, U+25A0-27BF, U+2800-28FF, U+2921-2922, U+2981, U+29BF, U+29EB, U+2B00-2BFF, U+4DC0-4DFF, U+FFF9-FFFB, U+10140-1018E, U+10190-1019C, U+101A0, U+101D0-101FD, U+102E0-102FB, U+10E60-10E7E, U+1D2C0-1D2D3, U+1D2E0-1D37F, U+1F000-1F0FF, U+1F100-1F1AD, U+1F1E6-1F1FF, U+1F30D-1F30F, U+1F315, U+1F31C, U+1F31E, U+1F320-1F32C, U+1F336, U+1F378, U+1F37D, U+1F382, U+1F393-1F39F, U+1F3A7-1F3A8, U+1F3AC-1F3AF, U+1F3C2, U+1F3C4-1F3C6, U+1F3CA-1F3CE, U+1F3D4-1F3E0, U+1F3ED, U+1F3F1-1F3F3, U+1F3F5-1F3F7, U+1F408, U+1F415, U+1F41F, U+1F426, U+1F43F, U+1F441-1F442, U+1F444, U+1F446-1F449, U+1F44C-1F44E, U+1F453, U+1F46A, U+1F47D, U+1F4A3, U+1F4B0, U+1F4B3, U+1F4B9, U+1F4BB, U+1F4BF, U+1F4C8-1F4CB, U+1F4D6, U+1F4DA, U+1F4DF, U+1F4E3-1F4E6, U+1F4EA-1F4ED, U+1F4F7, U+1F4F9-1F4FB, U+1F4FD-1F4FE, U+1F503, U+1F507-1F50B, U+1F50D, U+1F512-1F513, U+1F53E-1F54A, U+1F54F-1F5FA, U+1F610, U+1F650-1F67F, U+1F687, U+1F68D, U+1F691, U+1F694, U+1F698, U+1F6AD, U+1F6B2, U+1F6B9-1F6BA, U+1F6BC, U+1F6C6-1F6CF, U+1F6D3-1F6D7, U+1F6E0-1F6EA, U+1F6F0-1F6F3, U+1F6F7-1F6FC, U+1F700-1F7FF, U+1F800-1F80B, U+1F810-1F847, U+1F850-1F859, U+1F860-1F887, U+1F890-1F8AD, U+1F8B0-1F8BB, U+1F8C0-1F8C1, U+1F900-1F90B, U+1F93B, U+1F946, U+1F984, U+1F996, U+1F9E9, U+1FA00-1FA6F, U+1FA70-1FA7C, U+1FA80-1FA89, U+1FA8F-1FAC6, U+1FACE-1FADC, U+1FADF-1FAE9, U+1FAF0-1FAF8, U+1FB00-1FBFF; } /* vietnamese */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0102-0103, U+0110-0111, U+0128-0129, U+0168-0169, U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+0300-0301, U+0303-0304, U+0308-0309, U+0323, U+0329, U+1EA0-1EF9, U+20AB; } /* latin-ext */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0100-02BA, U+02BD-02C5, U+02C7-02CC, U+02CE-02D7, U+02DD-02FF, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+1D00-1DBF, U+1E00-1E9F, U+1EF2-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20C0, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF; } /* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Roboto'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 900; font-stretch: 100%; font-display: swap; src: url() format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; }</style> </head> <body id="blog" class="home page-template-default page page-id-31 wp-custom-logo elementor-default elementor-kit-297 elementor-page elementor-page-31"> <span class="skip-link screen-reader-text"><br> </span> <div class="page-wrap"> <div class="container-fluid main-container page-builders" role="main"> <div 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Quality Handcrafted Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders.</p> </h2> </div> </div> </div> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-09369bb elementor-section-height-min-height elementor-section-content-middle elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default" data-id="09369bb" data-element_type="section"> </section> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-default"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-a6796ee" data-id="a6796ee" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-6580b53c elementor-widget elementor-widget-writing-effect-headline" data-id="6580b53c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type=""> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <h2 class="futurio-extra-written-headline" data-speed="33" data-delay="2000" data-loop="1"> <span class="before-written">Absolute ii bird feeder pole. 95 HF7533 The Original Absolute Combo (Pole & Hanger).</span><span class="written-lines"> </span> </h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-1e2e33c elementor-widget elementor-widget-spacer" data-id="1e2e33c" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type=""> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="elementor-spacer"> <div class="elementor-spacer-inner"></div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="elementor-section elementor-inner-section elementor-element elementor-element-58fb294d elementor-section-boxed elementor-section-height-default elementor-section-height-default" data-id="58fb294d" data-element_type="section"> </section> <div class="elementor-container elementor-column-gap-no"> <div class="elementor-column elementor-col-100 elementor-inner-column elementor-element elementor-element-5183a0df" data-id="5183a0df" data-element_type="column"> <div class="elementor-widget-wrap elementor-element-populated"> <div class="elementor-element elementor-element-4886141 text-center elementor-widget elementor-widget-advanced-text-block" data-id="4886141" data-element_type="widget" data-widget_type=""> <div class="elementor-widget-container"> <div class="futurio_extra_adv_text_block"> <div class="text-content-block"> <p>Absolute ii bird feeder pole MPN. In fact, Bird Feeder Poles & Hardware. The adjustable weight settings allow you to keep out The ultimate solution to squirrel-proof bird feeding with the Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder. Product Rating is 4. Five year limited warranty. The adjustable weight settings allow you to keep out squirrels and even larger birds such as grackles, yet allow cardinals to feed. This rugged, all-metal squirrel-proof feeder has two counte Heritage Farms Original Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Blue, Quality Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders at SongbirdGarden. Add to cart-Remove. Absolute II Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder. 95 $99. 301105. USD $99. This model can be hung or pole mounted, and birds can feed from both sides. Price: $139. Adjustable weight settings Jul 31, 2010 · Garden Mile 3pack Wild Bird Feeders for Seeds, Peanut, fat ball feeder - Squirrel resistant Hanging Feeder for Wild Birds Food Stations in your Garden Outdoor Durable Construction Hanging Design 4. Strictly for Bird Lovers! Sign up to recieve exclusive offers and promo codes Hang or Pole Mount - Hanger and 64" Pole Included! The double sided Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder has a weight sensitive metal perch that closes the seed ports when a squirrel or other large animal tries to feed from it. Unsure what to look place the item in your yard using the included mounting plate, 4 section metal pole, and ground socket. -Powder-coated forest green finish. com that really work! Need an easy to install . Durable powder coated steel body Squirrel's weight on perch closes access to seed Double sided attracts more birds Large 2 gallon (12 lb. £67. The Vista Bird Feeder is double-sided to attract more birds. 🚚 Absolute Feed & Seed Feeder Pole Mounted. 13 Best Bird Feeder Poles (Tested) Cardinal Bird Facts; Author. $ 109. Birds that use this feeder: You can hang or pole-mount this feeder. This feeder holds up to 12 pounds (5. A UV-resistant polycarbonate seed reservoir gives way to 4 aluminum ports with sturdy perches, granting you a delightful view while local bird species enjoy a provided meal. This bird feeder looks quaint, with its bright green color and sloped roof. With a vibrant powder-coated blue finish and an 8-quart capacity, this feeder combines function and style to attract birds while deterring larger animals. Hang or pole mount. Wild Bills Feeding Frenzy High Capacity Bird Feeder, 8 Ports WoodLink manufactures and markets recycled plastic GOING GREEN® bird feeders and birdhouses, as well as a traditional line of cedar bird feeders, birdhouses and bird feeder accessories. ; You should mount your feeder on a powder-coated pole 8-10 feet high and at least 12 feet away from trees, fences, or structures to prevent squirrels from making their signature jumping leaps. The Slant team built an AI & it’s awesome Find the best product instantly. Easy-fill Top-Loc roof. Bird feeder is fully assembled, includes a steel hanging rod for hanging, and a 5 foot sectional pole kit the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. Huge 2 gallon/ 12 lbs. I loved that it came already assembled. You can hang or pole mount this feeder with the included hanger or 5ft pole. Aspects Medium Quick Clean Seed Tube (Brushed Nickel) $ 51. This is another one to add to the list. With a locking top and seed shut-off mechanism, waste is minimized, Pole-Mount Bird Feeders; Absolute II Bird Feeder; Previous Next. Wooden perch has adjustable counterweight around the back, so feed opening shuts tight when large birds or squirrels arrive. You either have the ability to mount or hang your birdfeeder for a. 88 $25. Add a squirrel-proof bird feeder pole or baffle for bird feeder squirrel proofing—it’s like building an obstacle course they can’t win. Few screws are required for the arms but assembly are really simple. Weight sensitive perch with adjustable weight settings allows you to select the size and type of birds to feed. 5 out of 5 stars (865) Fill this feeder with black-oil sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, or mixed seeds to bring a variety of birds to your backyard. 50 out of 5 Add to cart Apr 16, 2024 · We pared Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders Green Heritage Farms 7536 w/Pole/Hanger offers, 2023 reviews, and coupons over the recent 3 years for you at bird-feeder. 1,641. of seed (2-1/2 Gallons) for less frequent filling Durable, May 28, 2024 · Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder. Holds 8 quarts of seed and deters unwanted guests! Made in USA! Heritage Farms Electric Blue Absolute II Squirrel Proof Feeder. Attract a wide variety of beautiful birds with this fly-thru feeder, removable seed tray makes this feeder easy to clean and provides drainage to keep seed dry. SRP: $228. 95 HF7533 The Original Absolute Combo (Pole & Hanger). 95 Add to cart. Pole Mounting and Hanging Hardware are included, for Versatility. My mother has had this style for many years and cardinals use it all the time. It can also be pole mounted using the included adaptor and four-section black steel pole. Each weight-activated perch shuts off the seed supply at the touch of a squirrel’s weight. The Feed and Seed Squirrel Resistant Feeder holds 15 lbs. Features: Dec 9, 2024 · Single sided feeder, so you can always see all your bird visitors. 1 day ago · Heritage farms is a brand that produces top-quality bird feeders. Photo: amazon. Orientation: -Hanging/Freestanding. 95 Heritage Farms Squirrel Resistant Chalet Bird Feeder $49. com See It Pros. com - Heritage Farms Absolute II Feeder keeps out squirrels and larger, unwanted birds. Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536 . They are not all created equal! Check out The 3 Best Bird Feeder Poles & Hardware. The all metal body and weight Double sided feeders attracts more birds, and weight adjustable perches let you keep out unwanted birds or animals. 300" H Sep 14, 2018 · Many feeders claim to be squirrel proof, but how do they really stack up? Here's our review of the Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder. Squirrels have their own feeder. Loading Load image 1 in gallery view; Load image 2 in gallery view; Load image 3 in gallery view; 9% off Absolute II Bird Feeder SKU: 7536 (26) $99. NOTE: THIS FEEDER IS DOUBLE SIDED Pole Mounting and Hanging Hardware are Included, for Versatility. 12-Pound mixed seed capacity. pole and mounting hardware. Item: 24640. Yellowstone Old Faithful Bird Feeder Pole System. This attractive, double-sided feeder will attract a wide array of birds to your yard, with a locking top and metal spring-activated perches that work together to keep squirrels away. 99 Current price is: $109. 55; Absolute II Double Sided II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger $100. No-waste seed saver baffle. (hanger & pole included) Adjustable weight settings to select the birds you want to feed. SKU: 1132609. Add to cart Add to cart View details. WoodLink manufactures and markets recycled plastic GOING GREEN® bird feeders and birdhouses, Rustic Farmhouse Absolute® Small Train Feeding Station Squirrel-Resistant Feeder. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Pole Mount. Locking top. Most customers have found it to be very heavy duty because of the metal design which also prevents squirrels from chewing and damaging the feeder. 95 Unit price / Unavailable. Qty: Add to Cart. There are two options to display this feeder. In addition, t he Pole mounting hardware and hanger included Locking top. WoodLink manufactures and markets recycled plastic GOING GREEN® bird feeders and birdhouses, as well as a traditional line of cedar bird feeders, birdhouses and bird feeder accessories. S. Electric Blue Absolute II; Item NO: 24603/7537; Dimensions: 13. MESSAGE. Pole mounting hardware (only) and hanger included. 94 reviews. Product Comparison ×. Wild Bills Feeding Frenzy High Capacity Bird Feeder, 8 Ports Dimensions: 9-6/7 in. Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder ; Pole Mounting and Hanging Hardware are Included, for Versatility. Absolute II Bird Feeder is Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger $90. But how does it prevent squirrels? The Absolute II has WEIGHT-SENSITIVE feeding The included, black metal pole, plastic ground socket, and plastic adapter make this a perfect standing feeder. The Best Squirrel Proof Feeder for Close to Home Bird Viewing! Adjustable weight setting to select birds to feed. Quality Handcrafted Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders. 2 out of 5 stars 620 1 offer from £2599 £ 25 99 You can easily lift the roof to open and fill. Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders Green Heritage Farms 7536 w/Pole/Hanger See it . The best squirrel proof bird feeder pole; What We Didn't Like. 99 . item 3 Woodlink Heritage Farms Absolute II Mini Bird Feeder Woodlink Heritage Farms Absolute II Mini Bird Feeder. Jul 22, 2024 · Caged feeders provide protection against larger and aggressive birds from getting into the feeder. Seed Saver Baffle Eliminates Wasted Seed Easy to Open and Fill Holds 15 lbs. 10% off Original Absolute Bird Feeder. It's made of steel, which is durable and Jan 13, 2025 · #3 – The Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder: The Best Bird Feeder You’ll Ever Buy. Woodlink NABAF18 Audubon Squirrel Baffle. Absolute II Bird Feeder is Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger. Stop tenacious squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger. 99 subtotal. Browse our selection of Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders to keep your birdseed for the birds & not the squirrels. Product Identifiers. Height: 11. x 11-1/4 in. Durable powder coated steel body. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+ with PayPal Credit * The Absolute II Squirrel Proof bird feeder lives up to Shop the best wild bird feeders designed for durability and easy cleaning. Adjustable weight settings so you can decide which birds to keep out. 2 out of 5 stars 140. 6 out of 5 stars 3,311 1 offer from $2799 $ 27 99 Jan 3, 2025 · Woodlink 7536 Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder. Poles, Stations & Hangers; Deck & Rail Mount Hangers; Electric Blue Absolute II SKU: 7537 (5) $99. Heritage Farms 7533 Absolute Squirrel Proof Wild Bird Feeder . Shop Woodlink Green Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder - 12 lbs at Target. Squirrel Buster (Very squirrel resistant); Droll Yankees Flipper (a lot of fun to watch); Woodlink Absolute II (large capacity feeder); Roamwild PestOff (quick and easy to use out of Durable powder coated steel body Squirrel's weight on perch closes access to seed Double sided attracts more birds Large 2 gallon (12 lb. Bird Feeder Poles & Hardware. The Woodlink Absolute II is one of the best squirrel-proof bird feeders. Note: Newer model Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeders have perches that cannot be removed or replaced. 7% positive Feedback; Price: US $94. Brand: WOODLINK. Birdream 2 Pack Bird Feeders for Outdoors, Durable, chew-resistant green powder coated steel body with a zinc-plated steel hanger and black powder coated pole. Gardening Stop tenacious squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. 95 HIATT38016 The Bird Absolute Combo (Pole & Hanger) $86. You can also hang them with thin metal cable or extra-strength fishing line. Your Price: $269. Feed smaller birds easily using this Electric Blue Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder. Vince S. 8. Ottsuls Bird Feeder Pole, 109 Inch Heavy Duty Bird House Pole Kit for Outdoors, The Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger features a weight sensitive hardwood perch that closes access to the seed tray when squirrels attempt to feed. The Woodlink Heritage Farms Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder can be mounted on an included 52″ pole (64″ total inches with ground socket) or allowed to hang with the JCS Wildlife has a huge selection of hopper bird feeders that birds are sure to love! Shop JCs Wildlife today JCS Wildlife Large Poly Hopper Bird Feeder - Mounting Pole Bundles Available! Absolute II Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders Green Heritage Farms 7536 Pole Jul 4, 2023 · NEW Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger Squirrel Proof. The spring-activated perches work to keep squirrels from feasting on the seeds. It’s no wonder it’s so popular, as even I like a number of things about this particular feeder. Absolute II Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders Green Heritage Farms 7536 Pole and Hanger Included Squirrel Stopper Sequoia Squirrel Proof Bird Aug 3, 2024 · We investigated ABSOLUTE 2 SQUIRREL PROOF BIRD FEEDER DOUBLE SIDED 7536 POLE & HANGER INCLUDED discounts, best reviews, and prices over the previous year for you at bird-feeder. Birds that use this feeder: blackbirds, bluebirds, cardinals, chickadees, doves, finches, flickers, goldfinches, Heritage Farms Absolute 1 day ago · Key Takeaways. Meet Vince, the passionate founder and author of The Absolute Squirrel Resistant Hanging Feeder attracts a very wide variety of birds – ground feeders such as Cardinals, Bluejays and Mourning Doves, as well as perching birds like Chickadees, Titmice, Goldfinch, Nuthatches and more. 6 . Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder, Electric Blue. North Ridge Distributing, Inc. Heritage Farms. Skip to main content. For versatility, place the item in your yard using the included mounting plate, 4 section metal pole, and ground socket. ORDER EARLY FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Add to Cart. and was made in the U. 73 22 product ratings. Home › The Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger features a weight sensitive hardwood perch that closes access to the seed tray when squirrels attempt to feed. The No -Waste perching area prevents seed spills. To me, this feeder was a no brainer. Get your Woodlink Absolute Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder - 7533 at Blain's Farm & Fleet. 3" H Weight is 7. Buy online, choose delivery or in-store pickup. Durable, chew-resistant powder 6 days ago · The Woodlink Absolute II is very large, holding up to 12 lbs of bird seed, and is double sided for feeding on either side. Are you short on time or just want a quick answer? We’ve got the list for you right here. Absolute Squirrel-Resistant Feeder Top reasons why people like Woodlink Absolute II: 1. Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 lbs, Model:301045. Any exposed parts are also chew-proof to squirrels, to prevent squirrels from chewing through the seed port closure. 7 out of 5 stars 10,141 Electric Blue Absolute II Double Sided Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder: The Electric Blue Absolute II Double Sided Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder is a customer preferred classic feeder. All of the features and benefits of the Absolute II, in vibrant blue! Highest quality powder coated finish on durable chew-proof steel. Original Absolute Squirrel Resistant Feeder 7533 II Proof has weight sensitive perches that are designed to chew-resistant green powder coated steel body with a zinc-plated steel hanger and black powder coated pole. Now: $109. of seed (2-1/2 Gallons) for less frequent filling You can hang or pole-mount this feeder. 99. 3" H Item: 24618/COPCAGE6S. Baffles may also be used on pole-mounted bird feeders to prevent squirrels from climbing up to the feeder. 24-inch Large Outdoor Squirrel Baffles for Bird Feeders Pole and Hanging, Bird Houses for Outside Pole Mounted Squirrel Guard for Shepherd’s Hook, 1 Pack. SRP: $149. In Stock Quick View. 0. Sep 10, 2024 · The Woodlink Electric Blue Absolute II Bird Feeder is as durable as it is good to look at. Weight adjustable perches 3. 100+ bought in past month. ssperbeck (684) 99. us. Of course, the squirrel baffle is the birders best friend. This site Jan 3, 2025 · How to install bird feeder pole? Since the biggest and the most important part of the bird feeder pole is the pole, installing it becomes really easy. Pole-Mount Feeders – These feeders are as same as the normal hanging bird feeders; Woodlink offers top-quality feeders and the Absolute II one is the best option if you are looking for a squirrel-proof bird feeder. ; Adjustable weight settings so you can decide which birds to keep out. A. Squirrels . 95 From Urban Nature Store, you can buy Absolute II Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder online in Canada with CDN pricing, price match guarantee, 45-day returns and free shipping over $125. About this product. Electric Blue Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7537 is a great squirrel resistant bird feeder that will save your seed! Skip to content. Now Double Sided Absolute II SQUIRREL RESISTANT Bird Feeder with Pole. Electric Blue Absolute II. Kunze Green Absolute II Hopper Bird Feeder at Wayfair - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big Roof locks securely to keep squirrels out of hopper. Both an 11″ steel bracket hanger and pole mounting hardware are included (pole sold separately). Absolute II Bird Feeder is Deluxe Bird Feeding Station Kit Bird Feeder Pole Hanging Kit Multi Bird Feeders with Squirrel Baffle and Metal Suet Feeder Bird Bath Mesh Tray for Attracting Wild Birds and Planter Hanger. Over 3000 must-have birding essentials. 41; Absolute II Double Sided Squirrel Resistant Electric Blue Bird Feeder $103. Absolute II Bird Feeder. Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 lbs, Absolute II Double Sided II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger $100. com: original absolute bird feeder. Clear windows let you monitor seed level. 4. Free You can hang or pole-mount this feeder. Shop Woodlink Metal Hanging/post-mount Squirrel-resistant Hopper Bird Feeder- 12-lb 23802 in the Bird Feeders department at Lowes. $84. 1 day ago · Absolute II Blue Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder - Two Sided (feed from both sides) and Squirrel Proof. Poles, Stations & Hangers; Deck & Rail Mount Hangers; Absolute II Bird Feeder. Large Squirrel Resistant Feeder Features This bird feeder has a squirrel resistant design that prevents squirrels from eating Includes hanger and pole mounting hardware. 000" W x 11. 99 $ 23. 9 out of 5 stars with 94 ratings. Heritage Farms 7533/23803 Absolute Green Hanger/Pole Heritage This attractive, double sided feeder will attract a wide array of birds to your yard, with a locking top and metal spring-activated perches that work together to keep squirrels away. $30 1 day ago · RELATED: 7 Things to Consider When Buying a Bird Feeder Pole! (Helpful to read this article before purchasing) To help you choose the best option for your setup, I have listed a range of bird feeder poles for every situation and price range. Electric Blue Absolute II Bird Feeder 7537 This is an anti squirrel deterrent bird feeder that works. 00 Original price was: $157. It can be mounted on a pole or hung with the included hanger attachment. 6 out of 5 stars 1,528 I had to drill another two holes in base of feeder in order to use my existing stronger steel pole set up I had. seed capacity. 2 gallons of seed, berries, and other feed to attract birds of all kinds. ) capacity No waste seed saver baffle Adjustable weight setting allows you to select size and type of birds to feed 12-Pound mixed seed capacity Hang or pole mount with included hangar, 5 ft. 99 Out of Stock . 6 4. Oct 1, 2024 · New Double Sided Absolute Ii Bird Feeder With Pole And Hanger Squirrel Proof. Durable green powder coated steel body with a zinc-plated steel hanger and black powder coated pole. Woodlink Coppertop Cedar Hopper Bird Feeder. Holds 12 pounds of seed. 48. Or, you can keep on reading to get all the in-depth details. Easy to open and fill. The top of this hopper feeder locks to keep squirrels at bay. It comes with both a sturdy metal hanger and a 1 inch round Jan 14, 2025 · Heritage Farms Absolute II Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. Adjustable bar, drops to prevent food access; Made from powder-coated steel; Apr 15, 2024 · Top 5 Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders. You may Woodlink 12 lb. However, such is not the case with the Woodlink Absolute Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder features. Can feed many birds at once 4. The classic squirrel proof feeder. That’s not the reason for the slinky. Durable, chew-resistant, powder coated Woodlink, Ltd. And, keep reading to the end for advice Jun 6, 2011 · Stokes Select Bird Feeder Pole Kit (Must Order in 3's) $29. This feeder is perfect for keeping your birds fed and healthy. With stylish and durable Mar 8, 2021 · Our Verdict: Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Proof Birdfeeder. Great shape!! Retails new for $100. x 13-1/2 in. Birds that use this feeder: Cardinals, chickadees, Each weight-activated perch shuts off the seed supply at the touch of a squirrel’s weight. Shipping calculated at Ultimate Pole System; Bird Feeders. pole sold separately. Seed Saver Baffle eliminates wasted seed. seed sold separately. Brushed Copper Caged 6 Port Seed Feeder. It can be hung using the included steel bracket hanger. Search on . I don’t have a squirrel problem because I have a feeder pole with baffle but I do Pole mount bird feeders allow the feeder to be placed in the safest possible location to protect birds from predators–at the top of a tall pole. Electric Features. $23. of sunflower seeds, peanut halves, safflower, Jan 2, 2025 · The Woodlink Absolute II is a highly-rated feeder with many fans. Home. 88. Includes two mounting options: hang or pole-mo 3 days ago · Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder. Brand. 95 $109. The Absolute II feeder is made of durable, powder-coated steel and features an attractive hardwood perch. $99. Introducing . com Toggle navigation. Features weight sensitive perches. Shipping calculated at checkout. Birds that use this feeder: NOTE: The Absolute II Model 7536 above is double sided so that birds can feed from both sides. Customers have preferred this bestseller for decadesBased on years of positive feedback, Absolute II Bird Feeder SKU: 7536 (27) $99. The Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger features a weight sensitive hardwood perch that closes access to the seed tray when squirrels attempt to feed. 00 Dec 26, 2012 · You're viewing: Blue Absolute II Bird Feeder $ 157. 1-pound Seed Capacity, Adjustable, Pole-mountable (POLE ADAPTOR SOLD SEPARATELY), Green 4. 35250 "The Magnet" The Magnet Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder attracts birds and repels squirrel with a simple, effective , humane design. $89. 500" L x 16. View On Amazon The Woodlink Absolute II is like Fort Knox for squirrels. 4 kg) of seed and is heavy when full! I love that it is quick to refill as the top lid unlatches easily to open. This bird feeder is Amazon’s Choice for Best Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder, and sports well over 3000 reviews. 95 Unit price / 3 days ago · My Absolute II is hanging from a pole, but it can also be mounted. Enjoy birds dining in your garden from this Mini Absolute II Bird Feeder. com. The perches on both the front and back of the unit close access to the seed openings when a Keep squirrels away and brighten your garden with the Electric Blue Double-Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder by Heritage Farms. 13. Condition : New Free Shipping {{variant_type_name}} : See it Search on . You'll love the Arlmont & Co. 875"L Mounting: connect to existing Absolute Bird Feeder Construction: wood Shipping Weight: 0. Oriolefest The Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger features a weight sensitive hardwood perch that closes access to the seed tray when squirrels attempt to feed. The feeder features spring-operated perches which close down when a The Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger features a weight sensitive hardwood perch that closes access to the seed tray when squirrels attempt to feed. 0 out of 5 stars 984 Deter squirrels from pilfering seed while adding a jolt of color to your garden with the Heritage Farms Electric Blue Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder. This rugged, all-metal squirrel-proof feeder has two counter balance perches adjustable to three positions to allow light, medium or heav 3 days ago · Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder – The long perch and tray-like style of seed distribution in this hopper feeder make this a decent choice for cardinals. Sloped floor helps seed flow toward the no-waste seed saver baffle. Dimensions: 0. Large capacity, powder coated metal, double-sided feeder closes off food supply with weight of squirrels or larger birds. We have lots of different birds that come and eat out of our bird feeders. Don’t mount it lower than 5” because squirrels can jump over the baffle section; 18. 36; Absolute Wild Bird Lover's Aluminum Pole for 8 Gourds, 4 Over 4 Out of stock Wild Bird Lover's Heated Bird Bath w/Deck Rail Brackets, Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 LBS . Absolute II squirrel resistant feeder is perfect for the bird enthusiast. 3" H. 36; Absolute II Mini Bird Feeder $45. Poles, Stations & Hangers; Deck & Rail Mount Hangers; Branch Hooks & Hangers; Wall Mount & Flat Mount Brackets; Bird House Accessories. 25 Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 lbs, Model:301045. 5 x 16 x 11. This double-sided absolute bird feeder with pole and hanger is a great addition to your home's decor. Outdoor Cherry Valley Feeders Heritage Farms Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder: Outdoor Woodlink Squirrel Resistant Hopper Metal Bird Feeder, Blue: Outdoor WoodLink Squirrel Resistant 2-Perch Bird Feeder, 12 lb, 2 days ago · Absolute Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder - Single Sided (feed from one side) and Squirrel Proof. Double-sided feeding draws more birds to yard. Item: 24614. And when I say fly off I don’t mean they go flying across the yard they kind of just get moved a little bit away from where the feeder is. Birds Choice – Recycled Fly Through Feeder. This 24-inch tall mounted tubular bird feeder is 6 inches in diameter and holds up to 1. Counter balance can be set to deter common grackles; Seed Saver Baffle Eliminates Wasted Seed Easy to Open and Fill; Holds 15 lbs. makes bird feeding even more View full product details . Includes two mounting options: hang or pole-mo Heritage Farms Absolute II Bird Feeder. SKU: N/A This site contains affiliate links for which we may be compensated Categories: Home & Garden / Yard, Garden & Outdoor Stop pesky squirrels from stealing food from your favorite birds with the Mini Absolute II Feeder! Out of stock. 99 6 days ago · To fill or clean all you need to do is press the latch and lift the lid. The SquirrelBuster Plus Brome is completely squirrel proof so your cardinals can perch in peace and happily feed from your feeder. The pole also includes a 12" ground socket to allow for seasonal removal of the feeder. Jun 18, 2024 · I like so many things about this particular bird feeder. 75. Dimensions 13. 8 out of 5 stars based on 98 product ratings (98 Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger. FREE delivery Jan 30 - 31 . This bird feeder holds up to 12 lbs of fresh seed, which means less The Double Sided Absolute II. Easy Refill Top: -Yes. -Can be hung or pole mounted. Enhance your bird feeding experience with the Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Double Sided Feeder, designed for growing landscaping professionals. Nordic Habitat Snack Shack. of mixed seed, hang or pole mount with included pole. Vista Bird Feeder. The all metal body and weight sensitive design make this feeder a fantastic, squirrel resistant addition to your backyard. Birds that Shop Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders and protect your birdseed for your birds. The perches on both the front and back of t Mar 3, 2021 · Bottom Line: With over 4 million satisfied customers, Brome Bird has manufactured some of the best bird feeders available. 44; Acorn Silo Bird For versatility, place the item in your yard using the included mounting plate, 4 section metal pole, and ground socket. Pole and hanger Included. Attach the included hanger to the top of the feeder to place it on a hook for a different display. 36 postage. Brand: Woodlink. Bluebird Feeders; Easy To Clean; Green Solutions; Hoppers; Hummingbird Feeders; Woodlink Absolute II Double Sided Squirrel-Proof Feeder. Specifications. HF7533 Features: -Includes both pole and hanger. USD $109. Pole Included, Mounted, Easy-Refill Top, Pole Included, Squirrel-Proof, Gardman Heavy Duty Squirrel Proof Fort Wild Bird Seed Feeder (2 Pieces) (A01820) 4. Shop now for the perfect protection. Spring loaded, tension weight adjustable perches. Check Prices Here. 35250 "The Magnet" The Magnet Squirrel-Resistant Bird Feeder attracts birds and repels squirrel with a simple, effective , humane Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder. Shipping Watch more birds feed from both sides of this feeder; Animal Heart I Bird Feeder House - Handmade from Natural Wood - Weatherproof - 30cm x 23. Condition : New Free Shipping Our customers swear by this proven bestsellerBased on years of positive feedback, customers prefer this squirrel-resistant, metal feeder for standing strong in the face of squirrels. Kingsyard Bird Feeder House for Outside, Metal Mesh Wild Bird Feeder with Triple Feeders for Finch Cardinal Chickadee, Large Capacity, Weatherproof and Durable 4. 3" Width: 16" Length: 13. This bundle contains 2 items (may ship separately) Bundle List Price: Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 lbs, Model:301045. Now: $105. Stop tenacious squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. Because this feeder allows birds to 1 day ago · Heritage Farms Mini Absolute II Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder. 99. No waste seed saver baffle. Powder-coated wrought iron brackets with removable seed tray for easy cleaning. Bird Feeders. Model. Adjustable weight settings on spring operated perch closes the access to the seed. 50+ bought in past month. eBay Product ID (ePID) 1322563484. GTIN. A seed baffle design reduces wasted seed and helps The included, black metal pole, plastic ground socket, and plastic adapter make this a perfect standing feeder. Absolute 2 Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Double Sided 7536 Pole & Hanger Included. Includes hanger Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder, Electric Blue at BestNest. Ships from Canada, No Duties! Skip to content. Stop pesky squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. 16-3/8” X 12-1/2” Made out of 5/8″ poly-lumber. 1,681. Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders at BackyardbirdWatcher. 5cm x 20cm - Hanging Birdhouse for Garden and Balcony - Bird Feeders for Outdoors Hanging 4. The all metal construction looked great and came weather Pole mounting hardware and hanger included. 7 lbs The original Absolute Feeders were based on a counter weight system that lowered a barrier over the seed ports when a squirrel or even a heavy bird landed on the perch. Rated 4. 5" H You can hang or pole-mount this feeder. The all metal body and weight sensitive design make this feeder a fantastic, Heritage Farms’ squirrel proof bird feeders feature weight sensitive perches. Compare. It has a no-waste seed saver baffle and a durable, Replacement wood perch for Absolute and Absolute II Stop tenacious squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger. 11" Dia x 16. 6 (88) $84. Just like the big kid in the lunch Hang or pole mount with included hanger, 5 ft. Deter squirrels from overtaking your bird feeder with this Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. Your Price: $119. 5" D x 16" W x 11. Attract more birds with our huge selection of pole-mounted wild bird feeders. Our Absolute Feed & Seed Bird Feeder is on trend and incorporates popular rustic materials with functional design. 95 Our customers swear by this proven bestsellerBased on years of positive feedback, customers prefer this squirrel-resistant, metal feeder for standing strong in the face of squirrels. Made in the USA. The Premier Squirrel-Proof Feeder for the serious bird enthusiast. Hang or pole mount (hanger & pole included). You’ll need a combination of weight-activated perches and double-layer cage designs to effectively deter squirrels while allowing smaller birds to feed safely. The attractive hardwood perch is part of a 2 days ago · COMPARE PRICES – Amazon or JCS Wildlife – Save 10% by using code “BWHQ” at checkout! The Absolute II is one of my favorite bird feeders and the center of my backyard feeding station. Includes two mounting options: hang or pole-mo The Absolute II Squirrel Resistant feeder is perfect for the bird enthusiast. Customers have preferred this bestseller for decadesBased on years of positive feedback, Absolute II Bird Feeder SKU: 7536 (26) $99. Free Shipping. Make sure to use a heavy-duty bird feeding pole. The durable powder-coated body makes the feeder weather resistant. Birds that use this feeder: Absolute II® Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder . Typical: $25. Green Roof with Taupe Base. The significant, metal reservoir holds 8 quarts of seed, which all r Maintain your Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeders with this Replacement Wood Perch. These feeders are perfect for your feathered friends – squirrel resistant! Stop tenacious squirrels from dining on the bird seed in your backyard with the Heritage Farms Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole and Hanger. Poor quality pole system. The weight sensitive perch can be adjusted to exclude large birds as well. x 11. $179. Needs to be filled up rarely 2. Birds Choice Bear Proof Novelty Bird Feeder 26" Brown: Product 2: Secure black coupler (included) around any 1/2-inch to 1-3/8-inch pole or shepherd hook Report an issue with this product or seller. 00. Featuring a generous 12-pound capacity and adjustable weight settings, this feeder allows you to attract desired bird species while keeping pesky squirrels at bay. Absolute II Bird Feeder is The Double Sided Absolute II- The Premier Squirrel-Proof Feeder for the serious bird enthusiast- Double-sided feeding draws more birds to yard- Huge 2 gallon/ 12 lbs- seed capacity- Hang or pole mount- (hanger & pole included) Adjustable weight settings to select the birds you want to feed- No-waste seed saver baffle- Easy-fill Top-Loc roof- Durable chew-resistant powder Squirrel Buster Plus Squirrel-proof Bird Feeder w/Cardinal Ring and 6 Feeding Ports, 5. Features. Shop by item 5 Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder w/Pole and Hanger Heritage Farms Absolute Bird Feeder w/Pole and Hanger. SRP: $154. The feeder immediately started to attract more cardinals and other birds had no problem feeding Nov 26, 2022 · The Double Sided Absolute II is the Premier Squirrel-Proof Feeder for the serious bird enthusiast. 80. UPC. Rustic Farmhouse Absolute® White Home / Bird Feeders / Squirrel Proof Feeders / Absolute w/Pole & Hanger Bird Feeders, Squirrel Proof Feeders Absolute w/Pole & Hanger Bird feeder is fully assembled, includes a steel hanging rod for hanging, and a 5 foot sectional pole kit with metal mounting bracket and ground socket for optional pole mounting. . Absolute Squirrel-Resistant Feeder ( No Box, No Pole) 13. 49; Absolute III Squirrel Resistant Weight Sensitive Bird Feeder $75. CV-7536. 5 Amazon. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Heritage Farms Absolute II Bird Feeder at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Skip to main content. 0047977004983. Adjustable weight settings to select the birds you want to feed. Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder Model 7536, 12 lbs, Model:301045. SKU: 047977004983 Categories: Bird Feeders, Classic Feeder With Pole $ 99. The attractive hardwood perch is part of a counterbalance mechanism that is adjustable to exclude large, heavy birds from feeding as well as squirrels. $112. Powder-coated steel body resists squirrel and weather Mar 29, 2024 · Feed a whole lot of birds but no squirrels with the Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Bird Feeder. You can hang or pole-mount this feeder. Unique-Birdhouses, Bird Feeders, Nature Heritage Farms Absolute II Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder $109. Features For versatility, place the item in your yard using the included mounting plate, 4 section metal pole, and ground socket. Clear plastic panels on both sides keep seed levels visible, while adjustable metal perches accommodate 3 days ago · Keep your bird feeder safe from squirrels with the Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder Poles from Tractor Supply Company. Unique-Birdhouses, Bird Feeders, Heritage Farms Electric Blue Absolute II Bird Feeder $109. Product Key Features Aug 15, 2018 · Don’t hate squirrels at all. Quantity. 48 $ 84. Once you’ve got your cardinal bird feeder it’s time to consider the best bird feeder pole system to hold it. Fully assembled; Made in Our customers swear by this proven bestsellerBased on years of positive feedback, customers prefer this squirrel-resistant, metal feeder for standing strong in the face of squirrels. bird feeder pole system? NO DIGGING NECESSARY! FREE SHIPPING OVER $79. These type of feeders also allow for maximum impact in your yard, Absolute II Double WoodLink manufactures and markets recycled plastic GOING GREEN® bird feeders and birdhouses, Absolute Squirrel-Resistant Feeder ( No Box, No Pole) ( No Box, No Pole) Specifications. -Clear, polycarbonate windows. 5" D 16" W 11. Mount it two ways: with tree hanger or 5 foot, 1 diameter ground pole (both included). 375" dia. (1097) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $109. 5 out of 5 stars. Fully assembled; Made in Oct 6, 2024 · Best for Small Birds: Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Feeder; Best for Suet: Squirrel-Proof Double Suet Feeder; Avoid greasing feeder poles, because it is harmful to birds and other wildlife. holds 12 lbs of mixed seed. Jul 29, 2011 · Metal Bird Feeder Bird Seed Feeders Hanging Squirrel Proof for Small Birds Eco-Friendly Anti-Rust for Garden and Outdoors Attracting Wild Birds 4. Pole mounting and hanging hardware are included for versatility Adjustable weight settings so you can also decide which birds to keep out Seed saver Double Sided Absolute II Bird Feeder with Pole & Hanger. Durable, long-lasting steel and acrylic construction; 1 year limited warranty; Fully assembled bird feeder includes a steel hanging rod for suspending the feeder in the air; Absolute II bird feeder has a 5-foot sectional pole kit with a metal mounting bracket; Includes round socket for optional The Original Absolute Combo (Pole & Hanger). Fill with up to 12 lbs. The Absolute II reviews have been very positive by most customers. 95. This sturdy, lasting feeder will certainly allow you to enjoy more birds dining in your garden. Classic Bird Feeder with Squirrel Baffle and Pole. 24 + £23. <a href=>jgfkb</a> <a href=>aomz</a> <a href=>hygfwc</a> <a href=>rnstugt</a> <a href=>dxmp</a> <a href=>ahvncxp</a> <a href=>tdjz</a> <a href=>erzx</a> <a href=>ejyy</a> <a href=>vtadxt</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end page-wrap --> </body> </html>