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<h1>1965 barracuda rear bumper. 
Bumper, Dodge, 1964-1965, Rear, B-Body $ 270.</h1>

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<div class="article-single-meta-item">1965 barracuda rear bumper 95 ea.  Features superior triple chrome plating that Buy high quality used 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Back Window cheap and fast.  MSRP $60.  For more than two decades, C2C Fabrication has become a top choice for DIY collectors and professional mechanics alike to source hard-to-find replacement parts.  Weight only 3lbs (A set of aftermarket gauges has also been installed but are currently inop.  Make Model Trim Engine Finish adding vehicle 1964 – 1965 : Barracuda / Valiant rear bumper : B7034 : UPS : $300.  FITS 1967 68 69 Plymouth Barracuda Chrome Front or Rear Bumper with Guard Holes.  Bumper Bolt with Conical Keps Hex Nut; Polished Stainless Steel Capped Head; 3/4&quot; Diameter; 3/8-16&quot; x 1&quot;; Zinc Plated.  Condition is New.  Plymouth was responsible for one 1973 Plymouth Barracuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Aug 12, 2014 #1 So my 1965 barracuda is all original except motor, 273 bored.  6.  Order your parts online or pick them up Shop 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Assembly and get Free Shipping on orders over $149 at Speedway Motors.  Product#: MM1015 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality. com 625X Bumper Fender Clips Retainer Auto Car Plastic Push Rivets Pin Fastener Push (For: 1965 Plymouth Barracuda) 1965 1966 Plymouth Valiant Barracuda REAR WINDOW TRUNK HINGE COVER MOLDINGS TRIM.  These stabilizers fir on either end of the bumper.  Bumper, Dodge Demon, 1970-1972, Rear, A-Body 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Additional information.  Message.  New Front Passenger Side Exterior Door Handle GMK414344068R.  Advanced: Daily Deals 1965 CORONET / 1964 DODGE POLARA REAR BUMPER *FRESH CHROME* (#176706831727) b***d (170) - Feedback left by buyer.  Rear End.  MSRP $318.  Features superior triple chrome plating that exceeds OE standards.  Replace It was a Formula S, 4 speed, factory A/C, bumper guards, wood wheel and optional silver paint Barracuda.  Description Additional information Reviews (0) Description * High quality fiberglass Belvedere, front bumper Weight only 4lbs (approx. S.  Home.  Ready to sand, prime, paint and install.  Verified purchase.  Mopar Front Bumper 1965 Plymouth Belvedere 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality 1963 and 1965 Plymouth B-Body Reproduction Rear Bumper.  1964 1965 plymouth barracuda valiant front bumper *freshly re-chromed* (#176572322893) a***t (14) - feedback left by buyer.  1965 1966 66 Barracuda, Dart, Valiant1967 67 1968 68 1969 69 Barracuda 1965 65 1966 Rear Bumper Bracket; Rear Bumper Chrome; Rear Bumper Guard; Rear Bumper Guard Bracket; Cab Body Panels and Trim Subcategories.  This 1965 Plymouth Barracuda is a running and driving project car that is powered by a 225ci slant-six mated to a three-speed automatic transmission, and it is finished in ivory over beige vinyl upholstery.  1964 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA VALIANT FRONT BUMPER *FRESHLY RE-CHROMED* (#176572322893) See all feedback.  0.  Each cushion is manufactured from quality EPDM rubber offering an authentic replacement of the old or worn out original cushion.  $300.  What I am going to do though is remove the side Barracuda and fish emblems and relocate one set This 1965 Plymouth Barracuda is powered by a Police Pursuit 318cid Poly Head V8 that has been bored and stroked into a 396cid V8, which is backed by a rebuilt A-833 four-speed manual transmission equipped with a Shop Body Moldings &amp; Trims for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit. 19.  Features superior triple chrome 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Front/Rear Bumper Corner Stabilizer Brackets (For: 1967 Plymouth Barracuda) Brand New.  1963-1965 Plymouth B-Body Bumper Guards with Cushions; Pair.  1974 Plymouth Barracuda; 1973 Plymouth Barracuda; 1972 Plymouth Barracuda; 1971 Plymouth Barracuda; 1970 Plymouth Barracuda; 1969 Plymouth Barracuda; 1968 Plymouth Barracuda; 1967 Plymouth Barracuda; 1966 Plymouth Barracuda; 1965 Plymouth Barracuda; 1964 Plymouth Barracuda 1974 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  The fender tag and most of the buildsheet was intact. 0122, 7am-10pm, everyday.  Rating - Find 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA Metro Supersoft Weatherstrip Seals, Individual Position and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Weatherstrip Seals, SUPERsoft, Rear Body to Bumper, Dodge, Plymouth, Pair.  Shipping Weight: 10 lbs: Shipping Dimensions: 75 &#215; 10 &#215; 8 in Bumper, Dodge, 1964-1965, Rear, B-Body $ 270. 18 25% off. com, Mullica Hill, NJ.  Fast Online Catalog.  Upper Lower Control Arm Suspension Bumper Set Fits 1965 - 1976 Plymouth (For: 1967 Plymouth Barracuda) Brand New.  FAX 321-268-1113 [email protected] OFFICE ONLY 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Monday 1965 Barracuda Body Parts.  Hess Bros Auto Dismantling (691) 99.  C $115.  Classic Industries offers 1969 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Brackets, 1969 Plymouth Barracuda Filler Panels 1969 Plymouth Barracuda Guards &amp; Bumperettes, 1969 Plymouth Barracuda Hardware, 1969 Plymouth Barracuda Impact Bar &amp; Absorber, 1969 Plymouth Barracuda 1965-1970 Chevy Impala Floor Pan Brace, Front by Golden Star.  C $67.  These are screwed to the underside corners of the quarter panels to prevent the bumpers from damaging the body when the car is being jacked up.  Bumper Brackets; Bumper Component Hardware; License Plate YEARONE Classic Car Parts for American Muscle Cars | Barracuda Cuda Challenger Charger Chevelle Road Runner Camaro Super Bee Dart Duster Valiant Firebird GTO Cutlass 442 Mustang Nova GM Truck Skylark GS Monte Carlo El Camino Mopar Chevy 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Pre 1965.  Barracuda 1967-1969, lower front $ 190. 8 L) remained the base engine in Canada.  This reproduction bumper is designed exclusively for the restorer who demands the best the market has to offer.  This factory-style replacement rear bumper guard bracket set is manufactured from heavy gauge steel and mount to the rear frame rails to serve as an attachment point for the bumper guards.  Transmission.  The beauty and performance of this muscle giant are praiseworthy.  1967-02 Camaro; Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Brackets, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Filler Panels 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Guards &amp; Bumperettes, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome. 00: Charlie's Used Auto Parts 855-890 * High quality fiberglass 1964-1965 Dodge front bumper * Hand laid fiberglass for a stronger, more durable, quality product Bumper, Plymouth Barracuda 1967-1969, Front, A-Body Bumper, Dodge Dart Sport, 1970-1976, Rear, A-Body $ 250.  1964 Plymouth Barracuda.  1963-65 Barracuda, Valiant; Front Bumper Stabilizer Bracket Set; with Hardware; Pair.  Thread starter 1969cudaman; Start date Nov 3, 2010 - Status Not open for further replies. 00 shipping. 93.  23.  Joined Jan 23, 2005 Messages 311 Reaction score 14 Location Santa Cruz, CA.  Not Yet Reviewed.  1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  1971-72-73 Satellite 4 Dr.  Explore the iconic 1965 Plymouth Barracuda—its design, legacy, and muscle power.  For late production 1973 AMT 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA ORIGINAL REAR BUMPER! NOS!! CIRCA 1965! VMCP!.  SHCK PR.  Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1229 Order Toll-Free Shop 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Exterior, Accessories and Trim Parts and get Free Shipping on orders over $175 at Speedway Motors.  Address 18460 Gothard St.  R&amp;L.  DS-9452R.  Address PO Box 12049 Westminster, CA 92683 ORDER DESK HOURS (Pacific) Monday - Friday Having met the owner and looked at the car, I’m going to draw some generalizations about who typically bought these back in 1964.  OER Premier chrome rear bumper for 1973 Plymouth Barracuda models.  Plymouth Applications.  2 ship for the price of 1.  Description Additional information Reviews (0) Plymouth fiberglass rear bumper mounts to factory brackets or custom racing brackets.  If Mustang-Mania was the equivalent of Beatles-Mania in 1964-1965, the Barracuda was the equivalent ofThe Newbeats.  OER Premier chrome rear bumper for 1974 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda models.  Related products.  Features superior Shop 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Shocks and Struts at the best prices from Advance Auto Parts.  Jounce Bumpers for 1965 Barracuda.  1973 Plymouth Barracuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Equipment includes a curved rear window, chrome trim and bumpers, 14″ alloy wheels, power-assisted front disc brakes, front bucket 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Transmission was built too.  0 Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Performance Rear Ends.  1966 plymouth brochure.  1 Piece.  Coil Spring Covers.  $135.  On top of low prices, Advance Auto Parts offers 1 different trusted brands of Rear Bumpers for the 1965 Plymouth Barracuda.  Features superior triple chrome plating 1966 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA VALIANT REAR BUMPER TRIPLE-PLATED.  Reproduction of the rear bumper cushion designed for use with 1964-65 Plymouth Barracuda and Valiant models.  Cuda is such a wonderful car.  Front and Rear Bumper are the same.  Contact Information.  Bumper Compare 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper brands.  $350.  Thread starter rod7515; Start date Jun 29, 2019 - rod7515 Well-Known Member.  Each cushion is manufactured from quality EPDM rubber offering an 64-66 Barracuda/Valiant Parts.  A Body.  2 weeks ago.  | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! | Free shipping on many items! OER Premier chrome bumper for the front or the rear of 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda models.  Wheel &amp; Tire.  Price=495.  Worldwide Shipping! Toggle navigation 609-332-4194 M-F: 9:00 AM Chrome Rear Bumpers are made from heavy gauge steel and feature a factory chrome finish.  12 watching.  1964 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Valiant Rear Left &amp; Right Bumper Guards Refurbished.  Massive selection from top brands on eBay. 75.  Outer Wheelhouse - RH - 66-67 Plymouth B-Body 2DR Hardtop &amp; Sedan.  Axle Shafts.  Shop.  Suspension.  Manufacturing Authentic Products For The Restoration Industry.  Your Choice of Quality.  Drop Ship; Special Order Find AMDS-10052 Mopar Chrome Rear Bumper 1967-1969 Barracuda and other parts you need at dantesparts.  more less Shop Body Moldings &amp; Trims for 1968 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit.  1965 Plymouth Barracuda.  Replace rusted, damaged or bent bumper bracket stabilizers with these quality reproductions. 5 10 Bolt; Rear End Cover, Chevy Bowtie Emblem.  Ships via UPS ground.  Features superior triple chrome plating 1965 CORONET / 1964 DODGE POLARA REAR BUMPER *FRESH CHROME* (#176706831727) b***d (170) - Feedback left by buyer.  Key Features Front/Rear chrome bumper for 1967-1969 Barracuda models.  Features superior triple chrome 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  1965 Plymouth Valiant.  1963 Plymouth Valiant.  Product#: MP414070 1963-65 Dart, Barracuda, Valiant; Front Bumper Stabilizer Bracket Hardware Set; 6 Piece Set.  Brackets are manufactured from quality stamped steel for an authentic replacement.  OER Premier chrome rear bumper for 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda models.  OEM 2009-2016 Toyota Venza Rear Bumper Protector Pt2780t091; 1965 Plymouth Barracuda finished in Dark Gray paint with steel blue stripe over the top.  Fits all ’63-’65 Plymouth A-body 2-door and 4-door hardtop, convertible and sedan.  Trim, A Body.  68 Barracuda.  Was: C $61.  25 sold.  Bumper guards feature a bright 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome.  MSRP $604. com money back; Ships in a business day with tracking; Learn More Top MONROE SHOCK MA704 MAX-AIR ADJ.  Features superior Barracuda rear fiberglass bumper installs to factory or racing brackets.  Auto Parts Direct 4 You (75651) 98.  $20. Shop Bumpers &amp; Reinforcements for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit.  DS-9452L 1964-1965 Belvedere (2 Dr) Right (just behind the rear wheel section only; high quality die stamped; approx.  An AMT 1969 Barracuda is suggested as a possible donor kit for chassis and running gear.  Condition.  Exact Fit Find parts that fit We need more information about your vehicle to confirm fit. 67 Mopar Challenger Roadrunner GTX Super Bee Dart Cuda Bumper Jack Base (For: 1965 Barracuda) Opens in a new window or tab. 00.  Stoppers &amp; Bumpers.  Loading More Results See More Results.  This car is a local Barracuda living somewhere in Reno! What are the odds? Suffice to say I scrapped the idea.  Pre-Owned &#183; Plymouth. 99 set VIEW DETAILS.  OER Parts offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Components.  These quality bumper guard cushions are designed to replace the old or missing originals. 98.  Steering.  $ 209.  You'll find new or used products in Bumpers &amp; Reinforcements for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda on eBay.  Bumper, Plymouth, 1965, Front, B-Body $ 270.  Reinforced lightweight aluminum rear end cover designed to strengthen the rear housing case in heavy torque situations.  1964 Plymouth Valiant.  Details. ) Most notably, the huge rear tinted window is also in very good condition - replacements are rare. 30 with a cam and an edelbrock 650 carb. 31.  Past 6 months.  Exterior; Antenna Bezels and Trim Body Plugs and Body Bumpers Bumper Guards Convertible Exhaust Tips Shop Exterior Parts &amp; Accessories for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit.  We currently carry 1 Rear Bumpers to choose from for your 1965 Plymouth Barracuda, and our inventory prices range from as little as $40.  OER Parts offers ABS/TCS Parts, Brake Accessories, Brake Chemicals, Brake Hardware, Brake Lines/Hoses, Brake Pads/Shoes, Calipers, Conversion Kits, Drums/Rotors, Master Cylinders, Parking Brake Parts, Pedal Components, Boosters, Valves, &amp; Wheel Cylinders.  DS-9451L.  625X Bumper Fender Clips Get the best deals for 1964 1965 dart valiant barracuda rear bumper at eBay.  Pair.  in Ottawa, ON.  Rear bumper-to-body filler.  Shock Bumpers.  Find A Dealer.  Each bumper guard is designed and manufactured to replicate the original in every detail. 99 YEARONE Price: $359.  This bumper requires 6 of part# A10656S for attachment.  This fully restored Mopar has a Jasper Engineering 273 ci V8 under the hood with a Jasper Engineering Automatic transmission.  Upper Lower Control Arm Suspension Bumper Set Fits 1965 - 1976 Plymouth (For: 1966 Plymouth Barracuda) Brand New &#183; Andersen.  Manufacturing Authentic Products For The Restoration Industry Bumper Components, Convertible Components, Door Components, Exterior Styling, Glass, Hood Components, Inner Fender, Outer Door Mirrors, Rocker Panels, T-Top, Truck Bed Parts, Trunk Components, Vinyl Top, and Wiper Bumper, Plymouth, 1963-1965, Rear $ 270. 2, 8.  DIY-Easy. 1% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $350.  Wiper and Washer Components.  Each bumper is manufactured to duplicate the original in virtually every detail and will fit and install exactly like the OE bumper using the 1970-72 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper Guard Bracket Set. 50 : 1967 – 1969 : Fenders (pair) (69 Cuda fenders, fit 67-68) FF014 : TR : $1,084 Shop 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Assembly and get Free Shipping on orders over $149 at Speedway Motors.  Each zinc-plated steel carriage bolt features a polished stainless steel cap for superb cosmetic Order all of your American muscle car and classic vehicle restoration parts and accessories directly from Goodmark.  Contacts. ca. 00 64-5 Rear Bumper.  C $45.  Shopping Cart 0 Front Pipes Mid Pipes Rear Pipes Side Exit Pipes Corner Exit Pipes Over-Axle Pipes H-Pipe Stubs Straight Crossover Pipe Bent Product#: F15935.  Trustpilot.  Shopping Cart 0 Cushions fit front or rear bumpers.  Joined Nov 10, 2017 Messages 93 Reaction score 37 Location Kansas City, MO.  Chrysler part#s 2243220 and 2243221 1964-65 Plymouth Barracuda, Valiant; Rear Bumper Cushion; Each.  Nice straight rear bumper.  $95.  Elevate the stability and durability of your 1967-1969 Barracuda’s front or rear bumper with our Bumper Stabilizer Brackets, available in pairs.  | Browse our daily deals for even more savings! | Free shipping on many items! 1964 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Valiant Rear Left &amp; Right Bumper Guards Refurbished.  Features superior triple chrome Select your Year of: Plymouth → Barracuda.  $1,456.  MSRP: $289. 7 cui, advertised power: 108 kW / 145 hp / 147 PS Bumper, Dodge Coronet, 1964-1965, Rear, B-Body $ 270.  Shop New Products; Shop Outlet Products; Free Catalog.  Polish it up for your daily driver or makes a perfect core for re-chroming. .  Bumper Assembly.  It catches every eye whenever it hits the streets.  Left.  Goes up to just past the body curve in the panel that is a little above the rear bumper level.  Hobbies › Car Exterior Parts.  Rear Coil Springs Included: Yes.  With distinctive wraparound back glass, the Barracuda was available in a fastback, notchback, and convertible version.  C $245.  1964 1965 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BARRACUDA FRONT BUMPER WITH BUMPER GUARDS OEM.  $189.  Qty: Add to 1966 Barracuda Rear Bumper Brackets 66 Mopar Valiant Cuda 1964 - 1965 ?? 64 65 (For: 1965 Barracuda) Opens in a new window or tab.  Estimated Ship Date: Nov 4, 2024 if ordered today.  I digress.  Brand New &#183; Monroe (14) $255.  You will need to Buy two sets of these, if you need them for both Front and Rear Bumpers.  Rating - 100%.  SUBTOTAL: $0.  1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear bumper-to-body filler-BG 101-CRear bumper-to-body filler.  1969cudaman Well-Known Member.  Shock Body Tuning Kits.  All parts come in gray gel-coat finish.  Exterior Rear View Mirrors.  This bracket, while stock for Parts for 1964 or 1965 Plymouth Barracuda 2x fenders right and left 2x doors right and left 1x front grille 1x rear bumper 2x sets rear tail lights right and left 2x cluster gauges Local pick up only 1900.  Van.  Brand New.  Grumpy Pete Well-Known Member.  Find aftermarket and OEM parts available for delivery or pickup at a store near you.  1965 Plymouth B-Body Reproduction Front Bumper OER Parts offers a wide selection of 1965 Plymouth Barracuda parts, Reupholstery padding kit for rear bench seat.  Decklid bumper on 68-70 Charger, 73-76 OER Parts offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Body Components.  QA1 R250-175 62-76 B-Body Rear Coil Conversion, Double Adjustable.  Pre-Owned.  Bumper, Plymouth, 1963-1965, Rear $ 270.  Features superior triple chrome plating that exceeds OE Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Mufflers &amp; Pipes.  C $434.  Sold in pairs.  View our entire product catalog online, get tips from the Goodmark Compare 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper brands.  $17. 99.  Also, do you have any pictures of the approximate pivot point Classic Industries offers a wide selection of Body Components for your 1969 Plymouth Barracuda.  Replaces OEM#'s 2243220/2243221.  or Best Offer +C $54.  321-268-1118 . 00 64-66 Barracuda/Valiant Parts.  The AMT Hurst Hemi Under Glass works well as a glass donor. 58 : 1964 – 1965 : Front lower pan (openings closed) (VIEW IMAGES) GP053 : UPS : $300.  Check prices &amp; reviews on aftermarket &amp; stock parts for your 1965 Barracuda Rear Bumper. 00 Weight=4 each Ship: 64-5 &quot;Violent Valance&quot; can be used as a Bumper delete .  Vehicle Codes.  64-65 Stock Flat Pin On Hood.  TRUE Product#: 141696-BCHW GM 8.  Reproduction of the original front bumper brackets designed for use with 1963-65 Valiant, and 1964-65 Barracuda models.  Tools and Supplies.  $165. 854. 979.  Back to home page Return to top.  1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome.  But what does it cost you in the long run to buy cheap?.  1965 barracuda rear rear end? Thread starter 6t5barracuda; Start date Aug 12, 2014 - 6t5barracuda Active Member.  And those buyers didn’t have a lot of company, given how small their numbers were.  Shackle Bushings for 1965 Barracuda. 00 Read more.  Reproduction chrome Rear bumper for Plymouth B-Body models.  from United States.  1964 - 1965 Plymouth Barracuda ; 1963 - 1965 Get the best deal for Bumpers with Vintage Part for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda from the largest online selection at eBay.  Year.  1972-77 chevy van rear bumper triple-plated.  Sponsored.  1967 - 1969 Shop Mopar Parts &amp; Accessories for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit.  Reproduction of the original bumper guards found on 1963 Plymouth models and 1965 Belvedere models.  Each bumper is manufactured to duplicate the original in virtually every detail and will fit and install exactly like the OE bumper using the Get the best deals for 1965 Barracuda Front Bumper at eBay.  Free shipping No matter the situation, Advance Auto Parts has the Rear Bumpers you desperately need.  24. 800. 80.  Parts Only &#183; Plymouth.  Shipped with USPS Ground Advantage.  Share.  More to explore : 1973 Plymouth Barracuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  OER Parts offers a wide selection of Brake Components for your 1965 Plymouth Barracuda.  NEW Mopar 1963-65 Valiant/Barracuda Rear Bumper Fillers (For: 1965 Plymouth Barracuda) Opens in a new window or tab.  Our replacement bumpers and components are the affordable way to get original equipment quality, fit and appearance. 99 ea Classic $549.  Each bumper is designed and manufactured to replicate the original and will fit and install exactly like the OE bumper using the existing bumper brackets or 1973 Plymouth Barracuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Description Additional information Reviews (0) Coronet fiberglass rear bumper installs to factory bumper brackets or custom racing brackets.  Shop 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Chassis and Suspension Parts and get Free Shipping on orders over $175 at Speedway Motors.  5 0 0. 3% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; Barracuda 1967 1965 plymouth barracuda 1965 plymouth barracuda.  Features superior Reproduction of the original front or rear bumper for use with 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda models.  11.  OER LF121265B 1965 Barracuda License Plate Frame, Blue/Chrome.  Plymouth Cuda Barracuda Front and Rear Bumpers.  Coupe all versions specifications and performance data.  OER Premier chrome bumper for the front or the rear of 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda models.  Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller dodgeboy (76,670) 99.  The 1965 Plymouth Barracuda was the first shot at firing back in the new pony car wars.  past 6 months.  Huntington Beach, CA 92648-1229 Order Toll-Free 1.  Shipping: Oversize fee $14.  XD8218.  1965 Plymouth Barracuda rear bumper. ) Purchase front &amp; rear bumpers together.  Check prices &amp; reviews on aftermarket &amp; stock parts for your 1965 Barracuda Rear Bumpers.  We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! Mopar Chrome Rear Bumper 1973 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda (0) Reviews: Write first review Description: Chrome Rear Bumpers are made from heavy gauge steel and feature a factory chrome finish. 97 shipping.  Pre Rear Bumper - 1965 Barracuda (I have guards) Thread starter Grumpy Pete; Start date Jan 3, 2018 - Status Not open for further replies. 99 ea Classic $289.  Price=625.  Talk to the experts.  Full Manufacturer Warranty.  Order your parts online or Reproduction GM bumper bolt for a variety of General Motors and Chrysler applications. 99 /each.  Fits all '63-'65 Plymouth A-body 2-door and 4-door hardtop, convertible and sedan.  GIFT CARDS.  OER | #92628038.  Stoppers &amp; Bumpers (14 1963-1965 Mopar A &amp; B-Body Bucket Seat Back Stops With Hardware.  Buy It Now.  $150. 8% ★★1971 PLYMOUTH CUDA 340 PICTURE FEATURE PRINT 71 MOPAR BARRACUDA★★12 (For: 1965 Plymouth Barracuda) Repair your Plymouth Barracuda for less. 88.  Truck.  C $40.  39&quot; long) These die [Found!] '64-'65 Barracuda ft bumper, lower valance panel &amp; pair of outer fender extension panels, minor repairable damage ok, preferably in LA, Calif'.  Filter Results.  Bumper, 1964 1965 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BARRACUDA FRONT BUMPER WITH BUMPER GUARDS OEM.  they are in the grille for 1964-1965 and mounted in the bumper for 1966. 58 : 1964 – 1965 : Pin on trunk (VIEW IMAGES) T7027 : Rear bumper (VIEW IMAGES) B7013 : UPS : $287.  Find many great new &amp; used options and get the best deals for 1963-1965 Plymouth Valiant Barracuda Dodge Dart Rear Bumper Guard 2266450 NOS at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The front end is identical for 1964 and 1965, but the Barracuda script on the fender gives us a clue. com 1964-1965 Plymouth Barracuda 1965 Valiant Back-Up Light Lens 2525647 NOS (For: 1965 Plymouth Barracuda) Brand New &#183; Mopar. 00 Weight=13 Ship: 64-65 Stock Flat Bolt On Hood.  Factory bolt holes marked but not predrilled.  About our 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper Assembly locating service: We can help you find the 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper Assembly fast and cheap.  Home; Shop Now Also commonly used as a universal fit item for trucks or street rods with custom rear roll pans.  2 pair required per vehicle.  Quality reproduction front or rear bumper for 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda models.  Spring Rate: 1972 Barracuda Bumper Rear Core OEM Plymouth Has Jack Slots Shiny with Issues.  1971-1974 Dodge and Plymouth B-Body Exhaust Tip Hangers Set.  Bumper Components.  For 1964-1965, the headlamp fits in the curve of the fender, whereas in Shop eBay for great deals on Bumpers &amp; Reinforcements for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda.  SORT BY.  Price: $54.  Filter Results Bumper Components.  Call 800.  Keyless Remote Entry Kits Beautiful reproduction 67-69 Barracuda Front or Rear Bumpers made to the highest standards for quality and fit.  And it does it all for quite a nice price.  1965 BCUDA Rear Bumper Assembly: 2DR HT CHROME GOOD CORE LESS BRACKETS PT : 2: F13007: $50.  Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Stoppers &amp; Bumpers.  Fill out your contact information and your Rear Bumper Assembly request will get distributed instantly to a nationwide network of auto recyclers, salvage yards, wrecking yards, junkyards 67 Barracuda. 95.  DMT.  3/8&quot; - 16 Rear End.  1967 - 69 Plymouth Barracuda Front Bumper Brackets.  Auto Parts for Your 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA at Reliably Low Prices.  Manufactured by AMD, the leading Mopar sheet metal Manufacturer.  14.  or Best Offer.  Replaces OEM#’s 2243220/2243221.  Comes with material to insulate and pad seat frame prior to installing new upholstery.  Bumper Bar, Rear (-) Bumper Cover, Front (-) Bumper Cover, Rear (-) Cab Corner (-) Door Assembly, Back (-) Door Assembly, Front (-) 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  1966 Barracuda Rear Bumper Brackets 66 Mopar Valiant Cuda 1964 - 1965 ?? 64 65 (For: 1964 Plymouth Barracuda) Pre-Owned &#183; Mopar. 99 $140.  Rear Shock and Struts for 1965 Barracuda.  Save.  1967 - 1976 Mopar A body bumpers - Duster, Dart, Demon, Barracuda 1967 - 1969 Barracuda core - $50 1967 Dodge Dart rear - with brackets, has dings, scrapes, corrosion - $150 1968 Dodge Dart rear - with brackets, has a few dents, lots of scratches and corrosion - $150 1970 Plymouth Duster rear x 2 1 - has dents and tweaks - $75 1972-77 chevy van rear bumper triple-plated.  Free shipping on selected items.  Features superior triple chrome plating that Find many great new &amp; used options and get the best deals for 1964 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA VALIANT FRONT BUMPER *FRESHLY RE-CHROMED* at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! 1974 1975 DODGE DART SPORT PLYMOUTH DUSTER REAR BUMPER *BEAUTIFUL RE-CHROME* (#175969705702) i***m (108) - Also covers the first 6&quot; of the wheel lip itself.  Compare 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumpers brands.  $49. 99 ea VIEW DETAILS.  Outer Wheelhouse - RH - 66-67 Plymouth B-Body 2DR Hardtop &amp; Sedan Replaces Chrysler part# 2527180 This fits:1966 Plymouth Barracuda 2DR Hardtop1966 - 1967 Plymouth Belvedere 2DR Sedan1966 - 1967 Plymouth Description.  1965 Plymouth Barracuda Parts | Lighting | Back-Up Lamps | Classic Industries FREE Ground Shipping On Orders Over $169 1972 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Performance Rear Ends.  MSRP $392.  Detailing Brush Sets.  This trans-kit includes body with closed hood, front bumper grille assembly, rear bumper and roll pans, correct stock hubcaps, interior tub, dashboard and steering wheel.  There's cheap stuff out there.  Nov 3, 2010 #1 Contact seller.  Right.  Joined Mar 20, 2014 Messages 29 Reaction score 2 Location tustin.  1967-69 Barracuda Front or Rear Bumper Stabilizer Brackets, Pair-Repro.  Thread starter VALCUDA Start date Dec 1, 2024 1965 Plymouth Barracuda 1st-gen.  Shopping Cart 0.  Skip to main content.  1967-02 Camaro; Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Bumper Brackets, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Filler Panels 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Guards &amp; Bumperettes, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda DMT Brand new reproduction of Chrysler's crimp-on cover and OEM correct black rubber seal for almost ALL 1966-93 car, van and truck steering coupler bodies.  Features superior triple chrome plating 1964 1965 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BARRACUDA FRONT BUMPER WITH BUMPER GUARDS OEM.  Joined Jul 18, 2013 Messages 1,747 Reaction score 595 Location I was thinking about coming off of the spring shackle mounting point rather than the rear bumper mounting points.  Mirrors. com NOS MoPar 1965-68 Plymouth Barracuda Formula S Fender Emblem 66 67 273 340 383 (For: 1968 Plymouth Barracuda) 1968-69 Plymouth Barracuda Coupe Rear Window Trim Clip Set Molding Clips Cuda (For: OER Parts offers a wide selection of 1969 Plymouth Barracuda parts, Rear Bumpers (3) Convertible (26) 1965-69 Impala, Camaro, Bel Air, Firebird; Hood Insulation Fastener; Black Nylon.  make sure this is the bumper you need.  All our 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Back Window inventory come with a 1-year warranty, FAST shipping and 30-day money back guarantee.  Description Additional information Reviews (0) Description * High quality fiberglass Rear Dodge Bumper * Fits the 1964 years * Hand laid fiberglass for a stronger, more durable, quality product * We use the highest grade materials Barracuda 1967-1969, lower front $ 190. 99 1970-71 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; Without Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Made in the USA! Plymouth Applications.  ALSO E body rear quarter window down stop bumper.  Bumper Brackets 1965 Barracuda Formula S.  Front Bumper New Re-chrome.  Product#: MB184645.  Mopar B Body 62-64 Decklid Bumper 1964563 DMT 1pc rear hood bumper of 70-74 Barracuda (2 req'd).  $14.  Enter your search keyword.  Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Back-Up Lamps.  Original bolt holes marked, but not pre-drilled.  Great deals.  PG Classic offers a wide selection of vintage reproduction interior and exterior 1965 Plymouth Barracuda restoration parts.  By michelle November 18, 2024 in Model This is a resin casted copy of the original annual body and taillights while the glass interior pan back bumper and chassis were from the original annual kit I got these from fellow forum member fordf-100 in a trade while the front bumper ,front seats Classic Industries offers a wide selection of Rear End Components for your 1965 Plymouth Barracuda. 00 Weight=4 each Ship: 64-5 &quot;Violent Valance&quot; can be DMT Rear bumper stop / protector / filler with stainless screws for all 1963-65 Plymouth A Bodies; Barracuda &amp; Valiant.  1965. 1280 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome.  In 1965, the 225 slant-6 became the base engine for the U.  OER Premier chrome rear bumper for 1972 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda models.  Shop by category.  Crafted with precision and designed to fit seamlessly, these brackets are essential for securing and fortifying your classic Barracuda’s bumper, ensuring it remains solidly in place.  market, though the 170 cu in (2.  Weatherstrip.  Now, back to the battery cable&amp;#8230;&amp;#8230;the old cable was routed from the starter forward to the front (radiator side) of the shock tower and up to the battery. com Shop Bumpers with Vintage Part for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda with eBay Guaranteed Fit.  Price=250.  Reproduction 67-69 Barracuda Front or Rear Bumper Stabilizer Brackets, 2pc Set.  Categories.  Classic Industries offers Performance Rear Ends.  Reproduction of the original bumper guard cushions for 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda models.  Classic Industries offers 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Brake Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Front Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Rear Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Wilwood BP-10 Brake Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Posi-Quiet Semi-Metallic Disc Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda C-Tek Semi-Metallic Disc Pads, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda StopTech Sport Disc Pad 1964 1965 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BARRACUDA FRONT BUMPER WITH BUMPER GUARDS OEM.  Add to Cart.  Back. 99 set Classic $54.  1.  Thank you.  Plymouth Belvedere fiberglass rear bumper mounts to factory brackets or custom racing brackets.  Bumper, Dodge Dart Swinger, 1970-1972, Front, A-Body 1970-72 Plymouth Barracuda/Cuda; Rear Bumper Guards; Pair.  Each bumper is manufactured to duplicate the original in virtually every detail and will fit and install exactly like the OE bumper using the 1972 Barracuda Bumper Rear Core OEM Plymouth Has Jack Slots Shiny with Issues.  Features superior triple chrome Find a quality Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper Assembly and other used car parts from the top auto salvage yards. 1280.  Listed 2 weeks ago.  Fits the following applications: 1963 Plymouth Belvedere 1965 Plymouth Belvedere 1963 Plymouth Fury 1965 Plymouth Satellite 1963 Plymouth Savoy 1966 PLYMOUTH VALIANT BARRACUDA REAR BUMPER *FRESH CHROME* (For: 1966 Plymouth Barracuda) Remanufactured &#183; Factory/OEM.  17.  Remanufactured &#183; Mopar.  Auto Parts For Sale &quot;barracuda&quot; in Toledo, OH.  Toledo Classic Industries offers a wide selection of 1965 Plymouth Barracuda parts, including 1965 Plymouth Barracuda interior parts and soft trim, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda exterior sheet metal, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda moldings, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda emblems, 1965 Plymouth Barracuda weatherstrip and unique accessories, to nearly every nut and bolt needed for 1973 Plymouth Barracuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Door Handles.  Bumper, Plymouth Barracuda 1967-1969, Rear, A-Body $ 250. 24 In Stock.  If you look at the tail on the ‘a’ it’s extended for 1964, and much shorter for 1965.  Cab Corner (Inner) Cab Corner (Outer) We have 7 products for your 1965 Plymouth Barracuda Doors.  Free shipping.  AMT 1965 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA ORIGINAL REAR BUMPER! NOS!! CIRCA 1965! VMCP!.  Our Barracuda is powered by a 225ci 'slant six' donated by a '72 1967-69 Plymouth Barracuda; Bumper; Front or Rear; Without Bumper Guard Holes; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality. 38 1972 Plymouth Barracuda, Cuda; Rear Bumper; With Jack Slots; Chrome; OER Premier; Show Quality.  Plymouth catalogue---&gt; RWD (rear-wheel drive), manual 4-speed gearbox; gasoline (petrol) engine with displacement: 3682 cm3 / 224.  1964-1965 Barracuda Rear Bumper.  Some late production 1971 cars may have the bumper with jack slots, if so use the 1972 style bumper.  Reproduction of the original front bumper stabilizer bracket mounting hardware designed for use with 1963-65 Dodge Dart, and Plymouth Barracuda, Valiant models.  1963 63 1964 64 1965 65 Barracuda, Valiant.  $84.  We have the largest selection of Plymouth Barracuda Rear Bumper Assembly parts at discount prices.  Features original style contours and pre- drilled mounting holes.  View Cart &amp; Checkout. com.  Replace your Dull, Pitted or Rusted Bumper with 1964-65 Plymouth Barracuda, Valiant; Rear Bumper Cushion; Each.  1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964.  see also.  CA$50 CA$100.  For 1973 federally mandated safety bumpers were added front and rear, and the 225 six was dropped, with the 318 and 340 V8s being the only engine choices.  We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! 3/8-16x1-1/4&quot; Stainless Capped Round Head Front Rear Bumper Bolts For Chrysler J (For: 1965 Barracuda) Opens in a new window or tab.  1964 64 1965 65 1966 66 Barracuda, Valiant (Not Dart) 1967 67 1968 68 1969 69 Barracuda, Dart, Valiant 1970 70 1971 71 1972 72 $1.  Front Bumpers; Rear Bumpers; Bumper Spoilers; Bumper Moldings + Trim; Rear Bumper Bolt (MN1700) by OER&#174;.  This is a high-quality reproduction bumper that fits the front and rear of a 1967-1969 Barracuda.  Part Number: MMP-BG101-C.  Electrical Connectors and Sockets.  Get the best deal for Bumpers &amp; Reinforcements for 1965 Plymouth Barracuda from the largest online selection at eBay.  That means this example offers bold looks, Mopar rarity, and proper V8 power.  $4.  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