Current Path : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/u0635749/data/www/ |
(function() { var BX = window.BX; var avatarEditorTabs = (function(){ var d = function(node, tabs){ this.node = node; this.tabs = {}; this.repo = []; if (BX.type.isArray(tabs)) { var tab, last; while ((tab = tabs.shift()) && tab) { if (this.add(tab)) last = tab; }; } }; d.prototype = { add : function(tab) { var head, body; head = BX.findChild(this.node, {attribute : {"data-bx-role" : 'tab-' + tab}}, true); body = BX.findChild(this.node, {attribute : {"data-bx-role" : 'tab-' + tab + '-body'}}, true); if (head && body) { this.tabs[tab] = { head : head, body : body }; BX.bind(head, "click", BX.proxy(function(){ }, this)); return true; } return false; }, show : function(tab, header) { if (this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(tab)) { var was = ''; for(var ii in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { if (this.tabs[ii]["head"].hasAttribute("active")) was = ii; if (ii !== tab) { this.tabs[ii]["head"].removeAttribute("active"); if (!header || header !== ii) BX.removeClass(this.tabs[ii]["head"], "main-file-input-tab-button-active"); BX.hide(this.tabs[ii]["body"]); } } } this.tabs[tab]["head"].setAttribute("active", "Y"); BX.addClass(this.tabs[tab]["head"], "main-file-input-tab-button-active"); if (header && this.tabs[header]) BX.addClass(this.tabs[header]["head"], "main-file-input-tab-button-active");[tab]["body"]); if (was !== tab) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onTabHasBeenChanged", [tab, was, this]); this.repo.push(header||tab); } } }, showPrevious : function() { this.repo.pop(); var tab = this.repo.pop(); if (tab); }, getActive : function() { var tab = ''; for(var ii in this.tabs) { if (this.tabs.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { if (BX.hasClass(this.tabs[ii]["head"], "main-file-input-tab-button-active")) { tab = ii; break; } } } return tab; } }; return d; })(), webRTC = null, avatarEditorZoom = (function(){ var d = function(params) { this.scale = params.scale; this.knob = params.knob; this.minus = params.minus; =; this.moveKnob = null; BX.bind(this.minus, "click", BX.proxy(this.decrease, this)); BX.bind(, "click", BX.proxy(this.increase, this)); BX.bind(this.knob, "mousedown", BX.proxy(this.startMoving, this)); this.move = BX.delegate(this.move, this); this.stopMoving = BX.delegate(this.stopMoving, this); }; d.prototype = { step : 0.1, init : function() { }, bind : function() { }, reset : function() { this.move(); }, increase : function() { this.move(true); }, decrease : function() { this.move(false); }, startMoving : function() { BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.stopMoving); }, move : function (e) { var v = { x : 0, percent : 0 }, size1, size2; if (e === true || e === false) { var percent = parseFloat(this.knob.getAttribute("data-bx-percent")); if (!(percent > 0)) percent = 0; percent += (e === true ? 1 : (-1)) * this.step; if (!this.moveKnob2) { size1 = BX.pos(this.scale); size2 = BX.pos(this.knob); this.moveKnob2 = function(percent) { var p = Math.min( Math.max(percent, 0), 1 ); return { x : Math.ceil((size1["width"] - size2["width"]) * p), percent : p }; } } v = this.moveKnob2(percent); } else if (e) { if (!this.moveKnob) { size1 = BX.pos(this.scale); size2 = BX.pos(this.knob); this.moveKnob = function(pageX) { var x = Math.min( Math.max((pageX - size1["left"]), 0), (size1["width"] - size2["width"]) ); return {x : Math.ceil(x), percent : x / Math.max((size1["width"] - size2["width"]), 1)}; }; } BX.fixEventPageXY(e); v = this.moveKnob(e.pageX); } BX.adjust(this.knob, { style : { left : v.x + 'px' }, attrs : { "data-bx-percent" : v.percent }}); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeSize", [v.percent]); }, stopMoving : function() { BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.stopMoving); } }; return d; })(), repo = {}, canvasConstructor = (function(){ if (!repo["canvasConstructor"]) repo["canvasConstructor"] = new BX.UploaderFileCnvConstr(); return repo["canvasConstructor"]; })(), canvasMaster = (function(){ var d = function(canvas) { if (!BX(canvas)) throw "BX.canvasEditor: Canvas is not a DOM node."; this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvasBlock = canvas.parentNode; this.params = { scaleMultiplier : 1, visibleWidth : (canvas.width > 0 ? canvas.width : 1), visibleHeight : (canvas.height > 0 ? canvas.height : 1), width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height }; this.startMoving = BX.delegate(this.startMoving, this); this.move = BX.delegate(this.move, this); this.stopMoving = BX.delegate(this.stopMoving, this); this.reset(); }; d.prototype = { reset : function() { this.canvasIsSet = false; this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.disableToMove(); = "default"; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onResetCanvas", [this.canvas]); }, set : function(video) { var w, h, k; if (video.clientWidth) { w = video.clientWidth; h = video.clientHeight; } else { var props = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(video, {width : 1024, height : 1024 }); w = props.destin.width; h = props.destin.height; } if (video["name"]) = video["name"]; else delete this.params["name"]; k = Math.ceil(Math.max( ( w > 0 ? this.params.visibleWidth / w : 1 ), ( h > 0 ? this.params.visibleHeight / h : 1 ) ) * 100) / 100; this.params.scale = (0 < k && k < 1 ? k : 1); this.params.width = w; this.params.height = h; delete this.params.left; delete; delete this.params.zeroLeft; delete this.params.zeroTop; delete this.params.overWidth; delete this.params.overHeight; this.cursor = null; this.params.zoomScale = 1; BX.adjust(this.canvas, { props : { width : this.params.width, height : this.params.height } }); this.ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.canvasIsSet = true; this.calculateOffsets({}); this.params.firstScale = this.params.zoomScale; this.params.firstLeft = this.params.left; this.params.firstTop =; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeCanvas", [this.canvas, { width : this.params.width, height : this.params.height, left : ( this.params.left - this.params.zeroLeft ) / this.params.scale, top : ( - this.params.zeroTop ) / this.params.scale, scale : this.params.zoomScale, maxScale : 1 + (1 - this.params.scale) / this.params.scale }]); }, load: function(file) { if (!this.onLoadFile) { this.onLoadFile = BX.delegate(this.set, this); } if (!this.onLoadingFileIsFailed) { this.onLoadingFileIsFailed = BX.delegate(function() { this.showError(BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_ERROR_IMAGE_DEPLOYING"), arguments); }, this); } this.reset(); canvasConstructor.push(file, this.onLoadFile, this.onLoadingFileIsFailed); }, showError : function(textMessage, args) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onErrorCanvas", [textMessage, args]); }, scale : function(scale) { if (this.params.scale < 1) { this.calculateOffsets({zoomScale : 1 + (1 - this.params.scale) * scale / this.params.scale}); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeCanvasArea", [{ left : ( this.params.left - this.params.zeroLeft ) / this.params.scale, top : ( - this.params.zeroTop ) / this.params.scale, scale : this.params.zoomScale }]); } }, calculateOffsets : function(params) { var oldZeroLeft = this.params.zeroLeft, //220 oldZeroTop = this.params.zeroTop, oldZoomScale = this.params.zoomScale; if (params["zoomScale"]) this.params.zoomScale = Math.ceil(params.zoomScale * 100) / 100; this.params.zeroLeft = (this.params.width * this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.width) / 2 ; this.params.zeroTop = (this.params.height * this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.height) / 2; this.params.overWidth = (this.params.width * this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.visibleWidth) / 2; this.params.overHeight = (this.params.height * this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.visibleHeight) / 2; if (params["zoomScale"]) { var newLeft = this.params.zeroLeft + ((( this.params.left - oldZeroLeft - this.params.visibleWidth / 2 ) / oldZoomScale) * this.params.zoomScale) + this.params.visibleWidth / 2, newTop = this.params.zeroTop + (( - this.params.visibleHeight / 2 - oldZeroTop ) / oldZoomScale) * this.params.zoomScale + this.params.visibleHeight / 2; this.params.left = this.params.zeroLeft - this.params.overWidth; if (this.params.overWidth > 0) this.params.left = Math.min( this.params.zeroLeft, Math.max( this.params.zeroLeft - this.params.overWidth * 2, newLeft ) ); = this.params.zeroTop - this.params.overHeight; if (this.params.overHeight > 0) = Math.min( this.params.zeroTop, Math.max((this.params.zeroTop - this.params.overHeight * 2), newTop) ); } else { this.params.left = this.params.zeroLeft - this.params.overWidth; = this.params.zeroTop - this.params.overHeight; } var cursor; if (this.params.overWidth > 0 || this.params.overHeight > 0) { cursor = "move"; this.enableToMove(); } else { cursor = "default"; this.disableToMove(); } = cursor; BX.adjust( BX(this.canvasBlock), {style : { width : this.params.width + 'px', height : this.params.height + 'px', transform : 'translate(' + Math.ceil(this.params.left) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil( + 'px) scale(' + this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale + ', ' + this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale + ')' }} ); }, enableToMove : function() { BX.bind(this.canvasBlock, "mousedown", this.startMoving); }, disableToMove : function() { BX.unbindAll(this.canvasBlock); }, startMoving : function(e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); this.cursor = { pageX : e.pageX, pageY : e.pageY }; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.stopMoving); }, move : function (e) { if (this.cursor !== null) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); if (this.params.overWidth > 0) { this.params.left = Math.min( this.params.zeroLeft, Math.max( this.params.zeroLeft - this.params.overWidth * 2, (this.params.left + e.pageX - this.cursor.pageX) ) ); this.cursor.pageX = e.pageX; } if (this.params.overHeight > 0) { = Math.min( this.params.zeroTop, Math.max((this.params.zeroTop - this.params.overHeight * 2), + e.pageY - this.cursor.pageY) ); this.cursor.pageY= e.pageY; } BX.adjust(this.canvasBlock, { style : { transform : 'translate(' + Math.ceil(this.params.left) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil( + 'px) scale(' + this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale + ', ' + this.params.scale * this.params.zoomScale + ')'} }); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeCanvasArea", [{ left : ( this.params.left - this.params.zeroLeft ) / this.params.scale, top : ( - this.params.zeroTop ) / this.params.scale, scale : this.params.zoomScale }]); } }, stopMoving : function() { BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.stopMoving); }, pack : function() { var result = null; if (this.canvasIsSet) { if ( this.params.firstScale === this.params.zoomScale && this.params.firstLeft === this.params.left && this.params.firstTop === ) { result = BX.UploaderUtils.dataURLToBlob(this.canvas.toDataURL('image/png')); result.changed = false; } else { var scale = this.params.zoomScale * this.params.scale, left = Math.ceil((this.params.left - this.params.zeroLeft) / scale), top = Math.ceil(( - this.params.zeroTop) / scale), width = Math.ceil(this.params.visibleWidth / scale), height = Math.ceil(this.params.visibleHeight / scale); if (left > 0) { width -= left; left = 0; } if (top > 0) { height -= top; top = 0; } if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) throw "BX.canvasEditor: width or height is undefined."; BX.adjust(canvasConstructor.getCanvas(), { props : { width : width, height : height } } ); canvasConstructor.getContext().drawImage(this.canvas, Math.abs(left), Math.abs(top), width, height, 0, 0, width, height); result = canvasConstructor.pack(); result.changed = true; } if (this.params["name"]) = this.params["name"]; if (result.type === 'image/png' && ( || '').substr(-4, 4).toLowerCase() !== '.png') { var name = ( || 'image'); if (name.lastIndexOf('.') > 0 && BX.UploaderUtils.isImageExt(name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase())) { = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')); } = + '.png'; } } return result; } }; return d; })(), canvasPreview = (function() { var d = function(canvas) { if (!BX(canvas)) throw "Canvas is not a DOM node."; this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvasBlock = canvas.parentNode; this.params = { scaleMultiplier : 2, visibleWidth : (canvas.width > 0 ? canvas.width : 1), visibleHeight : (canvas.height > 0 ? canvas.height : 1), width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height }; }; d.prototype = { set : function(canvas, params) { var w = params.width, h = params.height, visibleSize = { width : this.params.visibleWidth, height : this.params.visibleHeight }, k = Math.max( ( w > 0 ? visibleSize.width * params.maxScale / w : 1 ), ( h > 0 ? visibleSize.height * params.maxScale / h : 1 ) ); this.params.scaleMultiplier = params.maxScale; if (k > 1) { k = Math.max( ( w > 0 ? visibleSize.width / w : 1 ), ( h > 0 ? visibleSize.height / h : 1 ) ); this.params.scaleMultiplier = 1; } k = (0 < k && k < 1 ? k : 1); this.params.width = w * k; this.params.height = h * k; this.params.scale = k; this.position({scale : 1}); BX.adjust(this.canvas, { props : { width : this.params.width, height : this.params.height } }); this.ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); }, position : function(params) { this.params.zoomScale = params.scale; this.params.overWidth = (this.params.width * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.visibleWidth) / 2; this.params.overHeight = (this.params.height * this.params.zoomScale - this.params.visibleHeight) / 2; this.params.zeroLeft = ( this.params.width * this.params.zoomScale / this.params.scaleMultiplier - this.params.width) / 2; this.params.zeroTop = ( this.params.height * this.params.zoomScale / this.params.scaleMultiplier - this.params.height) / 2; this.params.left = this.params.zeroLeft - this.params.overWidth; if (this.params.overWidth > 0) this.params.left = (params.left * this.params.scale / this.params.scaleMultiplier) + this.params.zeroLeft; = this.params.zeroTop - this.params.overHeight; if (this.params.overHeight > 0) = ( * this.params.scale / this.params.scaleMultiplier) + this.params.zeroTop; BX.adjust(this.canvasBlock, {style : { width : this.params.width + 'px', height : this.params.height + 'px', transform : 'translate(' + Math.ceil(this.params.left) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil( + 'px) scale(' + this.params.zoomScale / this.params.scaleMultiplier + ', ' + this.params.zoomScale / this.params.scaleMultiplier + ')' }}); }, reset : function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } }; return d; })(); BX.AvatarEditor = (function(){ var video; var d = function(params){ = 'avatarEditor' + (new Date()).valueOf(); this.popup = null; this.handlers = { apply : BX.delegate(this.apply, this), cancel : BX.delegate(this.cancel, this), onPopupShow : BX.delegate(this.onPopupShow, this), onAfterPopupShow : BX.delegate(this.onAfterPopupShow, this), onPopupClose : BX.delegate(this.onPopupClose, this) }; params = (BX.type.isPlainObject(params) ? params : {}); this.params = { enableCamera : params["enableCamera"] !== false }; this.limitations = []; // TODO make control to work with file limits }; d.prototype = { isCameraEnabled : function() { var res = false; if (this.params.enableCamera === true) { if (webRTC === null && BX["webrtc"]) webRTC = new BX.webrtc(); res = ((window.location.protocol.indexOf("https") === 0) && webRTC && webRTC.enabled); } return res; }, getLimitText : function() { // TODO make text interface for limits return ''; }, getTemplate : function() { var bodies = [], headers = []; headers.push( '<span class="main-file-input-tab-button-item" data-bx-role="tab-canvas" style="display:none;">Canvas</span>' ); bodies.push([ '<div class="main-file-input-content-block main-file-input-canvas-block" data-bx-role="tab-canvas-body" style="display: none;">', '<div class="main-file-input-control">', '<div class="main-file-input-control-controller" data-bx-role="zoom-minus-button">', '<span class="main-file-input-control-minus"></span>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-control-inner" data-bx-role="zoom-scale">', '<div class="main-file-input-control-slide-container main-file-input-control-slide-drag-state">', '<div class="main-file-input-control-slide" data-bx-role="zoom-knob"></div>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-control-controller" data-bx-role="zoom-plus-button">', '<span class="main-file-input-control-plus"></span>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-camera-block-image">', '<div class="main-file-input-user-loader-item">', '<div class="main-file-input-loader">', '<svg class="main-file-input-circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50">', '<circle class="main-file-input-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"></circle>', '</svg>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-error">', '<span>', BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_ERROR"), '</span>', '<span data-bx-role="tab-canvas-error"></span>', '</div>', '<div>', // Service block '<canvas data-bx-canvas="canvas" height="330" width="330"></canvas>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-button-layout">', '<div class="main-file-input-button" data-bx-role="try-again-button">', '<span class="main-file-input-button-icon"></span>', '<span class="main-file-input-button-name">', BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_TRY_AGAIN"), '</span>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>' ].join('')); headers.push( '<span class="main-file-input-tab-button-item' + (window.location.protocol.indexOf("https") === 0 ? "" : " main-file-input-tab-button-active") + '" data-bx-role="tab-file">' + BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_FILE") + '</span>' ); bodies.push([ '<div class="main-file-input-content-block main-file-input-upload-block" data-bx-role="tab-file-body" ', (window.location.protocol.indexOf("https") === 0 ? ' style="display: none;" ': ''), '>', '<div class="main-file-input-upload-link-container">', '<label for="file',,'" class="main-file-input-upload-link" for="file',,'">', BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_PICK_UP_THE_FILE"), '<input type="file" id="file',,'" data-bx-role="file-button" accept="image/*" />', '</label>', '<div class="main-file-input-upload-desc">', BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_DROP_FILES_INTO_THIS_AREA"), '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-upload-info">', '<div class="main-file-input-upload-info-item">', this.getLimitText(), '</div>', '</div>', '</div>' ].join('')); if (this.isCameraEnabled()) { headers.push( '<span class="main-file-input-tab-button-item main-file-input-tab-button-active" data-bx-role="tab-camera">' + BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_CAMERA") + '</span>' ); bodies.push([ '<div class="main-file-input-content-block main-file-input-camera-block" data-bx-role="tab-camera-body">', '<div class="main-file-input-camera-block-image">', '<div class="main-file-input-user-loader-item">', '<div class="main-file-input-loader">', '<svg class="main-file-input-circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50">', '<circle class="main-file-input-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" stroke-width="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"/>', '</svg>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-error">', '<span>', BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_ERROR"), '</span>', '<span data-bx-role="tab-camera-error"></span>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-camera-block-image-inner">', '<video autoplay></video>', '</div>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-button-layout" data-bx-role="camera-button">', '<div class="main-file-input-button">', '<span class="main-file-input-button-icon"></span>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>' ].join('')); } var html = [ '<div class="main-file-input-tab-wrapper">', '<div class="main-file-input-tab-button-container"', (headers.length <= 2 ? ' style="display: none"' : ''), '>', headers.join(''), '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-tab-container">', bodies.join(''), '<div class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-block">', '<div class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-inner">', '<div class="main-file-input-arrow-icon-container">', '<span class="main-file-input-arrow-icon"></span>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-image-container">', '<span class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-image-item" data-bx-role="canvas-button">', '<div>', // Service block '<canvas data-bx-canvas="preview" height="136" width="136"></canvas>', '</div>', '</span>', '</div>', '<div class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-desc-container">', '<span class="main-file-input-tab-avatar-desc-item">', /*"Preview",*/ '</span>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</div>' ].join(''); return html.replace(/#id#/gi,; }, onTabHasBeenChanged : function(active, was, tabObject) { var node = BX(; video = BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "VIDEO"}, true); if (tabObject.tabs[active]) BX.removeClass(tabObject.tabs[active]["body"], "errored"); if (BX(video)) { if (active === "camera" && video.getAttribute("active") !== "Y") { if (!video.hasAttribute("data-bx-bound")) { video.setAttribute("data-bx-bound", "Y"); var visibleWidth = video.parentNode.clientWidth, visibleHeight = video.parentNode.clientHeight; video.addEventListener("playing", function () { var w = video.clientWidth, h = video.clientHeight, scale = Math.max( ( w > 0 ? visibleWidth / w : 1 ), ( h > 0 ? visibleHeight / h : 1 ) ), left = (w * scale - w) / 2 + (visibleWidth - w * scale) / 2, top = (h * scale - h) / 2 + (visibleHeight - h * scale) / 2; BX.adjust( video.parentNode, {style : { width : w + 'px', height : h + 'px', transform : 'translate(' + Math.ceil(left) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil(top) + 'px) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')' }} ); }); } video.setAttribute("active", "Y"); navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: false, video: { width: {max: 1024, min: 640, ideal: 1024}, height: {max: 860, min: 480, ideal: 860} } }).then(function(stream) { if (video.hasAttribute("active")) { video.srcObject = stream; } else { stream.getTracks()[0].stop(); } }).catch(function(error) { if (tabObject.tabs[active]) BX.addClass(tabObject.tabs[active]["body"], "errored"); var errorNode = BX.findChild(node, {attribute : {"data-bx-role" : "tab-camera-error" }}, true); if (errorNode) errorNode.innerHTML = error; }); } else if (video.getAttribute("active") === "Y") { video.removeAttribute("active"); video.pause(); video.src = ""; if (video.srcObject) { video.srcObject.getTracks()[0].stop(); } } } }, addFiles : function(files) { // reinit fileInput to release file handler if (!BX.type.isArray(files)) { var result = []; for (var j=0; j < files.length; j++) { result.push(files[j]); } files = result; } var file; var loader = BX.findChild(BX(, { tagName : "DIV", className : "main-file-input-user-loader-item"}, true); if ((file = files.pop()) && file && this.canvas && BX.UploaderUtils.isImage(, file.type, file.size)) { this.canvas.load(file);'canvas', 'file'); BX.hide(loader); } else {; // TODO Show some error } }, bindTemplate : function() { var node = BX(; this.tabs = new avatarEditorTabs(node, ['canvas', 'file', 'camera']); BX.addCustomEvent(this.tabs, "onTabHasBeenChanged", BX.delegate(this.onTabHasBeenChanged, this)); this.onTabHasBeenChanged(this.tabs.getActive(), null, this.tabs); this.canvas = new canvasMaster(BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "CANVAS", attribute : { "data-bx-canvas" : "canvas" } }, true)); this.preview = new canvasPreview(BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "CANVAS", attribute : { "data-bx-canvas" : "preview" } }, true)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeCanvas", BX.proxy(this.preview.set, this.preview)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeCanvasArea", BX.proxy(this.preview.position, this.preview)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onResetCanvas", BX.proxy(this.preview.reset, this.preview)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onErrorCanvas", BX.proxy(function(textMessage, args){ var tabObj = this.tabs; BX.addClass(tabObj.tabs['canvas']['body'], "errored"); var n = BX.findChild(tabObj.tabs['canvas']['body'], { attribute : { "data-bx-role" : "tab-canvas-error" } }, true); n.innerHTML = textMessage; }, this)); var n1 = BX.findChild(node, {attribute : { "data-bx-role" : "canvas-button" } }, true); if (n1) { BX.bind(n1, "click", function() { if (this.canvas.canvasIsSet === true) {'canvas'); } }.bind(this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeCanvas", function() { BX.addClass(n1, "active"); }.bind(this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onResetCanvas", function() { BX.removeClass(n1, "active"); }.bind(this)); } var n = BX.findChild(node, {attribute : { "data-bx-role" : "try-again-button" } }, true); if (n) { BX.bind(n, "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.canvas.reset(); this.tabs.showPrevious(); }, this)); } var button = BX.findChild(node, {attr : {"data-bx-role" : "camera-button"}}, true); if (button) { button.onclick = BX.delegate(function(e) { if (this.canvas) this.canvas.set(video);'canvas', 'camera'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this); } var knob = BX.findChild(node, {attr : {"data-bx-role" : "zoom-knob"}}, true), scale = BX.findChild(node, {attr : {"data-bx-role" : "zoom-scale"}}, true), plus = BX.findChild(node, {attr : {"data-bx-role" : "zoom-plus-button"}}, true), minus = BX.findChild(node, {attr : {"data-bx-role" : "zoom-minus-button"}}, true); if (knob && scale && plus && minus) { var zoomNode = BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "DIV", className : "main-file-input-control"}, true), zoom = new avatarEditorZoom( { scale : scale, knob : knob, plus : plus, minus : minus } ); BX.addCustomEvent(zoom, "onChangeSize", BX.proxy(function(percent) { this.canvas.scale(percent); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeCanvas", BX.proxy(function(c, params){ if (params.left >= 0 && >= 0) BX.hide(zoomNode); else; this.reset(); }, zoom)); } var file = BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : {type: "file", "data-bx-role" : "file-button" } }, true); if (file) { var f = BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); var files, file = BX.findChild(BX(, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : {type: "file", "data-bx-role" : "file-button" } }, true); if (e && files =; else if (e && BX(file)) files = file.files; this.addFiles(files); if (!BX(file)) return; BX.unbindAll(file); var node = file.cloneNode(true, {value : ""}); BX.adjust(node, { props : { value : "" }, attrs: { value : "" }}); node.setAttribute("new", "Y" + (new Date()).valueOf()); file.parentNode.insertBefore(node, file); file.parentNode.removeChild(file); BX.bind(node, "change", f) }, this); BX.bind(file, "change", f); n = BX.findChild(node, {attribute : {"data-bx-role" : "tab-file-body"}}, true); if (BX.DD && BX.type.isDomNode(n) && n.parentNode) { var dropZone = new BX.DD.dropFiles(node); if (dropZone && dropZone.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { dropZone.f = { dropFiles : BX.delegate(function(files, e) { if (e && e["dataTransfer"] && e["dataTransfer"]["items"] && e["dataTransfer"]["items"].length > 0) { var dt = e["dataTransfer"], ii, entry, fileCopy = [], replace = false; for (ii = 0; ii < dt["items"].length; ii++) { if (dt["items"][ii]["webkitGetAsEntry"] && dt["items"][ii]["getAsFile"]) { replace = true; entry = dt["items"][ii]["webkitGetAsEntry"](); if (entry && entry.isFile ) { fileCopy.push(dt["items"][ii]["getAsFile"]()); } } } if (replace) files = fileCopy; } this.addFiles(files); }, this), dragEnter : BX.proxy(function(e) { var isFileTransfer = false; if (e && e["dataTransfer"] && e.dataTransfer.types != null && e.dataTransfer.items != null) { var b = false, i; for (i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.types.length; i++) { if (e.dataTransfer.types[i] == "Files") { b = true; break; } } if (b) { for (i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.items.length; i++) { if (e.dataTransfer.items[i].type.indexOf("image/") == 0) { isFileTransfer = true; break; } } } } if (isFileTransfer) {'file'); BX.addClass(n, "dnd-over"); } }, this), dragLeave : function() { BX.removeClass(n, "dnd-over"); } }; BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dropFiles', dropZone.f.dropFiles); BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dragEnter', dropZone.f.dragEnter); BX.addCustomEvent(dropZone, 'dragLeave' , dropZone.f.dragLeave); } } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onEditorHasBeenShown", [this]); }, show : function(activeTab) { if (this.popup === null) { var editorNode = BX.create("DIV", { attrs : { id : }, style : { display : "none" }, html : this.getTemplate() }); this.popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup' +, null, { className : "main-file-input-popup", autoHide : false, lightShadow : true, closeIcon : true, closeByEsc : true, titleBar : BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_TITLE_BAR"), content : editorNode, zIndex : BX.PopupWindowManager.getMaxZIndex() + 1, overlay : {}, events : { onPopupShow : this.handlers.onPopupShow, onAfterPopupShow : this.handlers.onAfterPopupShow, onPopupClose : this.handlers.onPopupClose }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_SAVE_BUTTON"), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : this.handlers.apply } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message("JS_AVATAR_EDITOR_CANCEL_BUTTON"), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : this.handlers.cancel } } ) ] } ); } else { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onEditorHasBeenShown", [this]); } if (activeTab === 'camera' || activeTab === 'file') { var f = BX.proxy(function(){; }, this); if (this.popup.isShown()) f(); else BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onEditorHasBeenShown", f); }; this.popup.adjustPosition(); }, showFile : function(url) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onEditorHasBeenShown", BX.proxy(function() {'file');'canvas', 'file'); this.canvas.load(url); }, this));; }, click : function() {; }, apply : function() { var result = this.canvas.pack(); if (result !== null) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onApply", [result, this.canvas.canvas]); this.popup.close(); } else { this.cancel(); } }, cancel : function() { this.popup.close(); }, onPopupShow : function() { }, onAfterPopupShow : function() { try { this.bindTemplate(); } catch(e) { this['bindTemplateCounter'] = (this['bindTemplateCounter'] || 0) + 1; if (this['bindTemplateCounter'] < 10) { setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.onAfterPopupShow, this), 500); } } }, onPopupClose : function() { if (this.tabs) BX.onCustomEvent(this.tabs, "onTabHasBeenChanged", [null, null, this.tabs]); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupShow", this.handlers.onPopupShow); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onAfterPopupShow", this.handlers.onAfterPopupShow); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupClose", this.handlers.onPopupClose); this.popup.destroy(); this.popup = null; } }; return d; })(); })();