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Located in Colbert County.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Tuscumbia city jail phone number Phone Number: 256-383-3121. Colbert County Sheriff's Office Tuscumbia, AL. Sometimes the local newspaper, police department or sheriff’s office will have a daily police blotter published on their website. Tuscumbia Utilities 202 East 6th Street P. How to Locate an Inmate. Chief Tuscumbia Municipal Court is located at Tuscumbia City Hall, 116 East Sixth Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674. Camden County Detention Center Court Circle Northwest, Camdenton, MO - 22. It primarily houses individuals who have been arrested within the city limits and are awaiting trial, sentencing, or transfer to another facility. Read Message . Colbert County Jail North Main Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 7. Its official contact number is 256-386-8550. s. The address of this facility is listed as 2216 Missouri St. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. 8 am - 4 pm IF YOU HAVE AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL 911. Female inmates, however, are housed separately at the Tuscumbia City Jail. Kerry Underwood, Mayor Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. Debbie Martin's mobile phone area code starts with 573. Lauderdale County Jail PO Box 1710, Florence, AL - 2. SEARCH FOR ANY FACILITY OR INMATE IN THE COUNTRY. Lauderdale County Work Release Center Learn about Tuscumbia Police Department including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Fax 256-389-2903. Offenders are housed in single-person cells and are provided with three meals a day. j***@cityoftuscumbia. Send Mail to the Facility (not inmates): Miller County MO Jail 1999 Highway 52 PO Box 13 Tuscumba, MO 65082. Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center 2216 Missouri Street, Tuscumbia, AL A secure facility providing temporary detention and secure confinement for youth prior to adjudication or disposition of their cases, offering education, counseling, and recreational activities. Contact Number (256) Tuscumbia, AL Departments & Services; Inmates; Press Releases; More ; Emergency 911. Telephone: 256-383-3121 Fax: 256-386-5647. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Tuscumbia and beyond. Newspapers Local or national newspapers may also be mailed to the inmate as long as they are mailed directly from the newspaper publisher. But it's Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. Welcome to Tuscumbiacityjail. Logo Title. , James J McKee Jr. Colbert County Bail Bonds To bail someone out of Colbert County jail, Inmate Visiting Hours at the Tuscumbia City Jail Tuscumbia City Jail ON-SITE VISITATION SCHEDULE. 48 Hour Release >> Click 48 hour release to view all persons released from the Colbert County Detention Center within the Lisa Tubbs’s direct phone number is (256) ***-**** What is Lisa Tubbs’s work phone number? Lisa Tubbs’s headquarters phone number is (256) 389-2940 What is Lisa Tubbs’s latest job experience? Lisa Tubbs’s latest job experience is Cafeteria Manager at Department of Homeland Security Which industry does Lisa Tubbs work in? Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Johnson, TN). starkcountyillinois. 62 Tuscumbia City Jail recognizes how important it is for inmates to remain connected with their families and friends. Capacity. Lauderdale County Work Release Center South Court Street, Florence, AL - 2. The Tuscumbia Law Enforcement Agency is dedicated to maintaining peace, enforcing statutes, and providing a range of community services that contribute to the well-being of Tuscumbia City. 2 miles. 4 miles. This website is operated by a privately owned company and is not affiliated, associated Kim Pesto’s direct phone number is (256) ***-**** What is Kim Pesto’s work phone number? Kim Pesto’s headquarters phone number is (256) 389-2940 Which industry does Kim Pesto work in? Kim Pesto works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations , TUSCUMBIA — Two Tuscumbia City Jail inmates are back in jail after pushing past a corrections officer and escaping around around 3:45 p. Courts . If you cannot locate it online, contact Tuscumbia City Jail at 256-383-3121 for help. Female prisoners are housed at the Tuscumbia City Jail. The listed address of Colbert County Jail is Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Jefferson, MO). com and Colbert County Jail Jail ATM VISITATION SCHEDULE 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 256-383-0741. 00 per video. Debbie of 79 Ulman Ridge Rd's home number is (800) 922-9999, and their cell phone starts with 573. View Contact Info for Free. Kerry Underwood is the mayor of Tuscumbia, and the City Hall is located on 6th Street. 00 per diem. Code Enforcement Offices. NOTE: Use the address in red if it is visible to you. Phone Number: (256) 383-0741 Fax: Florence City Jail Inmate Lookup. org Menu. org It's recommended to check the Tuscumbia City Jail's official website or contact the facility directly for the most accurate visitation schedule. State. The facility can hold up 62 inmates. Exception: There are a few New York jails that allow publications to be sent directly to them as opposed to having it sent through the Learn about Tuscumbia Police Department including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. City . Search. Weekdays: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM; Visit the Tuscumbia Police Department website and search the arrest records database. The actual visitation times depend on the inmate and their housing location. Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: 256-383-3121. Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center Missouri Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 3. Login ☰ Tuscumbia Property Records; Miller County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily property unlocks 🚫 Tuscumbia Police Department 218 South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, Alabama, 35674. Jana Killen Email & Phone number. Engage via Email. Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Center Missouri Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 15. Chief Tony Logan. Fax Number for Miller County MO Jail is: 573-369-8870. The agreement to bail acts as a promise that the arrested will return to court for court dates and trial. The Tuscumbia Jail serves as a low/medium-security city detention center located at 218 S Dickson St in Tuscumbia, AL. Report Inaccurate Information. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the Alabama Court System and how it works. Miller County Jail PO Box 13, Tuscumbia, MO - 0. First name. This is due to the cost increase of living and maintaining the Miller Learn about Tuscumbia Jail including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Sheriff's Message. TUSCUMBIA CITY OF in Tuscumbia, reviews by real people. S. org. Colbert County Jail 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 or Inmate's Full Name Inmate ID# Colbert County Jail 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674. How do I find an inmate that is in the Tuscumbia City Jail? There are seven ways to find an inmate in Colbert County or the Tuscumbia City Jail: 1. Alabama. Colbert County Jail 107 W 4th St Tuscumbia, AL 35674-1900 Phone: (256) 386-8550 Fax: (256) 386-8599. Security: Fenced premises with 24/7 video surveillance. Their landlines or home phone numbers in Tuscumbia are (951) 686-4399, (256) 359-6393, and (256) 383-7066. The Jail Administrator is Marcus Rutland. 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia AL 35674. If your phone service - usually your land line - accepts collect calls, then they can call you collect. Colbert County Jail North Main Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 16. Darryl Aikerson Email & Phone number. Tuscumbia City Hall can be contacted via phone at 256-383-5463 for pricing, hours and directions. Prepaid Calling Cards - Your inmate can call any phone number using the card, but Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID# Colbert County Jail 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674. Tuscumbia Jail Inmate Search and Prison Information. It houses inmates on temporary hold, typically serving less than a year jail term. Alabama . Updated on: August 6, 2024. Find the location, contact phone numbers, facility details, and more about Macon County Jail below. Colbert County Jail, located in Tuscumbia, Colbert County, Alabama, is a local Adult correction facility dedicated to maintaining the law and order in the region. Send an Inmate Mail in the Tuscumbia City Jail When mailing a letter or postcard to an inmate, please address your mail as follows: Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID# Tuscumbia City Jail 218 S Dickson Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Important: Use the third-party mail service address directly below for personal mail, IF IT IS DIFFERENT than the above address: Facility Name: Tuscumbia Jail: Facility Type: City Jail: Address: PO Box 967, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674: Phone: 256-383-3121: City: Tuscumbia: Postal Code: 35674: State Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Tuscumbia, MO). View on Map. The mailing address is P. c***@tuscumbia. Colbert County Jail North Main Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 3. state. Released Inmates. 256-383-0741. Bail usually refers to a dollar Tuscumbia City Schools Code of Conduct. Municipal Court sessions are held every Wednesday at 4:00 p. 256-386-8550. Single Vision: In collaboration with our community and stakeholders, Tuscumbia City Schools provides every student with a safe learning environment that promotes social and academic growth. Colbert County Sheriff's Office Tuscumbia, AL Emergency 911 Non Teacher at Tuscumbia City Schools View Contact Info for Free . hartsheriff. 7 miles. Prison Helper ; Prisons ; Alabama ; Tuscumbia Jail ; Tuscumbia Jail Inmate Search, Alabama . SHERIFF'S MESSAGE. Previously, Jo was a Founder at Hype Ministry. Tuscumbia City Jail Welcome to the Tuscumbia Police Department page! Our Department consists of 28 dedicated personnel promoting the safety and well being of our community. Home; Alabama; Tuscumbia Police Department; Tuscumbia City Jail South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 16. Tuscumbia Jail is a City Jail facility located at PO Box 967, Tuscumbia, Alabama 35674 Phone 256-383-3121. 35674. Website Superintendent at Tuscumbia City Schools View Contact Info for Free . Lauderdale County Work Release Center South Court Street, Florence, AL - 0. Updated on: City Clerk and Treasurer at Tuscumbia Auto Sales. Login ☰ Tuscumbia Property Records; Colbert County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily Tuscumbia City of in Tuscumbia, reviews by real people. Home; Inmate search; Blog; Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check. 6 miles away from Quad City Truck Repair Get the job done right and save money on your repairs with parts, tools, and accessories from your local O'Reilly Auto Parts. Tuscumbia City Jail allows inmates to purchase commissary. Locate inmates, save up to 60% on phone calls, send photos, and stay connected with your loved ones easily! Open main menu. Tuscumbia tourist attractions: Ivy Green - Tuscumbia, AL - the history of two remarkable women is alive here ; Tuscumbia, Alabama accommodation & food services, waste management - Economy and Business Data. Operated locally by the police and sheriff's departments, it houses inmates and Tuscumbia Jail Basic Information Facility Name Tuscumbia Jail Facility Type City Jail Address PO Box 967, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674 Phone 256-383-3121 Telephone Carrier Securus Tech Email [email protected] Security Level Low City Tuscumbia Postal Code 35674 State Alabama County Colbert County Official Website Website Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. Website Colbert County Jail Type of Prison County Jail. Prisons System. Their landlines or home phone numbers in Tuscumbia are (256) 688-8787, (256) 383-4054, and (256) 383-3125. Visits are 30 minutes. Jail Records Phone Address; Autauga County Inmate Search: Click Here: 334-358-3417: 136 North Court Street, Prattville, AL, 36067-3049: Baldwin County Inmate Search: Click Here: 251-937-0202, 251-972-6802: 200 Hand Avenue, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: 256-383-3121. Phone: 334-727-2503: Phone: 334-727-2503: This is the Macon County Jail located in Tuskegee, AL. Contact Us. 1. city. Tuscumbia was named after a Chickasaw Indian Chieftain and pronounced Tash-Ka-Ambi and means "warrior that kills. Directory; Calendar ; Finalsite Login (opens in new window/tab) Finalsite Admin; Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Twitter; YouTube; Mission: Educating every student Colbert County Jail 107 West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL. Tuscumbia, AL - Current; All Cities; All States; Filter by age. Any state. An election in 1870 established the county seat at Tuscumbia. Last Update. org ; Government Offices. Colbert County Sheriffs Department in Tuscumbia, Alabama. John C Johnson has 6 phone numbers, including 2 cell numbers and 4 landlines. website: kellyeducationjobs. The Tuscumbia City Jail's commissary will sell your inmate a pre-paid calling card from Inmate Sales that they can use to phone you or others. The company is headquartered in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Tuscumbia City Jail South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 0. Where and How to Find Colbert County Inmate Information. Look them up on the official jail inmate You can support your loved ones at Tuscumbia Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 256-383-3121. Franklin Street, Kirksville, MO 63501 (660) 665-4644: Audrain County : 1100 Littlby Road, Mexico, MO, 65265 (573) 473-5800: Butler County: 200 Phillip Kearbey Blvd. Finding Colbert County Jail is located in Colbert County, Alabama, serving as a key correctional facility in the region. Quickly find Code Enforcement phone number, directions & more (Tuscumbia, AL). When inmates maintain strong family ties, it helps them reintegrate successfully after release and lowers the chances of reoffending. Their landlines or home phone numbers in Tuscumbia are (301) 872-0014, (334) 574-0218, and (334) 574-9238. Luster Echols Work Experience & Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. Colbert County Jail. Last name. 218 Dickson St. Visitation Information and Hours. Dickson Street P. They usually stay in the jail, until they are sentenced, acquitted or released on bail. Driving Directions: For immediate assistance or questions, individuals can reach out to the Tuscumbia Police Department directly at the phone number 256-383-3121. Search for inmates incarcerated in Miller County Jail, Tuscumba, Missouri. Frequently Asked Questions. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Tuscumbia at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's Lived In Rapid City SD, North Mankato MN, Saint Peter MN, Eagle Lake MN Related To Mary Thoen, Christine McKee Also known as James Thomas McKee Jr. 5 miles Learn about Tuscumbia Police Department including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Colbert County Sheriff's Office Tuscumbia, AL Emergency 911 Non Filter by city . Colbert County Sheriff's Office. Colbert County Jail West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 0. 3. Login ☰ Tuscumbia Property Records; Colbert County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment CITY & COUNTY JAILS. Friends and family who are attempting to locate a recently detained family member can use that number to find out if the person is being held at Colbert County Jail. Buy Commissary for an Inmate in the Tuscumbia City Jail Tuscumbia City Jail Inmate Commissary - Sending Money or Purchasing Commissary for an Inmate . The Tuscumbia Police Department reserves the right to change, modify or cancel visitation at any time as it deems necessary. Contact information for Search for inmates incarcerated in Colbert County Jail, Tuscumbia, Alabama. Any city. Sex Offenders. Colbert County Jail 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 5. Miller County Jail 1999 Hwy 52 Tuscumbia, MO 65082 Phone Number and Fax Number. Every company has a limit on the length of the video, usually no more than one minute, and at a cost of approximately $2. d***@tuscumbia. Lauderdale County Detention Center South Seminary Street, Florence, AL - 20. National Sheriffs Association. Home; Alabama Inmate Search Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check. Home | AL | Tuscumbia Jails. Main, Kingston, MO 64650 (816) 586-5245: Camden County: 1 Court Circle Suite 13, Camdenton, Individuals who are interested in substitute teaching in the Tuscumbia City Schools please direct all inquiries to: Kelly Educational Staffing. Camden County Juvenile Detention U. City of Tuscumbia 116 E 6th St Tuscumbia, AL 35674 256-383-5463. Home; Alabama; Tuscumbia Police Department; Address: 201 North Main Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: (256) 386-8551 Email: info@colbertsheriff. AL. Facility ID: 51. The center has a capacity of 62 inmates. Login ☰ Jefferson City Property Records; Jefferson Public Records; Jefferson Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily property unlocks 🚫 Address. Tuscumbia City Jail is now providing, or will soon provide, tablets for inmates to use for phone calls, visitation, and sending and receiving electronic messages. Phone Number: 573-369-2341 Fax Number: Tuscumbia, AL Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 256-383-0741. ADULT FACILITIES AND INMATES. Website: City of Tuscumbia. net Home; Island County Jail; Washington Inmate Search; Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check . Tuscumbia, AL. Prison Helper . Email. menu. In order to visit inmates at Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Facility, you'll be traveling to Tuscumbia, AL, 35674-4730 in Colbert. All Ages ; 18-29 ; 30-39 ; 40-49 ; 50-59 ; 60-69 ; 70-79 ; 80+ Filter Results . Specialties: Discover SB Storage in Tuscumbia, AL, where quality meets convenience in self-storage. us Sheffield Police Department 600 N Montgomery Ave Sheffield, AL 35660. Search Now. Refrain from using profanity Inmate Visiting Hours at the Colbert County Jail Colbert County Jail Jail ATM VISITATION SCHEDULE 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 256-383-0741. Sign Up for Alerts. Non-Affiliation Declaration. This can be snacks, hygiene products, stamps, stationary, clothing and even Search for inmates incarcerated in Tuscumbia Jail, Tuscumbia, Alabama. com. islandcounty. 107 West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. Our facility, designed with top industry standards, offers a range of features for a seamless experience. alabamainmates. Colbert County Jail Colbert County Jail is located in Tuscumbia, a city located in Colbert County, AL that serves as the prison facility for Colbert County and surrounding areas. Home / Alabama / Tuscumbia Jail. Jo Armstead's Phone Number and Email. Tuscumbia City Jail Quickly find DA phone number, directions & services (Tuscumbia, AL). If the inmate roster is not displayed, click here to lookup Colbert County inmates. Lauderdale County Detention Center South Seminary Street, Florence, AL - 2. Alabama Sheriffs Association. Florence City Jail, located at 510 North Cypress Street, Florence, Alabama, serves as a short-term detention facility operated by the Florence Police Department. com . 8 miles A secure facility providing temporary detention and secure confinement for youth prior to City of Tuscumbia. Phone Quickly find Utility Companies phone number, directions & more (Tuscumbia, AL). By setting high standards and high expectations, we commit to empower students to become responsible and productive citizens with the skills necessary to succeed in a global society. – 2:30 p. Sheriff Departments. Contact Information Name Tuscumbia Code Teresa Wright Phone Numbers & Email Addresses 18 phone numbers or email addresses are linked to Teresa Wright in Alabama, Tuscumbia. Home City & County Jails Alabama Tuscumbia. Patrick also has 5 active email addresses, including domains from @yahoo. al. Offenders from the Police and City jails are transferred to the jail after the paper work is done. Phone Number: (256) 383-0741. This email account is not monitored 24/7. Home; Blog; Inmate Records Search. Nationwide Inmate Tuscumbia, AL Departments & Services; Inmates; Press Releases; More ; Emergency 911. m. Contact the Tuscumbia Police Department at (256) 383-2121 and ask to speak to the records You can support your loved ones at Tuscumbia Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 256-383-3121. Home; Home; Alabama; Tuscumbia Jail; Tuscumbia Jail Inmate Search and Prison Information. Home / The Colbert County Jail, constructed in 1962, is designed to house male inmates. com Phone Number. Alabama Sheriffs Youth Ranches. John also has 4 active email addresses, including domains from @yahoo. Alabama Sheriffs Find information about all city and county jails in Tuscumbia, AL including locations, contact phone numbers, inmate visitation information, and more. COUNTY JAIL SEARCH: Facility Address Phone Details; Colbert County Jail. 116 East 6th Street Tuscumbia AL 35674 (256) 383-5463 (256) 383-3313; Send Email; Visit Website; Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-4:30. email: EDSERecruiting@kellyservices. Tuscumbia Property Records; Miller County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; CountyOffice. Littleville Police Department. Tuscumbia City Jail Visitation Rules Effective October 25, 2010 The following shall apply to visitation of inmates at the Tuscumbia City Jail. The utility department operates under a general manager and policies are set by a three member Board of Directors. 4th Street, Tuscumbia,AL35674. Box 269 Tuscumbia, Al 35674 Phone # (256) 383-0321 Fax # (256) 386-5690. Clark also has 5 active email addresses, including domains from @gmail. The Tuscumbia Police Jail is located at 218 South Dickson Street in Tuscumbia, AL and is a medium security police department jail operated by the Tuscumbia Police Department. Find the location, contact phone numbers, facility details, and more about Colbert County Jail below. Felicia Summerhill’s direct phone number is (***) ***-**** What is Felicia Summerhill’s work phone number? Felicia Summerhill’s headquarters phone number is (256) 389-2940 Which industry does Felicia Summerhill work in? Address: 218 S Dickson Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: 256-383-3121. com Home; Illinois Inmate Search; Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check. Other Jails & Prisons Nearby. Colbert County Sheriff's Office Tuscumbia, AL Emergency 911 Non Tuscumbia city income, earnings, and wages data Workers who live and work in this city: 724 (19. The phone number provided above is for non-emergency situations and common inquiries. 256-383-0741: Details: Looking for Tuscumbia Courthouse records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Tuscumbia, AL). com Specialties: Residential * Commercial * Industrial 24 Hours A Day - 7 Days A Week - Residential, Commercial & Industrial- Septic Tanks Installed, Repaired & Cleaned; Grease Traps Cleaned; Sewer Installation Established in 1971. Tuscumbia is also the County Seat of Colbert County. Colbert County Jail Elevator located at 107 W 4th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. 3 miles. us Tuscumbia Utilities also operates a water treatment plant and a wastewater treatment plant for its residents. org, your premier online destination for locating individuals within Alabama’s correctional facilities. Keep your conversation brief and avoid discussing sensitive or illegal topics. If your message requires urgent attention, please call 911 As of January 1st, 2019, the Miller County Sheriff's Office will increase the jail board rate to house prisoners from $38. Discover more about Tuscumbia City Schools . 3752 Old Lee Hwy Cherokee, Alabama 35616. Colbert County Jail Phone: 256-386-8551 Jail Phone Number and Guidelines for Use: Jail Phone Number: To call an offender at the Colbert County Jail, dial 256-386-8551. Cherokee Police Department Chief Josh Phillips. Light. Find Michael's current Tuscumbia, AL address, phone number and email. To locate an inmate at the Colbert County Jail, you can call the jail directly at (256) 383-0741 or visit the Sheriff’s office website and access the inmate search feature available. net Tuscumbia City Jail Address: 218 South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: (256) 386-3121. Include past locations Apply. cityofstevensonalabama. 3 miles Address: 107 West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674, USA. County Jail. Michael Cole in Tuscumbia, AL 13 people found . BOX 13 Tuscumbia, MO 65082 Criminal Court Process for Colbert County Alabama Colbert County Alabama Criminal Court System - Definitions. Do a search online using this person’s name, the town or city you think they were arrested in, and the crime you think they were arrested for. The jail’s address is 107 West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674, phone number 256-386-8550, website, and other contact details are essential for anyone seeking to get in touch with the facility, whether for visitation inquiries. Colbert County Jail North Main Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 4. on Friday, You can text or call them via their cell phone numbers starting with area code 301. Missouri. Detention facilities like Macon County Jail house many types of Jail Address Phone Number; Adair County: 215 N. Contact Information Name Colbert County Sheriffs Department Address You can text or call them via their cell phone numbers starting with area code 256. " The county of Miller Tuscumbia Police Department. Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. Key Features: Contactless Transactions: Easy rental and payment from anywhere. Tuscumbia City School District. Read More. The Colbert County Jail houses male individuals who have been arrested by local law enforcement agencies. If you have any The Tuscumbia Jail is a minimum-security detention center for adults that opened in the year of 1984. Rent a Tablet for an Inmate in the Tuscumbia City Jail. For liberation details, families are encouraged to call the Miller County Sheriffs Department directly at 573-369-2341. Home Prisons. We found 8 phone numbers for Debbie Martin. Colbert County was the birthplace of Helen Keller. Inmate Search/Roster Information about the detention center, including its address, phone number, and opening date. Patrick T Smith has 8 phone numbers, including 1 cell number and 7 landlines. Located in Colbert County. Magazines News, special interest or sports Searching for an Inmate in the Tuscumbia City Jail Roster. Colbert County Sheriff's Office 201 North Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 . The email service the inmates use is not directly connected to the internet like normal email, but instead each correspondence is first intercepted by the jail's servers. Mails can also be sent to inmates by using the following format: Inmate Name Colbert County Jail 107 West 4th Street Tuscumbia, AL35674. on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. The main goal of the website is to assist users in finding and communicating with inmates in particular county or city. The 256 area code is designated under the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for the state of AL. Phone: 256-389-2900. 218 S Dickson Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 256-383-3121. . Non-Emergency. Tuscumbia, AL 35674. Phone: 256-386-5630 E-mail: admin@sheffieldpolice. Colbert County Jail Address: 107 W. 256-389-2900. Last Name. It employs 21-50 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue. Categories. Municipality Government Agencies / Offices. 303 North Commons Street East. The current phone owner is located at 109 Emerald Dr, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674. 8 miles. Each cell Colbert County Jail is located at 107 West 4th Street Tuscumbia , AL 35674. Visitation for female inmates is from 2:00 p. Use this website for informational purposes only. Lookup outcomes provide the detainee's current location, booking data, and hearing schedules. us City Of Tuscumbia is a company that operates in the Government industry. 6 miles Tuscumbia, AL Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 256-383-0741. Lauderdale County Detention Center South Seminary Street, Florence, AL - 6. Login ☰ Johnson City Property Records; Johnson Public Records; Johnson Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily property unlocks 🚫 Tuscumbia city jail roster An election in 1870 established the county seat at Tuscumbia. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. Fax: 256-389-2903 The jail is maintained and operated by sheriffs in Colbert County. In case of crisis, dial 911 immediately. View all information about the Colbert County Jail right here. Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm 256-383-0741. Jo Armstead is a City Clerk and Treasurer at Tuscumbia based in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Call Guidelines: When calling an offender, follow these guidelines: Identify yourself clearly and state the offender's name and Booking Number. Male prisoners are housed at the Colbert County Jail. Stop by any of our 6,000+ locations to enjoy free store services, including O'Reilly VeriScan Check It includes facility's address, telephone and fax numbers, email address, official website, link to the jail roster, and other relevant inmate information. Dark. This search functionality allows users to locate through full legal name, date of birth, or inmate identification number. 00 to $3. j***@tuscumbia. Colbert County Jail 201 N. For details, scroll below or call the jail at 256-383-3121 . org; Government Offices. This area code primarily serves the Vision: In collaboration with our community and stakeholders, Tuscumbia City Schools provides every student with a safe learning environment that promotes social and academic growth. org Office Hours: Monday - Friday. Miller County. For information on Tuscumbia City Jail Guidelines for Tuscumbia City Jail Address 218 South Dickson Street Tuscumbia, Alabama, 35674 Phone 256-383-3121 Website cityoftuscumbia. It's important to save the inmate's jail ID or booking number for correspondence. Facility Name. First name is required. Box 29, Tuscumbia, AL 35674. Colbert County Jail West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 7. O. Submit Crime Tip. Current Inmates. Facility Type. Russellville City Jail Jackson Avenue South, Russellville, AL - 1. For specific information regarding the guidelines and Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Tuscumbia, MO). Website: Colbert County Sheriff’s Office Website. The In collaboration with our community and stakeholders, Tuscumbia City Schools provides every student with a safe learning environment that promotes social and academic growth. The Tuscumbia Jail serves Address: 218 South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone: (256) 386-3121 If the inmate roster is not displayed, click here to lookup Colbert County inmates. com Debbie Martin's phone number is (573) 369-3729. Tuscumbia Code Enforcement in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Chris Hand Email & Phone number. Can I send an inmate a video? Yes, just as you can send text and photos, you can send a video message, or if not a message, then a video of your children or yourself. BOX 13 Tuscumbia, MO 65082 (POSTCARDS ONLY) Staff will open each piece and look for contraband, which is removed before it is given to the inmate. Before you can do anything for an offender who has been arrested and is being held in the Tuscumbia City Jail or any jail; whether it be bonding, visiting, mailing, sending money, commissary or any other type of service, you need to first confirm what jail is holding them and then search for them on that jail's inmate roster, How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Tuscumbia City Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Tuscumbia City Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 256-383-3121. Colbert County Jail West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 16. ; All visits must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Eric Balentine. In the past year, we have established a K-9 Unit, SWAT Team and plans are in effect to create a program to track and apprehend those who would prey on our children through the internet. Landline number. Contact. Schedule subject to change. Submit a Crime Tip. Search for inmates incarcerated in Colbert County Jail, Tuscumbia, Alabama. Colbert County Jail and Inmate Miller County Jail P. Bail and Bond Instructions for Colbert County What is Bail? Bail is what the arrested in Colbert County must pay or do to stay out of jail until the first court appearance. The Colbert County Sheriff’s Office provides the public with access to a regularly Visiting hours for Tuscumbia Jail are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. Tuscumbia City Jail South Dickson Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 3. This is where the offenders are fingerprinted and booked. Tuscumbia City Quickly find Sheriff phone number, directions & services (Tuscumbia, AL). You must be on the inmate's visitor list. The jail is managed under the Tuscumbia City Police The Tuscumbia City Jail is or will soon be providing secure electronic messaging for their inmates. Legal mail, money orders, books and newspaper and magazine subscriptions are mailed to: Inmate's Full Name & Inmate ID # Miller County Jail P. k12. Please reach out to 256-383-3121, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the facility in Tuscumbia. SEARCH. Clicking on any of the states below will direct you to a list of all of the city and county jails and county managed juvenile detention centers in that specific state. Contact Information Name Tuscumbia Circuit Court Address 2001 Highway 52 Tuscumbia City Schools believes that in order to provide the best education for your child, we need you as a partner. , Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (573) 686-8067: Caldwell County: 280 W. Telephone: 256-359-4959 Fax: 256-359-4016. Who is calling or texting from the +1 (256) 383-0442 phone number? As of , public records reveal that Vicki Bowling is registered to this U. By setting high standards and high expectations, we commit to empower stude Explore additional business information. Our mission is to provide a reliable, efficient, and secure platform for friends, family, and concerned citizens to access critical information about incarcerated individuals in and across the state of Alabama. The City of Tuscumbia is located in the state of Alabama, in Colbert County. Tuscumbia Property Records; Colbert County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; CountyOffice. Municipal Court handles all misdemeanors, traffic offenses, and city ordinance violations occurring within the Tuscumbia city limits. phone: 800-528-0049, option 2. Login ☰ Tuscumbia Property Records; Colbert County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily property unlocks 🚫 You can text or call them via their cell phone numbers starting with area code 301. Tuscumbia City Jail facilitates this connection by offering remote video visitation (or will soon). Who’s in Jail? Tuscumbia Jail is a City Jail facility located at PO Box 967, Tuscumbia, Alabama 35674 Phone 256-383-3121. Login ☰ Tuscumbia Property Records; Miller County Public Records; Tuscumbia Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches 🎁 Get free daily This is the Colbert County Jail located in Tuscumbia, AL. You have access to your child's grades, assignments, and absence information through our student information system called PowerSchool. Alabama Inmate Search; Nationwide Inmate Records Online Check . If the tablet service provider isn't listed below, call the jail at 256-383-3121 for more The county seat is Tuscumbia, MO which was founded in 1837 along with the Sheriff's Office. , Jim Thomas McKee, James E McKee Includes Address(25) Phone(7) Email(3) Tuscumbia City Building Department located at 301 E 7th St, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. Call 256-383-3121 and get your inmate's times. Website: Cherokee PD. 12/2/2023 8:19 AM. 2. 1 miles. Phone. To Send Mail to an Inmate at Miller County MO Jail: (please get a list of acceptable mail from the facility) Miller County MO Jail Inmate Name, Inmate ID # 1999 Highway 52 PO Box 13 City Attorney: Kyle DeFoor: 256-483-4600: Municipal Court: Personnel: 256-383-5665 Finance and Revenue: Business License/Tax: City Clerk: 256-383-5463: Sales Tax Collection: Donnie Allen: 256-383-5569: Planning and Building: Building Inspector: Luster Echols: 256-386-5654: Downtown Redevelopment Authority: Kerry Underwood: 256-248-4891: Planning Commission: To send money online to an inmate in the Tuscumbia City Jail use Jail ATM. This site tells you information about anything one might want to know about the Tuscumbia Police Jail, such as how to do a jail inmate search, the jail’s Tuscumbia City Hall is located at 116 E 6th St in Tuscumbia, Alabama 35674. Tuscumbia. Clark A Sechler has 6 phone numbers, including 1 cell number and 5 landlines. (256) 383- XXXX , (256) 554- XXXX , (256) 381- XXXX are among some of the results. Colbert County Jail West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 3. Note: Mobile phones don't usually accept collect calls. Call 256-383-0741 to confirm visitation time prior to making arrangements. Most Wanted. View all information about the Macon County Jail right here. 00 per diem to $45. Address. 3%) Area code commonly used in this area: 256. Learn about Tuscumbia Jail including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. 7 miles . Colbert County Jail's phone number is 256-386-8550 . Colbert County Jail West 4th Street, Tuscumbia, AL - 4. Tuscumbia City Schools. First Name. Through this service, loved About. If you prefer to use your credit or debit card and deposit money over the phone, you can call them at 877-650-4249 . Colbert County Detention Center Inmate Roster Current Inmates >> Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Colbert County Detention Center. Miller County Juvenile Highway 52, Tuscumbia, MO - 0. Connect with an inmate at Tuscumbia Jail in Tuscumbia, Alabama. If you need to send a fax to the facility, you can use their fax number: 256-386 The Tuscumbia Jail, located at PO Box 967, Tuscumbia, AL, 35674 is a City Jail and serves Colbert County. Tuscumbia Circuit Court in Tuscumbia, Missouri. 54, Camdenton, MO - 23. Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial Principal at Tuscumbia City Schools View Contact Info for Free . Those who are arrested within the city limits are taken to the Tuscumbia Jail where they are processed at the intake. Please note that visitors will undergo a thorough search before entering the premises, and Quickly find Jail & Prison phone number, directions & records (Tuscumbia, MO). ReCaptcha Response. Please ensure that all information is correct, including address, phone numbers, persons Tuscumbia City Jail 218 S. The Colbert County Jail was built in 1962 to house 62 prisoners. 5 miles. To reach the Tuscumbia Police Department for non-emergency purposes, you can contact them at the following phone number: Phone: 256-383-3121. 256 Tennessee Valley Juvenile Detention Facility is located in Tuscumbia, a city located in Colbert County, AL that serves as the prison facility for Colbert County and surrounding areas. Box 967 Tuscumbia, AL 35674 (256) 383-3121. Tuscumbia, AL Departments & Services; Inmates; Press Releases; More ; Emergency 911. Tuscumbia is a city in Colbert County, in the northwestern part of Alabama, with a population of 8,423 residents. Main Street Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Phone Number and Fax Number. Logo Image. 0 miles. 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