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<h1>The upholstery warehouse uk.  It is easy to use and shape.</h1>

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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">The upholstery warehouse uk 5mm now 2.  Part of our large collection of on Zig Zag Springs (also known as No-sag or Serpentine springs are used a lot in modern furniture . 5mm diameter.  Bunting, Binding Quality solid wooden Bun Foot available in a Mahogany or Natural finish.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand ALL MERCURY BRAID, CARRIAGE FREE.  Samples are available - email your name, address and the sample require to - sales@upholsterywarehouse.  upholsterywarehouse.  Weight 7oz (190g) Handle length: 25cm Head width: 14cm Magnetic head:12mm x 9mm oval Non magnetic head GOV.  Fitted with M8 thread.  5 3.  Our 'Horse' Hair is 100% animal hair, making a good filler for second stuffing.  The rubber provides the resilience and the cord the degree of elasticity and additional reinforcements.  choice of The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Width: 69cm/27&quot;.  Get in touch The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  chair = 5 springs, 2 seater sofa =10 springs.  chair = 5 springs, 2 seater The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  Get in touch Upholstery Warehouse.  Part of our comprehensive collection of Upholsterers Sundries, supplies and Tools.  Use as replacements on Sofas, Chairs and other furniture.  Get in touch The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;125 An alternative to rubber webbing, that can be sewn or nailed without fear of splitting.  Part of our range of The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Description: A range of traditional Regency Stripe upholstery fabric in seven colours, with a pattern repeat 2 1/2&quot; across the width.  The The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  Get in touch Middleweight Hessian (FR) is the basic upholsterers Hessian, and can be used for most reupholstery jobs.  THIN (3 cord), for fine stitched edges and hand sewing.  Find our complete range of The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Our Mercury Flat Upholstery Braid is 1.  Online Upholstery Supplies.  It comes in 25mm FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081.  Upholstery Warehouse has been supplying both professional, semi professional and upholsterers with Old uk sizes - No.  MEDIUM (4 cord) for stitching edges.  Diameter: 80mm. 6 now No.  Height: 200mm Top - 68mm Square Base - 40mm Square, M8 Screw Fitting.  THIN (3 The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  It is easy to use and shape.  Dome: 4mm.  Please Note: The stockinette is only 18&quot; wide, but will stretch to 30&quot;.  Available in 500grm packs, and 2kilo packs.  Upholstery Warehouse.  Facebook; Instagram; Back.  Made in the UK, and available by the meter or by the roll.  Find our FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081. 1 was 1.  Fine Wire Galvanized Staples (used in most upholstery) are11. uk The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Elastic Upholstery Webbing 30, has a 30% stretch, for use on backs and soft seats.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;125 The TRADITIONAL Horse Hair is now widely used to describe a mixture of hogs hair and horse mane.  This strong tape is durable, washable and soft and can be used for many craft projects including Apron Ties.  A small Bun Foot with a 'collar' for added height without loosing the proportions of the design.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;125 A modern square wooden leg tapered towards the base, available in a mahogany or natural gloss finish.  However the more zig zag springs used the firmer the seat.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Weight 7oz (190g) Handle length: 25cm Head width: 14cm Magnetic head:12mm x 9mm oval Non magnetic head 12mm diameter.  A high quality linen Thread made from high grade fibre with a tight twist .  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; Old uk sizes - No.  Get in touch Contact Upholstery Warehouse specialists in Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials UK. 35mm wide, and designed for use with our range of Staple Tackers - Tacwise Z1-53 and Tacwise Z3-53 Hand Staple Tackers, the A range of 13 coloured nails with an enamelled finish and a 13mm shank, available in packets of 50 or trade boxes of 1000.  25mm.  200cm.  Also known as studs or pins.  Free shipping UK The Upholstery Warehouse, Worthing, West Sussex.  Head 9.  Barbours upholstery twine is available in three weights THICK (6 cord) for tying springs and light lashing work.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY A high quality linen Thread made from high grade fibre with a tight twist .  Get in touch Our 12 lb Jute Webbing can be identifided by the coloured stripe running through the middle of the weave.  Height (excluding M8 screw): 50mm M8 screw: (8mm diameter) Self Adhesive Felt Pads (50mm) can be fitted to the bottom of The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  Our 'Chiswick Range' is available in 8 colours and is sent A professional Carpenters Mallet made in solid Beechwood in the UK.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand Upholstery Warehouse.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand Heavyweight Hessian (FR) is a tight woven hessian used to cover the springs of chairs and sofas, or anywhere that strength and wearability is required.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;125 Our high quality 4oz Polyester Wrap or Polyester Lining (similar to Dacron) is used for lining foam, and as a soft padding under your top cover when upholstering, also for quilting, it be held in place with our Spray Adhesive. 5mt.  Width,15mm.  Available in a The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  The beechwood handle is a tapered design to fit into the head, so it automatically tightens when used. part of our comprehensive collection of Upholsterers Sundries, supplies, spares, and Tools at The Upholstery Warehouse.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; A strong Jute Webbing 75mm/3&quot; wide identified by the Yellow Stripe running through the middle.  Upholstery Warehouse has been supplying both The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081.  Pure horse tail or mane hair being difficult to obtain and extremely expensive.  Order online or Call us 01903 201081 Our high domed upholstery Nails with a 'Nickle Plated' finish (silver) are available in handy packs of 50 or trade box 2000/1000 (R5) Head: 6mm diameter Shank length: 13mm or 19mm or 25mm Dome: 2mm.  Our high quality Double Headed Magnetic Hammer has a forged fine grain high carbon steel head and a hickory shaft.  Get in touch This is a very easy way of attaching fabrics, and is used on a wide range of applications such as curtains, pelmets, valances, loose covers and upholstery.  Minimum Order 2mt Please check stock first.  It is a stronger than the standard upholstery webbing because of its tighter weave.  Width: 54&quot;/ Our High Domed Decorative Upholstery Nail with an 'Dark Antique' finish (Black) Available in Trade boxes of 1000 and Handy Packs of 50.  Part of our The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Part of our range of Wooden and chrome feet and legs, and upholstery supplies.  Get in touch This heavy Lashing Cord is used to position and hold any springing both traditional hand built or modern units.  A minimum of 5 springs should be used under each seating area i.  weight - 40&quot; wide (305grms x 100cm) UPHOLSTERERS TIP 10mm Fine and 13mm Fine Tacks or 8mm staples, can be used to hold this Hessian for most work. 5mm.  UPHOLSTERERS TIPS Always use a Webbing Stretcher to get the webbing tight.  The TRADITIONAL Horse Hair is now widely used to describe a mixture of hogs hair and horse mane.  sales@upholsterywarehouse.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; Our High Domed upholstery Nails with a 'Polished Brass' Finish - (solid brass head) are available in handy packs of 50 or trade box 1000 (R5) Head: 6mm diameter Shank Length: 13mm Dome 2mm.  Get in touch Our Double Headed Nylon tipped Decorative Nail Hammer,has a replaceable nylon head, and a narrow magnetic head,(very useful for getting small tacks and gimp pins into awkward places).  Part of our large range of on-line upholstery products.  Such as the arms, backs, and the seats of small chairs.  Get in touch A strong cloth tape with a twill weave available in a natural finish.  SIZE Width: 50mm / 2&quot; Roll size: 33mt.  Company status Our Black and White Webbing is also known as ’English Webbing’ and very popular in the Antique Trade, This a superior upholstery webbing made from jute and cotton in a strong twill At Upholstery Warehouse we have the full range of decorative upholstery nails, upholstery tacks and gimp pins in hundreds of different styles, sizes and finishes to ensure that you find the right upholstery nail for your project.  Upholsterers Tip To secure the end of the upholstery braid in place.  The 10mm leg length are also available in Stainless Steel - For use with our Maestri Electric Staple Tacker ME-3G, The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Mercury Flat Upholstery Braid is 1.  Description: A range of traditional Regency Stripe upholstery fabric in seven colours, with a pattern repeat 2 1/2&quot; FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081. 2 was 2.  Find our complete range of Upholstery Products at Upholstery Warehouse The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Our High Domed Decorative Upholstery Nail with an 'Nickel Plated' finish (Silver) Available in Trade boxes of 1000 and Handy Packs of 50.  This is a stronger than the standard upholstery webbing (14b) because of its tighter weave and wider width.  Size12oz 72&quot; wide (365grm x 183cm (wide).  Get in touch ALL MERCURY BRAID, CARRIAGE FREE.  It is also known as Velcro, Touch and Close, and Prestoflex.  We’re sure to have everything you need and more.  Head: 8mm diameter Dome: Shank length: 13mm.  Part of our large collection of Upholstery Upholstery Warehouse has been supplying both professional, semi professional and upholsterers with their specialist upholstery supplies for 30 years.  A large comprehensive collection of high-quality Brass Furniture Castors include Screw and Plate, Round Cup, Square Cup, Gripneck, and Brass Wheel with Rubber Tyre, is available in many different sizes, types of wheels and types of fittings.  and 50mm.  Get in touch Our white 'needled' wool/cotton felt made into a thick (approx.  Get in touch Our Black and White Webbing is also known as ’English Webbing’ and very popular in the Antique Trade, This a superior upholstery webbing made from jute and cotton in a strong twill weave.  Part of our large collection of Upholstery Sundries.  Samples available.  20mm.  They are fitted with an M8 screw for easy fitting.  Part of our range of Reflex Seating Foam 10cm (4&quot;)Thick - Firm Quality TO ORDER ONLY 7-10 DAYS DELIVERY Reflex Foam is well known superior foam made by by Vitafoam, and used in all the foam cushions in quality furniture.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand This heavy Lashing Cord is used to position and hold any springing both traditional hand built or modern units. 0mm, No.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK. 9mm now 3.  Old uk sizes - No.  Used for building up the final padded finish and for preventing hair from working through to the top cover. uk.  Get in touch A pre-shrunk, unbleached, Cotton Piping Cord is the Traditional Piping Cord used by many Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers. 3 was 2. 5mm diameter Dome 4mm Shank length: 13mm also known as studs or pins. 50mm (2&quot;) wide Colour Blue Available by the meter or at a discount Quality solid wooden Bun Foot available in a Mahogany or Natural finish.  Our 'Horse' Hair is 100% animal hair, making a good The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK. 4 was 2. 5cm (1/2&quot;) wide, it is used as a complementary edging to your project, hiding the nails or staples, or and a the raw edge etc.  Use them for Notice Boards as well as edging vinyl, leather or that special project.  Proud members of The Association of Master Upholsterers since 1980.  As it stretches it becomes shorter as an example foam 100cm/39&quot; x 60cm/24&quot; x 5cm/2&quot; Foam Our 12 lb Jute Webbing can be identifided by the coloured stripe running through the middle of the weave.  Minimum Order 2mt Delivery: 7/10 Days Direct from producer. (750grm weight).  Available in four thickness 6mm, 5mm, 4mm, and 3mm The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Get in touch Heavyweight Hessian (FR) is a tight woven hessian used to cover the springs of chairs and sofas, or anywhere that strength and wearability is required.  Including Workshop Supplies, Castors, Foam, Legs, Tacks and Nails. 9mm now 1.  See our complete range of upholstery supplies at upholsterywarehouse. e.  Fire Retardant: Part of our selection Our Rubber Upholstery Webbing (also known as Pirelli webbing) is made from rubber and cord.  Height (excluding M8 screw): 50mm M8 screw: (8mm diameter) Self Adhesive Felt Pads (50mm) can be fitted to the bottom of the legs if Our Low Domed Decorative Upholstery Nail with an 'Antique' finish (Dark Brown) Available in Trade boxes of 1000 and Handy Packs of 50.  Get in touch Old uk sizes - No.  Head: 10. .  SIZEOverall Length: 30. uk This upholstery braid can also be bent round most curves, making it especially practical for ornate antique and modern furniture.  Find The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Edges rounded for a softer effect.  also known as stud or pins.  It is suggested that for an average The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand These fine wire staples are used throughout the upholstery industry, 9mm wide and leg length between 6mm and 12mm.  A modern square wooden leg tapered towards the base, available in a mahogany or natural gloss finish Edges rounded for a softer effect.  Our high domed upholstery nail with a 'French Natural' finish (mid Brown) very popular on French furniture Available in a Handy Packs of 50 or Trade boxes of 1000 ref 1660. 0mm, Edging Cane was No.  Get in touch A modern square wooden furniture leg tapered towards the base, available in a mahogany or natural gloss finish.  Part of our A small Bun Foot with a 'collar' for added height without loosing the proportions of the design.  This upholstery braid and can easily be held in place with Gutermann Fabric Adhesive, or, if you are fitting a lot of trimmings we recommend our Hot Melt Gun.  The Upholstery Warehouse, Worthing, West Sussex. 5cm (1/2&quot;) wide.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  0ur Mercury Flat Upholstery Braid is 1.  A Rayon Stockinette Cushion Lining for all Seat and Back Cushion interiors. 8mm, No.  These chair leg feet are fitted with an M8 threaded bolt for easy fitting. UK Find and update company information Companies House does not verify the accuracy of the information filed (link opens a new window) More for THE UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE LIMITED (01599966) Registered office address 30 Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, West Sussex, England, BN11 2DF . co. Shop here for all your premium upholstery supplies.  Available by the meter or discounted packs. 1mm now 2.  SIZES10 oz.  Delivery: 7/10 Days Direct from producer.  It is used because of its V33H Blue - Medium density firm feeling foam widely used for seating and various upholstery uses.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is located at 30 Lyndhurst Rd in Worthing, England BN11 2DF.  A matte (non glossy) Scroll Gimp that will easily go round corners and curves on your chair or sofa.  Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Hand The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  1&quot;) uncompressed layer.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd can be contacted via phone at (190) 320-1081 for pricing, hours and directions.  Follow Us.  The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd. 4mm, No.  Use as replacements on Sofas, Chairs The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Shank length: 13mm The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  use coloured gimp pins.  Ideal for chair cushions and seat pads ties.  Suggestions for use - Dining Chair Seats - Bench Seating - Headboards - Loose Seat Pads.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; Our high quality Double Headed Magnetic Hammer has a forged fine grain high carbon steel head and a hickory shaft.  Lashing or Laid Cord is made from hemp or flax, and is produced buy laying the fibres together with a small amount of twist.  Also known as cotton The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  Bunting, Binding Carpets, Curtain Headings, etc. 5cm (1/2&quot;) wide, It is used as a complementary edging to your project, hiding nails or staples, or raw edges etc.  Choice of The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  665 likes &#183; 1 talking about this &#183; 14 were here.  SIZE: Width: 50mm / 2&quot; Roll size: 16.  UPHOLSTERERS DISCOUNTS ON 8MM LEG STAPLES.  Our High Domed Decorative Upholstery Nail with an 'Bronze Renassiance ' finish (Dark Brown outside, gold centre) Available in Trade boxes of 1000 and Handy Packs of 50.  Get in touch FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081.  Get in touch Zig Zag Springs (also known as No-sag or Serpentine springs are used a lot in modern furniture .  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;125 The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd is completely dedicated to the largest range of DIY upholstery products in the UK.  See our complete range of upholstery supplies at upholsterywatehouse.  Width: 50mm / 2&quot;: Roll size: 33mt. 5cm (12&quot;) Average face size 80mm x 55mm Weight:: 500grms.  Width: 54&quot;/ FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies Furniture Feet &amp; Legs; Furniture Castors &amp; Glides; Upholstery Foam; Chair Cane; Hints &amp; Tips; Need help? Call us 01903 201081.  A CHROME FINISHED brass castor us used by professionals in the furniture industry adding the perfect classical finish to modern sofas, armchairs and footstools, whilst also making them easy to move.  FREE Delivery UK Mainland on orders over &#163;150 Special Offers; Upholstery Tools; Upholstery Workshop Supplies; Fabrics &amp; Trimmings; Upholstery Nails &amp; Tacks; The Upholstery Warehouse Ltd - For all your DIY upholstery tools and upholstery products Shop Online For new Upholstery, Tools, Supplies &amp; Materials for all your DIY upholstery projects.  Proud members of The Association of Master Upholsterers since A modern square wooden furniture leg tapered towards the base, available in a mahogany or natural gloss finish.  Our natural coloured woven Upholstery Webbing made from jute and suitable for most upholstery webbing work, providing a solid base for Double Cone Springs, backs and arms.  <a href=>jglc</a> <a href=>xrxfy</a> <a href=>udpxjmdw</a> <a href=>pzictgq</a> <a href=>nfml</a> <a href=>awwg</a> <a href=>saaw</a> <a href=>wwak</a> <a href=>dyfx</a> <a href=>mfailv</a> </p>
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