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At the time, Kentucky was part of Virginia.</h1> <div class="type"><br> </div> <!--<p class="type"></p>--> </div> <div class="newsroom-slide-col image-col"> <div class="image-wrap"> <img decoding="async" src=",q_glossy,ret_img/%E2%80%AF" alt=""> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="content-section"> </section> <div class="container"> <div class="content-wrap"> <p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Bourbon county citizen paris ky Visitation will be from 1:00 PM Monday, November In lieu of flowers, suggested memorial donations are to Hospice of the Bluegrass, 1317 US Highway 62E, Cynthiana, Kentucky 41031; Paris Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), 6 Legion Road, Paris, Kentucky 40361; or Our Mims IVAN K. View Address, Phone Number, Hours, and Services for The Bourbon County Citizen, a Newspaper Publisher at West 8th Street, Paris, KY. , October 12, 1812, and was married to Scena Powers of Boone county, Ky. Time: 10 a. The Bourbon County Citizen. Newspaper: Bourbon County Citizen. com/embed/v3T_sWhfH6U” title=”Paris Christmas 1222 30″ frameborder=”0″ allow School is out, as Regan “Ring(s) the bell” on Collins; Bourbon rolls 64-39; Contact Us; E-Edition. In his Greyhounds eyeing a trip to Owensboro, but first, they must take down 15-time champion Bishop Brossart May-16-24 8:30 am - May-18-24 4:30 pm Queen visited Bourbon County twice PAT CONLEY | Citizen Staff. Lusk-McFarland. The Bourbon County Citizen The Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center in Paris, KY is a community-based organization that caters to the needs of the aging population, offering a range of services such as congregate and home delivered meals, transportation, health promotion, and mental stimulation. Born in Stepstone, KY on May 15, 1931, to the late Oliver Everett Carpenter and Emma Lee Johnson Carpenter, Mary led a life marked by generosity and kindness. "The People's Paper" 123 West Eighth Street, Paris, Kentucky, 40361. Time: 6 – 8 p. She resided in PARIS, KY – In a special ceremony that was held at halftime of the Paris Greyhounds versus Frankfort football game at Blanton Collier Stadium, 16 new members were Buddy was born on May 24, 1955, in Paris, KY the son of the late Billy Allen and Nancy Lee Dragoo Mason, a 1973 graduate of Bourbon County High School where he was an active member of the F. citizen The Bourbon County citizen. (June 13, 2022) – Today, the Commonwealth of Kentucky released the 2021 Drug Overdose Report which indicates that 2,250 Historical Marker #1246 in Paris notes the history of Bourbon County, which was created in 1785. established in 1807. Time: Starts at 9 a. Born on February 16, 1941, in the same close-knit community, Harold’s life was a testament to the enduring bonds of family and the simple pleasures of a life well-lived. com and a 24 hour funeral information line can be reached by A Memorial service will be conducted at 2:00 PM, Thursday, August 3, 2023, at Lusk McFarland Funeral Home 1120 Main Street, Paris Ky. 00 per year (Outside of Bourbon County) $20. About this Item; Libraries that Have It; About this Newspaper. William enlisted in the United States Army She was born in Paris, Kentucky on August 16, 1959, the only child of the late Alma Doyle Boardman and Olin Thomas Boardman. For submissions: news@bourboncountycitizen. Paris, Kentucky – January 15, 2019 – If Rumpke collects your trash and recycling – you may soon have a new service day. Box 1453, Lexington, KY 40588, Paris-Bourbon County YMCA, 917 Main Street, Paris, KY 40361, or Paris City Club, 428 Main Street, Paris, Location: 7th Street Christian Church, 122 West 7th Street, Paris, KY. Hazel worked for Hinkle Construction Company of Paris for many years. Please specify the Vickie Moriarity Education Fund in the memo. Paris, Ky. He was born in Bourbon County, KY to the late Julian and Mabel Eades Bills. for 45 years, died Thursday February 22, 2024, at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, KY. Location: 806 Main St. Her parents were Everett and Nellie Bailey of Bethel, KY. (Oct. Funeral services were conducted at 1:00 PM Wednesday November 9, 2022 at the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. In 1952, she married Daniel Tincher. She was born January 5, 1934 in Paris, daughter of the late Milton and Frances Hill. Bracken County beat Paris last season 20-12. Led by the region’s leading scorer in freshman Maggie Simons, Nicholas County entered the game on a four game winning streak and used a full court 1-2-2 Patricia Hoskins Hurst, 82, passed away on Friday, August 2, 2024, at her home in Owenton, KY with her daughters by her side. Bourbon was born in Paris, Kentucky, on December 17, 1963, son of Tommy Reid Graves and the late William Reese Graves, was a graduate of Bourbon Read More In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to your favorite animal shelter or PAWS Paris Animal Welfare Society. Citizens for Bourbon County, Paris, Kentucky. Maxine lit up the room with her Read More Traffic Advisory: KY 1298 Closed in Nicholas County Sept. m. ) 1984-Current; Other Title Bo. Born on January 16, 1960, in Lexington, KY, Lynn was a beacon of love and faith throughout her 64 years of life. After the military, he attended the University Read More Oct-08-23 1:00 pm - Oct-08-23 5:00 pm Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center 18 Clinic Dr, Paris, KY 40361. ) 1984-current Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1756-1963 or use the U. 3750 Millersburg-Ruddles Mill Rd. 806 Main Street Paris, Kentucky 40361 USA 859. Announced July 11th was the hire of new Boys Basketball Coach, Allen Martin. Lusk The Paris Independent Board of Education voted to implement a four percent revenue increase to property tax rates for citizens of the school district at the regular board meeting on Tuesday September 17th. Visitation will be from 1:00 PM until the hour of Paris, who will be off this week, will face Bishop Brossart, winner of the last six games against the Hounds, next week for homecoming . , as well as the Bourbon County James Lee Smith, Jr. We do not screen callers who advertise in the free want ads. Subscription rates are as follows: $22. Please note that for emergencies, you should always dial 911. RICE I doctorofsports@aol. 18, 2023) – The 2023 Bourbon County CASA Angel Tree kickoff will be held THE BOURBON COUNTY CITIZEN, 123 W 8th St, Paris, KY 40361, 3 Photos, Mon - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Tue - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wed - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Thu - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Sat - Closed, Sun - Closed Bourbon County Democrats will open the new year on January 14, 2025, with their regularly scheduled meeting at the Paris-Bourbon Library in the Community Room at 6:30 p. com CYNTHIANA, KY – Thanks to a phone call this morning, the rumor circling around the 10th Region for days, is now official. He was an Air Force veteran, having served during the Korean War. FRANKFORT, Ky. Born in Paris, KY, he was the son of the late Carl Lewis Reed and Betty Mitchell Reed. Back to Search Results Menu . Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center can be contacted via phone at (859) 987-7453 for pricing, hours and directions. After graduating from Bourbon County Christian Academy, he became a laborer on a local farm in New faces, new coach highlights this year’s 2024-2025 Bourbon County Colonels JARRETT VANMETER l jarrettvanmeter@gmail. New faces, new coach highlights this year’s 2024-2025 Bourbon County The Bourbon County Citizen-Advertiser. He was a Jason was born in Paris on December 2, 1978, the son of Stephen and Lori Ogle Wagoner, was a graduate of Bourbon County High School, attended Western Kentucky University, and was a member of Faith Assembly Location: Bourbon County Health Dept. Beginning the week of February 3, trash and recycling in Bourbon County will be picked up on Thursdays. Bourbon County Clerk | 301 Main St. Co. IVAN K. Mailing address: P. She attended I was born in Mt. (Aug. See Top News from The Bourbon County Citizen. PARIS, Ky (July 1, 2020)—Months of interagency investigation and planning helped take seven suspected drug dealers out of circulation in Historical Marker #1246 in Paris notes the history of Bourbon County, which was created in 1785. , Paris KY, 40361. com PARIS, KY – Despite graduating US 460 between Paris and Georgetown (between MP 1. However, for those wishing to honor his life with a memorial donation, suggestions are to the Paris Animal Welfare Society, 6 Legion Road, Paris, Kentucky 40361, the First Christian Church, 911 Kentucky News; Frankfort News; School News. He was a graduate of Bourbon County High School. com PARIS, KY – Despite graduating only one senior from last season’s 2023-2024 team, the 2024-2025 version of Bourbon County boys’ basketball has an almost entirely new look. C. Name The Bourbon County Citizen Address 123 West 8th Street Paris, Kentucky, 40361 Phone 859-987-1870 Hours Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sat - Sun Closed Services Billy Clay Hedges, 84, of Paris, KY passed away Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at St. PARIS, KY – An early scoring deficit proved too New faces, new coach highlights this year’s 2024-2025 Bourbon County Colonels JARRETT VANMETER l jarrettvanmeter@gmail. Paris-Bourbon County is a progressive small Bourbon County Senior Center, Paris, Kentucky. He was a member of the Paris City Club and the SAG Motorcycle Club, Paris, KY. Community Action Council. 4,337 likes · 7 talking about this. At the time, Kentucky was part of Virginia. Special Sections; Subscribe; Archives; Facebook Email Also, surviving are her siblings; Wilda Roehm, Elizabeth Schenk, James Patrick McGee, and many cousins with a special mention of Katherine Langfels of Paris, Kentucky. Morgan Gilkey. This four percent revenue increase will raise property taxes 2. ) 1984-Current Bo. com Bourbon County, Kentucky Obituaries at Kentucky Genealogy Trails Bourbon County, KY Obituaries at Kentucky Genweb Bourbon County Obituary Index at Obits Index Bourbon County Obituaries at Kentucky USGenWeb Archives 525 High Street Paris, KY 40361 Phone: 859-987-2110 Fax: 859-987-4640 Afterhours: 859-987-2100 Community. He was a Bobby Jack Lutes, 90, died Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at the Bourbon Community Hospital, Paris, KY. It is also an important part of Kentucky’s “Reopen Ky” plan to increase testing availability to all citizens across the state. Paris, Kentucky 40361. Paris/Bourbon County Library 987-4419: Post Office 987-4500: Recycling Center 987-2119: Tourism 987-8744 Newspapers Bourbon County Citizen 987-1870 Better Business Bureau 800-866-6668 . Please click on the Church’s name below for more information. Event held for the first time at Hillcroft Farm Thursday, August 29 through Sunday, September 1 PARIS, KY – With his team’s 6-0 victory over Montgomery County in Monday’s district tournament semifinal, Nelson Faris reached 500 wins as the Bourbon County Head Coach. , Community Room, 341 E Main St. He moved to Kentucky Electric offers information regarding coming storm Warming Center available at Paris City Schools School is out, as Regan “Ring(s) the bell” on Collins; Bourbon rolls 64-39 Keith Thomas Conyers, 63, died Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at the Bourbon Community Hospital, Paris, KY. 525 High Street, Suite 117. Since his adoption in 2014 from Moreno Valley Animal Shelter in CA, Shorty became a prominent fixture in Paris society and a social media star. William, affectionately known as Bill to his friends and family, graduated from Bourbon Bourbon Allen Graves, husband of Belinda Crouch Graves, departed this life on Monday, October 21, 2024, at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, at the age of 60 years. gov. The Mass of Christian Burial will be at 9:00 a. KHSSA; Obituaries; E-Edition. Beginning 8 a Location: 427 Clay Kiser Rd. luskmcfarland. Frank and Louise Martin Ewalt. PARIS, KY – Lady Colonels’ second-year Head Coach Kylie Hilander has been talking highly about seventh grader Kendal Hardin all season long and rightfully so, considering how well the seventh grader (although Kentucky straight bourbon : roots of Paris, Kentucky - Bourbon Co. Enable Pat Conley |Citizen staff. Barry Melvin Robinson, 75, of Bourbon County, Kentucky, died on Friday, October 28, 2022 at his home. He will be remembered as a generous, empathetic man who reminded everyone around him to always strive to become better versions of themselves. Citizen Staff. PARIS, KY – In a special ceremony that was held Bourbon was born in Paris, Kentucky, on December 17, 1963, son of Tommy Reid Graves and the late William Reese Graves, was a graduate of Bourbon County High School, and attended Lexington Community College. August 18th inside the Bourbon County Park Recreation View local obituaries in Bourbon County, Kentucky. , age 89, of Paris, departed this life on Saturday, December 7, 2024, at Georgetown Community Hospital. : Western citizen marriages and deaths, 1808-1865 WorldCat Paris Bourbon News, 1882-1922 Newspaper Archive Paris KY Bourbon News 1883 Fulton History John Michael “Mike” Brady, 57, of Paris, departed this life on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Prodigals House Ministry. Dianna Lynn Foreman Rose, known to family and friends as Lynn, passed away peacefully on December 28, 2024, at her home in Paris, KY. Apr-22-22 6:00 pm - Apr-22-22 9:00 pm . Kentucky local news, events, and much more. Until her brief stay in Evansville, she had been a life-long resident of Paris. Please see the below area that is under a Boil Water Advisory after water line break. The oldest newspaper with continuous publication West of the Alleghenies. DAVIS He was born in Bourbon county, Ky. 11-15 for Bridge Replacement Tenth of a mile east of Harrison County line FLEMINGSBURG, Ky. Loretta was born on September 25, 1932, in Bath County, KY. , 66, died Friday June 12, 2020 at Brookdale Richmond Place, Lexington, KY. Joe was a retired wastewater treatment operator and United States Army veteran of the Vietnam War. ), KY NOV 13, 1857 Vol 9-2 pg. She was a member of the Bedford Acres Christian Church in Paris, KY. Born in Carlisle, KY, he was the son of Eureva Curtis Conyers and the late Harold Thomas Conyers. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Kenneth Douglas “Doug” Himes, of Paris, husband of Gloria Blevins Himes, departed this life on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, having attained the age of 72 years. 31 at Bourbon County Courthouse by Pat Conley/Citizen staff. Canadian native Dr. 7) LEXINGTON, Ky. Nonprofit organization <iframe width=”973″ height=”547″ src=”https://www. Maxine lit up the room with her Read More PARIS, KY – It was speed versus length on Wednesday night inside Russ Day Gym, with the visiting Nicholas County wielding the former and the home Bourbon County girls owning the latter. The Citizen-Advertiser a shopper in 1965 - 2017 when it became special section in the Bourbon County Citizen. Mary Marie Carpenter Jones, a beacon of faith and a cornerstone of love, passed away peacefully on January 13, 2025, at the age of 93. bourboncountycitizen. 1807. Judge Goodwine serves Bourbon County on the 5th Appellate District of the Kentucky Court of Appeals as well as Clark, Fayette, Franklin, Jessamine, Madison, Scott and Funeral services will be conducted at 2:00 PM Saturday December 23, 2023, at the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. A direct descendant of The Western Citizen, est. He was a retired maintenance supervisor at the Increased use of fentanyl largest contributor to rise in death toll. , Paris, Maxine Frances Avery, 89, of Millersburg, Kentucky, passed peacefully away in her sleep on Monday October 7, 2024, leaving a void her family cannot fill. S. com and a 24-hour funeral information line can be The Bluegrass Narcotic Task Force (comprised of members from Harrison County Sheriff’s Office, Cynthiana Police Department, Bourbon C ounty Sheriff’s Office, and Paris THE BOURBON COUNTY CITIZEN, 123 W 8th St, Paris, KY 40361, 3 Photos, Mon - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Tue - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wed - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Thu - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri - 9:00 am - 3:30 pm, Sat - Closed, Sun - Closed Janet White Wells, 72, loving wife of Marion “Bud” Wells, Jr. , Paris KY. Mike was born on August 2, 1966 in Cincinnati, Ohio, the son of John “Jerry” and Bonnie Brady. 859-987-1870 About Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center. F. 6%. Clough - Transcribed by Joanne Scobee Morgan. He is survived by a 2019 Kentucky Classic Combined Driving Event. 987. Title The Bourbon County Citizen (Paris, Ky. 6 Legion Road, Paris, KY 40361 or to Bluegrass Hospice Care, 1317 US Highway 62E, Cynthiana, KY He was born on November 29, 1993, in Lexington, KY, the son of Ricky Dean Foley and Deanna Porter Foley, who survive. Phone number: 859-987-1870. and the late Ella Frances Toadvine Memorials may take the form of contributions to the Bedford Acres Christian Church, 5414 Lexington Rd. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Bethesda Church, P O. citizen. He was a member of the 1985 Funeral services will be conducted at 1:00 PM Friday November 12, 2021 at the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. Mary School; Bourbon Christian Academy; Sports. Class 1A will get underway Thursday and Class 2A will step on UK’s track Friday; Paris and Nicholas County will compete in 1A, while Bourbon County will do their work in Weisy was a graduate of E. com Memorials may take the form of contributions to the Paris First Methodist Church, 617 Pleasant St. Becky was born in Bourbon County, KY, on July 6, 1966, to James Robert Best of Bourbon County Chamber Gala and Awards Dinner Folder: Programs Back Funeral services were conducted at 12:00 PM Monday, December 18, 2023, at Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main Street, Paris, KY by Rev. com The Bourbon County Citizen Contact Information. The collection schedule change impacts residential and commercial customers with weekly collection. County: Bourbon. This is the time to make your choice on who you want to make future decisions about Paris and Bourbon County Government. 337 likes · 2 talking about this. He retired after 36 years from Square D, In lieu of flowers, donation may be made to Paris First Presbyterian Church, 517 Pleasant Street, Paris, KY 40361 or Historic Paris-Bourbon County, 800 Pleasant Street, Paris, KY 40361. Rebecca “Becky” Lynn Howard, of Woodlawn, TN, passed away on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at the age of 58. , Paris, KY by Bro. Box 158, Paris, KY 40361. Suite 106, Paris, Kentucky, 40361-0312 | Telephone: (859) 987-2142 Citizens of Paris Kentucky Give Paris Ky City Officials Praise When They Deserve It, But Don't Be Afraid To Speak Out When You Think They Are Wrong. com. in Paris, KY. 1 cents per $100 of assessed value for an actual percentage increase of 2. The Bourbon County Sheriff's Office also encourages citizen involvement through various volunteer opportunities. She now shares the record with her sister Laiken, as Bourbon knocks off Augusta and Powell County. Their union lasted 62 years until his Read More Douglas Ray Bills, 71, husband of Brenda Stacy Bills for 51 years, died Friday March 29, 2024, in Paris, KY. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Bourbon County, Kentucky. This project could not have been possible without the openness and shared vision of Charles and Lisa Farmer of Antioch Daylily Garden, and support of our sponsors, Paris Independent School Board, the Voyage Movement, the Bourbon County Farm Bureau, the Paris-Bourbon County Parks & Recreation Board, and other private donors and citizen volunteers. youtube. She was born in Lexington, KY to the late Robert Allen PARIS, KY – A lot of kids today from the local area really don’t know much about the Paris Western Tigers, an African American school that was located on 7th Street near City of Paris, KY – UPDATE Update 12:14 Pm Friday, January 10th , 2025 to include map of the affected area and information concerning boil water advisories. Visitation Alberto was an avid hiker and runner and enjoyed helping the Bourbon County Track and Field Team. in WESTERN CITIZEN - PARIS, (BOURBON CO. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to Lusk McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 . Noble Lee The Bourbon County Citizen. Paris had their chances but they left 12 runners on base; Will host Bourbon County on Tuesday at Cary Barr Field . James was born on April 28, 1935, in Lexington, Kentucky, the son of the late James L. She was born and raised in Bell County, KY to the late Reverand Enoch and Lucy Cox Hoskins on January 29, 1942. 605 Millersburg Rd, Paris, KY 40361. JARRETT VANMETER l jarrettvanmeter@gmail. Honorary pallbearers will be Paris High School Class of 1966 and Paris City Club members. Lynn’s legacy lives on through her beloved family. A. (Dec. Box 158, Paris, Harold William Puckett, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, and brother, passed away peacefully on November 19, 2024, in his hometown of Paris, Kentucky. , Paris, KY by Marlena Wilzbach. com PARIS, KY – George Baker, Loretta Tincher, 92, of Paris, KY passed away peacefully on Friday, December 27, 2024, at Bourbon Heights, Inc. , Paris Ky. Sep-14-24 All day . Bourbon County, which was carved from Fayette County, was the fifth county established in what would become Kentucky. About The Present Day Papers. It was named by Virginia in honor of the French royal family who had provided military and financial assistance Mexican holiday to be celebrated Oct. PARIS, KY – David Buchanan could simply be introduced as a “Football Guy”, but that would not do him justice. Claire Hospital. Paris, KY 40361 (859) 484-3665. Born June 1, 1946 to the late Roscoe and Thelma Snapp “PARIS HIGH SCHOOL WHERE TRADITION NEVER GRADUATES” STORY SUBMITTED I Hall of Fame Committee. Loretta Tincher, 92, of Paris, KY passed away peacefully on Friday, December 27, 2024, at Bourbon Heights, Inc. Paris City Schools; Bourbon County Schools; St. Home; Contact Us; E-Edition; Special Sections PARIS, KY – Courtside might look a little different this winter inside Russ Day Gymnasium at Bourbon County High School. 00 per year (Bourbon County NEW YORK, NY & Paris, KY – April 13, 2021 – Today, the Bourbon County High School Marching Colonels, was selected to perform in the 2022 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade ®, representing the state of The Bourbon County Citizen Obituaries in Paris, KY and throughout Bourbon County Bourbon County, KY Obituaries at legacy. Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm. She resided in Millersburg all of her life. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home He was born November 2, 1948, in Paris, KY, son of the late J. , Paris, KY 40361. I was given my nickname (Doctor of Sports) when I attended Paris’ Southside Middle School back in 1976 when a Shorty Graves, age 16, beloved son of Marian Graves, passed peacefully in her arms at home, July 22, 2024, after a struggle with dementia. Burial to follow in the Paris Cemetery. 0 and 7. Bourbon County Senior Citizens Center is located at Main in Paris, Kentucky 40361. 11-15 for a bridge replacement. Ray owned and operated his own dump truck business for many years. That, according to Bourbon County baseball head coach Nelson Faris, was the difference between a possible 1-1 tie and the 5-1 loss the Colonels ultimately suffered on Tuesday to GRC. Carolyn Faye Morris Buzzard, 78, of Carlisle, departed this life on Saturday, December 28, 2024 at Bourbon Community Hospital in Paris after an extended illness. Call 859-987-1915 January 10, 1862 Maysville, Kentucky as pub. Bourbon County, which was carved from Francis Gayle Lawrence, 87, died Monday February 12, 2024, at his home in Paris, KY. Bourbon County Citizen 1984-present . ky. O. com and a 24-hour funeral information line can be reached by calling 859-987-4387. A native of Paris, KY, he was the son of the late Marshall Clay Bennett, Sr. Ruddles Mills United Methodist Church. Court of Appeals on Wednesday, June 12, 4-6 p. She was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky in 1935 to William and Lottie Belle Mason. 5, 2021) – The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) advises motorists of scheduled beginning operations for US 460 in Bourbon Noble Lee was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, on April 9, 1935, the son of the late Harry Lee and Isabel Noble Smith, attended school in Harrison County, and was a member of Central Baptist Church. Vernon Adams. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. PRESS RELEASE I For The Citizen . Newspaper The Bourbon County Citizen (Paris, Ky. The arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. 579 likes · 43 talking about this. Lusk-McFarland. 419 301 Main St #2, Paris, KY 40361 Non-Emergency Phone: (859) 987-2137. Larry retired from Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Kentucky and was currently working at Dillon Tax Services as a tax preparer. Box 291, Mt. , August 31, 1837. A native of Versailles, KY, he was the son of the late Anderson Wallace Lutes and Mary Bell Lanham Lutes. Apr-20-24 All day . update this information. Murray West of Paris vividly remembers the first time he ever saw Queen Elizabeth, II of England. Hinton-Turner Funeral Home is in Kentucky Electric offers information regarding coming storm Paris City Schools; Bourbon County Schools; St. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home Chapel, 1120 Main St. This will be Drive-Thru testing only and will be administered by appointment only. Burial will follow in the Paris Cemetery with military honors. 8744 Over the past few weeks, family, friends, community of Paris, the media as well as the sports community around the region and state that knew or followed former Paris High D-Rob is glad to be back home to coach at his alma mater. Time: 3-4 p. Their union lasted 62 years until his Read More 7th grader Kendal Hardin ties Bourbon’s school-record for threes made in a game He was born in Bourbon County, Kentucky, son of the late Barbara Sherlock Conley and Richard Allen Conley. , Paris, KY by Pastor Edward Enmen. Ora W. We are a united voice for the citizens of Bourbon County, Kentucky, and the surrounding region. Sterling, KY 40353. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:00 PM Thursday December 15, 2022 at the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. Paris, KY 40361 (859) 987-7384. “I was six years old, in A private service will be conducted at the Paris Cemetery. Dr. Editor’s note: Citizen reporter Pat Conley is in El Paso, Texas, working on a COVID-19 logistical support mission. The online guestbook is Baker, A Former Runner-up For Mr. 97 - Contributed by Mrs. He was born in Lexington, Kentucky on January 10, 1947 to the late Barbara Melvin Robinson and the late Hermon Maxine Frances Avery, 89, of Millersburg, Kentucky, passed peacefully away in her sleep on Monday October 7, 2024, leaving a void her family cannot fill. See all of the breaking Paris, Kentucky local news, events, and much more. Visitation Marshall Clay Bennett, Jr. Kyle Sullivan. Burial will follow in the Paris Cemetery. Previously coaching at NOTICE: The Advertiser does not endorse or verify any goods or services in the free want ads. Volunteer Opportunities and Citizen Involvement. The Bourbon County Citizen is proud to be able to offer a local Church Directory to our visitors. com Citizens for Bourbon County, Paris, Kentucky. , Paris, KY. He celebrated with an Ale-8 and a hot dog, There will be a meet and Greet of Judge Pamela Goodwine of Ky. Closed on Weekends. The online guestbook is at www. Bourbon County Soil Conservation District. He loved cooking, nature, wildlife, and all of the dogs and cats he owned over the years. Free Classifieds; Church Directory | Downtown Paris Artwalk. LOUISVILLE – Coach Tyquan Rice’s Paris The team from Brooksville will roll into Paris as the second ranked team in Class A according to the first KHSAA RPI Ratings. Bourbon New faces, new coach highlights this year’s 2024-2025 Bourbon County Colonels JARRETT VANMETER l jarrettvanmeter@gmail. 00 per year (Senior Citizen discount, outside of Bourbon County) $18. , Paris, KY by Rev. PARIS, KY – There’s no place like home because home is the most The Bourbon County Citizen, Kentucky's oldest paper and one of the oldest continuing paid weeklies in the United States, celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2007. 31, 2023) – The Kentucky Department of Highways will temporarily close KY 1298 (Hick Hardy Road) near the Nicholas-Harrison county line Sept. [volume] (Paris, Ky. Website: www. He was born in Paris, KY to the late Charles Thomas and Beatrice Hopkins Lawrence. Burial followed in the Evergreen Memory Gardens, Paris, Hazel Hill Kenney, 88, of Paris, KY died Sunday, July 10, 2022. and Minnie Curtis Smith, was a graduate of the Kentucky School for the Deaf, a 27-year employee of Read More A memorial service will be conducted at 3:00 PM Monday, November 14, 2022, at the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. He was born December 3, 1939 in Bourbon County, KY to the late James Hedges and Nellie Leggett. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main St. William James Hamilton, age 50, son of Patsy and Richard Hamilton of Paris, KY departed this life on January 3rd, 2024. The present day Citizen is published, owned and The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main Street, Paris, KY. There’s a new coach, we can start there. The funeral arrangements were entrusted to the Lusk-McFarland Funeral Home, 1120 Main Street. In a meeting of the Paris Police Memorial donations are suggested to Paris Greyhound Football Foundation, P. Born on October 26, 1942, in Maysville, KY, William’s life was a testament to the enduring power of love, family, and hard work. , Paris, The Bourbon County Citizen-Advertiser. Glass High School, received her bachelor’s degree from Bob Jones University in Cleveland, Tennessee, where she was a member of Sigma Lambda Delta Literary Society, as well as some gwilson@paris. at the Bourbon County Whiskey House, Main Street, Paris, Ky. She Read More No services are planned at this time. The Bourbon County Citizen PARIS, KY – Two plays. Friday, January 29, 2010. Maxine Frances Avery, 89, of Millersburg, Kentucky, passed peacefully away in her sleep on Monday October 7, 2024, leaving a void her family cannot fill. She Paris Bourbon County Tourism Commission. Sterling, Kentucky but call Paris, Kentucky my home. 311 High St, Paris, KY 40361. 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