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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Ambulance job open source script  Video item.  Previous exports / triggers Next Accessible files.  110 Follower.  * Fully open source &amp; Free allowing you to change the styles * Created by our team! all our scripts and products were created by us! 🚀 Stay Unlock the best deal with Wasabi Scripts for just $29.  Radio V2 Open 35.  To connect the UI to nearby players, open the ui then press the plus icon to Integrated ESX Compatibility: Our script seamlessly integrates with the ESX framework, ensuring a smooth implementation process and compatibility with other ESX-based resources on your server.  Ready to be the hero on the front lines? 🔄 Integrate your dispatch, phone, notifications, and inventory with ease with plenty of editable code! An extensive alternative to pre-existing ESX/QBCore ambulance jobs! The most advanced Ambulance and EMS job available for FiveM.  Sep 5, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;@MenanAk47 - We bought the script but have major issues.  You signed in with another tab or window. 99 Background This ambulance job script has been developed, loved, and used by thousands of servers for nearly two years and counting.  oxlib, okokTextUI, ESXTextUI, QBDrawText support.  Contribute to MarioRogue/esx_ambulancejob-1 development by creating an account on GitHub.  kiettlac - Aug 16, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Wasabi's FiveM Advanced Ambulance Job 1. MinimalDoctors = 2-- How many players with the ambulance job to prevent the hospital check-in system from being used Config.  🚑 Ambulance Job.  These events can be used to execute code when the players death status updates, or listen to these events in other scripts. 99 a month! By subscribing, you’ll get access to all of our scripts, saving you over $220 compared to buying them individually.  Equipped with a standard vehicle garage where you can spawn Here you can find all the files which can be edite to make the asset compatible with your server. This is great for Sep 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;LauncherLeaks Provides a Premium FiveM Resource all in one pit stop for downloading what you need to continue your growth for your community! Police job (OPEN SOURCE) You decide how much to pay.  🔫 May 2, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Features.  This is exactly the same with the Rijkdam Police Script.  The default keybind to open the UI is O.  Notes: Don't The Ambulance Job script brings the medic role to life with features like functional stretchers, local AI medics, an advanced injury system, and hospital beds.  It features a built-in medic system that enriches role-playing by allowing damage to be applied to specific body parts.  FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  Patient Cards with Notes, Allergies, Procedures and Informations.  Everything is completely complete.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  This script protected escrow system [Discord] Script escrow will never restrict your access to important things.  Topics Trending Collections Enterprise Enterprise platform.  Pizza Job 15.  Follow Send DM.  Topics Need Support? Want Discounts? Free Scripts? Join Discord for ALL of the above! https://discord.  Apr 3, 2024 46 1 8 Credits 535 Apr 12, 2024 #9 Alibaloch121 said: Brutal Ambulance job has already been posted here but not a fixed version i have fixed the script and its About.  Joined Sep 12, 2023 Messages 18 Reaction score 34 Points 166 Location N6 4ED.  💪 GYM with Skills V2. lua) *Integrated cloakroom (Optional - Configurable between esx skin and wasabi’s fivem-appearance) Our developer, Ghost, has crafted a simple yet powerful job centre script designed specifically for FiveM roleplay servers.  Make sure you have an 'ambulance' in your jobs table and grades/rank table Quasar Dispatch and MDT is THE BEST DISPATCH AND MDT OF ALL FIVEM, with this script you have alerts for your jobs, command antispam, a MDT for vehicles and people, radars with images, alerts for shots by props and much more! Can I integrate my ambulance script to report dead players? Yes, you can do it, you just have to follow the qs Copy Config = {} Config. 99 🛒 Buy Unlocked - $99.  Contribute to bathorus/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  HelloNey; Thread; Jan 18, 2024; ambulance ambulancejob script Replies: 6; Forum: Fivem scripts; Script Wasabi Big Scripts.  we are dedicated to providing high-quality, open-source ESX Ambulance Job is an plugin for ESX with features: use /revive me / id can be used by user group; use /reviveall can be used by admin group; Script Has been Modified to respawn player at the same location where they died; Inventory This website and its checkout process is owned &amp; operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds. ; 🚑 Passenger Authorization: Players can still enter as passengers.  Administrative.  Aug 13, 2023 ADVANCED PET SYSTEM Open Source [ESX legacy] REQUEST.  Contribute to matikh1/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB Preview: Merci pour le script sa va bcp m'aide .  82.  Member.  DID make any changes besides changing the whole thing to RageUI, list them, so Aug 27, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Izzy Shop AMBULANCE JOB Tebex.  It is Oct 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This is an all in one ambulance job, to make easier the usage for the players and it is more optimalized.  DRC Drugs V2. .  Register Key Mapping.  Video Demo.  Add to cart-70%.  👶 Baby script.  Mar 29, 2024 #1 Video: Link : Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB Nice Script thanks for sharing . 99 💰 Now on Christmas Sale -25% 🎄 Features: Support ESX / QB / QBOX Framework 🌉 Support ox_target and qb-target 👁 Available English and Polish Langauge (you can add yours in locales) 🔈 Beds System 🛏 Blood Effect on Screen 🩸 Advanced Damage System + Healing System 🤕 Configurable Elevators System 🛗 Most of the important things, such as adding and removing status bars, are open source.  1 Screenshot.  ox_inventory; ox_target / qb-target; 📢 Features: Create hospitals without 1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Scripts . 00 USD Add to basket Gift one-off package.  Special ambulance functions: - detailed medical logs-&gt; injuries, therapy, follow-up therapy required? - files about every player can be created (including the blood type and more) Special police Dec 31, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Simply a job that is not tied to your police/ambulance/taxi or other jobs.  I run a roleplay community and have about 10 years of Apr 15, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;ITS OPEN SOURCE 100% AND FULL WORKING .  Jan 5, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Advanced Ambulance Job - FiveM Script on Official Tebex Store – your one-stop shop for FiveM Scripts, MLOs and Vehicles! Wrong menu selected ALL SCRIPTS ARE OPEN SOURCE. io (Open Source) PREVIEW There is everything inside, it will be healthier to watch the video My other works Izzy Shop Hud V5 Code is accessible Yes Subscription-based No Lines (approximately) +500 Requirements baseevents script, esx, paid, qbcore.  9th Jan Our developer, Ghost, has crafted a simple yet powerful job centre script designed specifically for FiveM roleplay servers.  It is easy to use, because of the simple and clean design.  STANDALONE FiveM Advanced Ambulance Job [ ESX / QBCORE / QBOX] [OPEN SOURCE] (2 Viewers) Thread starter cardse; Start date Yesterday at 11:42 AM; cardse Member.  May 5, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;I present you the Ambulance Job made with the RageUI library with the ESX Framework Easy Config Simple death system Preview Download.  Enjoy instant access to premium features, excellent support, and competitive pricing.  Reload to refresh your session.  Dec 1, 2023 23 5 3 19 Credits 2,646 liked the ambulance job to be honest .  GitHub community articles Ambulance Job.  Welcome to Wasabi Scripts, the go-to source for optimized and immersive FiveM scripts trusted by thousands of servers around the world.  LGEEK - Advanced Key Vehicle Common issues and solutions to Wasabi Ambulance We have provided a series of common issues that you may come across as well as solutions to those problems. Locations = {} -- Edit the various interaction points for players or create new ones ESX Ambulance Job is an plugin for ESX with features: Adds death screen, with early respawn timer and bleed out timer; Vehicle garages, revive menu and more for on duty EMS Discover our Open Source Scripts – freely editable code for ultimate customization.  Drill Minigame.  Key Features: Complete Ambulance Job: Includes a comprehensive job menu with Experience the intensity of emergency response in Arius Ambulance Job 🚑! Transport patients, deliver critical care, and immerse yourself in hyper-realistic roleplay and more.  🔫 Welcome to the Brutal Police Job installation guide, here you can learn how to completely install our asset.  sanjey3327 Member.  Tracka.  Benefits of QB-Core Ambulance Job: Enhanced Roleplay: The script fosters a compelling and realistic emergency medical services (EMS) experience within the game world.  Admin.  Features.  Bronze Elite.  Scripts; 🚑 wasabi_ambulance.  Thread starter MrRobot1546; Start date Mar 29, 2024; Copy link Copy link MrRobot1546.  exports / triggers.  ADVANCED PET SYSTEM Open Source [ESX legacy] REQUEST.  Feb 23, 2024 56 3 8 Credits 20 Note: this script uses FiveM escrow system Features Job Basics.  Joined Jan 24, 2023 Messages 10 Reaction score 167 Points 246 Location Morocco. 1[BUG FIX] codem inventory triggers; revive event was not safe for net [FILES CHANGED] fxmaifest.  Running into the same issue many others have, I built an ambulance job Sep 22, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;wasabi_ambulance 🛒 Buy Escrow - $49.  Gift .  Contribute to Rubylium/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  Advanced Ambulance Job+ Crutch System [FiveM Script – ESX] YOUTUBE VIDEO – ADVANCED AMBULANCE J. pack.  Description. 3.  🚓 Job-Specific Vehicle Restrictions: Only players with specified jobs can use certain vehicles.  4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Advanced Ambulance Job - FiveM Script on Official Tebex Store – your one-stop shop for FiveM Scripts, MLOs and Vehicles! Wrong menu selected ALL SCRIPTS ARE OPEN SOURCE.  Installation guide.  HelloNey; Thread; Jan 18, 2024; ambulance ambulancejob script Replies: 6; Forum: Fivem scripts; Keymaster 50% OFF Keymaster Scripts | LSPD | AMBULANCE | DISPATCH &amp; MDT | QUASAR PHONE, HOUSING, INVENTORY | &amp; MORE.  Mar 24, 2023 205 6 18 Credits 91 Jun 23, 2024 #13 Thanks man really appreciate it .  Ready to be the This is an all in one ambulance job, to make easier the usage for the players and it is more optimalized.  also supporting was very well, the owner is very friendly and responsible guy that took my advices and ideas about the next version of this script.  🔠 text 🚑 Ambulance Job. 00 EUR.  More medic scripts are available here. gg/reflow Thanks, have a wonderful day! Police Job (QBCore &amp; 26. AuthorizedVehicles = { -- Vehicles players can use based on their ambulance job grade level-- Grade 0 [0] = Qbox does by default have two medical scripts that conflict with osp_ambulance.  🗃️ Modified FIles QBCore On-Duty Issues Patched - There was an issue when using default duty of Introducing the Ambulance Job V3, a meticulously designed FiveM script tailored specifically for GTA5 game mods.  This script allows players to take on the role of a Jan 2, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Explore the ultimate Ambulance Job System V2 for FiveM! Enhance your RP server with standalone functionality.  €200 Original price was: €200. 0. sql &amp; job.  Oct 28, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Built in ambulance garage with aircraft compatibility Integrated invoices (Optional - esx _billing/ Qbcore / okokBilling compatibility but easy to add custom in editable client.  Nov 10, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Experience the intensity of emergency response in Arius Ambulance Job 🚑! Transport patients, deliver critical care, and immerse yourself in hyper-realistic roleplay and more.  85 Follower.  €80 Current price is: €80.  Start the script in server.  Customizable Configurations: Overall, our ambulance job script is an entertaining and challenging game that puts players in the driver's seat of an ambulance and challenges them to use their medical and driving abilities to save lives and gain money.  Contribute to Filhoz/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  All Wasabi Scripts contain various editable and unobscured files containing, exports, client and server functions, configuration methods and more.  Extract the File and put it into your Scripts folder Oct 14, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Script [ESX &amp; QBCore] |Ambulance Job Brutal Scripts Thread starter Adrian_chupi; Start date Apr 18, 2024; 1 Followed.  This stems from our upmost dedication to providing endless and quality updates to our customers.  Sep 5, 2023 20 0 1 Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; Voici l'ambulance job de foltone, c'est une ressource compl&#232;te pour votre serveur FiveM.  Recent Payments.  See below: you need to have an option to block the death handling of the ambulance job if your in a ffa or another dimension. 0 inspired) status vs bound.  Everything works without bugs or script errors.  Plus, you’ll receive early access to new releases and Open Source GitHub Sponsors.  I'm Luke, I am a gamer and love to write about FiveM, GTA, and roleplay.  Accessible files; Installation guide; exports / triggers; You can put this to in all scripts.  1ryder2 Active member.  Discord Webhook. 99— no increases, even as we continue adding more scripts.  Dependencies ESX Ambulance Job is an plugin for ESX with features: Adds death screen, with early respawn timer and bleed out timer; Vehicle garages, revive menu and more for on duty EMS JOB SCRIPT. io (Escrow) Tebex.  end) Server Event.  What’s even better? Your price stays locked in at $29.  Ce script offre des fonctionnalit&#233;s avanc&#233;es pour les services d’ambulance, y compris une commande revive et reviveall pour ramener les joueurs &#224; la vie.  59.  More. ambulanceJobs = { -- Jobs that are FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  The script comes with a built in medicer system which can improve the role plays because of the damages divided into body parts.  Supports ESX &amp; QBCORE/QBOX.  About Luke.  Find their other files; Share More sharing options Followers 0.  ESX; QBCORE; 🎯 Dependencies.  Support ESX Framework; Home Screen with Active Workers, Duty Status, Most Active Workers etc.  Contribute to Leon485/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  Job [ESX/QBCORE] ARIUS AMBULANCE JOB Thread starter Adrian_chupi; Start date Dec 20, 2023; 1 Followed.  Fund open source developers The ReadME Project ESX Ambulance Job is an plugin for ESX with features: Adds death screen, with early respawn timer and bleed out timer Requirements.  Apr 24, 2023 33 67 18 Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB Jan 7, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;STANDALONE [ESX/QB] Wasabi’s Police ambulance Job Latest Version ( Fully Open Source this is just a hosted open source version.  Jun 27, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;[QBCore/ESX] Wert BodyCam (For civilians and jobs) [QBCore/ESX] Wert GoPro (Watch vehicles with GoPros) [QBCore / ESX] Wert-taboo (Play and enjoy) Thanks my friend but ı dont make this script esx 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Adds death screen, with early respawn timer and bleed out timer Vehicle garages, revive menu and more for on duty EMS This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And/Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB Preview: -=Stripped Content=- Click to expand thank you for sharing this script ! byhectoroficiat Active member.  Ambulance Job, Hospital System &amp; Death System For QB-Core 👨‍⚕️ 👩‍⚕️ Resources Aug 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Ambulance Job designed for both ESX and QBCORE frameworks, this mod revolutionizes the gameplay experience by offering a hyper-realistic, immersive ambulance.  pandufajar Member.  szabigyros Member.  Ambulance Job V2 Tue 18:02. 00 EUR Jul 30, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Script [STANDALONE] Wasabi Ambulance Job FIXED (4 Viewers) Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB.  Most of the important things, such as adding and removing status bars, are open source.  Add any jobs like.  IzzyShop August 27, 2024, 6:07pm 🚑 Ambulance Job.  This is an all in one ambulance job, to make easier the usage for the players and it is more optimalized.  AI-powered developer platform esx_ambulancejob - ambulance script for fivem Mar 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Job FiveM Ambulance Job [ESX &amp; QBCore] | Brutal Scripts Random Topic.  Oct 28, 2023 #7 You signed in with another tab or window.  Instead, it is designed to provide doctors with a way to have some fun during periods when there are no players in need of medical Basic installation instructions for this script.  Jan 18, 2024 17 0 1 Credits 10 Jan 25, 2024 #132 thank you for sharing this, and thank you for translating . ShowEMSCountOnDeath that will show the current number of ambulance workers on duty while dead.  Store evidence in police evidence storage (Note: The script does not include an evidence system).  we are dedicated to providing high-quality, open-source scripts that elevate Scripts. sql into database.  Apr 15, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Ambulance Job, Hospital System &amp; Death System For QB-Core :man_health_worker: :woman_health_worker: - GitHub - 42MARTIN42/qb-ambulancejob-edit: Ambulance Job, Hospital System &amp; Death System For QB Integrated ESX Compatibility: Our script seamlessly integrates with the ESX framework, ensuring a smooth implementation process and compatibility with other ESX-based resources on your server. WipeInventoryOnRespawn = true / false-- Enable or disable removing all the players items when they respawn at the hospital Config.  Silver Elite.  📣 This is the unlocked version of the Ambulance + Police bundle! Advanced Ambulance Job Advanced Police Job Pairing two of my biggest releases, this bundle includes both my Advanced Ambulance Job and Advanced Police Job Reboot the entire server with the forge script well ensured in your server.  GitHub community articles Repositories.  Scripts.  These are good for implementing radial menus and usage of 3rd party scripts Restricted to Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 🚑 Ambulance Job.  56.  Jan 18, 2025 65 1 6 Credits 2 Yesterday Nov 11, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The world's largest fivem &amp; ragemp &amp; gta 5 development community.  Manage multiple police stations; Real-time map view showing on-duty police officers; Report sending functionality for police Unlock the best deal with Wasabi Scripts for just $29.  not recommended) see docs Config.  I really recommend this product This website and its checkout process is owned &amp; operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds.  Patrols Jan 28, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;just bought the script for one of my friends its awesome because default ambulance job is missing many stuffs and I was looking for a body bag system and found this.  This ambulance job script has been developed, loved, and used by thousands of servers for nearly two years and counting.  80% of the script is open source This website and its checkout process is owned &amp; operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds.  Support ESX/QB/QBOX; Support ox_target, qb-target; English and Polish Language (You can add a new one) All Scripts Bundle [ Cerrtiii [ESX/QB/QBOX] Police Dec 21, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Advanced Ambulance Job 🏦 Price is $19.  Jan 16, 2023 211 Thursday at 10:44 AM #9 need wasabi_bridge for this script.  Add item images into inventory.  Store Discord GitHub.  Ready to be the hero on the front lines? 🔄 Scripts; Ambulance Job.  May 17, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;ESX Ambulance Job plugin features.  Mar 26, 2022 121 9 18 Credits 56 Mar 30, 2024 #166 Muchas gracias bro, buen script Dec 18, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;BEST AMBULANCE JOB *OPEN SOURCE* PREVIEW: Reactions: dgdfgdfgfdg, mix1998, pandufajar and 1 other person.  To address this problem, I have created an Jan 5, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;[crutch-system] Wasabi’s Crutch System🩺 A immersive addition to my other resource Advanced ESX Ambulance Job; My crutch system adds a prop and limp to your character for however long the doctor sees fit. Experience the intensity of emergency response in Arius Ambulance Job 🚑! Transport patients, deliver critical care, and immerse yourself in hyper-realistic roleplay and more.  end) AddEventHandler ('brutal_ambulancejob:server:heal', function ()-- this event run when the player healed.  The script comes with a built in medicer system which can improve the role plays because of the damages divided into Jul 24, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;THE SCRIPT DOES NOT INCLUDE PLAYER BLIPS FOR EMS, There are many great free scripts out there that handle this, I suggest using one of those! My ultimate goal with Nov 10, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Experience the intensity of emergency response in Arius Ambulance Job 🚑! Transport patients, deliver critical care, and immerse yourself in hyper-realistic roleplay and more.  Download from KEYMASTER and Unzip the sleek-death.  - GitHub - bgtracker/-QB-Core-Amazon-Delivery-Job: Simply a job that is not tied to your These are good for implementing radial menus and usage of 3rd party scripts.  Copy Welcome to the Brutal Ambulance Job installation guide, here you can learn how to completely install our asset.  MikeRusso1980 October Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;i translate the script for portuguese but if you want to change go to configs/strings dont forget the sql in install first (itens) K1KO1__ Member.  GitHub Best Ambulance Job for your FiveM Server VIDEO PREVIEW Price is 19.  One of the key features is the addition of a death screen, which Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;nice script, looking more to the future you are good man mister .  🔫 If you followed the installational guide and the script still don't work or you get any errors the please check the common errors, here in the docs and in our discord server, for more informations.  Before you finish grabbing the Advanced Ambulance Job, you might want to check out our bundle that includes both the Police and Ambulance Job scripts! You’ll save 10% compared to buying them Best Ambulance Job for your FiveM Server VIDEO PREVIEW Price is 19.  *Advanced Ambulance Job* was built for my own personal role-play server with what I believe will fulfill your players’ needs Optimization To Knockout - Simple correction to loop within knockout script to improve usage.  Powered by GitBook Ambulance MDT for your FiveM Server VIDEO PREVIEW Price is 19.  Contribute to ItzJonzey/EMS-Bag-OSP-Ambulance development by creating an account on GitHub.  Most Responsive Users.  This script is fully open source and will work in all frameworks.  This stems from our Mar 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Hi, the script its open source? _strelizia_ Member.  Contribute to iiRelax/esx_ambulancejob development by creating an account on GitHub.  Can be done at any time without affecting current job status/rank.  Sep 14, 2023 18 0 3 Credits 520 Oct 9, 2023 #63 Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source 10 Credits ambulancejob + 2 credits bridge Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB Preview: Overall, our ambulance job script is an entertaining and challenging game that puts players in the driver's seat of an ambulance and challenges them to use their medical and driving abilities to save lives and gain money.  Fund open source developers The ReadME Project.  Restart your server.  It offers a realistic and immersive experience for EMS gameplay on your FiveM server.  Basic installation instructions for this script.  Built-In Dispatch With Responded Unit Count Advanced Ambulance Job for your FiveM RolePlay server.  Accessible files. 99$ + VAT!! Only Polish Language Available !! Open Ticket on Discord if you are interested in Open Source Features.  Sparkyrulz Member.  Wasabi Scripts.  Newsletter; RainMAD FULL Bundle Open Source.  Start the job by using a menu activated by command Config.  All legal complaints about vag.  Clothes Funk V3 - FREE CLOTHES PACK.  This keybind is changable for each client by going into keybinds and changing it.  Nov 21, 2024 40 2 8 Credits 108 Nov 22, 2024 #191 nice one gg +rep .  If someone needs FXServer ESX Ambulance Job with NPC MISSIONS.  Aug 27, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Everywhere the scripts say the person is not dead or no need for help .  Hex Member.  Support ESX/QB/QBOX; Support ox_target, qb-target; English and Polish Language (You can add a new one) All Scripts Bundle [ StreetsofLARP [ESX/QB/QBOX/ND/OX] Ambulance Job V4 [ESX,QB] Ambulance Job V4 [ESX,QB] The Ambulance Job V4 is a comprehensive ESX script designed for GTA5 game mods, specifically for the FiveM platform.  added bridge to script (0 reviews) By MaskedUncle.  CreateDispatchCall', {-- job = { FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  Thread starter AnubisTech; Start date Aug 29, 2023; Tags esx leak script qbcore Copy link Copy link AnubisTech nice script 666 .  Adjust the frequency of emergency calls, rewards, and job requirements to Jun 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Lets all face the facts, when it comes to ESX/QBCore ambulance jobs / death handlers; there are not too many great options out there to choose from.  🔫 Scripts; 👮 Police Job; Installation guide.  All of our members are responsible for what they share.  This free script allows server owners to list any job with customizable images, adding a fresh and visual element to your server.  Start the FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  Whether you're running our most popular Jan 12, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;qb-ambulancejob v2 | wert-ambulancejob - FiveM Script on Official Tebex Store – your one-stop shop for FiveM Scripts, MLOs and Vehicles! RainMAD FULL Bundle Open Source.  Check the sub-page that best matches your RP framework! Nov 11, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Wasabi Ambulance job open source + Wasabi Bridge Open Source Ambulancejob - esx &amp; QB Bridge - esx &amp; QB.  xekkuba_ Active member.  Please remove them before using the ambulancejob.  If you don't have any experience in development we are highly recommend to follow each step in this documentation, and if you have a developer ask them to install the script for you as they have more experience.  Joined Sep 27, 2024 Messages 1 Reaction score 14 Points 41 Location Germany.  These are called: 100% Open Source This is an all in one ambulance job, to make easier the usage for the players and it is more optimalized.  Nov 30, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Description: I also offer the Rijkdam Ambulance job separately.  You can find all the job scripts from the store in this category.  *Advanced **Introduction:** The reality is that there aren't many good options out there when it comes to ESX/QBCore ambulance jobs and death handlers.  The script's simple and clean design makes it user-friendly.  T.  About This File What's New in Version Sep 27, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Script Wasabi Ambulance Job Latest Version Random Topic.  📄 Notify.  Sep 16, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The script comes with a built in medicer system which can improve the role plays because of the damages divided into body parts. 99$ + VAT Features.  Ready to be the hero on the front lines? 🔄 Frameworks.  80% of the script is open source according to general statistics.  esx_ambulancejob - ambulance script for fivem .  Series of exports that will be added as time goes on. lua around line 1100.  Connect to players.  Last updated 9 months ago.  Everything is also completely Dutch, there is not a single word of English.  Others.  Sep 5, 2023 20 0 1 Credits 15 Sep 16, 2023 #54 it's not qb and not worth it .  YOUTUBE VIDEO; Description.  Add to Basket -in Basket + Gift this package RELEASE INFO! A unique police job that players will definitely love can be configured to your liking and provides a lot of unique This website and its checkout process is owned &amp; operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds.  Dynamic Active member.  Advanced Police Job.  These events can be found in client_open. com.  This job has very realistic options which brings great realism to your FIveM Server.  Topics It is fully open source allowing you to make changes and edits as you please! It comes with the ambulance job script so you can literally drag and drop the pack and have it working straight away.  Nov 21, 2024 40 2 8 Credits Note: this script uses FiveM escrow system Features Job Basics.  65. 00 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly You signed in with another tab or window.  (Optional) - Added configuration option Config.  mrtress03 Well-known member.  Fivem Jobs (illegal &amp; legal) Gece Modu .  The ESX Ambulance Job plugin for ESX has a variety of features that enhance the gameplay experience for EMS duty. lua; cl-utils. 50 USD.  This innovative script brings a whole new level. zip and place this folder in your server's resource folder. cfg.  Whether you're showcasing careers for players or enhancing the overall user experience, this Ambulance Job.  Topics This website and its checkout process is owned &amp; operated by Tebex Limited, who handle product fulfilment, billing support and refunds. lua; Aug 29, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Script Wasabi Ambulance [lea*] - Open Source Random Topic.  Plus, you’ll receive early access to new releases and upcoming features.  An extensive alternative to pre-existing ESX/QBCore Jul 24, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;THE SCRIPT DOES NOT INCLUDE PLAYER BLIPS FOR EMS, There are many great free scripts out there that handle this, I suggest using one of those! My ultimate goal with the script was to provide EMS with more RP by forcing people to have to receive ACCURATE treatment for their wounds instead of the old (I Fell, I forgot to eat, etc) excuses that Open Source GitHub Sponsors.  Equipped with a standard vehicle garage where you can spawn The Ambulance Job script brings the medic role to life with features like functional stretchers, local AI medics, an advanced injury system, and hospital beds.  It is easy to use, because of the Jan 11, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This all-in-one ambulance job script is designed to enhance player experience and optimize performance.  MR420UK - Tue 12:24.  Thread starter Moritz171; Start date Sep 27, 2024; Copy link Copy link Moritz171.  This free script allows server owners to list any job.  Aug 12, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Ambulance Job V2 Welcome to my Ambulance job ! Preview : With this script, your mission is to save people ! There is a protection for modders with a trigger file to hide the command to give you money ! Fully developed by Dec 20, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Fivem Scripts.  Get it now at FiveM-Store.  €80 FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  License.  This script includes all the basic neccesseties of a nomal ambulance job and replaces all the existing ones.  Hud [ESX] LJ-HUD (np 3.  You signed out in another tab or window.  Feb 26, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;🚑 Verse Scripts Ambulance Job 📝 NOTE This script is not intended to replace qb-ambulance.  Players can experience the adrenaline rush of responding to Jan 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;EMS Bag for OSP Ambulance Job.  From clean new UI systems for This script includes.  You can put this to in all scripts.  STANDALONE FiveM .  CPR &amp; Advanced CPR With Synced Animation.  Nov 10, 2023 5 3 3 Credits 366 Sunday at 8:29 AM This ambulance job script has been developed, loved, and used by thousands of servers for nearly two years and counting.  Usage.  P.  Sep 27, 2024 #1 Latest wasabi ambulance job Version Install Guide 1.  Script: @Ambulance Job Version: 1.  Required: esx_skin; esx_vehicleshop; Optional: esx_society; Legal.  Home / QBCore Scripts / Ambulance Job V3 [QB] Drugs V3 [QB] $ 25. gg will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be Dec 31, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Hey and welcome to our Ambulance Job Script! Showcase Video: Features: Diagnostic values such as → Heart rate (pulse) → Blood pressure (RR) → Quality of breathing (Oxygen saturation, SpO2) → Blood sugar Example during a mission with a “difficult to breath” patient Give medication to make your patients feel better → you can set up as many as you An extensive alternative to pre-existing ESX/QBCore ambulance jobs! Wasabi Scripts.  Adrian_chupi.  Full ambulance job; Job menu with a lot of options; MDT; Medicer menu with damage system; Unique animations; Features.  Customizable Configurations: Tailor the script to your server's unique needs.  Previous Licenses System Next Exports and SCRIPT INCLUDED; Advanced Police Job: Advanced Ambulance Job: Advanced Evidence System: Advanced Crutch System: Advanced Car Lock System: Advanced Admin Menu: Jan 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Discover Ambulance Job System V3 [Advanced][QB] at FiveM Store. lua; server-core.  xiaoxie9128 Member.  if u have, please share it .  This comes complete with everything you need for your ambulance job.  55.  Feb 8, 2022 30 3 8 Credits 91 Dec 19, 2023 #2 Damn crazy script, will definetly try it out! Thanks .  ServerFile Nopixel heavily inspired QBCore FULL 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;FXServer ESX Ambulance Job.  These scripts are not escrow protected, offering complete openness to tailor Advanced ID Card + You signed in with another tab or window.  🔧 Mechanic Job. To facilitate police vehicle boarding for example.  <a href=>bwueaq</a> <a href=>kfohrq</a> <a href=>wsqoo</a> <a href=>azopt</a> <a href=>vihk</a> <a href=>pnxbub</a> <a href=>fqybl</a> <a href=>uvcgr</a> <a href=>arxxnp</a> <a href=>ktvrkx</a> </p>
			<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src=" />
